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tv   Sedmaya simfoniya  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 1:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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he will recover, i don’t know, a contusion, that kind of thing, brain damage, but he will hear, excuse me, i’m paralyzed, in the operating room. the main thing is that he will live, his arms and legs are intact, what else is needed, but he is a musician, i save people, not musicians.
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why are you looking at me like that? i'm lucky, i just had to catch my breath, and i 'll run away right away. korolych that everything is fine with him, he is in the next room, he is alive, that means he is alive. normal guy,
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but your music, which was cancelled, no, i’m rehearsing, listen, hunt, listen, definitely listen, i’ll put you in prison before, doctor he said, it’s okay, you’ll get better soon, promise me. just promise so that it won’t
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be calm, as long as the sberiki, here’s ryok. i have, except you, and since there is no one else left, seryogin, you and i are still at his wedding on the beach. let’s dance,
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you’re beautiful, well, go, otherwise i’m tired, do you think i’ll just leave?
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so, who is this standing here? come on, lie back down. karl, what? what do you want? tomorrow, tomorrow, karl, tomorrow, let's go, let's go,
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now. now we will rest and go, but you leave her already, alexander romanovich, this is now a formality, you are offering to leave what is supposed to hang, about '. tell the dwarf, why? the concert should take place on august 9, that’s it , we can’t wait, as they explained to me, this is an order, how will we do without him, without the maestro,
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they obliged me to conduct, let’s try. karlenich, don’t sleep, anatoly ivanovich, it means the water woke you up. you also burst into me at night, they say how you are, your head is cracking, fog, most importantly, you’re alive, i don’t remember very well what happened there, but it seems that you were seriously
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hurt, you’re weak, but the war, i don’t understand. me shell-shocked, i didn’t hear a sound, now i hear you, it’s a dream, what a dream, king, whose dream, i’m not sleeping, you want to pinch me, i won’t pinch you, that’s what, accuse me of assault. how glad am i to see you? i have to ask you. anatoly ivanovich, maybe you can delay leaving for the front? left a little. listen to the concert. all the musicians
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will be glad to see you, but how glad will i be? no, i 'd rather go to the front. and you, karlolich, will you play? "you will die, but you will play, that i don’t know, it’s you, and no one else, but me, anatoly ivanovich, i can’t take a step, the doctors categorically forbid it, dina, i’m against it, i don’t know if i’ll even get there, i…” please, come, listen to the concert on august 9, i’m tired , it’s time for me.
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today tell me, son-in-law, well have you
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ever been jealous of my daughter? no, look at the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she. she is with my father, roman krotit, for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life. you will definitely like it. for others, it is a test of fidelity. well, what are you silent? what should i say? well, should i shout or hit something? i don't know. when your husband has an affair, where does he take his guys? darling, too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr.
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the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr. look , love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time on time23, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we can go to me? just watch a movie, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry
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kiselev, watch on sunday: the largest nato exercises since the cold war: we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion, why are they fanning mass psychosis in europe and scaring us with russia?
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kada brought up some incredible love for the city and awareness of its beauty. unconquered leningrad, how they survived those terrible 900 days, why the truth about the blockade was not immediately revealed. as you can imagine, the vast majority of this material was classified. texas is rioting. why local security forces do not obey the white house and ask biden to get out of the way. donald trump is the main and only republican presidential candidate. i want to thank everyone.
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how will biden answer why gun sales in america have skyrocketed? news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. today on rtr. fuck.
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five, seryogin, anatoly ivanovich, he’s lying here, don’t shout, i’m sorry, i can’t hear well, he died,
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russia, when the score didn’t settle, or disappeared “my father was an accountant , well-known throughout the world, they called him, my father came, locked
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himself out from everyone, found a mistake, he told me, all my life i found other people’s mistakes, but missed my own. i didn’t understand him, but now another death has revealed to me meaning, i was mistaken when i considered anatoly ivanovich seryoga a stranger . i... was mistaken, i didn’t have time to tell him about it while he was alive, this is how wars begin, when we consider other people strangers, it’s time to go, i’m
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with him. karlovich, how are you? rehearsals start tomorrow at the philharmonic, are you with us? he’s still very weak. let's go to.
