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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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what was there? what happened? was nastya ivanova shot? yes, my case is in progress. contract murder of anastasia ivanova. you are my main witness to the crime. masha, are you absolutely sure that he didn’t want to kill you? probably if he wanted to bang. do you know who it was? who? yesterday there was a discharge, i saw how they pushed him into the closet. “hello,
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prosecutor’s office, fillonov, yes, i’m in the case of yesterday’s detainee, ask sokolov, and you can have victor on sokolov’s phone, but he, vitya, will talk to you, do you remember yesterday they pushed a guy into the department in front of me? yes, thank you, it’s definitely him, all the documents are in the allocation of the cars in which you were detained, and why did they let him go? sokolov said, there was a call from the headquarters, yes, understood, go to the car, it won’t be long, so what?
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here are the documents for him, so kharitonov is temporarily not working, who from the main office called, who from the main office called, and i know something, someone from the management, someone calls all the time, what they said, they said to limit themselves to warnings, understood. here is a foreign-made black pistol colors, let's go, this is the first time i've had something so exotic, they're shooting down a homeless woman with a pistol, the interception didn't give anything, thank you, my homeless guy in the attic turned out to be not criminal, such a trivial wound on the nose. yeah, how's your
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dead one? did you find out? did you find out what you lived on? i was selling myself, but then of course it’s understandable, then it’s understandable. hi, hi, great! by the way, remember this black man, the rapist, he said that he could not recognize any of the victims, because all the whites looked the same to him, for now, well, thank god. i found the victim's friend,
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i already called you, checked one of the numbers found during the inspection, do you know whose number you are? the city prosecutor, take it higher, leonid konstantinovich khrutsky, a crunch or something, yeah, a well-known leader of an organized criminal community. no, volodenka, a famous philanthropist and friend of the administration. so our girl worked for crunch, right? here i am, i need a request for a printout from his mobile phone. yeah, now why... what the hell, our victim led such a pleasant lifestyle, so we need to call the crunch as a witness, no, but if you succeed, you will be the first investigator to whom the crunch will testify, wave, you are on the phone in the office, uh-huh, yes, hello, this is konyukhova,
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an operative called me to see you. yes, i'm waiting for you. i won't come, i 'm afraid to leave the house. are you being threatened? what are you afraid of? if you need it, come to me yourself. okay, me. i’ll be with you in half an hour, call three times, one long, two short, so serious, yes, okay, maryana viktorovna, i’m an investigator, so i simply don’t have the right to talk to you without a protocol, i i know what kind of income your friend lived on, i assume that you earn money in the same way, read the moral to me, why, you are an adult and you can... as you want, thank you, and also die, poor larisa,
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that’s what i’m like the end awaits, tell me, are you frightened by larisa’s death, or is there something else here, lord, what a mi... significance, but what does all this matter, what do you understand about it, well, okay, i think a conversation in such a tone is pointless , can i call, please, be kind to valeon konstantinovich khrutsk, senior investigator. yes i i'll wait. leonid konstantinovich, i need to meet with you. tomorrow is convenient. at 3:00 in front of the naval cathedral. okay, thank you, goodbye. actually, you'd better talk to me first, before i meet your acquaintance. i will say. i'll tell you
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if you keep me safe. i will speak only on these terms. maryana viktorovna, how can i ensure your safety. i don't even know what you 're afraid of. certainly. you better examine the body, my phone number, you know, i’m in the office until late, goodbye. what’s going on, where am i, niki , fuck these boxes, why are you clearing out the second week immediately, where are you disappearing all
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day, you’re gone in the morning, gone in the afternoon, you’re spending a lot of time on yourself, you’re not feeling well, maternity leave please, necessary. go to the pre-trial detention center and bring charges against the rapist, viktor ivanovich, that’s what filonov works for, i, the district prosecutor, am here, while i, filonov, was summoned to the city prosecutor’s office, i want the charges to be brought today, but i have a witness , i i can’t call, reschedule, but i can’t, he doesn’t have a phone, leave a note, zoya will help you, but we’re not here. we're meeting, where are you meeting him? what is this, walking around during working hours? marya sergeevna, here’s the thing, prepare the charge sheet, the arrest warrant, i’m here.
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damn, stop. good afternoon, today i came to have lunch an hour earlier because of this matter, the schedule was disrupted, but did you have time to have lunch? i’ve been unsuccessful for three days already, then i need to carry sandwiches with me, i’m on duty today, otherwise i would defend i didn’t take up any rugs. by the way, i have two school-age daughters, each. it’s scary to meet people because of people like this zuiko , i actually don’t like rapists either, in principle, even with murderers you can come to an agreement , i don’t want to establish contact with these, even in the interests of the investigation, yeah, zuiko is yours,
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yeah, thanks to him you'll probably need a translator, are you a lawyer? very nice, well , let's start, last name, middle name, zuiko, vasily vasilyevich. nationality of citizenship is ukrainian, russia, russia, you have the right to know in what are you accused of, look at the resolution charging you as a defendant, and are you an investigator, or what? no , i didn’t negotiate why
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you came in uniform, but we agreed on something, but i ’m not in prison to look at women in uniform, and i don’t work as investigators to negotiate with accused, what should i wear, well, i won’t talk to you, fine, i’ll write it down and go about my business. and i’ll write a complaint against you, about what, that you pestered me, it’s not funny, in short, dear, next time you come in a beautiful dress, well made up, then we’ll talk, but for now i ’ll wear a bikini, then you’ll take a couple more episodes of yourself, maybe, then maybe i’ll take 10 , police, take me
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from here, well, they’ve already worked, i didn’t let him go, for your initiative, i’ll deprive you of lunch, asshole, you don’t have the right, according to the universal declaration of human rights, the universal declaration of human rights, you can’t rape women, women are not people, take him away from here, don't feed the launches, but let's go, lawyer, and you why are you silent, are some human rights being violated? there's a person here, and you're a racist too? yes, like you, i’m afraid to let my daughters out into the street, i meet them every evening, let someone else protect you, you bastard, arkady arkadyevich, and sign the protocol, don’t worry, he won’t be able to do it without me anyway, now i’m in his i'll put the camera in and bring a lawyer to you. yes, i was joking about lunch. i see, but you had lunch yourself,
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maybe pour some tea? no, thanks. madam investigator, i was wrong, well, let's go to my office, come in, sit down, i’ll tell you everything now, and you yourself will understand whether you need to protect me. will you take off your glasses? yes, don’t open it, maryana
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viktorovna, calm down, you’re in the prosecutor’s office, what will happen to you? marya sergeevna, give me the form for the examination, we need to prescribe biology for the black man. would you rather be busy killing a homeless woman? hello. “no, i can’t talk here, i beg you, come to me, please, why
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are you so tense, relax, do you want me to give you a massage, i haven’t done it on the spine, where, i’ll help, i’m a fool, i’ve been fighting this for a long time. to save you or get up , not to mention just going to operate , you are performing an operation on me, i turn a blind eye to everything, it’s coming, skleposovsky, for...
