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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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summer story, how did it come about? in exactly the same way, the central council gathered at the circus in kiev, the first decree they declared the upr, and then they think, well, this is a republic we have, yes, these are the separatists who created a republic in the vastness of the russian empire, which means it should have there is a flag , a coat of arms, it says, what will happen to the coats of arms, they pass a decree, this is in early february, in the decree they word for word, i’m just quoting, they write: take for the coat of arms of the ukrainian people’s republic, the sign of vladimir the saint, who, attention, baptized ukraine . vladimir the great one didn’t even know such a word, ukraine, but now they have historians, they refer to the upr, and yes, a thousand-year history has already been created, so he says that russia took over there, they signed this decree that some kind of national singularity, well, listen, well , of course, you can argue about maps, you can draw a lot of these maps, but no one knows which one, but there is one undeniable truth in historical science: nationality is determined by two factors, this is the name itself. self-awareness does not yet exist
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the name ukrainian, while there are no people who call themselves ukrainians, while there are no those who call this people ukrainians, no ukrainians exist, until the times in the russian empire, taras shevchenko called himself a little russian, ivan franko called himself a rusin, there were no ukrainians it was, neither in the time of khmelnytsky, nor in the time of catherine, and of course, those who did not have, they could not have a ukrainian state, therefore, zelensky’s decree. he believes that in these territories, our regions, they are oppressing ukrainians, look, here you can look at it differently, ukraine is a national state, which many have forgotten about in ukraine, they are already one country, one nation, one language, and the fact that 20% of russians live there, chechens live there, yes, how much, that is, here we can say the other way around, that is , zelensky, if he reads it like that.
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to have an operation now is a big risk , i’m ready to take the risk, and you the operation is already underway, i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today, and you’re great, they stuck me here, and what kind of bullshit do i have? me, something urgent, urgent, personal skleposovsky, today on rtr. and soon we are watching new episodes, all for the premiere of the new season of the sklifosovsky series, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just try it on... and there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm,
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it’s just madness of taste , what's next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer. i make a wish that you all our tv viewers were in good health. food formula every saturday. na rtr.
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the national academy of motion picture arts and sciences of russia presents. the main
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film event and film characters of 2023. achievements of good fortune, discoveries and shocks, everything that is worthy of an award, a solemn award ceremony. toy eagle live broadcast on friday on rtr. poland will help ukraine get more weapons and ammunition. this was stated by the new polish prime minister tusk, who
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arrived in kiev today to meet with ze. bloomberg reports that former president the european council promised to enlist the weakening support of kiev among its western allies. and besides, poland and ukraine soon. will complete negotiations on joint investments in weapons production. the government in warsaw will seek additional funding to supply more military equipment. at the same time, poland has already joined the g7 declaration on guarantees for ukraine. and those who pretend to be neutral, according to tusk, deserve the darkest place in political hell. france is also in a hurry to help the ussr. how tv channel tf-1 reports that paris is going to increase weapons production to help kiev. new weapons will begin to be sent to the front next week. the ssu will immediately receive 40 scalp missiles, about 50 air-to-ground missiles and six sau-caesar missiles with an increased amount of ammunition. at the beginning of the conflict , a
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thousand shells were sent to kiev from france every month; from january, supplies will triple. to do this, military factories will have to work twice as intensively, or even move the enterprise to the territory of ukraine. according...
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financed by ukraine, the european union and france itself. six caesar systems, 40 scalp missiles, and 50 air-to-surface missiles will be additionally supplied. all this will come along with promises of increased supplies of ammunition. at the beginning of the war, kiev received thousands of ammunition per month. now this
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figure has increased to 3. from the very beginning of the war , taking into account systems, scalp and anti-aircraft missiles. systems, in particular the cratal complexes, military assistance to ukraine from france totals 3.2 billion euros, which is almost three times more than allocated germany, ukrainians need this help vitally. to meet the demand to produce more and faster, french factories had to develop a new approach, for example, as is the case with caesar systems. over the past 2 years, the production cycle of caesars has been reduced from 30 months to 15, and now eight are produced per month. many components for guns, missiles, and radars are produced. production costs have halved. how did this happen? all thanks to the reorganization of work in factories, and also thanks to the fact that we had stocks
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of consumables so as not to depend on suppliers. to meet demand from kiev, french companies are considering the possibility of building weapons factories in ukraine to provide technical services. from the very beginning, i stated that we are not at war with russia, but it is our duty to ensure that russia does not win. russia's victory is the end of european security, it is also the end of security architecture.
