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tv   Sindrom nedoskazannosti  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 6:10am-8:01am MSK

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ten-ruble coins come out, but in our time they are bimetallic, they are made of two metals, i became interested in them , i still collect them, they come out every year with several coins, that album with anniversary soviet rubles was filled, collected, it remained or it became uninteresting by now let’s show something else, everything is there, it’s intact, of course, that is, it all comes together and yes, if there are 64 ruble coins, three ruble coins. five-ruble coins and four more anniversary ones 10 15 20 kopecks and 50, when they were talking about annual coins, that it was the twenty-fifth year, 1925, they are rare, and as an example, the twenty -fourth year can cost conditionally 100 rubles, the twenty-sixth 150 rubles, and the twenty-fifth many, many thousands, because it is rare, this is the rarity of the coin, plus its safety, a collector is called a preservation , they also have their own language. bills, paper money and
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metal money, well, according to the logic of things, it is more difficult for banknotes to survive and survive to this day, which means they are more expensive, they don’t matter what kind of banknotes, but kopecks, kopecks were paper, yes, tsarist russia, fifteenth year, paper pennies, the first world war began, and they decided that it would be easier to print paper money, faster and faster and cheaper, of course, to produce. paper money , and i also saw soviet twenty-five-ruble notes being sold in bundles at the market, that is , it was a lot of money back then, but now here they are in bundles somewhere, apparently someone also has preserved them, i wonder who has them, who needs them now, what for they are needed, props mainly for filming, the banknotes themselves can be bought there for 2,500 rubles, there are 1.00 of this type, they are what people call a brick.
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to make my way around the flea market looking at axes , and the last time he showed me there , it was from the thirteenth year, it seems like it’s just in perfect condition, an ax, well, a royal transfer , the mark of a double-headed eagle and a full year, that he was happy, i was lucky there, he has a very large collection of axes and knives, so what- some old artel ones, well , when i looked at the album, you have such a living story there, that is, denikin’s wrangel bill.
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kolchak, that is, even these names sound and you understand that each of these monetary units for it, once something was bought for the first time, once something was bought for the last time, these are copper coins, why do i like copper ones the most, someone mined this ore, once upon a time it melted it, they minted it, and there were also counterfeit coins, at the same time there were old counterfeit coins, i honestly never... came across them, but not old, counterfeit old coins, are there any? there are chinese, silver, now we’ll tell you a case that is familiar to many, when on the road to a gaping, intelligent-looking passerby road workers in robes stained with clay come up in broken russian, holding out their palms, on which lie huge silver rubles from peter the great, for example, they probably say to the owner.
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the vigilant owner, immediately looks on the internet, understands that he will be provided for until the end of his days if he takes them, takes them, comes home, and there is a surprise, it seems to me that in russia so many people were deceived with this, yes, yes, simply, we even had a relative in moscow like this, but on the subway, a homeless person offered it to him, he once collected coins, he saw what was there peter, he says, oh my, it’s worth so much money, but what does he say, i found it on the ruble, they were digging something there, the legend is about the same, he says, he gave everything he had, when he says, to the next station i go out, another one is sitting with the same ones, he says, i immediately have an ops, there are some moral ethical standards for a collector or connoisseur who can buy, and can then sell, when a person brings it, not knowing the value, you don’t have to tell him even close to the price, but you can...
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in good condition, he offered normal the price, he said, i’ll take it, he didn’t offend me, he says , i’ll make money from this myself, or i’ll keep it for myself , yeah, well, the price was good, the fact that he definitely didn’t deceive me, didn’t offend me, i witnessed how the boy was digging around there, he digs around, eduard gets so excited, paralyzed with happiness , he goes to lay it all out there. and also how subtly they do it, you have an album on you as a gift and there are two or three sheets for coins, so the collection begins, no longer some kind of box where they will be forgotten, but it’s all laid out, shown to friends, and then you want more is called attracting a client through
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collecting, is it you now, the irony of novoseltsev, a mask of defenselessness, so this is actually raising the next generation, all episodes of our program... you can watch on the internet, in the application or on the website, when everyone is at home? when did you decide? long ago from the very beginning, there was an agreement to assemble the orchestra. and you have collected, tomorrow you will leave, i will stay here and wait for you. hello, comrades, leonida, why are you without a tool? i went straight in to say goodbye military registration and enlistment office, take your place. why are you ordering me? seventh symphony, today on rtr. we gathered about ten
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people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers are running by. they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me. “one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy. we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurba to the shelter, she says, baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand help, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people, not indifferent, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, with help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, then what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one
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direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at... look i have, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we are signing at the same time for one, two, three, we subscribe , we look, we look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop , he suggested a goat first, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all , he's like a dog.
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crew, guys, close the curtain, on friday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. who talks a lot and loudly at work if answer, then with humor, i cut oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i
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don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win. yes, everyone is at home, anechka , dad allows you to look at his collection, yes , he even has nothing against it at all, he’s also trying to captivate you, hoping that you ’ll be interested, and your son, well, your son... it ’s never been like this, you have so interesting, kirill, he went into music, and seriously,
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because kirill graduated from music school, yes i finished, and the instrument is such an old one, a cello, you even have a microphone in your kitchen, it’s light-proof, that’s what he writes music for, mixes, and anechka is into art, and i saw a picture of you in the kitchen, it’s big, and it’s such a winter tree , she’s a little bit... new year’s like with snowflakes, there are a lot of adults who wouldn’t draw like that, but did you teach yourself? yes, i taught myself, i don’t know how, then i started going to drawing classes, there i painted different balls, cats, this is not your cat, yes, my cat, this is mine made from yarn, beads, and a ball and cardboard, you said that you have been studying at art school for several years. years, i was in the preparatory group for 2 years, and now i just started first grade.
