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tv   Dorogie tovarishchi  RUSSIA1  January 26, 2024 11:55pm-1:55am MSK

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it would seem that there was no reason to worry , there would be no reason to worry, and yet i still couldn’t believe my eyes when three of our paintings ended up in the competition and were chosen by you, it’s a great honor and generally a surprise and - such different paintings , one painting is dedicated, all the paintings are dedicated to different elements, i suddenly realized, water, air, in the film the challenge is earth, space, practically, i thank the lord that we have such a profession in which we can come into contact with all the elements , and so much to experience something amazing, today i wanted , in fact, it turned out that the whole studio is a triumph, today on this stage next to me stands my colleague sergei shtangel, who also took a direct part in all these projects and was supposed to be on... the stage nikolai goryaev
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, my permanent colleague, with whom we have been doing this work for almost 5 years now, and thanks to our great friend nikolai suslov, who is here in the hall, we ended up in this profession, he opened this magical world of cinema for us, and i would i wanted to go for some time now time to give the floor to sergei shtangel, who worked with me on the painting bullfinch, say something. good evening , it’s very pleasant that among such spectacular films, the film bullfinch received an award, in which we tried our best to hide our work in order to immerse the viewer as much as possible in the fabric of the film , so that it is not visible where it was filmed on chrome key, and in many ways our work looks good, thanks to the production designers, which in this picture many people may not know. 80 or 90% of what we see
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on the screen is the scenery of the constructed ship, all the interiors and part of the exterior as well, and we tried our best to improve and support the great work of the entire filming amazingly well-coordinated crew so that the viewer could enjoy this beautiful film and huge gratitude to all those dozens... sometimes hundreds of artists who are also members of our large film community, but - do their work sitting at computers, but also worry and try to make everything as cinematic as possible, as if it were realized on a film set, thank you all very much, in conclusion, i probably want to thank, of course, the huge teams of uh... and our algus studio team
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and those colleagues who helped us in these films, i still think that it’s as if we are receiving this award for all three films, and this is the cgf company, and the trekhmer company, and the val company and many other guys who, uh , really spared no effort, tried to make so that you can immerse yourself in these elements. thank you very much, thank you, by the way, eagle. on the green stand you can remove it, thank you guys, and now let’s move on to the nomination, best film editing, tim povelko, challenge,
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serik beiseyu, sergei nesterov, by the pike ’s command , to break, to break, to break, i want to refuse, i want to fight, this the reader gives out knees, ivan lebedev, bullfinch, in short, always wear gloves, this is the first thing.
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tone, we need to catch and tie a rope, quickly, we will catch him. so, the best montage film, ivan lebedev, bullfinch, the prize goes to ivan lebedev, film bullfinch. i just want to say a huge thank you to all those people with whom i have had the opportunity
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to work all these years while i have been making films, thank them, thank you, thank you all, vanya, we congratulate you, thank you! thank you, and congratulations to all the nominees. thank you, kirill. and we move on and move on to the nominations for best sound director and best music for a film. and we invite the stage of the two-time golden eagle winner, composer, artyom vasiliev. good evening, dear friends. and today with special trepidation i step onto this stage, for the first time as a presenter, and not as a prize-winner, and for me this is a special moment, because today the names that are very significant for me personally are presented in the nomination, this is alexey ilvoevich
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rybnikov, and we are all our generation grew up listening to his music, i remember being a schoolboy, listening to records, catching every interview. television, and perhaps, thanks to the work of alexey rybnikov, he chose this profession at one time, and yuri anatolyevich potienko, from the hands whom exactly a year ago on this stage i received my second eagle, also for me, and for many of our students, and yuri and i have the pleasure of working at the gnessin academy, and for us this... his work is always a special standard of attitude towards profession, love of music, many of us, our colleagues, we look up to him in this sense, naturally, being at the premiere of the film the righteous, i caught myself
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thinking that it was musical decisions that had a lot of influence and contributed to this emotional response, which... it depends on them how much music will be heard in the film, how much impact it will have, because it can drown in noise, backgrounds, cues and abyss, and so
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on, so the musicality of the sound engineer is the most important thing qualities that are valued by the composer, i hope that today there will be an award. the strongest will receive, thank you, let's see and listen to who is vying for the golden eagle this year, ignition, boris void, challenge, preliminary, intermediate. hello, flysaound studio, lord of the wind, okay, i wanted to call my mother, but she said that she wouldn’t go , she was worried, but we won’t worry, we won’t, maxim belovalov, bullfinch, you know
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how much the portal costs, she dragged the whole sea. everyone fell behind, understood me, they sent a handyman. so, maxim belovalov bullfinch, the prize goes to maxim belovalov, the film snows.
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everything is as it is, all the scenery, this is all
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real, when we first filmed the material in the pavilion, and then went out to sea, everything was already familiar there, thank you, we congratulate the winner and continue not only to watch, but listen, who is represented? nominations, best music for a film, alexey rybnikov, master of the wind. vasily tankovidov, righteous man.
