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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  January 27, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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anticonvulsants, now our neurologists already know about this, they prescribe, and indeed for chronic daily headaches, anticonvulsants and drugs, first generation antidepressants, today are the standard of treatment, how can we expose our fate without this, you know, well, it’s the same as losing weight , you all want a magic pill to lose weight, you all want a magic pill and become beautiful... i don’t know, with a thin waist, you want a pill to stop your headaches, but the fact is that this is a chronic headache - this is the result of your life activity , as you wish, if we say that a tension headache is a pain when the muscles hurt, when the face hurts, when the joints hurt, this is a type of your favorite osteochondrosis, which we are on...
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but you can’t stay for long , that is, you have these muscles, now try yours , but it’s clear, but the head is at such an angle, it’s muscles, try the neck, they’re tense, they ’re very tense, why? well, because it’s hard, you don’t use, so to speak, the spine as an axis, you have all this is forward, everything is twisted for you, your head, roughly speaking, is supported by the muscles of your neck , now turn them off, it will simply fall forward, so first you need to do it right.
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practice posture, by the way, these acupunctures, many types of massage, are specifically aimed at massaging trigger points, sometimes we even anesthetize these trigger points with an injection, well, we really talk like without medical assistance, here i have gymnastics for the head, but remember this my favorite series, but you put your left hand on the back of your head, just your fingers, your right hand on your head, along close your heads. eyes to yes, i will close my eyes, and you will hit me on the head, but in fact, gymnastics for the head, given that this is a certain kind of muscle spasm , among other things, it helps, but what helps more is that, uh, firstly, you the first thing you should look at is, no, is this really a medicated headache, i ’ll tell you right away if you are taking it. 15
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painkillers per month, you have it, you need to get off them, switch, go to a neurologist, switch to mitreptyline or other drugs, because if you you are taking 15 plus, 90% of the medication headaches you have, secondly, you should generally understand what you eat and take, maybe you use other drugs, because a lot of vasodilators, drugs containing nitrites, well, these are cores, provoke headaches, a lot medicines. provokes a headache, you open it and you look, there are beta blockers that provoke headaches, those that are, so to speak, fat-soluble, they pass the blood-brain barrier and so on and so forth, a lot of drugs for hypertension, diuretics, which are included in medications for hypertension, which causes pain relief, tea, coffee, drinks are also useful in all respects, but caffeine, on the one hand, it treats our headaches, and in all threes... it is also caffeine in
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mandatory , but an overdose of caffeine will lead to a headache and you know this well, people who drink coffee need to stay on their feet, that’s it, the head is heavy, it no longer thinks, it just starts to hurt, but the most important thing, of course, is how we behave if we are not doing physical activities loads, if we don’t care about the condition of our shoulder girdle, you know? you remember, i once showed you a ball , once a coach showed me this exercise, i really never do it, because it’s too much, but nevertheless , the point is that you roll the ball with your head, that’s not it turns out, but we have to give it a ride one more time. along the wall, i don’t allow
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him to fall, he falls, but the head is not square, in any case, if... 80% of us have tension headaches, and this is a problem in the cervical-collar area and tissues covering the head, therefore there is a very simple conclusion: you need to work on the muscles and ligaments of the neck, you really need air, you really need proper nutrition, then who else has constant headaches in people with depression. if you have a chronic headache, there is a 40% chance that you have depression, these are medical statistics, this does not mean that you are all depressed, that is, it is very easy to take a pill, it is very difficult to walk for an hour a day before bed, it's very hard not to overdose on caffeine, it's very hard not to eat
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sweets, fatty foods, and so on, these foods also provoke headaches, it’s very difficult to go to the doctor and figure out that it’s hypertension, i accept why my head hurts so much, it’s very difficult. it’s very difficult to do gymnastics, to give up smartphones so as not to sit, it’s all very difficult, it’s easier to go, break this, take a pill, but i ’m telling you, if you take 15 more pills a month of painkillers, you have a medicinal headache, also remember , there are symptoms that tell you what to endure you can’t have a headache, you need to urgently go to the doctor, this is the most severe headache in... the pain has arisen for the first time, this is a headache, you have never had such a headache in your life , which gets worse with coughing, changing body position, sneezing, this is the main pain, which is accompanied by neurological symptoms, and numbness, sagging lips , and so on, and in general any headache
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that first appeared after 50 years, this happens, or in children under 5 years old, well, that’s how we move on. the time to answer your questions has come in the past few days, good afternoon, alexander leonidovich, my name is olga, i am from the city of voronezh, i have a question, i had an mri of the thoracic spine, as a result of which a hemangioma was discovered. tell me, please, is this treated, and how? way, should i intervene, and what are the consequences if i don’t , thank you, hello, good morning, olga, this is doctor
