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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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friends, thank you for being with us, have a good evening everyone, take care of yourself and your loved ones. belikha, it won’t be long before sin. hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius is presenting in the studio and the main topic for this hour. today is 80 years since leningrad was liberated from the fascist blockade. for vladimir putin, as for every leningrader, the blockade is very...
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texas ignored the ultimatum on the border , there is even more barbed wire, the white house is introducing sanctions, the border state is ready to defend itself from both migrants and federal strength more than 250,000 km of pipelines have been built, over a thousand power plants are operating around the world, russia is building nuclear power plants, which was discussed at the russian exhibition today, today is energy day there. today in russia is one of the most important dates in the history of our country. exactly 80 years ago leningrad was completely liberated. from the fascist
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blockade, it lasted almost 900 days, during which time the population of the city decreased three times, more than a million people died, many were evacuated along the road of life and thereby saved. every family in st. petersburg vladimir putin, who today takes part in commemorative events, has his own history of the siege, and so does vladimir putin. report by alexey golovko. with a bouquet of small dews, the president rises to the boundary stone monument on the nevsky patch. here soviet soldiers fought to the death to save the blockades. leningrad, where vladimir putin’s father was seriously wounded. the head of state lays flowers. on the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the blockade, it seems that all of st. petersburg is going to the peskarevsky cemetery, thousands of people, they remember the victims the monstrous crime of the nazis, who decided to starve a city with a population of 2.5 million people. these are holy days, yes.
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in total , half a million leningraders, who were killed by hunger and bombs by the german nazis, rest here in a relatively small area. the president lays a wreath at the motherland monument. a minute of silence passes under another symbol of the blockade. leningrad metronome. and then it sounds. russian anthem! leaving
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the cemetery, the president greeted the people of st. petersburg. at the peskarevsky memorial there are wines today the patriarch of moscow all arusy kirill, the governor of the city alexander beglov, the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko also laid the honor. the memory of the crimes of the nazis is maintained at the state level. the st. petersburg city court made a decision on recognition. genocide of nazi germany, and it seems to me that this is not just some kind of legal act, it is historical, it is such a moral act so that we all remember and know what
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happened then during the war, the most terrible war in the history of mankind, and so that we we did everything possible and impossible to ensure that this never happens again. st. petersburg will celebrate its victory day until late at night , reconstruction festivals are held in the city center, people lay flowers at a sign reminding that during shelling this side of the street was the most dangerous, in the evening fireworks will go off near the walls of the peter and paul fortress, and during the day lights will burn on the spit of vasilievsky island rastral columns, the great city celebrates its great holiday. alexey golovko, anna kolt, natalya lundovskaya, alexey korpukhin and andrey sorokin. news from st. petersburg. a new multimedia historical and educational project of the ministry of defense is dedicated to lifting the blockade. the project is based on documents from the funds of the central archives of the ministry of defense. declassified descriptions of combat operations, maps with the plans of the soviet command, a photo report of the work of the artillery of the baltic fleet, orders and
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combat reports were published. the german soldiers were demoralized by our artillery fire, which was also a great success. january 27, 1944 in honor of the complete withdrawal during the blockade, a festive fireworks display was given in the city, for the first time moscow ceded the right to leningrad, a festive fireworks display. commemorative events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade are taking place throughout the country. we will tell you about this a little later, and today our channel will broadcast it. concert requiem from the city on the neva. it will begin immediately after the evening news release. the future elite of russia should be those who today defend the country in the special operation zone. vladimir putin said this the day before during a conversation with governor of st. petersburg and the leningrad region. on a video link from moscow, the entire
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government and one of the president’s first instructions to the head of the ministry of finance, anton silunov. previously, students who went to the northern military district for the first time of their studies told putin about their problems. it seems to me that this seems to be the correct logic of financial institutions, it should not work, another logic should work here, the logic of supporting people who risk their lives in the interests of their homeland,
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anaton geonovich, please work on both issues with your colleagues, in the near future time to make a decision, there is a need to provide assistance, but as for the development of the northern capital and the leningrad region, then... as the president said, it is necessary to comprehensively increase the economic capabilities of the region, among the priority areas are shipbuilding and pharmaceuticals, the development of sea ports and terminals, as well as creative industries service sector. putin believes that the rich tourism potential of st. petersburg has not been fully exploited. new data from the ministry of defense. another 500 zelensky militants were eliminated in all areas of the northern military district. to we're fighting, we're working, brother. in the donetsk direction , the manpower of nato equipment is being disabled by our geocents. on the right bank of the dnieper , motorized riflemen destroyed an ammunition depot. in the cherkasy region, fuel warehouses have been burned out. such targets are effectively destroyed by fap-500 bombs, which are used by our aviation.