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yuri potyaenko, trick, sign of four. ordinary, this is a declaration of love, your heart belongs to the theater, konstantin sergeevich. i'm no less worried than you. alexey rybnikov, master of the wind. the prize goes to alexey rybnikov, the film lord of the wind. apparently alexey rybnikov
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is not in the hall, but we promise that the film academy will definitely give him the golden eagle. alexey's symphony is being recorded today rybnikov may have been detained. in the first studio, this is a really good reason, artyom, thank you very much, thank you, a patient has arrived, asking for urgent help, the patient is named bracken, guys, anti-shock, marin, that’s it, stay here, no matter how scary it is, and shut your mouth, i said, now we’ll call the police and they’ll quickly remind her of everything, they told me, i hit him with a knife, do you believe it, it ’s true, no matter how painful it is, there won’t be
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any take, like this ir, what are you doing, i’m afraid that i won’t wake up, suddenly it will be even worse than now, while there is hope, life goes on, as it has passed, why are you silent, skleposovsky, we look at rtr on monday, you watch 100 to one. what task do we have to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from the works. how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down an oak tree, no, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra,
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physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now beep. hurray , if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we watch movies and tv series, we watch opera, we watch ballet, we watch theater, we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch. films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, russian culture on the platform we look, witnesses
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of terrible days, flights began in august. a 250 kg bomb fell in our yard, they survived, with just such a piece, it’s 125 g, drank five glasses of water, walked 4 km to class, under shells, under bombing, bent down, just like that, they froze, me and my mother were at... a play in the theater musical comedy, they won, you heard the metronome, so, so, so, so, that means i live , that means the city lives, blockade, day 901, sunday on rtr, friends, time to present
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the next picture, which claims the title: best film 2023, we are watching the presentation of the second film, the tenth deputies went to the people with an explanation of the essence teku,93 won on the banking exchange, the us dollar exchange rate was fixed at 650 rubles per one. summer rain! so, the spring festival became the day of the beginning of open confrontation, try it, heavenly pleasure, from july 1 a new procedure for calculating otku will come into effect.
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from a great mind there is only a sum. to prison, from a dashing head there are only ditches and ditches, from a beautiful soul, only scabs of lice, from universal love, only muzzles in blood. in the wind, in the dew, in the morning,
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a companion flies, he will console, he will save, he will bring us peace, under a rough wing, night after round table, red and white poster, oh, start the scooter.
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i want to figure it out, because i am for justice, i am for the people, who am i, i am the people, i am for the people, but i like the leaders, i don’t like any leaders.
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friends, we thank you for presenting the film. 1993 actress olga smirnova and musicians of the ecology of thoughts project. thank you guys. and to present prizes in the nominations best costume design and best production design, we invite actress kristina asmus. nothing, nothing, good evening, dear friends, colleagues, thank you, i am no exception,
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it is also a great honor for me to stand on this stage to present awards, especially in these categories. i will try very hard not to disrupt the pace of the ceremony, but i want to say a few words of thanks to both of these departments. costume designers, our beloved ones, wizards, we, actors, would be nowhere without you, because the visual solution of the image really helps us to create a role, forgive us that we are not always willing to find time for fittings, but you know that our work is without... work , without the work of your assistants, costume designers, nothing, and today , actors and actresses will also appear on this stage to receive their awards,
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you know, this is your award too, a costume from our workshop, to your workshop, thank you very much, and artists, directors, i bow to you, i always watch carefully. behind your work, although the actors are not always clear about the scope of your work, because we are invited to the set at the very end, when everything is ready, but i have had several vivid, even shocking experiences in my life, when i come to the set and say: wow , what textured object was found, and then i they showed what, how... this object looked like before, i understood that all this was done by the golden hands of the production designer, his team, thank you for your work. for the world
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that you create and invite us, actors and viewers, into it. let's move on to the awards. yes, let's see what works are presented in the best costume designer category. ekaterina shapkaytse, empress. imperial decrees were issued, which described in detail that with...
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the prize was received by dmitry andreev and vladimir nikifarov, the film khitrovka, the sign of four,
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to be honest, unexpected. it’s true that i had such people, we had competitors, my friends , really, thank you very much, thank you to the director , thank you to the team, thank you to the high-ranking academy, i don’t know, i just honestly , grow a little, say something, i last time i spoke for you, well, everyone says thank you, i want to say thank you to musfilm, thank you to karen shakhnazav. he trusted us and gave us the opportunity to do what we did. yes, thank you very much, our congratulations, and we move on to the nomination, best work production designer. maria of tours,
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empress. elizaveta petrovna had a well-developed sense of power, because you can , of course, rule, but not for long, for petrov’s spark, driving in, driving in, anastasia karimulina, at the pike order of the tsar’s daughter, what kind of whip is that, stuck to my bride, and the mechanical organ, ours is the best one. this story was very loud, and i learned about it from our artist vereshchagin, who then lived in india. the best work
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of a production designer. sergey fevralev, trick, sign of four, sergey gets the prize february, film khitrovka, sign of four. every time you wake up. do you think that someday he will reveal you, he will say that we knew that he is not an artist, that he is just pretending, thank you for delaying this moment, now widespread gratitude, gratitude to the director, in fact, korolin georgievich is a difficult director, he has difficult thoughts , difficult tasks, difficult
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decisions and moves. but what’s also surprising is that he completely trusts the artist, gives him some opportunity to surprise him, and this is also rare in modern cinema, it seems to me that a feeling, well, like this... a quality thanks to which an artist can open up and express himself, so a really difficult director, only a difficult director can invite a difficult artist to this picture, so i am incredibly grateful to karen georgievich. secondly, these people will not be thanked, but firstly, this is my team. i had an amazing team on this picture, i have great assistants, tanya korableva, ruzana ognisyan, i have great directors, the level of cabinet makers, zagorulki, my
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magnificent vlad and denis zagorulka, you can’t imagine what amazing prop designers and prop artists worked on this picture, these are natasha and tolya. they said thank you to the costume designers , they won’t say thank you to these people either, there were also people in this picture who invested a lot in the visual solutions, these are the makeup artists, this is the second year, unfortunately, there is no golden eagle award for this nomination, so petya gorshenin and tatyana melkomova, thank you very much and... the third thank you is the film academy, but for what? here are all three films, really worthy , that were nominated for this award, in this particular nomination, and i’ll tell you honestly that it’s
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a great honor to be nominated already, there are people who worry about it and consider it a great award , why? because if you got into this nomination and, moreover, they gave you... a prize, it means that the film academy recognized this movie as a feature film, thank you very much to the film academy, thank you very much christina , thank you very much, have a good evening, congratulations to the laureates, thank you christina for helping us with the ceremony, and we move on to the following nominations: best actress in an online series, best actor in an online series, and best series on an online platform, and to present the prizes we invite screenwriter andrei zolotarev to this stage.
