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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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and moral values ​​were discussed today within the walls of the federation council, where his holiness patriarch of moscow of all russia, kirill, came. the migration problem in europe is due to the fact that upon arrival, migrants met an environment that was very weakened and disoriented from a spiritual point of view. why did this happen? because europeans ceased to be aware of their christian roots and even began to feel ashamed of them. they bashfully avoid mentioning christ.
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do not admit that the blooming garden, in quotation marks, of course, of europe, will soon acquire completely different forms of outline that have little in common with what we are used to admiring. however, i repeat, when discussing this, we must not gloat, but openly pose uncomfortable questions to our society, to ourselves, especially since we also have certain alarming tendencies. if they tell us: why is the whole world one way, and you another? no, not the whole world, the war has not yet been lost, it is very important that our country, based on a centuries-old spiritual and cultural tradition, which has formed its own code of moral values, is capable including, in a sense, leading this resistance, an incredible word, i’ll say now, resistance to the antichrist coming into the world. global evil, because what is
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antichrist? we, of course, personify and say that this is a personality, yes, this is a personality, but a personality cannot arise on its own, we are talking about the victory of evil, about a confusion of values, when people do not have the ability to distinguish between good and evil, then the antichrist will come, whom they will believe, so the fight for morality, the fight for ability...
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those who have read it should rethink everything. what we see instead is that the current generation of american policymakers have not learned a single lesson from the unacceptable policies that the united states began to promote after the collapse of the soviet union. we will be ready to listen to everyone who is sincerely interested in justice. including the establishment of justice in relations between russia and ukraine, which would include, of course, an end to the western policy of using ukraine as a tool war against russia. president putin has said more than once that once someone says that russia is against negotiations, this is not true. anthony said this at davos a few days ago. blinkin, that's not true. russia
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has emphasized all this time that we will be ready to discuss any serious proposal, discuss the situation on earth, the origins of this situation and achieve a solution that would guarantee the legitimate national interests of russia and the ukrainian people. vitalitovich, well, i’ll start with where you started, more precisely, with two events. i remember a couple of weeks ago, dmitry peskov criticized. russian swamp rover , which is not very well made, some nuts need to be tightened, here the deer is better, as it is sung in the famous song, i think it is offering to take us into the tundra, i think, i
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think this song will start playing now on all russian channels, you will see, it is endless, yes, especially since it is really very similar in melody.
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it would be advisable to put them on a list, but well, it has degenerated in this democracy, so i won’t touch democracy, although - partly i i’ll tell you about this, and most importantly , so that a tragedy does not happen, so that boris does not get fewer votes than the number of members of his family, i remember that in some indian state there was such a tragedy, a man was crying, no, no, no, he has a large family, we know, but he still has two in georgia, two of these somewhere, that is, there is a chance to recruit. well, this is not the first time that the patriarch , including, has spoken about this, but since russia is, after all
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, a specific country, well, in fact, the whole society is inclined to this, but until the authorities say so, often a man will not cross himself, even in this ... and well, we will all wait, and we will see it, one awkward movement, and you are a father, yes, in particular this, but you need to provide an algorithm for these awkward movements, incentives corresponding to nature, the mother provided it all, so nature provided , but you know, they say
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it’s like riding a bicycle, but we are going against nature, against the nature of the patriarch, listen to him, but he wasn’t talking about us, we are doing well in this regard, not about you personally. no, no, he wasn’t talking about russia, he was talking about the rotten west. xmos is definitely not ours. now me wait, wait. so far we have tendencies in many ways, so i said, wow, what did you say, you are the holy patriarchs. he also said that some trends are already breaking through in our country. on my show, someone mentions it there. now. in general about the situation in the world , because traditionally we are already discussing, on the one hand it seems to us that something has happened, is happening, something that has never happened, which is generally wrong, because periodically humanity falls into this, i in
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this case i will start from one phrase of the great shakespeare, but this was said by the earl of gloucester in king leary, well, it’s clear that in this case this is actually shakespeare’s idea, this is our... the age of the blind is led by madmen in the 16th century, it was written, but it cannot be applied to our time, to ours, to the west. civilization, absolutely, there is a lot of evidence there, and here we return to the question, in my opinion, well, it makes no sense to constantly discuss what is happening in one side and what is happening in the other, especially since we have discussed this many times, but therefore did not specifically invite today dmitry drobnitsky, so as not to pour out on you, yes, i heard even you yesterday we remembered, specifically so that it would be convenient for you, but i’m not against america, i’m not against the americanist, i’m against living according to america’s political schedule, that’s it.
