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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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at least two f-16 squadrons, which is 36-40 aircraft, he convinces that this is a very reliable aircraft with a high percentage of the time when it can carry out combat missions, so even a small number of these fighters can help in countering russian aggression. we want to talk to you about the training of our pilots, what can you tell us about this? i could have told you, i would have told you a long time ago.
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16 experienced ukrainian pilots are being trained in copenhagen to fly them, these are old fighters donated by denmark, the netherlands and norway, it is expected that ukraine will eventually receive about 50 of them, but there are questions about what kind of missiles and bombs they will carry, most importantly, when they will enter service, the head of the ukrainian sukhapul troops, colonel general alexander syrsky. said that in his opinion it would not hurt the ukrainians to get several more types of american aircraft, one of them is the a10 thunderbolt, nicknamed the us air force warthog. tsirsky wants them to support the ukrainian infantry as they move forward, because this attack aircraft time-tested tank killer. operation desert storm in 1991 was the first combat mission.
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purely ethnic ukrainians living in the west, or just any foreigners who sympathize with bandera, should also receive ukrainian citizenship, there should be a lot of people willing, because, well, there are quarrels that are voiced by the very talking orts of the kiev regime, an adviser to zelensky’s office, and also the chief kiev dj leshchenko, like panikovsky with a goose, ran around davos, clung to the westerners with one, but very, very delicate and sensitive request: return it to us!
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in general, the ukrainian elite began to get confused in their testimony, then zelensky, remember, said, he sees no point in mobilizing 500,000 soldiers, and in general it was the command of the armed forces of ukraine that asked, he supposedly had nothing to do with it, then the terrorist and main ukrainian spy budanov in an interview with the financial times, says that it's unthinkable to even think about it. that ukraine
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is capable of continuing any military operations without that very forced mobilization, and the supposed lack of lads is already hindering them at the front. in general, an attempt to throw off responsibility, while the capture of ukrainians continues on a daily basis, this is footage again and again from odessa. the military commissars came straight to the famous delivery, but not for bulls and red mullet, but for recruits for the vso. well, where would it be without employees in the shopping center, in public transport in these shots there is an oasis shouting: why should i, at 25 years old , go to zero, get into the car. the latest know-how, failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years. in general, c europe, but with tcc also with magicians, psychics and astrologers who came to replace ukraine economists, political scientists.
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you can’t joke about this in ukraine, and maris kala, that is, zelensky’s neighbor by profession, recorded a stand-up where she mocked the fortune teller, taf police ualy problems, they don’t forget about vanga in ukraine either, they try to find a positive, they don’t find, supposedly, if you believe to england, already this year there will be a shortage of water in the world, there will be terrorist attacks in europe, and even more difficult times await ukraine and...
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after a difficult year even more difficult times will come , difficult times are coming, this is the future, the legendary bulgarian soothsayer predicted to ukraine, the bulgarian clairvoyant left behind a prediction for many years to come, they say right up to 2036. the prophecies in vanga come true with incredible accuracy, researchers still continue to decipher them, but from what is already known, this year will not be easy and will bring many changes, this is confirmed by ukrainian astrologers. according to vanga's prophecy , the number of terrorist attacks and cyber attacks on vital infrastructure facilities, in particular on the energy sector, may increase in europe infrastructure or water treatment plants. the dreamer also allegedly saw an economic crisis that would take over
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almost the entire world. of course, there are already many factors for this. and the war in ukraine, and the confrontation between the israelis and the palestinians , china’s constant encroachments on taiwan. in addition, the predictions in ang say:
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paints an excellent picture of a prosperous economy under biden, but if you dig deeper, it indicates figures for general inflation, the mainstream media tries to ignore rising prices for food and energy, and this two significant portions of any american family's budget. the corresponding consumer price indices are published in the media extremely rarely, although even cnn polls seem to...
