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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 24, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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good morning, hello, baba maria, let’s take a quick walk, how did you go for a walk? listen, okay, now, baba marya. firstly , he has developed, and secondly, he is going to be transferred to st. petersburg, listen, you were right , just a woman is boring, a woman with a yoke is impressive, a female is good on her own, yeah, what are you doing, albin, well , a woman with empty buckets is a bad omen , you’re a materialist, you don’t believe in this, mash , you never know, take off the women, marya,
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hello, hello, we’re getting milk, the sisters are having a meal, don’t you want to come with us, no , thank you, of course, we want, we don’t want , we want, and at the same time we’ll ask the novice about christie, yes, it’s inconvenient, it’s convenient, al, stop it, let’s go, can we sit here, thank you. bon
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appetit, thank you, bon appetit, thank you, what is your name? olya, olya, your gift was taken from us yesterday. really, how did this happen? some crazy woman snatched it from mashka’s hands and rushed to run away, but i didn’t have time to catch up with her. which aunt? she’s so scary, with a scarf over her eyes and black pricks in her eyes. and what did she say? she asked: where did the cross come from? masha said that it was you who told him dali, when she saw you, she became completely herself. yours, don’t worry, you
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can be completely frank with us, you can absolutely trust us, forgive me, for god’s sake, i asked something wrong, yes.
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well, they washed him, put him on the table , i go into the room, and he suddenly gets up, looks at me and says: hello, masha, i fainted, and then the doctors explained what happens, such a lethargic dream, now you’re not afraid , no, now i’m not afraid, come on, take yours. kir, pour some water in our bowl, well, hurry up, let’s pour it, pour it, like that, that’s enough, that’s enough, and just like that, hold it above the water, let
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it flow, like that. here is a letter for you, from whom, i don’t know. well, let's see what happened to you , get it, a leg with a hoof, a cross, no, no,
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a cross is not given into your hands, it's a stranger, it's from the devil , let it go to hell, pah-pah-pah, forgive me, god. so that’s it, we tell fortunes for me in poetry , kirill, please tell me fortunes, page 67, line five from the top, and i won’t die on a bed, lord, what is this, gumilyov, me and you , what next, and i won’t die on a bed, at a notary and a doctor, in some wild crevice. drowned in thick ivy, well , that's it, let's better drink tea, here's tea, it 's always me, besides a sword, i never take anything into my mouth, kira, come here, well,
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well, what are you doing now will you say? what are you talking about now? what do you need? i, i, my dear, don’t need anything from you, it’s you who will need it from me now, me? i don’t understand you, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, i really don’t understand, but i don’t understand
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, well, girl, you feel really bad, and i noticed even that from the ward, it’s bad, that’s fairy tales, yeah this drunkard was telling me, but it’s not maana, things are not in fairy tales, listen, but the truth is, i almost need to go to my mother, because i go to the antenatal clinic,
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healing, look, if you lie down on this hill, then any disease, well as soon as he takes it off with his hand, yeah, but where is it? will go away, well, come here, lie down, it’s amazing, i can just feel the vitality pouring into me, lie down, why are you suggestible, well, i really feel it , there’s probably a strong geomagnetic field here, oh god, you’re still incorrigible.
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they took monastery milk, there was no toxicosis maybe someone scared you? nobody scared her, they scared her, they scared her, she was robbed here, she wasn’t robbed here, it was a misunderstanding, go ahead and write it off. good, bad, you can hear children crying at night, children crying, uh-huh, and my son probably told you this, he likes to scare girls, with drownings, yes, yes, with drownings, well, why are we going to scare you, you’re cute, it’s all a lie, just drink this mixture, you’ll sleep well, the nausea will go away, oh yeah, otherwise come back at the end of the month, huh? i won’t take anyone, but i’ll take you, no, thank you, i’ve already found a doctor who will give birth, how much do i owe you?
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well, god bless you, there’s so much grass in the field, i collect it from the whole village, and if you give birth, how much will it cost, who will give how much, here just now a beauty gave birth to a little boy, so she has nothing i was given a gold cross for work, but i didn’t take it, and the guy... no, no, he’s not a jerk, i feel like he’s not a jerk at all, but let the doctors examine that, but you don’t happen to remember what the cross looked like, mash, well, you’re not under interrogation, the cross is like a cross, golden, and where is this girl, you don’t know how i know, and i wouldn’t tell you if i knew, i keep medical confidentiality, my god, my soul.
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80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory. the fortitude and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes,
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liberators, requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr. a nightmare, just a nightmare. why didn’t you leave, vera? giving birth under a car. no , we are putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re so lonely, karla lich, karla lich, you’re young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk like woman to woman, you love me, you know everything yourself. you play without
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black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music this is the beginning of beginnings, the seventh symphony in saturday and sunday on rtr. and our places are holy, our places are holy, yes, here, right here, in, over there, novice, on a stormy night. the cross comes out of the water and you look for it and atone for your sins, and you know why your holy places bother me, why i hear children crying at night, well, everyone here hears it, you were with my mother, you were, well, she i gave you some grass to brew, well, well , drink it, drink it more often, every day, every day you drink it, that’s it, that’s what it should take away,
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come on, it would be nice, masha, eh... your friend married, i liked you too , yeah, that’s nice, otherwise i’ve already lost the skills to communicate with the female sex, i became a provincial, here we don’t even have young girls, only nuns, you yourself understand the problems with them, you know, i got married, lived with wife of 5 years. then i found out that i was not smart, ugly, in general, i didn’t have children, but i had a whole bunch of complexes. listen, albina told me that you seemed to let slip something about st. petersburg. yes, i need to transfer from here somewhere. yeah, and i have nowhere to live here, i left the apartment to my wife. and you, probably the specifics are different. i'm used
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to rural crime here. murder is murder everywhere. please tell me i look like a mermaid. yes, all of you , you yourself will wake up, what else, here in the river, neatly in the middle, deep in the water, a catfish lives, pounds, that’s all, he is not an ordinary sum, he drags sheep to the bottom, here in the monastery there was one eavesdropper. come on, how, how, how does he drag them away, how, just like that, and with his teeth, the girls will go for a swim, they’ll kill him, she ’ll wake him up, he’ll wake up, float up to the top, at least he knew with some teeth, but what is he doing there with them, otherwise, maybe
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that’s where girls with fish tails come from? and the girls, you know, they told me that uncle agey is in cahoots with himself, he puts the girl in a boat, takes her to the middle of the river, then the oar reaches across the water, the catfish wakes up, so agey throws the girl to him, the catfish finds her at the bottom. listen, does this woman remind you of anyone? no, i don’t have any friends like that, but if she were dressed differently, do you think the scarf suits her better? what scarf? this is the one
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the aunt who snatched the cross from me in the monastery, so you have to grab her, in what sense? now you'll see, hey , woman, hello, hello, do you remember , you and i met at the monastery, you and i, girl, have never met, wait a minute, take your hands off, got it, no, masha, it's not her, she. it's exactly her, i recognized her. not her, this. let's go to.
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listen, you don’t know where these young animals are, well , well, syringes, huh?
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but there is no one, the naslednik died.
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thank you very much, please tell me if i can talk to olya, olya, the novice, she’s so pretty, her eyes are restless,
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i didn’t see her today, i didn’t go out to the morning service, and you didn’t see her either? no, sorry.
