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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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armed forces of the russian federation , then the ukrainian media write: yes, this is really a success, even the institute for the study of war also writes: yes, the russians, the russians attacked here, they attacked here, i think, why is there such objectivity, suddenly, well, that’s why, that’s why russia is really advancing on the line of combat contact, and the ukrainian armed forces are being defeated, for what? but there is only one explanation: listen, you are westerners, listen, you are americans, listen, you are europeans, if you are...
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what is this? it's already starting and not murder, but revenge within themselves, people just a little lower than the oligarchs of ukraine begin to fight, not the first house, which is not the first house, but this is, but this is for the guy they associate him with poroshenko, klitschko is poroshenko, all of them together, this zaluzhny collective and zaluzhny still need to be eaten, because i think that poroshenko has a higher rank than zaluzhny, the popular zaluzhny
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, look, advised to take a closer look at the fate of the monastery, because the fact that ukraine has switched to political murders is now an advertisement, after i won't continue in the new one composition, to have an operation now, this is a big risk, i’m ready to take the risk, and you the operation is already underway, i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner with me today, you’re great.
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there are changes in my personal life, at work, i won’t say yet. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, then we have there was hunger, here comes the grandmother, she is hungry , but she is carrying this kurba, priyuvody, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that
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we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, to support with a word , hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. a nightmare, just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, vera, to give birth under a car, on the road no, we are putting together an orchestra , you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re so lonely, karla ilice, that karla ilice, you’re young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk, woman to woman. you love me, you
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know everything yourself. you play without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music this is the beginning of the beginning, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday on rtr, russia, traditional, modern, technological. original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum
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that's what, they want to destroy us, they directly talk about the destruction of russia, they are gathering nato for this, they must understand, we will not play with them, we don’t care, 4 months of maneuvers, 31 countries, 90,000, nuclear weapons should be enough for this i don’t care if it doesn’t work as a deterrent, then it should work as a great equalizer, just clean it up, then look at the americans, well? now europe is no more, you will poke buttons, well, will you poke buttons, europe is no longer there, you will poke buttons, do you want you too to no longer exist, like europe? no, well, it’s clear that a number of our intellectuals will
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wring their hands, shout and wait until the nato hordes and crowds march to moscow, then they will say, what are you doing, what, what, what, what, what’s happening right there? let me remind you that the idea. no need, so yes, let there be hawks who hate everyone terribly, like me, who simply explain , then then there will be no later, that’s all, the supreme commander-in-chief said, why such a world
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in which there is no russia, this is an idea that is absolutely not close to this whole crowd of snotty freaks called the russian opposition, who believe that russia there shouldn’t be any of... what is this, it ’s such a tragedy that this terrible barbaric country, personifying the false path of development of civilization, that it exists, these barberians should exist, why such a world in which there is no russia, you want gather, there will be no more charlemagne , no napoleon bunaparta, no more, no kaiser. there won’t be any more of this than hitler, we’ll tear it all to hell, you want to pour crazy money into ukraine, please, do you think that this support for the american and european military-industrial complex will not harm your economy, you think that
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frank calls for russophobia and genocide will find our understanding ? you don’t know russia and the russian people well, read and... regularly once a century, in case - twice a century, they tried to conquer russia, we don’t care about what do you think about your economy, and what do you think about your culture, because yes, you have the peaks of culture, only these , you know, pearls scattered in the sea, colossal xenophobia, anti-semitism, nazism, fascism, first of all, i want to say , the cold war and the current war,
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that i understand everyone who is uncomfortable because of the emotionality, i completely agree, but the experience of large-scale arms purchases, humanly speaking, a much more unpredictable situation with putin teaches that deterrence is the only effective means for positioning.
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apologized for the nazi era. this is what boris johnson says. throughout the western world , the liberal intelligentsia has descended into a state of uncontrollable merriment over the growing likelihood that donald trump will indeed become the next president of the united states. christine lagarde of the european central bank said he posed a threat to europe. no less famous newspaper. for an economist argues that trump is the biggest global threat of 2024. what i'm saying is that if you
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look at the facts, if you study the real state of affairs, i think there is reason to argue that if donald trump does the right thing and continues american support for ukraine, then at least perhaps a trump presidency will be a blessing for america around the world. this one is like this. winson churchel on minimum wage, a man who, well, in general , shitted himself in every post he ever held, is personally guilty of the death of millions of ukrainians, personally, it’s his fault, here he is personally, you’ve seen these, compare with concessions of our leaders, that's what today sergei vittorich lavrov spoke at the meeting.
