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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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nuclear war, and if you don’t want to, then vote, then you have to, it’s a risky plan , that’s how it works, i mean, the scheme is like this in principle, but the question is, what if someone’s hand trembles , well, it happens, i hope that it doesn’t waver very much, because no matter how much i want to show the religious characteristics of all people together, how they correspond accordingly, well , some even have samsara, they will return a second time, religious characteristics - you immediately begin to mentally distribute to whom hell, who goes to heaven, these are our favorites. on earth we want, this is very important, this is exclusively for heaven, but we want on earth, we would really like it like this, therefore, accordingly, this aggravation is connected precisely with the electoral component, accordingly, they will have elections within year, so, as if taking into account the fact that the conservatives are far behind, it seems to be extremely important for them that they don’t come, but so far i don’t understand there to kill 20%, to be honest, that is, with the economic component, that is, it should be some kind of super mega.
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economic growth, something he doesn’t observe and forecasting, even if you bang, doesn’t work anymore, because , as it were, accordingly, if you crash too much, even if it’s difficult to bang so much there, that’s what concerns the uk, so it’s a different story, as for france, the activation of france , what is connected with it, i will now tell you that now in france this is actually happening, we all remember that a prime minister was elected there and we have probably all finished watching france, and i remind you that there are now mass protests there began, frontal, and this is the first challenge that counts to the prime minister, where they came from germany, in germany it’s not over, we just don’t believe in them anymore, come on...
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again why did the adg support the elections in this story accordingly in germany , everything else, they will have major elections this summer, accordingly they will have the largest state elections, this is considered a prelude, that is, a very important component, directly to the elections, which will be federal, and the ratings there are already very low, that is, the right are beginning to support these directions, these protests in order to win electorally in germany june, well , summer, i will say this, accordingly, this is the most important compelling thing, the whole point is why in france, the fact is that the new prime minister the minister also came for a reason, elections to the european parliament are now underway... they are losing to the front, well, the former front, it is now called a party or an assembly, it makes no difference, according to the right, actually lepin, who supported the french mass actions, and there it resembles the three largest trade unions, by the way, agricultural ones, came out in favor of pro actions, as if they were entering into negotiations on monday, they had negotiations with the prime minister, which ended in nothing, and people there are throwing out equipment as if from the military, from the roadsides, that’s why there there, france receives the bulk of subsidies from the european union budget for agriculture, it is the largest...
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agricultural producer in the european union, these are generally very soft staff, that’s accordingly, so from this point of view, why are protests there supported? in order to strengthen the position of the right, they were supported by representatives of lepen, by the way, of the right, that is, the right is beginning to strengthen its position in front of the medicinal cycle, while the prime minister is local, i won’t talk about orientation, everyone seems to have already learned new french, said that putin needs to be stopped in ukraine, if putin wins in ukraine, ukraine is 30% of agriculture.
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who had previously been sitting calmly, as if quietly, suddenly such very serious speeches begin, but why? yes, because they are trying to intercept stories from the right, the migration reform that came to france is an attempt to go against the grain of the right, the right is returning, against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation, against the backdrop of a difficult general situation in the world, just as cynically as possible, but that’s how the whole world works, why am i telling you how it works, dividing markets , they divide the electorate, and these are elections, elections, elections, internal elections, an important, most important fact, previously it was customary to somehow hide, cover up.
