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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 25, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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a secure room for printers , that is, well, he’s sitting somewhere incomprehensible where they’re talking about something, ukraine, of course, wasn’t given anything, the united states is already starting to discuss moving the capital from kiev to lvov, perhaps for now this is atlantic only about this writes, not that this is being discussed at a serious level, you said absolutely correctly that budanov is walking over corpses, literally to the post of minister of defense, or rather to the post of head of the zsu, and commander-in-chief. information has just arrived from the main intelligence department, just like the terrorist budanov is his heads, but the essence of it is that they are not only terrorists, but also incompetent terrorists, they have no information, now we have no information about who was on board the plane in what quantity, reports the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, according to the russian side, this happened as a result of a shoot down. for its part, ukraine has fulfilled
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all agreements to prepare for the exchange. the security, listen, the security of our defenders, according to the agreements, was to be ensured by the russian side. so we provided, terrorist budanov, and you killed them. we'll be back. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, renowned masters of russian culture, the brightest actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders. courage and valor of the hero. on saturday on rtr
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, and refused, she refused her child, how can i find him, we look in...
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she returned to her homeland, my memory did not fail me, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you i came to the city to find my son, why were these games of love needed, why svetlana, on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, right? when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother , she herself is hungry, but she brings this food to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i we decided that we needed to take the guys in , my people are like that.
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we came across people who care, support us in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed , without your help, you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, just a nightmare , why didn’t you leave, the faith is under the car to give birth , there’s no one on the road, we’re putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t , they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you such as, lonely, karl ilivich, what karl lich, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk, like woman to woman. you love me, you
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know everything yourself, he will play. without black keys, as if from a blank slate, this is the beginning of the beginning in music. seventh symphony, saturday and sunday on rtr. the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces admitted that those involved in the attack on the russian military transport l7.6, here is the official statement, the ukrainian armed forces will continue to take measures to destroy... delivery vehicles, air control space for the destruction of terrorist threats, that is, 65 captured ukrainian military for the kiev regime is a terrorist threat, this is for those who are in the trenches now on the other side. note, in addition to
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the prisoners, there were three russian escorts on board the plane, six crew members, all of them heroically died, as reported in russian. the strike was carried out by two missiles from the kharkov region, from the launch site to the crash site in a straight line about 90 km, while the ukrainian side knew perfectly well that this particular aircraft this is not the first time it has been used to transport prisoners for exchange, so it was a cold-blooded murder and an act of terrorism. we listen to general igor konoshenkov. today at 11:15. the kiev regime committed a terrorist act, as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down while flying along the chkalovsky belgorod route to transport ukrainian military personnel for exchange. the aircraft was destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine from
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the area of ​​the settlement of libtsy, kharkov region, using a denitor missile complex. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles.
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the united states stated that it had no information about the planned exchange of prisoners of war between russia. ukraine and at the same time the representative of the gur of ukraine yusov previously confirmed the fact of preparation of an exchange of prisoners, that is, they themselves were confused in the version. according to mash, at least 12 prisoners on board fought as part of the azov national battalion. they were captured after fighting at the ilyich plant in mariupol. mostly privates,
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mechanics, attack aircraft, drivers. one of vsushnikov just turned 28 the day before. alexey gladyr surrendered in april of twenty-two. at the azovstal plant , today he and his brothers-in-arms could already be at home with relatives, but the command of the armed forces of ukraine decided that destroying the russian plane was much more important, at the site of the plane crash , our alexander rivunov is now working, look right here, the il-70 military transport aircraft. six were shot down from the territory of ukraine from the kharkov region of an anti-aircraft complex, gosh, which one the experts will determine, they shot down something, probably yes, the roads leading from the rural settlement of yablonov
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directly to the site of the tragedy are blocked by the military police, a special commission, investigators continue their work and near the village of beloye sandy, it is known that the wreckage of the military... i heard the rumble of the plane, then three strong bangs of an explosion, the windows shook and the house, so to speak, there was such a strong wave, according to them, at about 11 o’clock in the afternoon they heard, some saw, flashes of fire and loud sounds in the sky. the first clap was a collision of ukrainian ammunition, presumably missiles, anti-aircraft missiles with a transport plane, the second one is louder.