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good evening, it’s just that i was entrusted with presenting prizes. in this nomination, in my opinion, we are as far away from each other as possible, where i am, where the actresses are, well, i won’t focus on the lens . so, let's see who is nominated for best actress in an online series. svetlana hotchenkova, actress. and my head is pounding, it’s possible without these songs of yours, i read it on... how did you celebrate the premiere, why do you think so? i must convey to you that you, as an actress, are not pleased with such news. alexandra bortich, fisher,
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maryana spevak, black cloud. so, maryana spevak, black cloud, the prize goes to maryana spevak, online series black cloud.
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and excuse me, i’m really confused, i didn’t expect it at all, i have such competitors, i thank you. thank you to the academy, thank you, oh my god, that's it, we're all here, thanks to my film crew, to my wonderful partners and director, karenn the screenwriter, dasha gratsevich for this film, because it really means a lot to me, well, thank you all and cheers. maryana,
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we congratulate you, don’t worry, and now it’s time for the best actors of the online series. ivan yankovsky, volunteer playlist.
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intrigue, one of the main tools of a screenwriter. i’m terribly worried, see what yankovsky will receive there, yankovsky, ivan and alexander yatsenko, fish, ivan yankovsky and alexander yatsenko receive the prize, the online series fishcher.
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hurray, thank you, thank you, thank you to fisher, oh, oh, no, no need to fisher, thank you, not that i’m saying thank you to my wife, but i promised in general, thank you to my wife, because i’m standing here in general, thanks to her, well, every day wake up too. well, thanks to her, it’s possible for me, so ksenya, my love, i love you, what could be more fun than being nominated, but to be nominated by yourself and also to be nominated with your father, i think that i will never forget this day, i will remember this will take a long time, to be honest, it’s already in
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tom... pershina for the fact that they were able to implement this complex project, thank them very much,
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thank you to andrey maksimov, who played fischer, yes, yes, well, tell me something else, that 's it, hurray, hurray, congratulations, congratulations , guys, thank you guys, finally a nomination for the best series on the online platform. library, director, igor tverdokhlebov, producers, yulia sumacheva, vladimir tyulin, anatoly, timurstein.
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so half of me is offended by the timing of some kind of fisher prize, producers dmitry taborchuk and sergey kalvarsky online series ficher.
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thank you all, thank you very much to the academy , we won’t keep you for long , we tried very hard, thank you to the audience, have a good evening, thank you, our movie is a little about evil , i really want evil to remain only on the screen, thank you, artists, thank you very much, bravo, i i want to say thank you to the national media group for working with such a wonderful team, i want to say thank you to the entire film crew, and slava morugova, happy birthday, he ’s not here today, but he launched this project,
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thank you, thank you, are you waiting for another eagle? we we can go, thank you, we congratulate the winners, andrey, thank you very much, thank you, it’s a wonderful evening, we congratulate the laureates, we continue to get acquainted with the golden eagle nominees for the best film of the year, we watch the performance of the third film. if you want, i’ll tell you a fairy tale, there are miracles in your fairy tale, of course there are, interesting, interesting, but what kind of miracles are there in your fairy tale, look, wow, and the pike
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, by the way, is talking about, maybe, what is it? she says? she fulfills desires, so repeat after me, at my command, according to the pike’s command, according to my desire, according to my desire, can she really fulfill any desire, well, as you have, you don’t believe it either, look, what, how did you give up and see the city? don’t get up on the stove, oh , it’s fun to ride on the stove, you know, i’m so tired of the diman, but can the pike make it so that summer doesn’t come sooner, but the pike
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can do anything, summer is like summer, hurray, really, that’s not it, it’s great, but what if i get hungry? what will your pike do? not a problem, the tablecloth is self-assembled, you need to know the main words, renew, renew, wow, so much you can just eat sweets all day long, to be honest, it’s not cruel, it’s a fairy tale, just wait, there are trials in fairy tales, the heroes don’t have it easy, but... not for me, i’m already scared. don't be afraid, fairy tales are good, they always help good people. in a fairy tale there is friendship and
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love, without friendship and love miracles do not happen, of course, in a fairy tale there is strong friendship, real love, i convinced you, you have everything in a fairy tale, only there is not enough fun dancing, for this there is a cat accordion, he plays the button accordion. knows how to play, i don’t believe that a cat plays the button accordion, why, cat, play our song for us funny, please, please, come on, it’s a good fairy tale, let’s go watch it, it’s your wish, i don’t even need magic. done, let's go, wait,
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wow! and the number was helped by beginning actors varvara kuprina and miron provarov, artists maria belyaeva, alexander uskov, and honored artist viktor malyarov. thank you very much, and we move on. yes, let's move on and look at the nominations, best female and male role on television,
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best television series, alexander akopov and actress maria andreeva will help us announce the winners, please, we are waiting you. good evening everyone, we agreed that alexander zavenovich says cool, wise words, and i’m standing beautifully next to you, this has already happened, and i want to say very briefly, this year is another, it seems to me, important anniversary of the 60th anniversary of the domestic series, and this rhymes with the anniversary of the mastfilm, since the first domestic series was filmed in sixty-four: here we call fire on ourselves, i would like to applaud sergei nikolaevich kolosov,
