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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 26, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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so, the german command is officially preparing for defense against aggression from the russians, according to journalists from the mdr tv channel, berlin is not afraid of moscow’s invasion, it is not afraid of the landing of russian paratroopers, somewhere near hamburg, much more dangerous, they believe, is sabotage within the state, in the baltic states on the contrary, an acute, paranoid attack of danger by the minister of defense. it was necessary the day before, so now in the border areas they urgently install dragon teeth and build a tiny bunker for only 10 people, this is according to estonians will at least somehow stop russian aggression, but, estonians are warned, not everyone will be saved. why was it decided to create a
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defense belt, what are the preparations for? we must change our defense, everywhere in nato, and we must create new plans, regional plans, in the previous year's vinius these plans were approved, and now we must look at what we have in these plans, what we ourselves must do, what nato will do as an organization and what we can do in a peaceful situation.
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some kind of bipolar, as they say, are preparing to fight with the russians, building bunkers on the border with russia, but they speak russian, apparently so that we could hear, we became scared, i don’t know how else to explain the minister of defense of estonia, tavkor, please, yes, well, actually the armed forces. baltic states already sounds funny , let's go back to our plane, here i would like to add the following to my colleague, as a criminologist, the fact is that now the story turns out to be a boeing in reverse, like a downed boeing at the beginning of the campaign, back in the fourteenth, fifteenth years, when it all just began, with a difference just now and the wreckage of missiles, the wreckage of the plane itself and the bodies of the dead are on our territory.
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we will be able to provide examinations on the bodies , we will be able to provide examinations on the wreckage of the plane, everything is in our hands, and whether they want to accept this version, let’s say, dear comrades with bright faces from the european union, we don’t give a damn, because there are relatives of these people who died in this plane crash, and it will still be possible to ask for dna from them in order to track them down, in any case, to establish that these are the same people died, it will not be difficult at all, so history. on the contrary, it’s easy, but as for zelensky’s behavior, he looks like a well-founded story about not allowing russia to investigate here, not exactly, yes, everything is in our hands, zelensky is behaving like a naughty child, he has already tried to blame russia for the blow to the market in donetsk just recently, when 28 people died after a strike, and he cynically stated that the russians themselves shelled donetsk, just as i think they will try to blame it on... missile attacks
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just our forces, but it won’t be difficult to determine, again by the nature of the damage, from the missile fragments themselves, whose missile it was, but if we talk about the preparation of europe for the entire european union for a war with russia, well, that also sounds quite funny, we have been in opposition for 2 years now; our economy of one country is opposing the economies of several countries of the entire european union, the entire nato bloc. this is the economy, this is industry, this is our army. but this all works solely with satellite guidance, i believe that a kamaz in rubble, launched into the stratosphere , will solve the issue with satellites if a global war suddenly breaks out, so there is nothing to be afraid of here, and they are not ready to fight the old fashioned way, but... that the money has
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officially run out, especially since there will be no more weapons, until, until congress votes, the soldiers in the war feel it, we feel it. the enemy actually has a shortage of ammunition, namely shells, the so-called famine, the shelling itself has become less intense than before, yes, they have ammunition, do not underestimate this, they they are saving money, but this means that there are no more supplies yet, they are trying to replace the shortcoming, well, saving ammunition specifically on shells, they are trying to replace it with the use of drones with more active ones, and indeed they have a lot of drones, but we have also already learned about... no money , there are no shells, no new equipment, this is a window of opportunity for russia, this is exactly how it is now in the offensive, and i would
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also add, there is a serious crisis in the conscription resource, this is also very important, now until the probable help, the next help from the west their masters, we have a window of opportunity. well, i’m not asking so much about us, because we still won’t tell the enemy about us, where the enemy has already prepared, but these shmagal defense towers, the dragon’s teeth, where they have now managed to dig in, now the enemy is actually forced to retreat almost along the entire line front except... the south, this is exactly where the dnieper divides, everywhere he is forced, with our active offensive, he is forced to retreat to unprepared positions, they are these dragon teeth and they are trying we’ve been digging in quite quickly lately, it’s unlikely that these fortifications will be a significant obstacle for us, well, more
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of what is called crazy news, i don’t even know how to comment, so drum roll, american state duma, the united states will tighten sanctions against russia. in the field of weapons production, what might tightening sanctions in the field of weapons production look like if russia produces all its weapons itself , god knows, if they want to scare the dprk in this way, yes, there is a version that we are something we buy in hinyan, but it also seems like the last person you can scare.