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there is little despair, little sorrow, but to quickly
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serve the damned sentence, and with your unprecedented love you have doomed me to life and courage, why, why, i shouldn’t even be afraid, don’t swaddle your child, i have all the desires on earth. torment and dumbness are clearest of all, no one ’s worries, no one’s love is needed, now the one thing i need most is the mass grave of leningrad, standing in silence, numb, one microphone above the strings, of course, above the winds. yes, only closer, so that between them and the royal. there are not enough microphones, they won’t take them, the orchestra is huge. when is the general meeting?
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now every day, general.
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i'm not karl elich. but there is nowhere to retreat, there is a concert in the evening, a live broadcast, thank you for your understanding, please first.
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thank you, thank you, you, thank you, thank you, there is so much i want to say, no matter what i say now, it will not convey what i feel, but i feel joy, calmness, for the first time in many months. triumph, i feel each
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of you, each one, in the orchestra there are no first or second violins, everyone is important, we can be forgotten, forgotten by name, but the performance of music shestakovich from the besieged, exhausted. the cities will not be forgotten, they will not be forgotten, our children, grandchildren, their grandchildren’s grandchildren will remember and know, music is stronger than death, the city lived, the city fought, everyone fought as best they could in their place, thank you, we won, thank you. there’s a lot of pathos, there are robbers at home, and i
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’m leaving tomorrow, so karlovich, and you remain in charge, yes, as agreed, a car is waiting for you, we’re going to the airfield, yes, vera, they’ll take you home now, pack your things for the airfield, where to evacuate, karl ilyevich, i apologize, but you yourself didn’t say that there are two places for especially important citizens, yes, but who could be more important than women and children? karl ilgeevich, i don’t think this is possible , you know, i began to hear something poorly again, thank you, next time, leonid, i ’ll say it directly, thank you, in the form of something... if
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there is a next time, then for sure , will definitely be.
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comrades, smile for the sake of history. hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio of irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. in ukraine, the country's largest oil plant in kremenchuk, near the shelter the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses. well, in the west , experts are increasingly saying that moscow is significant. superior to kyiv on the battlefield.
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voting has begun in the presidential elections in finland, in the first round, nine candidates are all in favor of maintaining the anti-russian course. what does it take to win? near volgograd, vulks, in search of food , attack farms in whole flocks, attacking livestock and even people. try and taste. 500 cups in an hour? just from this one refrigerator. only from this refrigerator. the fair has started made in russia, delicious, icon of the sea, the largest cruise ship is setting off on its first voyage, it is five times larger than the titanic and can take on board 7,600. from passengers. new strikes with high-precision weapons, long-range, carried out on military targets in ukraine. according to local publications, the
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country's largest oil plant in kremenchug, which supplied the ukrainian army with fuel, was hit. the fire glow can be seen tens of kilometers away. on the south donetsk raft. ukrainian forces tried to return four times lost territory near the shelter, suffered losses and retreated. in the kharkov region, the crew and k-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopters destroyed a large stronghold . well, after the attack, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver and successfully returned to the operational airfield. on the zaporozhye front , ukrainian paratroopers tried to hide behind damaged nato equipment, but... before the assault units work , massive artillery barrage is mandatory, after which self-propelled anti-tank guns are advanced to the front line at maximum speed
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missile systems sturm of the central military district. after those enemy armored vehicles that managed to move to the front line, to the line of combat contact, are hit, the infantry moves forward. next. communication between units that storm the positions of the ukrainian military is ensured continuously. vital information is transmitted in real time. the armored communications personnel carriers that operate here in the krasno-limansky direction are, of course, different from vehicles. equipped with weapons, this one has on its armor a system of antennas, which is necessarily covered with a camouflage network, signalmen move along the line of combat contact in close proximity to the front line, an emergency water supply arrives, we make frequency changes, we turn around and redo
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all communications control, the weather conditions are the same, deploy the power or field cable or landline station, some difficulties arise. have to cope. on the outskirts of serebryansky forestry, assault groups took up new firing positions. about the recent the unit commander with the call sign strela tells us about the attack. we follow each other, cover the backs of our comrades, work according to numbers one, three, two, four, we carry out the task of clearing the enemy trench, in a group of two, three, five, we see everything when we move into the trenches, well, for each other, everyone is friend friend.