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please tell me, dad has such collections of old money, especially banknotes, there are magnificent drawings, very beautiful ornaments, plants are drawn in relief, you can look at them and look at them, is this interesting to you and maybe it will be useful? well, it's interesting because it might come in handy sometime in the future. here he has a coin, he looks at a1 there, he understands, somewhere he finds out that this is alexander
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i, he simultaneously finds out what events happened, how this king started, how he continued, who came before him, then he comes across another one -that coin, the story begins to be absorbed not by the prodding of some forcing teacher, but through interest, the same thing is with aquarium fish, yes, the child learns that there are different densities of water, temperatures.
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it would be better to give it to him, it would be better if there was no gift for a birthday or anniversary, when it is his. not the same, but him, you see, with on the other hand, when you observe, there are people who buy such things in order to somehow, at least in a small way, return that time and surround themselves with these things that preserve that time, there are such people, i once saw a woman, she was choosing a toy, from her childhood, that’s what she had, she had a black man named maximka, yeah, so she found this toy, now i don’t know , well, they cost some money. anyway, she begged the seller to give it to her, i want these things that are lying
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so on the shelves, antique or old, they somehow seem like such orphaned homeless people, because their relatives live somewhere, for whom they would be priceless, but they got lost like that, lost their home, where am i going with this? if you inherited something from your grandfather or parents, well , try to preserve it, it will not only gain value. after 50 years, it’s like a memory, some kind of tradition, edik, the question is, what of what we have now is not valued, like wooden furniture was once thrown away, once thrown away, well, just was thrown away. petiphones, receivers, these old lamps were thrown away, and old photographs are valued mainly where military uniforms, weapons, just think there on a horse, for example, sabers or with some kind of orders, because again, somewhere there are descendants for whom this photograph of their great-grandfather is priceless , they don’t have it, there is it on the market, this is about the question of what is collected in collections in museums,
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probably less than what was thrown away, what we... sell, no need to rush, look, what you own, so that it doesn’t turn out that way for next to nothing, some thing is being sold that could, in general, bring income to the family there, maybe for medicine or something else.
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the most important life-affirming words in our program are spoken by a mother’s heart. olga, of course, this is your heart, you have two children, so you know the meaning and value of these words. you will have a child. you will have a child. you will have a child. you will have a child. you will be great, we hasten to share the good news for savushka from the orphanage in the arkhangelsk region, whom we was shown in our program, a family was found, today we are going to one of the orphanages in the republic of tatarstan. hello,
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meet everyone when everyone is home, it's three'. big sister ulyana, hello, middle sister lyudochka, hello, and little sister, sashenka, hello, ulyash, how old are you, 11, lyudochka, you 're nine, sashul, seven, girls, you know who they say is that a person has gold hands, then whoever does everything to the end, let’s say, does it well, i can definitely... say that you have golden hands, look what crafts you brought, we’ll show you, yes, we’ll show you, there are ducks lying there, and we made a house for them, here the refrigerator opens, only here everything is not completely done yet, the watering hole opens, then, now, if it opens there , it’s also difficult to open, there’s a fish here, look,
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you can put it on the stove like this and stick the fish in there like that, it’s a really great idea, who came up with this? i, we ourselves, we did everything ourselves, yesterday, what she didn’t finish there, this should be the bedroom for here, this is how it turns out, this is dad, this is mom, today i shared with the little one that it will be a boy and a girl, girls, we understand what golden hands mean, and what a golden heart means, well, this is acceptable when you are not only about yourself you think, you think about other people, the little girl, as it seems to you, has a heart of gold, it seems to me yes, she is always what... someone will give something, she always shares with me, with sasha, well, always something she will do good, she knows how to think not only about herself, she thinks about everyone, tell me, does sasha have a heart of gold, well, it seems to me, yes, too, girls, your older sister has a golden heart, yes, of course, golden hands, a golden heart, and what
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else should a person have a golden mind, that’s right, a golden head, this is a well-thought-out head, i know you all study very well, ulyana studies with us in the sixth grade, she studies very well at 4-5 , there are very good reviews about her at school, they say she is diligent, ulyana is very kind, flexible, sympathetic, modest, luda studies with us in the third grade, she also tries hard at school, she is very kind.. loves to make friends, she has a lot of friends, loves board games games, maybe she can come up with games herself. alexandra studies in the first grade, she also tries to do everything correctly, she is praised, she is very kind in the group and obedient, in our orphanage we have such things that, for example, who takes part in sports well, who studies well, has good behavior at
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sea, the year before last she went i also went to the seaside this year, and my sisters, they are not little, they don’t fit here, but do you think the other guys aren’t offended that they didn’t go to the seaside, well, they have this kind of behavior, then well maybe some yes it will be a shame, but maybe next year let's say they will improve what... in order to go to the sea, those who don't know how to behave, don't obey there , i don't know, they run there every time, although they are told, like, don't run, but it seems to me, you shouldn’t take people like that, because there you can’t spoil property, that’s all, and even more so there’s a public place, there’s a lot of people there, ulyash, look, it seems to me that lyudochka and sashulka are a little shy, yes, lyuda, she’s usually running around , plays together, sasha plays here too, let mom u... hear, let mom will come, let my mother certainly find me, because it shouldn’t be like this in the world, for
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children to be lost, because it shouldn’t be like this in the world, like this, for children to be lost. from our family we want to give a figurine, this figurine is called fortune telling with a daisy, polane factory, produced in the ussr in the sixties, may it bring happiness and love, there is a small detail that is also important, and for those who will keep and pass it on from generation to generation . what detail is this? it is necessary to indicate: the stem, it must always be in place, if it is broken off, then it is already in the price, then is now in its original form,
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it’s probably no coincidence that the name is fortune telling on chamomile, that is, as usual, he loves, he doesn’t love, we all wish from everyone that he only loves and that this beautiful flower always predicts only happiness for your family and to all families, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, when everyone is at home, good morning, friends, i hope you noticed that our program is cooler than aladdin’s magic lamp, genie. grants only three wishes, and we have many more, and every week. the first wish came to us from sofia kudryavtseva from the krasnodar region.