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hayley, who used to be james, got a wave of criticism, as reported by the new york post, calls appeared online to the leadership of the women's golf association, that all women should boycott any tournament in which this strange athlete participates. helly davidson has been playing golf for 15 years, aged thirteen, she loves the sport and is good at it, so good that she decided to play it professionally. i have always been attracted to golf, i just love it, her dream is to play in a tournament under the auspices of the professional association of women golfers, where the best athletes, that’s where she’s aiming. hallie just picked up her first win in the women's mini-tournament. she is considered the first. a transgender woman who won a professional golf tournament. nothing is certain yet, and that gives
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me hope. between training sessions, halley is negotiating with the professional association of women golfers about the possibility of her admission. the tournament requirements for participants do not say anything about being born a woman. for the past 6 years, helly has been taking hormones, and she had the last surgical operation only in january of twenty-one. when speech. golf comes in - this is not a strength sport, it is important to be able to hit correctly and feel the game, it’s about whether you can deliver the ball to the hole, whether you can roll it there, and the girls who perform there, i had the opportunity to play with them, they are so good, it 's incredible, we played with alexia tomps, she 's over 180, she's in great shape, she 's just tearing up, she beat me to 30 m, i have another friend, daniel kahn, they just destroy me, they... are very , very good, a showman book
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dedicated to faliant was published in the usa, with the name zelensky, which is not the most admirable name for the president of ukraine. the author of the book is simon schuster, senior correspondent for time. in schuster's book, ze's political transformation is reported by wall street-journal. the author notes that zelensky has a clear tendency towards authoritarianism. in particular, he interferes in the decisions of the military leadership, suppresses the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, persecutes the opposition, and silences them. here is the media, hiding behind wartime laws , that is, zelensky is a typical dictator, and an american propagandist who clearly sympathizes with the kiev regime and zelensky writes about this. slovak prime minister fitza goes even further on the eve of his visit to kiev, he says directly: ukraine is not a sovereign country, it is completely under the control of the united states. this is what provoked the war, fitz notes. this idea is being developed by the developmentists. foreign intelligence service, director of the svr naryshkin said that american
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advisers are already represented in all key ukrainian government departments, the united states has now moved to form a colonial administration in ukraine, which will not consist of ukrainians trained in the west. in particular, washington is promoting ukrainian ambassador to the united states markarova to the post of prime minister of the country. according to naryshkin, the americans have a huge amount of compromising material on zelensky, which... will easily destroy him as a politician. a platoon commander with the call sign fedya shares his bleak expectations for the new year. i respect what you say. i believe that now ukraine is not winning the war, right now ukraine is in a stalemate and is simply waiting to see how events will develop further. this could be our victory, a victory over us, everything will directly depend on our western partners, nato countries. that the vsushniki
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are losing hope of victory and are preparing for a protracted war. the financial times also writes that kiev is not expecting any breakthroughs in the coming year. zelensky, who previously announced a transition to active defense, in an interview with channel 4 convinces the british that without western help, bandera’s supporters will not be able to resist the russians. you fought and step by step, you received the help you needed, without this help you would not be able to fight this war. yes, yes, without this one. help we could fight for the first days, the first days, weeks, maybe months, but not 2 years, of course not. cnn talks about the monstrous conditions in which they have to fight. members of the armed forces of ukraine compare what is happening at the front with the first world war. the trenches are overrun by rats and mice, which destroy equipment, spread diseases, and undermine the combat effectiveness of ukrainian troops.