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indulge their fantasies about overcoming the legacy of the destructive ten-year plunder of the country of violence against its people, about eliminating the causes of the tragic situation for ukraine, all other supposedly peaceful plans, platforms, formulas, with which the kiev regime and its masters are still even rushing around, have nothing to do with peace no...
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they are solving the strategic problem of sharply weakening europe as an economic competitor. washington has undermined its energy security.
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while the majority of eu members continues to obediently carry out washington’s orders to supply ever new batches of weapons to kiev, emptying its arsenals, which, of course, will be replenished by purchases of products from the american military-industrial complex. ask! vladimirovich, you began your speech with what can be called option a, the presence of nuclear weapons and...
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security, exchanging the lives of the ukrainian states, the best deal on the market of soldiers, ukrainian citizens, for money for military supplies, this is extreme cynicism, but this just gives us an understanding of what what kind of diplomacy are we, what kind of diplomacy will we encounter when we talk, well
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, first of all, with the united states, of course, we won’t talk to the ukrainians, only capitulation, but the united states will most likely have to. talk, because any conflict ends with negotiations; in this sense, of course, the diplomacy that the united states demonstrates is, in general, far from similar to classical diplomacy. on december 19, twenty-three, vladimirovich spoke at the ministry of defense, this is much of what sergei viktorovich said today, the russian president has already made a speech, vladimirovichko is there.
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they put forward this slightly funny, actually very serious concept, the principle of least effort. the meaning of this concept is that society and the elites in societies resist innovation and change as long as they have the strength to do so, as long as resisting innovation still requires less effort than accepting it, it
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seems to me that europe today - this is wonderful example, but... with this theory, the european elites are fixated on their current, their current mission, when they did not outsource their foreign policy to the united states, when they actually do not manage their economy, in any case, the european economy has been trampling on the last 15 years place , so in such a situation, of course, europeans are very dependent on the united states and are not ready, i...
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switzerland still has some signs of sanity after the summer of '22 , when it famously joined sanctions, it still demonstrates, but
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sergei viktorovich lavrov’s appeal today was, of course, to the countries of the world majority , to the europeans, to those same europeans who, perhaps, going to the elections this year, will still make more reasonable choices and they will evaluate their completely worthless leaders, who have generally sold out. leaders will choose the next worthless leaders, well, it happens in every service, not well, as it was in italy, in particular, oh yes, it happened, but she changed miloni, changed her position on the day when she stopped by the palatzki, because before that she was useless, but she can rejoice , the roman greeting has returned, yes, yes, i’m waiting for the germans to hold out too, but what about the italians, where to go, now you can’t be surprised at anything , nothing.
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i also think that, of course, it is necessary not with europe , with the united states, i remember the year 1983, yes, when we published such a brochure, by the way, it was published very well in different languages, where the threat to the world comes from, this is a classic thing there i remember the classic phrase, now it’s pistoria.
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you saw that 50% of those who voted for her in iowa intend to vote for biden, in other words, for the democrats. the radical left
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democrats support niki for a very simple reason, because they understand that she will be very easy to defeat. 2 days ago, her polls showed that she was seriously behind biden, and i was seriously ahead of biden. this is how it happens, her election is impossible. we are a country in decline, we are a country that has lost confidence, will and strength. we a country that has simply lost its way. but we will not allow this horror to continue. we were a great country 3 years ago and we will soon be a great country again. it will happen quickly. we will fight for america like no one else does. 2024 will be the year of our final battle, together we will destroy the deep state of arsonists.
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trump and that's it. he constantly surveys them and says hello to them, so trump is basically left alone, the landing party has now refused, well done, i must say, he came out on time, casey probably advised that come on, i think, with casey there was just the opposite scandal, no, i think that casey, when she now brought out three more children, so to speak, showed everything, in the twenty-fourth year we will come with the whole family, she showed everything, no, i think there is a deal, most likely they showed us the future vice president, if.