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change, you know what i think, we have to move on with our lives, award-winning film golden eagle odessa, on friday on rtr. vadem tserkovnikov, sculptor, restorer, who gave a second life to the legendary monument to the working collective farmer, apartments, dachas, land and business, he transferred everything to the children and almost ended up on the street with a debt of 300 million. leave apartments, i say, where will i be? i'm not interested, you're nobody here. the sculptor is sure that the children want to bring him to death in court, and the young wife assumes that in this way the husband’s children are taking revenge on her, a betrayal worth 300 million. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr, excuse me, i
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’ll change clothes, of course, you understand? “larysa and i were friends for many years , i don’t remember how many. and where did you meet? in a mental hospital. we both lay there after committing suicide. previously, all former suicides were put in a mental hospital and put on the register. larisa thundered because abandoned her beloved person. and you, and i got poisoned because my boss harassed me, dragged me into a separate office and raped me. of course, i was kicked out of work. larisa was also left without money, were you lucky, you met khrutsky? what were we supposed to do? leonid konstantinovich did not twist our arms, he treated us like god. yes, i am aware that he is a famous philanthropist. it is in vain that you complain. where could we go after the psychiatric hospital? and what? the clients were
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decent people, they came to our home, there was no panel. look, no, no, i'm listening, shortly before larisa’s death, she had one client, whom she saw once, then she called me and said that i would live with her, and even wanted to consult with a psychiatrist. why? what happened? she told me that a man came to her, whom she obviously saw for the first time in her life, but his hand was very familiar, his hand was disfigured, so what? i also said that there aren’t many people with a mutilated hand. but she insisted that people are completely different, and the scars on her arm are the same, uh-huh, then he called me she said that she has some very important secret in her hands, if she manages to sell this secret, we can start a completely different life, then they kill her, how long before her death was the conversation? well, in a couple of days, and that
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you somehow connect a person with the scar of murder, of course, who else needs to kill her, and why should he kill her? don't know. okay, what are you afraid of? but i didn't say. after larisa’s death, i began to look for a photograph in order to take a photo of the tombstone, this is what i found. you see, the brush is damaged. do you know the man? no unfortunately, no. no, i've never seen him. all i can say is that there are several of these photographs.
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they won’t kill you, that man came with you, you have bodyguards, you’re not afraid, here i am, maryana viktor, maybe you’ve already had enough, what are you talking about, this is a medicine, a sedative, i couldn’t live without it with you i would like to talk calmly, i’ll take some medicine at night, only then will i sleep, i sincerely advise you not to drink tablets with alcohol, but i know, but cognac alone doesn’t help. interrogated, the bunny refused to cooperate with me talk, i didn’t expect this, this has never happened to you before, you’re a master of psychological
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contact, but i’m not in the mood to establish psychological contact with the rapist, sit down, sit down, what’s going on with you, what’s wrong, i don’t recognize you lately , i understand, of course, your thoughts are now occupied with something completely different, but still, you are still an employee of the prosecutor’s office, well...
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help fillon. victor ivanovich, mashenka, it’s very good that you are here. they called from a cartridge case bullet, from a pistol found by the rogue kharitonov, they killed your prostitute. the second syringe is in his pocket, procurona, head of the rvd, responsible from the management. why are you sitting here in the office? who will do the detective work? well, you know my concept: the wanted person must come himself. do you know about kunekhova in a coma in intensive care? what happened? well,
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alcohol intoxication, overdose of potent drugs? she washed down the sleeping pills with cognac. did yalekta treat you herself? don't know. i told you not to drink alcohol with pills, minus one witness. well, tomorrow you are meeting with leonid konstantinovich khrutsky, plus a witness. you’re leaving, you’ll help me meet you, but how can i leave you? by the way, about the suit, think about it, where did it come from? well, ask your friend, how does albina dress? hey, man, it looks like he’s ready, an interception
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has been announced against him, i’ll go and report that the car has been detained and call an ambulance too. "hello, wake up, marya sergeevna, they found a villain, what kind of villain who almost killed you, where? i came to the traffic police post myself, are you kidding me or what? no, i really arrived, dead, but still warm, when it’s night, get ready, let's go to the morgue, you are our main witness.
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let’s solve another murder, i won’t go in the same car with him, he’s hysterical, he’s a fool, oh, just don’t cry, i won’t go with you either, so what am i doing on foot?
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i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office, so, well, i got up, let’s go, this morning the head of the department for solving premeditated murders called me and told me information received from the bullet library, which means that a murder was committed in novgorod from a pistol found in kharitonov’s car, who was killed ? last year a businessman was killed there, such a high-profile case, a lot was written about it, remember, by the name of polikov, he was engaged in loan sharking, but there was a shot in the head, then a medical tank. viktor ivanovich, everything is working out great, i refuse to initiate a criminal case over kharitonov’s corpse due to the lack
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of corpus delicti, it’s purely before... masha stops her prostitute, i’m killing ivanova and also carrying a weapon, that’s it, and let the guys sort it out there, but what about the corpse of chariton? i'm telling you, overdose. viktor ivanovich, what is he talking about? you choose the expression. mary serge, nikolai petrovich, and you too. viktor ivanovich, this is a very strange kharitonov who died temporarily. by the way, i found bruises on his shoulders, so i personally wonder who put him behind the wheel in such a state. nikolai petrovich, at a minimum we must establish who last saw him and where? you can’t close the case, why, they found a gun in his car, there are two wet ones on it, everything fits, not everything has been worked out on the cases, conduct a search at his house,
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work through your connections, with us. from novgorod i need to go to novgorod, i’m going, of course , prepare a separate order for the police, i ’ll coordinate everything with the chief ruft, volodya, vinokurov will go, an order for a pistol, not only, for kharitonov’s personality, volodya, for novgorod connections, yes, that’s it, that’s it , that’s it, yeah, well, it’s clear, it’s clear, you can go, well, if everything is clear, then you can, you like, oh, marya sergeevna, a shiny suit. well done, well, i said that it suits you, i think we can stop there, but no, i’m not going to seduce him, well, let’s do it then let's try on a velvet suit, which one, i think, is the best mini for you, come on, okay, oh, marya sergeevna, wow.
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not too provocative, i don’t understand who you are going to fool, why bother right away, i need to interrogate witnesses, okay, if you don’t want to, don’t tell me, but you can tell me specifically what you need , specifically, i need it to be strictly, elegantly, so that it looks very expensive, but not like couture, you understand, listen, i have a suit for you, i only wore it twice times when... but the judge had a favorable impression on the car, i usually wore diamonds with this suit, but where did the investigators get the diamonds? well, probably, probably, that’s where the suit came from, listen, i also saw a short dress and an evening trouser
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suit there, let’s go try it on. oh, well, let's go try it on.
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maria sergeevna, and you, lenid konstantinovich? do you need a passport? not yet, very promising.
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ask! well, maybe we can drink coffee somewhere, thank you, i don’t like coffee, and in general the smell of gasoline makes me feel bad, you know, marya sergeevna, this car has never smelled of gasoline, in any case, no one has complained yet, let’s take a walk, after all, the lady’s word is in favor...
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honestly, marya sergeevna, i would never come here and wouldn’t even bother with talking to you on the phone if i hadn’t heard a lot of good things about you. yes, i wonder where it comes from , you and i don’t... “you put it very delicately, yes, i knew her, and i would have given a lot to catch the killer if i weren’t sure that our goals coincided, i i wouldn’t call you,
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i wonder how i can help you, this is larisa, and you know the man, he’s sitting with his back turned, his hand is ugly, a special feature, but i don’t know him, i can only say that it was filmed not here, but where? perhaps in novgorod, i recently discussed a murder in novgorod, polikov, you knew him, you knew him, he was an amazing nit. knowledgeable people tried not to have anything to do with him, maryaevna , of course, we are also not a child protection society, but there are some limits, leonid konstantinovich, i can ask you to come to the prosecutor’s office, why, our conversation without
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a protocol means nothing, okay, but nothing didn’t say that, they said, so come to me at the prosecutor’s office, this is blackmail, but no, but if you sign the protocol, i will tell you... information that is of no interest to you, tell me now, i can’t, i need to check, so come, okay, i’ll think about it, all the best, see you, i’ll give you a ride, i’m on foot, as you know,
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zonka, is the boss at home? listen, i’ll work on his computer, okay, i’m a complete mess in my office, i just took out my phone, of course, just don’t tell anyone that i’m here and don’t let them in, okay? well, of course, of course, go work, i won’t let anyone in to see you. national academy. cinematic arts and sciences of russia presents the main film events and film characters of 2023, achievements of luck, discoveries and shocks. everything that is worthy of
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an award, the golden eagle award ceremony, live broadcast on friday on rtr. in november 1941, he showed that at any cost he could break through the road to the east and break the german crush that was strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov, the man who built the road to victory. first the polyana shliselburg railway line ran just a few kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades, leningrad, the first train from the big one.