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divisions. in this incredible footage , the russian military repeats the feat of a fighter with the call sign "babay", but dodges not one, but two ukrainian fpv drones at once. we cannot penetrate the defense that the russian federation has built, even in the same zaporozhye direction, because everything there has been done seriously, everything has been done there with the right approaches. but in some directions they are pushing us, and we are retreating. this means that there are questions regarding our defense and construction. secretary of the rada committee on national security kostenko complains that the defensive lines of the russian army are better than the vssu. ukrainian terrorist buddanov, in an interview with the financial times, admits that this year will be difficult for kiev. he claims that it will not be possible to do without mobilization
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. there are not enough soldiers in the ukrainian army. and difficult situations on the battlefield. ze podal's adviser also speaks. the situation is complicated, because the intensity of the fighting does not decrease, regardless of climatic factors, the intensity of the fighting is high, the war will continue according to putin’s ideas until he conquers the entire territory of ukraine, until will achieve dominance in europe until it conquers other post-soviet territories. the telegraph writes that the kiev regime is waiting for a russian offensive and is building defensive lines. according to the newspaper, the length of the fortifications will be almost a thousand. while the armed forces of ukraine go on the defensive, the head of zelensky’s office, yarmak, in an interview with elmundo , claims that the ukrainian counteroffensive did not fail at all, but was quite successful. the times writes about one aspect of this success. the ukrainian armed forces are running out of young fighters to counter russia. average age ukrainian soldier is 43 years old.
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the quality of reinforcements is getting lower and lower each time. military commissars catch unfortunate recruits even at funerals. zelensky, otherwise kyiv is doomed to defeat. the west must step up aid to the regime ukraine is expected to spend this year working to strengthen its military-industrial complex and rebuild its strength in anticipation of even more intense fighting in 2025,
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a us official said. until another attempt at a major counter-offensive of ukraine with the aim of dividing. russian troops in the southern city melitopol is likely for at least a couple more years, said a us military official stationed in europe. without washington's help to kiev, russia will continue to advance and will break ukraine, biden said, speaking to the mayors of american cities. according to the us president, after ukraine, putin may then attack poland or the balkan countries. nbc news writes about the warning that white house officials issued to leaders. congress, if aid to kiev is not urgently approved, russia could win the war in a matter of weeks. house speaker johnson is demanding specifics from the biden administration. we need to know what the strategy is, where the final point is, how ukraine can get out of this conflict. before christmas, i met with president zelensky here in washington and he
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said that they did not receive the weapons systems that they asked for. in other words, the white house is not even providing the support that is needed, and at the same time asking for even more billions. representatives of ukraine and the united states conducted the first joint inspection of american weapons transferred to kiev, reported the ukrainian ministry of defense. he will never want this, never, he doesn't want any peace with ukraine, he still
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wants to occupy the whole country, yes, yes, donald trump, i invite you to ukraine in kiev, if you can stop the war within 24 hours, and this should be enough to come to kiev any day. we will make sure he receives this message. even before i arrive in the oval office, immediately after our victory in the presidential race, it will be our common victory, we will resolve this terrible war between russia and ukraine, even before i take office. donald trump repeated this statement again, he also spoke about this earlier, that in 24 hours donald trump will stop the war in ukraine, the meeting of the un security council continues. now sergei lavrov, our minister of foreign affairs, spoke in new york. let's listen to the fragment. the merchants of death
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are not at all embarrassed that their weapons, including cluster munitions and projectiles with combined uranium, methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, deliberately hit civilian targets, as was the case during attacks on residential areas of belgorod. december 30 yesterday at the market and shops of donetsk. the blood of dozens of dead, civilians is on the hands and conscience of those who arm the zelensky regime and at the same time officially declare that the kiev authorities themselves have the right to choose targets for strikes. we remember how the anglo-saxons, without any military need, bombed dresdon in february 1900. forty -five, how not so long ago they razed iraqi masul and syrian raqqa to the ground,
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now they have fed worthy successors their barbaric terrorist methods. yuri vyacheslavich. indeed, ukraine carried out another terrorist act. when we talked to you last week, including about kuleba’s words about what is needed. stop, use the term stop escalation, yes, we said that ukraine is increasingly, even in the public space, without even really hiding it, becoming a terrorist state, they are a terrorist state, war criminals at the head of this terrorist state, and for them public opinion, even world opinion, is no longer important, they need to be told about some successes, that for these scoundrels, scoundrels and... criminals, military successes, the death of civilians, civilians on the territory of donbass, shelling of belgorod, other regions - our country , and this terrorist
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regime, obviously, must be dismayed, firmly confident, so i was in ulyanovsk on sunday, met with our soldiers, and the famous 104th guards order of kutuzov airborne division ulyanovsk, they all... went through the most difficult battles and battles and in syria and during a special military operation, they have a strong belief in the need to destroy the nazi regime. it would be good if such confidence existed not only among the russian army, the russian people, but also among the residents of ukraine, who are being fooled, but they must decide the fate, including their country, because everything that the west is pushing the current ukrainian rulers to do is , ukrainian people - let's
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remember the history of the 106th anniversary of this so-called ukrainian people's republic and what name they took the ukrainian people's republic in 1918 or the western people 's republic, yes, it's true that there was this state-dominated people 's essence, that is, the people's essence of these nationalist states that zelensky praises, they are puppet regimes, each of these quasi- states.
