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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 24, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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they said, you guys are not that calm, but regarding all sorts of military matters, here i see how serious the threat is, now we see this company accusing that russia is going to attack nato, there and so on , our president has already spoken about this, denying all this, but the reason for this company is clear, they need to greatly increase funding for the military-industrial complex and they need it. now to ukraine, well, somehow they need to prove it to their citizens, so they say, yes, it will still require the production of shells, in another 10-15 years we will definitely have to fight directly with russia , so they are doing all this, but here is the danger, so to speak, they are pumping themselves up by saying that russia will attack us, attack us, attack us, they are arming themselves , arm themselves, if a decision is made about this powerful inclusion of the military-industrial complex, then it acquires its own logic,
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is interested in provoking all kinds of military conflicts, this is a danger, plus a second danger, well, let’s just call it the logic of aggressiveness, it becomes the fascistization of europe, here we have a statement from the supreme council of italy that the supreme court, the supreme court, means that fascist greetings are not criminal in time, well, this is horror, i’ll be honest, i was shocked, many others. shocked, they have the ruling party now, it was created by musalini’s associates, those who worked with musalini, these are real 100% fascists, yes, which means they - then a little time passed, a little a few years, created their own party, divorced, divorced, now they are their heirs came to power, but in a number of other parties, even ours is an alternative for germany, yes, they... have a reasonable position on a number
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of issues, yes, that means this is good, but within the party there is, unfortunately, very radical right and groups, which, if the situation goes in the wrong direction , can develop in such a majestic direction, and the very support of, well, the obvious 100% neo-fascist regime in ukraine, is also a manifestation of a seemingly benevolent attitude towards fascism, try combination two... factors, first they pumped themselves up and with the fact that russia, the enemy will definitely attack us, at the same time they created a powerful military industry, strengthened their army, at the same time internal fascisation, this is a trap that europe can fall into, let’s not forget, europe, here those same ones, those same ones, the germans, the french, the british, the main europeans, led humanity to world war three times, twice, and may lead to a third.
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let's not forget that they killed john kennedy, they killed robert kennedy, the likely future president of the united states, and several presidents were killed, that is , political terrorist attacks against presidents, the most... major leaders - this is part
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of the political tradition, unfortunately, of the united states of america, so this doubt cannot happen, or one more point, i come back to this again, a small a war could help biden and his team postpone the elections, another, a fourth, including provoking such peripheral military clashes with russia, i can scenario right now. write f-16s can be transferred to ukraine, they can fly from polish and romanian airfields. we said that in this case we reserve the right to strike at these airfields, that is , provoking us to strike at these airfields, which are located on the territory of poland and romania, or some kind of conflict in the air with ships associated in the chernoye area seas, and i repeat this once again, but...
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biden’s direct benefit if he loses the victories, the elections to trump, biden himself is mentally retarded, this is quite obvious, but his team, which is behind him there, is not... well-known this is some kind of half-masonic lodge there , i don’t know who they are, yes, they are mentally retarded, they are of quite a normal age, they clenched their teeth into this power, they don’t want to give it up, so the biden team is a colossal threat to the world, they can talk about it it is also necessary, we must speak out loud, i hope that there will be worried calls via secret lines from european capitals, with biden’s words:
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dangerous russian weapons. in this footage from the kherson direction, the russian lancet loitering munition is being destroyed turkish-
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made kirpi armored personnel carrier. and this is artyomov’s direction, the same uav hits a ukrainian artillery gun. foren affairs recognizes the advantage in war. drones now in russia, the uavs available in kiev are inferior to our landsets, plus our superiority in electronic warfare. at the same time, the horsemen switched to horses due to a lack of military transport, explains the austrian publication express. journalists joke that horses should be selected with bullets that are impenetrable and preferably with the remaining nerves. appeared at the front and... look at the rats and mice that swarm in their sleep, sometimes they even bite the fighters. a few weeks ago, ukraine's military intelligence reported an outbreak of what it called mouse fever. in these footage,
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our soldiers captured the positions of the armed forces of ukraine by russian soldiers and show that there is a huge amount of ammunition left in the settlements, but they did not help the previous owners. give it more, give it more, more, more! desertion in ukraine has become so widespread that it is now part of folklore and folk epic. poems and poems are written about unauthorized abandonment of positions songs: bandera members on the front line admit that it is better to lose a leg, this is the only
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way to return home without being in a coffin. sich, there is a lot of leaks there. can no longer be won, against this background, the new prime minister of poland demonstrates his readiness to support kiev, no matter what. tusk, for the first time after being elected to office , came to kiev with his ukrainian colleague shmygal, he laid flowers at the monument to the fallen former ukrainian armed forces.