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striking elements of the missile were found in the fuselage, it remains to find out whose missile it is, look, the black boxes have already been discovered, tomorrow they will be delivered to the ministry of defense laboratory in moscow, among scattered hundreds of meters of debris, as the agent reports... breaking news: russian military transport aircraft fell in the southwest of the country. the russian military says there were 65
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ukrainian prisoners of war on board. we bbc have confirmed this video of a plane falling from the sky, you can see smoke from the explosion on the ground. the russian ministry of defense accuses ukraine of shooting down a military aircraft that was reportedly carrying ukrainian prisoners of war. the plane crashed in the belgorod region on the border with ukraine. russia said 74 people on board were killed. propaganda in the west diligently pretends that it is not aware of the cause of the il-76 crash ; the state department was told that it is not yet possible to determine the cause; they are awaiting independent examinations; and this, despite the presence of a satellite in the white house, they limited themselves to general phrases.
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but the russians say otherwise, and we simply don't know enough to comment on it. the pentagon, more than six hours after the tragedy, also said that there was nothing to comment on. there is no information about the exchange to washington. spoke, while the ukrainian general staff, led by zelensky’s close associate , lieutenant general shaptala, by this moment was already taking responsibility. the ukrainian armed forces will continue to take measures to destroy delivery vehicles, control airspace in the belgorod-kharkov direction, because shelling of ukraine is connected with this. missile launch points and logistics, their deliveries using military transport aircraft are monitored. after another 5 hours, a new version appears in kiev. today
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, a failed exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place, according to the russian side, this happened as a result of the downing of a russian il-76 plane, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on board how many aircraft? ukraine was not. informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that prisoners are delivered by air, rail and road transport. the sbo is initiating a criminal investigation into the crash of a russian plane (an article of violation of the laws of war). former nordep mosiychuk, citing the ukrainian military, states that the plane was actually shot down from ukrainian territory. and demands the immediate arrest of those who gave carried out the order.
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surrendered in april of the twenty-second year during the liberation of mariupol. the youngest, twenty-one-year-old ivan roy from chernigov, the oldest , fifty-eight-year-old yuri lobushev, and another one on board the il vsushnik, oleg kuzma, called on ukrainians not to go to the front. stay home, stay close to your wives, stay close to your children, it's not worth it, stay home. in july twenty-two , the kiev regime also cynically killed its prisoners in elenovka. the pretrial detention center was fired upon from multiple launch rocket systems. 50 people died on the spot, almost 200 ended up in the hospital. around the same dates, one of those killed in the il-76 crash. danilchenko reports that soldiers in kiev are treated worse than meat. why did you decide to give up? we
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are considered meat. zelensky himself appeared in public 13 hours after the terrorist attack , said that he had held an emergency meeting with the minister of defense umerov, the commander-in-chief, zaluzhny, shaptala, the head of the general staff, who had already taken the blame, and budanov, who would later refute shaptala. there are no details, zelensky does not declare mourning.