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45% of voters are ready to vote for him, only 40% for biden, although for most of last year it was the current president of america who had the advantage, but trump autumn. gradually began to get ahead, biden himself does a lot for this in fairness, another demonstration of his cognitive problems, he set up in white home. joe saw his health minister, bisera, in his room and thanked him for his work to protect women's reproductive rights. there is a nuance to this: there was no scribe in the room. trump is convinced that biden is not his competitor.
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he is already 81 years old and hopes to last another 4 years. voters are growing concerned about president joe biden's age and suitability for office. we asked vice president kamala haris about this when we spent the day with her at the democratic primary in south carolina. she waved us off and defended the mental acuity of her racing partner. i spent a lot of time with president biden in the oval office, situational. he's incredibly smart,
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he has the ability to see things ahead of time, what problems we might face as a nation or globally, but that doesn't seem to resonate in any way with americans, with many of your supporters. listen, you're with me in north carolina, you saw every room we went into, the number of people that were there are there and they're cheering pretty loudly, they 're here because they... believe in what we 're doing, but some republicans are trying to make the not-so-subtle argument that biden might just not last the next 4 years and that their real the opponent in 2024 is the vice president. we can't afford president kamela haris, we won't survive this. as donald trump approaches the republican nomination, haris is increasingly involved in the campaign. according to our it is estimated that in the last 6 months alone she has visited at least.
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and then she admitted how she felt about trump's possible victory. i'm scared as hell, so i travel all over the country. there is an old saying that there are two ways to run for president: either without an opponent or out of fear. on all these counts, yes, we should all be scared. what is happening now is undemocratic, and if kamela says she is scared, they themselves must be scared. president biden's approval ratings.
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because if you look at what the president has done over the last 3 years, passed a historic number of bills, it's quite a shrewd move for this president to be able to do that. to every young man who tells me: i want to get married, i answer: choose a family with five sisters or more, he is like: why? and i answer: it’s simple, you will have five women at once, not just one, one of them will always be with you.
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rumors are growing that michelle obama may enter the election race. twenty-fourth year. a new york post article says the plans are to throw michelle into the democratic nomination. it seems that barack rules the baal, obama is being pushed by son joe, to leave, to drop out, who else? the only way for president obama
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to return to the white house is to put his wife in it. do you think biden will drop out of the race?
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this morning they said they were alarmed by the upcoming execution in alabama, where they were actually going to use the nitrogen hypoxia method for the first time. human rights activists they believe that the method can be equated to torture or, as they say, other cruel, inhuman, degrading forms of punishment. the execution protocol does not imply the use of anesthesia, even so. nbc , the first execution in us history, will take place on january 25, citing court materials. the pioneer, or rather the first
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guinea pig, will be a fifty-eight-year-old man. he was convicted of contract murder back in 1988, for the murder together with an accomplice he received 1.0 dollars, the killers were caught, sentenced to death, 35 years have passed , smet is still alive, at some point they already tried to take his life by lethal injection, this is also allowed in the usa, but something went wrong, the execution was postponed to search for new evidence of guilt , here we found it. right now , nitrogen hypoxia is allowed in three states at once, wallabama, aklahomi and mississippi, while the risk that a person will survive, but will experience hellish torment during the procedure, is considered to be as great as possible.