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ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad, film by alexei denisov, on saturday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. there was talk at the plant that there was nothing to live on, and wages had been cut by a third. if only there would be no panic. we live in a democracy. freedom, assembly, demonstrations. what's this? these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime. give them free rein arrest and judge. and the instigators to the extreme. punishment, i have a daughter, a girl
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, i can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr, masha, someone came to you, they didn’t introduce themselves, zoya asked you not to tell anyone where they won’t let you work, masha, but maybe the person really needs it. i didn’t call anyone to my place today, let him come tomorrow, don’t distract him, and masha, there’s such a guy standing there with such a huge bouquet of flowers, maybe you ’ll take the flowers first, and then decide if you need whether he is for you or not, maria sergeevna, yes, this is from whom, they asked me
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to tell you. good afternoon, konstantinovich, please, shveytsova marya sergeevna is bothering you. i’m listening, hello, good afternoon, thank you for the flowers , i’m glad you liked them, do you want to see how they look in my office, i think i would, i’ll be there in 15 minutes,
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“i’m sorry for coming early, we decided to testify, but sympathy for you, i wouldn’t have come here if it weren’t for you, i guessed right, you love lilies, i love where to sign, right
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here. “here and here, never before testified at the prosecutor's office, you wanted to tell me something, marya sergeevna, i wanted to say that before the death of larisa krotova there was a client with exactly the same scar as the man in the photograph, and what is the connection between this man and the murder? larisa claimed that although the scar was familiar to her, she had never seen this person before. “ there is a scar, but there is no person, like the smile of the chishirsky cat, a scar, like the man she met several years ago in novgorod, but this is completely another person, you know, a scar
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the same, but the people are different, marya sergeevna, how can i help you, i need to know who her last clients were. goodbye, marya sergeevna, goodbye, marya sergeevna, i’m in the car, maybe i can take you somewhere, to the child’s dacha, no problem, come down, i ’ll wait for you downstairs.
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good evening, hello, thank you, not bad. my god, it was for him that you showed off so much. masha, i’m coming to you. i’m not indifferent, you can’t miss such a chance, don’t be stupid, you’re crazy , but such men don’t lie on the road,
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you need to take them by the throat, make love with them to the fullest, what men, what love, that he came on business like that, oh, listen, but i saw how he circled around you, just gallant, well, a bandit, so what , well, it happens, well, well, i have a job, you know, i have a job, like that, i’m 25 again, but what kind of job can there be, listen, i told you a million times, the main thing is personal life, who am i talking to, i’m just throwing pearls in front of pigs, yes, it’s true, it’s true, you realized that the main thing is your personal life, maybe an envelope for you, it's clear.
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i’m late, fedya, hi, listen, you ’re not going to the prosecutor’s office, please come to me, i’ll give you business cards from larisa krotova’s latest clients, we need to identify the people. ok , bye.
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marya sergeevna shouldn’t trust him so much, goodbye, i don’t know, it seems to me that he wants to help us, okay, volodko will come and we’ll sort it out, yes, yes for, thank you, hello, viktor ivanovich, welcome, it’s like a business trip, thank you, everything is fine, i brought 5 kilograms, yes, well, the food doesn’t matter, well, tell me, i’m here... i brought material, a review certificate from the novgorod search, a copy of the bullet examination, a certificate of
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kharitonov’s connections, yeah, more than satisfied, i can go, yes of course. so, wow, what is this? greetings from khrutssky, right? yes. when an unknown criminal killed the moneylender polikov, his guards were sitting nearby in the car. and why were they allowed to shoot him? but they gave valuable testimony about the appearance of the criminal and the circumstances of the crime. here is a copy of the interrogation of one. from the guards, that yes, yes, chrytons,
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here is a copy of the examination report on the corpse, yes, there was no corpse there, only one jaw remained, look how interesting, several teeth are missing, the ridges are overgrown, the rest of the teeth have caries, that’s right, the deceased, he was a wealthy man, he took care of his health. i stole this in novgorod, several years ago there was an attempt on polikov’s life, 2 years before his death, they shot, you’ll laugh, his aunt, a shuttlewoman, borrowed money and didn’t pay it back, he threw him out of the apartment, she went downhill, drank, was a tramp began, then my brother returned from the army, ambushed polikov on the street, attacked him with a knife, well here in the detectives ran up and twisted the guy, but he managed to get his hand. cut, and that the scar remained, and the guy, and the guy, i think, is buried
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somewhere? to be in the forest near novgorod, but napolek’s case was opened for the attack, this is blood from the scene of the incident, and this is blood from the scene of the murder. anatoly sergeevich, i would like to come to you today in 2 hours, is it convenient for you? yes, absolutely, come to my office, they will meet you. uh-huh, goodbye.
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“then you suspect me of murdering this woman, so we’ll see, we have a resolution to obtain your fingerprints fingers, you're crazy, really, this can be done in the isolation ward when you're being processed into a cell, yeah, but i told you everything, i told you that i was the last one to see her, which means you were the last one after all, okay , in the end, one’s own skin is more valuable, yes, i was there with a friend, i sat for a while, left, and the friend stayed, what kind of friend is this, well, he ’s a rich, influential man, i wouldn’t want to
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get him involved, i’ll have to. hello, what do we have there, well, organize it, work on it somehow, that’s it, bye, come on. it is possible, yes, it is necessary, come in, sit down, we’d better sit here, we have such a delicate conversation ahead of us, here’s marya sergeevna, what are you and i
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doing? we paid bribes. well, why are you being ironic, what kind of manner of talking is this, they will ask you, answer, they will ask, answer, it would be better to finish the last murder here, i’m actually working, and you are delaying the investigation, what do you understand, delving into something that doesn’t matter? attitude towards the murder, masha, mashenka, you know, the city girl is furious, they gave me instructions to prepare a draft order on punishment for red tape is an extended murder, you know, murder? vykrotovy , yes, what red tape, the case is completely fresh, you are our fault, but uh-huh, you are acting voluntarily with us, we have a statement against you, from whom, please, please, please, inquire, but from konekhov he is writing nowhere - she writes to the city police, she and an operative came to her house, extorted
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testimony, drank cognac, this... after the hospital she wrote, after the hospital, viktor ivanoch, well, this is nonsense, i know, we also have a statement, lord, and this is from whom, from this , as his zuikov, well, what is this guy writing, i can imagine, i asked him to deprive him of lunch, no, here he writes that investigator shvetsova came to me in the detention center in a uniform with a bikini under it and seduced me, yes, i was uniform without a bikini, i read further, investigator shveytsova cynically showed me her charms, although in her position she stopped dressing in a more decent way, but you really dress too boldly, marya sergeevna, i saw you in a short skirt, 7 cm above the knee, what centimeters, i saw you in such a suit, i see you in such a society, an investigator from the prosecutor’s office has no right to wear such a suit, you understand that you are provoking me to find out your income, you are
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a husbandless woman. ask filonov what income he uses to buy cars, if necessary, i’ll ask, viktor ivanovich, what nonsense, write an explanation about the complaints. ah... what should i write? write that i don’t have a bikini? write how you feel about your actions. viktor ivanovich, marya sergeevna, me, mashenka, me i understand that you are a very good investigator, but you cannot stop in time. how about on time? this is so that you don’t break the law, so that there are no troubles for you or others, of course, you need to be wider, wider,
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wow, what happened, the boss ran into you, are you crying or what? never mind, let's go.