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who was the founder of this form on our television, i am very glad that yes, you of course we worked together, we need to remember these people, this is... a great cinematographer, he did a lot to ensure that the domestic series lived, overcame a lot of obstacles, here we are 60 years old, moving on to the nomination, so, best actress on television , elena yakovleva, dog lady, what's so funny? sorry, bored lady, quarrelsome character, inflated self-esteem, hello opportunity. lyubov
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konstantinova, fever, come on. we will win, yulia snegir, chaliapin, hello, let's find out soon. elena yakovleva, lady with dog, dear friends, i can’t help but say, unfortunately,
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fortunately, elena yakovleva is now. she's filming on set, she can't be here, but the film academy will definitely give her the prize. so, let's move on to best actor on television. sergey bezrukov. bison, the work of a fashion model. what is not allowed. calm down, criminal investigation department.
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the best male role on television sergei bezrukov bezon, the case of a fashion model, the prize goes to sergei bezrukov from the tv series bezon. the case of a fashion model, sasha, it’s me, ketsenko, who has surrounded you from all sides, i really want i would like to thank you very much, because in bison we worked together, i have known sasha for a very long time, we have known each other for a very long time, but this was the first time
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i worked with myself on television in cinema, i want to work more. sanya, you are a great partner , thank you, dear, thank you, according to tradition, many thanks to the family, everyone who believed in me, all these years, happy holiday, happy anniversary, beloved native masfilm, indeed, dear, forever beloved masfilm, thanks to the huge academy, thank you academicians, thank you first. i received the golden eagle in 2004 for lieutenant kravtsov in the tv series plot. 20 years later i get paid for major bessonny. colonel rybin was not a competitor. there is hope, after another 20 years , to get promoted to general. i will try.
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thank you. do we know what is now on the scales, and what is happening now? dmitry shestakovich's seventh leningrad symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say: we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of canadas. and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear, and even your own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, sunday on rtr. i bought some candy for your
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beloved, just don’t eat it right away, let ’s hang some on the tree this year, whatever, karl ilyich, zap, i finished the symphony, with greetings, shestokorishch, the seventh symphony. on saturday and sunday on rtr, and you can’t help but take it, my mother, today’s program will be dedicated to songs about the people closest to me, whether it’s me or not my brother, according to your program andrey, the soul unfolds, collapses, and so on 100 times, my good country, thank you. for
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inviting my godfather, my beloved mom, hello andrey, andrey’s evening show. you don’t understand who you’ve contacted or the direction, you can’t scare me, i’ll check right away. chaliapin,
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director, egor onashkin, producers, anton zlatopolsky, maria ushakova, ekaterina zhukova. production: mos-kino film company, russia-1 tv channel with the support of the ministry of culture of the russian federation. spy, director ivan stakhanov, producers: sergey tetenkov, andrey terishok, mikhail khleborodov, production, film studio kit, channel one, you want the truth, either you are with me or you? with him, everything will be fine, believe me , so, the best television series is bison, the business
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of a fashion model, the prize goes to director sergei chikalov, the series “bison, the business of a fashion model.” whom i wanted to create and special thanks to sergei bezrukov for his amazing energy, thank you, have a good evening, masha alexandrovich, thank you very much, and we move on to
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the next nominations and to announce the winners in the categories of best supporting actress and best supporting actor, we invite actress anna snatkina. good evening, ladies and gentlemen , dear colleagues, i’ll be honest, i shouldn’t have stood here on this stage today, i ended up here by accident, because when i was going to the award, they called me and said we have someone from... fell to the rescue, well, as you understand , i couldn’t help but take advantage of this situation, and i’ll explain why: and the nomination for supporting role
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, today my colleagues and producers, the entire team that worked on the series fisher, received awards and nominations, i also starred in this picture and... on occasion played a supporting role, but i want to say that many who appear on this stage say that it is impossible to distinguish between a supporting role and a foreground role, it does not matter, so i am grateful to the development of our russian film industry, because nowadays it’s really very difficult to feel the difference, because these roles have become equal and, in my opinion,
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ensemble roles, so i want to once again say a huge thank you to the entire team who made our wonderful film, thank you huge and now, of course, i would like to award it for a supporting role, but... sometimes a leading role and everything seems to be beautiful, stylish, noble, but the real diamond, it turns out, is in the background. let's take a look at the nominees. alexandra child, 1993. andryusha wanted to leave for a long time, he kept persuading me, begging me. but i was against
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it, i kept thinking , let’s save up then, well, here it is, then masha labanova, the edge of the broken moon, i’ll clean up here and live, this is my home, it’s clear, if you don’t need it, then i need it, that’s it, conversation finished go wherever you want, i'm staying here, hello! elena yakovleva, who left a man , no children, no human work, that’s why i gave birth to you, tormented you for 12 hours, no prospects, although on the other hand, well, these men, you can live happily for yourself, alexandra’s child, gets a prize alexandra.