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what kind of friend is your friend bernisan , he comes second every time and rushes off i’m actually a fan here from this pleniyada from this cohort there is also elizabeta or well, that’s how this company is 82 83 how old is 83 in my opinion to him berne is already fine , but his youth his youth now his president should be elected like... the pope, and they are probably a lot younger than he is, in principle, not just like before, as before they elected him, but so that he doesn’t have time to do anything , well, now now, now, in principle, we also have, in general, on the republican side, a young energetic president, there’s something else milania, she doesn’t like something, apparently she refuses to get into one of the cars with her own husband, pesters , i don’t know, maybe he’s so playful, essentially playful.
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in the management program, that’s not enough, he ’s also trying to say something, that’s even scarier, if someone can translate for me what he’s saying about the crisis at the border, i’ll be grateful, what do you say to the republicans? who want to fire mayorkas, i don't understand it. do you think this is unconstitutional? do you think the border is secure? no, i didn’t believe in this for the last 10 years, and i’ve been talking about it all these 10 years. give me some money. do you think your policies have caused the crisis at the border? no, i asked a thousand times more
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most. from the judges to it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, but the money to pay $6 for a smoothie, for a smoothie for journalists, i think, i think. he just has the idea that he needs a border, he needs money for ukraine, how can i say borders, someone day , therefore, therefore, strictly speaking, here is optimism about the fact that with the united states, we need to talk to him it will be, yes, if anything happens, that’s when they say it’s necessary with america, no, well, with these it’s absolutely impossible, in principle, but i’m saying that if we have there is hope for this too.
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and he and zelensky froze halfway along the path, no, it’s just a matter of sprinkling everything on its own , it will be difficult, as for the europeans, i ’ll be honest, that’s the optimism of some comrades who say that now something will happen in europe, they’ll come some new people, these new people, to be honest, these are russian pilots. waited, but in terms of rhetoric, apparently the italians were waiting when they voted, and so the party was purely
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pro-american, as for germany, that’s the point there, that no one did anything almost the entire elite is there, i don’t know how eli and weidel are doing, maybe she has different orientations, but what ard said about russia 2 years ago. i also said that nothing shines for us here, then yes, but the fact that europe, they are shifting all responsibility to europe for solving an acute threat, i remind you that in the concept of the national security strategy he defined not as the main thing, the main thing is china, we are defined as an acute threat, and an acute threat must be eliminated, the sooner the better, or transferred to the hands of someone else, this one the role is being taken now.
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as soon as they get punched in the face, then for about 30 years, they love us so much, it’s indicative, yes, they show how much they love us, that’s all. i mean representatives in the form of groupings of soviet troops, just now, for example, i acted completely brazenly, but the german chemical industry is in a difficult state now, i would simply tell them, everything is in russia, they are closing mercedes, not everything is in russia, to give the opportunity to all german businesses, to give them unique tax conditions, everyone is moving, i'm afraid it's too late, it's all in america. not germany, but what will she do in america , how will everything be the same? no, she can’t there naturally, not her own boys who don’t
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need it, but he traded on the american market very actively on the market, and he traded on the market, and production for what was profitable is now moving there, whatever your smart guys here , come on, no, well, such a thing was actually undertaken, if you remember that... in the nineties, the actual polish miracle happened because the german industry was so called, i remember the soviet miracle as it happened then we don’t hesitate to take 5000, yes then we brought in 450,000 there were exactly 400 with a little thousand it was officially just 500 spies passed through the documents, no , well, there would hardly be spies there, so relying on there, well, everyone there, including businessmen , bringing industry from the west i i think it’s inappropriate, especially as we are now.
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yeah, like it or not, we
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once invested a lot of money in the infrastructure of european communications. therefore, there is no need to throw away fears, now we need to drag them to ourselves from europe, use this infrastructure, and spend the money earned on what? we need to have more than one line running between us and china, where we don’t know how many days it lasts, yes, but we also need trains to fly, like in china, at a speed of 400 + m/h, freight.
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what needs to be pulled out of europe, and if we are talking about development, about the development of the east , we now need to invest crazy money in the entire infrastructure, but they are not investing decently, of course, but we just need to take from the same chinese, from everyone, we just need more than just high-speed highways, everything must be there for everything to fly, and i think it’s useless to take money, we need to take it by building technology.
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i simply cannot cut off parts of lugansk.