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it’s interesting, they have at least one murder a year, but i’ll have to ask korsky , by the way, today i went to the monastery to get milk, it made me sick, and i asked there about the novice olga, and so i didn’t find her, she gone, girls, hi, hi, tea with milk, coffee with cream, thank you, i'm on business, masha, where are the photos you showed me yesterday with... in the house, now i’ll bring it, and what happened, a murder , they killed a woman, maybe you know who exactly, how can i know, but it’s either a young novice from the monastery, or, or a middle-aged aunt, of strong build in a pink suit, perhaps she was with a cross, so, well, why should i now interrogate you as a witness, the cross on her was nearby. do you remember
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my story with the cross? so, i have two people involved with her. the first is the novice who gave it to me, well , the second, the second aunt who took it away from me. here they are, yeah, so, where was this filmed? at the crossing on the first day, what? do you know her? no, this. and this is the aunt, how she was killed , asphyxia, with pressure on her neck with her hands, blood under her nails, she resisted, which means the attackers must have scratches, the attacker is not a capercaillie, uncle ogeev saw a fight between two women, as he describes the second, young, fair, this is a novice, masha, this is a novice, so you need to show the photo to agey, kir, wait, can i come with you,
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albina, there’s a corpse there. i didn’t see your corpses, but masha and i went to the identification, right? will you come with us? no, you go and then tell me everything. i i her, did you come to see me? great, thank you, great niece, great, great, good afternoon, hello, hello, that's it. come on, timofey , remove the people from the scene, there is, so , report the situation, uh, corpse, asphexia, rigor mortis, well expressed in all usually studied muscle groups, dina, relax, i’ll tell you everything myself, alubina, don’t scare the people , they will already accept you, who is she, from the city authorities, and how are you you think why i called you, well, let’s go
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have a look, look. talya is the aunt who took masha’s cross, how do you look at it, as material, and masha also says, you have to look at it as material, she, she, well, go back, listen, well let me be masha for at least half an hour, then on... the protocol, pen, find me something to sit on, uh, here on the box, hand over the pen, please, just like that,
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okay, sit down. sit down, honey, there is no need to advertise our relationship, i’m ready, dictate, the woman’s corpse lies on her right side, the right arm is extended upward, the left is bent at the elbow joint, genna, yes, what are we doing with rigor mortis, it’s well expressed, uh, several hours have passed since the death, i... i’ve already cut the nail plates in an envelope, i’ll send them myself , and what they strangled with, there is a strangulation furrow , no, there is no reins, semilunar abrasions, that means they strangled with their hands, yes, but for you, friendship with masha was not in vain, i wonder how our friendship with you will end, dictate further, that’s it, then sign, what a beautiful handwriting, such
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a protocol is pleasant in the morgue. take it in your hands. my a friend says that when you write a protocol, you need to think about those people who will then read this protocol. albina, don’t corrupt my staff. your friend, is she a forensic scientist? no, she is a very famous investigator in st. petersburg. oh, are you also an investigator or an expert? i'm an artist, right? i’m an old fool, i believed it, mikha ivanovich, what a pity that we don’t have beautiful women in the prosecutor’s office. how nice it is to talk to the fairy at the crime scene, instead of looking at your hangover face, please, this is for you, oh, thank you, albina, i made a big mistake , i took you with me, now they won’t work, they will remember you, there is a way out, you
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too can go to st. petersburg, well, or you will stay, oh, oh, permit officer, i’ll help, so , here it is, oh, it was she who fought, that's right, she, she, it looks like it's here, yeah. good afternoon , can you tell the yagumene in this building, in this one , thank you, mother, this is for you, hello, i’m
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investigator korsykov from the prosecutor’s office, i need to inspect the room where this girl lived, please, yes, yeah, what it happened? she hasn’t been there since yesterday, neither at obediences nor in church. here's the search warrant. please check it out. a murder has been committed, we are looking for her. what? do you look at the documents of the people who come to your monastery? well, i don't have any documents. we don’t take away your passport, like the police do, but i have it written down. and... complete data, here , uh, thank you, what is this, this is a petition for admission to the monastery, but this hardly has anything to do with you , let me take a look, please, i don’t know,
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mother, i haven’t seen her since until yesterday , the last time i went to confession, and then i won’t really need it. if possible, from your sisters to conduct an examination. this way, please, do you have a cell for both of you? yes, can i talk to her neighbor? you know, she went to see her mother, but she should be back the day after tomorrow, so you have a free exit? i guess, yes. here is her bed, and did olya warn anyone? no, but could you tell me where she might have gone?
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does she have any relatives? no, she doesn't have anyone. how long has she been in the monastery? about six months. kirill ivanovich, please donate, come to the source, now, let's talk about the inheritance, what can you say about it, nothing.
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go and get your mother.
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let her come to her senses, i’ll talk to her later.
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the doctor confirmed the cause of death, asphexia , the blood under the nails was not hers, but a woman’s, the identity of the corpse was established, well, for now it is known that when we arrived, we rolled our fingers, we’ll see if something can help, by the way, there is one interesting feature on the head of the corpse. found a dried wound under the hair, didn’t notice it right away, dried up, how long? well approximately day, in general, does not coincide with the time of the murder at all. they announced a search for olga, where did she even come from? well, i took her information from the abbess. let's check. this is mint. mint? both pleasant and useful. but is it really both pleasant and useful? it happens to me. kira, what do they say about her in the monastery? and about who about the novice, well, what do they say,
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an ordinary girl, quiet, an orphan, no relatives, it’s not clear where to look for her, listen, you would set an ambush at the monastery , why at the monastery, she got out of there, knows that he’s looking for her, she won't come back, come on he himself said that there was no one, maybe she would return to the monastery. mm, she won’t come, you won’t find her, go to the river, wait until there’s a thunderstorm, maybe she’ll pop up on her own, especially not to wait long, i’ll go and have a look , kirish, just be careful, girls, there’s no one, kira, so what? there? mashenka, well, absolutely nothing, okay, i have to go, what are you saying, we
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’re scared, sit down, well, i can’t stay here overnight, baba maria won’t allow it, but how can you leave us, sit for at least half an hour, we it’s scary with masha, we’re weak defenseless women, and here there are ghosts walking around in crowds, what’s going on with the light, and kiryush, it means you saw you, didn’t recognize you, you’ll be rich, baba marya, tell me, please, you live opposite the monastery, that’s how you are everything is correct, you believe in god, and why didn’t you go to the monastery, but it’s very strict there, but with you it’s not strict, stop chatting, it’s time to sleep, okay, i’m off, by the way, i ’ll come by tomorrow, but today even i have to go home it will be scary, but go ahead, go,
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what’s going on, but listen, what’s going on? let's go have a look. they want to kill me, run, run
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, what will happen to her now, is she really a murderer , let’s see, do you believe in it, i haven’t seen such murderers yet, that she fought, strangled someone, and even that doesn’t happen, yes, so
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you think she’s the killer, well, i ’m telling you, we’ll see, we need to check the forensics, interrogate her. you never know what she’ll say there, the motive for higher education is to come up with such a thing, listen, i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office, okay, where did i get it, i told you that you can’t take other people’s crosses, how could you find a woman, it’s all because you she has a cross you're going to go out at night looking , are you crazy, well, you know, she came to me, that means she wanted something, she wanted, suddenly she wanted to kill you, and if she's a murderer, how do you know what's on his mind? mind, no, i won’t let you in, well, come with me, well, wait for me then p
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so, here’s a search warrant, go to the address, find out what kind of bird olga skvortsova is , i understand, she has no documents, look, maybe there’s something in the room - you’ll find something, well , look in your personal belongings, everything is clear, question your neighbor, neighbors, well, question, question, well, whisper around. vetyan, well, shall we go? where will we go? look.