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dear morning mail, i work at a champagne factory. sofia, you are not doing badly. we produce products using classic century-old technology, but at the same time we turn on music. when it comes to music, we also prefer classics, pop classics. i don’t know if this affects the quality... but it definitely helps the work, and in order for the taste of our products to remain at its best, let your program feature a classic pop song for all times, we trust its choice to you, nikolai, as the best musical samelie. oh, sofia, thank you for your trust, i will gladly fulfill your wishes. the morning mail contains a real classic of the genre. igor cool, irina allegrova, unfinished novel. your love, we paid her tribute to madness, oh god, how your spring suited you, but
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autumn is in the yard, trees in silver, alas, habit has cooled us. but autumn is in the yard, the trees in silver, alas, habit, cooled us down, the snowflakes on our eyelashes melted, we thought enchanted, beautiful, we will not finish. a novel about love without betrayal, but someday ends, so from fate, come on! let's leave
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now, leaving an unfinished novel in skolier park, there are many joyful memories between us, but i would not want to know the fire of love. by staying with you, we will save our love, from difficult conversations of grievances, by parting with you, we will save our love, from difficult conversations, and from... the snowflakes on
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our eyelashes melted, we read enchanted, a beautiful unfinished novel, about love without betrayal, but everything ends someday, so from fate, let's leave now, leaving not the law.
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snowflakes on the eyelashes melted, enchanted we read, a beautiful unfinished novel, about love, steelyard, but everything someday. ends, so from fate, let's leave now, leaving the unfinished novel, on the park bench, leaving the unfinished novel, in the park on the bench.
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igor cool, irina allegrova. and now baskov’s magic lamp will fulfill the wishes of svetlana neznamova from moscow. her letter, like the previous one, is on the topic of production. hello, i have an unusual one. i am a compiler of aromatic compositions, this is a super important profession, because perfumers decide destinies, and not only the fate of lovers, but also the fate of the whole world, because the atmosphere, and it consists of aromas, is very important for both family and international relations, i absolutely agree with you, svetlana, i am very sorry that the profession of perfumer is so deprived of songs , i would really like to hear
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a musical composition about us. thank you in advance, dear svetlana, you and your colleagues deserve to have this wish fulfilled immediately, in the morning mail sergey lazarev, especially for compilers of romantic compositions sounds his musical composition by aroma, i am not wounded and not defeated by you at all, i have learned to forgive. and my soul is pure, yes, in the morning we are vulnerable, i catch a taxi to a new address, it is not you who is writing on the palms of my hands, my thoughts are busy, the perfume smells pleasant, i will never confuse my smell.
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perfume with a pleasant aroma in my head, perfume with a pleasant aroma. i still don’t know what happened between us, it’s pressing inside, and there’s no way to cool down, you, give
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me a head start, i’m inclined to believe that i’m guilty and i won’t deceive myself. i will never confuse my smell with a pleasant aroma, perfume with aroma pleasant in my head, perfume with an aroma pleasant to me never. not to confuse your smell, perfume with a pleasant aroma in my head, perfume with a pleasant aroma.
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you are to blame, i apologize, but if you think that i will write a letter of resignation, then i will not do it. skliposovsky on monday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is... the door with dogs, he could become a pledge or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we
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can do pull-ups, taster, i always like to eat a lot , or save. but he is a doctor who everyone needs it, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. so , did you get enough sleep? gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t
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seen each other for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions. they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, the hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole crew , just looking at the platform, i... with pampered and spoiled by my father's love, well, of course i regret that i missed something, of course, i lack basic advice, but how it was played, and how do this, or in life, just come and cry, you know, to my dear one,
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tell my dad, just let’s sit, dad remains like a beacon that continues to shine, andrei leonov, in boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate on monday on rtr. today, i am a miner, father my miner, and we live in the city of shakhtersk. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show, today on rtr. good morning ina kentiy, i look at you and understand, you are a real fairy-tale hero. ilya muromets, i didn’t guess, in fairy tales there is a nightingale the robber, but you are a robber parrot, you are constantly dragging around. i have nuts, i wish your energy could be used for useful
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purposes, for example, you could deliver letters, there are carrier pigeons, and you will be the world's first postal parrot, you will be able to transmit messages in words, i can do everything, on the other hand, how will i be without to lead you in the morning mail, the audience loves you so much, i agree, then let’s go back to making wishes come true, that’s what sergei kostenko from myas writes, nikolai, i want to tell you with the cache about one of my nightly adventures, have you intrigued us? last night i was stuck in an elevator, horror, horror, don’t interrupt me, i called the control room, waited for answers for about 15 minutes, of course, i was beside myself, well, i guess, but when they answered me, i instantly forgot about everything, the voice of the girl and the dispatcher was so gentle, so pleasant, we chatted with her for three hours, and then the elevator operators arrived and released me, you can’t even imagine how sorry i was to leave this elevator, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i also sympathize with you, but i managed to arrange
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a meeting with this sweet girl, which i’m incredibly happy about. please support my good mood by showing me something humorous in your morning mail. elevator, elevator. and what would i do without you, oh my talking bird? you're right, a miniature elevator would be perfect for our case. on your screens are the wonderful comedian gennady vetrov and yuri galtsev. yurik, yurik, are you there? yurik, i am you, yurik, are you there or no? why are you silent, yurik? yuk, i hear that you are there, just tell me, i’m all there, tell me, i ’m there, yurik, i beg you, tell me, i’m all there.