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thank you, what can you do? not today, tomorrow volodya will take the case away from me, and he is to blame for this, how will they take it away? who will they give it to? probably fillonov. just a second, senior investigator
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shveytsova. here is the seizure order. you you have the right to be present during the seizure and must attest that the seizure process is correctly recorded in the protocol. this is hair cut from the edges. according to the results of a study of the biomaterial, they belong to a man whom they tried to kill 3 years ago in novgorod. that is, polykoln, and this is a blood sample from a man who was shot in his car a year ago, in novgrod? yes, that is, it is blood. cannot belong to a person whom they tried to kill 3 years ago, which means once again, last year in novgorod he was not killed polikov, no, once again, the hair of the cut edge belongs to polyakov, yes, and
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polikov’s security guard in novgorod was the man who shot nastya ivanova, the man who testified about his murder, kharitono, you did a good job, who asked you to go there? “i forbid you to engage in this matter, on the table, it won’t be slow for me, now, no, i won’t give it to you.”
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evgeny kirillovich, this is shveytsova, the case of krotova’s murder is being taken away from me, viktor ivanovich gave orders, i don’t know, i’m not allowed any red tape, on the contrary, that’s all done on time and there is already a result. thank you, sorry to bother you, goodbye.
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well, what else do you want from me? i called, you didn’t answer, i was worried, worried, she, i should have been worried before. why are you doing this, maryana viktorovna? excuse me. for god's sake, forgive me, i didn't want to complain about you, i was forced to complain, forgive me!
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mash, give it to the mole, why? kovin ordered the case to be urgently sent to the city. kirillovich, this is shvetsova, they’re taking away my murder case, didn’t you promise to call? evgeny kirillovich, what's wrong with you?
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mash, mash, well, what happened, are you crying or something, well, tell me, mash, what happened, you can be happy, i ’ll take the case. why should i be happy? hello, investigator shveytsova, can i talk to vladimir petrovich kraev? when will it be? then ask him to call the prosecutor's office. then pass it on. that i want
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to talk to him about alexander ivanovich, vladimir petrovich, to talk. in principle, everything is clear to me, but why did you come here? i wanted to ask a question, who instead were you killed in novgorod? and that’s it, they found a rootless bean and dressed it up a little with caramel.
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another question is why would you keep a pathological idiot on your guard who is unable to get rid of a wet gun? a good , green gun, however, the idiot stuck two doses into one hole, and what else interests you in this life, except my biography, your biography - this is not my whole life, yes, what else can you say, i will also say that i know why you started all this, but danger threatened. a great way to start a new life and become a different person. in a famous moneylender disappears in novgorod. successful plastic surgery, businessman kraev appears in st. petersburg. unfortunately, my money wasn’t enough to buy my past, but maybe it’s enough to buy tonight, aren’t you worried about my pregnancy? yes, it's normal, even piquant. as i understand it, you and larisa
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had a close relationship, she saw your hand perfectly well. yes. but you had the imprudence to use her services again, here in st. petersburg. yes, i didn't remember her. “she didn’t remember you either, but she recognized the noise, but right away blathered about it, women are fools, and nastya ivanova , as i understand it, also tried to blackmail you, the fewer people know, the better, no, i won’t kill you, oh, thank you, there’s no point in killing you - then, you think, i won’t prove your guilt, oh, yes, who will let you prove it, my hands are short, i’m actually a procedurally free figure, this is on paper. has your business been taken away already? there is a city prosecutor, i can get the case cancelled, removed from the case. who is supervising the investigation in your city prosecutor's office? evgeny kirilovich nesterenko. a what? dial his office phone number.
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hello, zheka, yes. it’s me, but how did you recover after the sauna, well, let’s write a bullet today , okay, bye, come on, it’s strange, they praised you, but i would even say that you are stupid, everything is difficult for you to understand, you were already warned, they wrote complaints about you, everything is incomprehensible, oh, understand, there are people like...
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yes, well, calm down, brat, there is no such court that will condemn me, don’t pull your paws anymore, otherwise it will hurt the cub, i realized that you’re silent, firstly, we’re not friends,
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secondly, i’m a fatalist, so what, but the verdict it will happen anyway, you threaten me, i warn you. can i talk to konstantinovich lyanin? is this shvetsov? hello, leonida konstantinovich.
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late yesterday evening , a regional entrepreneur, a well-known physician who helped run a preschool institution, suddenly died. the civil funeral service will take place in the preobrazhensky cathedral. moscow time is 16:40, we continue to listen to music now on our radio wave, a composition by the writing group tequila jazz.
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped work? we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. why are you so tense, relax, if you want , i’ll give you a massage, i’ve never done one on the spine, well, let’s go where, i’ll help, i’m a fool, well , i realized that a long time ago, she didn’t have the right of the rescuers to get up, not to mention to just go and operate. you are performing an operation on me, i close my eyes to everything, okay? skleposovsky, tomorrow on rtr. 80 years ago
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unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors and performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of the liberating heroes. requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr.
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i will never forgive you for not letting me go home, i know that everyone is to blame, well, what can you do, well, i mean, he’s an artist, hey, fedya, they’ve come to see you, get down already. hello, i’m investigator avdeev, and you are definitely an investigator, are you sure you wanted to see me? listen, this is very important and courageous, it’s not me who can be accused of murder, but he, it’s me, excuse me, but you don’t know what his name is, andreech, fedorich, so you admit that you killed gnedov? i’m not okay , but i still can’t hear what he’s saying
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, come up to us, it’s literally just for one minute, fyodor, get off, it’s cold, fyodor andreevich, i don’t understand what’s going on bay, did you kill him or not? that’s nice, otherwise he’s already all blue, yeah, stay here , he’s frozen, it wasn’t me who killed, or rather i, the lancer defedi knew that the bay deperakuzi had me, i didn’t do it on purpose, but if you’re my friend, then why the hell with my students , you were chasing the exam, we were preparing to eat the last pymna together, if the fabric is vintage, you didn’t listen, you ’re a sellout! baby and daddy benefits funds you want bribes damn damn damn damn
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what is this? the scandal lasted only 7-10 seconds, and i killed my best friend to death. peter andreevich, let’s put it in prose, your poems make my nostrils tingle. petrovich, why did you kill, but not you? because i was screaming, and i had hyperacusis. what is this thing? intolerance to sharp and loud sounds. yes, gnedov in ordinary life was irritable, scary, here in general. let's not rap, please. oh, sorry. when he started having ringing in his ears and dizziness, he even went to the doctor, and what was discovered, a concussion or a head injury? inflammation of the middle ear and, as a consequence, hyperacusis, he warned me that if next to him scream loudly, then he could have a stroke and instant death, and you didn’t believe it, but i forgot, and out of resentment for my abandoned
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students, i gave up on this, andreevich, i asked without rapping, forgive me, when i broke through... i i saw that he, he was a corpse, and i ran away, i was afraid that they would put me in prison for murder, well, in the situation, he killed me with a scream, it’s unlikely, but what difference does it make, he would have been my only friend, i was blown away, such is my life what the hell, why are you trying to rush onto the bridge so that they can stop you quickly, there are always a lot of police motorists there, so that people know that rapper fedya is passing away, beautifully and proudly, but the yank decided not to jump. “i’m overweight, cold, and succumbed to persuasion, thank you for not spoiling the suicide statistics for us, don’t leave the city anywhere, and i didn’t plan to, the other day i have a re-battle in the student club, by the way, take a ticket so as not to get confused, and in order not
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to confuse my prints with innocent ones, what should the guy show to the psychiatrist?