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to sacrifice a lot for the sake of security, by the way, applies to all countries, so with this point of view, as it were, is an electoral feature, it happens this way, it happens in connection with the internal changes that are now taking place, this is 4 years, and if trump comes, these 4 years, he will shake hands. with all the right -wingers in the european union, that’s why everyone is very worried, but why is it just that for the future, yes, this is important, but we somehow think strategically about when this will all end, if the twenty- fourth year is the worst year, because it will be 86 elections, god bless everyone they will be elected, we will breathe out, we will live, but this too is unlikely to work out; preparations for new elections will begin again, horror stories, scarecrows , in fact, as it were, the most radical part suggests. now there may be some easing in the middle east , because, as i understand it , they pushed the tanya a little, as if he proposed a two-month truce, as it were, but most likely, as if in parallel , his head of the general staff said that we will most likely have a war with lebanon, that’s how the market doesn’t understand what’s happening , so, accordingly, the most important thing is the arrival of trump - this is, of course, the chinese track, that is, this is an aggravation that will be there, and if, taking into account the fact that they have been coming for 4 years, this is for 4 years
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, this is still such a movement china will have 100% , so from this point these are the main risks that can happen, that i love china very much, but the chinese track is a chinese problem, firstly, now i remind you that trump’s concept is the following, he wants.. ... come to an agreement with everyone who is close to china in order to put pressure on china accordingly, this is the first concept, the second concept is that china is generally the main consumer of our energy resources , everything else, if china feels bad, then energy resources will also feel bad, as it were, and accordingly a third of russian income, and if you take funds from oil and gas income, and if we take funds more broadly from agriculture, it reaches 40-50%, that is, this is the main consumer of the resources of the russian federation, as if export earnings, so it is important to look at what is happening with what’s happening in china, that’s why everyone is looking at what’s happening at the primaries, and the primaries will be today, so
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it’s unlikely for us, but most likely, accordingly , the day will only begin there now, so by nightfall it will become clear what’s happening, but plus or minus the situation is clear now, that is, with a high degree of probability helly will not leave forty, with a high degree of probability, as if trump with a high degree of probability will be more than 55, this will mean that everything and most likely the southern queen will be through month or, accordingly , the last one is march 5, this is super tuesday, in general it will already be clear who will be the main candidates, that ’s why the situation, plus or minus, seems to be clear from this point of view, by the way, she is already softening her positions, apparently she is trying also try to compete for the vice president, by the way
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, continuing the war for killing people for the sake of us leadership, i don’t believe in this, i will stop the war, we will not supply weapons to ukraine, that’s what he says now, i’m quoting very close to the text, next, here i am in 24 hours, yes, that’s very interesting, in fact, how his rhetoric has changed,
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recently the border has become a topic for him, migration is becoming a major topic throughout the world, when the economic situation is difficult, when general chaos is growing accordingly, migration is a topic number one, always everywhere, this is always the internal agenda in all countries. by the way, the russian federation is asking why something is happening, so from this point of trump , accordingly, he will cling to this border with his teeth, no matter how he breaks away from it, accordingly, he will demand either hr2 , that is, the toughest bill, or nothing, that is, he will demand either the completion of the border wall, or nothing, because the completion of the wall by biden, who promised to stop building it, is simply a blow to the democrats, in fact, very serious, that is, he will push this topic to the end ; two democrats even proposed demolishing the statue of liberty, saying that this is as absurd for the united states as what he is proposing. deep war, confrontation between nuclear electorates, that is in fact, 93.80% of voters are now gathering for trump within him, that is, he has some kind of sectoral level of sect actually forming there, so from this point of view, trump, witnesses of donald trump, in fact, why because before he he walked as if like a person
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who is not a system, now he is walking with his players, he was supported accordingly, by the way, a senator from the same south carolina, he was supported by the only, by the way, governor who did not support him and who supported all nicky hayley, it’s like... they shoved me here, and they themselves, that i’m making noise for you, something urgent, urgent,
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personal, sklefosovsky today on rtr, tea, manenka, yes, yes, how you need to love a person to take and come to him , what a strong family is built on, a question for of course an interesting one on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should have a continuation, what a good conversation is built on, on trust, i’m so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr. we watch
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to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the app or on the website? i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think. there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not to play? yes, yes, that's it. two opinions. it can’t be, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i want really check, seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if. him and zhenya will add their own, something that many people use, the
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strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, i, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays at rt. for the anniversary of a great artist, collect a package for the children. blue, but it can be transmitted with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we love him, i have respect, attention, honor, certificates , i have a medal, i am a soviet person, odessa as we know it, farshmak, why is it necessary to have farshmak, i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have the conscience to say such things, think such things, film laureate golden eagle awards, kotsiteli kills all nikrobos, you don’t drink. i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it, odessa, on friday on rtr, russia,
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traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia before yours. territorial claims, including when asked about the legitimacy of the sale of alaska
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and russian assets , deputy press secretary of the us state deb potel saw in him, that is, the conversation reached a very high level, he said that america will not give up alaska, you will listen there now, there is one small inaccuracy in the date of sale , you can ignore it, the essence does not change, they are talking about 1980.