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sud-25 attack aircraft also launched new attacks on ukrainian armed forces units with unguided missiles. a tool in the military's arsenal is drones. in these frames, lanset disables the polish self-propelled gun krap. didn't hide from retribution and this minibus with militants. and so our drone destroyed one of the points. where was the enemy firing machine guns from? our air defense provides cover from enemy air strikes, including against peaceful cities. in one day, almost three dozen ukrainian drones were shot down, as well as seven missiles, an american hymers and czech vampires. from the line of combat contact, reports from our military correspondents, alexey baranov and mikhail andronik. massive artillery barrage is mandatory before assault units work. it was after her self-propelled anti-tank
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missile systems sturm of the central military district are moving to the front line at maximum speed. after those enemy armored vehicles that managed to move to the front line, to the line of combat contact, are hit, the infantry moves forward. lines that storm the positions of the ukrainian military provide continuous, vital information transmitted in real time. the communications armored personnel carriers that operate here in the krasno-limansky direction, of course, differ from the vehicle equipped with weapons. this one has an antenna system on its armor, which is necessarily covered with a camouflage network. signalmen move along the line of combat contact in close proximity to the front line. this introductory urgent deployment, we make frequency changes, we turn around and redo all
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communication control, the weather conditions are the same, deploy either a field cable or a fixed station, some difficulties arise, we have to cope. on the outskirts of serebryansky forestry, assault groups took up new firing positions , the unit commander with the call sign arrow tells us about the recent attack. we follow, we cover the backs of our comrades, we work according to numbers one , three, two, four, we carry out the task, to clear the enemy’s trench, in a group of two, three, five, we see everything when we move in the trench, well, for each other, we all cover each other, working as a team, this is the only way, no other way, infantry actions are covered by motorized rifles of the central military district, mutual assistance, a key component of combat work here in the kremensky forest. the enemy is advancing, we don’t give them a chance to advance further. we
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are moving forward, moving forward. and guys, our fighters are all great, we’re all holding our positions, everything is as it should be. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasno-limansk direction, torsky ledge. a serviceman of the russian guard, with the help of a rope with a hook, the so-called cat, breaks down. the location of an improvised explosive device that was discovered along the military route columns. we have repeatedly encountered standard, our military ammunition. there are also foreign-made mines on our routes. the whole thing was filmed. engineering reconnaissance is only one of the tasks assigned to the russian guard unit in the northern military district zone. throughout the area where the special military operation is taking place, there are hundreds of similar fortified checkpoints manned by military police, traffic police and, of course, military personnel. russian guard. hide with accomplices of the kiev regime in populated areas points of donbass and novorosiya will not work. they
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are all in the area of ​​responsibility of one or another unit of the russian guard. russian guard pilots daily evacuate the wounded to other regions of the country. during their operation, they repeatedly had to evacuate civilians. not only protection, but care for those who need it. the most noble mission. we help the local population with everyday needs and also provide humanitarian aid. a small obstetric center in one of the villages of the lugansk people's republic, a military doctor of the russian guard with call sign vadimych , in his free time from helping his colleagues, receives local residents , notes that there is a lot of work, the local population never knew what a medical examination was, did not know what a vaccination calendar was, often residents of donbass, even the smallest ones, help military personnel carry out the tasks assigned to them . something lay down, it was covered with this plastic thing, and i raised the shifek, the
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butt was a little visible. a third- grade student at a school in one of the rear villages of the lugansk people's republic, ivan. gray in while planting in the forest, he discovered a hidden kalashnikov light machine gun and immediately turned to the russian guard. we know the boy is being raised by his grandparents, and we provide them with assistance throughout the unit. he often comes to us to play sports, we can proudly say that we have a worthy and responsible generation growing up. they said that for my age i did the right thing, i didn’t sell it to anyone, i didn’t hide it. the boy is already sure that when he grows up, he will go to serve, of course, in the russian guard. on in sakhalin, the ferry crossing is still closed, electric trains are not running , all public transport is planned to be launched by monday, road services have already cleared the main highways and have begun cleaning yards, and volunteers are coming out en masse to fight the snowdrifts. report by sergei bondarenko.
