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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 24, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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on the enemy’s side, to strengthen, strengthen their bridgehead, add people and equipment there , they still can’t do it, - our reconnaissance reveals boats that are trying to approach our shore, this is destroyed by artillery and the same drones, but the situation will repeat itself , but it is very serious, very difficult, because the enemy is putting up fierce resistance. georgy, lately we have been seeing targeted strikes, greetings, apparently, to european and other states. in the places of deployment of foreign mercenaries, we see the results, destroyed, the death of dozens of french mercenaries, mercenaries from other countries has been confirmed, as for the line of combat contact, previously we saw both captured foreigners and wounded killed foreigners, that now there are fewer of them, more, at the moment the situation is not changing in the opposite direction, because there is a fairly large quantity. firstly, mercenaries remain
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on the line of contact, despite the fact that ukraine has been trying for so long to talk about its successes, many have made attempts to leave the territory ukraine, the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and some succeeded, some continue to fight, plus , again, luring with money, ordinary mercenarism, well, again, the participation of the west, even if they unofficially refute all this, but foreign instructors, curators and... others people, including senior officers, are on the territory of ukraine, in the central part, on the front line, well, they also get it, a lot of people fly in and fly in, the data that we have in open sources, i think, is exclusively the top iceberg, because a lot is hidden, let me remind you that in ukraine there is a very strict responsibility for the civilian population for the publication or dissemination of facts about the consequences of our strikes with high-precision weapons throughout... the whole country
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, uh, but it arrives, it arrives where it is needed, in particular today, and the head - or rather , the head of the kiev administration, said that all the russian missiles were shot down, everything is in order, literally at the same time klitschko spoke about the fact that there are wounded, there are dead, there is destruction, that is, there is dissonance even in the rhetoric. by the way, let me note another important the moment that today there was information that the polish prosecutor's office has completed the investigation into the death. two polish citizens a year ago and confirmed that they died as a result of the work of the ukrainian air defense system. ppo, as they say in kyiv. thank you very much, comprehensive information, georgy medvedev, military correspondent with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. you spoke about today's massive missile attacks on the military infrastructure of ukraine. and indeed, apparently, they were tired.
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after being missed in front of everyone a chance to prove to the european man in the street that western help can work miracles, and ukraine will not only survive, but will defeat russia, after which the government, politicians and propagandists of nato countries, primarily european, of course.
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american, they are involved in their internal affairs , bending over backwards to prove that the efforts to preserve the coalition for the war against russia in europe are justified, justified by the fact that absolutely in 5, 3, 20 years russia is going to to europe attack, otherwise they cannot, otherwise it is unclear why the sacrifices for...
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for its part is trying to find reasons why this war should continue, additional reasons, but i want to draw attention, including to those who continue to believe today that the war that ukraine is waging is just, and russia is committing aggression, that from a formal point of view, mr. zelensky, by his decree , confirmed that this is not at all about...
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they claim that we have no mercenaries, in fact in ukraine no, but those people who there is, they say in french, these are not mercenaries, these are volunteers, in the spirit of the civil war there in spain, who went for a holy cause not for money, well , there are serious doubts about this, but by
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the will of their hearts they went to defend ukraine as a democratic a stronghold that is waging a just war, this ukraine, which is waging a just war, lays claim to belgorod... from this point of view, what, excuse me, do you see, is the basis for continuing to develop this topic? this is what i wanted to say about this in connections with those consequences that at least should be diagnosed after the president of ukraine officially made... claims against russia, after which there is talk that the war should end with the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine, that russia must definitely withdraw our troops and so on and so forth, we must withdraw our troops, but ukraine claims to
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advance its troops or its interests further in the direction of our internal territories. as for what's happening now. states, tomorrow we will find out the results , as i understand it, the new hampshire primary, it is already clear that ms. haley is laying out straws, because she said that even in case of defeat she will continue to fight, they really are betting on her, they are betting on her as if they were inside the republican party the remaining opponents of trump, and of course the opponents of trump in general, first of all the democrats.