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advertising. witnesses of terrible days. flights began in august. a 250 kg bomb fell in our yard. they survived. with this piece - this is 125. day 901 sunday on rtr. i refused,
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i refused my child. how can i find him? let's see on the weekend. 17 years ago , a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands. i can’t forget, i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer, and your children have experience in volunteer work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but why is it so difficult? you take, change, and we are strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, no, she has children, now she’s just returned to her homeland, my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, hmm, why,
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svetlana, on saturday on rtr. this man had no idea about the existence of the artist tatyana abramova, yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova didn’t know, and passing by me, for some reason he put his finger into the hole in my jeans, which was just above the knees, a day later i asked permission to kiss she and two crazy people met, 10 years ago, like one day, a guy like that.
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on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote if you are sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, on her phone looking for something. here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home. adult citizens of the country are given all opportunities, even those who are immobilized. a solution is proposed, call the elections home, take a portable box , the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with voting on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, it’s free to choose in the country, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how animated everyone is, and ? yes, well,
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to be honest, really, but before that you spoke to us dishonestly, no, before that i spoke exclusively frankly, this approach is screaming, of course, we have no friends in the west, so to speak, although certain people, of course, were our friends, even putin spoke about this, these are our friends, there are simply few of them, they are not in power, but, well, it’s not even a matter of daneruhere, and those who, so to speak, actually worked with russia, moreover, we should not forget that many western citizens asked for citizenship.
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use the yuan outside of china, that 's all, make your own clothes, make your own soap dishes, cheap children's toys, maybe you will take the country out of its head, so to speak, out of the state of starving children there out of... poverty, this is what, by the way, sidzenping joyfully, so to speak, spoke about recently, well, even if you don’t bring it out, that’s also good, you will create a small middle class, it will live the way we
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show on cnn , the rest, you know, that’s it, it doesn’t matter for the rest, pacify yourself , you know, it’s like, it always reminded me of this easter picture, a cheerful rickshaw, they are told that the rickshaw seems to be japanese, but what the hell does it matter, it doesn’t matter, let’s assume that it ’s chinese , no one, in principle, distinguished, then yes, it was all so, so blissful. not even americans in fact, because the americans just over time began to object very seriously, trump just represents the americans who also objected to this globalist approach, that is, in fact, it doesn’t matter, it’s this piece of this that stands out the elite, like the middle class, which has no clan at all, no tribe, they have no church, no family, no country, they are people of the world, these people stand out, they live well, they are people of the world.
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well, listen, well, they give half the bells and whistles the constitution was violated, the locals who worked in the embassies, for them the highest cherry on the cake is that they become americans, this is how they work for a number of years, once again american citizenship here of course played a huge role, but in the united states themselves they showed films how cool it is to be canadian, after all , you don’t have to, a huge number, only if the stupid person is still getting dumber, no, what can i say there, for example, lawyers in boston, they come there to save someone, they are simply smeared by the canadian judge, he says, first do
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system remember, remember well, film game, film game, having a european car is not like having an american shield, i will not translate into russian, they are talking about themselves, about any national, this is the most important key thing, any national the sovereign was perceived as the enemy , including the american, every day the american was raised, this was combined with racism in the later years of obama, this was combined with racism in the later years still being raised, i understand, that's why they will have a civil war, that's it another thing that is good. now they would have accepted,
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they would have actually accepted china there, they would have accepted a lot of people there, they would even probably have accepted russia there, some of them are just a piece, a layer, so why did they accept us into the group of seven? , this was before and not on this topic, once again in 2007 it turned out that the conditions were somehow strange, the conditions were set for us very clear, forget the word sovereignty, firstly, secondly, let yourself have all the global trends that only... there is, select this layer, you can here make oil, small agriculture , creative class , destroy everything else on your territory, everything else is broad international cooperation, if your population decreases, the country will not be technologically advanced, it doesn’t matter to anyone, it doesn’t matter to anyone, that’s it here’s the thing, they even, they even described in a descriptive sense a certain plan in relation to the arab and, more broadly, the muslim world, although this was worked out worst of all, but also... two problems happened, other countries suddenly at some point they said that listen, well, we also seem to want to live differently, they don’t
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seem to accept this agenda, this is firstly, secondly, their, well, let’s say, level of personnel training has dropped terribly, like you we would have been told in the soviet union in the sense that the people who service this system began to look simply stupid, well, look like fools, well, really, that’s who now corresponds to form and content, yes, now there is also a third thing i have this assumption: there is, in fact, the development of technology itself did not lead to what cnn was talking about, which was to make the world global, but these new technologies became such that they ceased to be the magic of the west, that these technologies today can be used in all countries of the world and, most importantly, developed in all countries of the world. by the way, using the example of military technologies, we saw this very well, and as if recently, that this can be done, that somehow suddenly some kind of iran, the houthis, hezbollah there, suddenly have some developments, but with help from other countries that seemed... used to be exclusively the magic of high-growth countries, in this sense the situation that is happening now, they can
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talk as much as they want, in my opinion, here is my point of view, to say that we.. let's get ready for war, we are now marching, we are all here now , we will do everything here now in practice, they just need to hold out for a while, because they don’t know what to say, they understand perfectly well that europe is certainly europe , she's not ready for this new world order, but there is one serious problem here, who is ready for it at least on a theoretical level, no one, because at the global level, please, here at least francis fukuyama, although i understand that he is still a fool, but you see , being there was like being weasel after a rock band.