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yes, mikhalna, i’m listening, hello, but i have news for you, hello, what, you know, it disappeared from the table at the bay, i have no idea, shoe last with an autograph , well, what’s his name, lavantine, yes, well, probably, here you go, who told you this, volgin’s wife yesterday, i’m owed, mikhailovna, read, owed, that’s it, come on. yes, i am listening, and fyodor andreevich, i am listening to you attentively,
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good morning, andrei petrovich, greetings, good morning, i am very glad that i met you. tell me, how is gnedov’s case going there? we’re working, yeah, because of this murder, our colleagues from ubep lost an important project at a textile university, are they digging for their funds? it means you already know the work, yes, how our colleagues told me that funds for foreign internships are allocated by private sponsors and cultural support funds, well , in the expectation that students will live in comfortable dormitories and learn craftsmanship at large shoe and textile enterprises? yeah, but they live in bedbugs and eat scraps, well, almost like that, that is , they rent some cheap hostels with their own money, work for these local artisans, well , of course they pay for the ticket, and the sponsors’ money is spent by the management of the institute, but here are the best creative works of students they spin around at festivals without their permission and receive prizes for the university, he and i see the rector after the murder of gnyado so lamented about
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the sponsors, i just don’t understand one thing, why are the students silent, how is this understandable? but they are afraid for their diploma, but how could gnedov’s murder interfere with our colleagues from ob? that’s the point, gnedov was their informant, well, he was sick. he understands that we will track any of his calls, so we contacted him by email, sent a letter to the address of the criminal chronicle, how can we be sure that this
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it was he, because anyone could have sent the letter, he attached the proof, sit down, here is the letter itself. here's the proof: lord, have you tried to track down where the letter was sent from? no use, he used anonymous servers, clearly. “she looks sick, and send me a picture on your phone , please, yes, of course, say yes,
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thank you, by the way, i found out where ivanov got exactly this ransom amount, how this amount is made up of two figures. that’s how many ivanovs owed two banks, with this money he bought fertilizer and carried out reclamation of a plot of land not far from the landfill. here, this area. so he acquired this plot a year and a half ago, actually carried out reclamation work, submitted the soil approval in the fall, it
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’s already interesting that he acquired the plot with the status of agricultural land, and on december 15 last year the deal was declared invalid, the land plot was given the status of land of specially protected territories , these are absolutely miracles. in january of this year, the site became the property of the landfill along with several other adjacent ones. wait, it turns out that ivanov lost the plot and still owes everyone. he was simply abandoned. thank you that the police station didn’t torture me, i’m sick, i’m cold, i want to go to bed. fyodor andreevich, how did you end up in this department in the first place? i mean, how did i end up in this sanatorium ward of a mental hospital instead of a violent one?
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student, when i was on the bridge, i was so confused that the main thing was out of my head , what exactly, well, when i ran out of the institute, i almost knocked the jackdaw volgina off her feet, and she was going to the institute, i saw volgin in the corridor, he i was waiting for the test, that is, you got into gnedov early, well, of course, well ... they began to walk so demonstratively around the institute by the hand, well, he’s the kind of person, if he doesn’t fall in love, then forever, and if he does, then he
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beat these c-grade students, especially , when they give everything away, and you know your students well, which of them had a golden chatelaine? and this is a mystery, well, chatelaine is generally in trend, the jackdaw had it.
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andrey, please take me there, it ’s not far, just a couple of blocks, no question, hello, ilya, i’ll be right there, let’s go, vasya, let’s go, let’s hurry.
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“rem, can you imagine, the old guy from the fifth ward, he was pestering the sisters again, he smells like alcohol, rom, are you completely crazy, everything is fine with me, what about alcohol, it’s something with your sense of smell, you need apples they smell like smoked meat, then i smell alcohol, at 50 i ’ll come in, only later, to work, wait, roma, come here, i said, enlarge the dressing table, do you see the pipes at home ? i see, what can they do about this? let’s do it!
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thank you, good luck , but you won’t, or something, i don’t want to interrupt your appetite, but you eat, so where did i stop, on the cake, but exactly, so here you go turns out, what is this?
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bastard, it turns out that i’m afraid that they will also try to kill volgin, so that we will think that the performer was removed, uh-huh, so that we don’t have to include these students, along with the baby, in the witness protection program. you didn't want to whet your appetite, did you?
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why do you smell like oranges in the hallway? and i'm testing the orange principle. hold it, now you will help. so what to do? no, that means swing at the head from the front, but to hit the back of the head. wait, turn it over. so a little to the side, from this, come on. listen, well, something’s not working out, no, if you will you feed me lunch every time after you pull me onto the bridge to a suicidal man
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, then i agree, i don’t have the right salary to throw away lunches over trifles, yeah, that means you still need something from me, definitely fresh, clean ones brain.
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deputy accountant of the student support fund and right hand of rector ilyin. do you get it? continue, continue, comrade major, i have your full attention. as it turned out, ilyin and bubnova have long been under obep’s surveillance. bubnova is not in kaluga now, she is on a business trip in italy. and he leads negotiations about the next internship for students. according to. the same obbepo officers, ilyin and bubnova call each other 10 times a day, what are they talking about, well , there is no official permission to wiretap, so they record the very fact of the calls, but there is also maksimova, daughter bob
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novy and fiancee gnedov. as far as i remember, she is also not in the colony now, yes, she is in the village with her grandmother, but she is already returning, and as soon as she returns. well, judging by the location, his mobile phone is located somewhere on the kaluga highway, not far from moscow. and what about his profession? and why at my daughter's?
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be a weasel, who killed knedo, and petrovich , you confused me with morozova, so carry out an examination, do an autopsy and here are the candy, here are the stars with him, this is for the frost, okay, forget it, never mind, it’s me out of despair, information a lot, i just... drowned, i thought that while i was explaining it all to you here, i would at least understand something, as one of my friends says, if you don’t understand anything anymore, give up everything and go to paris, if you don’t want to try, i thought you were my friend, and i’m your
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friend, my greatest friend, here’s mine friendly advice, wait for the results of all examinations. particles of pressed leather, presumably from the gloves of the attacker, bring us a lot of interesting things, don’t torment us, borisych, so, naerite , also known as chloroprene rubber, is absorbed into them, which is part of the italian glue that is used in shoe production, and in this there will be a whole faculty of shoemakers , but there is one thing in our glue...
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the glue spoils the fur, andryusha, most likely it is used extremely rarely, in doses, well, for example, to strengthen pockets or something eliminating cracks, holes of all sorts, yeah, that means you need to look for a shoemaker, excuse me, but can i put in my 3 cents, yes, of course, thank you, shoemakers, great masters of using hammers, mm. “i have one in
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mind, petrovich, the seventh floor doesn’t work, that’s not how you treat friends, no but, here, who are you?” bubnov, bubnov, madest alekseevich, come on, please, close the door.
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madest alekseev, please take off your jacket, why, what the hell is going on here, it won’t take much time, take off your jacket, yes please. well, there’s nothing, well, that’s not all, uh-huh, uh-huh, the second one, uh-huh, oops.