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that i'm stuck here lucy what did you do there in the elevator i'm stuck why isn't anyone stuck and you're stuck again people i don't know i'm stuck stuck here people why don't you make people laugh, stuck there again, don't you make people laugh at me, do you hear me, what i say you 're making me laugh, i'm stuck, i'm telling the truth, i 'm stuck, what's the truth, how old is our house, i'm saying how old is our house, years our house , how old i say , i say, how old is our house ? that's right, i'm saying it correctly , well... well, that's right, well, everything breaks down, lyusya,
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what time did you leave the house, i say, what time did you leave the house, that lyusya, i say, what time did you leave the house, you ask, what time did i, yes, at 2:00 in the morning, at 2:00 in the morning i fell asleep, at 2:00 in the morning i left the house, why did i leave? lyus, i’m telling you why you came out, you you ask me who is bigger, you are the only one there, if you say, who will i ask, i say, i say, why did you go out, quickly tell me, why did you go out? take it out, the trash can with you, lyusya, i say, the trash can with you, lyusya, hear, the trash can with you, i threw it out of the trash, we had such a shameful bucket, you know, we need to be freed from shame, from the old ones evenings, and what is this, who like, what are you poking there, i'm going to buy a new bucket while i say, you will buy a new bucket, you will buy a bucket which one?
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why did you get into the elevator, i said, lucy, you yourself recently told me, it would be nice for us to go somewhere nearby? i think i’ll go, check the route, if i call you , we’ll go for a ride, i went to the fifteenth floor again, no, dear, i say, i went again but didn’t have time, dear, here it is, where is the truth, why did i go for 5 days to the 15th floor , why did i go to the 15th floor, why, i didn’t go to the fifteenth
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floor, i’m lyusya, i just walked in, i thought, why should i go, and the elevator got stuck, lyusya, lyusya, what soul did you total me? do you understand or not? tell me why you went to the fifteenth floor? i say why, tell me why you went to the fifteenth floor? yes, i didn’t go, she’s still here now, oh, that’s where the truth is, open the door, i said, open the elevator, i said, open it, i said, i’ll open the door, i’ll kill you, the neighbors will hear, she’s swearing like that, we’re intelligent people with you, we have an intelligent family, we are chekhovo, yurik, yurik! you are not alone there? lucy, what are you talking about? i feel that i’m not alone there, alone, i’m stuck in the elevator, i’m alone here, i feel that you’re not alone, you’re with a woman, alone, alone, alone alone, i'm alone, on what floor
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did the elevator get stuck, oh, right, woman, come on, quickly, yurik, open the door, open the door, i told you. open the doors, i told you, yes, this woman is at work, open the doors, open the doors, i will kill you, i will kill you, woman, do not open the elevator , the hooligans are breaking the door, on which floor the hooligans are breaking the door, between the first, second and first, in the lower floors they started talking, apparently they didn’t have time, i understood everything, lyusya, you, me, lyusya, how beautiful you are to me, lyusya, lyusya, you, nothing more don’t you want to tell me, i want to tell you, lyusya , of all the women here, you are the most beautiful on
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our site, so there is one on the site, there is a woman in the entrance you are better in... lyusya, here in our entrance, you know, here first you are lucy, and then beauty, seriously, seriously, oh, in 5 minutes i’m waiting for the fillers, with another bucket. there are three things in the world that you can look at endlessly: how nikolai baskov sings, how nikolai baskov dances, and how nikolai baskov is dressed. look at your health, nikolai baskov himself is in our studio. hello my wonderful viewers, if you knew how much
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i envy you that you have me. nikolai, forgive me, but did you understand what you just said? my smartphone with artificial intelligence tells me everything, and that the kings no longer have enough intelligence , i explain with wit, my phone has a smart voice assistant, if it’s not a secret, it’s alisa or marusya, it’s no secret, it’s nikolai, he can answer absolutely any question , okay, nikolai, which star is the brightest, the brightest star? yes, of course, nikolai baskov. it's a shame not to know about this. i shouldn't have asked. nikolay, what is the speed of sound? the speed of sound of nikolai baskov is such that it will delight anyone who hears it. expected. nikolay, who discovered antarctica? it doesn't matter who discovered
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antarctica. it is important that nikolai baskov opens his mouth, with which he performs only hits. i understand, your nikolai talks only about you, of course, he talks about what interests everyone, all my dear viewers, finally you remembered about the viewers, they can’t wait for you to turn your attention to them, my dear ones, don't forget, your most reliable friend, voice assistant, nikolay, that's it, i'm ready, let's move on to the letter, nikolay, hello, my name is igor kovalenko, i live in nizhny novgor. i have a wonderful wife, please accept my congratulations, she has been married five times, apparently she is very successful, don’t get me wrong. she was married five times, and to me, they were surprised, we quarreled, broke up, but we understood that we
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couldn’t live without each other, so we got married again. on the anniversary of my fifth marriage, i want to give my many times adored wife a performance by her favorite singer, stas mikhailov. necessary think about which stas song would be suitable for this occasion. yes, what can i think, i’m 100% sure that the song will suit just you. for igor kovalenko's wife stas mikhailov sings, for you alone, the golden hits of nikolai basky, this is the best choice, nikolai, calm down, can you hear, you are sleeping, and outside the window spring and the rain are quietly knocking on us. of course, he has no time for sleep, but you, in
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the warm rain, sleep so sweetly, alone to you, i will repeat the words, my love, growing stronger over the years, alone to you. and let our spring sound in our souls, when i live for you, beloved ours, live in joy, in love, be loved, hello. i’ll say and smile, how did my beloved sonya sleep, i know the answer
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by heart, i know that look, all the passwords, i’ll be the only one for you. i repeat the words, my love , over the years it gets stronger, only for you, and let your shield in my soul, our spring, when i live for you, shotem, shotem, shotem, only for you, i will be according to... the words my love, stronger and stronger over the years ,
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to you alone, and let our spring sound in our souls when i hiss to you, shotem, shotem, shotem. when you decided, long ago from the very beginning, there was an agreement to assemble the orchestra, and you did, tomorrow you will leave, i will stay here and wait for you, comrades, why are you without a tool, i went straight to the military registration and enlistment office to say goodbye, take your place, why are you ordering me, seventh.