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but not an expert, but generally similar, very, yes , i think that the one that olya told you, nothing, she refused to testify, as soon as she found out that she was accused of murder, she immediately hid, cried silently, that’s all, and the doctors they examined it, yes, right away, the abrasions
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on her head do not correspond to the age of the murder, the age of the teran on her aunt’s head corresponds, damn it? i didn’t even think about it, i ’ll have to check, the blood under my aunt’s nails is involuntary, yeah, that means it’s only the blood under it that’s against nails, and so everything fits, yage identified her, so what, you’ll arrest her, yeah, but i don’t know who to issue the warrant to, in what sense, with kvartsova olga pavlovna died six months ago, great, i hope she didn’t drown, yeah. information from the address bureau , but there they don’t report the cause of death, but at the place of residence, that i sent a local police officer with a search, i thought maybe it was a mercenary murder , she brought home something stolen, my timofeev address came, the house was occupied 3 years ago, and that no one is living, absolutely no one, but you i checked, skvortsova had relatives, i checked, she is alone, she has no one, uh
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-huh, remember, you spoke about the note from the monastery, what will you do next, i don’t know, while i’m looking at the place indicated in the note, i really don’t know what i’ll find there, maybe another corpse, it’s not funny, i’m not talking about funny, but can i take albina as a witness? it’s possible, it’s possible, i think she’ll be happy, it’s the same cross, only the chain is broken, the same one is in my safe. already the second, kirill ivanovich, it looks like blood, albina, give me the folder, here we go, we’ll confiscate it,
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both, both in different bags, uh-huh, so, where are the bags, witnesses, kolya, let the dog go, it looks like she found something, but what is there, a corpse, i suppose, now there are already enough corpses. timofey, what's there? nikolai, take the dog away, well
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, take her away from here, what is it, the corpse of a baby, wrapped, there is something in the sheet for collection, the third. witnesses, taken into custody, the child is full-term, live-born, the umbilical cord is cut with a surgical instrument, the cause of death is asphyxia, strangled, right? not to himself, shortly before his death he was fed, but not with mother’s milk, mixture, then they put it in unsuccessfully
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, he choked, the airway was blocked , death, and what happens is an accident , yes, but this often happens, especially with inexperienced mothers, it is clear when the time of death, yeah, from a day to three, that is, before ... content our ole, and most importantly, and most importantly, the child was infected with aids , can you imagine, he was already doomed, i do n’t know what to tell you about this, look for the infected mother, i’ll even tell you who she is, like this, yes, yes, the aunt of the murdered woman also has blood under her nails with the vechvirus, not her blood, here, here, this is the blood of the one with whom she fought, perhaps...
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please come in here, witnesses, hello, elena stepanovna, look carefully, do you know any of those sitting here? she, here she is with scratches, she gave birth to a boy, the birth went well, i cut the umbilical cord, tied it, everything was as it should be, it shouldn’t have festered, but thank you, sign it. here, here, yes, witnesses.
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everyone is free, witness semyonova identified you, what do you say to this? korsykov is listening, what? no, but this can't be true. ok. i will come. timofey, take the detainee away. hello, petrovich, this is kortsikov, let me take a couple of kurs to the monastery. they called me and said that they had my person involved. no, of course, she was now taken to the cell. but you need to check it. yes. thank you.
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where is she? she came without memory and
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fell into her sisters’ arms. blood, lord, have mercy, we take away the words of witnesses, hello, come in. i would like to talk to you about your sister, can i call you olya, because i don’t know your real name, olya, i am a passport i bought it in the name of olga, where at the station, your
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sister is in danger, you... you see, she just gave birth and immediately lost her child. lost it? yes, an accident. if you don't tell me everything, i won't be able to help you, neither you nor your sister. i will tell. help her please. i beg you, very much. calm down. let's go in order. have a seat. do you have relatives? no, we grew up... and then we got a room, the room was so big, bright, there was one neighbor there, we worked, vitya, i met vitya at a disco, he was so handsome was, he is very good, we wanted to get married, only vitya said that if his mother found out that he
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wanted to marry dedomovskaya, she would curse us. and we have already submitted an application, because you brought three crosses, gold, antique, so you said, we’ll sell it, there will be money for the wedding, but where did he get the crosses, from the house, no , it was his personal property, so, and i immediately said then him that it’s not good to sell crosses, i ’ll go and light them up at the priest’s and... one cross will be for him, and the other two for us tanii, so i went, and i’m returning home, and there vitya, he’s with tanya, i could have stayed, i went to the station for 3 days, then
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i bought a passport for the humble woman, so tanya came to the monastery, no, tanya came to me. she came, she, then, she came, she, she asked for forgiveness, but then she gave the cross to her, but she left the cross visible. because i think i’ll pray, everything will be fine with him, on the day you arrived, i was sleepy, i decided to call home, and vitya died, tanya’s neighbor kicked him out of the house. olenka, whose cross did you give me? vitin, you know, i thought, after all, he died, on the soul to the world comes, so i saw you, you said
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that you were still waiting for a boy, why did they take so long, that’s a long time, that’s good, it means they ’re talking. how much longer should we wait? how long does it take, if a person starts talking, you can’t take a break for lunch, otherwise after lunch he will say: who are you, i don’t know you, and why does this have to be done at night, well, you couldn’t wait until the morning, night is conducive to frankness , during the day we generally look at things soberly. but what about the shadows approaching? shadows? and to whom do they confess more often? men or women?
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i think women. why? they listen better. were you there at the source of sveta’s mother? i, i didn’t know anything, i came. and there she was with the child, and i didn’t know that tanya had given birth to a child, she said something, she probably demanded something from her, but she didn’t want to give it, then she hit me, and i was scared , i pushed her and ran away, she scratched her face, yes, when i... came to the monastery, there was no cross, i don’t know, maybe the chain broke, but i thought that god was no longer protecting me, that’s why i ran away, to you
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i came to ask for advice, they told me that an investigator had arrived from st. petersburg, but kirill ivanovich, you didn’t say anything because you realized that your sister is a murderer, yes, but what will happen to her now? olya , you need to tell everything to the investigator, he is a good person , he will help, however, they will probably look for her, they need to find her, she is in such a state that you can do a lot of stupid things, then she just needs medical help, it was a very difficult birth, agreed, call the investigator, okay.
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one of tanka’s sisters, a real badass, the second one is quiet, pious, she kept running to church , her boyfriend picked her up while she was sharpening the lass with her father, vidka was having fun with her and his sister , how many times did he only see olka through the doors, these are in bed, and she the fool washes them, prepares pickles, different , but they have relatives, but what kind of relatives, are they grandfathers? heredity is clearly rotten, but how did it happen that olga went to a monastery? one day she caught them, cried and left, and these two began to play tricks here, every morning i
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found syringes in the garbage can, i told them, that jump until you get aids, that’s what happened when vidka died, tanka was already pregnant. well, i took her out of the apartment, there’s no point in sleeping here, be careful, grandma, there ’s a step here, it’s a bit cramped here? well, that’s it, tanya told me goodbye that she had gone to give birth to a monastery, that she would soon return all covered in gold, because i’m going to get gold when my granddaughter is born, and after a while this same mother appeared, asking about it, she was all rushing into the room to look for three gold crosses that her son stole a year ago. they are expensive,
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like a memory, they cost a lot of money , well, i told her that she had gone to give birth to a monastery, my mother came alone, with some young man, apparently a lout, petrovich, well, where are you there, everything has already frozen, excuse me, they are calling me for dinner, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, we lived with tonko.
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she was working as a laborer, so she began to say that such people should be killed along with their tools, that they should be killed just like that, but what about the child too, well , of course, i didn’t betray the meaning, and you never know who wants to kill someone, but she really did , and the girl looks like she has aids, vidka died from aids, but tonka was good, i feel sorry for her. yes, but who will get the house? how's that for anyone? and i, of course. how do you like it, romeo? instead of sending them all to a monastery, they should atone for their sins. well, shall we take a walk? let's go to. let's think logically. tanya demanded an inheritance for her child, right? so. tonya was not going to give anything away and was ready to kill her grandson, just so that he wouldn’t get anything, but she couldn’t kill him. she even fed him what she found. yes. and the child died like me. i understand,
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immediately after meeting ole at the source, when she mistook her for tanya and hid the child there, yes. by the way, according to the time of death, everything works out: when these two combat vehicles collided on a narrow path, then apparently tony blurted out something about the death of a child. do you see what happens? yes, it turns out, the effect is up to 3 years, and amnesty, yes, and amnesty. although, to be honest, i doubt that if she was on drugs, there would be no amnesty. don't forget that tanya is sleeping, huh? it will be worse than prison, yes, and olga will atone for their sins in the monastery.