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a terrorist regime, a fascist party, but which actually supports it is not called a fascist party, it is called a servant of the people, but the essence does not change from this, it is frank, completely clear fascism, and this fascism, it must be destroyed, because it is growing, the west encourages it, it is all legalized, europe is already embracing it, and there is one more very important point, i also said there last week: there are historical parallels, there are certain providences, the interesting work of vladimirovich lenin was backward europe and developing asia, europe with such a policy, it will reach what it became after the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, and asia is now showing growth, and the fact that despite on that that you and i state duma deputies have all been convicted and subject to all sanctions, a delegation is coming.
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i hope that at the un, the voice is completely righteous, fair, and the speeches made by representatives of the russian federation will receive more and more support over time, because terrorism must be stopped. ukrainian nazism, encouraged by america, is the worst thing that can happen for the development of the world, it must now be nipped in the bud, but only the russian army can do this. turkish parliament in
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tuesday will discuss the issue. turkish television reports about sweden's membership in nato, and turkish television also reports that vladimir putin is about to fly to ankara on a visit, let's see which of these news turns out to be reality. as for vietnam, today there was a meeting between nikolai patroshev, secretary of sovez, and the high representative of vietnam, negotiations were ongoing, including on international issues. third-party cooperation, with what bias it is clear if this is the secretary of the security council. please, dmitry gich. well, ah, the party of the turkish president, together with the nationalist national parties have cooperated, they will make a decision for this week on tuesday, respectively, on ratification, then hungary will be the last to remain. that, in fact, is why the first bloomberg wrote about it, naturally , to one degree or another, well, cnn turk too, in
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principle, it is, as it were, a separate cnn in fact in the world, if anyone. it’s interesting how, so to speak, it is, so to speak, very close to erdogan, it is an organization, so it gave an interview to him during, respectively, the coup, with therefore, from this point of view, this decision has already been made, that’s it. it’s clear that the conditions for this decision are the supply of weapons to turkey , which is why, in principle, no one here seemed to have any particular doubts; in fact, because of the visit because of gas, they don’t want to emphasize this in advance beforehand, and this statement about the visit - this is like a form of compensation, well, everything is clear, plus or minus , it’s like a long campaign, respectively infrastructural, this is all, it’s like this is a confrontation of attrition, you need to understand how plus or minus it will be unfold, all situations of exhaustion - the struggle is for the economy, for export revenues, for everything else, that’s why from this point of view, it’s like turkey, where, by the way, restrictions were also imposed on banks, they are now trying to get around them , by the way, until the end of january , until january 31, significant re-exports are also taking place through it, so from this
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point of view, well, erdogan, in principle , is supporting his own economy, trying to get cheap gas prices, accordingly, weapons, his like would understand in principle, from an economic point of view , it’s possible, but another thing is that of course, he roughly understands that everything will also take a long time, so that’s why, accordingly, it’s like nothing to do . this week there will be a meeting of the central bank of turkey, which will accordingly raise the rate to 45, to whom interesting, it’s already more than forty, well, how about 16, we’re indignant at our 16, we ’re indignant, that’s a lot, of course, a lot, like, well, not 45, thank god, we don’t have turkish inflation, as it were, here so from this point of view. there is a military conflict going on much longer, i remind you, accordingly , she has troops there and in this, in iraqi kurdistan, they are having fun there in the eastern part, as it were, of this eastern part of syria, as if therefore, as if they have it there for much longer, that’s of course until turkish situation, it’s better, of course
