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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 5:28am-6:11am MSK

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on friday on rtr, watch movies and tv series , watch opera, watch ballet, watch theater, watch concerts and festivals, watch competitions and master classes, watch films about history and art, watch educational lectures, watch programs about science, watch interviews and talk show. we watch the news
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, we watch documentaries, we watch russia culture on the platform, we watch witnesses of terrible days, in the month of august the raids began, a bomb fell in our yard 200.50 kg, they survived, with such a piece, this is 125 g, five glasses i drank water, walked 4 km to class, under shells, under bombings, i would jump like that, they were cold, my mother and i were at a play at the moskomedia theater, they won, did you hear? metronome, so, so, so, so
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, that means i live, that means the city lives, blockade, day 901, today on rtr, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, i grew up pampered and spoiled by my father’s love, of course i i regret that i missed something, of course, i don’t have enough basic advice, how to play, how to do it, and well...
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monday on rtr, how did this happen, who did it? well, this is his ex-boss , the situation is like this, i... have lost my mind, i’m already afraid to stay with the lyuzhka, what was it, skletosovsky, we’re watching on rtr on monday, and soon we’ll be watching new episodes, there are changes in my personal life, at work for now i will not say. this week
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in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. so, this week the capital’s students celebrated their pre-professional holiday: tatiana's day. in moscow these days there are many youth festivals and concerts. and in the meantime , a large-scale reform of the secondary vocational education system is beginning in the city. its demand has been constantly growing in recent years. the competition in college is quite high, it will be significant already this summer. admission to state-funded places has been increased, and the colleges themselves are undergoing major modernization, updating of the production base, laboratories, equipment, what specialties are now most in demand market and what is this, a modern college? maria temnikova met with those whose hands will move the economy of moscow and all of russia. alena is only 16, but she already clearly knows what she wants to achieve in the next few years, such an unusual choice of profession for... moscow
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college of technology. there is a stable job, you can get an education and at the same time have career growth. how much does it pay to show now? 60 thousand, probably 50 per month. it ’s not just about money, of course; many young men and women are literally passionate about their profession. who said there is no room for creativity here? the car painting shop greets guests with such almost works of art. they were created by one of the teachers, here the students are already working and the first stage is taking place. work on the detail. today in the capital there are 53 colleges, where over 100,000 students study, welders, turners, car mechanics, builders, designers, the most in demand on the market, now employers are fighting for them. considering that we find ourselves in such difficult conditions, lack of time, shortage of personnel,
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of course, from the third year we are already starting to attract guys to work. in the next 2 years , about 1,500 workers will just need to be trained. for example, partners of this. students here hardly sit at their desks, 70% of the time is practical work, all the conditions for this have been created, workshops in which they teach how to work on real expensive equipment, here, for example,
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there are simply no number of ways to do this, and for every season in the moscow region, a group of bloggers built a road train from an suv and a whole string of there are trumpets attached to it, the kind that are usually used to ride down the hills. how they managed not to kill each other is unclear; they were
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literally on the brink. but how are they punished for such antics? why don’t these punishments stop fans of internet popularity ? ours tested the aerodynamic properties of cheesecakes. and here the same group of young people, already using a more complex scheme for attaching tubes, rushes along another road, the police and the prosecutor’s office also studied these videos, the driver, at a minimum, violated the rules of the road, and also endangered almost two dozen people... it started immediately after the video appeared on the network. in the shortest possible time, employees of the moscow region state traffic inspectorate identified the driver of an suv who was giving a ride to a group of citizens on tubes tied to the car in the mytishchensky district. with the coordinating role of the mytishchi city prosecutor's office
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, police officers established the identity of the driver of the vehicle. the driver admitted the wine and is ready to take full responsibility for this action. i won’t repeat this and i won’t either i recommend repeating this to someone else, this ride was organized not by a driver, but by a group of bloggers, why, other than to get more likes, they couldn’t explain, the race on vtorushki took place on novodachnaya street not far from dolgoprudny, the track may not be the best busy, nevertheless, this is a four-lane road with two-way traffic in the traffic at any moment could carry oncoming traffic, an incident where people die and are injured by tying the patrol car to the car,
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we will now attach this one to the car cheesecake with a bottle simulating the weight of a child. let's try to show how a cheesecake can skid, even at low speed, the cheesecake is uncontrollable, after the first turn it collides with a snowdrift, and could crash into an oncoming car, like this person driving after. in moscow, the case of a gang of black realtors is being investigated, whose inhumane methods shocked even the most experienced police officers.