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besmekov, alexander is worried, good afternoon, hello, good afternoon, i’m looking at you. listen, well, it’s clear, the system is probably understandable, we’re all on this, my back hurts, i went to the doctor, either he sent it himself , or she asked, let’s do an mri, i went and did it, he said, oh, hemangioma, what should i do now, so yes, what size, well, almost, my hand just didn’t have one, so they sent me to the neurologist was given a referral for an emri, and where is the hemergioma, so it’s in the thoracic region, yeah. it’s clear, and what the doctors say , they didn’t agree with me, we’ll cut them, they said, no, at first they said that in general, they sent them to the radiation center there, and then they said that
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it’s better not to touch in this area, they usually like they would squeeze it out with cement, but they said that in my case it won’t be bad, as long as it’s quiet, you know,
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the last one, take a second, third, fifth and tenth opinion, because in reality, to treat her, it’s more like this, more like this casuistry, it’s so rare, maybe, well, maybe. there are very large formations there - leading to really compression - of the nerve endings and so on, but this situation is very rare, so usually in 99.9% of cases it is an accidental finding. hello, my name is tatyana, i'm from the city ulanuda, i wanted to ask about my throat, which means that i always have the feeling that... my nose is stuffy, although it is breathing, and my throat inside is quite red, although i am not sick, and
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this is especially after covid in the twentieth year , everything has become very bright, i don’t know what to do about it, in the morning a lot of macros come out - all kinds and this coughing, it’s constant, so i contacted ... a specialist, i still don’t understand how to deal with this fight, so this is my question. first of all, you had it before twentieth year after covid has intensified. in general, all these symptoms, uh, most likely it’s chronic sinusitis or chronic gomaritis, if you like, we like to say sinusitis, but sinusitis is only the sinuses here, sinusitis is the sinuses, uh, not only here, but they are also the frontal sinuses and so on, that is, we can see these sinuses, sinuses around... our face, so chronic sinusitis, its nature
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is allergic, not inflammatory, not microbes, just analergy, and hence all the problems, your silver contents flow down the back wall of hunger, you clear your throat, plus you still at least breathe, you still breathe poorly with your open mouth, especially at night, your throat hurts, you just don’t know what your stomach is, if... from a reflex, the sour stuff you hold is higher, and this in itself causes hoarseness of voice, red throat and so on. well, this is an old long-standing problem for you, consult a doctor, tell me, i heard that this may be a symptom of chronic sinusitis, they suggested that i should pay attention to an antihistamine in general - to treat the allergic process, there no punctures, antibiotics , you don’t need to do anything, i’m 99% sure that it’s this, and if not, then it’s a reflex, hello,
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doctor, my name is, i’m from vladivostok, the fact is that a few years ago, about ten , i had an operation, they cut out a blood clot , recently i began to notice that my feet began to turn black, i understand that these are blood clots, but how to deal with this, how should i continue to deal with this, thank you very much, all the best, you understand, what's the matter, you got cut out. we must understand that if we say, after all can be anywhere, in the brain, in the heart , in the stomach, in the lungs, yes, thromboembolism and so on, but as i understand it, you are focusing on the legs, we are talking about the legs, what did you have, you had deep thrombosis veins, then they operated on it, it’s unlikely, most likely you had thrombosis of the superficial veins, why am i saying this, but because you say, the feet begin to turn black and so on, this is thrombosis, this is not thrombosis, you apparently have advanced varicose veins. blood vessels of the lungs and this will already be
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a thromboembolism, but the surface is ugly, it hurts, the legs swell and so on further and so on, but they are potentially not dangerous, they do not pose a threat of thromboembolism, but how to deal with varicose veins, especially? question: where was the trumpet cut? on the foot? did you remove the trompe on your leg? superficial veins,
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deep veins, which? - yes, in my opinion, deep. deep? do you have varicose veins? are your feet swollen? well, it was in childhood, well, it was in childhood, how is it now? are your feet swollen or not swollen? yes, you know, sometimes, yes, you work? that is, sometimes you, yes, i’m working. that is, this does not limit you in your work, no, no, but what do you say, do you have diabetes there, yes, do you have diabetes, no, no, you don’t have diabetes, but what will you say there? i eat a lot of sweets , well, thank god, i believe you are an incomplete person, tell me, what’s turning black in you, you said, something is turning black in me, and he says the vessels are so dark, yes, yes, yes, in some places, that’s dark , i just don’t know how, well
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, is it just a leg painted black or are it dark veins, and veins, veins, well, these are vessels, i’ve already started answering, talking about the fact that these are vessels, superficial veins, uh, contact a shlibologist, these veins , in principle, you can make sclerosing preparations in them, there are quite a lot of choices , uh, when you are a fribologist, be sure to find out what kind of thrombosis you had, deep veins or superficial, these are two completely different things, here ok, yes, that’s all with you , well, that’s all with the questions, we have a physical training break ahead, we’ll do some stretching , i advise you, firstly, for all diseases, secondly, it greatly improves your mood, do you want to reconsider this application or website , next, polyphenols for protect your heart and what foods contain them. erosion of the cervix, is it necessary to cauterize it so that it does not develop into cancer?
