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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 25, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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look at the weekend 17 years ago , a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, whether he is alive or not, two operations were performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and you have children experience of volunteer work, run away? it will work out, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but what’s difficult, you take it, change it, and we’re strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, no, she has children, now she’s just returned to her homeland, my memory did not fail me, having made the first step, she will go to the end, you have arrived at city ​​to find his son, why were these games of love needed, um, why, svetlana, on saturday. nр. we watch to know everything
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about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live, hot on the heels, we start with breaking news. both black boxes of the russian plane shot down by the ukrainians were found at the crash site of the l-76, the tas agency reports that it has been deciphered.
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boxes will be carried out by special laboratories of the ministry of defense, where the boxes will be delivered tomorrow. the terrorist attack by the kiev regime was commented on in the kremlin; peskov called ukraine’s murder of its own citizens, who were supposed to return home, a monstrous crime; he said that it is unknown how the disaster will now affect the prospects for the exchange of prisoners. they responded to the plane crash for the ocean owners of okeyevsky. regime, they got around to doing this only 8 hours after the defeat of the military transport il-76. and in the white house, in the state department, they unanimously said that they didn’t really know anything and to explain why the plane fell into a field they can’t. the organizer of the terrorist attack, zelensky, demands an international investigation. he remained silent for a very long time, apparently waiting at first. washington’s reaction
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in order to understand what position is best to take, as a result, zelensky gave his first comment only 13 hours after the plane crash, after midnight on his birthday , the ukrainian under-fuhrer turns 46 today, he didn’t say anything intelligible, he said that he had a meeting with shaptala, this is the chapter. ukrainian general staff, who apparently accidentally took responsibility for himself, saying immediately after terrorist attack, that kiev will continue to shoot down legitimate, as he put it, targets, well, that is , 46 ukrainians are legal targets for ukraine. latest mix data. look. the first
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shots of the il-76 crash, the wreckage of the plane and the bodies of the dead are scattered over many hundreds of meters, the hole from the striking elements of the ukrainian anti-aircraft missile is visible in the fuselage, investigators and the aerospace forces commission are at the crash site. breaking news, a russian military transport plane crashed in the southwest of the country, russian. states that there were 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on board, we the bbc confirmed this video of the plane falling from the sky and you can see smoke from the explosion on the ground. the russian ministry of defense accuses ukraine of shooting down a military aircraft that was reportedly carrying ukrainian prisoners of war. the plane crashed in the belgorod region on the border with ukraine, killing 74 people on board, russia said. propaganda in the west is diligently doing this. are waiting for an independent examination, and
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despite the presence of a satellite in the white house , they limited themselves to general phrases: one thing, the russians say something else, and we just we don't know enough to comment on this. the pentagon, more than six hours after the tragedy, also said that there was nothing to comment on, information about the exchange was not received in washington, while the ukrainian general staff, led by zelensky’s close associate, lieutenant general shaptala, takes
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responsibility for itself. the psu will continue to take measures to destroy delivery vehicles and control airspace in the belgorod-kharkov direction, therefore. that shelling of ukraine, missile launch points and the logistics of their delivery are connected with this using military transport aircraft are tracked. 5 hours later , the first version appears in kiev, which denies ukraine’s guilt. gur actually refutes the general staff, saying that it was the russians who staged a provocation and hid the route of the il-76. today there was supposed to be a failed exchange of prisoners, according to the russian side, this happened as a result of... as a result of the downing of the russian il-76 plane, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on board how many aircraft? ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that prisoners are delivered
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by air, rail and road transport. il-76, at about 10 am, takes off from the chikalovsky military airfield, this is the moscow region. at 11 a.m. 15. the day before the terrorist attack turned 28. terrorist defense fighter mikhail gladyr surrendered in april 22 during the liberation of mariupol. the youngest deceased was twenty-one-year-old ivan roy from chernigov, the oldest fifty-eight-year-old yuri lobushev. another
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one, oleg kuzma, who was at the port , called on ukrainians to stay with their families and not go to war. stay home, stay close to your wives, stay close to your children, it's not worth it, stay home. in july twenty -two, the kiev regime also cynically killed its prisoners in elenovka. the pre -trial detention center was fired upon from multiple launch rocket systems . 50 people died on the spot, almost 200 ended up in the hospital. around the same dates, one of those killed in the il-76 crash.
