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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 8:00am-8:35am MSK

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hello, oksana kuvaeva is on air, in the studio, and most importantly at this hour. salutes of thousands of fireworks over the peter and paul fortress, the culmination of the celebrations of the days of lifting the blockade, became a grand requiem concert.
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the russian fighter single-handedly repelled an attack by five fsu reconnaissance officers near donetsk, destroying the entire enemy unit and throwing grenades at the enemy. the state of emergency was introduced after the collapse of the wall of a high-rise building in rostov-on-don. my brother comes out to me and the ceiling is on fire. all residents have been evacuated. french farmers threaten to shut down everything roads to paris. blocks the supply of food, and the rebellious texas ignores the ultimatum of the white house, personal files of admirals and drawings of unbuilt ships, today there are 300 years of archives in the mf, rare footage from the repository of the history of the russian fleet, also camel travel, a new extreme route of fyodor konyukhov, quenching pain ... from
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crude oil, the know-how of russian scientists and a piece of sunshine for each unique experiment in the murmon region. a grandiose fireworks display thundered in st. petersburg in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the removal fascist blockade. the batteries of the mikhailovsky military artillery academy fired 30 salvos from twelve guns, each traditionally dedicated to the heroes of the defense of leningrad, soviet military leaders, home front workers and residents of the besieged city, the sky was colored by more than a thousand fireworks, the culmination of the memorable celebrations was a requiem concert, a report by catherine. an incredibly powerful
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moment for thousands of people, the giant arena is filled and everyone stands up at the same time. a minute of silence is announced. president of russia, leningrader, on this day the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade comes to the main arena of the city, to tell people very important words. the nazi directive explicitly stated the future of the city of st. petersburg. that it should have been blocked and further quote: wiped off the face of the earth, possible proposals for surrender, as was written in this directive, should be rejected, but the smug enemy waited in vain for surrender, the city fought, the pulse of the city became the metronome, and its people were its heart. who,
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despite all the trials , continued to work and fight to save the city, native country, for the sake of victory. the concert is dedicated to them, the hearts of the city, out of two million, a million were destroyed by the enemy, they died without surrendering to the fascists. the aggression that our country faces today directly demonstrates that in 1945, nazism was defeated, but not eliminated. “russophobia, xenophobia, nationalism have become a weapon of revanchists in many european countries, in the baltic states, unfortunately, in ukraine. they are hampered by the disadvantage of real, true history, hence the constant attempts to revise, distort the reasons, the course themselves the results of the second world war, exalt the murderers and slander the heroes. they lie blatantly. in
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impotent anger they demolish monuments to those who liberated the planet from nazism, and thereby refuse, renounce their own ancestors, and... which is also a crime, we will never betray the memory and feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. vladimir putin arrived at this concert together with alexander lukashenko, our countries have a common grief, the joy of victory is also a common memory. we are peaceful people, we do not want war, but the question of the right to life of our civilization. preserving the original values ​​of national cultures; we do not need someone else’s, especially those benefits that were repeatedly implanted in our ancestors with fire and sword. this is living history, precisely because the artists are also leningraders,
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konstantin khabensky, svetlana kryuchkova, igor sklyar. sometimes it seems to me that they are soldiers. from the bloody non-arrivers, the requi concert, concert, performance, the entire blockade is remembered episodically, daily, and the heroes by name, the feat of the city in the heroism of every leningrader. vladimir mashkov reproduces the words of the famous leningrader daniil granin, who himself was at the epicenter of those terrible events, words that make those present cry. this is very responsible.
