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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  January 27, 2024 9:25am-10:10am MSK

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no, let me say something unpopular , probably even wrong, you should always not love yourself, it’s funny, yes, balance, that ’s love, dislike, balance, nothing like that, as soon as you think that you can’t get up in the morning. gymnastics, this is acceptable, this is a minus for you, as soon as you get scared of something, you won’t come to help, you will turn away, you won’t call, you will forget, this is a minus for you, no one knows your negative sides as well as you yourself, any agreement with these negative sides, even with...
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any, this is a minus for you, it’s you who give up, sometimes you can’t do anything, i can’t do anything with my stomach, i say, since childhood it has been sticking out, but it sticks out, but i can do the stomach up to a thousand times, and i do it, yes, i train it continuously, i i can do it for a very long time, like this i can do it thousands of times, a thousand times, yes, i can do a pupa. “it doesn’t change anything, evenly and evenly , as the infection grows, so it grows, no matter what you do or what, but at least i’m trying, yes, he’s not convinced, but firstly, he’s solid, and secondly, i try, we can’t fix everything, but we must try, age - this is not an excuse, but i’m already old, and it’ll do, it’s you who gave up, and once
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you’ve given up, then you’ll lie down, and then you ’ll die, no, we’ll all die, but you understand, you still have to die in movement, and oddly enough, in the movement towards self-improvement, why self-improvement at 70 years old, stupid, but why at 90, and if you live to 113, but this, this is a philosophy of life, this is... a philosophy of life: never give up, stood up went, got up , went, no matter what they say, listen to this song, got up, went, once again, this is a gimon, got up go at any age, with any illness, but how can you go, force yourself , nothing but love yourself, because it’s much easier to lie on the couch, eat, grow a butt, take pills, listen only...
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good news, it’s much simpler, so if you love yourself, well, love, so i won’t love myself without this feeling, you know how, let others love you for a lot, but you should be very, very strict with yourself, always and never say, that it’s good for me, yes, i don’t care, i won’t dye my hair, i and so okay, woman, yes, i won’t. expose my teeth, how long do i have left , i won’t do a lift, who should i tempt, you ’re not doing it for anyone, i know a patient who had a lift at 92 years old, by the way, a very famous person, at 92 years old, this woman , this woman, i respect this, she could also say, i don’t care, it’s a big deal, i think that this dissatisfaction with oneself. this is a huge
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engine that carries you through life, you no longer have time to die, you’re reluctant, you haven’t done this yet, you haven’t done that, you’re still yours ignorance hasn’t been corrected, you haven’t corrected these mistakes, you still have a little bit, you know, you don’t have time to die for this at all, he has no time to get sick, as you start, i have a bad heart, i can’t go to the bathhouse , i have hypertension, everyone has hypertension, oh, i can’t,
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you love yourself the way you are, because that’s the balance, i don’t know, i know one thing. how did you compromise with yourself, i’ll make a balance this way, i started the column anyway, i wanted to talk, yes, we really need to keep a balance here, now i think, no, no balance, no self-pity, here i am again, i still need to finally get a board at home, i have one in the gym where i don’t go, so i’m just doing balance here, the key word balance was said , let's walk on the board... why can't i still stand on this board for an hour, like my friends, because i feel sorry for myself, i think, i'm already good, i have very extensive gymnastics, i it’s just not enough to stand on balance, yes,
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and what does this mean, by the way, i want to tell you, with this exercise those things work muscles that absolutely do not work with any other movements, yes, i’m already better, although i don’t train only here, in fact, probably, people, while standing, squat with a barbell, it’s very easy to fall off it, yes fall easy, but i fell five times, i don’t fall anymore, well, we shook our belly, we stood on the board. don’t love yourself lazy , fat, hunched over, with sores, eternal, with a sore head, sad stomach, don’t love those, fight to the end, consider that you will live, as i believe, up to 150 years, we
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there is still room for improvement, dr. mesnyakov was with you, until our next meetings, goodbye. leningrad has never met a single train since this was the first train from the mainland after the blockade was broken. for the survivors it was a real miracle, after a network of months of blockade nightmare, life was returning to the city, the long-awaited train was met by one of the creators
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of this miracle, here he is, saluting on the podium, the head of the department. in the summer of 1944, leningrad newspapers published the tragic news on june 28 as
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they approached the rook field near leningrad the plane in which the socialist hero was flying crashed. ivan georgievich sudkov. he was supposed to inspect the destroyed bridge on the svir river, where it was planned to establish a crossing for the troops of the karelian front. according to the recollections of relatives, on the eve of the tragedy , zubkov had no plans to fly anywhere. the destroyed bridge had to be inspected by its employees. but at night ivan georgievich received a call from people's commissar of railways koganovich. categorically demanded that zubkov fly himself. on the morning of june 28, ivan georgievich took off from leningrad on a plane sent by commander of the karelian front troops meritskov. when there were
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only a few hundred meters left to the airfield, the plane suddenly lost control and crashed into the ground. together with zubkov, his adjutant and everyone else died. crew. thousands of leningraders came to say goodbye to ivan georgievich. coffin mounted on a gun carriage, they transported it along the blocked nevsky prospect to the alexander nevsky lavra, for the siege survivors, zubkov was a real legend, then passes were still required, a patrol stopped me, he said, your pass, i say, i’m georgy zubkov, i came to my father’s funeral, you are the son ivan georgievich, they saluted me, i said, we are holding it now, then