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experts warn that this type punishment will provoke convulsions in the suspect. will leave irreparable imprints on the brain, but experts are not sure that this will still not lead to death and will not cause processes that will be followed by death
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. smith said he had already gone through one botched execution by lethal injection. how are you doing? his supporters say the second attempt to execute a prisoner, using an untested method, violates cruel and unusual punishment laws. these are echoes of the company. continues to communicate with smith daily. here i write: how is your sister? good evening? i hope you are doing well, me too. she views his fate as a decisive argument against nitrogen asphyxiation. i am currently being treated for ptsd and suffer from it on a daily basis. but everyone around me promises me that i will suffer even more. i'm absolutely terrified. he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to a horribly botched execution attempt. now this person is heading towards something that may be even worse. this
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happened 2 weeks ago, forty-five year old dory elizabeth. smith was convicted in 1989 of murdering a preacher's wife in alabama. he and his accomplice were paid for this murder. to stop the execution, alabama, who has the power to talk, did not come to us. the attorney general said he would proceed with the execution on thursday. i love
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alabama, i can tell you with confidence that good people live here. one local legislator voted in favor of carrying out the death penalty using nitrogen gas and rejected all criticism from the un. i don't think it demeans him in any way. i don't i believe that this form of execution is inhumane. we are becoming the opposite. the most painless and humane method of execution, but the un human rights office says these executions amount to torture. prisoner smith
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will be forced to put a mask on his face and thus be forced to breathe pure nitrogen. at this point , his organs will begin to fail and death will eventually occur. this should happen in theory, but you and i must understand that in reality no one has ever done this in history. this is the first time... like this this is the way execution will be carried out in the united states, and even in the world no one has ever done anything like this. another issue is the safety of the people in the room where the execution will take place. we are concerned for people like the priest who should be with him, and he has already signed papers in which he takes responsibility for himself, since there he was informed that he could be in danger when the gas was released, which during the leak there is no smell or color. the implementation of the death penalty has been declining for several years now, so in prison in alabama, death row inmates fear the execution could mark a turning point in the case.
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we are, of course, waiting for details from the russian ministry of defense; this morning a combined strike was carried out on infrastructure facilities in ukraine, from what was allegedly said by the ukrainian military command. they shot down 41 missiles, not 60, this time they shot down, as they say to themselves, half, 21 missiles the russian iskanders could not destroy. once again we are waiting for details from our ministry of defense. the first nuances appear while messages tas news agency with reference to operational services, obviously. local, kharkov, why kharkov, because we are talking about the fact that as a result of the attack on kharkov, the location of the foreign ones was destroyed.
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as far as i understand, as a result of certain successes, we are walking slowly, yes , we immediately warn the audience, that is, we are counting directly in meters, not cities, not towns, not kilometers, meters, we are walking slowly, but we are walking, what is our ultimate goal? olga, good afternoon, well, the goal, naturally, of course, is the liberation of kupinskaya, and further and kharkov region, promotion the day before.
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were slow, but confident , as you correctly noted, in the area of ​​the sinkovka, in principle, in fact, along the entire front line, which is located around kupinsk, it is quite active on our side, there are small advances, but these advances are strong points, these small forest plantations, in some places, dominant heights that were previously occupied by the enemy, again everything is going, not really very well...
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throwing out reserves, and this cannot but indicate that on our part there is quite a serious tension on this front line, and the enemy understands that sooner or later the line of defense that he built there, but now it is there, it is gradually being pushed through, sooner or later it will be pushed through, we will move on, kupinsk in the forehead no one is going to storm, i think, so right now the work is going on along the flank.
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he reported before the new year, then by february 1 everything will end in ukraine, yes, what is the date today? january 23, well, that is, february 1 is getting closer and closer, cnn reports that supposedly american bradleys don’t work, they stall in the winter, well, this absolutely mocking publication, the austrian newspaper “vsushniki on horseback”, everything is so bad that it’s on horseback. it’s true, well, let’s do it this way , provod horses, so far i haven’t noticed directly on the line of combat contact, yes, but well, i won’t be surprised why, because work on equipment, no matter what kind, it’s wheeled, it’s armored vehicles, is being carried out absolutely in all directions and with sufficient depth of action of ours and drones our artillery and reconnaissance, why