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it is impossible, is there a replacement, they write endlessly and continue to write about michelle obama, but it seems to be too late, tell me, joe is old version that will go away? hello, olga , there is a joke on fox news, people very often joke that if you don’t like old joe biden, we can offer you
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young biden, respectively hunter, but seriously, ah... of course now antor - a good option , suitable for quickly reaching an agreement with zelensky, exactly, exactly, yes, they have common topics for conversation, and given what was recently found in the white house, in the situation room, but seriously, otherwise, of course, this quite a problematic situation because primaries have already begun, and in the same nushera today there will be primaries even without joe biden, people there will write: with their hands, but most likely that they are electing the current president, and even the company is so active, and if now on such a wave, and indeed the discontent of many democrats, and the republicans are clear that they do not like joe biden, but if the democrats begin to be very indignant and
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demand the nomination of a new candidate, then it is unlikely that anything good will come of it, because like this now it will be very... very difficult to turn the electorate in any direction, everyone is already ready, everyone has already started the election campaign, and i think that this is still such a joke, probably on the part of donald trump, let us remember that one of joe biden’s main arguments is that it is he and no one else who can defeat donald trump, so if we break up this couple now, well, it will be, let’s say, illogical. but if you use this surprise effect and really bring michelle obama into the game, well, i think that this will be a very serious conflict within the democratic party itself, so in principle it is of course possible, but let’s just say it’s unlikely, meighan kelly, one of the leading commentators on the news
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nation television channel, said that it is possible, but she is skeptical about it applies, but i would rather support it. this is exactly the case, it is unlikely that this will happen. katya, if not the physical elimination of trump, are there legal mechanisms to stop him, is he winning today, for example, in new hampshire, from a legal point of view, what weights are there that can slow down his participation in the race? well look, i will rely on national polls that were recently conducted. according to them, if donald trump is nevertheless accused of the situation with the january 6 attack on the capitol, then there is a possibility that he will begin to concede to joe biden. other cases regarding the ex-president are not so, they are not as important, that is, i think that all this will be
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carried out through the us department of justice, the issue of these cases will be accelerated, everything will be. that we really have territorial friction with the united states in the area. let me remind you what their essence is, that when alaska was sold in 1867, we drew the border. between the then russian empire and the united states, through the center of the beling strait, through the chukchi sea, and then a line to the pole, as they said, lost into
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infinity. what are the dangerous pitfalls here? the first point, then there was the chukchi sea, the americans were not there yet, we did not allocate a separate east siberian sea. the americans did not recognize that fact and still do not recognize it it’s official that we’re at... the sea, we can decide for ourselves who to let in and who not to let in. the americans say: no, guys, we are a single chukchi sea, and we can go there whenever we want. second point, there are such, such as the de long archipelago, next to our new siberian islands. it was discovered by the americans. our baron tol squeezed them out of there, but the americans have not forgotten this; from time to time they always talk about the fact that the delong archipelago, the islands of henrietta, zhanneta
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and bennett are, in general, their historical archipelago and russia does not have any exclusive rights in these territorial waters. the next point is the bering sea, if you go down further south. we have disputed shelf zones there, starting in 1979 . when the question arose of where the border of the two continents between eurasia and north america lies. first we moved to the west, then the americans to the east, then in 1990 we signed the shevardnadze-baker agreement and then we gave most of the disputed zone to the americans because of the diplomacy of michal sergeevich. god bless, our duma did not ratify this agreement. the americans ratified it, so they think that we have. understanding the boundaries of shelf zones. how does this relate to the arctic? but it’s very simple: if we shift the shelf zone in the bering sea, it means
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that the possibility of moving the border through the bering strait is created, the shelf zone there also shifts, and once the zone in the bering sea shifts, the shelf zone in the bering strait, then the question arises about the line through the chukchi sea , extending to infinity towards the pole. the americans interpret this as meaning that they can move this line to our benefit through the chukchi sea. that is, in fact, behind all their cries about alaska lies their more serious claims against us rather than our mythical claims to alaska. and here we need to be very careful. moreover, the latter, i can’t even recall that we even had an armed conflict here exactly 100 years ago in 1924.