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you know that without blessing mother superior, you don't have to do anything. even
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the smallest thing, not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, but what are you allowing yourself to do, now you’re going to kick me out, they asked me to hand it over to you, the same one , to the investigator, yes, i can’t take it, go and work. hello, hello.
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the national academy of motion picture arts and sciences of russia presents. the main film event and film characters of 2023. achievements
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of luck. discovery and shock, everything that is worthy of an award, the golden eagle award ceremony. live stream. on friday on rtr, we collected the first group of about ten people , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us , yes, when my fighters came running, they
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carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still there in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother. she herself is hungry, but she carries this kurbuda and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support with a word, hello, dear soldier and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, for the anniversary of leonid ermolnik, mom, where is dad, and the delivery has arrived, you know, he walks himself, and i
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don’t have a doll, raya, what do you understand about such things, what is it, dad, it’s already happened , everything has already happened, you can’t change it, you know what i think , we have to move on with our lives, and the golden eagle odessa on friday on rtr, yes i say, i’m already on the way, at the house, of course , i will, well, just put something there to warm up, otherwise i’m already gutted they sing romances to each other. well, i don’t know, soup, cutlets, heat everything. yes, what is it, did the pipe burst again?
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my god, did they flood again? oh my god, hey, are you alive? maxim, neighbor, what are you doing? or what, maxim, maxim, maxim, maxim, what is this? galya, galya, tom
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, someone open the door, why are you shouting , you've flooded again, borya is at home, no, call an ambulance quickly, it's maxim, why can't you call yourself, call an ambulance quickly, what, what the hell, now, what is it, what happened, just don’t worry, it’s coming soon calling? an ambulance is calling from dali, girls, or maybe where he even came from, an ambulance, we have a man on the stairs, lying unconscious, biting, what is it, 40, what happened, guy, i know that, is he angry or what, so i'm calling you.
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calmly finish your duty mutually , happily, come on, this is how it happens, two steps from his own house he stumbled, bam, and then he moves feet first, don’t say, you know, there was, a girl spilled oil, a man was walking, slipped, there’s a tram, so he remained lying there, but his head continued it rolled, oh, how, but i didn’t hear, it’s not here, it was in moscow, at the patriarch’s, a long time ago, however, in moscow people still don’t have it.
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but i was scared, i was scared, what didn’t the bunny do, of course i was scared, i didn’t expect it, it’s nothing, little loud noise, well, come on, get up, wash yourself, we’ll go to breakfast with you, yeah.
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well, now i see that she’s fine, well, i took something, and the hippocratic oath is also, you know, not empty words, i go in, but... he opens his eyes and quietly , dad, dad , can you imagine, inside me everything has turned upside down, well , you’ll tell this fable to the guard who klafelinov got drunk, but best of all, don’t tell anything, buy us a good bottle of clinic, no problem, and me too, why should you care, i was also worried, that ’s it, let’s go, let's go to.
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how did you sleep? great, did you dream about anything? yes, as usual, first a pack of wolves attacked me, i... stroked me to the bone, and then a rosary in a red dress chased me with an ax, you’re making jokes, but what do you think, i don’t know why you’re asking me about waking up, but i’m just like that, well of course, i don’t have any mental trauma, post-traumatic syndrome either , or stockholm syndrome, or whatever else happens, well, okay, no, no, but you know what i thought, maybe we’ll invite my grandmother to live with us,
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that’s why, well how are you doing this year, i work from morning to night. and she will cook delicious lunches and dinners for you, i look at you, i don’t understand how you became a boss, i mean, well, well , literally, in order to become a boss, you need to be cunning, intrigue, build intrigues, but at you have cunning like a first-grader , what are you saying, well, mommy, i understand everything,
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great, nafing from nafing, what, what, learn languages, what, they haven’t told you yet , they told you, mom said, dad said, teachers at school they said, all my life someone has been telling me something, what is of interest to you, but you understand, here’s the thing, the day before yesterday, while i was on duty, a dead body happened, i have nothing to do with it, it’s mine. mom, i swear, no, the man slipped on a step, shook his forehead, well, you see, you want whatever you want from me, right away i warn you, i have a lot to do, well , one more, one less, now i don’t like what you’re saying, i don’t like it at all, but what, i said, you’re busy , mayevsky decided so, with you, that it’s not
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so, right now i’m flying to my mother in novosibirs, my sister called, she’s crying, she says she took the skins at night with a stroke, maybe that’s it, yes, that’s it, don’t think about it, i formalized everything there as it should be, but that’s right, yes, also i sent photos from the place to your email, didn’t delete them by accident, that’s it, i’ll run, so what? there, now your business will be to follow, hello, i’m talking about maxim’s joke, i’m his brother. and maxim shustov, who is this? i’m telling you, my brother, the major just told me that the matter has been transferred to you, and you will now deal with it, so he said, well, yes, let’s go, thank you, come in,
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please sit down, thank you. yeah, the autopsy, who performed it, you don’t know what? aan mikhailov, good day, i hope you have a good day. listen, your guys were supposed to perform an autopsy there the day before yesterday. more specifically? maxim
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shustov, how old? 40, 40 years old. slipped in the entrance , hit his head on the stairs, well , as you understand, i won’t tell you anything right now, even if they carried out a cover-up, the final conclusion will be ready no earlier than in a few days, after all sorts of chemical, histological studies, well and so on , well, at least preliminary, they killed him , what am i saying, they killed him, i understood, hello, mikhailov, listen, there must be things from the pockets of the deceased... “if you urgently need it, come here now yourself , and you and i will analyze everything in detail, i will answer all your questions, uh-huh, well, how do you imagine how i’ll answer you now, is he lying in front of me or something, i’ll come in, you’ll be at your place after lunch , of course, what’s your last name,
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last name, smart, agreed, yes, maxim egorovich , i understand, uh-huh." you see , it’s working, you understand what’s the matter, but tell me, your brother seems to have a wife, yes he does, but why isn’t she bothering? or maybe she’s in shock now, they just started with to live like max, then bam, and so on, but i know how we bury maxim, then that’s it, all the ends of the water for sure, with why did they even decide that he was killed , but max couldn’t have slipped so much as to hit himself to death, oh, you know, i just know, he graduated from circus school as a boy, he was flexible like a cat, and there are a lot of cases when first-class swimmers drown in the pond, cool race car drivers get hurt on redvans, no... max, i couldn’t, i feel it here, and you, if you don’t want to do this, just say so, then i’ll go higher, whether you like it or not, it’s like that here there is no question, this is my job and i have to do it, and i do it, so do it,
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that’s how i do it, i do it, now i need to work with the materials, and as soon as i find out the details from the experts, i’ll contact you right away, now i don’t even have anything to ask you, give me your phone number, 8900, how much, hello, ksenia. how are you, what are you doing? it’s clear, i, yes, i wasn’t going to control you at all, what do you mean, stop it, i just missed you, yes, i ’m interested, okay, okay, i kiss you, bye, let me. and sit down, i’m literally just for one minute, you know,
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everyone in the investigative committee, everyone is literally on their toes, you they've been so screwed over that they still can't recover. can you imagine, their main task now is to lure you over to them, well, that's unlikely for them? he’s crying, i told them so directly, but here i am, actually, why did i come in, what are you doing on saturday evening, well, it’s probably not as important what i do on saturday evening as what you do? he invited me to his place and ordered me not to come without a beautiful and intelligent
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companion, will you keep me company? yes, really, it looks like you expected me to refuse? no, of course, no, no, well... that's it, then we agreed, yes, on saturday, thank you, ksenia, it’s me again, no, no, no, i have absolutely no control over you, i just, i just wanted to say that i love you very much. i feel fine, yes, really, i’ll take these damn tests, well, of course, i remember what i promised, but in the morning for some reason i
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forget that i need to train, yes , that’s my word of honor, that’s it, let’s go to work, come on, kiss. and he was like, seriously, and then, girls, hi, hi, boy, oh, what are you hiding there, this is for you, great, we were just about to drink tea, sweetie, by the way, adri.
