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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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i won’t give it, all western propaganda, of course , right now is working on the fact that the khan is in trouble, well, it’s just rubbish, the shells have run out, we need to save ukraine, look, artillery is vital, because ukraine is holding back powerful russian attacks on the eastern front, but there is a shortage kiev's ammunition supply is felt more and more acutely every day, this self-propelled gun called m109 paladin, which was provided by the united states, is located next to bakhmut, it is often silent. because, according to the commander, they often do not have ammunition to shoot in russian, well that is, we can’t kill, we can’t correspondent plyagin talks about complaints to carry out their tasks 100%, shot , ukrainian militants about the catastrophic shortage of artillery shells, gunmen admit, sometimes fire has to be carried out with smoke ammunition that is almost harmless to the enemy, because others are simply no,
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bandera’s questions are fake bmp bradley, the car does not withstand the harsh winter, but without them it would be even harder, the call sign is the commander of the crew of the car barbie, he tells me that the bradleys play a decisive role. i doubt, that we would be conducting this interview right now if we didn’t have bradley, most likely the entire northern front would have been lost without bradley’s help. there is no time to waste, the next task is in line, the russians are pressing forward again. these shots of the zaporozhye direction show a pair of american max pro armored vehicles destroyed by bradley, and this is the dpr. the vsushniks tried to carry out a rotation in the torskoye area, but two drones and an artillery shell flew at the bmp with the militants at once. the ministry of defense publishes footage of fpv drone operators destroy enemy oporniks and infantry in the novomikhailovka area.
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nato headquarters in brussels signed contracts for the purchase of 220.155mm artillery ammunition by the alliance. the total cost is 1.2 billion euros. at the opening of the eighteenth meeting of the russophobic gathering in the ramstein format , the chief of the pentagon spoke publicly for the first time this year. thin and gaunt after surgery to remove prostate cancer. and the complications caused by austin also called for help in ukraine. the united states still intends to support ukraine in its struggle for freedom. the struggle of ukrainians is important for all our countries. he spoke via video link, sitting against a white wall, as a half-white house journalist joked at a briefing. austin called from a well-guarded printer closet. white house national security council coordinator kirgel fixed not the closets, but austin's rooms are still at home.
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the place can be difficult. i obviously can't talk about his schedule or when you'll see him in public. at the same time , the pentagon itself does not have money for ukraine, writes oshaated press. us support for zelensky they want to shift it to the allies, they are not happy. bloomberg writes that germany and france are now sorting things out over arms supplies to kiev. berlin is dissatisfied with the insufficient contribution of paris. the french respond by accusing the germans of refusing to hand over long-range missiles to kiev.
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a letter arrived threatening to kill sijart. death threats from ukrainian sources came through our embassy in kiev. as can be clearly seen, the purpose of this is to cast a shadow on the minister at the meeting. on the territory of ukraine, we are going to uzhgorod, tell me why i would go to kiev when i can meet with the chairman of the ukrainian government in uzhgorod, i don’t see the difference , you think that there is a war in kiev, you are probably laughing, i hope that you don’t really think so, go there and you will find out what is going on in this city, normal belly
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, normal life, that kiev may soon become a russian city, senior researcher at the center for security policy stephen bryan writes on the hemes page, according to him , in the west they know perfectly well that the russian army will not stop, so that zelensky will probably have to evacuate kyiv and move the capital to lvo. the ukrainians have to make difficult decisions on the battlefield, which targets they will hit and which they will have to save for the future, on the other hand, they are trying to force the ukrainians to waste ammunition defending themselves. newsvek conducted a survey and found out that. on the eve of the elections, many americans were left without savings ; 23% of respondents had money saved for only a few days; almost the same number of respondents admitted that they had no savings at all, and only had more than a thousand dollars in their accounts. a third of american citizens, this situation
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suggests that americans are now out of a reliable financial situation, europeans, including germany, are dissatisfied with the economic situation...
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a sharp decrease in the purchase price of milk to 405 euros per 100 liters, which is almost 50 euros lower than the cost of the product . the global reasons for farmers’ dissatisfaction with increased taxes on fuel, competition from cheap imports, in particular under the fire of criticism from french agricultural producers, well , naturally, their ukrainians...
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in these frames you can see how official cars pass by, but only a few dozen.
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their mobilization and this blockade will last as long as necessary, they told us.