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, not to let it go, but as for the situation with the general situation, well, everyone understands, plus or minus , accordingly, what france is doing, france is doing the following, it understands that, as it were, taking into account the fact that financing is the us side may open up more than once in the near future, it... is trying to use the financial opportunities that the european union represents to load up its military-industrial complex, this is the point. in order to accordingly raise the gdp, as if of the russian federation, in fact, with the help of the defense industry, first of all. here. this is the idea, especially considering the fact that they now seem to have partially lost the african perimeter. so, accordingly, the order is coming, he has , as it were, his last presidential term, as if he is now wants to support its own economy so that it can be financed in the military-industrial complex at the expense of the european fund. by the way, he will be promoting the same idea, give or take, to promote his weapons this week. when he goes to india for the corresponding celebration of republic day, with which he replaced, as we all know, trump, biden. well, because biden seems to be now and will be tomorrow, they have the same thing there at the same time, that’s why from this point of view, of course the situation is positive
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the minus is clear, as it should have been , everything was quickly and efficiently, well , how did it go, so from this point of view, this vanma, of course, is like exhaustion, which requires, first of all, a very serious attitude towards the economy and, in fact, the country with this and in principle everything is clear, by the way, the savings board was expressed by our minister of finance, who said that all the problems that we have now, they will greatly impact europe, therefore they reflect a situation that few people understand, that the main part of the drilling there goes , respectively, in the direction of the european union, and even the gas consumption there is now small, because as an industry as a whole it is difficult for oil, there for oil... there such a situation is very specific, in fact, it’s like it’s very untimely, to be honest, and as if inflation in january will show us this, which concerns, accordingly , the most important event that has been happening lately and which everyone is paying attention to, who, plus or minus, is trying to understand when the conflict will end, this, of course the situation in the united states in new hampshire, and
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today we have the corresponding survey data, no matter how clumsy and clumsy data we will of course refer to, respectively, from the washington post and mamut, because they are still pushing the paratroopers there, respectively, there are only two surveys have now appeared that rule out landings. he had already withdrawn from the race and sworn in, kissed the ring, by the way, as was said verbatim in most of the us media, here’s to trump, that is, he recognized him, as it were everything is fine with the candidate , not a shoe, this is a well-established expression, as if it is a joke, yes, too, that’s why , well, it’s just a joke now, as it were, so the point is the following, and based on two surveys of operational data in prices, who appears , trump is very close to sixty there already, there 57 62 he gets 61 if he... recycles all the votes of the paratroopers, basically all the votes of the paratroopers and he now gets 35-38 from haley, that’s also a lot, that ’s not enough, that’s very little, she should have been here overtake him, this is the only state where she can overtake him, the only state, we have data already appeared in the southern king carolina,
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which will be the next primaries in a month, and so there he already had 54 in early january, and there accordingly they cannot independent democrats vote, there are only republicans, this will be really fun, it’s more natural that tim cook supported him naturally from this state, this state naturally does not have part of the electoral base, so this state will be much worse than gemshe, gemshe is the best situation, he was the first primaris, hallie had to win, the concept was further. accordingly, it’s impossible to travel by train all the way to the super blind, this is no longer possible. santi starred at a very bad time, all his votes actually went over there from 72 to about seventy-eight, they just completely went to trump, now, apparently, he is gaining him votes, if he shows a result of more than 50, he will definitely show it, most likely , helly will not make it past forty, then that’s it, this is the end, that is, we will naturally have candidate for the party, she will say, i’m staying , no, she will most likely be in south carolina before her state with a high degree of probability, that is, she is still together, perhaps accordingly she will go to this one...