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zelensky promised a new tranche of military assistance and discussed joint production of weapons with him. the darkest place in hell reserved for those who pretends to be neutral in times of moral conflict, today everyone in the free world who pretends to be neutral, who pretends to treat ukraine and russia equally deserves the most honorable place in political hell. the head of the french foreign ministry, sernet , explains that arming ukraine is beneficial for french farmers, saying that in case of victory, russia will take control of 30% of world wheat exports, and this is supposedly for them. polish president duda is also engaged in primitive blackmail.
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this is help from the united states, i would i said that the only hope for victory is for ukraine, because without this help i’m afraid i won’t be able to defeat russia. always, when there was a big war in europe, it was the first world war or the second world war. in the end, american soldiers had to go to this war. in an interview with fox news, duda convinces the channel’s republican audience that if we don’t arm the armed forces of ukraine.
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we want ukraine to win this war, as the president said, we want a whole, prosperous, sovereign ukraine. by the time the ukrainian catastrophe reaches its sad and inevitable conclusion, the united states will likely extract a total of half a trillion dollars from its taxpayers, so it's fair to ask what will it get in return? well. an entire generation of dead ukrainians, ukraine completely wiped off the face of the earth, and above all america, which became much weaker and much poorer. we received meaningless death, suffering and destruction, nothing more. russia is a huge family with common values ​​that make it strong and capable of overcoming any difficulties, he said today putin at the all-russian family forum “relatives”, the beloved event became the official start of the year of the family in our country. the importance of family, the president emphasized, is the birth of children, continuation of the family, and therefore the continuation of our people and its
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centuries-old history. it is very important, according to putin, that there are more large families in our country; in recent years their number has increased by 26%. putin promised to extend the preferential mortgage program at 6% and maintain a mortgage subsidy of 45,000 rubles for large families. still in government.
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there was an electric one on the site, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know , everything that needed to be paid for electricity was down to the last penny, he did everything on time, paid, that is, at 6:00 in the morning, now we came here when the music there was an anthem, but this is the music of the anthem of the soviet union, at exactly 6:00 in the morning the anthems were played, he went to work, and then i remember... how he met with his comrades in battle with a friend who
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pulled him out of the battlefield and saved his life, putting your life in danger, this is all together, well, of course, the situation goodwill, an atmosphere of love , kindness to each other, support, this is all the environment in which... we live, well, in any case, i lived, this is exactly what brings up, and what is called contrast, these are the family values ​​now. our neighbors on the planet have land in europe. dock fetish is becoming popular in germany. this is a deviation in which people feel like dogs. they wear collars, false ears , animal fangs, and tails. they also flock together and howl in unison at the moon and passers-by for these perverts there is
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a special term fury from the english word fur. fur. unusual popularity in the country. i got this dog for myself, a young man from the land of hetson, became the hero of a report by the ard tv channel, the guy loves dressing up as a dog and messing with puppies, recently he even found an owner and received the title mr. fetish of the land of hetson.