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tomorrow there will be barricades, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva. today on rtr. let's see. to know everything about russia, the best and historical series, watch, watch, in the application or on the website,
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every time i cry. it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be in harm’s way at the wedding, the main thing that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, not forgetting mom and dad, very cleverly applied many degrees of protection, took colored markers,
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made watermarks, let’s go with him to the voices. choose mom and dad, but mom said , honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, the most powerful protection is very carefully built into them, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, you look 100 to one, what is our task to open all the boards, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with yum.
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of course, my hair was out of order, my makeup was running, and i’m generally silent about the heels of the dress. at that moment my boyfriend saw me and ran to meet me. since then, we have not parted for 10 years, every year we celebrate the day of our first date. in honor of our unusual anniversary, let a song performed by natalia podolskaya be performed, which contains the following words: “to the only gentle one, running across a snowy field. this would be a wonderful gift for my husband and i. thank you. oh, dear shlykovs, i sincerely congratulate you on such a happy day, accept a gift from natalia podolskaya. i remember the joy of confusion, and the touch of your lips , almost love, almost a fall, from a cliff, i know. the mystery of loneliness, its
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riddle and prophecies, a dream that should end beautifully, for the only tender one, baking for the pain of the snow, missing serene happiness. i and the longing for the distant and sinful, i run across the snowy field, as if i still love everything, i remember unrequited dreams, alien and bottomless eyes. and
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our shadows reflected by candles, i know the pain that cannot be forgiven. and the sadness with which everything ends, and the dream that repeats at night, to the only tender one, running across a snowy field, for happiness without money, bored and yearning. leaving, to whomever is a sinner, i run across the snowy field, as if everything is as before, i love,
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i live, tenderly, run across the snowy field, fortunately. i feel desperately bored and yearning for that careless one who bakes under the snowy field, as if i still love everything, it’s as if i still love everything. since our program is magical, we urgently need a magic spell, it was composed by a sorcerer from
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saratov named gennady severtsev, by the way, our regular viewer. khachipuri kolobochno, turn on the morning mail, shiri hari bricks, read our letters in it, budulai hands. be sure to write, i will have something to read with you, if there is nikolai baska, the main performer of all musical desires, to read, and you have something to listen to, i love you, sometimes you think. that everything is not going according to plan, but then you understand, and even so more interesting, since your school years you thought it was love, but now you keep pouring out pain
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on me, after all, they only need one thing from you, if someone left, then it’s not yours, now we’ll grow up, experience behind us, next to us we’re only pushing water into the fire, despite the wind, we keep steady. step, i remember these days with you like yesterday, we were screaming songs so that our voices were breaking, and without making plans ahead, again with a backpack on my back, on a reserved seat on the bus, we didn’t know then what awaited us, how these words stuck with me then bottomless eyes, it was difficult not to love them, unfamiliar places, long nights without sleep , we need to repeat this again, we need... we need to echo, we need to repeat, we also need to repeat,
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the vogon is rolling, deperon base, an unfamiliar city outside... outside the window, come to us at the table, cool down tea, it’s a pity i haven’t met you before, only the tired rubbish will light up on the trains, conversations flow into the soul again, and why is there sadness on your face, promise to meet me again, we were screaming songs so that our voices were breaking, and not making plans ahead, backpack on the back again for buses,
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everything is as i wanted, but sometimes it’s necessary so that just become stronger, if you rewind everything right now, i wouldn’t change a thing, we were screaming songs so loud that we lost our voices and didn’t make plans ahead, everyone raised their hands, put the backpack on our backs again for the bus and the reserved seat, we didn’t know then, what awaits us, let 's rise to our places then, you have bottomless eyes, it was difficult not to love them... love,
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you are ready to rock unfamiliar places, long nights spring, this needs to be repeated again, we need it, we need potorifs, more, more , also, we need to repeat the battle, we need to repeat,
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good morning, good morning, dear guests, good morning our tv viewers, there is a fun quiz on air 100 to one, we are starting the game, today we have the top team, please come to the studio, the cultural capital team, which clearly hints at the city of st. st. petersburg, hello, we welcome you, we welcome you, wow, what a top you are, founded in 2016, and we are a top team, for a reason, because we are all, firstly, students of the same university. moscow
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energy, and we are also united by russian student groups, that’s us, namely, a student construction team , every summer we go to some construction site , where we help builders in the construction of a reactor, for example, a reactor - they built it on fast neutrons, on fast neutrons, this is where in dimitrovgrad, in dmitrovgrad, yes, maxim is on my team, and he traveled for one season. a-and a new fighter, he has the most brilliant smile, the most contagious laugh, he is always and everywhere, well, he works, works, works, what kind of concrete worker, reinforcement worker, concrete worker, reinforcement worker and plasterer do you have, he even has all three, polina, our copywriter squad, writes the most wonderful, bright, sweet texts on our social network, and besides this , she is our actress, all theatrical themes, she can play from a princess to a witch.