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the realization of who he was really came to me. in the winter of 1943, under the leadership of zubkov , a railway was built in just 17 days, connecting leningrad with the mainland. thanks to this, the city was able to be rescued from the clutches of famine. in the spring of that year , food standards for leningraders were finally raised to the all-union level. thousands, tens of thousands came out to see him off, but those sidewalks were clogged. nensky prospekt, 200 the vinks were carried in front, and not everyone knew the face of the general director of the construction path, but everyone. i understood that the actions of his team,
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every major action, increased the norm of bread, so i suddenly heard in the crowd such words, our savior would be buried. their russian orthodox church, the legendary prince alexander nevsky. today they
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are in the trinity cathedral. it is interesting that in soviet times, in one of the necropolises of the lavra , the famous soviet artist nikolai cherkasov, who created the textbook the image of alexander nevsky in the brilliant film by sergei zenshtein. in the summer of 1944. he did not live to see his fortieth birthday by only a month. pokrov , a don cossack, trained as an engineer puteets, before the war zubkov built the moscow and leningrad metro. at the age of 37, he was already appointed head of the department of military restoration work throughout leningrad. at the age of 39, ivan georgievich became one of the first whom stalin honored
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during the war with the title of hero of socialist labor. then he was awarded the title of director general of railways and construction second rank, which corresponded to the military rank of lieutenant general. after this, many already predicted for him the post of all-union people's commissar of railways. but an unexpected plane crash cut short his life on takeoff, his whole being forced him to devote himself to what he was doing, i can say that he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, i can say that he was a tough person, even towards me . in 1941, leningrad was the second largest
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city in the soviet union. at that time , about 3.5 million people lived in it. hitler planned to capture the northern capital of russia within six, maximum 8 weeks. citizens and women of the soviet union, today is 4 o'clock in the morning without presenting any. claims against the soviet union, without declaring war, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places. on september 4, 1941, the germans bombarded
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the city with long-range artillery for the first time. another 2 days later, nazi aircraft made the first massive raid on leningrad, dropping more than 6,500 bombs. on september 8, 1941, the germans reached the source niva uladishsky lake captured shilburg and completely blocked leningrad from land. thus began the worst blockade in history
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of a city with a population of millions, which lasted 872 days. towards the middle. from the palace square and the winter palace, and on september 29 they received an order to begin the systematic destruction of leningrad with the help of aviation and artillery. the fate prepared for leningrad by adolf hitler was monstrous, the complete destruction
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of the city along with all its inhabitants. no other options were provided. from directives from the headquarters of the german naval forces on the destruction of leningrad. berlin, september 29, 1941. the future of the city of st. petersburg. the fuhrer decided to wipe the city of st. petersburg off the face of the earth. after the defeat of soviet russia, the continued existence of this largest populated area is of no interest. finland also declared its
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disinterest in the existence of this city, directly next to its new borders. it is planned to surround the city with a tight ring by shelling from artillery of all calibers and continuous bombing from the air will level it to the ground. 5 months before the war, ivan zubkov was appointed head of the construction of the leningrad metro. everyone who managed to work with him spoke of him as an engineer from god. ivan zubkov was born in the city of esentuki on july 26, 1904. his family descended from the don cossacks. ivan's father and grandfather
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were engineers. but after it closed, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. in 1930 he graduated from the kharkov polytechnic institute, in 1933 he came to moscow to take part in the construction of the capital metro. here for the first time his outstanding organizational skills and creative approach to any task were revealed. in just a year , twenty-nine-year-old zubkov went from shift supervisor to mine manager. in 1940
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he was awarded the first award. medal for labor valor. in leningrad, under his leadership, just a few months before the war, 15 mines were laid on the site of future stations and almost 700 m of tunnels were laid, the higher authorities greatly valued the talented engineer and were forced to reckon with his unusually independent cossack disposition, he treated everyone the same, some element of servility , you know, servility to someone, this was not even in his mind, he, among all... other things, had a difficult time, because then there were all sorts of party processes, the cadastre, in particular, arrested kadarsky and his wife, the father instantly took
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the girl nadya to our apartment, and they lived in the same house, when they came to him demanding that the girl be theirs, he said no. “i won’t give this girl to you, no matter what you do, you know, not everyone is watching this while standing before the security officers, when we are talking about the party leader in general, like him, well, he did this very often, on the sixth day of the war. on june 27, 1941, the military council of the northwestern front decided to stop the construction of the leningrad
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metro and flood all the mines. after this, zubkov asked the command to send him to the front. at the same time, he invited the country's leadership to retain the most valuable personnel, the engineers, mechanics and tunnellers who worked with him. and they’ll shoot you right away when they read it, you understand what you’re asking, don’t be drafted into army, but what to do, but i can’t
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do without them, oddly enough, it may seem, but stalin, wrote in a letter from his father, agreed, by a special order, the metro builders were mobilized for the construction of defensive structures around leningrad. in just one day , zubkov formed 10 construction battalions, which began to build dugouts, pillboxes and anti-tank ditches under the meadow, on the pulkovo heights on the korel isthmus. later, under the leadership of zubkov , access roads and slipways will be built in the area of ​​​​lake ladazhskoe, to ensure leningrad front with everything you need. having failed to take leningrad on the move, the germans moved on to its systematic destruction.