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the film is 1993, you see, it’s not a coincidence, don’t tell me, it’s very nice, thank you, good evening, i... yes, i really didn’t expect this, but how strange , in general i don’t really like it when people praise me, and as a rule, when the director says something good words, i don’t do a very good take, and if these are rehearsals in the theater, then somehow it doesn’t work out for me, i don’t like being praised, but now i’m standing and experiencing some new feeling.
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you know, thank you very much for this ceremony in general, because it inspires faith, usually from us, from artists, they ask for faith, faith in circumstances, faith in conditions, and faith in the characters in which we are immersed, but we also really need faith in us and faith that... what we do is not in vain, it really worth it, today the ceremony started with such great names, we saw a huge number of people whom we remember, appreciate, who we are very grateful for, and i am very glad that we have the opportunity to continue this business, and i am incredibly grateful for the trust and faith. i will thank, of course, alexander
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veledinsky, and we met together on the series abode, and there i also met sergei bezrukov, who was my partner, thank him very much, i learned a lot from you, evgenia tkachuk, who also here, thank you very much, when the director called for the second time, but in general it ’s worth a lot when again the director comes with a proposal and it would be an episode, but since i really trusted him and understood that he would probably offer something so interesting, well, in general, everything worked out, it was difficult , but it was worth it, because the role is short, in general, when you have the main role, you can play for a long, long time, you have development, you will come to some denominator, some scene may not be very good, but somehow she was worth it... in an episode you
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usually have one or two scenes and as an actress it’s terribly difficult to get it right, and sometimes it can be missed, but this is normal in our profession, yes elena, that’s in general, thank you very much, yes, happy birthday to mosfilm, and in general i would like to say in the words of stanislavsky, love the art in yourself. and not yourself in art, thank you very much, congratulations anna, let's see it together.
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i hope it has been conveyed to you that the sovereign is merciful, the voice of the guard should also be heard, catherine went through more than one campaign with the guards regiments, evgeniy tkachuk , the righteous man, there is no such person in the world who could beat me at cards, i am a very porter, listen, you have brides, and kale, kale, horror, take the sign . my love , kiselyov will marry us, he, as a commander, has the right, he is not a commander to me, evgeniy, of course, you work wonders on the screen, evgeniy tkachuk, the prize goes to evgeniy tkachuk, the film
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the righteous. i want to say, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, for my entire life, to everyone who knows me. everyone who believes in me, first of all, it’s my mother , then immediately, naturally, my wife, then sergei vladimirovich, who nevertheless said,
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don’t mess with my brains, let’s work, in fact, all the spectators who... until now somehow tolerates me on the screen, also words of condolences, hang in there, there will be more, i’m sure it will be worse, because over the years there are still fewer and fewer teeth, and it is no longer necessary to use them for their intended purpose, but... now to to the most important thing, thank you for your patience, for your faith, for your love, and a low bow with words gratitude for my life, to my wife,
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marta igorevna, thank you very much for believing, i love you endlessly, thank you! anechka, thank you, so, the next nominee for the golden eagle for the best feature film, let's watch the presentation of the fourth film. the main thing is the rise, let's go, 10, the lift contact has passed,
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the engines are central ignition. parameters of the launch vehicle control system are normal 25 30 engines of the first second stage are working normally 40 parameters of the launch vehicle design are normal masha you won’t believe it where now. do you remember how all the children dreamed of putting on overalls
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and leaving their home, taking a step into a snowdrift, holding back oxygen, an ice-cold ship, waiting for the command to go forward, uncle styopa blocked the way, geno the crocodile tried to return, the cat was afraid for the pain, but you are not afraid to go to the start. .. every day is like monday above, everything is behind in watercolor, it’s scary, we didn’t have time to breathe, let’s fly, tell the sea how high it is in the sky, every day is like monday above , everything is behind in watercolor, it’s scary, to breathe. ate, let's fly, tell the sea how it is there in the sky, cru, vanity, bringing tears, i know,
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you know, i see in my eyes, 12 there is already light, my heart beats like a report, help me storbita, my. my nerves are dead, there’s fever below, frozen above, we’ll see you again, mom, challenge, every day, like monday above, behind everything in watercolor is scary. we didn’t have time to breathe, let’s fly, we’ll tell the sea how
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high it is in the sky, every day is like monday higher, everything is in watercolor behind us, it’s scary , we didn’t have time to breathe, let’s fly, we’ll tell the sea how they’re trying to save lives in non-field conditions to the patient he does what he can, that’s what doctors do.
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actress anna peresil helped us present the film challenge, thank you very much, and to announce the winners in the categories of best script and best cinematography, we invite the stage cameraman and screenwriter. igor grenyakin. good evening. i don’t know how the writers are doing, the cameramen are doing well, in my opinion. an incredible number of, uh, fantastic operators are being born in our country. the level of the image is growing, and they are shooting better and
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better, it seems to me that we are driving ourselves into a corner, because there is only one award, and there are a lot of guys , well, let's see who is the best this year, let's see who is nominated for best script, alexander veledinsky, 1993, you have to be either a star or dust, how will perestroika end, a shootout, if you you are not interested in politics, this does not mean that politics is not interested in you, gennady ostrovsky, righteous man, you will glorify the operation to save the soviet population of belarus, if you bring the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the rank, there are no more jews in minsk, you are completely you don’t bring anyone, and where i find them, they are very close, going to the suroch gate.