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as believable as possible, her beloved, anton , we are colleagues, polina, in our time it was called the person who is responsible for the wall newspaper, well, yes, a copywriter, you can draw it, well, you see, and anton, he is the old man of our detachment, this is a person who has already traveled for 3 years, yes, and his thoughts always become the wisest and most truthful at all our meetings, come up with something, this too to him. he increases the training coefficient of our our squad, well, this year at work he welded arc arches for a nuclear reactor, that’s right, well, yes, so if this is for him, arc welding - he welded arches, and sawed out, sawed out, yes, yes , in general, something interesting like construction, well, vasily, our medic of our squad, always carries a first aid kit with him, ready. provide any assistance
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to each of us, and besides this, he is an athlete , we play table tennis, basketball, volleyball, we also don’t know what’s there yet hidden, he can still do a lot of things , so he is a very secretive person, secretive, yes, well, very wonderful, but in general we love the color green, as you noticed, this is the corporate style of our squad, and we don’t like it when someone one of us is sad, we help each other, we have fun together, well done guys! who will tell about the captain? let me, and this is the captain of our team, dasha, she is the commissar of our detachment, she has also been riding with us in the detachment for three years. the most charged and talented person in our squad, i would he said, he doesn’t let us get bored, he’s with us throughout the year, he makes us laugh and makes us happy with his smile, it’s noticeable, so is the motto, chant, yes, we want to shout our motto,
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every time after any event we shout our motto, let’s have our squad , peak, our motto, in the heat at dosht, our squad is at the top. thank you, well done, thank you, you have now made many people remember their youth, construction brigades, hello, girls from st. petersburg, hello, karina, we are all from different parts of our huge country, but the city of st. petersburg introduced us. in we love to visit the cultural capital of our country and often go to various exhibitions, events, and we like to visit theaters and museums. so today we came to your program with the following composition: elizaveta, an activist, singer, has been doing vocals for 14 years, a participant in various forums, festivals, she has held a lot of events herself, an activist, so
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sofia is the soul of our company, and sofia is interested in cooking , was at various culinary events. also sofia has a great sense of humor, oh, talk to you, sofia, ekaterina, is a designer, has a good sense of style, and ekaterina is also interested in makeup, makeup, and another ekaterina in our team, has a good level of english, teaches it to children. and often participates in english-language forums , great, well, two words about the captain, our captain is karina, she is also such a versatile personality, and a model, that is, she
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is often invited to various photo shoots, she herself is interested in photography and video shooting , very often he takes beautiful photographs of us or invites us to some interesting places to spend some... wonderful, wonderful young people, well, we have two wonderful teams, young, the top and the cultural capital, we are starting, you are looking at 100 to one, we have a simple single ahead game, you look at one, we have a simple single game, two teams, cultural. the capital of ivershen, i ask the team captains to come here to the table, so, well, the first question, what can become dull over the years, well, nothing,
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nothing, well, young people are fast, they already understand what they are going to answer, even before end of the question, so daria. there are a lot of options at once, but probably the most common, if you think about it, then i think vision, vision may become dull, well, yes, well, okay, we are looking for such an answer, vision, there is such a thing, this is the second, this is the second line, karina, what can become dull , i believe that memory can become dull over time, memory , let's check the memory, yes, okay, let's check the memory, in the first place, come back, come back, i'm coming to you, elizabeth, your turn, what else can become dull over the years, like you you think maybe over the years hearing is dull, hearing, let's check, let
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's check, hearing, there is such a thing, there is, it turns out, i don't know that we are going straight. and i think that over the years the knife , knife, knife, memory, vision, hearing, knife and knife may become dull, why not, why not, yes, well, yes, you discouraged me, but the question sounded like what to answer he can have a knife, and we answer like this, yes, yes, we’ll think about it, we’ll check the knife.
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check the scissors no, no, no, first wash, then smell, smell, yes, check your sense of smell, you have a couple more seconds to change your mind,
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sure, yes, yeah, well, we answer skill, skill, check the skill, unfortunately , we don’t have that on the scoreboard, so, we briefly refresh the system, everyone gives an answer option, after which the captain is responsible for the team, vasily, i think i i think that over time , feelings may become dull, but not get worse. and you say secretive, the feeling is love, you just gave your word, immediately about the feeling, and i would like to offer an option like, uh, similar , i press a pencil, well, well, the pencil was lying there for 80 years, then they decided to pee, it turned out that he dulled, so polina, i agree with anton’s answer, my newspapers are waiting for me and drawing, yeah, it’s still a pencil, so, maxim, well, it seems to me that the mind can become dull with lust, the mind, well, yes, well, not without it
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, of course, i feel this all the time, well then we answer the mind, the mind can become dull over the years, the brain is the mind, or a feeling, no, the feeling is unlikely , well, maybe a pencil is everything, i answer the mind, yes, come on, we answer the mind, mind , yes, okay, let’s check, the mind may become dull over the years, maybe... the answer is in sixth place, in sixth line, in fifth there is exactly what we’re talking about you said, there is a feeling, so vasily was also right, while 69:00 in favor of the team is the top, we continue, we have a double play ahead, you are looking at 100 to one. how did this happen, who did it? well, this is
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his ex-boss, the situation is like this, i’m out of my mind, i ’m already afraid to stay with elyusha, where, what was that, skletosovsky, we’re watching on monday on rtr, are we used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website, tell me. son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no,
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we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she and my father are having an affair. for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent , and what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your husband roman, where he takes his chosen ones, too beautiful wife on saturday. nrtr. how many animals are there in your family
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? 16. why stop? he offered the goat first. what connects me with his mother, i assured him, not only did he change me, he also lied to me all these years, you need to move on with your life, tomorrow you go to work with your head held high, next time i suggest we have lunch at a restaurant , we agree, someone else’s child, premieres on saturday on rtr. we
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continue, we have a double game, i invite here are the second numbers of the teams, the top team, and the cultural capital team, elizaveta, maxim, so what is written on the sign installed in the forest in the forest, it seems to me. be careful, moose, okay, be careful, moose, this is the answer: moose, don’t litter, don’t litter, wild boars, moose, wolves, anything scary that can move around there, elizabeth, what could be written on a sign in the forest, i think
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that’s the most popular means don't litter, don't litter, don't litter, check. don't litter, it's written in the forest, it's written, we're coming back, we're coming back, well done, well done, elizaveta guessed right, the most popular answer , sofia, what could be written on the sign in the forest, it seems to me, do not light fires, yes, well, logical, yes, let’s check, yes, yes, do not light fires, it is written in the forest, the second answer, no litter 36, do not light fires 21, wild animals six, there is a third, fourth, fifth line left, it seems to me that maybe the line clean up after yourself, well, this is the same as this is the same as the first, there is also such a saying, clean not where not here, but where on the route, signs
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routes or restrictive zones not to pass there, well, what are they? be written, entered, protected area, or protected area, protected area, check , yes, check, okay, check protected area, reserve, yes, protected area, where you don’t need to go, because there are not only wild, but also rare animals or plants, ekaterina, maybe a rockfall slope or something nearby? yes, be careful, there is a cliff, even if it is a mountainous place, area, because the forest happens in different places, maybe, maybe, well, we check, we check, rock, cliff, cliff, rockfall, okay, rockfall, no, no such thing, rockfall, no, i guess i think that
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every forest needs to be protected, protected, so at the entrance, at the entrance to...