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i can tell him all my most secret things. i feel very comfortable with him. and it’s cool that he takes a lot into his own hands. by the way, i don’t run around on all fours in public, but i still drive feeling a little like a puppy. when it comes to fetishes, many of us immediately think of dirty sex. scody thinks it's all superstition. fetish is not always about sex. yes, a fetish can further enrich your sex life. but it's not 100% sex. when you transform into a little baby, you forget what you're wearing. you get pleasure, for example, from having your ear scratched. oh, you can’t imagine how nice it is, but it’s really very nice. scudi can completely rely not only on his owner, but on one other person. my mom fully supports me, she thinks it's all very sweet. well, since last year, scudi proudly bear the official title of mr. fetish of hesson land. in this
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status, he is engaged in educational work, trying to make society more tolerant. incredible, simply absolutely. igor yurievich, please. you know, when we look at everything that is happening in the west, of course, it’s amazing, but the most important thing is that this is not the private life of citizens, this is the position of the state, which encourages various kinds of deviations, psychological, sexual, social and it is degrading. great europe, a europe of enlightenment, a europe that gave the world outstanding artists, thinkers, and architects of dogs. and today there is degeneration, you know, plus huge flows of illegal refugees from north africa and the middle east. and very soon we
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will really see race wars on the territory of states such as, for example, france. this country is trying to teach the world democracy in quotes, but behind it is a bloody past, millions of destroyed lives, genocide in algeria and other colonial possessions, here in all seriousness paris is trying to act as a mentor, trying to oust russia from the southern caucasus, we see french mercenaries who are being destroyed by our armed... forces in ukraine, and, of course, i repeat again, another masterpiece of creativity was demonstrated to us by the armed forces ukraine, where cavalry-mechanized groups have been created, in all seriousness in the 21st century, in order to push the west to say that quickly supply
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us with weapons, there is nothing left, these are such amazing photographs when you are an idiot. on horses with an anti-tank missile system and three more armed soldiers of similar mental development, the armed forces of ukraine are positioned on western, in this case american, armored vehicles. amazing things happen, but at the same time, against the backdrop of this madness and such blatant production schemes, we pay attention. that in the west the voices of politicians calling for war with russia are becoming more and more active. in this regard, i would, of course, mention germany. germany again. let's be honest, europe is pregnant with fascism pregnant with fascism, and in general, let 's give birth to the brown bastard regime
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of zelensky, which today implements the worst practices of the times of the third reich, in germany itself they are already officially declaring that they intend to create some analogues of the french foreign legion and the minister of defense of the federal republic of germany boris pistorius declares that that stateless persons will have the opportunity to serve in the german armed forces. who are we talking about first? well, of course, about ukrainian refugees. the current german constitution prohibits giving them back, to be returned as cannon fodder, so they want, as they say, either a stuffed animal or a carcass, but this is the category of ukrainian healthy, strong... men who, saving themselves, their lives, taking care of their families, left ukraine and relocated to germany, today they want to wander into
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these battalions, which will be sent further, obviously to the front, to fight against russia. boris pistorius himself says in all seriousness: we must prepare for a war with russia, the bundeswehr must build up, pump up its muscles, a full-fledged military production. the main components of weapons and military equipment, obviously, this process will continue to occur. at the same time, i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that we see these sentiments of revenge, of brown snot, in the actions of such european states, our close neighbors, by the way, such as lithuania and poland. the president of lithuania, mr. nausėda, states in all seriousness that they will be held now. large bilateral military exercises on defense allegedly against belarus's plans to cut through the suwalki corridor in
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kaliningrad region. of course it's complete nonsense. at all official levels we have said, we say and never tire of continuing to say that we are not preparing and do not need a war with nato. we protect our own borders, we protect. we are preparing, but we don't need it. we. well, i say again, you see, there is preparation, the army must always be ready for any force majeure of a military nature, but we don’t rattle weapons, we don’t threaten any strikes, we don’t announce plans to wage a war with nato, if anything that's what is being done military planning, it is carried out as it should be, without this hysteria and military escalation of passions, in this case vilnius and warsaw, unfortunately, are in the mainstream today. this is the policy, therefore, bilateral exercises will be held in order to supposedly work out options for combating russian-belarusian aggression, in
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this regard, we need to strengthen our military interaction with the republic of belarus, a new national security strategy is being prepared there today, the military doctrine will be modernized, which will be more adapted to existing realities, well, by the way, it is also clearly stated there that... belarus does not consider any of the nations as its enemy. another thing is that if war is imposed, we will have to react together. well, in conclusion, again, continuing this theme of idiots who are mad about fats, or so to speak, their brains are melting, well , transgender people in the usa are already starting to put together fighting groups, in particular, today there was news that a certain transgender .