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because this is... a priority target on the front line, as for the fact that everything will be over by february 1, i think it’s also unlikely, why, because, well, he had to say something to their western partners, so to speak, yes, in order to demand the next tranche of aid to ukraine, that is, there are probably warehouses, there are probably still small deliveries of the same ammunition and equipment, which are increasingly running out every day... with the help of our artillerymen, our scouts, drones and so on, yes, but for now it’s too early to say that everything will definitely end on february 1, they will actually change seats there and fight on horseback with the cavalry, i think it’s still too early, but really very serious work is being done on absolutely any technology , which moves along the front line, and these are not necessarily combat vehicles, yes, these are the same
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supply vehicles, yes, which must... constantly provide the front line and the enemy’s turnover line, yes, that is, as soon as one or two vehicles come out there on the direction with security, then this certainly affects on the front line, but directly in... the cops themselves, our guys from our side, again , and at the front, they immediately feel it, and that the enemy was left somewhere without ammunition , and somewhere he was left without provisions, somewhere he was left without the same firewood, again in winter , because well, you won’t sit in dugouts for a long time if you have nothing to keep warm, so you can feel it all and the work is constantly going on around the clock for people, what do you say, the average age of a ukrainian soldier, i supposedly 43 budanov claims without mass mobilization, forced, although it is already massive and forced, ukraine will not cope, zelensky says at the same time: “oh, well, there’s no need for mobilization, what’s wrong with the ukrainian army,
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who is fighting, who is attacking, what kind of public is there? well, in terms of middle age, indeed, it is so, he is quite tall, there have been prisoners, and some already.” we came across people who are over 60 years old and about 60 years old, and indeed these are people who are already, well, let’s say, not in the best physical condition, and we understand that at the front this is a fairly weighty argument for victory, let’s say, yes, when a person is quite simply able to perform certain physical actions, especially in uniform, especially with weapons, with an additional demon, plus all this is the motivation of these same people, yes, who are 45 years old... who are a year old ago, let’s say, yes, they themselves didn’t go to the military registration and enlistment office, didn’t defend themselves, then we understand that it’s unlikely that a desire to go to war was formed in their heads during the year there, they were taken, they were sent there, plus this is a disease
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of people , yes, at this age, already some chronic, again, physical fitness, all this actually affects the quality , uh, the quality level of the army that is now fighting against us, it cannot be said that this is universal. yes - but indeed such cases are beginning to prevail in some places, when, well, there is simply no one to plug the holes, so people have to be sent to the front who are neither morally nor physically absolutely ready for the conditions that - that await them on the front line. thank you very much, vladimir razin, military man correspondent, in direct contact with the front line, as always, comprehensive and professional, thank you, please, i wanted. to talk a little about the american situation , in my opinion, it hasn’t been so confusing for a long time, well, let’s start with the democrats, president biden is a young , promising politician who clearly doesn’t
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have the physical standards, and behind him is kamala harris, who is also clearly in terms of his mental and physical condition, he’s not up to par, well, physically he’s more likely to be able to handle it, but he’s such a cheerful, laughter-loving person america treats it... quite frivolously, all attempts to prove that biden is still a big deal , as they say, will show everyone, it looks, frankly, ridiculously strained, they are no longer convincing themselves, today the democratic primary begins in the state of newshare, and the most interesting thing is that there are 21 candidates, but biden is not among them, let’s add to this the statement of donald trump, who suddenly said that he probably thinks that...
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he will just physically pass, while there are big doubts that biden will pass, election campaign, he can, well, as they say, to show even greater physical and mental weakness than hillary clinton once showed and... which probably ultimately played into the fact that she did not defeat donald trump then, but this is only part of it, you see, it’s difficult, but on the other hand, it’s impossible to say one hundred percent that this candidate will be, even trump has already talked about it, now let
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’s move to the other side of this poker table, republicans, and here, too, everything is no less confused, the primaries have just begun, in fact, this the process is at its very beginning, suddenly, out of four candidates... two are already withdrawing, yes, ramaswamy and desanti withdrew in favor of donald trump, but niki halley remains, it seems to me here. he needs some additional supports