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its civilization, well, describe it to me, if it is orthodox, then the question arises, what about other faiths that are present in our country? the second question, but many consider themselves non-believers, but we will deal with them later, we urgently need a state ideology, which is that it is a secular religion, so they are non-believers. no, secular religion, ideology secular religion is not suitable for them, if they are non-believers,
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ideologies are suitable, well, if they are not believers, they are punished, they don’t believe in anything, neither in secular religion, not secular , they just don’t believe, people everyone believes in something, only for some it may be focused on a certain deity, on god, and for others on some other things, here is ideology, ideology - this is and is a secular religion, no, of course. naturally, i stand on the shoulders of giants, therefore, as one person said about himself, here there are giants standing on my shoulders, i haven’t seen them, that’s why you don’t see them because they are so healthy, you can’t see big faces face to face, you can see them from a distance, i understand that there is freedom of thought. not in fashion now, why? lightness in extraordinary thoughts
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, let us agree, but the truth is never heavy, on the contrary, well, you see, again we disagree again, the truth nails to the ground, it’s scary, especially its consciousness, so, i have an answer to the question, but this is mine personal answer, in what political or economic political formation we currently live, and not only, again, mercenary armies, these private military companies, and so on, there
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is a state of power, which in the western world reigns simply according to a purely feudal principle, but what is its peculiarity, i understand correctly that you are interpreting it very freely the concept of feudalism, i generally think freely, because no, this is not the freedom of the thinker, this is about something else, that is, if we are talking about specific concepts, then the very concept of the feudal lord. this will already be thrown into the category of suzhiren in relation to the earth to the earth, yes, that is, we are going there and to land, too, but besides land, there are other values ​​here for... as if from the usual capitalism that we have entered, it ’s not just us, all of humanity, quickly we must move on to the slaveholding stage, the retrograde movement of jupiter, zeus, then there is
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this one, you forgot, you don’t believe in god, even if. a lot, no , just a second, firstly, i haven’t forgotten anything, secondly, it’s ancient mythology, i like it more than many others, and why are you using terms that are long outdated, b has nothing to do with the description of modern reality, well, this is in your opinion, yes, this is in our opinion, and what is outdated, everything that is simple, well, the whole grid, the whole grid that you proposed, the whole grid that offers.
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generally about something else, which means it became clear how many guns you can produce, how many tanks you can produce, and this is not a digital economy, everything has just slammed into reality , it’s not the number that flies with you, but the 155 or 152 caliber, and this has not gone away, and the digital economy was just about something else, it was separated from geography, from reality, a departure in general that numbers generate numbers, the economy goes there , and it all collapsed, now this is all...
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why am i saying this, to the fact that, willy-nilly , we must come to this very state ideology, that is, this does not mean that it should be as it is mandatory, sealed in an envelope, inserted into the constitution, but it must be unifying, but the public consciousness associated with the military conflict
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is not enough, because the military conflict will end tomorrow, the ideology must remain. it must continue for some more time, for this one, in particular, it includes the goal, why did i ask the question, what do we have now? because when there was a state ideology, what is it even about? here was the russian empire, what was the state ideology of the russian empire in the 17th century, 16th, russia is the world, excuse me, this is not a state ideology, because ideology implies complex things.