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usa, listen, at least ensure your internal security by a merciless fight against those who take up arms, even if this is permitted by the relevant amendments to the constitution, but the process itself, taking place against the backdrop of the american election campaign, can give us a lot of surprises, in this in general, i absolutely agree with the assessments that the us secret service. should strengthen the security of presidential candidates in order to avoid new political assassinations, which are quite possible today in the united states of america, against the background
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the decrepit... unfortunately, president biden, who has already surpassed konstantin ustinovich chernenko. the only thing is, of course, there are no places where such things can happen, but i repeat once again, america is degrading, morally, physically, mentally, ethically, against this background, of course, carrying out a special military operation, being the vanguard of normal world, we defend, including the future of how it will develop. russia will not show initiative in relations with the united states and will flee, quote, kyadyushki sammu to ask for forgiveness,
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the minister of foreign affairs just said. and country, respect for elders, love, care for younger ones, hard work and everything connected with this organism, family, these are the very
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traditional values ​​that... you are the eldest, no, no, exactly, exactly , they really count on you, both mom and dad , that you will help, i don’t know , you have a lot of responsibility, you understand that, yes, well, are you glad that you have kids next to you, yes, but that was alone, suddenly two more babies appeared, that's good, that's good, i congratulations, success. let's go back, don't
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go anywhere. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory. the perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of the liberator heroes, concert, track, to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr.
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a nightmare, just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, vera, to give birth under a car, no longer on the road, we are putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t. they met in besieged leningrad , why do you need this soldier, you are so lonely, korolevich, dar levich, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk like woman to woman, you love me, you you know everything yourself. you play without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music this is the beginning, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday on
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rtr, this person, had no idea about the existence of the artist tatyana abramova. at didn't know. yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova. and as he passed me, for some reason he put his finger into the hole in my jeans, which was located just above the knee. and a day later i asked permission to kiss her. and two crazy people met. 10 years are like one day. guy, that's what you call tatyana albertov. this, this suits me. come on, yes, throw it on, yes. i'm wondering how much you are? over these 10 years we got to know each other really well, i’ve been around for a year, so i’ve been in the camp for 30 years, who was the first to confess their love? the fate
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of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. zelensky wants to be like... president putin, who is supported by the entire people, but it doesn’t work out, the president’s press secretary peskov just said. well , today, pentagon chief ostan appeared in public for the first time after surgery on the prostate. he immediately started talking about helping ukraine. austin called on western countries to concentrate on the combat needs of kiev, because if the west does not will be able to contain the aggressor putin, then the world will receive even more blood and chaos. the united states remains committed to supporting ukraine in its struggle for freedom. the struggle of ukrainians is important for all our countries. i encourage all participants in this contact group to carefully review their stockpiles in order to provide
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ukraine with ground-based defense and interception capabilities. our support for ukraine in its fight against tyranny strengthens the security of all our countries. if we lose our composure or falter, if we fail to restrain ourselves. other future aggressors, this will lead to even more bloodshed and chaos in the world, so a sovereign and secure ukraine is of utmost importance for global security. please, it should be noted that we need to return from the first part, as if the most important event of what happened is , first of all, the return of the six percent mortgage, this is a real incentive to develop the business areas accordingly, because the question seems to be
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why this is like an important factor, accordingly, let's listen to what putin said about preferential mortgages, from the secondary market to buy on a preferential mortgage, the issue here is not even about money, although money is also important, because with an increase in the key rate, budget expenses for subsidizing preferential mortgages increase, they will increase this year according to the ministry of finance. twice to a trillion rubles, but it’s not even about the money, it’s about the transparency of this operation, but we need to think, we’ll think, it’s important that this program, that it be at least continued, the preferential