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for the sake of apartments, criminals mercilessly killed their owners, pensioners, and did it in a sophisticated way using poisons potent drugs. and they mixed the grass into their victims’ food or drinks. some members of the gang were detained, but the leader managed to hide, and not just anywhere, in kiev, where he began posing as a dissident. will it be possible to reach him? and how to return stolen property together with the prosecutor’s office, our dmitry blinnikov is conducting his investigation. the sign is for lawyers, but this is a distraction. hidden behind the door is a company that offers elderly people the opportunity to enter into life annuity contracts. we want to come in, no they let me in. so you won't open the door for us? no, i won't tell you. alexey claims that the company’s employees poisoned his mother because of a four-room apartment in moscow worth 20 million rubles. they called and offered, she gave them housing, they gave them care and an increase. some of the company’s employees, by the way, have already
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been detained in other cases of poisoning elderly muscovites; they also entered into contracts, bought food, cleaned, prepared and mixed poison. accomplices, under the guise of social workers , visited the victims, including offering to carry out household repairs at their place of residence. repairs, crime perpetrators were quietly added. which led to poor health of the victims and subsequent death. in total , nine people were injured by the actions of the members of the organized group, eight of whom died. the trial began, five people are in pre-trial detention, but the rest are free, including those to whom alexei mariev’s mother signed the apartment. they continue to work in this office. they have a special department that deals with these toxic substances. they develop them themselves, they take only pills, mixed with others. the leader of the gang, anatoly
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fursov, fled to kiev and, in order not to be escorted back, pretended to be a persecuted russian oppositionist. from kiev, he is believed to continue to run a criminal business. so we managed to record a conversation with the messenger, who, on behalf of the fugitive fursov, came to the family of the deceased muscovite nadezhda bulokhova. after my mother’s death, a representative from fursov arrived, and i received a notarized offer of redemption. they will punish him, and his apartment will be returned to him. dmitry blinnikov, dmitry shestukhin, evgeniy oreshnikov, mariana peponyan, lead. the real alexey also hopes that the murderers of his mother , a drama from the world of animals and people unfolds in mytishchi near moscow, where local residents made friends with... local wild boars, at first they had constant conflicts and wars for control of the territory, but then somehow... then they got used to it,
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they put up with it, they fell in love, and this despite the fact that hefty boars, who breed by leaps and bounds, regularly raid the surrounding yards in search of food, for this reason, environmentalists decided to resettle the gang with spots further away, but it was here that their two-legged friends came out against it, how will this melodrama end, will the boars and people be separated by biological passions? the mytichensky microdistrict druzhba became famous thanks to the unusual friendship between people and boars. a dramatic moment came in this relationship, they decided to separate the friends, they caught the boar, and it turned out to be a young female. environmentalists transport wild animals away from people; a whole herd lives dangerously close to residential buildings, playgrounds, and roads; the animals are fed by locals who come from other areas to a free petting zoo for the amusement of the public, the pigs naturally got used to it. to the fact that here there is always something to profit from, exotic, you know, when i write everything on social networks there, to friends, well, he falls
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into frostbite, somehow, maybe, near moscow, near moscow, he walks here for a long time, once it came out so huge on me, you know, this figure, i got scared, ran away, there were those who were categorically against the resettlement, environmentalists were prevented from catching and taking away animals, calls appeared on social networks to stand up for protection of wild boars, residents... are actively preventing the work from being carried out, we urge you not to do this, because all our work has been coordinated with the elk island national park with state hunting supervision.