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graphic arts sciences of russia presents the main film events and film characters of 2023, achievements of luck, discoveries and shocks. everything that is worthy of a reward
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golden eagle award ceremony, live broadcast on friday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a nerd or an athlete. we took the gto norms for 30 - 34 years old, we can pull it up as a taster. i like to eat a lot always or lifesaver. but he
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is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, i bought your favorite candies, just don’t eat right away, let’s at least give a little this year we’ll hang it on the christmas tree, but... let’s take a chance, karl ilich, zap, the symphony was finished by tchk, with greetings shestakovich. seventh symphony. on saturday and sunday. on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most
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intelligent creatures. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. i refused, i refused my child. how can i find him? let's see. on the weekend 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, whether he is alive or not, two operations were performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and children you have experience volunteer work , you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, and what ’s difficult, you take it, change it, and we ’re strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, he doesn’t have
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children, now... i just returned to my homeland , my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why svetlana, on saturday on rtr , in november 1941, stalin ordered to break through the road to... and break the german crush that was strangling leningrad at any cost. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov, the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyana shliiselburg railway passed just several kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades leningrad, the first train of the mainland. residents
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of besieged leningrad. i remember that even such cards appeared, amazing ones, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win, like a father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was a tough person, ivan zubkov, the savior of leningrad, alexey’s film denisov, on saturday on rtr. so, moscow will again be covered by heavy snowfall, which will last almost a day, forecasts in the afternoon, a severe snowstorm, what this is fraught with, you can find out from the residents of st. petersburg, 15 planes that were supposed to land at pulkovo airport were forced to leave for alternate airfields, these passengers had to push the buses out of the snowdrifts with their own forces, that’s how the car literally frozen into ruts on both sides of the highway. in
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the suburbs of st. petersburg , special equipment rescued them from snow captivity, so take care of yourself for now. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, this is what we will tell you about. the targets were factories for the production of explosive missiles and a group high-precision strike was carried out on military installations of ukraine in kiev, kharkov, and sumy. the ssu again shelled peaceful areas of donetsk. shells exploded near the community center and there were wounded. new
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page. in the development of egypt's nuclear project. vladimir putin and abdel-fattah az sisi launched the construction of the fourth power unit of the nuclear power plant. polish president duda began to fear his own security, and fears the proteges of the new prime minister tusk. there's a scandal in warsaw. checkers on a slippery road in moscow on speeds under 200 km/h. the ministry of internal affairs is looking for reckless drivers who staged deadly races and posted them online. but at night. at these moments , vladimir putin is again visiting the grandiose russia exhibition at vdnkh, where the president will take part in the opening ceremony of the year of the family. well, right now the head of state is holding a meeting with participants and winners of all-russian family competitions. we talked
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about supporting families, one of the key areas of national policy. i understand, i am aware that there is still a lot to be done. do you know. probably , the state will be able to consider that it has done the maximum, when there will be no need for special programs, but simply the natural functioning of the economic organism, the social sphere will be such that no matter how many children there are in the family, everything will be comfortable, and such common things will be built conditions for the functioning of the country's economy and social sphere. that this would not raise any questions, the support measures that we are developing would automatically be included, but the truth is, you probably also use this, you know, we tried to do this
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, we picketed all support measures, and now from the moment of pregnancy of the mother, the expectant mother until the 18th birthday of the child, this means that we have these support programs working, starting... maternity capital for the second child 833,000 there for the second 600 with something, that means, but, but , but, now, if you paid attention, and for young people who are full-time students up to the age of 23, these programs will also continue, will continue to operate, that’s all, what would i like to say in at the beginning, i’m a great specialist to talk, but... i would like to listen to you and hear your assessments of what we do, how we do it, maybe suggestions on what should have been done additionally, or somehow corrected, to correct what is now proposed, just the day before vladimir