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with his right side he didn’t fall or even hit himself, otherwise there would have been serious traumatic brain injuries, and there weren’t scratches, so i would say, it’s an infection, he couldn’t just break his neck like a normal person, so he definitely had to do more it will fall out from under, and now look at this set, are these the things that were brought with the body? look carefully, lighter, plastic, lighter not plastic, metal, cards, playing card, keys, metal, with magnetic, tablet, tablet, telephone,
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a black smartphone, aka a telephone, well , cigarettes, with a filter, you don’t find anything strange, but the lighter is plastic, the lighter is not plastic, metal, a deck of cards, the king of hearts, or maybe you ’re missing... not enough money, well done, wallet, talent, bank card, detective genius, tell me, do you carry cards with you, play, no, you have to,
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i don’t know, i’m not ours, do you carry a ribbon? are you kidding me or something, no one carries cards, but he did, and this is your first clue, while we go and have some tea, yeah, you think he plays cards for money, concepts i don’t know, maybe he didn’t play at all, maybe according to a synchronicity situation, or i was wondering where he came back from in the first place? you say you found him near your house? near the apartment , on the stairs where he left, i don’t know, yeah, it’s clear , i’ll have to work with the objects, i’ll tell borisovich what we’ll look for, but i don’t know yet, it’s just strange that he didn’t have any money with him, no cards, no cash, listen, do you want to show me the place where you found the body? well, i haven’t seen it myself, novikov’s description just
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read everything, well, look. i have it now a couple of hours, let's go, mikhalna, you know , with you, you can even paint it forward , you don't want to get dressed, back, the courier will pick you up, as usual, i was pavlova, she offered me to organize an anniversary corporate event for the sklif, cool, i want to congratulate you all on holiday, when i saw you, i was the first to say to pragin, you don’t change at all, well, neither do you, why are you, what is it, brager, help, sklepasosovsky, tomorrow on rtr, this man had no idea about
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the existence . artist tatyana abramova, did not know, yuri belyaev and tatyana abramov, and passing by me, for some reason he put his finger into the hole of my jeans, which was just above the knees, and a day later i asked permission to kiss her, and two crazy people met, 10 years ago, like one day, boy, you’re like that called tatyana albertovna, yes, this, this suits me, let's yes. throws himself on himself, i’m wondering how much you ’ve really gotten to know each other well over these 10 years, i’ve already lost a year, so i’ll get up. already 30 years old, who was the first to confess their love? the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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this entrance, and this one, a good reaction, the reaction of a wild mongoose, photographs from the crime scene.
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hello, hello, zhnetsova, tamara vasilievna. yes, it’s me, we are collecting material on the death of maxim shustoy, but please accept our condolences, and please tell me, maybe you remember, didn’t you notice anything unusual that day? no, what are you saying, i don’t really remember anything at all, my neighbor found him, no, no, that one over there, and when i came out, i just realized that... everything is bad with maxim, my legs are bad too gave way, in my eyes went dark, they then took me back into the apartment, i don’t even know who called the ambulance. tell me, did maxim return from work that day? yes, i don’t even know
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, we’ve only recently been living together, i don’t meddle in his business, but he worked part-time during the holidays, he showed magic tricks, so they could call him at night, and then he only called when he returned. did you call on this day? yes, literally 5 minutes before all this he called, said that he was hungry, so that he could warm up something for dinner, said that he would be there soon, or maybe maybe you'll come in, oh, sorry, but we 're done for today, please tell me, did maxim have a bank card, maybe a wallet? i don’t know, i didn’t notice, you know, we didn’t keep a common budget with him, but he always bought it himself for the refrigerator, and in general it was only necessary to stutter, that is , he usually had money with him, yes, lord, you
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mean , that he didn’t fall on his own, that is, that is, he could have been out of money, we don’t know yet, and also please tell me, did he always have playing cards with him? well, yes, of course, this is his main prop , you know, he showed tricks with cards, we met like that, i was sitting at a bus stop, i was sad, something, and he decided to cheer me up, well, he did, sorry again for disturbing me , thank you, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, let's let you, yes, let people go, where, let's go. uh-huh, as one little girl said, it’s getting weirder
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and weirder, i think that that evening he had money, and also these cards, tricks, something i have big doubts about these tricks, and you don’t want to ask the neighbors , maybe who saw what? listen , but please forgive me, can i talk to you for a second, yeah, you’re probably talking about maxim shostoy, oh, so you know what happened here recently, of course you know, i found him, they’re doing renovations here, so the entrance is already flooding for the second time, we ’re all going to break our heads here soon, and you knew this nonsense well, well, you knew it, well, he seemed like a good guy. cheerful, polite, we were happy for tamara here, in her youth she lived with an idiot, suffered through the roof, and now at least she can live with a normal guy, but you see, god forbid. tell me, and the former tamarin, where
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he is now, you don’t know, they divorced a long time ago, he didn’t appear here, yes, but for the better, if his son tomarkin had not followed him, then in general it would have been good, and son you what's not to like, german, whoever likes him , he hasn't worked anywhere for a day, he keeps stealing money from his mother, he likes to relax, he brought his friends from the tavern drunk, sometimes from the pub, and you don't know in a calm, brisk way what kind of relationship he's in was there, we communicated normally, but it would be better for you to ask, here i am for you i won’t say anything, they just recently lived together, i don’t know, thank you very much, you helped us a lot, but you’re welcome, be careful, yeah, okay? as i asked, sorry, got carried away
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, uh-huh, mikhailov, are we going or not, listen, what do you think, that surveillance camera over there captures our entrance or not, well, first i would find out whether it works or not, okay, i’ll ask a question in another way, that surveillance camera over there is working or not, who the hell knows, they’re going to harass the apers, they’ll find out, let’s go now, you seemed to be in a hurry.