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transports gradually, during the day it is almost impossible to meet wild boars; in the light we only caught a deer, which hastened to hide in the forest. of course, i’m not a hunter, or even a huntsman, but i can distinguish the tracks of a wild boar from a human or a dog, here are the hooves, absolutely sure, here are more hooves, there are hooves, these are the boars, the tubes disperse throughout the forest, there is a trampled area, this is clearly their habitat, with the onset of darkness the guesses were confirmed, the wild boars headed in a cheerful formation towards the nearest garbage dump. the boars have been here all their lives. i lived here for 52 years, they are being taken out to an unknown destination, another reason for concern among the residents, supposedly the wild boars are being transported to some kind of landfill, but this is a forest, environmentalists assure, it is fenced on all sides and there is already a wild boar population there, so mytishchi will live in a familiar environment. marina gromova, egor vorobyov, alexander vasiliev, daria solovyova and olga sukhorukova. it was a pig relationship, but it became
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so touching. it was a week in the city, we will be back in exactly 7 days. see you. about business, there will be a feeling of such familiar warmth that everyone has known since childhood, our world takes on the dimensions of the table we have set, when everyone is at home, good morning, a family
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strengthening program is on air, when... an expert, i know such experts that in fact , simple mathematics, people who understand rarities less than eduart, there are many more of them than those who understand
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more than a blow, so he is our expert, please imagine, well, i am. spectators scientific names of collections to designate i will start philtelist - these are stamps further bonistics banknotes bonds nomismatics coins badges we have foleristics foleristics. and philocortists are postcards, i’ll also smear myself a little, ol, i’m asking now as a wife, how important it is when a husband has a hobby, i think that it’s expensive, yet, in the sense that it’s expensive, we understand what it gives to the family, person, your union, person
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i'm passionate about something, for example, fishing , at some point it arises from... the family side, you're absent, a lot of things have accumulated here, the door doesn't close, the washstands are on one side, it's closed on the other, but if you get caught, that's it, well, you’re busy with this, this, this, but if you spent at least part of your time there, it would be very important, well , this happens, because you’re fiddling with them, laundering them, banknotes, presses , of course, takes us away from our time, but... at the same time, this collection pleases the eye when friends, acquaintances there, when he lays out all this, and we ourselves are already watching with delight, now edik is a little shy, and so he’s just... wow , you can’t stop some kind of storyteller, right? you can’t stop the video, here we were raised abroad for a very long time so that we would be ashamed of ours, how
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high-quality soviet money was in terms of elaboration, soviet money was beautiful, if a dollar was issued, it was always a dollar, a dollar, which is practically the same thing, yes , but here they are all colorful, there the ruble is gray, the five is blue, they are like from tsarist... and we pretend that we only met today, but soviet money, i looked at you there, the usual five, there is a five, there is also some kind of icon, that is , there were varieties of the same banknote, it turns out, well, yes , there are many varieties , from such a small five-row one, yes, to large ones... soviet ones there from the year thirty-eight for 5 rubles , a large one there saw tiny ones like stamps, this is also money, money stamps, and large block sheets were sold, he had a sheet
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perforated page as much as he needed, he tore it off, paid it, and gave it there paid at the post office there for sending a letter with a piece of paper, it turns out that if the edge is not torn off, it’s just a piece of paper that needed to be torn off and thrown away, it ’s just a strip like this with this piece of paper even more valuable , yes, yes, but the whole block is actually a sheet with... the price is calculated, i’ll talk a little about that i know, but diving is so interesting, because on the banknotes there is also the signature of the cashier, and there are cashiers who signed a lot, and there are few who signed it, even this is taken into account, of course, i heard that during repair work, or when they are demolishing old houses, they found entire deposits, they found, about three years ago, one worker from uzbekistan brought a pack of hundred square meters, a fortune? the condition was like this, nothing good, the floor, they say, was hidden, but everything was pawned there, the whole floor was in packs, well, in bulk, well, here, too, for those who are going
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to look, we can say that in the most unexpected places you can find it, because what - where were they hiding, where was a landmark, for example, an oak or a bathhouse or something, years, centuries passed, there was no oak, no bathhouse, a plain, a forest, bushes, nettles, a completely inconspicuous place and there exactly located, he himself... has never been in bondage, what the law prohibits, what lies in the ground belongs to the state, everything is older than 50 years, there are all sorts of legends when they tell each other, i bought this chest here, and from there’s a secret drawer on the side, not only could they have been specially made there, hiding places, in addition, when running away, well, in order to return, he drilled gold chervonets and pushed everything in, many people used to dismantle the beds like this all the time.
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i’ll sell it for cleaning for five, but how many coins were damaged by the cleaners? i have a cousin brother, he tells me, these were nickels with sables, my wife took them to work there with acid and they wiped them down, they stood up so good, but almost nothing is visible on them, it seems to me that the most gentle methods are, there is laundry soap, i know that a lot of coins were damaged when jewelry was made from them, well, quite rare coins are found on the monist, these are the people... chuvashia, mordovia, tatarstan, they made jewelry on the neck, and they find a lot there, quite rare coins hang there, which ,
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yes, drilled, there are even soldered ones, the fact that they made the ear, yes, they are good jewelers , they have gotten the hang of remaking them, they take them and seal them with silver, you can’t even tell with the naked eye, but modern silver and old silver, they don’t go together. it’s quite late here, at first there were scales, small, completely silver, which were the size of a fingernail, how many of them were lost, it’s impossible to keep track of them in your pocket, it’s tiny, russia had it with silver, well, how... stressful, they even
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made scales from foreign coins, there you can make 40 pieces or more from one coin even, well, there are scales there , they don’t weigh anything, but they are very difficult to find, because even when they found them they thought it was a petal, but it is not only silver, there is also a copper scale, and this is also when they became not to be issued from silver, this was a copper revolt, so just when people were indignant that the money was no longer real, when...