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putin signed a decree on measures of social support for large families, the document at the federal level indefinitely secures the single status of such a family, it should have more than one child, social support will be provided to... a new stage of construction of the country's first nuclear power plant, eldaa, has started in egypt. the large-scale project is being implemented by russia and construction began today. fourth power unit. presidents vladimir putin and abdel-fattah az-sis attended the ceremony via video link about the importance of the construction and russian-egyptian relations. report by alexander bilibov. the egyptian province of
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matrouh is the place where the waters of the mediterranean sea meet the sands of the sahara. this is where the country's first and most powerful nuclear power plant on the african continent is being built. the elda nuclear power plant is preparing to give to the arab republic. a new life and open new horizons for russian peaceful atom. even at the entrance to the nuclear power plant construction site, it becomes clear that something grandiose is being built here, dozens of cranes are rushing into the sky, hundreds of trucks and thousands of workers are working in several shifts around the clock. as alda is one gigantic construction site, perhaps the largest in egypt. the peculiarity is that work here is carried out simultaneously on the sites of four power units, this is, for example, the foundation pit of a power unit. number two pouring the first concrete took place here in november 2022. the agreement on the construction of a nuclear power plant between moscow and cairo was concluded at the highest level back in 2015, and the work on the construction of power units began almost 2
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years ago, there will be four of them in total with a total capacity of 4,800 mw. for comparison, at the only operating nuclear power plant on the continent, south african koberk, this figure is almost three times lower. today, at the nuclear power plant construction site, a new stage of construction was launched - pouring concrete into the base of the foundation. fourth power unit. in the presidents of russia and egypt took part in the ceremony via video link. the broadcast included the moment of how the leaders greet each other, it is clear without words that the relations of our states are not just friendly, fraternal. by virtue of the contract for the construction of the station, it was signed during my visit to egypt in december 2017. since then, we have been working together to implement the project on a constant basis... and in general, mr. sisi and i
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are in constant contact; last year we met during the second russia-africa summit. we discuss everything regularly the most significant issues on the international and regional agenda for our countries. in particular, we exchange views , coordinate positions in connection with the tragic development of the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict, and resolve issues of a humanitarian nature. i would like to turn to “my brother, president putin, i express my deep gratitude for your support of this project from december of the seventeenth year until today. thanks to your personal support, we are achieving great success. elda is a joint project of the state corporation rosatom and the egyptian ministry of electrification and renewable energy. about 16,000 russian and egyptian specialists are currently working together on the construction site. almost 100 local contractors are involved. we provide egyptian friends. assistance throughout the entire life cycle of a nuclear
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project, including obligations for the long-term supply of reactor fuel, nuclear power plant maintenance, and spent nuclear material management. we are doing everything to ensure that a fundamentally new industry develops in the egyptian economy. nuclear energy. russian-egyptian cooperation in nuclear energy is a striking example. already next year, from 2028,
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all four reactors will start operating one after another in six-month increments. in 2030, the el daba nuclear power plant will reach its design capacity and will provide 10% of the electricity consumed throughout the country. alexander bilibov, dmitry shcherbakov, oleg dubinin and kirill zotov. news, construction site of the el doba nuclear power plant, egypt. at these moments, the air raid alarm sounds for the third time that day throughout the entire territory. in ukraine at night, russian armed forces launched a powerful missile strike on military infrastructure. explosions occurred at the facilities of the armed forces of ukraine, in kiev, the kiev region, in sumy, shostka, on the territory of the impulse plant, where waste detonators are produced, in pavlograd at the mayskoye airfield, as well as in dnepropetrovsk and zhitomir. there's more. this is in kharkov. after a series of hits , light water supplies partially disappeared. the gas pipeline in the area was interrupted. a pillar of flame and glow from it can be seen for tens of kilometers. in kiev
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, a ukrainian anti-missile missile fell in a residential area, as local telegram channels write, the remnants of ukrainian air defense were brought to the capital for protection of weapons depots and military equipment, which are often located in industrial zones within the city. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision, long-range airborne ground-based weapons. at facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. in the special operation zone, our troops repelled six attacks by three mechanized bricades of the armed forces of ukraine near kupinsk, in the krasno-limansky direction, a unit of the center group , with the support of artillery, was able to advance to occupy new, more advantageous positions. near donetsk, battles took place near kurdyumovka, grigorovka and