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excuse me, abrahamic religions somehow do not become obsolete, they still attract a large number of fans, but islam is outdated or islam has become modernized or no? firstly, i’m not an atheist, but an unbeliever , these are different things, and secondly, if you ’re referring to the patriarch of moscow kirill, what he said, well, you’re just forcing me to say it, i and he told me: “you know that you don’t know, vitalitoevich , you are more orthodox than many believers , you see how bad it is, vitalitoevich, that you hide your orthodoxy, therefore, therefore, it means to reproach me with the fact that to reproach me with the fact that
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i have something to do with the patriarch will say it’s impossible, so you explain to me, we’re not talking to me now we discuss how people want to know about us subconsciously, consciously, they don’t quite understand what we have now, that is, this worries them, that’s the second and most important thing, and what will happen... after and what will happen after i’m pragmatic for you example mentioned mortgage here is a mortgage in the current conditions of rapidly developing including digitalization for 30 years this is wrong this is for this by the way one of the examples is absolutely true absolutely true and already moving into ownership do you think that the mortgage appeared then or you suddenly they took out a loan, i think that -
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firstly, ideology has nothing to do with faith at all, that’s because where faith begins, it ends
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and i can’t miss it, well , ideology, because faith requires neither criticism nor evidence, by the way, here i will note to you in the margins, you yourself said that i am a non-believer, but for some reason you think that someone should believe in some kind of secular nonsense about how things work? where did you read this, vitalich, who proved this, i ask where you got this from, where did you get the idea that ideology is one thing, faith is another, these are two different essences,
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two different essences, equal, different, equal, and the attitude of a person to the world, to the universe, that he could not, how you don’t like it when you are interrupted and you don’t let kulyakov say honestly. i say again, once again, i say again, any, any - construction of such knowledge, yes or pseudo-knowledge, in comparison
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with the bible and faith is.
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with this piece, it’s 125 g, i drank five glasses of water, a bag of 4 km per lesson under shells, under bombings , i’ll bend down like this, they froze, i, my mother, were at a performance at the muscomedia theater, they won, you heard the metronome, so, so, so, so,
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that means i live. the blockade lives on the mountain, day 901, sunday on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is volcanoes, ice, stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them are among
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klechev group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here the natural life of the peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. kamchatka. tea manenka, how much do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, he must have a continuation, what is he built on good conversation based on trust,
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i’m so contradictory, wisdom kicked in and ... he transferred everything to the children’s business and almost ended up on the street with a debt of 300 million. leave the apartment, i say, where will i be, i’m not interested, you’re here nobody. the sculptor is sure that the children want to bring him to death in court, and the young wife assumes that in this way the husband’s children are taking revenge on her, a betrayal worth 300 million malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. dmitry, here. now
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about feudalism, this is actually interesting, we play with words, but one word, another, what it makes a difference what content is occupied, but what difference does it make, which i mean personally. well, i think that people who lived in the middle ages would be very surprised that they live under feudalism, and that they live in the middle ages, as well as the romans, that they are generally terrorized by the terribly slave system, so we often do not distinguish that this is just a construction, in this case, well, so to speak, invented by mr. marx, so he believed that this , so to speak, is a scientific research, that’s what concerns historical mathematics, that’s really of course.
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trade unionism, you know, i’ll say this , i was shocked when i arrived at the kgu, i went to the fourth floor, i walked along the departments, and there the name of the departments , the department of history of the ussr, the period of feudalism,
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you walk 20 m, the department of history of the ussr of the period of capitalism, but the cherry is on cake, there was a third, this is the same department, the department of history of the ussr, the period of socialism, phew. well , it’s all just like that, i’m not joking, i ’m saying it correctly, yes, of course, that’s about it, yes that’s about all of it - after all, by the day that, in fact, war is on the verge of this war absolutely don’t give a damn about how we think about ourselves , what we think about ourselves about a mortgage , there’s a big war on the doorstep and it’s scary, yes, yes, that’s for sure, yes , for sure, we don’t need structures that will introduce us. in an even greater error than us, you raise a soldier into battle and tell him: you and i are going to fight for digital neo-feudalism, against it, or against it, or ask him, this is where you
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are now, he will say, i’m in avdeevka, in what historical formation, i'm in avdeevka, give me shells, bk, yes, there is, great, let's go take it, yes, i’ll end the scientific debate here, after all.
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immediately to this, just like the day after 110 years, i don’t have an answer to
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the question, but i reacted in your program , it happened that hamas launched this , look, i’m looking at our attack today, well, for what reasons, well, who gave the orders, who took them? decision and yet it happened, which means that as soon as it came out a little that the political leadership of hamas didn’t know anything in spirit about what this meant, it would happen, so somehow the topic just... died down, it knew, but didn’t i knew, let's we won’t discuss, in general, mind you, no one asks the question of how this arose , how it happened, why wow, well, such a decision was made, all this happened, and no one cares how, why, because of what, who pressed on the button, no one cares, it ’s the same thing with the houthis, what will happen next, i spoke about...