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appanage - each appanage prince minted his own, so it is scarce, it is rare, i can advise you to look here, what the scales look like, it’s an oval that when minted, it was never minted it hit exactly, and it hit on the edge , you can see half a horseman there, then there’s a cockerel without a leg, there’s not a year standing there, and there’s also a riddle to which i, for example, don’t know the answer, i tormented eduard too, and not only eduard, who doesn’t know, but maybe the audience knows, in different places there are coins that have notches all over their circumference, obviously sawed, it was sawed with a metal file or with some kind of needle file of that time, and there are no versions, this is for playing money, this to wind a ball is to scratch my back, but i for some reason i thought that depending on the copper, because when it was flattened, it became exactly like a star, that’s exactly how it was torn, then why - on the one
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hand, sometimes some coins have such breaks, as you say , on the other hand, no, there were still few coins, mostly foreign ones were collected , in soviet times, every pioneer had several foreign ones in them, but almost everyone had badges on vimpel, which soviet badges are all - are of value or that's it, someone is collecting old olympic olympics , like the 1980 olympics, which took place here in 1980. some are collected, they came out in heavy metal, they washed out brass ones on needles, they are more valuable there, rhombuses of military universities, they are also, well, old signs from those stalin times, they are very valuable, well, there are many varieties, please tell me , komsomol members, especially in the army, who sat on watch for a long time,
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they had time, they joined the komsomol... after all, there were many directions, there were cities with coats of arms, there were anniversary badges, sports badges, basically many are interested in sports badges of clubs, football, hockey, the first place, i think, is occupied by spartak, cska, dynamo, zenit, how many varieties, approximately at least according to spartak, to represent the diversity, well, 300
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more, even what can... 500 varieties, varieties, wow, when everyone is at home, a patient is admitted, asking for urgent help, the patient's last name is bradivna, guys, anti-stitch, marin, that's it, stay here, no matter how scary it is , and close what i grew up, i she said, and now we’ll call the police and they’ll quickly remind her of everything, they told me, i hit him on the... do you believe it? yes it's true. no matter how painful it is, there will be no surgery. like this? ir, what are you saying, i ’m afraid i won’t wake up. suddenly it will be even worse than now. as long as there is hope, life goes on. how was it? why are you silent? skletosovsky. we'll watch it on rtr on monday, and we'll be watching new episodes soon. wow, what kind of people are
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they? with or without a medical insurance policy everyone is accepted in sklif, you will meet in the morning. with urbich and there are no problems, so that to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just a madness of taste, what ’s next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and do you know why people count proteins as living carbohydrates? it’s fun to jump through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, a food formula every saturday on rtr, we also have the anniversary of 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik,
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is this lyanka gruu? i had the right to know that you have a child, it’s a painted doll , your misha has no longer settled in, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where did his mother go, well, let me sit with him, raisa ryazanova, and you you can already let the nanny go, mine is already here without you somehow, so i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well , it’s all over between us, now forever, someone else’s child, mother, premiere, on saturday on rtr. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with urgent ones
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news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade the children cried out, people, get up, let’s all vote, my mother said sleepily, let’s choose remotely, dad supported, yawning, we choose electronically, grandma and grandpa said, i’m a father, i’ll go with you. paper ballots are loved in our generation, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m not an opponent of progress, hold the alarm clock, grandson, that’s all it’s quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, choose your mother the old
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fashioned way, using our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient when everyone is at home? you say that i have certain favorite directions, i stick to them, because there is a lot of interesting things, and you have a camera that’s interesting, i got it from, i decided to take it, i decided to take it, it’s on the twenty-seventh.