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snegiryushka, here is our death, the best script , so, alexander veredinsky, oh, thank you very much, unfortunately, yes, alexander could not come today, but i, as a producer, of course, would like to mention the author of the novel, based on which alexander created the script 1993 sergei shrugunov to thank
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him, so thanks to the big film academy. and now the nominees for best cinematography . mikhail milashin. lord of the wind. mikhail milashin, righteous man.
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alisher, khamid khadzhaev, bullfinch. what have you done? yura, let go of the faces, tell him, yes, yura, that’s it , now they’ll hook the trap, we’ll pull them up , the ledemog said here, kill me waving yourself, help, the most handsome, by the way, cameraman, in fact, mikhail milashin, gets the prize. thank you very much, igor, thank
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you, i learned a lot from you, we worked together for some time, thank you very much to the academicians for the recognition, i am standing on... the stage for the second time, for me this is such confirmation of professional recognition, thank you, thanks to the producers of the film, thank you very much, sergey vladimirovich, thank you for this journey, for your trust, thank you to the lord god, thank you to my parents, mom, dad, i love you, thank you very much to my beloved wife nastya for your patience, for your support, thank you very much to my master and master. skoy in ghika under his leadership kingdom of heaven vadiman chusu. thanks a lot. congratulations. igor, thank you. let's move on to the nominations for best male and female roles in cinema. and to present
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the prizes, i invite the stage teacher and choreographer, alla segalova. yeah, but for me, as for a person from the planet of theater, of course , actors are gods, they are kings, and looking at them on stage, we cry, we admire, we say, my god, how fantastic they are, in the rehearsal hall, sometimes we want them. strangle with your own hands, but this is so rare, i hope for us, and for directors and choreographers, and the same thing in the cinema, when you leave the cinema, the film that you just watched is first of all remembered by the faces of the actors who played in it film and which awakened and awakens
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feelings in you, for the sake of which, in general, we go to the cinema. the best actress in cinema, julia will overpower you cockroach surgeon, he will not reach the ground, with such overloads he will simply die from painful shock, our goal is for him to wait for the doctor. are you ready to fly into space? not now, but tomorrow she would fly, lyubov konstantinova, righteous man, do you know each other, or have you seen each other, dos from khavar kiselyov, hey sanna, we must have time to cross
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the bridge, anna mikhalkova, anna’s feeling, love each other, love each other, love a friend, love a friend, love a friend, love each other, so let's see what, what surprises, anna mikhalkova, the prize goes to anna mikhalkova, the film anna's feeling. this is not the first time i’ve stood on this stage, but
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for some reason i also want to apologize, well, in general , everyone knows that anna melikyan and i are quite successful, famous... but then somehow it went differently, in this film i i showed everything, my rich inner world, and a certain exterior, i am grateful to everyone who watched this film and am also grateful. who hasn't seen this movie, thank you mommy, and probably not many people have seen this movie,
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but i had a good joke about that i also came here in a fur coat, you see how few people understood what i was talking about, well, i’ll say it differently, you know, it’s like you were at a naked party, but you just entered, apparently, through that door. so i, in fact , i am grateful to anna, because of course, anna melikyan is her absolute merit, she just took me and i, drew this movie, i probably won’t watch this movie a second time, because the amount of myself is so it's hard to bring the amount of yourself on screen, and i am truly, truly truly grateful. viewer because to experience everything that this heroine is going through in close-ups for two hours is a test, i am grateful to all my
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partners, tima tribuntsev, my already film husband, everyone, everyone, everyone who made this movie, this statement, this , it, like everything in our world, is quite banal, i can repeat it, and say it endlessly, love each other. thank you, and i’ll also quickly say that i dedicate this award to my youngest daughter lida, nina and vanya, nadya’s children. thanks a lot. congratulations and moving on to the golden eagle contender for best actor in a film. evgeny tsyganov, 1993, all people are brothers, black
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, white, green, let's go , i'll break your head now, that you hatched, i put my finger on the lunar rover in paint, i'm a lunar rover, comrades, first of all, you were all gathered here together , in order to lead through the german rear and lead them beyond the front line, into soviet territory, i don’t distinguish people by nationality, the main thing for me is that the germans are beaten, makar... khlebnikov, oleg savostyuk, snegil, i went to st. petersburg to enroll in physics and mathematics, but not either he entered, he went on a sailing trip, because there was nowhere to live, max, well, you can explain to me that goldon has returned, it’s just that his mother thinks that he entered and is now studying, so, well, alexander gitsenko! the prize
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goes to alexander yatsenko, the film righteous, thank you for what you say, thank you, let’s continue, hurray! thank you, oh, thank you, congratulations to everyone, good luck and love to all, we have come to the next nominee, for the best film of the year, we are watching the presentation of the fifth film.
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they’ll cope fine now, but they won’t, they won’t cope, they’ll cope, but they won’t cope.
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i washed myself for the week ahead, come on, as an impression, well, it’s normal, fun, nikita, get out of there, he said. get down!