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presiding france first asked lavrov for an urgent security council, but refused, and then began to play for time so that kiev could come up with at least some explanations; in the end, the security council will meet only on friday. i
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saw, well, at the last moment, how the wing was burning, it turns out the left one, so the wing was burning, the left side was piled down, and the right side was up. the heroic crew members took the falling plane away from the village of yablanovo, where more than 1,700 people live; if not for their feat, there could have been many more victims of the plane crash. well did you see how the guys took the plane away? well, yes, in principle it fell sharply, so of course they did a little. the russian foreign ministry said that the terrorist attack calls into question the possibility of any further negotiations with the kiev junta. we must seek an international investigation into all the crimes that the kiev regime has been committing since 1914,
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that is what we must strive for. this is not the first time the kiev regime has killed its own. this is the maximum term in the history of russia that was assigned to women. trepova was found guilty of voenkhor's murder tatar, the court also ordered a fine of 600.00 rubles to be collected from her. there are 50 lawsuits filed by other victims of the terrorist attack. at trepova’s trial, look, she pretended to be a fool, dressed up in a children’s sweater with bright oranges and curled her curls. as if it were a holiday. when the judge read out the verdict
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, the version about the fool trepova smiled broadly after the hearing. the lawyer tried to develop her, he said that she supposedly had bipolar, a disorder in which when she was scared, she smiled. medical examination of this denied the information. trepovo was found sane; she knew she was going to kill. final daria trepova in the dock in a glass box, all 2 months and 10 days the trial took place in this hall of the garrison military
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court, today it is clear why the judges chose this particular room, all the injured journalists can hardly fit here now. of the criminal code of the russian federation, specifically for committing a terrorist act on april 2, 2023 in one of the cafes in st. petersburg.
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gratitude to the doctors who are trying at least to restore something, i try to join the new conditions of life, i don’t lose heart, i’m supported by friends, family, i seem to be right, i think that in fact the court should make the right decision, you know, i don’t believe her, that’s it, i don’t believe her , she walked, she knew, she knew what she was doing, she walked purposefully, i was surprised that she was not afraid. she stayed there, i sat her next to her, she moved away, she knew exactly where the explosion would be, when and what, she moved away and hid behind it, she understood perfectly well, besides, she recognized guilty in part of the couple. of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely in committing actions related to the illegal trafficking
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of an explosive device, which was used by her in committing the above-mentioned terrorist act. in addition, she was found guilty of illegally acquiring a deliberately false driver's license.
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even if she wants, like this terrorist, not a fool, not an idiot, to suddenly cooperate with the special services, the enemies
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of russia, please, you know, the events of the last few days once again convince me that that the fragile legal architecture of the modern world, which was created with enormous difficulty many decades after the second world war...
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to repeat, this is a permanent member of the security council, this is the main founder of the united nations, is one of the five and asks the security council to consider an issue that is completely obvious: on a plane was shot down on the territory of a sovereign state, people died not just somewhere, but on the territory of our state over the belgorod region, there are reasons for consideration, well... there are no we won’t consider one reason to say, france , which chairs, is doing everything to prevent this from happening, and the argumentation, in my opinion, that is given today, why
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this is so, why it was postponed, is absolutely correct, because ukraine today is really feverish , just frantically , feverishly trying to find some words, some arguments in order to at least somehow package this... that means barbaric action into some words or some actions, but then kirby, well this is generally just, i believe that quote and quote, because in all honesty we say, we don’t know what happened, we don’t know who was on that plane, we don’t know who hit that plane, listen, i just did it on purpose today talked, consulted with several specialists who understand what space science is. satellite control and so on and so forth, they tell me that the chevron can be read on the chest of the ghoul who pressed the button, where the rocket came from towards
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our plane, and all... what the snout, excuse me for this rudeness, this gentleman is absolutely in the dust, and he bears the same responsibility for this blow as mr. zelensky does everyone who is behind it, while in the storm the culprit was named in an hour, in the northern stream in an hour and a half , well, this is so to speak, already on the question of architecture, this is a lyric, a question about architecture, and about what to rely on in general, what to appeal to, if we want legal decisions, you know, there are none if we
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cannot appeal to ... to the security council, if americans who formally, which formally could act here as a side that seems to be above the fray, because you know, i don’t know , now i’ll probably say not the right words, but zelensky had a chance, zelensky had all this mosquito in this tragic situation for them, i emphasize, for them, because they killed 65 of their compatriots who should have been exchanged, they killed them. they had one chance, to say that this was a defect of the performer, well, to find some kind of explanation, well, yes, that’s how it happened, here we are, we will figure it out, and we we we understand , this is a war, this is how it happened, there is no other chance , everything that they started to do only leads to one thing, by the way, to say, to big consequences in ukraine, something that ukrainians understand that they died there, but they didn’t admit it at first, they said, we don’t even know if there were ukrainian citizens there, but...