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the hope of those who would not like trump in any form. what does this mean for russia in this case, i would not delude myself, of course, from the arrival of trump, if he comes in november president, we all understand this, but in any case this creates very serious problems for the current administration in terms of freedom of maneuver, including in the ukrainian direction, and this in general is probably important for us, it really predicts such a result, somewhere around 50 trump will have more than that based on the results. 40, perhaps a little less for haley, and this inspires haley’s supporters with a little, but nevertheless optimism, she will continue the campaign, but will probably withdraw after south carolina, so her chances will remain, of course, not much, but
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not much happens in the united states, where, as we see, the deep state is much more important than the common people. konstantin vasilyevich, i would pay attention to the economic front, there are also quite a lot of interesting stories and significant ones for us, a political newspaper, which... last year we see that the european bureaucracy worked at approximately the rate of one
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package every six months, the package was accepted, the twelfth was only at the end of the year in december, and accordingly, i think that in 2 months there was simply nothing so dramatic technically the europeans will not be able to accept, especially since a lot has already been introduced, then the measures that will be taken, because there are still goods that can... be placed on the sanctions lists of liquefied gas, and corpse gas, by the way, is not under sanctions, but here we understand that the degree of influence on the european economy, which is in a problematic state , will be quite large, this does not mean that we no longer have problems with sanctions, they exist, and here, of course, the first fiddle is played the united states, which continues to tighten its sanctions, considers its sanctions to be supranational, finally replacing... international economic law, the united
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states itself is now putting enormous pressure on turkey, on the countries of central asia, even on china, demanding, accordingly, to refuse transactions , in transactions, in the sale of equipment to these countries with the aim of then transferring to russia, they die quite often, they must be admitted, it turns out, well, really, what i’m saying is that... to us - in general it’s too early to relax, and here the united states continues this policy. and there is another plot in the development of the theme of actions of the united states, it is connected with our frozen assets, because here the approval of bills that have been submitted to the american parliament continues. one of them is extremely simple: it involves giving the president of the united states the right to steal, one can directly say, to steal any frozen assets, that is. not only the usa, because barel said the day before that in europe has actually agreed on a mechanism
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, all the tensions have been settled , we’ll talk about this now, i’ll say this separately now, what was agreed upon in europe, here the position of the europeans is still very different from the united states, i repeat once again, in the bill that is now in committees of the american parliament, it is proposed to give the president of the united states the right. taking away frozen assets is a precedent, really a serious one, why? because in fact, even the assets of the shah of iran, which were frozen in seventy-nine, were partially returned to iran, and such decisions were made by the united states, that is, the asset, yes, the shah’s gold was frozen in seventy- nine, but the united states did not take it after all these years, did not officially take it, now they are proposing to legislate this , it is not a fact that this bill will become legal, but nevertheless... such a discussion is going on, the ambassador of belgium to the united
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states, since belgium is the euroclea depositary, where the bulk of our frozen money is located, he even gave invited journalists and began to give explanations, said that of course russia , in his opinion, should pay for what is happening in ukraine, but he is not sure that the theft of russian assets would be the right way, that’s what you said about...
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others countries will also begin to take away assets, they will stop storing gold in western banks , they will stop buying western bonds, don’t worry, steal - because countries like china, saudi arabia, they have no alternative now, they have nothing to store money in, so you can now steal, and china is not going anywhere, it has a trade surplus, and it must put this surplus somewhere, in some ways he is right, but in fact, this is really a task for both us and china, the task is to create just these tools, the united states and western europe are making
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a colossal mistake, why, because they created a comfortable world and could continue to parasitize on this for a long time. but it seemed to them that the payment for this convenience was too little, they said: you still need to pay us extra, accordingly, when the world thought about it, they decided to turn it off, for example, russia from this convenient world to show that, accordingly , it is impossible to live without them, but in fact it is possible, there is a crisis example when we were imposed sanctions on oil, we have established logistics and insurance, and are now trading oil with asian countries, yes , there are... issues with discounts, but the oil itself is sold, the same is true in other aspects, in the financial aspect, perhaps it will not be quickly difficult, but the united states does not leave elections to us, or china, or other states which are commonly called global south. that is, the question is not really that they are fundamentally against theft, but that they are afraid that if they steal, others will withdraw their capital,
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fearing that their capital will be stolen, that’s the dilemma, that well, this is already happening , whether they want it or not, we see. how china , through interventions, seems to be supporting its own foreign exchange resource, its own currency, the yuan, but in reality it is simply selling dollars every day in the billions right now, and, in fact, getting rid of that american asset that is dangerous, toxic and becoming toxic, which is not bad at all, well, we, in turn, of course also need to monitor how our sanctions are observed. because we seem to be introducing them, but they are also bypassed by those states that exist under our restrictions, maybe we should follow the example of the americans to create our own ofac, yes, this organization that monitors foreign assets, because in the conditions 18 and a half thousand sanctions, of course,
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the necessary tools, the necessary mechanisms, how to influence our opponents, how to reduce... a sanction blow and how to hit back painfully, let's come back, why are you so tense, relax, if you want, i 'll give you a massage, i've never done it on the spine, well, let's go where, i'll help, i'm a fool, well , i’ve been doing this for a long time, she had no right to sleep or get up, not to mention just go to operate. you perform an operation on me, i close my eyes to everything, okay? skleposovsky, today on rtr, and we’ll be watching new episodes soon. skrif, i can’t live without you. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you?