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as if close to him, close associates, he simply does not want to do this, because before the election campaign in history there will be no power, he accordingly will not give as an advantage, apparently, judging by the data that we have in the media, well, in general, how would be analytical data, so from this point of view, you wanted to know how conflicts end, they end with electoral campaigns in the united states, with financing and money, primarily with the supply of weapons, so the european union , accordingly, will now make a decision, today there was a meeting, respectively, with macron and scholz, that’s why this question will now rest before... but as if
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the whole world, so to speak, slightly, the state banks of china began to sharply sell currency well, in large volumes, respectively supporting accordingly, the yuan exchange rate and, in parallel , accordingly, they prepared a whole draft program there, as if how to pour in the currency, everything is correct, i will now explain why. firstly, we are now buying through china, our corresponding budget rule works in yuan, in fact, therefore it is of great importance to us what the yuan exchange rate is, and the word in a very, second very important point, accordingly china, if it is grow at a good pace, they remind you that accordingly he now has such this fork is type 4 and 2, 5.3, that’s the difference, if it grows more than five, it will have the same amount of pressed energy, the price of oil will be very high, now at 79, i remind you, i’ll keep you posted because as if the situation is in the red sea, the poet is in the corresponding red sea , so from this point of view, if china actively grows, if trump
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maintains the momentum, as it is called, the situation will be approximately clear what kind of conflict we are really heading towards fundamental around the end of the year, when trump will be inaugurated, the first thing is that he will try to kind of push, put pressure on china, let's see, zelensky, you said that he is behaving correctly, he will have to print money, as wall street jorn claims, and this, of course, is for the economy, although the phrase itself ukraine's economy sounds at this stage. i doubt it's a disaster. listen. according to the calculations of economists and ukrainian officials, kiev will run out of money within a few months. after this, ukrainians will be forced to take painful economic measures to keep their jobs. government. all this if ukraine does not receive assistance from the united states and europe. but the promises of both partners were immediately canceled under washington and brussels. this year , ukraine faces a financial deficit of more than $40 billion. kiev expected that funding from the united states and the european union would cover about $30 billion of
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this amount. this money is necessary to maintain the work of the government, and it should also be used to finance salaries, pensions and subsidies for the population ukraine. the kiev government may be forced to take additional measures to preserve cash if western aid does not arrive quickly. delays in military aid will also deal a blow to the fighting in ukraine, which has stalled after a failed counteroffensive. but in this case, kiev can buy. themselves a few more months by delaying salaries or taking out even more loans from their own banks from domestic investors. ultimately , ukraine may be forced to print money, a strategy that could lead to an economic downturn. we'll be back. for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a package for the children, little blue one, and it can be delivered with a conductor. we love him, i have respect
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, attention, honor, certificates, i have a medal , i am a soviet man, odessa as we know it, mincemeat, why it’s necessary to mincemeat, i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have the conscience to say that , to think this, the film is a golden eagle award winner, kotsateli kills all microbes, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it that way, odessa. on friday on rtr, if you come to my house. the first thing you see is the door scratched by dogs; he could have become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 34 years old, we can do pull-ups.
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taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. i refused, i refused my child. how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago, your center admitted a boy with a serious diagnosis. he's alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands. impossible to forget. i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer. do you have any experience with volunteer work for your children? you won't be able to escape.
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it's hard to decide to change your life forever. what's so complicated? you take it, and we are with you. we know what is now on the scales and what is happening now. dmitry shestakovich's seventh leningrad symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say, we, citizens of leningrad, will not
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be shaken by the roar of cannonades, and if tomorrow there will be barricades, “we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own lives. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed.
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russia continues to demonstrate its imperialist inclinations, uses a platform for disinformation. such an inadequate reaction to lavov’s speech was given by us deputy permanent representative prion robert wood. that is the american did not listen to the head of our foreign ministry, who said that russia is ready for negotiations on ukraine, but the main goal of the diplomatic process is to establish peace, and not to find a way.
