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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  January 27, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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this is all that you should eat, plus , well, listen, what else do you need, we love dumplings so much, i don’t know, there are fried potatoes with lard, no, i love sins myself, so imagine that they locked you up somewhere something, and you have an abundance of coffee , grapes, tea, chocolate, nuts, these are such goodies, and what else do you need, you will be slim, strong, most importantly, this is an excellent prevention of alzheimer's disease, what is missing here, is missing omega-3, there is not enough fatty, polyunsaturated acids contained, that’s actually represents omega-3, here you can also put some sea fish, nothing else is needed, in principle.
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will work normally, the vessels will be clean, otherwise all the vessels are clean, here is the cleaning of the vessels, you just need to eat right, and what you should take every single day, regardless of the day, you should drink two or three cups of coffee, coffee is only good for you , treats cancer, prevents cancer, the liver in particular, let them drink tea, green, black, whatever you like, you have...
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eat grapes with raspberries, strawberries, it’s already so to speak, i ate, so i highly advise you, or, let’s say, greens, parsley, cilantro, there’s also a list of antioxidants and so on, so it’s not so bad when they say, there’s nothing to eat, but what do i eat? , here is pasta, there are cutlets , nothing like that, it’s all there, you don’t even need a refrigerator for this, it’s all there, you just need it...
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the answer will be yes, moreover, let’s see, cervical erosion, cervical erosion is pathological process, which is characterized by the appearance of an ulcerative defect into the mucus of the cervix, in the future it may develop into a tumor, his majesty the internet. why is cervical erosion dangerous? the development of endometritis can cause infertility. the constant presence of erosion will lead to regular injuries. so, is it possible to become infected with cervical erosion? the causes of cervical erosion include sexually transmitted infections. constant change of sexual partners, early sexual activity.
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violations during medical procedures, spirals, non-compliance with intimate hygiene measures, what will happen if you do not treat erosion? halpit, inflammation of the vagina, inflammation of the cervix, infection of the reproductive organs, but is it possible to live with sexual activity with cervical erosion ? yes, you can, but with unprotected sex , the likelihood of getting an infection through advanced means is much higher than if there is no erosion. internet, clinics, i’m silent on the websites of which clinics, all the clinics, wow, with the middle of the red labor banner on the chest or whatever, here is some doctor mestikov alone squeaking, pee-pee, all this is nonsense, now let’s at least somehow- then let's figure out why everything is on the internet so, well, because the gynecologists have to take away the rose, cervix, uterus, they will probably have to attend the birth, let’s go in order. what is erosion? well, first of all, there is no
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such word as erosion. vovochka, there is no such word, oops. he says, mana, how can this be? there are no words, but oops there is. all over the world it is called ectopia, ectopia and erosion are different things, erosion, we know what erosion is, i just scratched my skin, i have erosion, that’s one thing, that is , erosion is you when something on the surface, the smooth surface of something appears. thinning, here is the stomach, the mucous membrane of the stomach, these are the stomachs of erosion, they bleed, they are weak , this is erosion, but this is not there, why did they call it erosion, but because the gynecologists took it and
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looked at something red? the pear is the vagina, and accordingly, this is the canal, here is the uterus, here it is covered with one epithelium, the epithelial cells are flat, inside there is the so
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-called cubic epithelium. different, and what happens if the uterus seems to turn inside out, after childbirth, in adolescents, under various conditions, we see this little red, this is not erosion, this is normal epithelium that has become visible, and we see a red dot, there is a situation, once it is gone, it closes again, oh, no, erosion, no, where did it go, nowhere. this is what happens, look, everything is made of you, covered with these cells, inside with these, we just don’t see it, it’s inside, here we see the norm, then something
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changes, we see normal cells, but not on our own place, the physiological process is not a disease, not a disease, not a disease, does not turn into cancer, does not cause inflammation, infertility it doesn’t cause, here it is, i said fish, yes, they are in their place, so, they ’re the ones who can’t even catch something in the cervix, well, yes, they’re not in their place, so what, now why? and what should you do , why is this such a long speech of mine, after all, they treat you, wash you, give you pills, burn them out, i personally burned out cervical erosion, as a student in practice in the city of zvenigorod, they told me,
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burn it out, and i burned it out , received mental trauma, because there was also such smoke coming from there, and, accordingly, a living person, why destroy? why is everything not so simple , why will i probably now say a paradoxical thing, and you are right to be afraid of erosion and they are all right, the doctors who intimidate you, now i will tell you why and how this fits with what i have been talking about all this time, if you want us to review this application or website, look at, next, how does cervical erosion help you not miss cancer, love yourself as you are, or change?