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homeland, soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear everything away.
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let's look. for the anniversary of the great artist. pack a parcel for the children, little blue ones. i can transfer it with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we love him. i have respect, attention, honor, certificates. i have a medal, i am a soviet person. odessa as we know it. farshmak. why is minced meat necessary? i don't understand. well, i’m already drunk, they want it that way. odessa. on friday on rtr. we work in
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the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on... rrt love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's see, look, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three times, we sign , we look, we look. maybe we can go to my place? let's just watch a movie. russia wants to return alaska, according to vladimir's new order
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putin. an article with such a shocking headline was published in the british express. in the west, they were seriously frightened by the president’s decision to search for russian assets; they saw it as territorial claims. when asked about the legitimacy of the sale of alaska, deputy press secretary of the us state department potel. declared that america would not give up alaska. putin signed an executive order declaring the 1983 sale of alaska to the united states illegal. how do you respond to this? let me get this straight, he signed a document saying the sale of alaska is illegal? not only were they mistaken, yes, forever, but
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they also say they won’t get it back, in our country in the eighty-third year in 1900, prohibition was signed, we didn’t give away alaska, yes , people are confused, yes, many are actually in in today's chaotic world we are confused, our brains have already lost their orientation. they can be understood, but i have a little bit about switzerland , this little lump there and so on, i would argue a little here, which means it seems to me that they are doing the right thing, in general there is little that can happen, some kind of meteorite, or something else... some natural disasters, there may be very, very large, just in case you need to have reserves of genetic material, i would even say that there are reserves of some kind of technology, little will happen to somehow. run and collect, we also have eternal supplies, but here you can leave your dna for $300 for eternal
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storage, you never know who will use it later, but what is it, we hope that you won’t need it, but you never know in different ways maybe it will work out, i like mongolia better, where for just $1000 you can immortalize your portrait on the konitsa sculpture group cengiska, he has already done this, beautifully , yes, that means, ah, but indeed, now many people think, the possibilities of a nuclear war there are so on and rightly demonstrated, the more we show concern about the possibilities of a nuclear war, the less likely it is that it will happen , because we see, just now, excuse me, i’ll interrupt you, the news came just from the university of chicago, these same ones moved the clock, no, they didn’t move it, they left it in place, 90 seconds, until the apocalypse, i’m sure, an order from the biden campaign headquarters so as not to scare voters, don’t pour water on trump’s mill , they said, you guys are not that,
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calmer, but on all sorts of military matters, here i see what a serious threat, now we see this company blaming the fact that russia is going to attack to nato, there and so on, our president has already said about this that this is... but the reason for this company is clear, they need to greatly increase funding for the military-industrial complex, and they need it now for ukraine, well, somehow you need to prove it to your citizens, so they say yes, that’s it this will also require the production of shells, in another 10-15 years we will definitely have to fight directly with russia, so they will do all this, but what is the danger here, so to speak, they are pumping themselves up by saying that russia will attack us, will attack , will attack. arm themselves, arm themselves, if a decision is made about this powerful inclusion of the military-industrial complex, then it acquires its own logic,


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