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in fact, they understand perfectly well that the world order, which was not controlled, is crumbling, that it is necessary to make the country that wants sovereignty normal, changeable, even though in the end, this is indeed a serious problem, a serious challenge, even marxism orism, despite the fact that i personally have a negative attitude towards it, was a well-developed concept of how the world should be structured, there is a country, an economy and so on, here for a new world of regions, when there will be no global one for a long time, this there is no theoretical basis
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, this is not what they are attacking at all , yes there are different problems there, i will not say that there are none, there are a huge number of them, but nevertheless the third thing, which is also important, is that russia stands, is seen by those around it, yes , the west is still the most powerful consolidated bloc, the most powerful consolidated bloc , that’s true, but the surrounding countries saw a simple thing, as if russia was standing on its own two feet, the situation inside russia is quite stable, and the states, at least for now, can’t do anything about it, and that’s really the same influences the general, as it were, that these tectonic plates begin to move faster and...
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maybe it will, i don’t know, we need to experiment here, that’s the point, in fact, we no longer have any, we no longer have any boundary lines and no hopes that could be like in the nineties and zero years, you know, well , let’s not make any sudden movements, because in fact the west is developing, this is very important, let ’s take care of them, now there’s nothing to take care of, there’s nothing to take care of , so we need to experiment , and at the same time see some risks, but to hell with this chubais, so to speak, that he is in debt,
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on the one hand, it seems like on one, on the same plane, the war is going on in ukraine, on the same plane, so to speak , yes, help, which is a significant part there society has, the majority of society has, so to speak, these events and our guys and much, much more, there is a rethinking of many things, on the other hand, relatively speaking, in the humanitarian, intellectual, so to speak, centers, the situation has been mothballed, there is no one to think about these topics, for example, on your programs a lot, we talk there about nazism, neo-nazism, and you know, i recently found out, i was told that for 30 years since the ninety-first year, not a single academic work on nazism has been written in the russian federation , neither one, not a single one at all, but there is the work of armen sumbatovich, well, i mean academic
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scientific works that would be, so to speak, written in scientific centers and so on, why? because a they want, b, b, there is no order, so excuse me, listen, they are sitting on state money, it seems to me that i just said about the us institute and canada, so it seems to me that... the fact is that this you need people who are ready to work, and not just reading qr codes, so to speak,
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with their smartphones, the same, so to speak, problem with the aircraft industry, it’s like this, it means it turned out, well, everyone remembers very well , yes, we were convinced, convinced, including various kinds of experts, so to speak, theorists, people working on grants at institutes, that we do not need our own planes. they’re gone, we’ll buy them, they’re gone, in the end that’s it, and military reform, here’s the same problem, you know, at the beginning of everything, after all , the word, at the beginning of everything, as if this concept of philosophical understanding is conviction, and conviction often born from argumentation, for a reason, fluff, yes, these things need to be prepared, for now, it means that someone is sitting out there in this, so to speak, swamp of some kind, yes, expert there, academic and so on , so on, so on, yes, people there, relatively speaking, solve problems. knee, after all, in all these things we need a well-thought-out strategy, starting from philosophical goal-setting, conceptual ideology.


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