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family mortgage at 6 %, this is exactly what we will do, we are talking now, we were talking today, yes, about measures to support large families, and one of... such support measures that was available was for the birth of a third child, and if there was a mortgage loan, the family was given. we will extend this, these are really important
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tools, they also affect the birth rate, because confidence in the future appears among those families who receive financial preferences, but here is another question, it is important to curb the appetites of developers who see that people are actively starting to buy apartments, they have this money, subsidies and raise prices, here too, of course... control is needed, in this case there is an increase in the duration of the mortgage payment, in fact, people focus on the monthly payment, in fact, but do not look at the cost of housing in fact, so with from this point of view, a reduction in prices in the mass segment is an extremely important component of at least stabilizing them, why is this important, we have 24.7 million families in the country , plus or minus, respectively, large families of approximately 2.3 million, that’s not much, but more than , but they are raising 30 million children, that is , approximately... translating into russian slightly, this is about a fifth of all children in the current
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understanding, corresponding to the size of the country's population, that is, roughly speaking, accordingly, the replacement rates are very high, that is, in everything in the world it turns out, well , in the usa, for example, like we have in general in a number of other countries, it is large families that replace the most children, as it were , because the average and families with few children do not replace, because it’s simple mathematics in order to replace population, if we are talking about statistics , at least three children are needed, we already have a large family of one marriage, that is , as if we also have some dmitry kabevich, we are for traditional values, i don’t have any influence on this at all , but i remind you that in the world as a whole , accordingly, the number is quite high, and second and third marriages also make sense in each of them . by the way, we also have an additional problem that needs to be addressed; to we didn’t deal with economic measures, because there are various initiatives like to impose a fine, as it were, but they exist in the world, by the way, what i mean by everything, i mean that
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different candidates will be chosen, because they will turn out everything here foreign policy
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specifically to its main electoral groups, because foreign policy in the united states traditionally falls off during elections, or it is subordinated to the domestic policy of the united states, in fact, this is what is happening now, which will be the peculiarity of biden, apparently made a bet on abortion, this is his main topic, which now will be, accordingly, like an amendment , a supporter i doubt it, but accordingly, well, relatively speaking, republicans are against abortion, democrats are for freedom of abortion, in the sense that he advocates that, accordingly, as it were... to resolve them, accordingly , the republicans are against it, and accordingly there is a movement around this movement, in the right time, by the way, this agenda interrupted the partial economy, due to this it was not possible to get more votes in the lower house parliament, and trump will go to the polls, accordingly with migration and the economy , this is his theme, whoever drags whom into the den will drag all his external partners there, he will win, so all issues related to external financing are always based on what, these are workers places for us citizens, this is additional money for us states. this is, accordingly, an additional solution for the us states, all decisions that
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are connected, all turn on the well component, starting from grain and ending with everything else, therefore, in the usa this will happen now , absolutely, therefore, for 2 months, all foreign policy will turn inward, an example is israel, why the decision was made accordingly, accordingly, the decision was announced that it would be possible to introduce restrictions on military actions for 2 months accordingly by the way, today the heaviest battles were, by the way, there were 24 dead, well, in the sense that the battles were the heaviest for israel, that’s it. why 2 months, because 2 months go by primeries, they are determined by march, these 2 months it is necessary for the gas sector to come out of the topic of the democratic primaries, at least, therefore, from this point of view, accordingly, all the timings that go through are not democratic primaries. this is a fiction, but we understand that the democratic candidate is now biden, by the way, i will now explain a little whether it is possible to change the candidate from a legal point of view, in fact, it is a little unclear , i will explain, in principle it is possible, it's not a problem if the candidate happens to him something with mental abilities, for example , or he will die, god forbid, there is a possibility, the delegates who are going to the convention,