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pianist tikhan shevkov helped us introduce the film bullfinch. thank you. there are only two nominations: best director and best film, and to announce the winners we invite the film director, the head of cinema...
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i immediately remember stanislavich govorokhin’s favorite anecdote, the cameramen ask: without a director, a film is impossible , the director is actually responsible for everything, for and accepts awards, and accepts and, as they say, blasphemy, well, let's find out who this year, as
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they say, will accept this very prestigious award, let's remind you who is fighting for the title of best director. alexander please, white veledinsky 1993 nothing depends on us at all, this is history. here you are, hello, in the city. history with a capital letter i. sergei ursulyak, righteous man. where are the jews? where are the jews, lyuba? they were here. escaped, i got there, i was able to, boris khlebnikov, snow, i understood why it wouldn’t go, nund went for fun, just for fun, what is this journey, what is it like with
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barbecue, parvaya or something, well, yes, it’s a budget option, so what, what are you going to indulge in, if the whole course is over, just like that , just look at the open sea once, well, well, just sailors yes... so let’s see who sergey ursulyak, the prize goes to sergey ursulyak, the film is righteous. good evening, first of all, i want to say
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that i have immense respect for sasha veledinsky and borya khlebnikov, and you saw the leading actor sasha yatsenko, you saw the performer. the second role of zhenya tkachuk, and i made a film with them, and for that i can give prize, but seriously, i am of course grateful to everyone who made this picture with me, you know, in the individual category i’m somehow very excited, for some reason more than in the general category. this is my first time getting in the individual category, i am grateful to everyone who made this picture with me, i am grateful to my producers, this time anton andrey zlatopolsky shared the happiness of working with me, with many more
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people, so i had a lot of producers, i i won’t list them all, because firstly, i’m afraid of getting confused, and secondly, secondly, you will think that i am intimidating you, but... before the last nomination, and i am grateful to the actors, i am grateful to my group, but since again this is an individual nomination, i want to say that i and what is wrong with me today , and i’m especially grateful to my family, i won’t impress them either , because i’ll cry this time, so just a big thank you to everyone who... is happy for me, thank you, congratulations, sergey, now we’re moving on to the climax moment, but first let's remember everything. all contenders for the main golden eagle
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for the best film of the year 1993 director alexander veledinsky producers zhanna tideeva kalinina alexandra voronkova produced by the gate film company with the support of the russia tv channel cinema fund. this is the system of the future, are you for the reds or for the whites, you can’t be above the fray, everything depends on us, it must depend, i want to figure it out, because i’m for justice, i’m for the people, we wear it like shirts, cheers, comrades, nothing from us at all doesn’t depend, this is history, great, challenge,
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roscosmos first channel glav kosmos company yellow black and white, online cinema start with the support of the cinema fund and central partnership, an excellent surgeon, if i were him, i would choose you too. it's 3:43, i'm starting the operation. feeling veleniya, director, alexander vaitinsky, producer, sergei silyanov, production, stv film company, globus film film company, with the support of the cinema fund and russia tv channel. why are you suitable for her? i’m not sure, we’ll bring it up to
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my level, that’s just me, i’m just warming up, come on, come on, come on, that’s it, stand aside, i’ll put things in order here, and no one can stop you, group of companies kievskaya ploshchad with the support of the cinema fund and the rossiya-1 tv channel , our family had one valuable relic, it was taken away from me, you have gold, it’s not gold , my father gave it to me, i can’t give it back, just show it, kiselyov, did you say you would return it?
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bullfinch, director, boris khlebnikov, producers, sergey silyanov, natalya drost, production, stv film company, globus-film film company, with the support of the ministry of culture of the russian federation. not to approach him from the slow side, but there, he broke through to us, it’s normal that they can handle it? not at all, they won’t cope, they will cope, but they won’t cope.
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yes, well, dear friends, the culmination , indeed, let me remind you that the golden eagle is really the most important and most prestigious award for russian cinema, and this is not only thanks to the traditionally brilliant award ceremony, but of course, first of all, because it always participates the most. the most interesting paintings of this year, let's see who the academicians, as they say, gave preference to this year? bullfinch, the prize goes to the producer of the film bullfinch, sergei silyanov.
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boris khlebnikov on the set, because it’s awkward to say big, strong words in the presence of a hero, and i want to say them, but first of all, i’m touched, and proud,
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as a participant in this project, by the attention of academicians to this picture, i... i think, i agree, i think, apparently, together with you, that boris khlebnikov, not only grew up, he always seemed to be, but still grew up to some kind of great national figure, a great national film artist, this picture, you know , here... the script was written based on vladimov’s book, 3 minutes of silence, after the main character goes through the entire book, there is a main character in the book, the protagonist of this whole story, and khlebnikov, together with natasha
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meshchaninova, who contributed to this picture, well, to the script. accordingly, the film also cannot be underestimated, they, i tell them, well , no, well, the main character doesn’t work out, everything is fine, but the main character, what is he, who , what, what is it, neither fish nor fowl, then bori called me and said, let's remove it, imagine, it's removing the main character, and it turned out to be a film not about someone, but about us, this film is about...