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on november 13, 1941, the city began to distribute bread according to new standards. 300 g for working people and 150 g for dependent children; due to a shortage of flour , 25% cellulose was added to the loaves; on november 17 and 18, electricity and heating were turned off in the houses, hot water was lost, and the sewage system stopped working. the only chance to save the city from complete extinction was to break the blockade as soon as possible. in the fall of 1941
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, soviet troops tried several times break through the blockade ring in the nevskaya dubrovka area. in september, after fierce battles on the left bank of the neva, we managed to capture a small bridgehead just over 2 km wide and 500-600 m deep. it will go down in history under the name of the nevsky piglet. in november 1941, stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german crush that was strangling leningrad. the offensive was to be led by three communist shock regiments, reinforced with tanks. but the question immediately arose: how to transport several dozen multi-ton vehicles through neva, which the germans shot from all sides. this extremely difficult task
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of command. it was possible to transfer reinforcements to the patch only at night; while choosing a place for a tank crossing, zubkov came under fire and was wounded in the leg. from hospitalization, he
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continued to work, leaning on a stick, he spent the first day in one of the pits from a bomb explosion, and in order to determine how the shelling was carried out, he was wounded, was shell-shocked, but did not leave, he only reported in smolny that he was drinking tea with jam. i've already drunk one glass. one glass of tea meant one tank. every night zubkov reported to the leadership of the city’s defense about the seven or eight glasses of tea he drank. this meant that seven or eight tanks had already been transported to the nevsky patch. on november 30 , 1941, it was successfully transported across the niva.
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the last tank. for this operation, ivan georgievich was awarded the military order of the red banner. according to various sources, during the battles on the nevsky patch, from 50 to 85 thousand of our people died. soldiers from all corners of the soviet union. the blockade of leningrad was broken only at the beginning of 1943.
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moscow says, the last hour, the other day, ours troops located south of lake ladazh went on the offensive against the nazi troops blockading the city of leningrad. having broken through the enemy's long-term fortified zone up to 14 km deep and crossed the neva river, the troops of the volkhov and leningrad fronts united on january 18 and thereby broke the blockade of leningrad.
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the width of the corridor punched by our troops along the southern shore of lake ladazh ranged from 8 to 11 km. on january 19 , the state defense committee gave the order to immediately begin construction of the railway roads to finally deliver. from the torments of the siege. the task set before zubkov and his team had no analogues in world history. in the front line, under shelling and bombing, and severe frosts,
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it was necessary to build three bridges along 30 km of railway track. and this had to be done in just 20 days. how to build a railway bridge across the niva during the same time was generally unclear, but our general engineers , led by zubkov, found a non-standard solution, one high-water bridge, to build across all rules of engineering art, and quickly build another, low-level bridge nearby, which was supposed to be laid directly on the ice. it was decided to build a low-water bridge here at the source of the neva opposite the oreshek fortress. in this regard, ivan zubkov and his subordinates had to solve many complex technical problems. the width of the neva in
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the shliselburg area is more than 1 km, and the depth reaches 6 5 m. huge masses of water flowing from lake ladazhskoe into the neva move here at speed. in addition , there was a large difference in height between the right and left banks, despite this, the low-level bridge was built in just 12 days; on february 2, 1943 , the first train with construction materials passed across it. under military standards, 20 piles were driven per shift; here
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, 80-85 piles were driven per day; 500 people worked day and night to quickly help leningrad. due to the shortage of men, many. types of heavy work were performed by women and teenagers, several thousand leningraders took part in logging on our road, mostly teenagers, mostly girls with they worked with heavy rations for 16 to 18 hours a day, sometimes, they themselves used a tow hook to cut the log down, but not only did they cut it down with a saw, but also use a hook to deliver it to the carriage, they themselves...