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for the first time in almost a week, the residents of south sakhalin saw some semblance of blue sky, but it was amazing. we were sitting at home, our lights were turned off because there was a breakdown in communication, there was no light, no water, but nothing, little by little, little by little, there were supplies, so we survived, the younger ones were in snowdrifts a wonderful testing ground for pranks, and the eldest armed themselves with shovels and remember their school lessons in the gym, it’s certainly good that they got an a in physical education. preparation helped somewhere, whole teams are throwing snow , so the teachers of the high school organized a cleanup day, they really hope that in the coming days their students will return from distance learning, clear our school, finally from the snow captivity and get to work, because we want to work , you miss work, you honestly miss it because you’re sitting at home, you go
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it’s actually crazy, public transport is also coming to life, as the roads are cleared , buses, including intercity buses, are starting their routes, and...
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industry up to 35 years old is provided with it, but for the defense-industrial complex there is no qualification, we will also remove it for the civil aircraft industry, we must create appropriate preferential conditions for workers, raise wages, review the tax
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component at the start of the session. both entrepreneurs and ordinary residents of the region, and after the meeting dovankov laid flowers to the memorial sign to the victims of the siege of leningrad. now is a difficult time, of course, but it is very important to think ahead about what the country will be like after a special military operation, and we talk about this a lot, so we do that a lot. i’ve actually been doing this most of my life, helping young people to self-realize, this is the message, this is what will happen next in the program, a memorial plaque to the historian
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valentin kovalchuk was unveiled in st. petersburg today, today is energy day and texas, ignored the ultimatum biden, white house. there will be sanctions against the state, details after the advertisement, see you, what are the next tasks, i ’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras will be turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, that you fight directly from russia, from china , from someone else, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends there, the first thing they didn’t say, we have a lot of them , buryats do not flee on helicopter board number one. we we'll be the first to know about it. alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him back. pasha, are you filming this?
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, i grew up pampered and... sick of my father's love, well, of course i regret that i missed something, of course, i lack basic advice , and how it was played, and how to do this, or in life, just
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come and cry, you know, to your dear one, tell dad, just let’s sit, dad remains like a beacon that continues to shine, andrei leonov in boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate on monday on rtr. when did you decide? long ago from the very beginning, there was an agreement, assemble the orchestra everything, and you assembled, tomorrow you will leave, i will stay here and wait for you, hello, comrades, leonida, why are you without an instrument, i went straight to the military registration and enlistment office to say goodbye, take your place, why are you ordering me? seventh symphony, tomorrow on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and
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a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? performers, world-famous stars, will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage
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of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes, liberators, a concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. and now we return to the main topic of the day - the eightieth anniversary of the full liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. and this is the footage we get at these moments. vladimir putin and president of belarus alexander lukashenko take part in the opening ceremony of a memorial complex dedicated to soviet civilians, victims of the nazi genocide. built in the village of zaitsevo, gadchinsky district, next to the place where the children's concentration camp was located. in the center of the monument is the figure of a mother with her children. the total height of the monument together with
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the pedestal is 47 m. like the prisoners of the death camps, forever will remain evidence of the monstrous essence of nazism, the unimaginable suffering of millions of innocent, peaceful citizens. for eight decades now, our pain has not subsided for these terrible victims, for the crippled destinies, for everyone who went through incredible trials.
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our compassion. is passed on from generation to generation and has no statute of limitations, just as the attacks of hitler’s fanatics and their accomplices, those who cold-bloodedly planned and cruelly committed the genocide of the soviet people, do not have it. commemorative event dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the full the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade takes place throughout the country. thematic lesson held at the omsk headquarters.
