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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 26, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s not so easy to enter the building’s territory from the very morning, the operation is unsafe, we’ll hurry up, please follow us, everything is under control, it will be a bit testy and a little pasty, we’ll have to get dirty, be careful, the end will be, and you? you will stay here, your workers , you figure it out, comrade, alexander vasich , we ordered you, you know your plant, you said, there is no back door, come on, comrades, don’t
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delay, please, get in already, head, well, comrades, there is does anyone have anything substantive to add? so, no information should not penetrate beyond the city limits. what is being done for this? there is radio interference. five cars are parked around the perimeter of the city, locators are searching, listening to the entire
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space in order to monitor. all telephone conversations are monitored and letters are reviewed. by the evening there will be checkpoints at all exits from the city; not a single fly will pass by. i have questions for the comrades who are directly responsible for preventing emergency situations. what about the ministry of internal affairs? the 505th regiment of the ministry of internal affairs was brought into the city to protect objects of state importance. taken under protection novocherkassk kgb department and city police department. prison, bank building, post office, city council and city party committee. a pumping station, a gas distribution station and a transformer substation are also under protection. allow me, frol romanovich, comrade basov is with you, we will talk separately, sit, i read here in the kgb report that half the city has been imprisoned by criminals, what measures have been taken to
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neutralize criminal elements? judging by the collected data, all local enterprises have recorded abnormal high staff turnover. the indiscriminate management has led to the fact that at least a third of the workers are criminals who have recently been released from prison. let me. well, of course, we must not forget that the rostov region, and especially the novocherkassk region, are zones of historical risk, these are centers of counter-revolutionary cossacks, they
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have long been anti-soviet. let me continue, but it’s important to show restraint, i wouldn’t aggravate the situation so quickly, we need to figure it out, get used to it, and tomorrow, when everything calms down, we’ll have to talk to the people, why talk to them, arrest everyone who spoke? surname, novocherkassk city committee, industry department. comrades, we must not forget that after the twentieth congress , political prisoners, dispossessed and these people returned from exile, they harbored a grudge against the soviet government, give them free rein, and they should be arrested to
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the fullest extent, according to the law, and the instigators to... "army units should tomorrow , prevent a demonstration from passing from the factory into the city, if something happens, shoot, open fire, member of the presidium, i ordered not distribute ammunition, the army, according
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to the constitution, cannot shoot at the people, general pliev, and you remember how in budapest in 1956." marching elements hanged communists and flayed them, i remember, and so the voice of america also called these scum people the people, don’t you think it’s strange that such a coincidence of opinions between the enemy radio station and yours? let the secretary of the army’s assignment defend the country from external enemies? general pliev, i, as chairman of the government commission, order you to immediately issue ammunition to the unit carrying combat
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perform your duty immediately, comrade , syomina is right, these hooligan elements cannot be allowed into the city, if the unrest continues in the plant itself, arrests will have to begin, now the main thing is that we must not allow any information to go beyond the city, not to mention abroad , and it is also necessary to stop any possibility of leaving and entering the city for the next few days, a complete blockade, okay? when you were released, nine, the people didn’t want to leave. the soldiers were then allowed in and pushed us out of the gate, the secretary of the opkom came, but i know, i was there, where at the factory, well, the whole city committee bureau was there, i
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didn’t see you, the car saw, although i was far away there was no crowd at all , i acted as a secretary, that’s all, it angered the people, tomorrow decided to perform in an organized manner. yes, where and how to perform? let's go to the city committee in the city. you won't go anywhere. the whole plant will go. our laboratory will go. wo n't you go? i will go. we live in a democracy. freedom, assembly, demonstrations. demonstration, demonstrations. i saw this demonstration. must,
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and these are drunkards, drunks, i also have a passport, my constitutional rights, you won’t go anywhere, i told you, you saw how many soldiers there are in the city, so what, what is this? you are afraid of our soviet soldiers that they will shoot at the soviet people, why did the authorities come from moscow, comrade khrushchev specially sent, khrushchev, khrushchev threw stalin out of the mausoleum, and away we go, he did the right thing , there is no point, the dictator should lie next to lenin, how many innocents he shot. what do you know about stalin? i know everything, my comrade told the whole truth about him, at the twentieth congress i discovered the whole truth that your khrushchev
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was silent while stalin was alive, everyone was silent, where they all were, and when stalin died, they threw mud at him, they saved their own skins because they were afraid, everyone was afraid of steel. and are you afraid that it won't? where did you go, leave me alone, come back soon, how is this possible, how is this possible? “we
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saw death every day, they trampled him underfoot, at the front everything was clear, who was ours, who was the enemy, here, well, here we are, i don’t understand anything.” if there had been stalin, communism would have been built long ago, they would have built it, but what you’re silent, my eyes wouldn’t come, okay, i
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’ll die soon, but it’s all on fire, and you’re there too? grandfather, what are you doing, where is this from the chest, where is it from? are you completely out of your mind, they’ll give you time for wearing stripes, you’re going to bury me in this, what is this? this is kazan, these are the icons, your great-grandfather, my father’s wedding. and my father , me and your mother, it’s okay, i’ll die, get rid of her, put her in my robe. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest
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actors, performers, world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes, liberators, requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr, i gave up, i gave up my child, how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago , a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations were performed, successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, forget it it’s impossible, i want to get a job in a hospital as... a volunteer, and your children have experience in volunteer
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work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever , and what’s difficult is that you dive in, change, and we’re strangers, you i didn’t give birth, no , she had children, now she’s just returned to her homeland, my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love necessary? why doesn’t svetlana’s rtr goal tremble on saturday? the walls are shaking, big ones have come changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object,


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