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i didn’t come up with a version of what happened, i told about some difficult emotions in society. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society. it is necessary to establish all clear facts, as much as possible, given that the plane crash occurred on russian territory, beyond our control, facts are the main word now. that is, on his birthday , as proof that he was suffering, he asked not to congratulate him on the holiday. lavrov simultaneously requested an urgent meeting, but presiding france first she refused altogether, and then began to delay so that kiev could come up with at least some explanations.
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as a result, the joint will meet only on friday. did you see how the guys took this plane away? well, yes, in principle, he fell sharply, and so , of course, they went there a little bit, took him away. heroic crew members, ship commander bezzubkin, his assistant shmerev, navigator, vysokin and flight engineers, peluev, zhitenev and sablinsky, all pilots of the orenburg 117th aviation, military transport regiment. they took him away ; he fell into a field behind the village, and no one was hurt. one settlement, although the plane fell here, you see, here is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live, honor them today with... well, i was at home, i heard a boom in the sky, dogs
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barked at me loudly, i went out into the street, and then there was this explosion, there was a strong explosion, and then i came out like that, looked at there behind my fences, there was a lot of smoke, just in balls, black, it was coming, but me... naturally, i was very, very scared thanks to this pilot, who of course died, i understand that he has a family, may he rest in heaven and condolences everything, something was shot down, probably yes, i also saw at the last moment how the wing was burning, it turns out the left one, so the wing was burning, the left side was piled down, and the right side was up. a photo appeared on social networks, presumably of a trace from a missile that could have hit. 76 in the russian foreign ministry said that the terrorist attack calls into question the possibility
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of any further negotiations with the kiev honta. the fact that the ukrainians shot down their citizens, who should have been home within 24 hours, is a monstrous act. no one can say now how the disaster will affect the future exchange of prisoners. the exchange of prisoners is a process that takes place in silence. an international investigation into the crimes of the kiev regime will definitely follow. so, lavrov in new york requested an urgent meeting of the security council in connection with the terrorist attacks. kiev regime , the meeting was supposed to take place last night, but france, which chairs the security council, first refused lavrov, and then still scheduled a meeting, but moved the time to 26 hours, so the meeting will take place, but only the next night, when lavrov is not in new york it will be, he has already flown away. for the ukrainian post-president in uon is sour, the tragedy in which, in addition to nine russian
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officers, 65 captured soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces were killed, is , as it were, a reason for jokes. commenting on lavrov’s departure from new york, kislitsa wrote “il”, this is a direct quote: il is waiting for you too, this is already inevitable. that is, the permanent representative of ukraine. publicly threatens the head of the russian foreign ministry, but the so-called international community, of course, did not notice this, but we will wait. the propaganda-british bbc asked lavrov in a boorish manner: isn’t moscow afraid that the international community will not believe in russian version, lavrov replied that moscow, naturally, is not afraid of anything.
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worked out the locations of the military deployments, with the help of factories, three high-precision flights at once destroyed manpower and ammunition storage depots. there is intense fighting going on right now.
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even in ukraine, in order not to steal western weapons, but they are scolded for this, they invented a new method of sovereign theft. prime minister of ukraine shmygal. stated that kiev is urgently building a large-scale three-level line of defense lines in all directions, says tens of billions have already been allocated hryvnia it will be interesting to know the name of the next construction project of the century. shmygal’s wall, similar to yatsenyuk’s wall.