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the wehrmacht command ordered something did not destroy our strategic crossing. during construction, shelling occurred every day, and not even once. every day 10 dead, 13 wounded, 15 dead, 12 wounded. they took aim very quickly, because they knew this area very well.
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in the russian state archive for the first time, we were able to find the full version of the filming made on this historical day. it was then that ivan zubkov was caught on camera for the first and last time in his life. driver kitov spoke on behalf of the crew of the first train. to the workers of the heroic city of lenin
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, ardent friendly greetings from the railway workers of the volkhoevsky junction to the workers of the city of volkhovo. comrades leningraders, the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad. builder soldiers laid a railway track on the liberated land, volkhostroevsky the railway workers delivered you the first train from the mainland today. on the same day, leningraders sent a train with gun castings to the mainland. residents of the city will call the new path the road of victory. for them, it will become...
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for the drivers of the brigades working on the road
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of victory, each flight could be the last. due to continuous enemy shelling and bombing, train movements were carried out only at night. the first branch of the polyana-shlyuselburg railway passed just a few kilometers from the front line. on in some areas, german positions were only located. 4-6 km from the railway track. hitler's command tried at any cost to stop the movement of trains along the victory road. the germans fired at it daily from guns and often bombed it from the air, causing a total of about 1,200 different damages. soon it was necessary to build a second branch, which was located a little further from the front line. but before that, in march 1943.
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every third person was killed or wounded. therefore, the drivers nicknamed the new path the corridor of death. almost every german bomb shell day, part of the railway track was disabled. and each time, repair crews restored it literally in a matter of hours, often at the cost of their own lives. despite the fierce shelling, thanks to the courage
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and self-sacrifice of the employees of the october railway, 25 trains were able to move in one direction per day. the central museum of railway transport of russia owns one of the most valuable collections of rolling stock in europe. you can see it at lebyazhye station, 70 km from... here on the museum's stock site displays 67 samples of railway equipment from different countries and eras from the russian empire and the soviet union. to the united states of america and western europe. among them are several locomotives that worked on the fronts of the great patriotic war, including the legendary e-series locomotives, which delivered goods to leningrad along the victory road. during the war
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, most of the cargo was transported on e-series steam locomotives. produced for the first time in... the peculiarity of this steam locomotive was that it was unpretentious in fuel, it was impossible to drown it literally everything was possible, fuel oil, firewood, coal, peat, at the beginning of the war a situation arose when the donetsk coal basin fell into the hands of the enemy, and accordingly. coal fell sharply, the first thing that came in was peat and firewood, something that was in abundance within leningrad and the leningrad region. one locomotive crew of the forty -eighth special locomotive column consisted of 13 people. the role of semaphores was performed by girls with lanterns. at night they stood along the highway
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to show the drivers whether the train could move on. the main danger for... the trains concealed open areas of terrain that the germans fired at especially intensively. to deceive the enemy, the railway workers came up with a clever trick. what was it? from the glade station to the thirty kilometer from it, the road passed through a dense forest. during this period, the drivers accelerated their trains at high speed, leaving the picket line on the thirtieth. kilometers, and the drivers closed the gearbox and walked for several minutes by inertia, the risk was colossal, since the overheated boiler could explode at any moment, but there was no other way out there was none, then the drivers again picked up the speed of their trains and thus moved away from the enemy. to make it more difficult
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for the germans to fire at our trains, a bypass route was built next to the main road. which was further from the front line. on march 19, 1943, the high-water bridge finally became operational. but the military immediately feared that the nearby low-level crossing would be demolished due to the spring ice drift and damage the supports of the main bridge. nikovodny bridge was located just downstream of the neva, just half a kilometer from nizkovny. when the first trains started running along it in march 1943, the military council of the leningrad front demanded that the old crossing be immediately dismantled. but zubkov categorically refused to carry out this order. he offered to keep the first bridge
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as a backup and stated that he took full responsibility himself. march 25, 1943. it became clear to everyone that zubkov was a real visionary. on this day, as a result of massive german artillery shelling , one of the main supports of the high-water bridge and two twenty-three-meter trusses. the bridge was restored only after 2 weeks, but thanks to zubkov, train traffic across the neva never stopped .


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