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russia is significantly superior to ukraine on the battlefield, this is the assessment given by experts from the business insider publication. in their opinion, moscow now has the initiative, and its advantages over kiev in key areas are only growing. even in the west, officials, although reluctantly, admit that russia is acting effectively. if the situation does not change, then, as business insider notes, the worst will happen. usa their satellite script. kiev will have to negotiate with moscow from the position of the weak. the texas national guard is moving heavy armored vehicles to the border with mexico. trains carry abrams tanks and bradley armored personnel carriers. the state's governor said he will use all the tools available to him
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to protect against illegal migrants. in texas the people's militia is being assembled. the media are discussing information about a convoy of thousands of trucks that is supposedly on its way. donald trump called the us borders a weapon of mass destruction. in his opinion, it threatens the country with disaster. the influx of illegal immigrants is a real invasion. this is stated in a letter sent to congress by former senior fbi officials. in their opinion, thousands of military-age men from countries unfriendly to america are coming to the states. congressmen themselves believe that president biden should issue an executive order that will correct the situation. but the owner of the white house is busy now. today in finland there are nine candidates in the first round of presidential elections;
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the current head of state is not on the list; he has already been in power for two terms and has no right to run again. the elections are taking place in the context of a growing economic crisis. the main topic of discussion was the relationship between helsinki and moscow. all candidates support maintaining the anti-russian course. the favorites are the former prime minister stupa and the former foreign minister. haovista. being officials, they advocated normal relations with russia. now both are happy about finland’s accession to nato and support the deployment of american bases in the country, as well as the closure of the border with russia. the first plans of st. petersburg, ship designs and personal letters of military leaders. more than a million documents that tell about the heroic history of the russian fleet, collected by the state archive of the navy. today marks the 300th anniversary of its founding. reportage. the massive doors of these cabinets can only be opened upon special request
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historians, representatives of the fleet or members of their families. ship's logs, secret materials and personal files of sailors of the russian fleet are stored here. we have at our disposal more than a million units of documents from various cases, which also cover culture, medicine, architecture, and various aspects. and other lives of our state. the monumental building in the style of the florentine palazio was built specifically for the storage facility. at first , the archives of the state council were located here, and only then the premises were given over to the navy. interiors resemble a ship, cramped spaces like holds, and metal racks with rivets look like a bulkhead. the state archive of the navy contains special achievements of shipbuilding thought, including unrealized projects, for example, like this linear one. ship of project 23, it was supposed to become the basis of the ocean fleet, the lead one was called the soviet union, although
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the ship was never completed, the great patriotic war prevented the plan. of particular interest are the personal archives of admirals, for example, drawings by the senior naval commander of the kronshtat pyotr lomanov or a photo album by the commander of the pacific fleet yuri pontileev, which describes in detail the first long-distance voyage of the soviet ship vorovsky from... a shirt. outstanding scientists of st. petersburg worked within the walls of the archive. discoveries were made here that changed the understanding of the history
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of the city and the country. over a million valuable folders and documents. a unique repository of the centuries-old history of the russian fleet. dmitry pishchukhin, alexey sasurin, dmitry mishchersky, galina orlova. northwestern biro news. five people were killed and eight were injured as a result of an accident on a highway in the krasnodar region. the regular bus that was traveling from. the muscovite collided with a truck. there were 17 people in the car at the time of the accident. according to preliminary data, the bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the oncoming lane. all victims were taken to the hospital. the generation memory charitable foundation has announced a fundraiser for ied veteran oleg lukin. he was wounded in battle and lost his leg. he was awarded for his courage order of st. george, fourth degree. oleg needs an expensive protest. about how you can help alexander kundukhov. step by step, not quickly, but quite confidently, oleg lukin overcomes the flights of stairs
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, goes out to greet the guests himself, oleg lost his right leg in battle, went to the north military district in the very first days, during the assault on enemy positions with his comrades he came under artillery fire. there was a command to go further to storm the positions, we just got up from our shelters, from our positions. and flew in with a precision strike right across us, i felt a strong, severe pain in my leg, fell and passed out for a few seconds. oleg, a hereditary military man, after military service, decided to devote his life to the army. for military services, by decree of the president of russia, oleg was awarded the order of st. george , fourth degree, the award was presented to the soldier by representatives of the ministry of defense right in the hospital, like this... chaleg.