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serious people, be careful, be careful, because there are three, because there are some bugs, sounds, be careful. ticks , be careful, bugs, treat yourself for mosquitoes, ticks, mosquitoes, there should be a phrase so that you don’t get eaten, so it’s the decks and the animals don’t eat it, now elizabeth, all that’s left is to choose mosquitoes, ticks or bugs there’s a sign piled up, and careful ticks, careful ticks we check or beware. be careful, ticks, here it is, made up, this is really dangerous, this is not
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a joke, so what is written on the sign installed in the forest, the opinion of those surveyed by us was divided as follows: do not litter 36 people, do not light a fire - 21, take care of the forest - the most wise thought, 12, reserve, careful, reserve, eight, ticks, 7 and just wild animals 6 18069 absolutely normal score after a double game, we have a triple game ahead, today we have the top team and the cultural capital team, you look 100 to one. we continue, we have a triple game, all points earned by the team are multiplied by three, and i invite the third team numbers here to the table. today we have young people
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in the studio, the vershina team, the construction team and the cultural capital team, sofia polino, and this is good, because the question is such a girly one, here, of course, your experience can come in handy. of your friends, why did the girl call her ex? and sofia, i think that the girl could call her ex- boyfriend because she missed him, i'm bored, i'm bored, yes, or i can figure out the relationship, as it happens when i miss my ex , i got drunk, they're usually scoundrels, no, well, there are different situations, it happens, i miss you, okay, let's check this version.
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back to you anton, your ex -girlfriends called you, no, no, that’s right, but nevertheless, if they called, what would you think, what was the reason? it seems to me that she wanted to cry, that was the first thing that came to me there, yes, to cry, yes, there is such a version, borrow money, i don’t know, borrow money, well done, well done, yes, good, i forgot something, return the things.
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either pick up or return is the most popular answer. vasily, vasily, what do you think, well, well, i also thought that i said, ask for money, you talked about selfish purposes, selfish purposes, to say that she has a new life, yes, well, like, to make him jealous, i don’t know, oh, by the way, yes , let’s make him jealous, let’s check, i called specifically to make him jealous, like i’m... calling you, in fact, there is no such option, daria, you were very active in putting forward options, let
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's, let's, a reason, let's get closer, a reason is a word, a reason, a reason to call, we need a reason, birthday, birthday, a good option, exes should be congratulated on their birthday, well , yes, yes, well checking what? congratulations on the holiday, congratulations on your birthday, okay, there is such a version, they called. she asks him to take her or bring her home , well, just about under the driver, well under the best, yes, that she was under the driver and just called to pick her up, well, of course, yes, that is, she is in a great mood, yes, there are no barriers , she told him she’s calling, and that means, well, she needs a ride somewhere, or something else, we’re looking for a bull,
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and with her friends, probably, well, yes, like that... polina, what age are they, for me they’re 25, i also imagine them like this, already such an elderly person, yes 25, if they were not 25, they were older, but they just broke up, they would hardly have had children, they needed help, but the question is somehow not implies specifics, if the children understand, and the answer may imply, well, maybe there. specific everyday
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problems, so polina, let's go, let there will be help with the children, help, something with the children, suppose they have children together, we check, uh, yes, there are, or there will be children, we also need help, anton, all responsibility is on you, all responsibility is on you, well there is still the right to make one mistake, say, well, moving, moving, physical assistance to move, that moving from the car after all.
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where they met and decided to call him no, so what for what purpose, that she is again in this place, emotionally, you just remember, we met you in the forest for the first time.
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it’s cool to call so that you burn out the one you had, they parted too well, yes , after all, you are not a good person, so i wanted to explain this to you now, absolutely soberly and so on, karina, come on, i won’t listen to anyone from your team, sorry girls, well done, applause, right, the person
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who makes the decision, union, right, that means such things don’t vote, darina, if i called my ex, i would call him at work, he’s not your colleague, he ’s not a colleague, he’s your colleague, let’s check, no, quarrel, yes, but in a fit of emotion, feelings , she can call him, that's why we broke up, oh, how interesting, i love such things, swear, quarrel, otherwise you will be to blame, so are you and your colleagues. we will quarrel and sort things out, maybe he said something bad about her, she wants to find out what he said to his acquaintances there, friends in general, maybe he said something, well, about work, about work. .. karina, well done, well done, no, of course,
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the team is a good thing, and the commander is a responsible matter, well done, so we decided the most difficult. psychological, dramatic problem, for what reason did the girl call her ex-boyfriend, pick up things, return things 25, congratulate on the holiday 19, improve relationships 13, at work, because they met there, they are work colleagues, 10 because of the child, seven, just because i drank six, well, there are two options for getting bored.