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dus, it's me again, just a minute, though. you ask if you want to go shopping with me ? i don't know, today or tomorrow? ok, well, let's decide later, yeah, that's it, kiss you, bye. hello, boris, hello, anna mikhailovna, i took prints from the objects collected next to the body, and from the pockets of the late maxim shustoy. so is there anything interesting? well, look, on a pack
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of cigarettes there are mostly the prints of the deceased, on a deck of cards on the phone too, and why are there mostly other people’s prints on the pack, but that’s the point, there are, well, maybe treated someone with a cigarette, okay , let's move on, that means lighters, and what kind of lighters , on that penny one there are prints of the deceased, uh-huh, on this one... here on the dear one, completely different fingers, well, he also gave it to someone light a cigarette the day before, well, maybe so, but why then are there no prints of the deceased at all , i think that this is not his lighter, interesting, yes, interesting, but there is something else interesting, a couple of fingers above the expensive lighter coincides with other people’s prints on the pack cigarettes, just like that, yeah, i got it, thank you, borisovich, print it out for me, please, okay, anna mikhailovna,
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forgive me, please, we were all so worried about you, now we are very glad that... all this ended happily. thank you, borisovich. without your support it would have been much more difficult for me. i love you very much. thank you. and what do you want to say, that you can live on this silas. “actually, it’s a good idea, what you just ate, what ’s on your plate, it’s just cholesterol, but if you want, i’ll calculate for you how many calories, fats, carbohydrates there are, stop, let’s eat first, and then i’ll tell you, bon appetit , here’s the one, thank you, by the way, i sent you
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the conclusion on your fingers, i read it, well, if you have a lighter, whoever read it, yeah, the fact that there are other people’s fingerprints on an expensive lighter doesn’t mean anything to me personally says, eh..." on the pack of cigarettes from the pocket belonged to the owner of that same lighter, which means that at that time there was someone else on this landing, and if we assume that this someone simply stole a cigarette from the deceased, then what it made him throw his lighter and run away, and morozova, to be honest,
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someone hit the deceased in the head and picked out his pocket, that’s what i’m saying, so you ’ll most likely have to reclassify the case. yes, i got it, i got it, python, python, python, yes , come in, hello, hello, come in, sit down, please, thank you, closer, move, vladimir igorich, look at these objects, you recognize them. “to be honest, i don’t know, it’s like my brother’s mobile phone, but the rest, i can’t say anything, yeah, it doesn’t bother you that among these items there are playing cards, your brother’s wife said,
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that he’s a magician, but i wanted to tell you that time, he played, he played, for money”? only boys play with words. for some reason, i immediately thought that all this was somehow connected with his damn games. why are you doing this? they thought it was a gambling debt, he lost a lot? but no, just the opposite, he almost never lost. max had his own system. i don’t know if he used the sleight of his hands during the game, but he definitely used his head. and where did he play? how often, with whom? he probably shared it. but you can’t get words about it out of him with pincers. itari even forbade talk about this topic. i told him how many times, it won’t bring you any good, talk already, stop, yeah, that means you don’t know his partners in playing cards, but you suspect that these may be those who played with him, but what do you think? , what kind of contingent is there,
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they say they are worse than drug addicts, such a lighter, did you not see him? well, in any hill they give you a reward, i don’t know about this one, i haven’t seen it, i definitely haven’t seen it, yes, if you please, natalya konstantinovna, come in, come in, i ’m organizing coffee now, no, i’m just for a minute i wanted to ask for advice, what happened? something for ksyusha, if necessary, any doctor, any specialist, just say, no, everything is fine, i have a different issue, so, the fact is that the other day moevsky invited me to your varlamov’s birthday, and i i also agreed, now i’m wondering if this is convenient, well, of course it’s convenient, i’m so happy for
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you, i mean, what other meaning do you need, look at yourself and look at him, i immediately understood, they made this guy for me, you with mayevsky? it will be the same, believe me, i have a good eye, come on, come on, come on, sit down, sit down, sit down, settle down , i'm getting coffee, light, light, great, you haven't seen our opera houses, they 've been closed for an hour, yes, i saw them, they were here about five minutes ago, by the way, here, thank you , what kind of fuss is there without songs?
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petrovich freely, let me go, i won’t let you go, where are you all hanging around , i can’t catch anyone at what time, you don’t know where we’re hanging around, while we’re hanging out with the kids, what do you have there, phone numbers from the mobile phone of the now deceased smart, smart , shustova, damn, i don’t remember who it is, and you shouldn’t remember, this is fresh, i’m here i wrote an explanation below. everything that is needed from me, i will write, sign , in general, it needs to be done as quickly as possible, well, in general, as usual, you can, yes, yes, come out, you know why i called you, well,
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not yet, but it seems , i guess, look here, well, this is the one that we did a second autopsy, you see, a small mole , well, behind the ear, i don’t remember that there was a mole there, maybe there’s a defect in the photo, it seems they took it, it’s suspected that it will be there soon take it, i also found something here, though i still need to check it, but i’m actually calling you, no to brag, i would like one of yours to
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roll away the fingerprints, if the fingers on the lighter match the fingerprints of the suspect, otherwise you yourself understand, maybe something else interesting will be found, right now it is necessary, well, if not now, then perhaps i would pull you, but yes, i understand, well, i’ll send someone... my own, okay, just not valera, right? what was the number there?
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andrey petrovich, well, i seem to be standing at the address, but where are you? turn around, come in, expert, criminologist. meet popyrin artyom egorovich, friend of the late maxim shustoy, did you find it on your mobile phone? that ’s right, he had a contact number in his phone, they found it quickly, the citizen immediately responded with understanding and answered all the questions, but why am i needed here, they would have taken me straight to us and they would have called us already, but no, it’s not about him , he says that he didn’t play, here’s his friend shustov, a professional gambler, but his fingers.
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what a surprise. so artyom egorovich told us that that very evening shustov was playing with a certain screw, they had a serious conflict there, and so, artyom igorovich, yes, that’s what happened, so they got into a fight with him, but because of why, don’t be stupid, valer, because of the money, but , artyom yegorovich, of course, there were serious women there, wind, he, citizen popyrin, with things to go out, well, you’re making jokes, sorry,
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it’s him. .. andrey petrovich, to be honest, i didn’t quite understand everything, this popyrin, this popyrin arranged a meeting with the screw, of course, at our request, it’s because of this screw that we need you here, apparently, shustoy still had money that evening, and a lot of money, but just take all the prints for us, now everything is clear, or sit there in your own
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ask the laboratory and your microbes. lost? thank you, please, doc , please, please, thank you, hello, vint, where are you ? “i’ve been waiting for you here for half an hour, and you ’re so twitchy, you’re scaring me , why are you twitchy, we agreed to meet, well, i say, it’s urgent , yes, i’m going, i’m going, a couple of seconds , wait, great
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, say, i don’t like you today, you’re kind of nervous, what’s the problem, sit down, we need to talk about max, sit down, smile, and what about max, we found out that's it, he took the money, what other questions do you have for me, yes?
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there is, let's go straight, i'm going around, come on, come on, come on , what have you, he's running away, running in your direction, whoever's being bullied, he's running away, what did you say or something, they can't do anything themselves, i'm running towards you from the side streets, and i, and you sit here. i looked at my autopsy photographs, it was not a mole, a drop of blood had dried up, when he was brought to us, it fell off. so, did you find something else? yes, he was killed with a thin
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sharpening point, something like a long awl, the swelling of the brain was from the blow and... i understood that the body would have to be disturbed again, but we know what to look for. there's no one there, there's no one there either, look. well, it looks like everything, andrei petrovich, screw, hello,
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how are you, everything is fine with you, relatively speaking. kasyanova came in, it seems we found the cause of shustoy’s death, this is a thin awl, the killer hit shustoy with a thin awl or a thin sharpening point right behind the ear, behind the ear, behind the ear, behind the ear, so warn me guys, be careful, who knows how he will behave, this screw or whatever it’s called, this screw won’t behave anymore, we were too late.
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well hello. or what, i bought your sweets darlings, just don’t eat right away, let ’s hang at least a little on the christmas tree this year, whatever, karl ilyich, zap, the symphony is finished by the central theater committee, with greetings shastokovich, the seventh symphony. saturday and sunday on rtr. we know what is now on the scales and what is happening now.
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dmitry shestakovich's seventh leningrad symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say, we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of canadas. and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the blockade the cities showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even one’s own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva. sunday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. quickly went that there is nothing to live on? salaries were cut by a third, just so that panic wouldn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, a demonstration meeting, what is this? these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet
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regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to be punished to the extreme. i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, it’s it’s not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky on friday on rtr, good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. five people in the hospital near the primorskaya metro station, a regular bus ran into pedestrians. without traffic jams on the roundabout in kronshtat, they plan to allow traffic to move along
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the updated road junction. a single preferential travel payment for sports instructors working day in the city parliament. siege swallows decorate st. petersburg. decade of complete liberation leningrad from the fascist blockade. a terrible accident on vasilievsky island, the bus flew onto the sidewalk and ran into a group of pedestrians. everything was recorded by cctv cameras. here are the shots. a heavy car at speed crosses the corner of cash street and bering street, runs into tram tracks, and changes its trajectory. knocks down a traffic light, literally plows up the lawn and drives onto the sidewalk. five people fall under the wheels. according to eyewitnesses, people were seriously injured, one woman's leg was torn off. first aid was provided.
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passers-by, but on their own they could not remove all the victims from under the bus. the driver of a construction crane who was passing by came to the rescue; another special vehicle was called for help. as a result, all five people are in hospitals. we heard a pole falling, my friend and i saw a bus standing there, and we ran up to it. we saw three people lying on the spot, heard one under the bus, and started running around, well, helping. call people to call a special service. at the time of the accident there were 10 people on board the bus passengers; according to official data, they were not injured. the driver was a man born in sixty-five; he was also not injured as a result of the accident. before going on line, he underwent a medical examination. according to his wife, she hurriedly arrived at the scene of the accident. her husband called her and said that he felt sick while driving. according to the preliminary information that we have, yes, everything happened at the intersection of birring cash.