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in order for this horse to reach the finish line, that is, we have no confidence, in america there is also naturally no confidence that donald trump, as a rider, will not remove this horse through some kind of judicial procedures , through some kind of physical violence, no one can guarantee this, then niki haley remains, but that’s not all, that’s it look, in the american political tradition it is important... who will be not only the main candidate, but who will be the vice president, very often some politicians grow out of the vice president, well, but it’s obvious that if niki halley is biden’s competitor , then it is biden who will win, but we realize that he is an absolute spoiler and uses exclusively democratic rhetoric, well, that is, she is a conditional republican, trump is actually appealing to this, a so-so option for a republican. party, here i am after all i’ll go back to the very initial thesis
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, that everything is very confusing, i’ll try to explain it further, niki haley is now saying that she went to the polls, but lost out on it, because neither biden nor trump can pull it off, both candidates are bad, that is in a sense, she is positioning herself, no matter how funny, in the american two-party system, as a candidate of the third force, this is the first, second, trump will need, if he does... decide who he will have, she is not positioning herself as a third force, she simply says that these old, orphans, wretched, and i’m young, i’m 53, this is the only thing she said, the rest is absolutely fawning rhetoric, theses that completely copy the theses of joe biden’s program and on migrants, which is surprising for a republican, on ukraine, on weapons, in this sense, she just doesn’t even behave like a republican candidate, well, she’s young, so... she says: i’m young, vote for me, then,
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if she wins, it’s a fight, she and biden, well, since she didn’t achieve much success, she wins joe biden, well this is roughly the alignment they have, and the bet is on nicky, the fact of the matter is that you can’t be completely sure who will reach this finish line, whether biden will be there, nicky haley will be here, whether trump will be there will still be unclear nothing, such a cycle, such an unclear situation, well, i don’t know... of course, of course, thank god, so in this
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sense, i repeat once again that we don’t care at all who wins in the united states of america, in this case we are for not for victory, but for a competition in which they will throw the maximum at each other amount of dirt, they will insult , organize assassinations, like in south korea, on leading politicians, this process gives them the opportunity to inflict such damage to the reputation of the united states of america, which... no one could ever inflict on the reputation of the united states of america, therefore, the more an incomprehensible situation is developing in these elections, especially since they can cause maximum damage to this very reputation. as for donald trump, he fought off syphiles as successfully as possible, but immediately after a new wave of hate began, in fact, nicky haley is talking about the fact that this one is old, but everything is clear with him, 81 years old is talking, really, but...
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once again to a person in the room who was not in the room, the second one is also old 77, we are here ritually speaking race on gun carriages, about the fact that we have a gerantocracy , it looked so funny when he contacted them they were talking about us, now the two main competitors in their company look exactly like this, well, the young woman is really niki, she’s 53, there are chances, look, we need assess the mental abilities of those over 75 years. i mean no disrespect, we all know seventy-five year olds and older who can run in circles. but we also know joe biden. and these people make decisions about national security and the future of the economy. and congress has become a privileged nursing home. we are not
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interested in who chooses to win there, but we are something. but we can’t tear ourselves away, we just can’t tear ourselves away, who will do it anyway, well, in fact, we really don’t care, because little will change, i’m practically sure of this, even though trump is there he’ll say something, but it’s all nonsense , the most important thing is lavrov’s visit, something will change in any case, simply because if trump comes, these congressional system processes will begin, there will be more republicans, voting will be more difficult, there are nuances of its own . he came earlier, the last time before this , this is what i understand about the visit, but remember how visas were given there, barely, something there
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was a whole epic with these visas there and then not going further than 100 meters from this building means y. .. morons, well, everyone probably already knows this, the only thing he didn’t say was that they were ukrainians , so he kind of reserved his expression , but everything else was correctly said, that the west is at war with us in ukraine, about those whom you called ukrainians. he said that immediately after the implementation of the goals from the initial special operation, the russian ukrainians will live peacefully and amicably, like brothers, this is the goal of russia, as they have always lived, in fact, well, that is, he didn’t talk about the ukrainians, well, i have in view of those, namely, who are in power there today, and those who today are trying to