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dr. myasnikov will try to find the answer to this question in the section for soul and body. and because there is another cervical disease, it goes into your brain, you will walk. this is really precancer, when the epithelium begins to degenerate, so that you do not have cancer of the uterus, but it is, the process can begin to shoot, in which cases erosion of the cervix can outgrow cancer, my actions, if... i diagnosed cervical erosion, we will talk about whether it’s worth loving yourself as you are, i’ve had complexes all my life, i weighed 40 kg, my belly was still sticking out, but what to do, and i’ve been struggling with myself all my life, and i started to think, maybe maybe i'm raping myself so in vain, love , dislike, balance, nothing like that, i can do this thousands of times, as the infection grows, so it grows, began to go, no matter what they say, this is a huge engine that carries you through life, in november of '41 stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and
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break the german crush that was strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov, the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyana shliselburg railway passed just a few kilometers from the front line. this the road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades leningraders, the first train of the mainland , residents of besieged leningrad recalled that even such cards appeared, amazing ones, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win prizes, like his father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was tough human. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad. film by alexey denisov. today. on rtr, i refused,
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i refused my child, how can i find him, we look at the weekend, 17 years ago i entered your center a boy with a serious diagnosis, whether he is alive or not , two operations were performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him with golden hands cannot be forgotten, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and do you have children? experience of volunteer work, you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but what ’s difficult, you take it, change it, and we’re strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, she doesn’t have children, now i’ve just returned to my homeland, she didn’t let me down memory, having taken the first step, it will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games needed? in love, um, why? svetlana, today at rtr
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, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay down on me on top, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes... what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, everything about elections
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in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest it’s convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, my grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here ’s the number of the election committee, i’ll vote at home. adult citizens of the country are given all opportunities. even for those who are motionless , a solution is offered to call the elections home by taking a portable box. the commission comes to them and carries out the procedure. they arrange voting for them in advance when leaving. this means that the elections are equal, citizens of my country, they can choose freely in the country. important, honestly convenient. even. just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, vera, give birth under the car, there’s no road, we’re collecting
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orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you ’re like, lonely, karl ilyich, like karl ilyich, you’re young, it seems to you, that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk, woman to woman. you love me, you know everything yourself, you play. without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music, this is the beginning of the beginning, the seventh symphony, today tomorrow on rtr, thank you for staying
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with us, thank you for watching russia-1, let's move on to... to the main topic, why i say that cervical erosion is a physiological process, it is not a disease at all, it does not lead to cancer or infertility, you don’t need to do anything, it can manifest itself, go away on its own, not fall for all this intimidation, but with all this, i consider the propaganda of harm, erosion... useful, it would seem paradoxically, but because there is another disease of the cervix, which leads to the cervix, is the result of an infection, is the result of a virus human papillomas, and which you are talking about you don’t know much, they burned through your entire
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brain and not only the brain, but also other places, erosions... but you won’t miss the next pap smear, you will already see a doctor, you will find out that there is some kind of disease in the cervix there are, there are two things: these uteruses are dysplastic, and ectopia, for a normal doctor, when these things are confused, but i don’t know how to confuse this, a tractor and an ant, well, these are different things, but... even if this is false information through erosion to you goes into the brain, you will go once every 3 years until you are 20 years old you have a smear, older there are different approaches, you can once every 5 years, once every 3 years , plus take blood for the human papillomavirus, you will already eat your daughters, you will already be cut off from your daughters, well