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that the democrats, the republicans, can change their candidate, they will not go to the polls, as if with a trumpet. there is such a situation possible, this... even with a living person, this is another question, although here everyone is of age, to be honest, that’s why from this point of view, as if such a possibility exists, it is present, it is possible to do it from a legal point of view, there is truth the grounds should, in theory, be good, now i doubt that this will seriously help voters, so from this point of view, accordingly, the most important thing now is that everyone is already preparing for this one-on-one confrontation, and against this background, of course, the most important it will be a fact how foreign policy will react to this whole matter and develop, so from this point of view, of course, this is a very important main line. the story that is about to happen, as for the european perimeter, we have a fit on the 24th first he will go to uzhgorod, also talk, respectively, with the prime minister of ukraine, and then go at 17:00, well, somewhere around 17:00, plus or minus 2 hours, as if in moscow, to
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germany, and there he will already communicate with scholz, that is, in fact, naturally, apparently, they are being worked on first by hungary, now, respectively, by representatives of other eastern countries. countries, with a high degree of probability everyone is preparing just on february 1 , taking into account the fact that funding with a high degree of probability will not be provided from the united states, then the question already concerns how to what will happen to the european direction , the european perimeter, especially since this is the most important component , because there are many different initiatives there, but the most important ones in terms of financial replenishment, they seem to be very narrowed down, this is a big problem, because now if not to use assets of 260 billion, otherwise it will be difficult to imagine the full amount of funds, even if you come up with a tax, which is what is being invented now. on income - these are still very small volumes, that is, in fact it is necessary to find large, large volumes somewhere, serious amounts of funding, this issue is now being resolved, now we are finding it quite effectively, apple has paid more than a billion in fines for violating the law, the americans finance our economy, this is great apple in fact
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, it is still located in the russian federation, although formally it has left, accordingly, payments are made here in the russian federation, i remind you calmly, despite the financial restrictions of the two operators, well one. now zelensky will list apple as a sponsor of the war, i remind you that a whole billion, even more in the budget, i remind you that, accordingly, before this they allegedly withdrew from the sponsors of the war, as if accordingly everything is fine, when necessary, that is, the question is, the hungarian banks also withdrew who work here for us, this is a matter of negotiations, the question is different, the question is that, accordingly, we pay quite a high price for this, a third of our budget is still accordingly military, so we also need immediately understand that we paid a very high price for this, as it were, so we also must understand that for a long time, like 10 years there, that’s all, this will not continue, no country can have such a budget, except for some somehow hold on to cancer, so from this point of view the question boils down to the fact that, of course, the struggle of economies shows how long you can play this, and naturally the whole issue will be resolved, in fact, as if then it will become clear that from the election campaign in the usa
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there will be plus or minus, but it will be clear, as it were closer to autumn, actually towards summer, i imagine how now the guys somewhere at work are listening to you, massage, i’ve never done it on the spine, well, let’s go where, i’ll help, i’m a fool, well, i’ve been doing this for a long time, she had no right to get up, not to mention just go to operate, you perform the operation on me, i turn a blind eye to everything, it’s coming, skletosovsky is
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on rtr today, and soon we’ll watch new episodes. an urgent meeting with the best team, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling
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much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. “winner of the golden eagle award, we started talking, and there were conversations that it was impossible to live, that the salary was cut by a third, just so that panic wouldn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what is this? people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to capital punishment. i have a daughter, a girl,
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i can’t find her, well, this is not human. dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr. vadim tserkovnikov, sculptor, restorer, who gave a second life to the legendary monument to the working collective farmer, apartments, dachas, land and business, he transferred everything to the children and almost ended up on the street, with a debt of 300 million. leave the apartment, i say, but where will i be, and i not interesting, you're nobody here. the sculptor is sure that the children want to bring him to death through the courts, and the young wife assumes that in this way her husband’s children are taking revenge on her. betrayal.