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here is a car that crashed into a farmer's family, the mother of the family at the age of 35 died. father and daughter were seriously injured. according to the prosecutor, the driver did not deliberately crash into the straw wall erected by the protesters. two passengers in the car were also injured and hospitalized. in the morning , out of respect for the victims, farmers dismantled the barricades. well, the first video footage from the scene crash -76, ukrainian militants shot their own soldiers in the air, whose wives and children were waiting for them, this is how state duma chairman volodin, chairman of the state duma volodin, commented on the inhumane strike of the kiev regime on the il-76 plane with ukrainian prisoners, the russian ministry of defense said that there was someone who had fallen on board.
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statement from the ministry of defense. let's get a look. at about 11 a.m. moscow time , an il-76 plane crashed during a scheduled flight in the belgorod region. on board were 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, transported to... the city region for exchange, six aircraft crew members, three accompanying persons. a vks commission flew to the site of the plane crash to establish the cause of the disaster. so that deputies can finally see the light, who do they finance, who do they help? this is the nazi regime, fed by biden, macron, scholz, and other politicians.
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as they say, the soup is thinner, everything, everything, everything, already in a videoconference format, no more victorious reports, a list of what... will be included in addition to calls to continue to help ukraine and a statement that america has money no, when they will be, it’s not entirely clear yet , the germans are indignant, although they announced that they will supply as many as six helicopters, but helicopters are the same thing, they have never been in ukraine, again we need to train pilots, all this is also not immediately, then
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the helicopters are decommissioned, that is, subject to major repairs, obviously. moreover, if you look, the germans are indignant, and if you look at what they have already delivered, it seems like a lot, a lot of money, there are billions of euros, and so here are 18 leopard 2, a6, 60 tanks tanks, 50 leopard 1 tanks, 60 in total, 90 armored personnel carriers, two patriot batteries, one already destroyed 500. stingers seem to be a lot of spectacle, but on the other hand 500 is not that big, and as many as 45,000 155 shells of 155 mm caliber, a little e for a week , for a week of fighting , so yes, objectively, ukraine has problems, but there is no need, so to speak,
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to exaggerate their problems, they still have potential, the losses are huge, well, of course not 600,000. uh, i think that 600,000 is including the wounded, that’s what the latest numbers appeared, but realistically it’s somewhere around 1,300-350, they lost, but i think that, uh , well, of course they won’t call up half a million, but they can call up 1,200, another thing is that the quality of this conscript contingent, it’s completely different, age and level of training, and motivation, all this, of course, uh , is exerting its actions, they will carry out, they will prepare, as they say, they will now withdraw to the zaluzhny line that is under construction, somewhere 15-20 km to the west, and they will prepare for the onset of the twenty-fifth year, maybe, very often on many programs ask
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the question, if things are so bad for them, why are we up to we still haven’t reached the dnieper, say, we haven’t taken cities with a population of over a million, and so on. well, i have an answer to this question. you see, uh, you can take cities worth millions, well, in two ways, there are simply no others, it’s either an assault or a siege. the assault, well, let's take the example of the great patriotic war. we took warsaw in 3 days, but in general the warsaw-late operation to liberate the entire territory of poland lasted 2 weeks. but near warsaw we lost 300,000. in total in poland we lost 600, this is the price of the assault and the price, so to speak, here is a swift rush to liberate cities, you can really act as the marshal of the horses acted, surround , leave, so to speak, a small, small space for exit, so that the troops, realizing their, so to speak, plight, leave this city,
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you to the fact that the answer is to protect russian soldiers, yes, the task was set initially, i don’t really understand, another clarifying question, i also respect this thesis, but well , firstly, we have already started a special operation, it’s probably strange to now explain the absence advances only specifically in this way and in parallel, and if small cities, and if the advance itself along the front line , where there are fortified areas, where there are small settlements, about which nothing remains at all, this is it, if you can explain, because this is, in fact , the most important, most common question, we are burying zelensky, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the ukrainian army on a daily basis, everything is gone, and why aren’t we going, no, first of all, we are going, we are moving forward, slowly, yes , slowly, yes, 100 there are 50, 20, 700 m, we are moving forward, we take these supports, but we must take into account that they did not even start in the fourteenth year, they
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began to be built much earlier, i think, but if you take even from the fourteenth year 8 years.