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somewhere behind the black smoke there would have been 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on board, three accompanying and six crew members, the blow was so strong that the body was severely distorted and immediately engulfed in flames, and it was impossible to survive in these conditions, school, he was just on passed the school, he then walked over the temple there and then went to yablonovo at the cost of his life, at the cost of his life they took him away. he was dropped behind the village in a field, no one was hurt one populated area, although the plane fell
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here, you see, here is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live, and god have mercy, and the heroism of the children, we served in honor of them today, well, everyone who died at the port, everyone, because we served in the dead, the pilots of their own lives managed to move the already flaming board away from residential buildings, i was a fairly densely populated village here... about 2 thousand people live, so the direct collision with the ground took place in the fields outside the populated area. were on the blast wave windows in nearby houses were broken, but no civilians were injured. now investigators are also talking to eyewitnesses and collecting testimonies. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, news of the belgorod region. now focus on the screen, these are shots of that very pipe. through which russian attack aircraft from the veteran brigade penetrated deep into the rear of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction and
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were able to oust the militants from their positions. our intelligence officers discovered the object a year ago, and then secret preparations began for this daring operation, which, of course, will be included in textbooks. to drown out the noise of the pipe cutting work, our soldiers actively used artillery and mortars. the first attempt was unsuccessful oxygen. it was not enough, after all, the length of this pipe was 2 km, so we had to drill additional ventilation holes. then, during the flood, the pipe was flooded with water, only now luck smiled on the soldiers. russian helicopters are actively operating in this same area, providing fire support to our infantry around the clock. the ministry of defense publishes footage of the operation of k-52 ami-28 helicopters. army aviation pilots destroy armor control points.
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correspondent plyagin talks about complaints from ukrainian militants about a catastrophic shortage of artillery shells. all-ear specialists admit that sometimes fire has to be carried out with smoke ammunition that is almost harmless to the enemy, because there are simply no others. bandera's questions in the bradley bmp, the car does not withstand the harsh winter, but without them it would be even harder. the call sign of the vehicle's crew commander is barbie. he tells me that.
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destroy enemy oporniks and infantry in the novomikhailovka area. to the headquarters nato in brussels signed contracts for the alliance to purchase 220.155mm artillery ammunition. the total cost of 1.2 billion euros for the opening of the eighteenth
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meeting of the russophobic gathering in the ramstein format made a public appearance for the first time this year. austin also called for help in ukraine. the united states remains committed to supporting ukraine in its struggle for freedom. the struggle of ukrainians is important for all our countries. he spoke via video link while sitting against a white wall, as a half-white house journalist joked at a briefing. austin called from a well-guarded storage rooms for printers. council coordinator .
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this never happened. the us is also under increasing pressure to supply munitions to other theaters of war. take the same situation in gas and so on. this leads to the fact that now on certain sections of the front , an average of 2.0 shells are fired per day from the ukrainian side, and about ten from the russian side. the kiev regime is trying to convince budapest and bratislava not to respond to the allocation of funds. next week , hungarian foreign minister sejarta will meet with the ukrainian colleague kuleba. the purpose of this is to cast a shadow on the meeting of foreign ministers next monday to prevent its holding. well, today
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the prime minister of slovakia is going to uzhgorod. before the trip , he explained to reporters that he was going on his own.
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the ukrainians have to make difficult decisions on the battlefield, which targets they will hit and which they will have to save for the future, on the other hand, they are trying to force the ukrainians to waste ammunition defending themselves. ivanovich, yes, now, not a day goes by without such tragedies, and the tragedy is absurd, not only our own deaths or the deaths of others, this is the current tragedy. where it is ridiculous, and it ’s still the same as you know, the negotiators were sent with each other’s white armbands, they were taken and executed, and that’s how it is in the old days, that’s something like this, of course.