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among all our areas, one of the main ones is assistance in prosthetics of the upper and lower extremities. every year, almost 100 people pass through our prosthetics at the expense of the fund. anyone can help oleg; to make a donation, you need to send an sms with the word oleg to the short number 2266 and indicate the amount. you can also scan the qr code you see. on the screen: the functionality of this ultra-modern prosthesis practically repeats the work of a real limb, the electronic knee joint is based on hydraulics, this knee joint is controlled by a microprocessor, that is, all the modern world achievements there, as it were , in science and technology, they are strictly speaking
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embodied here in this dart joint. the fair is made in russia and the icon of mary, the largest cruise ship, sets off on its first voyage. it's my fault, i apologize. well, if you think that i will write a letter of resignation, then i won’t do it. sklifosovsky. on monday on rtr. we. we gathered about
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ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she’s bringing this cereal to the shelter, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we... olga and i made a decision , that i need to take the guys to me , i came across such people, they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simple amazing, from monday to thursday
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on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. you will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems. to get to know the country, how beautiful it is. just taste it. and we'll add kiwi there. it's just crazy taste. what's next? honey in norinsk? tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins as fats and carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have a strong health. food formula every saturday on rtr.
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wonderful boy, he is the only one. what connects me with his mother , i believed it, not only did he change me, he also lied to me all these years, you need to move on with your life, tomorrow you go to work with your head held high, next time i suggest we have lunch at a restaurant , we agree, someone else’s child, premieres on saturday on rtr.
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today, i am a miner, my father is a miner, and we live in the city of shakhtyorsky, my wife spent 6 years on tv.
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this is news, we are continuing the release. entrance a five-story residential building collapsed this morning in rostov- on-don. none of the residents were injured; people were evacuated at night after cracks appeared along the walls and ceilings of the apartments. an ambulance, a fire department, in short, our house is collapsing. according to the ministry of emergency situations, a total of 80 people were evacuated, the house was built. 60 years ago, now it is cut off from gas and cordoned off, the authorities have declared it an emergency. traffic on the trans- siberian highway in north ossetia is prohibited for all types of transport. the reason for the restrictions was deteriorating weather and heavy snowfall. on
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sakhalin roads are planned to open on monday. now the equipment is clearing passages in some areas of the snow so much that even the graders are slipping. a traffic jam of trucks has formed in the suburbs of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, the owners of cars are trying to get out of the snow captivity. volunteers are traveling on snowmobiles to remote areas to deliver food, water and medicine to residents whose homes are still blocked. an eighty-year-old pensioner was locked in one of them. they not only brought her everything she needed, but also helped her clear the yard. a tourist from vladivostok also needed help, who... came to sakhalin to ski, but got off the piste and got lost in the forest. it was discovered thanks to a drone with a thermal imager. in kuban, after the rains, the authorities introduced a state of emergency in populated areas affected by floods.