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let's see, blood, well, that's what needed to be proven, citizen bubnov, you were detained on suspicion. so i accidentally cut my hand, and i picked up my daughter’s chain in the apartment, we can wait for the results of the dna tests, but you will have to wait in the temporary detention center. well, i guess. is there any point in looking for something else? understood, come
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here, please look at the diagram, the distance between the shooting point is one pipe about 1 km, the distance between the pipes is about two, pipe one is a boiler room pipe, the second pipe is clearly factory pipe, how many factory pipes do we have in the area? 27, i launched a match search. according to the map, oh, in the kaluga region there are only three points in which the boiler house pipe is located at a distance of one to 2 km from the factory pipe, in total at these three points there are 15 houses here, 20-25 houses here and the same number here, there are 60-70 houses, but this is already something, we immediately send a group for reconnaissance, go ahead, eat, it will take few hours. this is a long time, but can we find out
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the names of the owners of these seventy houses? of course you can, and print it out, please. well, now, there’s nothing in the bathroom in the rooms, it’s empty, we’re looking for just a minute.
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not you, you can clearly see why you didn’t bother to hide the murder weapon properly, well, it was washed very well, apparently with soap, but the wood absorbs the blood almost immediately, more blood, well, i didn’t want to. it happened by accident, go on, we were inugalized, two tails in school, she doesn’t blow, she freaked out, went to spend the night when and disappeared, what did you do? with her friends in the hospital,
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she barely runs from home, to the wheel, or to her friend sveta in moscow. or to the village , usually she at least picked up the phone, now maybe she’s offended, what if something worse happens, i call svetka in moscow, she doesn’t pick up the phone either, obviously inga is with her, i went, well, inga, the girl is already an adult, an adult, for parties , and i’ve been dragging her since she was 3 years old, paying for her studies, i told her, and she told me, you’re... not my father, so i decided to go to the institute first, go to kalina , hello, anatoly vadimovich, listen, forgive me, but inga, madasta
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alekseevich, what happened? inga disappeared, we quarreled with her because of her studies, she has a phone, no access zone, she did not come to you to brag. i have no idea, but you should ask her fiancé, he probably knows, the groom, what other groom, like the bay, or you don’t know, this is our teacher on the history of costume, they say they are having a wedding soon, but what about so, you told me, but on the other hand, well... what's special about that? well, people went to the tax office, submitted an application, well, gnedov, however, is generally older than ingi, and he’s already bald, but how they say, you can’t see it under the wig, bald, in a wig, god, why are you so worried, where is he? at his department,
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he is taking exams, now he will see me. where is my daughter? excuse me, i'm bubnov, where did you put my girl? bubnov? yeah, i have no idea. not bubnov, inga maksimov. ah, ingu, that means you are her father. it’s very nice, i’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time. they told me that you had already managed to take her to the zag. yes, we have submitted an application. well... i don’t know where inga is now, we don’t live together yet, that wasn’t enough yet, but this where did you get it from, i gave this chatelaine to her for her birthday, inga broke the lock and asked me to fix it, and what a miracle, you put a wig on a lytin and you are seducing young children
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, what are you talking about, she is an adult, but i will rot you in prison, you bastard, you bastard sewing room, firstly, don’t you dare yell at me, and secondly, after what i heard about you, you ’re also indifferent here, you know? “i myself didn’t realize what was going on, everything was in a fog , i ran out into the street, got on the first bus i came across, got to moscow, while i was driving, i came to my senses a little, madest alekseevich, what about you the block wasn’t destroyed, first he put it in his pocket, and already on the bus he looked at lavantin’s own autograph, but didn’t raise his hand.” he decided to wash it, but the blood can’t be washed off the tree,
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yeah, like the last name of ivanov’s partner, who stole it from him wife and... we understand, vase, i understand you, i’m with you, yes, great lavantin, well, on an expensive last
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, the same nairit with an armatic additive was found on the gloves, on the skin of mr. bubnov, blood, blood, the fourth rhesus negative group, well, which was what needed to be proved, by the way, but gnedova also... in early childhood i had an untreated cranial problem, hence hypertension, irritability, and hyperacusis. andrey petrovich, please put it on, uh-huh, like that, let me hold it, take the block by the platform and hit this head, uh-huh. let's try, hit it straight, come on, bolder
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, yes, yes, well, here is the picture of the crime, with indescribable delight, i am forced to state that this case was solved only thanks to an expert. further on foot. how's the situation? everything is quiet,
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no movement is recorded, he is definitely there. now we'll find out. well, let's see. there's no one in the house, what's this? this is a stove or fireplace on the second floor, it’s still warm, which means they were here quite recently, we’re working, guys. yes, blood pressure, respiratory function, judging
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by the symptoms, atrial fibrillation, yes, i’ll be there now, damn it, i have to run, it’s a pity to throw away the coffee, i just poured it, i didn’t drink it, maybe you will, okay, so be it, i’ll help out, thank you, i enter the house, it’s clean, the stairs are clean, the room is clean, she was here, not at all.
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yes, yes, i understand, ivanov got in touch, again email, he demands that the exchange take place in an hour, where does he want? we won’t have time to make the exchange right at the ministry of internal affairs site, we have to make it in time.
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what time is it there? 5 minutes left. do you think he will show up? why did he choose this particular place? i can't help but feel like a cheap show. where is this from? what to do? smile and pose? i see that quite a lot of people have gathered here, which means that
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bags of money will be secured to the drone. we are trying to determine where the drone is being controlled from, it is not yet clear, there is an open field, let's chufre, look, look, hello, andrey, it's me, hey, you, look, look, can you hear me? i don’t know what hole you’re hiding in, i’m morozov, i’m the doctor who won’t kidnap anyone, i’m not going to participate in your games, take part in this comedy, i’m not going to, i’m offering you a fair exchange, your daughter , in exchange for mine, right now, come on, idiot, take him away,
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come on, well, do you hear me? i don’t believe that he can harm my girl, after all, he is a doctor. i believe that in
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our country there is a law of justice, they are difficult to reach, otherwise i would not have had to do what i did. here i stand. on the ground, but show me, show me the land on which it stands, this is my land, i bought it, i put work, sweat, money into it, but someone there wanted to expand the landfill, and he took the land from me, not according to the law, but simply because he wanted to. he took the law, twisted a noose out of it, like a rope, tightened it around my neck, i tried to scream, but i couldn’t, i tried to get the truth, but i didn’t know where
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to look for it, and i realized the only way to they paid attention to you, it was to do something that would make everyone shudder, i didn’t want to hurt anyone . i was just trying to be heard, as if it was my fault that he only hears us , criminals, where is my daughter, the police will stand there and shoot, well, that’s all. mother!
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hands behind your head, step back, on your knees, on your feet! i bought your favorite candies, just don’t
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eat them right away, let ’s hang them on the christmas tree at least this year, and the one who was tempted, karl ilich , finished the symphony at the central theater committee. greetings, shastokovich. seventh symphony, saturday and sunday on rtr. hello, on the air of news from st. petersburg, in the news studio, igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. is it 12 years...
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tsimbala bridge, the authorities to build a new one, archival photographs, unique documents, a new exhibition in the russian national library. terrible news from pargalov: a young woman is accused of murdering her own daughter. the tragedy took place in one of the houses on pacific street. january 18, the eve of the woman’s birthday. investigators restored the chronology. according to them , the eight-month-old baby cried and did not i wanted to sleep. her mother didn’t like this, she smothered the baby with a pillow, after which... she left the body of her daughter, her one and a half year old son, disappeared for 2 days, went to visit a friend. when she returned, she tried to pass it off as an accident. returning to the apartment on january 20 with the aim of concealing it.