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a dead city, where leningraders not only survived, but worked, here the lorry is the story of the road of life, the locomotive is an exact copy of the one that brought bread to the city along the ice road through shelling, there are many who survived this terrible time, their memories and today is terrible for them. nadezhda vasilievna stroganova, she is 103 teacher saved hundreds of children in a besieged city. how scary it is, how we survived this, we should get used to it. on stage there is a youth orchestra under the direction of yuri bashmet, the oldest musician is 22, the youngest is only nine, complex scores, a very difficult platform, but they cope, conveying tragedy and joy to the audience with music. it’s a great
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holiday today, it’s good that we remember, our children remember, they remember, here’s the youth orchestra, they will tell their classmates, their children. in the kupinsky direction, russian units repelled five attacks, the crews of self-propelled geotsin guns used the tactics of a round-the-clock artillery carousel. northwest of solidar, drone operators
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spotted a polish krap self-propelled gun. she fired at russian positions, and then drove into cover, where she burned out the mark of a russian shell hit. and this is a personnel defeat with an enemy lancet. rapier anti-tank gun, it was loaded and fired from the drone’s impact. the k-52 attack helicopter destroyed a nationalist stronghold on kupinsky direction. the vehicle, at an extremely low altitude , approached the target as close as possible and successfully hit the enemy fortifications. in the krasnolimansk direction, air defense crews of the central military district reliably protect from air attacks and units operating at the front line of airfields, from which there
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are several for... the district, all are located here in the krasnolimansk direction and are dispersed along the line of combat contact. for the convenience of the driver, the latest modification of the anti-aircraft... missile system beech is equipped with video surveillance system, we see several front side-view cameras at once. it takes just a few minutes to unfold. classification of objects in the air according to the criterion of "friend" takes place in a few seconds. we determine the target class by flight altitude, speed, and effective dispersion area. either it's an unmanned aerial vehicle, or it's some kind of... from ballistic targets, cruise missiles, anti-reduction missiles,
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operational-tactical-missile targets flew from different sectors complex. yes, it was not easy, but we reflected all the goals, a lot of life was saved. the operations of air defense systems ensure, among other things, the uninterrupted, round-the-clock operation of aviation in the central military district. air bases located in the area where the special operation is taking place. day and night , the assault groups of the utor ledge are supported by fire, the planes operate in all weather conditions. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansky direction, kremensky forest. personal things. gifted admirals and drawings of unbuilt ships. more than a million priceless documents are stored in
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the state archives of the navy. today it celebrates its three-century anniversary, within the walls of the building, access to which was strictly limited by our correspondent, dmitry pishchukhin. the massive doors of these cabinets are opened only at the special request of historians, representatives of the navy or members of their families. ship's logs, secret materials and personal... sailors of the russian fleet are stored here. we have in our at the disposal of more than a million units of documents of various affairs, which, among other things, cover culture, medicine, architecture, and various aspects of other life of our state. a monumental building in the style of a florentine palazio was built specifically for the storage facility. at first , the archive of the state council was located here, and only then the premises were given over to the needs of the navy. the interiors resemble those of a ship. union, although
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the lead ship was called soviet . it was supposed to become the basis of the ocean fleet, but it was never completed, the plan was prevented by the great patriotic war. of particular interest are personal... in which the first long-distance voyage of the soviet ship vorovsky from leningrad to vladivostok is described in detail, and these are rare, until recently classified photographs of the first passage of the sha-423 submarine along the northern sea route. merchant ships were already sailing, warships too, and... boats, as having very delicate hulls, this was the first
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experience, in order to transfer it, the submarine had to make such a wooden jacket. outstanding people worked within the walls of the archive petersburg scientists made discoveries here that changed the understanding of the history of the city and the country, over a million valuable folders and documents, a unique repository of centuries-old history. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you
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will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a nerd, or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i like to eat a lot always or lifesaver. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov every saturday on rtr, annushka has already bought sunflower oil and not
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only bought it, but even bottled it, have you seen woolands on the patriarchs again? you are a historian, i am a historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's meeting, black poppy, yes, the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands , i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again, with trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist misya will perform in front of you volland. budlinnaya story in a new quality. let it be so. master and margarita. midnight is approaching missir. from monday on rtr. and already on the “watch” platform. all episodes right now, in the app or on the website. the floor