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maybe closer to the border of the donetsk region , along the entire line, it’s just that if they build it on the front line, they will be destroyed during
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construction, during the deployment of equipment, so i say that they will not build it, therefore, taking into account our superiority, all these so to speak, here's talk about two squadrons in the sixteenth there are six sekings, but this is not very serious from my point of view, from a military point of view, and now i want to say a few words about the nato exercises that have begun, everyone is saying that nato is preparing for war with russia, this is indeed the case, in principle - we , we, they, go back to the seventies, they say the last exercises, in the eighty-eighth year, they conducted, there were more than 100,000 people, yes, these were exercises of the reformer series, the reformer series is an exercise that they conducted with sixties, uh, every 2 years the main goal was the transfer of reinforcement forces, a huge number of military transport aircraft, civil
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aviation, ships, military aircraft were involved, the americans transferred about two divisions to the european continent. now before these, well , first of all, this defender is , of course, not one exercise, it is a series of exercises, including the germans now conducting their quadriga, then the poles, their dragon. carry out two tasks that were announced at these exercises - this is testing the interaction of reinforcement forces, 40,000 people, well, rapid forces deployment, this is of course not the 300,000 that were mentioned in vilnius, only 40,000, these are three brigades, british, spanish , polish armored, and working out, as cavalli said, the transfer of reinforcement forces, this is the main task, that is, we... nato members are returning in the seventies, they already deployed the fifth corps to the headquarters of the fifth corps on the territory of poland , it used to be in germany, now it is clear that
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the main group of american troops will be deployed on the territory of poland, in general in eastern europe, and not in central europe, then there is something that they are practicing, and the intention of the exercise is no longer hidden, it is a reflection of an attack from russia, if before they talked about deterrence. last year they held us back with their defender, now they are repelling our attack, well, let them prepare, in general, i have a feeling of the caribbean crisis, there is a feeling that we are generally somewhere on the brink, you know, so far i have this feeling no, you understand, this is the use, if you mean the use of nuclear weapons, i don’t see the danger yet the use of nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future, another thing is that in addition to nuclear weapons, we all say: nuclear, nuclear weapons, last week general kirilov, the head of the russian chemical defense plant, held a briefing and revealed, so to speak, what concerns the biological program
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of the united states, this this can be worse, so to speak, than nuclear weapons, you remember the seventies, this obsession, how we could destroy the population, but leave material values ​​untouched, the concept of a neutron bomb, testing these options, so to speak, but then it died out, and biological weapons... more terrible than all sorts of plague, anthrax, what they say, there is disease x in dawas, which is 20 times more dangerous than covid, and which, coincidentally, they are doing in potondau, yes covid , covid, mortality from one to 5%, and if it’s 20 times higher, it ’s no longer, it’s no longer an epidemic, it’s not a pandemic, it’s a biological weapon, it’s a biological weapon comparable to any, so to speak, uh, virus, virulence, which is close to 100, to 100%. therefore, the karivo crisis i
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i don't feel it yet. but what they are obsessed with, especially the americans, the current administration and part of the pentagon, is obviously to restore what they, so to speak, lost compared to the seventies, this is obvious over the years, they will recreate their group, they will recreate, so to say, a group on our borders, they will serve as a constant threat to us, in this regard it is huge.
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ready to take a risk, look, it’s not enough, russia would feel emboldened to use nuclear weapons during clashes with nato troops, because he believes that the united states will not have the determination to respond. military setbacks in ukraine have undermined moscow's confidence in its conventional forces and the kremlin will place increased importance on its nuclear arsenal during a confrontation with nato, the international institute for strategic studies has said. knowing that the west is not inclined to sacrifices and risks, russia. may try to use some non-strategic nuclear weapons to cause damage and prevent its own defeat, and knowing that the us will not want to cross the threshold of using nuclear weapons in response, and may be prepared to end the conflict early, the institute's report says. russia's nuclear doctrine lists four possible scenarios in which the country's government would use nuclear weapons against an enemy, the first two if russia were attacked by nuclear-
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capable missiles. next, the third - if the enemy attacks military or government targets, the fourth - if the existence of the russian state is threatened, including as a result of the use of conventional weapons, through let's come back, why are you so tense, relax, if you want, i'll give you a massage, i've never done it on the spine, well, let's go where, i'll help, i'm a fool, right? she had no right to save or get up, not to mention just go to operate, you are performing an operation on me, i turn a blind eye to everything, okay? skletosovsky, today on rtr.
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for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a package for the children, little blue one, i can give it with a guide, leonid yarmolnik, how we love him, i have respect, attention, honor, certificates, i have a medal, i am soviet man, odessa as we know it, parshmar, why is it necessary? shoe, i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have the conscience to say such things, think such things, the film is a winner of the golden eagle award. kills everyone’s germs, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it that way. odessa, friday on rtr.


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