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the children were hungry, she regularly left them alone on the street, went somewhere to the store for beer, for cigarettes, her apartment was above me, and there were constantly fights, music, and it was simply impossible to live with her, the eldest child is a woman, now with her father, a criminal case has been opened under article of murder, in the near future the accused will choose a preventive measure, for sponsoring militants and rehabilitating nazism, 12 years behind bars, the dialect
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of the western district military court has entered into legal force. a supporter of the terrorist organization hayat tahrir asham, banned in russia, was sentenced. it operates in syria. the man, a russian, lived in st. petersburg and brought money to terrorists, and also justified their crimes on the internet. they detained him employees of the regional department of the fsb. the court found the guilt proven. in the alignment of serodobolskaya street they began to install a bridge span over the black river. to do this , a crane with a lifting capacity of 25 was delivered to the construction site. with its help , metal beams, each weighing 16 tons, were installed on supports. the span will consist of seven such structures; after installation, they will become the basis of the future crossing. the bridge will be single-span, its length will be almost 39 m. the width of the roadway will be 10 m, that’s two lanes in both directions, there will be a pedestrian zone also on both sides, but 3 m each, well, something like that. the construction of the bridge across the black river began in september last year, the construction is believed to be. the author of the project will be able to improve
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transport accessibility of the residential area on ushakovskaya embankment; the crossing should open in may. the joint project of our television company and one of the largest charitable organizations in the country, rusfond, continues. two-year-old denis from the leningrad region needs help. expensive proton therapy can give a child life. victoria golchinskaya more details. and at your home a lot of toys? yes. but it's almost there. for 2 years , little denis has been forced to play with hospital cars, soldiers and little animals. in march twenty-two, an absolutely healthy boy developed a small black eye. the ointments prescribed by the ophthalmologist did not help, and the hematoma grew. numerous examinations have shown what no parent is ready to hear. tumor of the adrenal gland with metastases of the liver, and the bones of the head. here is the bone marrow, then denis and
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his mother literally moved to the hospital ward, six courses of high-dose chemotherapy, tumor removal , immunotherapy, bone marrow transplant , the baby courageously endured all medical interventions, and forbade his mother to cry , it seemed that the terrible thing was over, they did a follow-up examination and found formations in the new head... but at first my husband and i didn’t believe in the denials they were straight , well, it’s not true, no, the aggressive neuroblastoma has not receded , three new lesions have appeared in denis’s brain, which seriously threaten the baby’s life, but there is a chance to defeat the disease, the central nervous system is anatomically separated from the rest of the body, here there is control over the disease, that is, the ability to cure it well. with radiation
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therapy, and proton radiation therapy allows such treatment to be carried out in the most gentle way and will minimally affect the quality of life of such a small patient. denis needs 20 sessions of radiation therapy: the proton center of the sergey berezin medical institute is ready to carry out the treatment, but now the clinic has no quotas for this procedure. parents need to pay for proton therapy themselves, its cost is almost 3.5 million rub. the family now works. only dad, he is a volkov worker at a factory in kolpino, half of his salary goes to pay off the mortgage , collecting the required amount in a short time is an impossible task, naturally the amount is so large, and how to collect it, we already need to start doing all this, as it were, the point - there’s still a deadline, we can’t even just turn the world upside down here, you need time, but here it’s like when you have time to do it all, as if naturally you won’t be able to do it without outside help.
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anyway. you can save the boy viewers of the russia tv channel. denis is incredibly inquisitive, sympathetic, modest and charming, he already knows several poems, he loves learning to count to ten. animals, where is the little one, here she is, uh-huh, where is the big one, here she is, uh-huh, here, she ’s big, in a few days denis will be 3 years old, he doesn’t tell anyone his wish so that it definitely comes true, but he admitted that he still dreams, hurry up to go to kindergarten and find a lot of new friends, we know that we can handle it, everything will be, as if there is a feeling that everything will be fine, yes, you are strong, everything will be ok, with the word children to number 5542, the cost of the message is 75 rubles. all the money raised will be used to pay for complex operations and medications. on the website of our television company and on
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the website of rosfond you can find out how much money was raised and which of the children they saved the life of. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello with the weather forecast from the studio leonid petrov plus on thermometers and rain with snow, weather forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on wednesday. according to the hydra data of the center of st. petersburg, january 24 is cloudy in the leningrad region. happy birthday the thermometer field will show from -1 to +1, in tihany, baksitogorsk it may be another degree warmer, also up to +2. the air is warming in kirishi, gadchin and vyborg. humid, windy and cloudy, during the day in st. petersburg, the northern capital during the day + 1-3, on thursday night no colder than zero degrees, have a good day, whatever the weather. according to the laws
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of war , an exhibition has opened in the russian national library that tells about the work of the prosecutor's office in besieged leningrad. the first visitors were. the city was extremely difficult, it was the prosecutors, who, like everyone else, experienced the hardships of life under siege and stopped violations of the law. the fight against banditry and issues related to sabotage and betrayal of the homeland is theft.
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another dispute over what is considered cultural heritage; the city authorities, together with russian railways , are developing a project to modernize the tsymbala overpass. according to the latest version, the bridge will be demolished and a new one will be built nearby. only now the townspeople sounded the alarm, in their opinion this would be a serious loss, lyudmila burim listened to the opinions of the parties. tsymbala bridge or farforovsky overpass. local residents have long called it the humpback for its bizarre appearance. it was built in 1910.
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i came to the conclusion that the object cannot be called unique, it is not of particular value. its preservation, it was rebuilt many times, there were later major repairs, stone framing, decoration. this is the norm, this is everywhere, this is a worldwide practice, some designs that were used, well, maybe before that time they were somewhat innovative, but at the same time they were replicated on other structures that we have installed today under protection. city defenders are challenging this decision in court, and an additional examination has already been appointed. a separate appeal was sent to the vice-governor of st. petersburg, evgeny razumishkin. activists emphasize that no one is against the new overpass, but why destroy the old one. let the old one also remain in its place, until... this cycling community bought
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an international metro station. we agree that the bridge will be moved there, for example, to the rdd museum or become some kind of highlight of some creative space there. but in the transport development directorate says that such spending is inappropriate, citing the 2020 survey report. then the experts came to the conclusion that the corrosion defects were irreparable and had a protected status.