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is shaking, stage resources. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes,
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today on rtr love is when... you look in one direction, look, look , look , you want to look, look, let 's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three, sign look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, today
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, in the high-rise buildings in rostov-on-don, where the wall collapsed, an emergency mode was introduced, all residents were evacuated due to the collapse, an inspection began, but it is already known that the building was declared unsafe for several more years ago, from the scene of the incident, veronica bogma. now a rescuer, representatives of the police investigative committee and local authorities are working at the scene; during the time that we have been here, cracking and the sound of falling bricks have been repeatedly heard. partially collapsed the wall of the first entrance on the first floor of a five-story building, the masonry continues to shift. the main news is that there are no casualties, everyone is alive, scared, upset, tired, but safe, they were preparing to eat, my brother comes out to me and says the ceiling is coming apart. to begin with, everyone was invited to board the buses that were parked nearby, the tanks were full,
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the engines were running, people would not freeze at night. water pours into the basement, boiling water constantly, that’s all. undermined the building both from the roof and from the basement, where, according to residents, boiling water was constantly standing. the house is recognized emergency several years ago, since then it has no management company, residents dealt with all the problems on their own, knocking on the threshold of the administration. they tried to resettle us, resettle us, and still nothing like this this year.
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are planning for monday, road services are clearing the main highways and starting to clean up roof yards, the amount of snow is amazing in its scale, whole avalanches are falling from high-rise buildings, motorists are digging out their cars, there is snow even inside the car, volunteers are coming out en masse to fight the graves, report sergei mondarenko, although in the morning it all came through, for the first time in almost a week the residents of south sakhalin saw some semblance of a blue sky, but to stare at it and count on help... frankly speaking, there is no time from above, you need to dig around. a large family of golyshevs came out to clear their private yard, they were sitting at home, our power was turned off
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because there was a loss of communication, there was no electricity, no water, but nothing, little by little, little by little, there were supplies, so they survived. for the younger ones , the snowdrifts are a wonderful playground for pranks, whole teams throw snow, here are the teachers the middle school held a cleanup day and they really hope that in the coming days their students will return from distance learning. clear our school, finally from the snow captivity and get to work. as the roads are cleared, buses, including intercity ones, are starting to operate on routes, and the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport has begun accepting and departing flights. volunteers work with passengers, and shuttles to the city have been organized for travelers. every time the flight was delayed, we finally landed. the head of the region supervised the clearing of streets and courtyards and active snow removal from local areas will begin on monday. sakhalin residents are returning to normal life. the traffic on the streets is already busy, those who are openly happy about the consequences of the cyclone are skiers and snowboarders, the mountain air complex recently experienced problems with snow, but now there is
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enough for everyone here. sergey bondarenko, pavel kuksov, leading sakhalin kuriles. the generation memory charitable foundation has announced a fundraiser for ied veteran oleg lukin. he was wounded in battle, lost his leg, and was awarded for his courage. order of st. george, fourth degree. oleg needs... step by step, not quickly , but quite confidently, oleg lukin overcomes the flights of stairs, goes out to meet the guests himself, oleg lost his right leg in battle, went to the north military district in the very first days, during the assault on enemy positions with his comrades he was hit by artillery fire, there was a command to go further to storm the positions, we just, well...
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florida, oklahoma and arkansas are sending national guard units to support texas, whose governor has announced his readiness for conflict with the federal
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authorities regarding the issue of admission.
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a time when we cannot secure our own borders. even if the democratic-controlled senate does not have dollars to continue the war in ukraine, in opposition to the deal proposed by biden, then the republicans in the lower house have already buried the idea alive. if the rumors about the contents of the bill are true, it would still have died as soon as it reached the house of representatives. in december alone , 300,000 illegal immigrants passed through holes in the american border. the speed of this influx is 500 people per hour. arrest members of mexican drug cartels , drug traffickers in montana, the state is overcrowded, there is no other word to describe what is happening except an invasion, every us state has already turned into a border state, under biden 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the country, the governors of twenty-five states, that is, half the united states supported the decision of the texas authorities to take the situation into their own hands, neighbors extended a helping hand to the southern state, florida, oklahoma, arkansas are sending reinforcements of the national guard, it may come to...