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in relations with the united states and will not run, quotes from uncle sam, to ask for forgiveness for any of his actions. also, the head of the russian foreign ministry assured that moscow did not discuss with trump or other american politicians the possibility of ending the conflict in ukraine.
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our alexander khabarov on direct line from london, sasha, hello, why suddenly decided to increase the strength of the armed forces of the united kingdom, why these calls to join the army? well, they didn’t so much decide to increase the staff of the armed forces as they decided to fill the gaps that currently exist, the fact is that the armed forces, i mean the ground forces, primarily parts of the british army, they... are being reduced quite rapidly, now about 70 thousand people serving in the british armed forces, it is believed that if things continue
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at the same pace as they have in recent decades, their numbers could to be reduced to almost 50 thousand, which , in the opinion of british military leaders, is certainly insufficient, just as there are not enough people in the navy, unknown information on the royal air force, but since documentaries about the everyday life of british... people began to be broadcast , which are shown on selected british television channels, then it is quite possible that they are pursuing the same recruiting goals. therefore, strictly speaking, all calls from the top military leadership of great britain relate to this, and those articles that the possibility of a full-scale conflict between the west and russia regularly appears in the british, not only in the british press, they occur at a time when western politicians are deciding to provide further military assistance to kiev, on this score, as is known, there is serious disagreement, both in europe and in the united states of america, so this information background, it is recognized, is intended
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precisely to put maximum pressure on those who receive it. active military intervention in vietnam, subsequently he became a pacifist and the secret documents that he published, in general , served as a reason for one of the reasons for ending the vietnam war, so everything secret becomes clear over time, unfortunately, the history is old, not everyone teaches it, not everyone knows it, so all these loud projects, so to speak, publications of sensational materials about
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russia’s imminent attack on western countries, all of this, in general, serves one purpose, but... the result, naturally, can be extremely dangerous and negative, primarily for the europeans themselves. evgeny, too dear, alexander, it turns out to be an information background, because europe, nato, has been conducting its largest exercises at our borders since the end of the cold war. sheptz calls for joining the uk armed forces, the daily mail publishes a plan with arrows on the front page, like russia. will attack nato countries, it’s too much effort to simply support ukraine, don’t you think? well, as you know, they never spared money on this. by the way, here are the british experts, some british experts assessed the recently concluded agreement in kiev between rishi sunak and vladimir zelensky on so -called guarantees or non-guarantees, they
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are interpreted differently, what to call this military agreement. london boastfully declared that it was the first of the seven countries to conclude what was agreed upon, in fact, at the nato summit in vilnius, this bilateral agreement, as analyzed by experts, primarily serves, of course , in the interests of british arms manufacturers, they thought that over the past 2 years, british military companies, the british defense industry have sent more equipment to ukraine than they were able to sell over the past 10 years, they say 12 times when the excess occurred. this military export, so of course, all these movements that are being made against a political background, they also have a financial background, and naturally, for the defense-industrial complex and great britain, this is all, of course, very profitable, the same goes for these 200 million functer sterling, which highlighted the creation of various drones intended for ukraine, which will be
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created by british companies; we are talking about attack drones in the air. about helping ukraine, everyone is helping, yes, as they say, america, how much money has allocated, almost everyone is helping ukraine, creating jobs at home, that’s absolutely right, the british are the same way, now i see that europe has already decided keep up, because the 50 billion that were considered last year, no one talks about them anymore, but that military fund, which is 20 billion, oh it seems that on february 1, they gathered to discuss an initiative there supposedly for 22 billion euros, but the essence of this initiative is that
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this money will not go to ukraine, this money will be financed. then production on the territory of the european union countries, yes, which creates weapons, and then these weapons will be sold to ukraine on credit, today tusk was there at zelensky’s, said that help will now be on credit, that is, in fact, poor ukraine will finance a rich one europe for 22 billion, yes, that is, we produce everything on credit later with we’ll give it a percentage, of course, interest in ukraine is being lost, now italy is in its twenty-fourth year, it will chair the g7, they have a summit planned. in june and this is the preliminary agenda that sounds in june, but there is no ukraine there, the g7 gathered there to discuss the middle east, africa, china, yes, there is food security there, artificial intelligence and even climate, but there is no preliminary agenda for ukraine, of course same, all the plunder, loot, yes, the same thing they are there they are discussing restoring ukraine , but again, this is what, yes, he came, it’s pritzker, the special representative for the united states, described the assets, said, no one will restore,