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we are standing knee-deep in water, there is no way for anyone to get through. in krasnodar, after the thaw, streets in the private sector are flooded. the puddles are so deep that some residents aren't taking any chances. get out of your yards. in moscow today has high atmospheric pressure - 760 mm hg. this is 12 units more than normal. the entire day in the capital region will be cloudy with no precipitation. thermometers will not drop below -5°. due to abnormal cold weather in the north of the volgograd region, wolves began to come out to populated areas. in search of food, they attack farms in whole flocks, attack livestock and even people. maxim akhmetov about how they react and regulate the population of aggressive predators, he killed him here, he drowned him, he drowned him here, here he is here, here he is he was chewed up, magomed shamilov is
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counting his losses, his farm is being terrorized by wolves , attacks have happened before, but so often for the first time, this year is a frequent occurrence, he comes almost every other day, this wok comes here every other day for bass, for this winter, they probably lost 20-30 heads, this livestock farm is located on the outskirts of the village and is surrounded by a fairly impressive forest, impressive for the volgograd region, so the wolves come from there, here is the trail of the beast, wolves are operating in the north of the region, here is the result of the morning attack, sheep were slaughtered, the guard dog is wounded, the color is bigger than my hand. the mark is larger than my hand, and this wolf attacked a resident of the village of ostrovskaya, she was saved from death by a miracle, as an examination showed, the predator was infected with rabies, she fought with almost bare hands, several
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times he grabbed my hand, andrei kovalev demonstrates his skills in using a special monk, vaboy, he is a professional wolf hunter, such hunters are turned to when it is necessary... to regulate the number of gray predators. the task is not easy: the wolf is a cunning and intelligent animal. even at night he behaves very carefully, but at close distances. is not suitable , so we need serious equipment, namely thermal imaging sights, so we are following the trail , here are two of them, so they go, such activity of wolves, according to game managers, is associated with the cold winter, this is a common systemic case when wolves are drawn to housing, the easiest prey is agricultural livestock, especially the number of sheep, the number of predators in the region. according to experts
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, it does not yet exceed the permissible norm of 200 heads, the situation is under control. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky. news volgograd region. an evening concert in honor of lenin's memorial day, dedicated to the centenary of his death, took place in moscow. famous artists and musicians performed on the stage of the columned hall of the house of unions, and an exhibition dedicated to the founder of the ussr took place in the foya. leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov. stated that the party continues the work of the leader, and his ideas were included in the election program of the communists for the upcoming presidential elections in march. the essence of this program it’s simple: capitalism built everything, led to a new war, that terrible massacre that they organized in ukraine. if we follow this lenin, we will win again, there will be peace and a decent life. nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov, one of the talented people who comes and presents.
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a wonderful future, this is a truly infrastructurally significant business, these are new jobs, this is truly a new word, both in fort infrastructure and in transport logistics. the legendary leningrad symphony opened the program the first dmitry shastakovich festival in the krasnoyarsk region, which is dedicated to the work of the composer and the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the lening blockade.
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there was a dream to fulfill it in my native leningrad. it was almost impossible to do this. the musicians either died or were on the front lines. rehearsals began very little by little, because people did not have the strength to hold the instruments. in modern, normal conditions, well, four, well, five days of rehearsal, in order to perform a new symphony. but this lasted from winter until end of summer. against all odds, it worked. the symphony played from every loudspeaker. besides. leningraders heard it and german
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soldiers, for many of them, who believed that the city was dying, it came as a shock. three trumpets, three trombones, four horns. the participation of these instruments is necessary in the performance of the symphony. dmitry shostokovich left such notes in his multi-page score. he knew exactly how to ensure that the transition from pianissimo to rolling fort would impress the listener. reinforced brass section is required. you. this year on the banks of the yenisei for the first time hold the dmitry shastakovich festival, the program is rich from quartets to jazz. he has a jazz work, a real jazz work, which is also quite widely known, and musical caricatures that we will also definitely show. krasnoyarsk will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad with a special concert. the first concert that will open the whole series of programs of the festival “symphony no. 7. leningradskaya”. there are no empty seats in the hall; all the tickets were available.
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literally rears up, yes, but she is a symphony, she is there for something to change inside. the two-week program includes performances by the divertissement chamber orchestra from st. petersburg and the state quartet named after.