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they shot down an israeli plane by accident, of course not on purpose, but it deflected the missile , flew away along the heat trail and beat up a civilian plane, they said, no, it’s not us, then remember several places, here they already said it was them, here i’m not even i want to go deeper, maybe the military is better they will appreciate this, we discussed this in the duma today. would be very careful, carefully, here you need to approach this, but at the same time, i said a few days ago, when i was serving in donetsk, another tragedy occurred with civilians, when, well, they were clearly just aiming at the market, i said that to call for conscience, just like i started my speech now, it’s useless, no matter what conscience, if i understand perfectly well that this clique, of course, i feel sorry for, not only my own, first of all the russians. but ukrainians too, but i understand that this clique will not give up this authorities, because for her it is a matter of life or death, she cannot even go to some israel today, hide there with
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her relatives and live on, because they will get them there, just as they got the petliura there in their time in paris, which means on a completely different side, but that’s why they will be pushing at the same time, demanding weapons, demanding money, because this is their life, it’s like vampires, you know, they can’t do it without... blood, that’s why i said there a few days ago, stop trying to persuade the americans, they are all they will give it anyway, yes, they have a certain tactics there, they want to free up for china more than the usa, therefore europe , that’s why scholz, so with these billions with these missiles, we must speak more seriously in the end, but seriously, these should be ours officials say, you are supplying weapons to kill our civilians, even civilians.
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we will supply a dozen missiles to the houthis, they will sink not only your oil tankers there, they are capable of bombing and sinking aircraft carriers with these missiles today, because today it turned out that all naval objects are very vulnerable, we saw it ourselves, we saw it ourselves, they also bomb us with naval ones, they take out our ships, by mistake, it seems like one, not yet confirmed, however, according to the official...
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.different, but there was a very good last one for this newspaper, although it is different there for the page of the first part of the afghan one, who is he vice, he was the vice president, and before that he was the head of afghan intelligence, the outgoing government together with the americans, here he is told it brilliantly there everything, like the americans with them... built a policy, and he traveled with biden, he himself met with the president, and he told how they deceived them, how they deceived them all the time since the negotiations
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of trump, who started with the taliban, then they actually forced them to agree that they should recognize this reality regarding the taliban and leave from there, and they say, well , they told us we would leave in 3 years, but they left in 2 days, abandoned us, simply threw us under this... and he gives these examples of how everything worked out, i specifically think that’s how i am now it’s good that you asked this question, i ’ll specifically say this for not this clique, which is narrow, which sits there in ukraine, but for a wider circle of military personnel, for example, yes, well, look, this is not some russian speaking - this is a propagandist, this is the head of afghan intelligence speaking, and he is also the vice president, and he tells, and he says, our biggest mistake is that we believed the americans, here you are...
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millions should be put in this time until the last ukrainian yes until the last and what's more i like it, i see the johnsons all over there, but they wrap up their propaganda in every possible way, like look at the new year, i said before the new year, we were actively talking in our press once, negotiations negotiations negotiations contrana so that the entire western press would choke, on the contrary, all the tracing papers were painted in all of its articles , the wall street journal means foreign affairs means. this same national interest is everywhere , so i read and thought, i sat through all the new year holidays and read the third, sixth, ninth, yeah, from the supply of weapons to the training of privates, that is, officers, how this should be done, how many meh, how many weeks, well, i won’t repeat myself now, that is, they are quite clearly preparing this second front, which is called upon to make no reconciliation, that’s all, what is happening these days with these explosions once again
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convinces me of this. of course we must rebuild, of course, we must understand and not hope for all these concessions or negotiations, or there is an afghan option, when they leave, we must move quickly on this march to rebuild, we have already begun to do this, but of course it is not enough, it seems to me that now we will hold presidential elections, we will create, so i advocate for you all the time, many things, by the way, thanks to your program, we have achieved not only yours, we need to revive line ministries , i don’t want to go deep into this now, but i visit the vase every month. i visit many aviation factories in samara, they moved to the lada, they say the duma bought the lada, but you are not a deputy by chance, but i don’t have a car provided state, i’m driving my own , that’s right, the message has arrived, you want to hear, the message has arrived in the garage, it’s already there, the message has arrived, and i’m using what the administration gives me, yes, they’ll give me the message, i’ll go with the message, by the way, i’m with you i talked about this, that you need to drive domestic ones, remember, i
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told you why? not in chinese, despite the fact that you know i have a good attitude towards china, but to drive where the localization is high 75 and above, you don’t know about it, but we introduced a law about this last week our duma, you just don’t follow the car , we introduced a law, because besides the fact that i ’m trying to persuade you, otherwise you know, the muscovites were happy, they brought it, they assembled it, so what about the bmws they assembled in kaliningrad, there are no bmws, they gathered and the places we can’t do ourselves yet are jobs. it goes without saying, but in kaliningrad there are bmws now, they are not there, they ran away, but talya is there, because localization implies that it is impossible to escape, presses, machine tools, metallurgy have been created, that ’s what is called localization, that is, all these spare parts should be made here, and workers moreover, places will not run away anywhere, i’m not only talking about this with you, so you asked me a question, you think that you provoked me, on the contrary, what is the provocation.