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they won’t give money for restoration, assets in exchange for restoration, but you give the assets. now, land, enterprise , everything else, banks, yes, we will restore it later, maybe, if you want , now in ukraine they already believe that the ukrainians are financing the russian army, that is, there is economic truth there, it has become ... that over the past year the ukrainians, they they watched, that is, russian content , they listened, they saw all this content that russia created, we are one people, we can’t tear ourselves away, but they thought that over the past year they had seen enough of this content, there are copyrights, the royalties were 81 billion, of which they considered that in theory, well, if according to the law, then it was 5.5 million, these authors paid them to the russian budget, 10 thousand drones, yes, that is, ukraine, well, they created it with ukrainian money, yes. that is , here too, you know, here you can look at it in two ways, on the one hand, ukrainians help the russian army, on the other hand, russian culture saves people, because if ukrainians had not watched russian culture, yes, then this money
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would probably have gone to some kind of funding for a drone on the ukrainian side, how much people were saved by russian culture, this also needs to be understood, zelensky is now adopting this law, he has adopted the deprivation of citizenship, that’s an interesting thing, yes, that is , those, this deprivation of citizenship is only for those who are ukrainians living in the territory russia voluntarily... russian citizenship, that is, it is clear, this is a violation of the constitution, he divided, yes, but like others, yes, everyone is equal, but the situation turns out to be wild, he talks about the borders of the ninety- first year, and if he deprives , there will be no citizens of ukraine there, well, in fact, it will be an aggression against russia, let’s go back, the national academy of cinematographic arts of russia presents: the main film event and film hero of 2023, achievements
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of luck, discovery and shock. everything that is worthy of an award, a solemn ceremony golden eagle awards, live broadcast on friday on rtr. look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8,
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how many, who is at work, a lot and loudly says, if you answer, then with humor, chop , no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now beep , if you win, then cheers, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, i refused, i refused my child. how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago , a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center. is he alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands.
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impossible to forget. i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer. do you have any experience with volunteer work for your children? you won't be able to escape. it’s hard to decide to change your life forever. what's so complicated? you take it, change it, but you and i don’t... it’s a nightmare, just a nightmare, why don’t you we left, vera, to give birth under the car , there’s no way, we’re putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they
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met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re just like that, lonely , karla leach, what, karly, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk, like woman to woman. you love me, you know everything yourself. you play without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music, this is the beginning, the beginning, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday on rtr. our moscow was covered by another powerful snowfall, it will last a day in st. petersburg due to bad weather. 15 planes
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that were supposed to land from pulkovo were sent to alternate airports, there were snow drifts on the roads, cars were literally frozen into ruts on the highway in the suburbs of the northern capital, as soon as you walked through the door, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye, we we know what is now on the scales, and what is happening now, dmitry shestakovich’s seventh leningrad symphony has become a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city, i say, we citizens of leningrad will not be shaken. bolt
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cannonades, and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, sunday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. we’re in a factory and there’s been talk that there’s nothing to live on, wages have been cut by a third, just so that panic doesn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, a demonstration meeting, what are these people, they harbor a grudge against the soviet regime, give them free rein arrest and judge the instigators to death. i have a daughter, a girl, i
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can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky on friday on rtr. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, that's what we'll tell you about. two-meter snowdrifts, no transport. i'll probably go through the balcony. residents are advised not to leave their homes. move along the sidewalks of the main city streets of yuzhno-sakhalinsk. today it is impossible.


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