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interactive exhibits, films, reconstructions and 3d panoramas create the history of the besieged city and transport visitors to that tragic time. and there , on poklonnaya hill, a memorial event called the spark of hope took place. thousands of sparklers were lit as a symbol of unbroken spirit, unbending courage, bravery and... perseverance. the monstrous scale of the memorial crimes of the nazis in leningrad has become clear largely thanks to the work of the outstanding historian valentin kovalchuk. it was he who first dared to name the real number of victims of the genocide of the soviet people during the blockade. today, a memorial plaque was unveiled in memory of the scientist in st. petersburg. report by salima zarev. fresh flowers are placed next to
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the sign. from those who survived this blockade, but at the same time, of course, valentin mikhailovich committed, well, such a civil act when he began to look for, well, documents, facts, which, and which were previously hidden, were hushed up, thanks to kovalchuk, his students and followers, today the blockade has been studied thoroughly, about 125 g of bread and
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forty-gram documents, but kovalchuk the defense museum was still closed, its leadership was accused of distorting the course of historical events by creating a myth about the special fate
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of the city. in addition, smog was classified. access not only to archives, but to the memory of direct participants in the battle of leningrad, all were alive, participants in the siege, marshals, generals, everyone who, in fact... in this house, not far from the mariinsky theater, that same apartment, family here moved from an even more modest communal apartment near the egyptian bridge, here is a scientist with his son, the future president of the kurchatov institute, in this photo there is nothing to portend
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fame, at that time valentin kovalchuk moved around the city on a captured german bicycle until the patrol shamed him, saying the colonel needed better transport, then they bought victory, and got a separate apartment when my father... the most famous scientists, valentin kovalchuk in collaboration with gennady sobolev, were the first to write that the number of victims of the blockade was underestimated. at the nuremberg trials, the figure of 6,000 people was announced; in their article, leningrad requiem, no less than 800 thousand were said. subsequently they proved at least a million. granin and adamovich, when creating the blockade book, operated on kovalchuk’s data. valentin mikhailovich, to us when i contacted. to him, as an authoritative historian who dealt with this problem in particular, he told me directly, you know, without embarrassment and without fear that i would refer to him, he said,
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yes, about a million, a scandal immediately began, the circulation of the new books, in the house night calls began to be heard, kovalchuk was almost expelled from the regional party committee, he actively opposed this publication... dmitry pavlov, who during the war, there from september to january forty-two , was the representative of the state defense committee for supply, and he wrote to michal andreevich suslov, who was responsible for ideology, in the central committee, that in no way can these ideas promoted by kovalchuk and sobolev be popularized, since this is a revision of our position in nuremberg. dmitry pavlov after. war took over the post of minister of trade, he demanded to punish the exploded historians, here is a letter to the secretary of the cpsu central committee suslov, and falsification of historical facts in some books by soviet authors. the counting method itself is flawed; in 30 years
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, the figure known to the whole world will not yield anything useful, it will only undermine the stability of the official statements of our government. suslov’s will was such that the leningrad party authorities , headed by grigory vasilyevich romanov , would deal with these on the spot... historians, and of course, to a certain extent such academic disgrace was present, then a variety of forces sided with the scientists, such as, for example, marshal zhukov, in his memoirs he referred to the article leningrad requiem, the american publicist harrison saltbury, he collected materials 900 days before his famous book, and he knew that the furnaces of many leningrad factories had become crematoria, which the zaks simply did not have time to register.
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athletes from the leningrad region, yamalonensky autonomous okrug and moscow will play. by
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traditionally, the national team of the all-russian federation in this sport participates in the matches, the final is tomorrow. commemorative events dedicated to the anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad are taking place today not only throughout russia, but abroad. in bishkka, to the accompaniment of a military orchestra, veteran diplomats and representatives of public organizations laid flowers at the monument to the siege survivors. in minsk , a meeting was organized for schoolchildren with residents of besieged leningrad. there are now about 200 of them in belarus, each of the republican authorities and st. petersburg provide special attention and support. in tajikistan, at the russian military base, which bears the honorary name gadchinskaya, a minute of silence was held in memory of the fallen soldiers and officers 201. during the war, the soldiers of this formation, as
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part of the troops of the leningrad front , liberated more than 50 settlements and knocked out the nazis from gadchina. even in london they are talking about the anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. fresh flowers appeared at the memorials in memory of the millions of soviet citizens who gave their lives in the fight against fascism. our diplomats laid wreaths. russian ambassador to great britain andrei keilin emphasized that it is extremely dangerous to forget lessons. second world war. today, in a tense political environment, we suddenly heard calls to prepare for war with russia in the uncertain future. we did not give any reasons for this. it is very important that especially young politicians know and remember the lessons of history. no one has ever been able to defeat us. but what we need to think now is not about a possible war with russia. on how to get out of this spiral of confrontation, to other topics, the opec
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plus deal has brought up to an additional 30 trillion rubles to the russian budget over 8 years. well, gas supplies to friendly countries already cover almost half the volumes previously purchased by the eu. the prospects for the domestic energy sector are being discussed today at vdnkh as part of the russian exhibition. report by alexey petrov. energy engineer's day at vdnkh is an occasion to assess the state of the industry. today more than two are being developed.