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when the west is not allowed to interfere in the relations of two fraternal peoples according to the old colonialist methodology of pitting them
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against each other, exactly as brothers and good neighbors should, they will live after realizing the goals of a special military operation, whether through military or peaceful means. in general, of course, miracles and hypocrisy are shown americans, first,
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the international community must continue to support ukraine. just some incredible hypocrite. fast forward to new york. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova , is in direct contact with us. maria is on a business trip with the minister of foreign affairs, who has just addressed the security council. 28 people were killed, 30 injured. he says: don’t listen to russia, it’s all disinformation. yes, good afternoon, evgeniy, studio, and your large audience,
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indeed, i am in close proximity to the security council chamber in our delegation room, against the backdrop of the banner “russian mission to the united nations.” sergei viktorovich lavrov just spoke, and you know, it seems to me that literally a new aphorism can be made from a few words of his speech. surrealism to nowhere, before there was a road to nowhere, and just surrealism, now, using the example of ukraine and western politics, we see surrealism to nowhere, because this is not just a static state or not just politics, and this is a real road to a cliff , surreal, because everyone sees reality, and they are trying to do it this way, as representatives of western countries in the security council just said, so that they can see it as... different, they succeed with their own audience, why is that now westerners are saying, don’t listen to russia, look at
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what’s happening in ukraine, because they show what’s happening in ukraine on their channels, but that’s not what ’s happening there, they only show what’s happening to their audience , what they consider necessary, they absolutely does not care about its constitutional amendments, which, by the way, are guaranteed within the united states of america. freedom of speech, it all happened once, it’s all taken out at the right moment, forgotten in one second, when people all over the world, inside the usa, outside its borders, but in the context of the destructive policy that america is pursuing, try to take advantage of this itself, as it were, in general, the american dogma of human rights, is expressed in freedom of speech, and it occurs to them, can you imagine, to me, by the way, it’s interesting,
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the whole world, but look how they manipulate even the number of victims, after sergeyevich lavov, the representative of malta spoke, she spoke about the victims, which victims, just numbers, she did not say again, who is striking, which ones objects are struck, what weapons are used to strike, there is none of this, there is just a number, names of cities and an accusation against russia, but at the same time, the other day our ... country declared and today on this very day it also supported it with a list of specific names and names of availability
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french mercenary. indeed, because the ministry of defense worked out this point, but these same people were there and their presence there is denied on the territory of ukraine, yes, now they are not there, the french ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of defense, even france, you understand how hypocritical they have arrived, but unlike the west itself, which for a year and a half has not been able to present a single name, not a single name, so... in our russian segment information appears about the names of french mercenaries, which official paris denies, their existence, is denied, which is why they call not to listen to russia, because russia relies on facts, russia relies
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on footage from the scene of events. and russia provides names, surnames, if it talks about people, russia uses real non-fictional geographical points in connection with the development of the situation, that’s what we’re talking about, so don’t listen to such a clear call from russia. maria, i know that you need to return to the security council meeting room, but a short question: in the western press, and so we feel, we see that the attention of world... politicians to ukraine, in the un, in the security council, in the diplomatic environment is decreasing, it is felt here in new york, there, you know, we, as soon as zelensky began to squeak that how could it be that they would now be forgotten, we promised him that they would not forget about him, they would remember him for a very long time, and we would do everything to make sure that this was the case, because criminals of this magnitude you need to know, you need to teach
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children, you need to talk about what... the country of society and the state can reach the point where they lose their national policy and delegate it, and simply put, they simply sell those who are truly militarists and imperialists, which is what we are accused of again. now in the context of the media , this is a very interesting example, six months ago, or even a little less, a couple of months ago, when sergei vikarovich lavrov came to the un general assembly, for a political discussion, late september, early october, they started asking him questions.