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carrying out an inspection by law enforcement agencies regarding the incident, as noted in the transport committee, the bus at the time of the accident was technically sound, the driver has 6 years of experience, there were no complaints against him before, the men took statements and sent him for a medical examination, traffic in this area was difficult for quite a long time, but now the situation has returned to normal. a massive accident completely blocked traffic on the narva highway towards st. petersburg for 5 hours, near the village of kipen a string of broken cars... the car
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stretched out hundreds of meters. the first accident occurred at 8 am, after which passing buses, trucks, cars and trucks crashed into each other in a chain for another hour. by according to eyewitnesses, two people were injured and were taken to the hospital. according to updated police data, 14 cars collided on the highway. the drivers themselves say that the cause could have been ice. i was able to brake, but the following cars could not. even going out is as simple as putting up an emergency sign. it’s unrealistic , you could fall, look, we’re floating, here in general, a little further, it’s sprinkled there, there’s no dust here, traffic police inspectors and representatives of the road services responsible for the federal highway were working there, they say there’s icing there was no asphalt, 2 hours before the accident , 20 cubic meters of reagents were poured onto the road, the road was treated at the time of the accident, ae kdm were walking, processed from 4 to 6 in the morning, that is , data... they could open one lane at a time, during
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which time accumulated there was a gigantic traffic jam; they were able to completely eliminate the consequences of the accident only in the evening; now the road is completely open. the reconstruction of the road junction in kranstatt continues, the installation of the structure and the construction of embankments for access roads are underway. details from mikhail dubkov. at the congress in kranstatt it is already possible discern the outlines of the future. transport interchange, builders are finishing the installation of spans for two overpasses at once, the whole project in the future should save the city of ostrov from gigantic traffic jams at the exit from the ring road. the freight transport that left the mobidik ferry transshipment terminal had to turn around on the road network of the city of kronshtat in order to move towards bronka. after the reconstruction of the interchange, this problem will no longer exist. transport will move freely. work began in february last year
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year, 6 months ahead of schedule , almost 2.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget. according to the project, builders must build two overpasses and access roads to them, which means 10 exits to the kronshtatskoye highway and back. they haven’t forgotten about pedestrians either; they are building an overpass for them, placing it in the alignment of stanyukovicha street right next to residential buildings. this will make the western part of the island more accessible to residents. they will make it wide enough so that one of the traffic lanes is completely dedicated to public transport. in moments of public events, take the transport of guests and tourists to an intercept parking lot and deliver them to their places using bus shuttles, thereby... parking space
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directly in the city. reconstruction is not easy, builders say. it took a lot of time to transfer existing utility networks, and during the installation of spans it was necessary several times. seriously limit traffic on the ring road; at the beginning of this year , the weather interfered with the process; concrete can be poured at a temperature not lower than +5°. the weather directly made adjustments ; after all, not all work can be carried out using the technology at subzero temperatures ; we are struggling, organizing greenhouses for the care and maintenance of concrete structures, starting traffic along one of the two overpasses and opening... an overpass for pedestrians is planned in early summer, at the same time, they will begin to dismantle the old structure, the bridge, which has been in operation for a decade and a half; they promise to completely complete the reconstruction of the interchange in december 2025. mikhail dubkov, sergey tamyuk, dmitry sevastyanov, olga potapenko,
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lead st. petersburg. the plan for the construction of the large smolensky bridge received a positive conclusion from the state examination. this became known today. headquarters specialists assessed the technical parameters and... there is no future crossing. the great smolensky bridge will be a drawbridge with two huge spans and an arched bridge in the best architectural traditions of st. petersburg. the technical characteristics are also impressive: the structure, more than one and a half kilometers long , will stand on ten supports. maximum height 15 m, width of the navigable span - 60. objects of such complexity have not been built in st. petersburg for more than 40 years. the crossing will connect the banks of the neva between two other bridges , volodarsky and alexander nevsky, bypassing the historical one.
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ticket. the agreement was extended until the end of 2026 and another category was added to it. now the benefit is available to minor children who participated in a special military operation. it seemed like a technical question, but it caused a discussion in the meeting room, all because of money. the region for such support of its citizens spend three times more than the city, which is unfair, some deputies believe. this is due to the amount of transport that residents of the leningrad region use in st. petersburg. these are trolleybuses, trams, metro, buses, and if we are talking about the leningrad region, then residents of st. petersburg use only buses that run in the leningrad region. this is confirmed by statistics: in 2022, residents of the forty-seventh region made 24 million trips in the city, while citizens in
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region people ride much less often, only 7 million trips over the same period. officials plan to expand the list to include the wives of widows of svo participants. and the deputies asked to pay attention to the fact that st. petersburg large families also need such support. also at the meeting they considered smolny’s proposal on additional payments to sports instructors. we are talking about employees of regional centers for physical education, sports and health. specialists who have graduated from a university will receive 10,000 rubles in addition to their salary. those with secondary education - 7. convenient practice where you live. therefore, i believe that this is a timely additional payment, compensation to them. wages, it will generally contribute, by the way, to the achievement of this presidential program, which was set by the thirtieth year to involve 70% of the population in sports. now, on average, in each district of st. petersburg, about
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100,000 people are involved in such affordable yard sports, instructors who teach classes for the local population, a kind of devotees. i couldn’t find any explanation why they do this, they just they really like it, they just love it very much. you know, when on a sunday morning 20, 30, 40 people gather on the site, well, not professional athletes, so to speak, gently, they are engaged, it’s all very, you know, even touching to watch, although the law has not yet been adopted, accruals will begin in january, and another support measure for honorary sports judges of russia who have already retired; they will receive an additional 500 rubles monthly. another bill, which...
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between the blockade survivors of st. petersburg and murmansk. this event is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. conducted since 2018 as part of the historical memory project. anastasia larionova, sergey smirnov, alexey fokin, olga potapenko. news petersburg. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with a media forecast in the studio leonid petrov. the nature of the weather.
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heavy snow with rain, moderately cloudy, windy in the northern capital during the day 0.2, on friday night 0.2, have a good day in any weather, working peasant red fleet in the naval museum, a new exhibition, it talks about what the navy became after the 1917 revolution. historians pay attention to the bow decoration of the battleship petropavlovsk, there is already a new coat of arms of the country of the soviets, but personal weapons and uniforms have changed little. signs and symbols of the new system are propaganda porcelain and paintings that tell about the everyday life of red navy sailors.
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the posters encouraged people to improve their combat skills and strengthen the power of the fleet in the interests of the young soviet republic. the posters called for serving and protecting the sea borders of our homeland, glorified patriotic feelings and talked about the activities of sailors in the navy. what happened in the navy? this was the military reform, this was also the toroleniya, that is , they freed the waters from... mines, it is clear that this was the capture of the komsomol procession over the fleet from the formidable armatures, the young country of the soviets had only every seventh ship left. in the museum halls you can learn how a new fleet and new revolutionary traditions were created from scratch. st. petersburg is decorated for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. at night workers installed structures above dnevsky prospekt, on palace embankment, next to the hermitage. i stood on the lampstand. strengthened the besieged swallows, this symbol of hope for leningraders appeared in 1942. the center of krasnogvardeyskaya
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square is occupied by a large light composition, a broken ring. all 18 districts of st. petersburg will be decorated for the memorable date, and many of the elements are completely new; they were created specifically for the anniversary celebrations. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best. the tv channel my planet presents. of all ancient russian rich man ilya murmets is unrivaled in his vivid image of closeness to the people. and for a thousand years now, every resident of our country has been familiar with how ilya muromets fought with various evil spirits, like the robber nightingale or the thug. on the snake.