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the scream at the highest levels that they are preparing for war, in fact it was announced in germany for sure, well, i won’t take the baltic states anymore, yes, a pre-war situation has been declared in germany, germany’s main task is preparation to the war with russia, the only thing they disagree on is that it will happen in 2 years, not right away, there are different, i say, whoever says, from two to yes. in principle, they seem to be confused about this, but otherwise everything
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is touching unity, well, i ’m generally silent about the baltic states, yes, because what is happening in the baltic states, you need to clearly understand that this is, in its entirety, a tremendous provocation against us, this whole story with the expulsions is just the beginning, that’s it, but what can happen is drowning the scenario, that the russian-speaking population riots and russia intervenes. pogroms can happen, there are russians, there is already a very serious tradition, in this sense the baltic states of the king ferdinand will do just fine, i say this now very seriously, by the way, let’s ask ourselves questions, it ’s good alexander viktorovich is here, he probably has his point of view, then sash, you will say about this.
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will do now, but america robbed
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germany, and why can’t germany rob 4 million russians on suspicion that this the fifth column that lives there, i am discussing this absolutely seriously, we once robbed several million jews, and now they have robbed us, yes volodya, it was then that you said about several million jews, but now they are discussing it in their own right , how they will manage russia’s money, because the thieves remained as they were, they first stole private property. people they don’t like without trial, investigation through sanctions, and now people they don’t like, the state, thieves, yes, they, in this sense, they took away, so to speak, by passport, yes, now they will take away your ethnic origin and language, they will hit you in the face like in that terrible joke, yes, which sometimes sounded in our childhood, and i am discussing this absolutely, absolutely seriously, because look, that’s why i’m speaking seriously , a nuclear strike instantly puts the fallen brains in the correct position.
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think about it now, while we still have a fairly small margin of time, or unite, that’s how i assess this situation, well, yes, besides, look, of course, at the plans, this is very important, lastly, i’m finishing, so we saw in the last 3 days the publication of several plans with maps, how the russians will move here, move there, this is how it will all be, as far as i understand. not in any plan, nor in understanding in europe that the nato war with russia , what are you talking about, the first thing they have to do in one plan, is, no, a real assessment of whether it will be nuclear, without any transition, they don’t want that, wait , i don’t care what they want, i want them to hear, they must
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understand, we are breeding these cirlik-maniz, without any transition, for without any transition, and the first objects will be. european objects, the first objects , because this leaves a gap, we now say seriously, yes, like pistorius, like schultz, we say, so i tell them just as seriously, cynically, because the blow to europe leaves a gap, free space , until the decision of mutual destruction between us and the united states, in this gap they are located along with all their green electricity and...
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i will build an iron dome over the country, a modern missile defense system created in the usa. you know, we do it for israel, we will do it for us. ronald reagan proposes to do this. i think he called it star wars, star wars. problem. was that there was no technology , it was a great idea, but today we have incredible technology, i saw soldiers with extremely high iq, even if not physically strong, but psychologically strong, who launch rockets and very calmly approach the table ding-ding , and see that they are flying at 2,500 mph, they're as cold
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as a cucumber, ding, ding, ding, rocket launch , rocket launch, ding, boom, if you pick 10. nicky helly will be laid out, as they say, there next, he's already lost to nickyheli, well, in one district, yes, yes, where there were six voters, all six voters were democrats, yes, of course, four voted for this one , if they don’t imprison him, oh, oh, or kill him,
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well, this is this option, here i was condemned for it, what am i, you, you said that. hard hint 47 dollars and a hole how to understand it from a bullet, yes, well, i think he costs more, well, okay, the fact is that this is , of course, the president who can bring the united states, and there is anyone there now, so he will be elected if biden reaches the end, i mean before the election campaign, do you have any concerns about how to approach the certification process again on january 6th? i think everyone
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is right to be vigilant in demanding that we maintain our democracy. and we defend its fundamentals, which include the integrity of a free and fair electoral system. what did you say? a wonderful president, because here is the president of presidents. therefore, it doesn’t matter who, it doesn’t matter who, but we are approaching the point where, so to speak, the control system is now falling apart, the mechanism is still working, but this mechanism may break down, it may no longer work, and if trump really comes to them, then really , it is quite possible that the country will collapse into, well, it seems to me that it will be divided into three parts, but they say that it is possible, maybe for everything, let’s say, i don’t know, they will decide that the national guard is possible... use not only on the border, but everything , in short, this can lead to very serious problems, and of a different kind, i’m sorry, i have a question: how
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will an honorary resident of the state of alabama, alabama be free? alabama, that is, then you had an honorary citizen there, george wallis, yes, the american independent party, well, i’m really an honorary resident of the state, a guy signed this document for me, which was later removed for corruption. in fact, no, in fact, we are now in this, in this war, that is the war that has been going on since 1914,
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maybe even earlier we can talk about it, we are going through the same stage as in the fifties, that’s what you’re talking about, when all the time we are teetering on the brink, yes, we are teetering on the brink of nuclear war, europe is preparing, europe is preparing, but i am now looking at the rhetoric that has been flowing since the end of autumn last year in the united states, there before, if you remember, there was a flow. we will stand for ukraine as long as it takes, this thesis from this stream has turned into a trickle in america, in europe on the contrary, it has become a stream. now every european leader says that we will stand as long as it takes, we will give as much as is needed, but we don’t have this, we don’t need it, yes, we don’t need to ask where you guys will get it from, well, that’s what they now, after all, the foreign ministers have decided, the foreign ministers have decided to continue this there.