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for children's rights to maria lvova belova, who deals with this issue and is open to discussing any topics and answering any questions. western journalists said that they were very interested in this and would definitely take part in the briefing. we offered them face-to-face participation or online participation, which would be convenient for them? do you think the western journalists who asked these questions came to the russian foreign minister in the wall of the headquarters for a briefing from the person who was ready? share the whole invoice, because that's what she does, well, as you understand, the answer is obvious, they didn’t come , you know what they said, that they were urgently called to cover the situation in the middle east, this is the manipulation of this topic, but we will do everything so that the topic of the situation in ukraine is heard every day in all formats, in the security council meeting room he is responsible for assemblies,
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specialized committees and commissions of the un and other international organizations, even ours... on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of defense, we have a special institute created, and a special representative, the plenipotentiary ministry of foreign affairs on the crimes of the kiev regime, the whole world will know about this, i promise zelensky will not be forgotten. thank you very much, official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, plenipotentiary ambassador extraordinary of russia, maria zakharova. i ask you to. nato. begins the largest military exercises, they start today, will last until the end of may, inclusively they are called staunch defender, here is igor yuryevich, we have prepared a map of their game especially for you, where they are going to go, the theater of military operations from the arctic to the black sea,
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declared grouping by nato. 90 thousand military personnel; the last time the alliance conducted large exercises of this kind was in 1988 . today we have unprecedented multi-domain exercises, they will affect land, air, sea, underwater environment, cyberspace, as well as space, although nato has stated that the legend of the exercises is the development of plans, a response to the military invasion of the russian federation in one of the nato countries. in fact, i repeat once again, this is nothing more than a cover legend, the same notorious cardboard fool that they show us from washington and brussels. in fact,
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the exercise scenario involves the involvement of a group of over 300,000 troops from all nato countries without exception. and most importantly, the scenario of real military operations provides for the involvement of the united armed forces of the north atlantic alliance, as well as the so far formally neutral sweden joining the alliance’s operations against the russian armed forces in connection with the crisis in ukraine. the exercise scenario that nato is preparing includes a number of operations. first is the application. russian federation, as well as in the central regions of russia, including the moscow region. further,
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this is an operation to seek the destruction of russian multipurpose nuclear submarines in the north atlantic, strike the russian airfield network, and also involve special operations forces. to carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks, respectively, in the space from the arctic seas to the black sea, if necessary, they plan to cut a certain corridor, actually from the north and to odessa, the exercise affects, i repeat once again, all environments, including operations in cyberspace, which will... involve testing scenarios for attacks and disabling critical information systems of the russian federation, destroying the russian constellation of space satellites for military and
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intelligence purposes, as well as conducting complex operations mutual support so that resettlement troops arriving from the territory of the united states of america by air and sea can... freely from the port infrastructure of western europe to obtain the shortest and fastest possible access directly to the combat area that is developing from the russian borders. neutral sweden also implies the most active participation. of course, this is a challenge, a direct geopolitical challenge and a military challenge to the russian federation. i believe that we are now at the stage of starting the exercise. the appropriate forces and reconnaissance assets will be used to clarify the concept of the exercises, well , then it will be developed in the main operational directorate of the general staff armed forces of russia, appropriate
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countermeasures and military response , which will obviously be announced in the spring of this year, nato is really a military-political adversary of russia, we must be ready to fend off everyone. possible threats , let's go back, we're going through an operation now, this is a big risk, i'm ready to take risks, and you the operation is already underway, i couldn't stop them, hello, hello, we're having dinner with me today, you guys are great from brigen, they stuck me here, and the sane, that i'm in trouble, something urgent, urgent, personal? skleposovsky is on rtr today, and we’ll be watching new episodes soon, there are changes in my personal life, at
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work, i won’t tell you yet, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to eat properly? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medications are like crutches for us and the right habits, but shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle
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prize, in the backwaters there were conversations that there was nothing to live on, salaries were cut by a third, if only panic would not arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what are these people, they harbor a grudge against the soviet power, give them free rein. we watch andrei konchalovsky's film on friday on rtr to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look,
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look, in the application or on the website, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not give away our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on... ukraine was proposed to ban all transport communications with russia for 50 years , the only thing missing is a ban on gas transit, but that’s different , otherwise everything is stable in kiev, look.
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this is a candidate for participation in the eurovision, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best and goodbye. on the rossiya vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, this is what we will tell you about. explosions thunder in kyiv and kharkov. in sumskaya and dnepropetrovsk regions, russian missile carriers are attacking the military infrastructure of ukraine. our units are advancing to kurakhovo, from where the ukrainian armed forces attacked the day before.


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