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not about you, the pro-volsk automobile plant, just so that we don’t relax, you know, this whole machine is against us, it’s, well, sometimes i listen, but they’ve run out, yes they’ve, i think that there are 4000 people, 400 million people living in europe, working professionally, and you know what they started talking about, these are the articles i’m talking about i told you, it turns out, i didn’t even know, in the usa everything is military, almost all military factories
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are state-owned, in europe there is no... yes, nationalize these factories, no, with the participation of the state, but do you know why? because it’s impossible to order a thousand shells, and tomorrow, once the war ends, they stop , or the military operations haven’t even ended, and the state can afford to finance it, they, europe is now not only talking about it with all their might, they write officially, i’ll show it to you, once you didn’t know this, that the state really manages the industry.
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it is not biden who controls lockheed martin, it is not trump who will control boeing, but the rockefellers, rothschilds and other families with big money. you absolutely rightly said that it’s already funny to hear about the fact that everything has fallen apart here, industry has rolled back, now a briton at the un said this, listen, it’s just laughter and the sin of this russian military modernization. russian military modernization has been set back 18 years, now the russian defense industry is dismantling refrigerators for spare parts and ordering them weapons from the dprk in violation of numerous resolutions agreed to in this house on the
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instructions of the russian foreign minister. russia is purchasing and using iranian drones, which entails violations by both states of un security council resolutions. well just. a psycho, there’s no other way to call him, he’s dismantling refrigerators, ursula vonderijn repeats this narrative in the previously sacred hall of the un security council, such nonsense has never been heard there before, at least not so often, here’s another un hall, for your attention let’s imagine what isolation looks like, lavov’s press conference will begin in just a few minutes, no one is as always.
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phrases: that’s right, what is an exchange of prisoners , i will still say a few things about this between the warring parties, this is, of course, trust and keeping one’s word of honor, but it cannot be otherwise, you are enemies, what kind of trust can there be, what can to have faith in honesty, in decency, even in this situation, because people change captivity, this is
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one of the traditions of war, among other things, that’s what this says, what it says again, like the very fact that they shot down this plane, certainly knowing who was there. flies - why is this flight - that you really can’t negotiate anything with this regime, there are some factions inside, zaluzhny is fighting with zelensky, zelensky is with zaluzhny, you can talk about this as much as you like, but for a second, i’ll literally interrupt you, important message, lightning from the ministry of defense, the names of the heroic crew became well-known, who, realizing that the plane was already doomed ... took it away from the populated area and saved people on on the ground, on the ground, let me remind you, no one died, the commander of the downed il-76 will receive a state award posthumously, stanislav bezubkin and his crew did not allow the plane to fall on the belgorod village of yablonovo,
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the crew of chmerev have no names yet, vysokin a, navigator, is the assistant commander of the ship , peluev a, flight engineer, zhitenev with flight technician. tsablinsky and bord radio operator, of course, are hero pilots and deserve memory and the highest awards posthumously. thank you. well, of course, our deepest condolences to the families of the victims, and the actual victims but during a humanitarian action, where i repeat, only through an honest agreement and compliance with this agreement can such actions be implemented, in fact, the military has always believed that for them the honor of the uniform, the honor of the word, the word of the officer, including when communicating with the enemy . this is higher than the word
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politics, well, again, it has always been, and but if political power regularly deceives everyone it can, then this goes on to not forgive those who deceive; this below encourages them to do this, then this extends further to the whole army in the end after all, it was not a civilian who pressed this start button, for me this is yet another proof of what... i have said many times, and not just me, this regime must be eliminated in all its components, including personnel, liquidated, personnel, i don’t mean that everyone should be destroyed, but of course they should be excommunicated from power forever in this territory, no matter what control it was then under, this is the first, second, also what has been said many times, for some reason in our country still...