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that means these are the opinions about what happened - in the red sea. the husitet says: we hit, the americans say: we didn’t hit, we shot down, just think about it, who cares today? uh, i wonder if they hit or didn’t hit? this, this is really important for the modern world, did the houthis hit the american plane or did the americans shoot it down? the question is different: today, right there in the red sea, a big war is being started... that’s what will move this hand, which i started talking about, towards 12 o’clock, it’s obvious, a big war is being started there, which is being started once again by kirby, all gentlemen from the state department, headed by mr. biden, they are starting a big war there, guided by any considerations, except for one thing, considerations regarding the security of the modern world, today...
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it is already known that as a result of these actions , the price of freight and the price of transportation jumped four times. notice who today turned to the houthis with a request to be more careful? china, china, because china is the main conductor of these goods, shanghai, rotterdam, this is the arc along which 90% of the goods that china supplies to western europe go. two sufferers: china and western europe. who is the economic beneficiary? here he is, who was commenting on, well, kirby, as a representative of that beneficiary. well, of course, i have a minute. let's. according to the chatter. you know, uh, really, the sentence is 27 years, it’s hard to even imagine life. this man who is listening
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to the judge’s sentence in... years, who gives him 27 years, let’s go out into the street now and ask people, what do they think about this, isn’t it enough? they won’t say much, they will say, we read that some deputies of the state duma proposed to find a solution, including revising the decision constitutional court in terms of life imprisonment or the death penalty, if we are talking about men for terrorism and there was such an initiative in the state duma, at least , well, okay, we won’t, we won’t touch on this delicate topic, but returning to this to this. man, she had a chance, the only one, she apologized there, but she had the only chance to say, yes, this is the punishment that i must accept for what i did, i
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will be on my knees asking for all these 27 years forgiveness for what i have done, this is the sin which cannot be prayed for, and may be the only one. i think that society today perceives this verdict with absolutely support, it even says: we probably still have liberal justice in relation to people like her, but i think that this is just a very fair
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verdict, it is necessary that every person every person who today in this world at least understands something, understands what is happening, what kind of war is going on, not only war. and this is a life sentence, well, the legislation can naturally be changed in 27 years, although it doesn’t seem to have the opposite effect, but let’s see, she’s sitting, smiling, repentant, it doesn’t
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look like, let’s go back to the anniversary of a great artist, collect a parcel for the children, little blue ones, and it can be handed over to the conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we love him, i have respect, attention, honor, diplomas, i have a medal, i am a soviet man, odessa as we know it, farshmak, why is it necessary farshmak, i don’t understand why you have these stereotypes and conscience says this, think this, the film is a winner of the golden eagle award, kotseteli, kills all microbes, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i ’ll get drunk with it already. odessa, today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big
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changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in! to your home, big changes , every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well,
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get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other, impudent, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, people fell in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole crew, just on the platform, look. the three-time winner of the mr.
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universe title, a model and actor who called himself the heir of fashion designer vyacheslav zaitsev, found himself behind bars, accused of brutal rape. is the screen star really a serial sexual maniac? the star's parents are shocked, because every morning they brought coffee and breakfast in bed to their son's happy bride, is this really revenge for the inheritance for... live broadcast today on rtr. the authorities of kharkov launched an attack on the russian world. mayor terekhov proposed to rename pushkinskaya street to skovoroda street, thus defeating the main maskal. and this is footage from kiev. a young ukran nazi got to the bottom of a local pensioner who was selling church candles near the arsenalnaya metro station. natsek was angry.
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almost impossible, but they say to themselves, one is hitler jugent, and the other is from i want, well, in general, to believe in this, probably the upa, now i’m fighting with russia, please, our neighbors, i’d rather talk about the economy, a few words about ukraine, i i think they will tell you right away after me, it’s just that today the russian government is under...