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rising from the roof can be observed from many points in the city center, as operational services report, significant forces of the capital's fire department are heading to the scene. rescue garrison. participants in the volleyball competition among veterans and youth, which are taking place these days in st. petersburg, laid flowers at the peskarevsky cemetery this morning. the tournament itself is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the head of the supervisory board of the russian volleyball federation , nikolai patrushev, also took part in the ceremony. he emphasized that preserving the memory of those events is an important element in the upbringing and education of young people. throughout the country they showed fortitude and heroism throughout the country, and i think that all the memorials that exist we must carefully maintain, preserve, and so on, both
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the civilian population and the military personnel showed particular fortitude in leningrad. this is said a lot, it is necessary that this memory be preserved. companies from russia and china discuss investment opportunities at the first fair made in russia, which takes place in two cities in liauning province. 130 enterprises from thirty regions of our country are participating. already the first day of work showed that russian goods are in great demand among the chinese. from the festival grounds - a report by alexander baletsky. made in russia for the chinese, the familiar words have long been synonymous with quality and excellent taste. even if you take it like this chocolate wrap it.
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try nearly one hundred and fifty brands and one hundred and fifty companies. this train, around which the fair is located, is actually very symbolic. shinyang is one of the first cities in china where russian goods arrive, and russian products are generally one of the driving forces of all russian-chinese third-party trade, which this year for the first time exceeded $240 billion. chinese streamers praise ice cream, and within an hour the refrigerator is empty. in just one hour, 500 glasses from just one this refrigerator, only from this refrigerator. in the russian export center they were counting on such success, the chinese tell us that now there is a large amount of counterfeiting of russian products, so one of the important meanings that we have achieved here is that the russian export center for the chinese is such a guarantor
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of quality, russian flour, for example, the chinese appreciate the fact that it yields twice as much as their chinese cheese, and they always take it out in packages, so... we’re just getting acquainted with russian cheese to come, this is a premium cheese, and here its segment is hotels, these are restaurants, this is catering, so it is still a little difficult to go there, but everything is possible, but until recently the chinese almost did not consume dairy products, like milk itself, another gastronomic culture is now regularly enjoyed, it is immediately clear that natural and fat content is what is needed, this... from the outside it may seem like bringing st. petersburg imperial porcelain to china is like coming to tula with your own samovar, but in china it is also valued, and also crafts made of wood, artisans from khantemansiysk introduce local residents to folk crafts, it turned out that khanty toys are very similar to chinese puzzles, and the fact that russian patterns are very similar to
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chinese, northeastern ones can be seen even in clothing. the festival will end just before china. new year is the best time for sales for russian manufacturers, and the locals are only happy that they can safely say about the festive table that it was made in russia. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, vesti shinyana, china. to the usa on its first voyage the largest cruise ship in the world has set sail. a huge ship called the icon of the seas was built at a shipyard in finland. the 364 m long vessel has 20 passenger decks and 2,800 cabins of various categories. can carry 7,600 passengers and is served by 2,350 crew members. according to the plans of the owners, icon of mary will make year-round cruises from the united states to the east. about the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch today
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the main events of the last few days, news at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday, the largest nato exercises since the cold war, we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion, why is it being inflated in europe. and that western sponsors, massive strikes are expected, no equipment against ukrainian military targets and fierce battles
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at the front, faster, faster, calm, not nato can detect a target with the range with which we discovered it, why songs from the times of the great patriotic war are back in service, this is some kind of power, this is some kind of earth, this is something thin. this is the heart, heart homeland, the blockade fostered some incredible love for the city and an awareness of its beauty. unconquered leningrad, how they survived those terrible 900 days, why the truth about the blockade did not come out right away. as you can imagine, the vast majority of this material was classified. daria, what decision are you waiting for? retribution for a terrorist attack?