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christmas tree decorations, christmas tree decorations more, they have something to survive, it’s difficult for anyone, there are very valuable toys, i especially like that i’m not keen, but there are houses for the christmas tree, i once bought an old theater pair of binoculars at a flea market, they were so mother-of-pearl, but that’s not even the point, it had a shabby leather case, it was so shabby, it was clear how much it had been used, how many great masters he had seen
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s... the fact that he got out of the carriage with the prince and went into a peasant house, went in, asked to drink water, the escort reported to the authorities about every step of the emperor, and where he drank water from whom, so that trouble would not happen , well, it would happen, of course there was someone who had water i poured it, everything was very serious, but the handwriting, calligraphic handwriting, yes, there is a person who is engaged in such collecting, there are few people who are so seriously passionate about this all their lives. what are the features, this is his element, it seems
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to me that he plunges headlong into this, well, for the family budget - this is a test, sometimes you need some kind of coin, but the family needs something completely different, how to combine it, to be honest , from family doesn’t snatch away, somehow they find ways, but montroskin the goth, in order to buy something, you have to sell something, unnecessary, he talked about unnecessary, in order to sell something, you need to buy something. well then, the opposite situation is possible , you need something for family needs, dad, maybe you’ll part with something, oh, well , we parted, parted, yes, it happened, i had kuznetsov’s set painted with natural paints, it was green like that, yes , beautiful, but we had to leave, they wanted to keep it, so we got furniture, they wanted to keep it, then they came to double it.
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antique, no, i wouldn’t say no, but at our house he’s a good guy, he’s a good housekeeper, and he sews, he knits, he won’t say a word, since he is a cook by profession , he will always help you, so cook, as edik’s mother accepted when he was still a groom, normal, normal, you still had a world war, our mother was always the keeper of the hearth, so she collected , like my mother’s name, vasilna tarakanova’s love, but unfortunately, she’s been gone for six months. edik, we can say that collecting and
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gathering is now the main profession, one might say, the main one. olya, well, after all, it’s not by chance in life, yes, no matter what a person comes to, it’s still very it is important to find out where it came from. edward, was born in the kursk region, the city of shigry, an old city, about 300 years old. my mother, tamara ivanovna, lives in shchegra in the city. big greetings, wishes of health, and sister , two nephews, when i was little, well , around where i lived, there were still old houses, there were even pre-revolutionary buildings, it all broke down, and we were constantly running there, when we opened the floor, there were coins there , we collected them, they had fallen between the boards, yes, between the boards, i was about 7 years old, i remember walking along the side of the road, the water flowed, well, like a stream after heavy rain, and lay there, apparently washed out, he picked it up from somewhere, it was 1/4 of a kopeck
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of alexander ii, a rare coin, that is , a monetary unit - 1/4 of a kopeck kilo came from somewhere, i had a neighbor, oleg , he was older than me, he was probably seven years older there , well, he exchanged it for stamps, he obviously liked it, well , i remember he gave me a lot of stamps, and maybe it’s because there was a neighbor who collected coins , he carved stamps on wood there well, he was an artist, although he didn’t study, he generally drew superbly, maybe because of this, what such communication was , collecting is still quantity, and collection is quality, that’s when a childhood hobby begins to degenerate or develop into collecting, consciously, so that you understand not just how many pieces you have, but how rare they are, because sometimes old does not mean rare. of course, as it was,
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i started collecting weather records a long time ago, what is this? well, it goes by year, coins, early tips, that is, twenty-four, this is the fifth year, it’s rare there, so i started with this, there were no albums then professional ones, as you could now buy there to insert, used to be made of polytilene on a sewing machine to fit each one. no , they put it in cells, i collected this entire album, then i started looking at copper coins of the russian empire, i came across something there, bought it for... i started putting something aside, putting it aside, then i started to accumulate a lot of things, this is how old i am ? well , post-army, mainly under the soviet union, already in the eighties, when i was at school, many began to collect the anniversary of the ussr, anniversary rubles, then i got carried away, they started to come out when bimetallic
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ten-dollar coins came out, well, of our time, bimetallic - these are made of two metals. i became interested in them, i still collect them, as they come out every year, several at a time. no , that album with anniversary soviet rubles was filled, collected, it remained, or it became uninteresting in something else, let’s show that everything is there, it’s intact, of course, that is, all this is collected and yes, if there are 64 ruble coins , three-ruble, five-ruble and four more anniversary 10, 15, 20 kopecks and 50, when they said about weather records, about coins, that the twenty-fifth year 1900. the twenty-fifth year, they are rare, and as an example, the twenty-fourth year can cost roughly 100 rubles. twenty-sixth 150 rub. and the twenty-fifth - many, many thousands, because it is rare, this is the rarity of the coin, plus it is also preserved, collectors call it all preserved, they also have their own language , bills, paper money and metal.


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