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moreover, the information that russian troops are putting pressure on the armed forces of ukraine on all fronts, from... are going to attack, is being spread not only by the ukrainian command, but also by the fighters themselves in an interview with the french lefagaro, a senior sergeant in the ukrainian armed forces admitted that there are no personnel, no ammunition it won’t be enough, and if russia really puts pressure on some sections of the front, the militants will definitely not be able to hold the line. everything is in the neighbors, this is the parish, this is in the neighbors, we have already connected the berm, and often and often this happens, every day we pass by, this is how
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we live, this is how we live, a good dugout, a good dugout, rats pick us up here, big rats, like cats running around, there was a problem with mice, they ate everything from exercises to the radio, from exercises to the radio, it’s just all eaten, they eat absolutely everything, you didn’t fight them, you didn’t get a cat, the stinks don’t help, they don’t help, you kill 100 of them, and 300 of these mice come, now rats are fighting with them, but it’s big, furry, scary, that’s how rats are. now you i’ll tell you about this beautiful american maxpro armored car of my native sixty -eighth brigade, i usually rode in the back in a capsule and prayed that they wouldn’t hit me with anti-tank guns, we went to storm pavlovka, then we came under fire, we were hit, and then we started jumping out, to run away, because
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there was no longer where to go, there was where to go. this is one of the most dangerous jobs in the ukrainian army. the pilot is flying low in his mi-17, somewhere in the snowy north of ukraine. this multi-purpose helicopter is almost as old as how much to italy. the forty-six-year-old pilot has more than 200 sorties on similar aircraft over 28 years in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. in capable hands and with good maintenance it will fly. i love this helicopter, it often helped me out during missions. during risky combat missions.
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american howitzer the american m101 105 caliber is probably the best among howitzers of its class. it fired its first shots back during the second world war, and remained in
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service with many countries around the world for dozens of years, dozens of years. m101 m101 was created as emergency artillery assistance. she performs this function in the 71st brigade. among the advantages is its small size. enemy aerial reconnaissance aircraft fly over the front line around the clock. the gaver fighter is the commander of this howitzer; its crew spends most of the time in the dugout so that there is no unnecessary unmasking movement on the surface. at the moment, drones are probably the most dangerous thing that exists, as soon as drones appear, you’re already prepared for what will fly to you. nowadays fpv drones are very common, in general you can expect anything from them, since the cannon can be damaged, and people can also be injured, this is very fast. it’s very likely, well, the relevant committee of the us senate supported the bill, and the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine was 20
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votes against, only one against, while republican senator ranpaul voted against, speeches about five or even six, and not exactly counted billions of dollars frozen in the usa. next will be voting. the senate, then the house of representatives, and after that only joe biden’s signature will be needed, but there is, as they say, important, but for the transfer of assets we need the consent of all countries, the so-called seven, problems have arisen with this, cnn writes that at best it will take a month to agree. bad news for kiev regarding the allocation of $61 billion, negotiations in the senate are now ongoing, no deadlines. no, moreover, they are negotiations, constantly shifting, and even if an agreement is reached in the senate, then the house of representatives awaits the democrats next, and there, as luck would have it,
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speaker johnson, who has not shown a single sign of readiness to allocate dollars to kiev. canada appears to be responsible for operation of the armed forces of ukraine in krynki, trudeau announced that he was transferring as many as 10 motor boats to ukraine. criticized scholz’s initiative to give kiev old c king helicopters, saying they were decommissioned and built more than 50 years ago.
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they are a nightmare to maintain. simply put, it hints that these are already dangerous wunders for zelensky. sihanule in london. great britain offered scholz to buy taurus from germany in order to supply ukraine with more stormshadows in return. allegedly, scholz is still studying the proposal, stopping germany, but i hope so, the opportunity global war. the british in this regard persuaded artificial intelligence to chat to predict what the world might expect in the next 5 years if such a global conflict breaks out between russia and nato. so, already in the next 11 months.
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that year the third world war will practically be declared, in which the entire planet will be involved, the end of the world will happen in the twenty- seventh. if you believe the forecasts of artificial intelligence, then it is in 2027 that the threat of nuclear weapons, the use of nuclear weapons will reach the boiling point, well, as a result 20 million will die. people, well, that is , not everyone will die, perhaps only one thing reassures us: this year they did not move the hands
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on the doomsday clock. left them again.


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