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we dot the i's in the diagnosis that every woman fears. keyword: polyphenols in products, i want to introduce you to products that prolong life, one of the most powerful antioxidants that prevents our body from rusting, statistically significantly reduces the number of heart attacks, strokes, if you want to live longer, take it, your head will work normally, the vessels will be clean, our main topic today is cervical erosion in the future may develop into a tumor, but is it possible to live with sexual activity? with rose of the cervix, here some local doctor squeaks, pee-pee, what is rozya, it’s called all over the world , i have roseya, that’s the same thing, oh, there’s something red there, how did it happen, who he did it, well, it’s his ex-boss
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, the situation is like this, i’m... out of my mind, i’m already afraid to remain a selyuzhka, what was that, skletosovsky, we’re watching on monday on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task open the whole board? if you ask, it’s a tricky one. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with
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humor, i’m chopping oak, no, plucking, problems with water, light. uh housing and communal services, i don’t know, what else? geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now we’re faking it, if we win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, sorry. i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love me and welcome, our replacement co-pilot, flying into the unknown, kanwu island, they heard, they just reported there was an earthquake there, he asks for help evacuating the victims, earlier,
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it’s really bad there, lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly! the engine is completely out of order, i’m on one, the second engine is on fire , reduce the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, follow the instrument, the crew is on friday at rtr, it’s impossible not to.
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thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, i invite you all to table. category, there is time , it was announced at the beginning, i showed this mug and named the keyword, polyphenols in products, the editors insist, tell me about polyphenols, i ’ll tell you about polyphenols, now we’ll see what it is, these polyphenols, these... .compounds found in various plants are powerful antioxidants and prebiotics. polyphenols are a class of chemical
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compounds characterized by the presence of more than one phenolic group per molecule. in short, we don’t need to know this. but what are we talking about? we’re talking to you about polypheno, but whatever you want, call it a pot, don’t put it in the oven. i would like to introduce you to products that prolong life. it prolongs the quality of life, and most importantly, protects against many diseases. the most important of these products is grapes and what is made from grapes. yes, yes, you heard that right. red wine is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which prevents our body from rusting and prolongs life. statistically significantly reduces the number of heart attacks, strokes, people who eat grapes and everything
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that is made from them consume one less glass of red wine, spend significantly less time in hospital, they have less mortality from all causes, there is no way to turn away from this, it’s not for nothing that wine is the most ancient drink, here’s another a number of magical products, truly magical products. tea and coffee, not without reason, three drinks that practically exist, but coffee, though not so long ago, but like tea, wine, tea, coffee - this is something that is worth drinking, something that contains up to a thousand items, here you are you will have antioxidants, vitamins , tea leaves have everything, coffee beans have everything, cocoa beans have everything, that is... dark chocolate 70 plus, tea, coffee, nuts, probably a concentrate of health, because in nuts they have everything, they lower cholesterol, they contain a lot of
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microelements, vegetable protein, you just want to live longer, take this handful of nuts a day, you will 100% live longer, even despite any risk factors at all, and so on. you buy your life with these grapes and fruits, why is he we have different fruits, and because they should be colored, why should children be told: collect a rainbow of fruits, because yes, polyphenols, antioxidants, elegance, and so on and so forth, are everywhere, but they are all different, what is in the reds, not in the blues, what is in the blues is not in the greens, what is in the greens is not in the yellows, what is in the yellows is again not in the reds. and so on, so all these colored vegetables, colored fruits, this is all what you should eat plus,
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well, listen, what else do you need? what do we love so much dumplings and there, i don’t know, there’s fried potatoes with lard, no, i like sins myself, so imagine that they locked you up somewhere, and you... you were stocked with coffee, grapes, tea, chocolate, nuts, these are such goodies, and what else do you need, you will be slim, strong, the most important thing is that this is an excellent prevention of alzheimer’s disease, what is missing here is that there is not enough omega-3, there is not enough polysaturated fatty acids, which are contained, that’s what it actually represents omega-3, put more here. sea ​​fish is all, nothing else is needed, in principle, the head will work normally, the vessels will be clean, otherwise all the vessels there are clean, here’s
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how to clean the vessels, you just need to. eat properly.


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