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we may be forgotten, forgotten by name, but the performance of shestakovich’s music from a besieged, tormented city will not be forgotten. seventh symphony, today on rtr. there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind from eat, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. this is for you, i feel bad without you. sorry, i have a flight. love. how is the flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there, they are asking for help to evacuate the wounded
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, it’s very bad there, lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly . the engine is completely out of order, i’m driving on one, the second engine is on fire, i’m reducing the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see strip, follow the instruments, crew, on friday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, to understand them. difficult, important , honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections , the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find a leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, kids, this is your work, open your laptop, i’ll tell
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you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site right away, information about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns, wow, as in... technologically, you can make sure having personally looked on the internet on the portal of the russian federation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, we know what is now on the scales, and what is happening now, the seventh leningrad symphony of dmitry shestakovich has become a symbol of the perseverance of the defenders. i say, we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of the cableway, even if there are barricades tomorrow. we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city
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showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on bank of the neva. today on rtr. so, we have a game in reverse, today there are two teams: the youth top and... the game in reverse is that the maximum number of points can be obtained for the answer that is the most, the sixth on our scoreboard, the very first answer brings us only 15 points , and the sixth brings 200 40, attention, question and 20 seconds to think, what word will probably be in any song about sailors, 20 seconds to think.
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you're sure everything, well, i'm sure too, so we think the helm, the steering wheel, and not the ninth shaft, and the steering wheel, okay, the steering wheel is fixed, karina, what word exactly will be in the song about sailors, we had exactly the same option that tore, but now if we change it, then we will probably come to the answer with sail sail, both answers accepted. both answers are accepted, now let's check
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what you think, the most popular answer is that there is definitely a sea, captain, in songs about the sea, captain, sailor, captain, ship, sea , ship, ship, pirate, maybe not, about sailors, we open, there is naturally a sea, there is a ship, there is a boat there, we open the second line, ship. it’s clear that next there should probably be a captain, wave, wind, rocks, shore, shore, open the third line , shore, further, on the fourth, what do we have, maybe the captain, when you don’t hit it exactly, open the fourth, there we have waves, waves, i thought waves, so what? fifth or sixth? in
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order in order, let's do the fifth, let's do the fifth, look, we have the following words on the board below: sailor, vest, rum, what? well, it’s not unexpected that some people think that in a song about a sailor there should be the word sailor, and so there is an option, the helm, well, in general, with a decent score
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, which is on the scoreboard, the cultural capital team wins, and for them, as the winners, it’s a big game, you’re looking at 100 to one, two ekaterinas from the cultural capital, we have a big game, you would need to score 200 points together, if so, then you get our main prize - 50,000 rubles. some stay in the studio, others go into a scary dark room. who leaves, who stays? let me answer, ekaterina leaves. according to
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our new rules, you have 20 seconds to respond to five questions, try to be quick, okay, what tools? needed for drawing lessons. compass. who's roaring at the zoo? a lion. what happens to a doctor? diagnosis. which plant leaves are put in soup? schaven. what are they holding together? paper. wonderful. we are checking your answers. what tools are needed in a drawing lesson. you said compasses. and also. how did you respond? 34 people is a lot. who's roaring at the zoo? did you say lion? and they also answered: 28. 62. what is medical? we said the diagnosis and
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two people also answered. leaves of which plant do they put it? in the soup, you said sorrel and 19 people also answered, we are getting close, getting close to the hundred that are fastening, you said paper and also answered, 16 people, 99, thank you, good result, return to the team, and we are waiting for ekaterina, please come out , so, yes, here you go, your friend ekaterina scored 99 points out of 200, you have to score 101, 101, 101, five
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questions, tell me, you have 30 seconds, it’s good if you suddenly answer the same as ekaterina , first. you are the second, it happened historically, if you answer the same way, then a terrible signal will sound, uh-huh, you will have to immediately give a different answer, okay, ready , yes, let's go, calmly, what tools are needed for drawing lessons, a ruler, who is roaring at the zoo, children, what can be used as a medicine, secretly, what plant leaves are put in? in the soup of lavs that are held together, the sheets are quite good, so, let’s check your answers, we have two catherines, catherine the first and catherine the second from the city of st. petersburg, which naturally, such
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people live there, now we will compare their answers, with each other with by what they answered viewers we surveyed, what instruments? in the drawing lesson compasses 34, this is the answer of catherine the first, this is the most popular answer, the second most popular answer was just a ruler, and it brings you 18 points. well done, ekaterina. who's roaring at the zoo? leo - the first one answered, ekaterina, 28 points, you said, children. so, 20 people answered, what a surprise, ekaterina, you know life, apparently, you know who can roar in the park, only two more people think that a hippopotamus roars in the zoo,
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22 people answered hippopotamus, and 20 people are still children, we need to think about how we respond to obvious things. so, what happens to be medical? the diagnosis was said by the first catherine, two people, you said that a doctor’s office can be secretly, secretly, and this is the most popular answer, 29. the second answer, a doctor’s office can be, 17 people, then, the leaves of what plant are put in? soup, the first cattya said, sorrel, 19 people, you said, bay leaf, bay leaf, bay leaf, yes , how many people do you think answered also popular, i think the majority, the majority, you know life, ekaterina, i am
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convinced of this once again, 35 is a victory. well, the last question is, what are they holding together? paper 16, documents 23, you said sheets, who answered also, it doesn’t matter anymore, of course, but still. but it’s nice 213 with the victory of catherine, with the victory the cultural capital, it was a wonderful game, we have wonderful young people, once again we convince all of us, dear tv viewers, it was a fun, but still an intellectual quiz, that’s all, come to us more.
8:00 am
hello, on air, in the studio oksana kuvaev, and most importantly by this hour. fireworks with thousands of fireworks over the peter and paul fortress became the culmination of the celebrations in the days when the blockade was lifted.


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