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although the events of heroic life date back to the 19th-13th centuries, the image of lemuran became legendary only a few centuries later. then the hero acquired his literary canonicity and an easily recognizable image, and at the same time , his military glory was determined, as they said then, the mother of russian cities, the capital city of kiev. may 7, 1594.
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and soborov brought a story about a certain magic mirror, with the help of which one could find out everything that other people were thinking about. however, instead of this, it is a prototype of a modern one. tablet gadget lisotho found something completely different here. on the outside of the church, lisoto reported in his diary, there was the tomb of ilya muronets. he was a noble hero, or, as they say, a hero; many fables are told about him. this tomb is now destroyed. in his subsequent entries, lisota adds
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that the power of ilya muromets, it was he who was discussed, located in kiev-pecherskaya. lavra. true, in the lavra they knew him under a completely different name. here he was called a shoe, a boot. and he received this nickname under very heroic circumstances. according to legend, enemies attacked muromtsy when i was here. the villains hoped that ilya would not have time to grab the weapon, but they literally attacked the wrong person. he dealt with them with this unworn boot. this is where this came from. funny nickname, in a strong hand even a boot could be more dangerous than a sword, and ilga muromtsy had heroic strength, and rage and the valor of a warrior, but perhaps everything that was said about ulya muramets was a pure myth, created by popular rumor, prone to exaggeration and hyperbole, without which
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the legends of hoary antiquity cannot do. if we look for analogies in our time, we can say that ilya muromets was a superhero and could very well become a character in some popular comic book or film franchise like spider-man, batman or superman. unlike all this warm company of american mutants, our hero was an absolutely real figure. kiev-pechersk lava on...
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the same hero who became an epic myth and a direct embodiment of the strength of the russian man, but to be honest, everything that we know lying in this crypt has come to us not at all from chronicles, documents or mentions of contemporaries, but exclusively from epics. the term epic, legend, as we understand it... today is not so ancient, it appeared only in the 19th century, but in the ancient russian language the word belina meant what happened, that is, a fact. the second half of the 19th century turned out to be turbulent for kiev, the same feudal
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the civil strife of school textbooks would look like this: from 1169. eighty-first year, in just 12 years, 18 princes were replaced in kiev, this is an average of three princes every 2 years, in 1203 kiev was taken by andrei bogolyubsky with his many brothers, this god-loving prince to he treated his neighbors without much love, the severity of the assault impressed even medieval society, there is an opinion that it was then that our epic hero died. ilya did not have a shield, the attacker managed to knock him down, he could not resist, or the blow was of monstrous strength, after the fall, one of the enemies pinned the hero’s left palm to the ground with a knife, the second from above pierced his heart with a spear, or maybe it was not the strength of the enemies at all, but that muronets was let down by an old illness. one of... the most famous
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episodes of the legendary biography, it also refers to the pre-heroic life of the hero. everyone knows that ilya was seriously ill and sat in jail for 30 years and 3 years. the epic claims that the half-paralyzed kolek was cured of colic by a passer-by, some traveling sorcerers. tv channel my planet is. half the way is still the same, the trains are good for everyone, you just feel seasick, like in a cradle, you want to sleep all the time, despite... despite the fact that it is light outside, and the further you go north, the brighter it gets at night, the time on the entire route is moscow, the body is completely confused, the sky
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is the same at 11 pm and at 4:00 in the morning, when to sleep, when to be awake, the body refuses to understand. well, goodbye 376 soon, hello, komi republic. she's so beautiful! rivers full of fish, meadows, grass belt. cattle wanders through villages and towns on its own.
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fat cows, herds of frisky horses, cozy houses with septums, neatly complex firewood for the winter. the doors here are not locked day or night, the fences are made of fat, through which everyone can see everything. a rural idyll - a real peasant life with smoke from chimneys. how can we city dwellers miss all this? we go further straight along... the course of the famous izhimsky airfield. the airport made waves throughout the country in 2011. aircraft 85-684 was flying from yakutia to moscow, but did not make it. electrics
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refused. the crew had to land the car on a runway half as long as required for the tu-154. we wanted to splash down on the izhmi river, but we decided to do it the old fashioned way. the plane rolled off the runway and was damaged, but it was repaired for 10 million, and it flew away from izhmys. under its own power, the watchman was then given a snowmobile for maintaining a non-state-funded facility in working order. since 1998, the airfield has been virtually abandoned. how about you, can you give me a little lift?
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the hotel has zero stars, the only drawback, it’s surprising that it exists here at all. 2.0 km
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from moscow, komi republic, izhma village, luxury room. it's light outside, i'll try to sleep. the first thing you want to see is, of course, the world-famous swallows on their nest, the undisputed symbol of the entire crimea. about a dozen films were shot here, including the famous film stanislav govorukhin 10 they don’t grieve, somewhere not far from here, a man was filmed in a grotto under a rock. amphibians, but it ’s difficult to count how many documentaries there are, it’s not surprising, because the views here are amazing, for example, there in the distance, you see, there’s a bear mountain,
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all of yalta is at your fingertips. swallows on the nest was built in this form almost as it is in 1912 by order of baron von stengel, he was an oil industrialist, not a poor man at all, built... by the architect of sherwood. now the swallow's nest is recognized as a historical and cultural monument; within its walls there are several compact exhibition halls. they are all on the first floor; they are no longer allowed on the second floor. and outside , anyone can buy souvenirs. he will make some of them in front of you.
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destruction of the russian il-76 over belgorod region next.
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locators detected missile launches by the ukrainian armed forces from the kharkov region; the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners who were to be exchanged at the border. the list of those killed has already been published; it contains 65 names. the plane was carrying out a humanitarian mission, about which the ukrainian armed forces were warned in advance and the flight was specially organized without radar fighter cover. at the last moment, the pilots were able to take the aircraft engulfed in flames away from the village of yablonov and save the lives of civilians. there was an attack on il-76 a deliberate and conscious action that clearly demonstrates the inability of the kiev regime to negotiate. this is how the russian foreign ministry commented on the events. they especially noted the reaction of the ukrainian official
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media structures, which at first openly rejoiced at the tragedy, and upon learning that the plane was transporting prisoners to the ssu for exchange, they began to correct the publications. so the publication ukrainskaya pravda first reported that the transport worker was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces later. changed the headline, stating the fact of the plane crash, the rbc website edited the news in the same way ukraine. the adviser to the head of zelensky’s office , podalyak, generally refused to comment on what happened. the agent headquarters in usu already in the evening issued a clumsy statement in which, although indirectly, it admitted its responsibility. the main intelligence directorate of ukraine only confirmed that an exchange of prisoners was indeed being prepared, which ultimately did not take place. vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the president of the transition period of the republic of chat, mahamat idriss dibi. he was in moscow on an official visit and this is his first leaders meeting. as vladimir putin noted, in recent years relations between the countries have been developing especially intensively,
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contacts continue through the ministry of foreign affairs, and a solid package of bilateral documents is being prepared that expand the legal basis for cooperation between russia and the republic. chat is a potential partner of our country in central africa. in response , the head.
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flights have been delayed, operational services are working in a rush mode, rescuers do not stop rescuing dozens of cars from snow captivity, using special equipment to deliver patients to the hospital, the weather affected the entire far east, yakutia and the khabarovsk territory,
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due to heavy rainfall, the threat of avalanches remains in the mountains of chechnya, ingushetia, north ossetia and dagestan. at the resorts of krasnaya polyana, the slopes are being cleared of new snow cornices. miraculously , the snowboarder survived; he was about to slide down and fall. today the country celebrates the day of the assault on the russian navy; in the far east, future specialists are being trained at the makarov pacific higher naval school. even before graduation, cadets in they are required to undergo practical training on operational ships under the supervision of experienced commanders. andrei kolesnikov found out what the duties of a navigator are. this is the rare case when the corvettes of the pacific fleet are stationed at pierce. they usually carry out combat duty in the coastal zone or on long voyages. now the crew of the ship hero aldar-tsedinzhapa is again preparing to go to sea. commander and chief navigator.


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