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signed a joint statement in support texas. how many governors are there in that letter? i think 25. 25 governors? i would tell them that they are, you said, republican governors? yes. the white house press secretary did not say anything intelligible. the presidential media team is also silent. on the main page of the cnn website there is news about trump, ukraine, palestine, space, but not about the civil war, on the threshold of which america, it seems, is again... we again see how the country is divided before our eyes: 25 states supported texas, these are all republican states. can you believe what we're watching behind the division of america from abroad, and from everything else. if the current president cannot cope, the former president suggests taking control of the situation. trump called on republicans to go to texas to secure the border. one of these days thousands of truckers are going there. washington responds,
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as usual, with sanctions. the white house is pausing approval of new natural gas exports. biden attributed his decision to concerns about the environment, but he made it exactly on the day when texas didn’t care about presidential ultimatum on border protection: gas production is one of the main sources of income for the border state, and they are confident that washington will punish them for disobedience to export restrictions. denis davidov and maria egorova, news. protesters set fire to imported products, destroy the supports of overpasses, build barricades from tires and organize pogroms. the protesters decided to visit the country house of president macron and organize a complete blockade of paris
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and... provide food supplies, the action will begin on monday night, blocked by at least 12 major highways; in small cities, traffic is paralyzed with the help of animals. the scyvian gold may suffer the same fate as the icons that were taken to the louvar. that is why the dutch court decided not to return him to crimea. this conclusion was made by the russian foreign ministry after the publication in the western press of details of the secret transfer to france of masterpieces of the 4th-7th centuries from ukraine. about how european museums are taking advantage of the moment to expand their collections anastasia popova. only 2 days left. until the moment when the louvar sends five rare icons taken from ukraine into its storerooms, until better times, or rather, the exhibits risk becoming part of the permanent exhibition of the famous french museum. in 2027 , a new department of byzantine and eastern peasant art will be opened there. its
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director does not hide his satisfaction in an interview with the wall street journal. in may 2023, in an atmosphere of utmost secrecy, they were sent under military escort to france through poland and germany, in a specially built one. air-conditioned containers, no one outside a small circle knew that we do this, the most famous icon is sergius ivakh, ian the baptist, a fairly large , life-size icon, the virgin and child of the digetria type and the martyr and martyr, presumably this is plato and glyceria, so they date back to the 7-6th century. exhibits are not easy. rare, unique martyr and martyrs, bogomat with child and saints sergius ivak, in the 7th century. this is an image of the mother of god. this image of the mother of god is one of the three oldest images of the virgin mary in the world. the icons are made using the ancient technique of ancaustic, wax painting.
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the wooden board was carefully processed and covered with artistic primer in two layers, with the addition of vegetable glue and beeswax. and the special removal operation became known back in the summer. kiev museum of varvara and bogdan khanenko. at first, i didn’t want to part with the valuables; the matter was discussed not only by representatives of the louvre, but also by the french minister of culture, who was visiting kiev, and convinced me that it was safer this way. transportation by special trucks in a military convoy through poland and germany cost 215 thousand euros. these are very unique things early times, these are church property, but although in the soviet period they were transferred to the state museum, but you know, who couldn’t think of it, but... abroad. the story of western museums taking advantage of the moment to export valuables is not new. the same france, having taken the most valuable things of its african colonies, built a separate bronly museum. the louvar was also filled during napoleon's time. there are thousands of export examples. returns,
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units. we were at the opening of an exhibition in paris. 16 byzantine icons taken from kiev in may are now in france. five of them exhibited in a special section of the louvre. the rest are stored in storerooms in the north of the country, as in...
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we receive new reports from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world will tell the news. friends, hello!


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