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gas, they are the ones who allow us to fight this brat, and now the european economy, of course, i will remind you what we have for this year. to increase government revenues by 30% , this is simply impossible to do without the sale of hydrocarbons, it is obvious that the priorities are, of course, the economic support of the northern military district, it is obvious that this is a key priority of the state in the economic sphere too, and about europe, yes, here you are showing
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the manure of weapons farmers, but really jokes jokes, but protest actions... are multiplying , here you are, i remember last week olga regretted that german farmers did not do this, i still really regret it, now i hope for french farmers, but they are more aggressive , you see , we talked about the political culture in countries, but in france the protest culture is tougher, they are already filling up certain catering establishments with manure, not only, so i think that this story will be more colorful here. such severity of protest, although of course it is inferior to the french one, has not yet been seen in germany
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i saw, this is what we are actually talking about, this is what we are talking about, that the germans are still holding themselves together, although when they really realize how large-scale the problems of the german economy are, that they cannot be solved so easily, i think that they too can learn from their french neighbors a certain experience, especially since germany and france are now actively arguing about who should help ukraine more, and accordingly spend more money from the budget, about the german wit, too, so that no one defends germany, we really hoped for farmers from berlin. did not approach the brandenburg gate, but returned home , their action has already stopped , the railway workers are on strike right now, but they don’t even promise to overthrow scholz, and the farmers promised , but they deceived me, i’ll say it again, we hope for the french, but when will someone replace scholz
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another, and the german farmer realizes that this other is not much better, then maybe... the severity of the protest will be stronger, but in fact, there are politicians in europe who realize that the economic gap with russia is a rather serious problem, for example, today a very interesting statement was made by fica, the prime minister of slovakia, he confidently said that he had agreed with ukraine to extend the transit agreement on the supply of russian gas, although ukraine immediately stated that fica had mixed up something, but nevertheless he... after all, he negotiated with the prime minister of ukraine, and i don’t think he said this without thinking and talking. well, it’s true that in ukraine, apparently, the management system is becoming more and more diverse and versatile that maybe the prime minister is making some promises, which infuriate his
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immediate management, but we’ll see, but nevertheless, the statement itself is important, which again, i understand perfectly well that fitz is driven by love for his own.
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they can’t, but when the united states raises the stakes in the red sea and starts these missile attacks, it’s clear that they are trying to break what olegich is talking about. said the economic connection between europe and china, because this is the main line and the main flow of cargo through the red sea and suez, for this they actually dug it at the end of the 19th century, but
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the less europe trades with china, the closer these clock hands that we mentioned will come to midnight, because the alternative here is also sad and simple, that’s when the united states plays this game, it actually very dangerous and can go too far. way, we offer all participants in these processes, we will return, the national academy of cinematographic arts of russia presents the main film events and film characters of 2023. achievements of fortune, discovery and shock, everything that
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worthy of an award, a solemn presentation ceremony. accept the golden eagle. live stream. today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become zalodum or. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can pull up
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as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor. which everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr, golden eagle award winner, we start talking, the conversations are over, what? live nothing, salaries were cut by a third , as long as panic doesn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations,
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what are these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge and the instigators to the death penalty , i have a daughter, where? i can’t find her, it’s not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, today on rtr. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later... on this great day, illustrious masters russian culture, the brightest
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actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes, liberators, a concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. broadcast from st. petersburg on saturday on rtr. a patient has arrived and asks for urgent help. close it, i said, and now we ’ll call the police and quickly remind you of everything, they told me, i hit him with a knife, do you
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believe it, yes, it’s true, no matter how painful it is. there will be no operation like this? ir, what are you talking about, i’m afraid that i won’t wake up, suddenly it will be even worse than now, as long as there is hope, life goes on. how did it go, why are you silent? sklepasosovsky, look at rtr on monday. so, war with russia is approaching, britain is determined to lose. it came out with this title. an article in the telegraph publication, the columnist calls on western defense departments to begin preparations, expand the production of weapons and ammunition, and increase the size of the army. british chief of the general staff sanders even announced about the creation of a terrorist defense, in its recruitment, as the daily mail writes, britain’s experience in training militants in the armed forces of ukraine will be useful.
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uk training of ukrainian soldiers and civilians for combat against russia could serve as the basis for future training of british soldiers, insiders in the british parliament say. british troops trained around 30,000 ukrainians, including civilians on british soil as part of operation interflex. according to sources, civil servants watched the training with interest and noted that such exercises could become the basis for the creation of a british civilian army in the event of a full-scale war between.