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reconstruction at the finish line was a week away; the most important transport facility was sent for major repairs in march last year, during which time large-scale construction and restoration work was carried out. we planned to complete the repair work in 11 months and open the station on february 4 of this year. at present we are completing the installation of passenger automation devices and inspection equipment ; we plan to complete the work earlier than scheduled, on january 30th... this is the first such large-scale overhaul since the station opened almost 40 years ago; over
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the course of a decade it had become noticeably dilapidated and required reconstruction. by the way, the chandelier will return to the lobby, which will be installed according to historical sketches, as well as the stained glass window in the central courtyard. this was the news from st. petersburg. all the best. my planet tv channel presents. one of the cornerstones of ossetian cuisine - cheese. after all, cheese is necessary for pies. ossetia is five ridges and six gorges. and everywhere there is a different microclimate. here in the kuban gorge there is one, in the neighboring dargavsky there is another. and this is very good for cheese, because the composition of the soil and grass differs slightly, the taste of the cheese is different, the best is the one
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that is made in home cheese factories using technology that has not changed for centuries, they take fresh milk, this is the basis, depending on its quality the taste depends, the milk is heated in a cauldron, some people say that milk should be the temperature of the human body, that’s what i think like it, 36.6, it’s good for you, and it’s good for the cheese, in the old days there were no thermometers, you checked with your hand: not hot, not cold, that means it’s good, add whey and leave for 20 minutes, beat, carefully, with respect, you get a cheese mass, in fact , cheese making is both a technological process and a ritual. now we transfer the form and it’s ready, the freshest ossetian cheese, quickly and
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practically, you’ll lick your fingers. you can eat it right away or leave it for later, or in brine or on the table. the longer the cheese bathes in brine, the saltier it becomes. this excellent variety is achieved. you can get unleavened cheese as salty as the sea. yes, breakfast was definitely a success, but i was even luckier with lunch, i was invited to an ossetian wedding, it was big. there are hundreds of guests and a ton of food. not a single feast is complete without pies, let alone a wedding. ossetians honor traditions, that is, for
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them this is not folklore, but completely relevant rules. i like that... pies are given an important place, at a wedding there are always three pies on the table, they symbolize the sun, earth and water, the basics life, this is such a culinary prayer addressed to heaven, here is the bride, next to her is not the groom at all, but a relative, according to tradition, the groom does not appear at the wedding at all, at this time he is feasting with friends. and the bride is not supposed to have much fun, she is very modest on this day,
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but the guests drink and eat from the heart, as is customary in the caucasus, there is a lot of meat on the tables. sochi is a place where the mountains meet the sea. here you can swim, then take the cable car, then go to the trout farm, go shopping, then just walk through the streets of a bright, modern city, all in one day. in the off-season, almost immediately after a triumphant ski descent from one of the mountain peaks, you can easily wet your feet in the sea. but my plans are first of all to visit the famous olympic park. this is generally now one of the most popular destinations among tourists. it's time to find out what the post-olympic park offers tourists. by the way, it is open every day from 8:30 to 22:30, entrance to the territory is free, but you must remember
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that the space is huge, more than 200 hectares, and to make it more convenient to move around, you can rent it. a bicycle, on average it will cost 200 rubles per hour, or a ride on a golf cart like this. 100 rur adult ticket, 50 rur. for children, children under 7 years old can travel for free. immediately behind the bridges in the color of the olympic rings are the same grandiose structures that were recently shown on tv by all the world's channels. oh, a torch, as planned by the architect. the torch stall is made in the shape of a swan, long neck, huge wings, look, down here there are wings, and a large fountain bowl, there is a large light and music fountain, it works for us every day from 15 pm to 15 pm, but it’s true that after the olympics, when they cleaned the fountain, there were three buckets of small items from there, well that's what
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they say, they got it. coins are still tossed, some to return, some for good weather. old-timers say that the weather in these parts sometimes changes four times a day, if you observe, it is so. the hydrogen sulfide water of matsesto played a fateful role in the history of the sochi resort. this city appeared thanks to springs. the inhabitants of these places have used their miraculous properties since ancient times. in the resort area you can now even see wild baths in which people were treated before the advent of sanatoriums. the uniqueness of our matsisin springs lies in the fact that this is the only place in the world where it is extracted from wells up to 3.5 km deep; no resort in the world has such deep wells; the unique
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composition of the water depends on the depth of occurrence, and this also determines and the healing range, that is, when a person is in bath, during exposure 15 minutes pre... this water is used only externally, for it to work, an adult needs to take at least 10 baths, a child needs eight. in this case, one bath will not make any sense. mocesta begins to work after a course of procedures, but the effect is then felt for almost a whole year. my planet tv channel presents the daughter of yaroslav the wise. anna was a very educated person for her time; she mastered literacy and knew several languages. in 1051 anna was given away to french king henry i. in the marriage
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contract, she wrote her name, and her husband could only put a cross. the russian north is truly famous for its people, precisely for the association of people who once developed these lands. a long conversation at dinner today , but again it won’t work, it’s for ordinary people that a sweet dream follows after dinner, but here it’s a couple of hours
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to get up again, they’ll get up before dawn, quickly load into the tractor on the road, every day the tides shift by about half an hour and you can’t build a permanent schedule here, while the coast is clear, we need to go, go, clean the net, choose fish, fortunately the wind has blown and tonight there is no threat to the net, and yakov’s long-awaited vacation home, apparently, will take place, come on guys, get ready, rest , catch more fish, say hello to everyone there in 3 days , don’t forget to come back for 3 days, rest and don’t be bored, the last thing is probably yes, that’s it, it’s time to finish it, we also catch
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more and come on guys, let’s not go wild for a long time, say goodbye for a while, everything will be fine, everything will be happy bye. for 3 days valery and yuri remain alone on the entire farm, and yakov still has a long journey ahead to his native village of koida, located 30 km from here. it seems close, but in reality it takes half a day. first, on a tractor along the shore, then wait for several hours for full water, and then on a boat all the way to koida. the first inhabitants of the ancient village of koida,
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located at the confluence of the river of the same name into the white sea, were refugees from other pomeranian villages. at the beginning of the 16th century, during the northern war, the lands of the pomors were constantly ruined by the swedes. people lost everything and were forced to move to more inaccessible places.
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nikolai klavdeevich molygin is known by the villagers as a jack of all trades , you won’t find anyone like him in the daytime, possessing a natural gift, he built houses, sewed boats, from... all the families there were children in the families of pomors there were always many, history knows many glorious representatives of this family, nikolai's great-grandfather.
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i went to norway and brought norwegians to study russian in this school before school at home. norwegian speech was heard, which was studied in koide, the russian language. eternal memory, enlightened, literate people were, diligent, hardworking. nikolai klavdievich malygin’s grandfather served as a boatswain on the diana chair during the russo-japanese war, and his father was the best shooter in the area. eyewitnesses said that the father shot very
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accurately on the animal, to prove his mark. they put an empty bottle upside down to fly, towards him, towards the shooter, the bullet went into the bottle and came out bottom-up. koida was one of the centers of the old believers; here, separated from the world by impassable swamps, the old believers felt calm, now votive crosses remind us of those times.
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the year of the family has begun. vladimir putin signed a decree on measures of social support for large families. russian troops launched a large-scale attack on ukrainian military installations. the situation in the special operation zone. the disaster has caused severe damage in vladivostok and will not stop. report on the consequences of hurricanes this hour. new day on the channel.
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the people i have met so far have repeatedly raised the question, asked for it, it really has practical implications significance, i hope that this will all play out properly, so that large
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families have the same status throughout the country, a large family is the support of the country, and in general a family, but a large family, especially this is a support, why is a large family so important, yes because there it is... better than me, because here those are brought up, these are the main qualities of a person, on which, in fact, the family rests, and the country, respect for elders, love, care for younger ones, hard work and everything that associated with this organism, family, immediately several participants in the meeting asked the president about the possibility of extending the family mortgage program, let me remind you that... a tenth of the country’s total energy consumption,
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the creation of new industries with qualified jobs, all this is the el daba nuclear power plant, which rosatom is building in egypt. the day before , a solemn ceremony of pouring concrete took place at the base of the fourth power unit, in which , according to video... russia-africa, we regularly discuss all the most significant issues on the international and regional agenda for our countries, in in particular, we exchange views
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, coordinate positions in connection with the tragic development of the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict, and resolve humanitarian issues . i would like to appeal to my brother, president putin, i express my deepest gratitude. kharkov, sumy and dnepropetrovsk ukrainian military facilities behind enemy lines. explosions occurred in kiev, russian troops dealt a large-scale blow to the regions. the purpose of the plant in bc is places where
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foreign mercenaries gather, military airfields, as noted in our ministry of defense, all supplied the tasks were completed, the objects were hit, in confirmation, the footage that appeared on social networks showed precise arrivals, ukrainian. who hits his own. as for the situation in the friendly zone, six attacks were repelled there near kupinsk. in the krasnoliman direction , units of the center group of forces were able to advance. near donetsk, battles took place near kurdyumovka, grigorovka and andreevka. here the nationalists lost a tank and two infantry fighting vehicles. and this is new footage of the lancets’ work. two ukrainian tanks were destroyed at once. it's been raging in vladivostok for several days elements, strong wind. the roofs of buildings are torn off , cell phone towers are destroyed, and many cars are damaged by debris. about the consequences of the hurricane, report by victoria shandybina. the entrance area of ​​the primorsky branch of the russian academy of economics was literally left without a roof over its head. she was carried away by
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a very strong one.


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