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“i think the point is that, again , i say that judging by the way the same haines and the same salevan spoke in congress when they tried to convince the congressmen, this is the idea that we are there we will continue to stand, it has receded a little into the background, europe is coming to the fore, and moreover, when we now say nato will fight, but what is actively participating in the political discourse is that
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the fact that we are leaving, if russia, what if you decide to go further, use nuclear weapons , these are conventional conventional weapons, if you want, let’s fight, even if you use tactical nuclear weapons, that is, we won’t interfere on the battlefield, but if you hammer at brussels there, here then we can do it well, andrey, an important question: what if they screw it up?
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to launch this machine, that the germans, the germans know how to produce weapons, they knew how, well, i think they can, remember how they launched them after the first world war, after the second world war they last produced weapons, well, like when they produced them in in the sixties and seventies they produced verbatim, well, that was 60 years ago, so what now, too, well, the dynasties are gone,
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the machine tool base is gone, well, listen, mercedes is...
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as our minister of foreign affairs said, here these two words, they are very important: superiority impunity, if earlier the west seemed rational, conscious to us, and we were just opposing it, there was this dichotomy, east-west, yes, that the east is something irrational, the west is 100% rational, then today we are seeing the growth of this very irrationality in the west, when there is a growth of irrationality in the west, what dmitry also spoke about is in a period... when very big changes are coming , mainly of a military nature, this has always been the case throughout history and especially this it is clear when irrational thinking reaches the point that people can resume themselves as god, the almighty, that they can do anything, this impunity, it is shocking and terrifying, because there are no boundaries, boundaries are erased, the boundaries of what is permissible, what is possible,
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and what is not allowed is precisely why it is terrible, yes. but the risk of escalation is very, very high, and most of humanity, an adequate part of humanity, understands what this will lead to, but... flickering conflict, it is here, then there, then, that means, at one point in the world this escalation, explosion occurs, then it happens in another part of the world, and there is no end in sight, but at the same time, what does this
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give us? this gives some hope that due to this flickering conflict , the huge, big conflict in the form of the third world war there, no matter what it is called, the fourth, and so on, will be leveled out. what? risk, the biggest risk is the increasing number of these funnels, yes, escalation funnels that drag everyone, uh, into themselves. well, probably the brightest escalation funnel right now, of course, is happening in the middle east, and, uh, what we need to pay attention to first of all is that if we listen to everything that both the leaders and the countries of the middle east region say, then we will hear from almost everyone, both leaders and ministers. the fact that they appeal to russia, that russia can help, that russia can create some kind of new security system, that is, there is hope associated with us, this is what has fundamentally changed, in this case we are perceived as such a salvation
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from the point of view regional system security and the international security system, these hopes are very important, so that we always, especially recently , take a responsible approach to creating... a polycentric world, which we actually did using the example of the middle eastern system, we were once able to put turkey and iran in one place the negotiating table even seemed impossible, but today this is the reality
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in which we exist, others had to join this process, everything was leading to this, it infuriated the americans that russia could form a new inclusive system security in the region, don’t break down, don’t build , bang, that means in this... that now at the un , turkish foreign minister hakan fedan, before carrying out anything there, meets with the russian side, discusses the middle east settlement, settlement in general in the global political
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process, against the backdrop of all the ideas of turkey.


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