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it seems to me that, after all, the version that britain is trying to squeeze out of, first of all , its european partners, as much money as possible for the supply of weapons to zelensky, this version is more like the truth, which is why all this rising hype in the british press, the statements of individual military leaders and even members of parliament, but the fact is that all these people, when they speak, they reason... the possibilities of the third world war , they in some strange way, maybe they don’t know this statement, but in general it would be nice to remind them of this, that what einstein said, i don’t know what will happen, by what means will the third world war be fought, but the fourth will definitely be fought in the fourth world war they will definitely fight with stones and sticks, so here, of course , there are these tears of sorrow and complaints that
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the armed forces of great britain are not yes ... equipped, that they do not have there are enough weapons, of course, quite, well, sort of understandable from the point of view, probably , of professional british military personnel, but when they begin to discuss the possibility of a third world war, this is exactly how the conflict between nato and russia will be perceived , about which various western publications are now writing so intensely, then here, of course, the matter is more serious, these statements, well, they say, let’s put it this way...
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but this is, strictly speaking, a voluntary matter, but the fact is that britain, as far as we know, in the latest armed conflicts where it took part, special military has not achieved success, it is enough to remember that they were now planning to fight the kussites, well, in general, they did not find enough sailors to send ships there, so the situation here is complex, on the one hand, the military always complain that they
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do not have enough funds , on the other hand, i want these statements once again... my connections london, okay, i’ll probably start with words of congratulations and wishes addressed to zelensky, today is his birthday, he’s 46 years old and , i’m not sure, by the way that he is still not a log, because having gotten involved in this adventure , which in the end will probably end disastrously for him, i want to wish him health, to survive in these, in the drug haze in which he constantly remains, good luck, and somehow escape. .. death at the hands of his british american guards, i wish him good luck so that he lives to see the trial, you know, of course, maybe, maybe it would look great there, a torn carcass torn to pieces by an explosion, or like hitler
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shot himself, burned it, but i would it’s interesting to see this carcass in court, at the people’s tribunal, at the tribunal that will examine all the war crimes of the zelensky regime and those criminals, those scoundrels, those scum who loom behind... his back, no matter on which islands on which continent these criminals and scum live, so on the birthday of the former good guy, now apparently a bad guy, i wish him health, good luck and to survive this war and live to see the trial, to give that testimony at the trial, well, actually we know a lot, about a lot we guess that those testimonies that will expose the real criminals, he is just a puppet, and has a certain will, certain ambitions, but... the main ambitions, the main will are those who are behind his back. by the way, i liked it, just the day before , literally the parliament of yemen made a decision to recognize the states of terror, the terrorists
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of the united states of america and great britain, a very correct decision, very adequate to the existing situation, because these are the problems that exist on our small planet, these are problems that come from great britain and the united states. america, there are huge problems, including for the peoples of these countries, your correspondent said there , that britain is not going, or rather russia is not going to fight with britain, it’s true, russia has never fought against britain on british soil, but but we can remember the crimean war, not only in crimea, then the british tried to land, tried to carry out a bombing operation, to plant st. petersburg, and not the same operation, by the way,
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therefore, i have been in the camp for 30 years, who was the first to confess their love? the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr.
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i gave up my child, i gave up, how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations were performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, do you have children?
10:58 am
on saturday on rtr. we know what is now on the scales and what is happening now. seventh dmitry shestakovich's leningrad symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i speak.
10:59 am
breaking news, the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case into the plane crash under the article of terrorism, the footage that we are showing you was just published by the investigative committee. the statement says that during the inspection of the scene , fragmented remains of people were discovered, the flight recorders of the aircraft, which were aimed at... about, thanks for watching,
11:00 am
and now the news, bye. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeny rashkov. hello, this is what we will tell you about. almost a trillion rubles to fight cancer, the most modern centers. vladimir putin discussed this topic in kaliningrad. kiev is buried in its lies about the terrorist attack on the im-76 plane. how were the meetings in new york? an invasion regime was declared in texas.


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