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with me, well, the main khlebnikov is not there, but there is makar, and oleg sovastyuk, who were also nominated, and this is a great honor for them, for that, too, thanks to the academicians for getting in at such a tender age, i would say they really played great , and here is the choice of academicians, although natalya smirnova is especially pleased for them. who, in fact , is the executive producer of the film, but not only this one, she directed three films in the main nomination, call of the pike and bullfinch,
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and it’s not a fact, not a fact that one of these groups, something without her, it’s not a fact that it would have happened if it weren’t for her. natalya smirno, please , well, me too, the film was awarded several more prizes to ours, well, here are parts of our team, very much the sound engineer, and computer graphics and editor, editing director, that is , of course, without all these other colleagues of ours , the film would not have been possible ...
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of course, the core, and it seems to me, not only of this film, but to some extent of our entire cinema, along with others like it . cool, professional, and most importantly with inner content, colleagues, thank you, that's it, yes, we congratulate all the winners and thank the orchestra conducted by vladimir agafonnikov, and we also, we now ask all the winners of today's ceremony. go up the stage for a group photo.
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refused my child, refused, how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, is he alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and your children have experience in volunteer work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but what’s so difficult, you take it and change it? and we are strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, she doesn’t have children , now she’s just returned to her homeland,
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my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were you needed these games of love, why, svetlana on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world
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is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, according to secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, we have a big day today day, big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign. bila , well, you know, for every cool fighter she will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid
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questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always answer for his words, a hero of his time, beauty, repen, the whole brigade only on the smotr platform. my planet tv channel presents. beloklava is a district of sevastopol, which is called the crimean san trape. now i'm on the embankment nazukin and i want to say that this promenade is unfairly deprived of wide international fame. for me, it is in no way inferior to the french crozette. girl on a sea walk, hello, hello
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, what kind of walks do you have, great walk , let's go fishing, but i've never fished, this is the best moment, in bolo you have to try everything for the first time, but it's difficult, no, not difficult, i ’ll teach you, but how much it costs, quite a bit, almost nothing, 2,500, quite humanely, for the first fishing trip in my life. here's my boat and how cute, cozy, yes, come in, don’t be afraid, women first, yes, yes, of course, yes, like cats in the sea. we leave the balaclava bay and head for the open sea, the views are amazing, just have time to look, before the balaclava they called it chimbala, the city of chimbala, the chembala
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fortress, here is the genoet fortress ahead of us on the mountain, yeah. chimbala was called that by the genoese, meaning the city of health, and after the genoese the turks came here, this is already the 15th century, they actually called the balaclava balaclava, but it sounded like balyk yue, balyk yue or balykkaya, yes it translates as a fishing place, a fish nest, a fish tank , well, associated specifically with fish, balyk is a fish, that is, i chose the very right city for my first fishing trip, but of course, of course, there are a lot of fish, always, so ... and now, in fact, the most intriguing part of our mini-cruise is fishing, oh, i don’t even know if i can do it, from the station along the embankment i gradually walked to the market square
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of old vyborg, here the remains of the former fortifications are already visible , look there what... centuries the swedes fortified the city and surrounded it with stone fortress walls, little of them has survived to this day: one bastion to the paratowers, this town hall is round, the locals very funny call it fat katerina, well, the doorway seems to be wide, and thick and thin katerina will pass, although on the way back it’s not a fact, they say: the food there is very tasty, the atmosphere is authentic, the tower is called thick, that’s why the walls, look how impressive, this is not the limit, in some places they are even 3.5 m wide , excuse me, but you’re from a restaurant, come on, how much is the czech average there, that’s how much you ate, well, today i ate for 400 rubles. i took a little, yes i took norwegian soup , we call it in vyborg, it’s cream with
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salmon, well, ice cream and not cheap, considering the fact that various festivals and performances in the knightly style periodically happen here, then the price will not be seems overpriced, because the main thing is the feeling, i dined in a 16th century tower. in general , there are a lot of cafes and restaurants in vyborg, as well as tourists themselves, and not only our compatriots, because the border is just a stone's throw away, so guests from neighboring finland really like to come to the sample for the weekend, for local treats,
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since, despite the fact that we are only one and a half thousand kilometers from moscow, this is one of the most inaccessible and wild places of our country, there is only one elk per 1 km, and you may not see a person for three days, handcuffed so that there is no chance, no chance, of course, due to the abundance of small rivers there are almost no roads here, to name a few roads these intricate creations of human hands, the tongue does not always turn. in general, i ’ll go on foot, catch up, we’re on the way to pechora. this river has a difficult fate. harsh northern climate, desolation, impassability. few people decided to settle in these places of their own
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free will - say people who live on pechora because of their special breed. strong in spirit and body, with an independent and unsociable character, they, like monks, seek solitude away from civilization. why did they choose these remote places, far from everything that represents the good of the modern world, that keeps them in this almost uninhabited region, which is hidden from the world by the great water of the pechera. hello, my name is nice. well, here it is pechora, well, yes , congratulations on your arrival, thank you, what unusual boats, this is the first time i’ve seen such boats, yes, these are pechora boats, specially made, there is one master here, who is the only one. he makes these boats in a circle, it means what these boats are famous for, and the fact that their bow and stern are raised, they go along any riffles,
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there is only one place in europe where the forest can be seen as it would have been, if a person and did not exist on the planet at all, and this place is here. victor has been living and working in the reserve for 23 years. the first thing he taught me was to drink water straight from the river. a nightmare, just a nightmare. why didn’t you leave, give birth under the car, not on the road. we are putting together an orchestra. you see everything yourself. he died 3 days ago. i can't. they met in the blockade. odie, why do you need this soldier? how lonely are you? carl licha, what is carl licha? you think you're young?


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