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and the genetic successor of the bandera regime , from the crimes of bandera, even the nazis, as you know, sometimes lost their hair, in some ways they are worse than even the nazis, she keeps trying to persuade someone to measure something, to leave someone there, and so on further, again in connection with this with this tragedy, this brother from the film has been popular with us lately, in recent years, what is the strength of a brother? truth, the wrong phrase:
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power is in the truth, behind which there is power, because if you don’t have power, you will be gagged with your truth, forced to tell the lies of others, force must support, cover, protect this truth, in this regard, we must understand that in the information field our forces are much smaller than the collective forces - western information, not only have they fooled the population of the so-called ukraine to a large extent, they they keep under control, individual voices break through, even surprise, they keep european public opinion under control, one way or another with the help of whom, with the help of journalists, not only politicians, but when politicians lie, journalists tell the truth, this has been thought for a long time, this is the advantage of western journalism, there is only politics. he’s telling the truth, no, that’s it, it ended a long time ago, like
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information attacks, counterattacks, only this, while it’s capable, there’s just not enough power, to carry out in these conditions, protecting our truth and promoting it, this is a separate issue, the last thing i would like to say , this was not said now, but it was constantly heard today - in the international part, this is trump, and trump’s victory in these primaries. so further, and also constantly lately , americanists, non-americanists, are trying to answer the question of who is better there, biden, well , in the sense of the democratic party, it doesn’t matter who or trump. and they tell us, no, in the end it’s still one and the other, which means for america, for america’s gemony and so on, no, there is one. trump is inclined
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to tell the truth, one cannot help but notice this from his speech, in this sense he is very different from most modern western politicians, including american ones, it’s even amazing, it feels like he will soon play out, if he, he really said those words about september 11 , 2001, what he said, that's... that's what he said , yes, we showed it, well, by the way , they also laughed here in russia when similar statements were made, those , who assumed that not everything there is pure from the official version, says, yes, you are supporters of tanning, provocateurs, the former president and candidate for us president told you this. so, trump is a much more truthful, sincere person than biden, everyone who can be there instead he will be sincerely help ukraine, will sincerely help ukraine, second, second, i said
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that he has two, well, firstly, with people who rely on the truth, it’s still more pleasant and effective to have. than liars , even if they are enemies, secondly, he, unlike other american politicians, all of these, he understands that the other side also has its own interests, it has the right to defend them and will defend them, one must take this into account to try to come to an agreement, yes, with a position of force, and through pressure, but these same people ignore it completely, not only that, they ignore it. the truth is, they ignore the existence of the opposite country as a subject in general, they consider it only as an object, so trump is not my friend, but of course he is an order of magnitude more honest and an order of magnitude more effective for negotiations than any other candidate.
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thank you, vitalich, you were absolutely accurate about the dumbing down, and indeed this is the very dumbing down. not everyone was affected in ukraine, but the video appeared recently, we can’t help but show it to you, a grandmother from new york, new york - this is a village in ukraine, they renamed it, listen to it, who supplies their weapons here, missiles, they live on another continent, they send everything here, this is normal, if they did not supply weapons, then in general the russian army would be in lvov, in kiev .
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graduated from the krasnodar higher military aviation school, served in syria, extinguished fires in turkey, for which he was nominated for several state awards, today's flight, another business trip, after which he had to go home to orenburg, the pilot left behind a small daughter and his wife, instead of ejecting, the il-76 also has an emergency escape system , he took the burning plane further down. from the village so that he fell into the field, let's go back, i was pavlova, she suggested that i organize an anniversary corporate sklif, class, i want to congratulate you all on the holiday,
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when i saw you, the first thing i said to bragin is, you don’t change at all, how and you, why are you, what is it? rager, help, sklifosovsky is on rtr today, and we’ll be watching new episodes soon, please don’t start with the war, please, i just returned to you, they’re coming in my life such changes, we stand up for our own, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what... what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see.