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andreevka. the ssu lost a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, and over 280 military personnel, killed and wounded. these are video companies of our tankers in the marinka area in the dpr. te90 breakthrough withstood a direct hit from an anti-tank system. the crew successfully returned to their deployment point. and new schemes for the work of the lancets. special attention is paid to the mines of donbass and the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. more than
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200 inspections are planned at the nuclear power plant this year. the president said that the integration of new regions should be systemic, comprehensive in socio-economic terms. space of russia, how rostechnadzor builds its work there. as for the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, within the framework of the presidential decree of the government of the russian federation, we organized a regime of constant supervision there. rostechnadzor inspectors are there 24x7 with permanent residence on the station territory. after the terrorist attack at kokhovskaya gas , we worked with colleagues from the operating organization and drilled. 11 artasian wells around the spray pools, today the provision of water supply guarantees the normal operation of the stations. it is very important that the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is under control; it requires special attention. in the samara
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region and tatarstan, traffic on some highways is limited due to bad weather; muscovites are advised to use public transport until wednesday morning in the capital. a blizzard and strong winds are forecast. in st. petersburg, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. additional equipment was deployed to clean roads in the region, but cars, buses and trucks still get stuck in the snow porridge. vladivostok also survived the devastating hurricane. storm winds tore off the roof in the lobby of ranhix's seaside branch, damaging furniture and destroying the conservatory. and already for 24 hours at the mercy of the sakhalin cyclone, schoolchildren were sent to distance learning. almost. all flights at yuzhnosakhalinsk airport they postponed it until tomorrow, closed the ferry crossing, the power engineers are also working at increased speed, the weather on the island will calm down only tomorrow, around the middle of the day. the christmas parliamentary meetings began today in the federation council with performances by musical groups. before the ceremonial
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meeting, the brachin ensemble and the russian canon choir, both from the moscow state, sang in front of the senators.
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ukraine shelled donetsk again, the polish president began to fear his own security, checkers are driving along moscow roads, they risk other people's lives for the sake of likes on the internet. well, the details will be in a couple of minutes. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day , the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors and performers , world-famous stars, will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of the hero-liberators, a
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requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from fascist rule. blockade, live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr. laureate golden eagle award. there was talk at the plant that there was nothing to live on, wages were cut by a third, just so that panic would not arise. we live in a democracy. freedom, assembly, demonstration. what, these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge. and the instigators will be punished to the extreme, i have a daughter, a girl,
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i can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr, we watch movies and tv series , we watch opera, we watch ballet, watch, theater we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, we watch russia-culture on the platform. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve,
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former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what makes an impression, but russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday. on rtr for the anniversary of leonid ermolnik, mom, where is dad? he went to deliver, you know, he goes on his own, but i’m not tukul, raya, what do you understand about such things? what is it, dad, it’s already happened, everything has already happened, you can’t change it, you know what i think, we have to move on with our lives, the film is a winner of the golden eagle award. odessa on friday on rtr. we stand up for what we have, we believe
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in what is dear to us. we're talking about what it’s important to us that every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr, should i do it now? operation, this is a big risk, i’m ready to take the risk, and you the operation is already underway, i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today, and you guys are great from bragen, they stuck it in here for me, and you yourself are like crazy people with me behind your back, something urgent, urgent, personal, skalitnosovsky, today on rtr. we'll be watching new episodes soon. an urgent meeting with the best
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team. we will continue broadcasting the broadcast immediately let's go back to the first one. such a character, this ability to - to work, to work creatively in the broadest