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, take the boys for the human papillomavirus, you will be checked for this human papillomavirus, seventeenth factors , by the way, when i said risk factors, remember, i read here, multiple sexual partners, yes, what else did i have, and so on and so forth, this all relates to dysplasia, the threat of cancer cervix, uterus, what they write about erosion, that’s what i tell you i read at the beginning of this topic, this all relates to dysplasia, everything relates to precancer, because cervical dysplasia is really precancer when the epithelium begins... to degenerate, not to be replaced by one another, not that it appears in the wrong place of the epithelium, and it begins to degenerate, change its shape and already degenerate into oncology, it will already be different, there is a difference, out of place, or like this deformed epithelium, so that you don’t have cervical cancer, but,
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i’m sorry, everyone has it year 600 thousand women suffer from cervical cancer, 600,000 people around the world... and indeed this can lead to a fire ending in cancer, but erosion of the cervix to dysplasia, to the human papillomavirus, to a genetic predisposition to this, to other risk factors, such as smoking, by the way, multiple sexual partners
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don’t mean two different things, but why am i saying, you know how... but i can’t hammer this into you, what do you get if you’re wrong? i say again, well, once again they will burn you with something, well, it hurts, but it’s unpleasant, well, what can i do, i did everything so that you avoid this, but since 300,000 people around the world die from cervical and uterine cancer, it would be better if you were deceived, misled, bet on good money, i don’t believe it, i i read who writes this, they are doctors of medical sciences, moscow doctors of medical sciences, i don’t believe that a doctor, gynecologist, sciences in moscow, don’t know what sheikim erosion is, i don’t believe it, this can’t be... it can’t be, but since he does this, then look for who benefits from it, i have more prepared here questions about erosion, in which cases can erosion of the cervix cause cancer, in none,
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dysplasia, yes, a cerebrum is definitely needed, in full, my actions, if the doctor has diagnosed cervical erosion, smile, shake his hand, go, but this will not happen , he will douche you there, cauterize you, give you immunomodulators and so on, how to properly treat erosion, what kind of erosion, erosion of the stomach? ameprazole, i say again, there is no erosion, this is ectopia, there is no such disease, there is no cervical erosion in the world, this is not a disease, how can you treat not a disease, no, sometimes it happens, because this skin, it’s this red epithelium, it’s more tender, it can bleed during rough sexual intercourse and so on, but that’s another question, all this can be torn, i’m sorry, not necessarily in place, so to speak, ectopia, it’s possible to get pregnant with... the uterus , it’s possible, it’s possible, see a gynecologist, he said that i have a small erosion, but he didn’t prescribe any pills, please tell me how to treat it, my head needs to be treated, i’m sorry,
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maybe it’s too much emotionality, but listen, we have so many real illnesses, despite the fact that everyone knows about erosion, about dysplasia, about precancer, about the need for vaccination against the human papillomavirus, he knows... very little, and erosion, well, okay, okay, you take one thing for another, well, at least that’s it, that's it, we move on, a section for the soul and body, and today we will talk about whether it is worth loving yourself as you are, nature created you this way, well, love yourself, because you will not love yourself, no one will will fall in love, and it was always clear to me, i’ve had complexes all my life. that the height is small, the legs crooked, my belly sticks out, i was so thin , i weighed 40 kg, my belly still
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stuck out, and my dad told me, you have a lot of guts, but seriously, in fact, my mother said that i had rickets as a child , and this is typical, crooked legs, a protruding tummy, it’s funny to have a grandson with rickets in an academic family, but what to do? and all my life i struggled with my appearance , went in for sports, fought, ended up in the police, proved something that i’m not just not an academician in the sciences, i can also be a hooligan, that’s when i lived to a certain age, that’s became treat... a little differently, i still don’t like myself, pot-bellied, with butt ears, out of breath when climbing to
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the fifteenth floor, i’m sorry, but this is one of my forms of training, yes, if i can’t do it either in the city and somewhere, i just run around the floors without a break, but still at a certain stage you are out of breath, of course this laziness especially bothers me. before training, before doing something, this one got up and went, i force myself every time, and i began to think, maybe i’m forcing myself so much in vain, maybe i should love myself like this, as you are, a little lazy, a little fat, a little lustful, a little gluttonous, and i can’t persuade myself to do this, this is... the body movement is positive, yes, look, don’t think anything, you don’t need to lose weight, you have it anyway ok, let's not comb our hair, and let's not shave, uh
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, let's not put in teeth, if it's so good, no, let me say something unpopular, probably even wrong, you should always dislike yourself , but balance, that's love, dislike, balance, nothing like that, as soon as you consider what to get up in the morning and not do morning exercises, this is acceptable, this is a minus for you, as soon as you get scared of something, you don’t come to help, you turn away, you don’t call, you forget, this is a minus for you. no one knows your negative sides as well as you do. any agreement with these deniers.
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parties, even with him


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