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we have to fight there, well, good luck, fight, but it won’t be long, that’s why... how to put it so, this visit, in my opinion, was serious, the whole world paid attention to it, it’s very correct, in contrast, it means because of this, the accents are clearly placed, well, in general there was not even anything to object to, everything is clear, who is who, but at the same time, it means that in ukraine our - in quotes, great helmsman, zelensky. publishes something else, so to speak , or tries to introduce a bill stating that this is the territory of ukraine, it is much more than it seems, he probably thinks that this is included in his formula of the world, there are belgorod, kursk, voronezh, my dear, yes, it’s strange that he didn’t include tambov, now this is my beautiful district,
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if anyone is watching us in these cities and regions, keep in mind that the new decree talks about... to talk about this topic, then it doesn’t fit in at all, from this point of view it’s directly included, if this formula coincides with the coconut formula, that’s why he comes out here clearly, says clearly: guys, i everything is fine, everything is fine with me, there is the influence of a black hole with cocaine, everything is
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fine with me, i’ll give it to you now, which means, by the way, in violation of the constitution, its own constitution, a working subgroup has been assembled. have started work, that is, somewhere now someone is restoring historical justice, proving to the kurt region that this is real, it would probably be funny, but this is really just drugs, this is the most severe form of madness, what belgorod, what voronezh region , well, goddammit, but further he goes further, violating his own constitution, he says that we will issue citizenship. this means that they are ukrainians by origin, and, probably, whether they want it or not, this should have been added, we will still issue it, there are two points in my opinion: here at least it’s clear what we’re talking about, because if you have a ukrainian passport, you can be mobilized wherever you are, even in
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canada, even in germany, even in ukraine itself, that’s what zelensky would have wanted, but all those who consider themselves democrats refused him, well, they don’t return them, they don’t mobilize them, they don’t send them to ukraine, but for now, you know, they also said a lot of things, we won’t give tanks there, we won’t give this, we won’t give that, that’s all for now. they give and they will begin to extradite these, as soon as it ends, they will extradite like bunnies, the second thing is, why is he doing this, i think that then, so that it will also be, when the ukraine project ends, it will still end with denazification, demilitarization, it will end, accordingly, these ukrainians, they will create a virtual state, and so to speak, they will walk there like tikhanovskaya, probably a long-forgotten one already tells that she is the one who is there...
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at 61, excuse me, i’m dragging a 40 kg bull to the front line, she’ll be pulling with forty-year-olds, well, let’s face it, there are different
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situations; at 25 it’s easier to run than when you’re in charge, depending on what 25 here i am again, the question is what are you preparing yourself for, okay , it doesn’t matter, everything in general says everything is correct, well, that ’s not right, now let ’s move on, what are we talking about, about americans, after all , the composition of aborted children in products, this needs to be labeled, here everything, what is it the composition from aborted children is in the product
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, well, they perform abortions , they somehow process these residues, they add the composition of the products , you didn’t read this in the panorama, no, well, listen, this is in some panorama, not in the panorama, well, you need to check, well, check , well , it sounds like madness for now, but a lot of crazy things are happening, this one, sorry, and not crazy that they are preparing this bunker that you just mentioned, and the same thing there. they add up, it’s not crazy, it’s normal for them today, absolutely for them today this is a natural process, so you don’t have to think about what to say, what we are there, what we are fighting against, you just need to understand about this matter, for example, what’s not crazy, they are destroying their own economy, for example, the germans are the same , they have there, what the hell is going on there, yes , by the way, this bunker is 5.5 km,
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there are some subsidies there, less than a billion, yes, but no, they are not given anything, but it should be noted that they looked all the whole composition, and there,
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for example, 4 billion for the green economy in africa, for example, there with...
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because scholz’s main competitor, pistorius , is also not our friend, even more than the german chancellor is our enemy, so for sure , please don’t rely on them, they will protest and quickly disperse, once again, by the way , once again, as happened in france too, we'll be back in a minute, doing surgery now is a big risk, i'm ready to take the risk, and you? the operation is already underway, i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today, you’re great, they stuck me here, and they themselves, that they’re asleep, something urgent, urgent personal, skleposovsky, today on rtr.