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sense of the word, both in mines and in schools in music schools and so on, so this is the restoration of a historical connection, but they actually showed how elections and referendums , they never lost these connections, but still in... entering into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible, in any case, we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible, along with resolving issues security, of course. 2 hours ago, donetsk was again subjected to ukrainian attacks, at least two people were killed, militants opened fire in the kuybushevsky district, a kindergarten, a community center and a residential building were damaged. report from the spot by olga lukyanchenko. ukrainian militants hit the kuybyshevsky district of donetsk, hit civilian infrastructure, civilians, the palace
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of culture in the same kuybyshevsky district was damaged, but it was left without... glass with a cut facade, now the institution’s employees, volunteers, are trying to clean up the consequences of this terrorist attack, there is information about the wounded, this is one employee of the palace of culture, all the other details about the wounded are still being clarified, it is known that there are several of them, we spoke about the reception of citizens, just on the issue of communal heating , heat supply, electricity supply, during breaks, two people were injured. and a kindergarten in the kuibyshev district of donetsk was also under attack, it was also left without glazing with a cut facade, there, fortunately, of the employees who were on the scene, there were no injuries, the staff of the kindergarten the garden is still in a state of shock, there are no military facilities nearby, only peaceful infrastructure, residential buildings, churches, that
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is, the target is ukrainian militants, as usual you... this opinion was expressed today by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. the chamber's appeal to the un and parliaments of the world was discussed. the document was adopted in connection with attacks by ukrainian armed forces against civilians on russian territory. deputies observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the shelling of the market in donetsk, where 27 were killed human. the state duma calls to condemn the actions
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of the kiev regime and give a legal assessment of massive war crimes. responsibility for what happened lies with the bloody, nazi, kiev regime, zelensky personally, who gives orders to shell peaceful cities, 27 people died with the help of what weapons, nato ones, so we appeal to the parliament of france, germany, britain, and other countries so that they...
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they paid taxes regularly, while hypocritically promising not to send them to the front. and there is a scandal in neighboring poland, president duda suspects that a conspiracy is brewing around him, as the local press writes, doubts were raised by the actions of the closest security forces during the arrest of the former head of the ministry of internal affairs kaminsky and his deputy vonsik. the detention took place in the presidential palace, where the police were led by the officers. state security, when duda’s cart drove up to one entrance, took the detainees out through another door, now the head of state believes that the new government led by prime minister tusk may have its own people in the security service. by according to these journalists, upon learning about what had happened, the leader of the republic was at first shocked, and then flew into a rage and accused the head of security of treason. after which
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he decided to transfer the protection of the first person to the military gendarmerie, but this was not done... issues are being discussed today in moscow, the participants of the organizing committee our victory are in the spotlight and preparations for the annual historical-patriotic event, dictation victory. almost 2 million people in forty-six countries took part in the dictation. i note that this is a very good indicator, it 12 times higher than in 2019, when we just started this campaign. there will only be interest in dictation. grow, therefore, in order to maintain a high bar, it is necessary to start preparing for the dictation now, without postponing it until the spring, i will add that this time we could
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expand its topic a little, providing separate questions about the events of the russian spring about the heroes of a special military operation, the capital police are checking a video of dangerous racing in... in the center of moscow, please, stop, please, blogger gadzhiev and his friends they staged extreme races at speeds of up to 200 km/h on slippery city streets, on summer tires they played checkers and cut off other cars, all these are teasing comments, even after coming to the attention of the traffic police crew. hello, that's it, commander, we apologize, this won't happen.
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traffic, including those endangering the lives and health of other road users, by employees . in the event of a gross violation of the requirements of the rules of the moscow state traffic inspectorate , an inspection is carried out, based on the results of the actions of citizens an appropriate legal assessment will be given. the next adoption of administrative measures . this video with gross violations of traffic rules on the blogger’s channel is not the only one. dangerous drifts are practiced regularly by reckless drivers, and now they will have to explain their antics to the police. after the tragic death of the cat twix, who was mistakenly thrown off a train in kirov, russian railways began a major reform. the topic of transporting pets was discussed today at a round table in the state duma.
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and the news continues to follow developments events, so stay with us.


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