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how will biden answer why gun sales in america have skyrocketed? french farmers are on the offensive. tractors are blocking all approaches to the french capital. burning tires on the roads and mountains of manure in the street cities. what about power? and sakhalin island. the epicenter of the snow storm was here, far from yuzhno-sakhalinsk. the most incredible footage of the fight against the disaster. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. we continue
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to monitor developments. stay with us. scybe gold may suffer the same fate as the icons that were taken to louver. that is why the dutch court decided. not to return it to crimea, such a parallel was drawn in the russian foreign ministry after the publication of the walster journal about the details of the secret transfer to france, unique exhibits from ukrainian national museum of art, about the loss of valuables. anastasia popova. there are only 2 days left until the louvar sends five rare icons taken from ukraine to its storerooms until better times. more precisely, the exhibits risk becoming part of the permanent exhibition of the famous french museum. a new department will be opened there in 2027. byzantine and eastern christian art, its director does not hide his satisfaction in an interview with the wall street journal. in
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may 2023, in an atmosphere of utmost secrecy, they were under military escort. shipped to france via poland and germany, in specially built air-conditioned containers. no one outside the small circle knew we were doing this. the most famous icons are sergius ivak, ian the baptist, a fairly large , life-size icon, the mother of god. with a baby like digetria and a martyr and a martyr, presumably this is plato and a glyceria with a question mark, so they date back to the seventh, 6th century - they were made in the same technique, the most famous... greek painters zeuxis and parasy. the exhibits are not
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simply rare, a unique martyr and martyr, the bogomat with the child and the saints sergius ivan. this image of the mother of god is one of the three oldest images of the virgin mary in the world. the icons are made using the ancient technique of ancaustic, wax painting. the wooden board was carefully processed and covered with two layers of artistic primer, with the addition of vegetable glue and beeswax. and the special removal operation became known back in the summer. the kiev museum of varvara and bogdan khanenko, at first, did not want to part with the valuables. the matter was discussed not only representatives of the louvre, but also the minister. french culture, which was on a visit to kiev, convinced that it was safer this way. transportation by special trucks in a military convoy through poland and germany cost 215. euro. these are unique things from a very early time. these are church property, but although during the soviet period they were transferred to the state museum, you know, who would not think
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of sending them abroad. the story of western museums taking advantage of the moment to take out valuables. not nova, the same france, taking the most valuable of their african colonies, built a separate bronly museum. during the time of napoleon, the louver was also filled; there were thousands of examples of export, and only a few examples of return. we were at the opening of an exhibition in paris. 16 byzantine ikuns taken from kiev in may, now in france. five of them are exhibited in a special section of the louvre, the rest are stored in storage rooms in the north of the country. how long they will stay there, no one can say now. the fate of the collection is also unpredictable.
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a collection that kiev patrons of the arts, subjects of the russian empire, began to collect at the end of the 19th century, they were carefully stored and multiplied now, as the same wall street journal writes, about 25 thousand exhibits were allegedly hidden somewhere for protection from hostilities, which part of the priceless collection will still remain in ukraine, and which will forever dissolve in private collections in the exhibitions of world museums, it is impossible to predict. anastasia popovleya bernatsky, news from france. antipyretic, antipyretic. st. petersburg scientists have developed a new way to create raw materials for the production of medicines. the technology allows without using foreign components, synthesize the active substance necessary for essential medicines. report by margarita shkarabbura. this large-scale project became a real challenge for the team of st. petersburg chemists. scientists have been practically living in the laboratories of the technopark lately; there was no other way;
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deadlines were running out. challenges for scientists. complex and ambitious, in just 5 months by chemical synthesis to create in the laboratory an active substance for the production of medicines, we are talking about ketaprophenia, analgesics are the basis of many medications for pain, fever, inflammation. such medicines have been produced in russia for a long time, but imported components are still used, and this, according to experts, entails certain risks. mastering the full cycle production of these drugs is, well, a state task, by and large. and the synthesis of kitoprofen is the first step to ensure the drug safety of our city, and the country as a whole. the process was long and painstaking, first we conducted patent research, chose a synthesis method, then experience, experiments, the first results, mistakes, more than once it was necessary to start everything from scratch, but after 5 months in poland they were crowned with success, scientists obtained an active pharmaceutical substance from benzoic acid,