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you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is seven eight, seven and eight, how many, who is at work, a lot and loudly says , if you answer, i’m chopping oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches and god forbid now beep if win, then cheers, 100 to one, every
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saturday and sunday for rtr sleep. love is when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign three at the same time, let's sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, every time i... it's very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said, i 'll stay here, the military had to be informed of what was there they simply die animals, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to celebrate the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from
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monday to thursday on rtr. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here ’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given all the possibilities, even those who, without moving, are offered a solution, to call. elections home, taking the box portable, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with a mobile vote, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, a nightmare , just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, faith, give birth under the car,
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there’s no road, we’re putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re just like that, lonely, karl ilicha, what , karl ilvich, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let’s let's talk like woman to woman, you love me, you know everything yourself, you play without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music this is the beginning of the beginning, the seventh symphony, saturday and sunday on rtr.
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the west prevented kiev and moscow from concluding peace in april 22, writes the american conservative. lavrov, after speaking at a meeting of the council of ministers, where one of the main topics was the attack on donetsk, gave an interview.
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legitimate national interests of russia and the ukrainian people. ask! well, i would like to say that a very important point, here you are you always bring up in your program the role of europe in the ukraine project. after all, since last year it began, active work began to collect ukrainians who fled, that is. from the war to being sent to training camps in latvia, lithuania, poland, estonia and then, that means, being sent back to ukraine to take part in hostilities with the russian federation. judging by the events
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that are now unfolding, literally next week the largest exercise will start, which has not happened for 35 years, there have not been any in nato countries for 35 years, 32 countries will participate, 90,000 personnel, the exercises will affect the baltic, atlantic, and mediterranean seas. which means four aircraft carrier strike groups , the americans have already deployed the nuclear submarine ogai in the area for the exercise - these are the most powerful missile carriers that the americans have in service, naturally the exercise will also affect the baltic region, it turns out that indeed europe, the nato countries are jointly preparing for the fact that at some point, that is, at some point, at some point, the ukraine project will outlive itself and end as such.
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and the like, somehow increase survivability equipment so that, relatively speaking, it doesn’t live there for the first 10-15 minutes in battle, but at least something, at least somehow, no, it feels like the ukrainians themselves don’t need it, well, that is, this to stretch out the war for a long time, to survive to win, i really like your concept, but why, if everything is so bad for them, they are so stupid, i understand correctly, why are we where we are last, here is february 24,
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a question for our command, why do we go to those who provide for us, who provided activities and functioning of the defense-industrial complex, then to them , this is not to the fighters on the front line, who know the question is that we destroyed practically all this equipment there, and that they are now their post warehouses, what will they do, that’s about what are we talking about, but they don’t have empty warehouses, well , dear friends, well, let’s not believe the stories for...
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well, let’s say, the latest articles on cnn are that russia or foreign affairs won the uav war. well, they say she won, but the soldiers at the front say she didn’t, and the drones they have such quantities that we still have to produce and produce. cnn reports that american bradleys do not work, but cnn reports, i’m glad to tell you and quote cnn, and the fighters say that they have a lot of western equipment. deliveries are coming, and
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zelensky is lying that everything will be over by february, well, that is, there is no need to deceive yourself, so that later there will be no disappointments, as there were after the kharkov region, you know, i’m just talking about this, otherwise if you listen to us, we’ve already we are not deceived, we see perfectly, look, you say, it’s so huge the amount of equipment, yes, a huge amount of equipment, the question is, where is it, since it is not on the battlefield, is it being saved for what? waiting for us in ambush, where? that is, there are a lot of questions here, you raise, well, they don’t use these 31 american ones, so what, but the other thing is that everything is in war, well, in war, you show this frame of your program, but that means a fighter with zhivelin on a horse, and next to it is an old hummer with an equally old tow, well, i just told you, a pathetic absolutely western one. propaganda device, they say
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look how miserable they are on horses , let's throw in some more, finally , russia, well, there is only one goal, well, do you really believe that the ukrainians are fighting right now, of course not, of course not, they don't fight like that, like that so you yourself say, and there was already a serious enemy, well , a serious enemy, well, unfortunately, it turned out that way, there are many of them, we seem to be alone, this is a very serious enemy, so now it is. exercise, the largest nato exercise in 35 years, lasting 4 months, that is, is this not preparation for the third world war, preparation, here's the preparation, here's the further, further development of this situation, that's it, that's what awaits us.


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