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let's see. in the application or on the website. tea, honey. how should you love a person? to take and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this man lives, it must have a continuation, on what a good conversation is built, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr anniversary of a great artist. collect a parcel for the children, little blue ones, and it can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we love him, i have
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respect, attention, honor, certificates , i have medals, i am a soviet man, odessa as we know it, farshmak, why is it necessary to make farshmak, i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have a conscience , says this, think this, film winner of the golden eagle award, kotsitel. kills all microbes , you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i ’ll already drink if they want it, odessa on friday on rtr, we know what’s on the scales now, and what’s happening, the seventh leningrad symphony. became a symbol of the tenacity of the defenders of the besieged city. i say: we, the citizens of leningrad, will not
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be shaken by the roar of cannonades, and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even one’s own life. leningradskaya. symphony on the banks of the neva, sunday on rtr. french farmers went on the attack on an american mcdonald's in this footage that is rapidly spreading, one of these eateries was turned into a storage facility for manure, foul-smelling piles of orders everywhere, on the floor, on the tables. agricultural producers across the country picket to protest against it. falling revenues, rising costs and , in their opinion, excessive regulation agricultural sector.
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farmers organize similar actions in many european countries. in romania and poland , tractors are blocking the border with ukraine because ukrainian exports, which were made possible thanks to an agreement between the eu and kiev, lead to the risk of lower prices. on wheat, we see the same concern, as well as dissatisfaction with eu regulations, in france and throughout europe. rubbish and liters of manure are scattered in front of the prefecture of lot-et- garonne. farmers are multiplying their shares, like those that took place here in vagina, in front of the bank building, from which farmers are demanding a deferment on loans. it's just. tractors drive onto
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the roadway, while protesters say they have no intention of stopping. we promise you that by this weekend we will reach paris, we will block the parisians because we don't like it. and molniya from new york, lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs just said, i quote, russia has requested an urgent meeting of the security council due to the crash of a plane with captured military personnel apu. and we will be transported to europe, the head of our european bureau, anastasia popova, is in direct contact. nastya, hello, in general, here are the farmers who are now on strike, protesting, destroying all over europe. with the police, do they understand that their troubles are largely due to the fact that european governments are spending a lot of money on the ukrainian war? yes
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, of course, they understand, that’s why they take to the streets, that’s why the protests are becoming pan-european, the geography is expanding so much, take france for example, it all started in the south, now it’s blocking the port of calais, the north is already boiling, east, west, and the farmers have arrived. before brussels today they showed up at the european parliament, they said that this is a test action, because they are trying to reach out to european politicians, since the french don’t want to change anything, it is believed that evil comes from europe, from such a central place - this is brussels, right here this is a green agenda on the one hand, and on the other hand such a liberal policy, when the doors of the european union are opened for the unhindered import of ukrainian cheap goods, all this destroys... but there are other
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norms, other standards. according to the rules of the european union, the french cannot produce in such quantities as, for example, in factories in ukraine, and therefore cannot compete. in addition, we must add to this the cost of electricity, as one of the farmers told us, the cost has increased 10 times for his farm, and from next month in france they are again raising the cost of electricity by 10%. in addition, the cost of gasoline, diesel, and the cost of workers has increased. hands on everything this naturally places a heavy burden on the shoulders of agricultural farmers, procurement prices due to the fact that there is massive import from abroad from outside the european union, procurement prices are greatly reduced, no one wants to be in the position of farmers, no one wants lift the restrictions established here, just to give them the opportunity to survive, they said today that there was a whole wave of suicides in
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this sector in france, in addition to that tragedy, the woman later died of her daughter, all this happened the day before, when a car ran over it adds such a tragic note, but everyone understands that the key to the solution is in the hands of the european union, most likely not even france, although it requires action from the french authorities, but if you take the farmers of holland, they also have their own problems, they they simply take away the land and farmers cannot understand why they should reduce production here in order to buy the same thing abroad according to different standards at different prices, but what? what should these people do then, who have dedicated their whole lives to this? here such a question sounds , people are clearly not going to stop, they are driven to the extreme point of despair, plus, in addition, the green standards of the european union introduced require them to reduce agricultural land, in france it is 4%, this year they must completely destroy, that is cut cut the fields
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that are used for cultivation because it will now become a conservation area. in addition, it is impossible in the south, for example, to water crops; all this, naturally, causes serious damage to this industry. farmers they say that they will go on strike not only in brussels, but throughout france and beyond until they get concrete, quick results. thank you very much, exhaustive anastasia, anastasia popova, chief of our european bureau from the european capital, gripped by farmer protests, urgent statements lavrov gives a press conference in new york. the exchange of prisoners between russia and ukraine was agreed upon, but instead kiev struck an il-76 plane with anti-aircraft missiles, we are listening to the minister of foreign affairs, they requested about an hour and a half ago, urgent meeting of the un security council 15:00 time. and we very much count on
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the french presidency. will conscientiously fulfill their duties and schedule such a meeting as soon as possible, we already reserved about a year and a half ago, an urgent meeting of the security council at 15 namulov time, i ask you, well, it’s worth adding to this event that now any missile weapons at all.