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and of course, many fundamental factors they say that the demand for oil will continue to grow, this is also evidenced by the growth of the planet’s population, this is also evidenced by the growth of the economy, primarily in asia. economy, we certainly see an increase in demand both from petrochemicals and, accordingly, the need for aviation kerosene in other types of fuel is also growing. europe is in dire need of russian energy resources and the possibility of extending the contract with gazprom is now in the spotlight of the european press, especially after the meeting of slovak prime minister
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fiitz with the head of the ukrainian government shmegalem. some experts have concluded that such deliveries will still be possible if europe buys gas using russian... on the day of the energy industry at vdnkh , three modernized gres units are launched at once in the kostroma region, perovsky region and buryatia. the energy of life pavilion is a kind of immersive show. here you can learn about the past of the domestic energy industry, where it began, and today and, of course, you can look into the future, perhaps
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this is how it will be in a few decades look like energy facilities. and now at vdnkh you can see the first russian electric cargo truck. texas has refused to comply with president biden's ultimatum to remove razor wire on the border with mexico. state authorities have announced a call for volunteers to protect against the influx
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of illegal migrants. the governors of florida, oklahoma, and montana are ready to send their own national guard units to help texas . which threatens the united states not only with a constitutional crisis, denis davidov. texas did not notice biden's ultimatum. by one o'clock day, as the president ordered, the barbed wire from the border did not disappear. the state authorities, on the contrary, made the barrier even larger. it works, thousands of illegal immigrants passed through this parking lot every day, thousands. no one came through here today, we closed everything. mr. president, you said that you want to protect the border. texas protected her. leave us alone. responds, as usual, with sanctions ; of course, they are not imposed directly against texas, but biden, on the day when his ultimatum was ignored, pauses the issuance of a license for export of liquefied natural gas. washington calls this a concern for the environment, the authorities of texas, where the main production takes place, and a blow to its economy. during this year, do you
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expect any conflicts between the national guard and your state and federal forces? all we can do is prepare as best we can. to deploy as many of our forces as possible, in general, to do everything possible, to put up even more barriers and not allow any legal entry into the country, we will work, despite the fact that taken by the biden administration. in december alone , 3,000 illegal immigrants passed through holes in the american border, and few people support biden's hospitality and his open-door policy in the us border patrol. it seems to me that there are not many federal employees who are ready to remove this wire at the border. the border agents who report to biden have said they won't do this, so the tables are stacked against biden. the governors of 25 states, that is, half of the united states, supported the decision of the texas authorities to take border security into your own hands. neighbors extended a helping hand to the southern state. florida, oklahoma, and arkansas are sending
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their national guardsmen as reinforcements. nobody in this country supports joe biden's policies, the public doesn't. the media simply does not cover the situation that is developing around texas. on the main
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page of cnn there is news about trump, ukraine, palestine, space, but not about the cold civil war that america is going through. we are again watching the country divide before our eyes. 25 states supported texas. these are all republican states. can you believe that we are watching america divided from abroad and from everything else. if the current president fails to cope, the former president offers to take control of the situation. trump called on republicans to go to texas to secure the border. judging by these images from social networks, volunteers are already heading south to defend their country. denis davidov and danil gabdulin, lead. about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. the largest nato exercise since
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the cold war. we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion. why are they stirring up mass psychosis in europe and scaring us with russia? there are more and more losses at the front, and zelensky is making claims to the russian south. i signed a decree about russian territory historically populated by ukrainians. nato cannot detect a target at the same range as we did. and why are songs from the great patriotic war again in
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i'm building. this is some kind of power, this is some kind of land, this is the awakening heart, the heart of the homeland. the blockade fostered some incredible love for the city and awareness of its beauty. texas is up in arms, why don’t local security forces obey the white house and ask biden to get out of the way? the last one, donald trump, is
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the main and only republican presidential candidate. i want to thank everyone, how will biden answer why gun sales in america have skyrocketed? french farmers are on the offensive. tractors block everything entrances to the french capital. burning tires on the roads and mountains of... manure on the city streets, and what about the authorities of sakhalin island: the epicenter of the snow storm was here, in the village of distant yuzhsalinska, the most incredible footage of the fight against the collapsed disaster, news of the week, sunday 20:00, all news always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, they follow the developments in russia abroad, stay with us.


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