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precisely these nazis in that there had already been a defeat of their own prisoners of war, who were in our prison colony, then quite a significant number of their captured fighters, namely the azovites, died, now this story has repeated itself, that is, let’s say , it’s high time for the people of ukraine to understand that they are just like cattle , some kind of bargaining chip, some kind of simple resource, that is , no one considers them to be people anymore, it’s worth saying in the same way:
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there is terrible cynicism in his office, but from the side of military international law, who is a combatant in our country? our combatant is a person with a weapon in his hands, having insignia of the side in the conflict, neither gender, nor age, nor state of health, nothing is said here, and for our fighter, any of these women will simply be a silhouette of a person with a weapon, a legitimate target, and they will speculate precisely on field of these servicemen, what kind of helmet do you have? the helmet fell into my hands, say, before the new year, literally in 3 weeks, this is the ugledar direction, there was a battle,
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one of the ukrainian special forces soldiers was wearing this helmet, this is part of the equipment provided just by the owners from nato, this is from a bullet, yes this is from a bullet, yes, the helmet saved the fighter from this blow, he was handed over to law enforcement agencies to be questioned, respectively... then he was handed over for exchange, by the way, it is quite possible that this fighter could have been on this plane, which is now today, that is , they saved his life, they saved him, that is , the helmet saved his life, our soldiers left him alive, gave him the opportunity to get home, well, it is quite possible that he could have ended up there, now i can hardly identify who it was, but well naturally, i would like to say , my colleagues here literally spoke for 10 seconds, yeah, colleagues, colleagues said: about industry, i’ll just remind you that our country, our industry and economy , confronts several economies at once and confronts successfully, we will return, on the anniversary
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of the big artist, collect a package for the children , little blue ones and it can be delivered with a guide, leonid yarmolnik, as we love him, i have respect, attention, honor, certificates, i have medals, soviet man, odessa as we know it, minced meat, why is it necessary farshmak, i don’t understand why these stereotypes , your conscience says this, think this, the golden eagle award-winning film, kotseteli, kills all germs, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it so much, odessa, on friday on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad
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is ready, explore nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner! a secret to the whole world! work for rtr, i refused, i refused my child, how can i find him , we look at the weekend, 17 years ago a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive
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or not, two operations were performed, successfully, the doctor who operated on him, skillful fingers, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer, and your children have experience in volunteer work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your... life forever, and what’s so difficult, you take it, change it, and we are strangers, you are to me didn’t give birth, she doesn’t have children, now she’s just returned to her homeland, my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why, svetlana , on saturday on rtr. i bought some candy for your beloved, just don’t eat it all at once, come on at least
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a little this year, we’ll hang it on the christmas tree, we’ll see that karl ilich finished, the symphony was finished by tchk, with greetings to shestakovich. seventh symphony on saturday and sunday on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail. it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections , the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, ditvara, this is your work , open your laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there’s one on the internet resources about elections, the site opened immediately with information about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns.
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wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself by looking on the internet on the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, so how can you properly deal with stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for you, and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on prt. winner of the golden eagle award.
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there was talk at the plant about how much life and wages had been cut by a third. if only there would be no panic. we live in a democracy. freedom, assembly, demonstrations. what's this? these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge. and the instigators. to the highest degree punishment, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find it, it ’s not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr, new details of the ukrainian terrorist attack on a russian military transport plane right now. in the news, it was 60 minutes, all
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the best, goodbye, thank you very much, on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio. hello, this is what we will tell you about. memory of the pilots who heroically took the falling il-76 away from residential areas. a spontaneous memorial appeared in orenburg, where they served. we have already requested an urgent meeting un security council. tsavbes will discuss today the terrorist attack carried out by ukraine.


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