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the substance is part of crude oil. five stages of synthesis are behind us, and here is the long-awaited result, ready-made kitoprofen. it is from this substance that more than 100 different painkillers and antipyretics are produced. many of them, by the way, are on the list of vital ones. research has shown that the active pharmaceutical substance created in st. petersburg has patent purity. our main goal during the synthesis was for it to be completely independent, absolutely independent, that is, we can now produce fes kitoprofen without having to purchase raw materials from you... countries and states, this is very important. the development of scientists is one of the important stages in the implementation of the import substitution program in the russian pharmaceutical industry. after the technology of st. petersburg scientists is officially registered, it will begin to be used in practice in the production of drugs on an industrial scale. margarita shkoroburova, mikhail markov, andrey romanov, vesti petersburg. tomsk state university has developed a method for 3d printing of
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ceramic products. this will make it possible to create objects of complex geometric shapes that are in demand in construction, medicine, and even. in microelectronics. natalya chertkova, more details. this is what the source material looks like. this is the suspension that scientists from tomsk state university obtained. helps to produce ceramic products of complex shapes using 3d printing. the method being developed is one one of the subtypes of stereolithography, which is based on the curing of the original liquid material in ultraviolet light. the essence of the method is that curing occurs due to the projection of light of the desired geometry in the ultraviolet range, respectively, that is, we cure the entire layer at once, this allows us to increase the printing speed. compared, for example, with laser stereolithography. in addition to speed, the new method allows you to form a structure of almost any geometry of the future product. in practice this can be useful in
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waterproofing materials, medicine and microelectronics. ceramic is used to produce dielectric housings for microcircuits. yes. and in the future, we would like to learn how to print with more than just one material, not only ceramics, but also apply metal conductors on it. and in this way we will be able to produce a microcircuit in a ceramic case using 3d printing. now the attention of developers is focused on selecting the correct initial composition for the suspension, the required printing and heat treatment modes. as a result, scientists calculate obtain high-strength ceramic products with the required specified properties. natalya chertkova, ivan patvusov, lead tomsk. you will have to cover several thousand kilometers just through the snow-covered taiga. using the prints
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, game wardens of the iversky reserve keep records of animals, the pride of the amur region, the red deer - a key species in this specially protected natural area. lyoshka and the wits, overthrown, ate and rested that night. about fifty individuals live here. and other signs of fresh snow cover confirm their presence, but definitively silent camera trap observers installed in different areas of the reserve help game managers make sure that their charges are alive and well. these are fresh shots taken at the feeding site. they are now huddled in harems, mostly from five to eight cows, the wapiti usually gathers them, at the end of april they will begin to give birth. yes they will start to disperse. to conduct a forest census, inspectors need to survey different parts of their territory. it doesn’t matter what is on the way -
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fields, hills or ponds. to registration points via the entire reserve, its area of ​​50,000 hectares, is sometimes reached by off-road snowmobiles, but the routes themselves are covered on foot. during the day , census takers can walk from 5 to 15 km, while performing their work at temperatures down to -28°. if you are especially lucky, you will even meet the forest inhabitants themselves. the iversky nature reserve alone is home to 14 valuable game animals; in total, two dozen species are subject to census in the region. large animals, they are generally stable, but there are slight increases and slight decreases numbers, well, you all probably know that the number of wild boars fell sharply due to the fact that there was african swine fever. lately, the number of wapiti has been encouraging. it is growing slowly, the situation with the wolf is not entirely good, there are a lot of them. by mid- march, employees of thirty-two reserves will cover 3,500 km of survey routes.
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victoria satenko, leonid kasavan, conduct the amur region. the khalamogory bone carving is recognized as a property of russia. the unique art originated 4 centuries ago, and now this craft is included in the federal registry. masters are trained in the arkhangelsk region, in the village of lomonosov. there is also a factory there that produces masterpieces. presented in many museums across the country. report by elena yuryeva. while their peers are gnawing on granite science at school, they are picking apart the intricacies of ancient art, piece by piece. in the 17th century, master bone carvers had no equal. bracelets, cups, boxes, and combs were made from mammoth bones. the products were in great demand. now we still need to get a mammoth, the highest quality material is in yakutia and costs a lot of money, so the simple bones of others animals are honored here. and respect, the material is so creative, a simple bone , makes a person think, because from a piece, a large piece, it’s easy to make,
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let’s say, from a mammoth, yes, but from a simple bone you still have to think about how to saw it, how to use all its bends, but the bad student is the one who would not like to taste the mammoth, working with this material is a pleasure, the drill moves effortlessly, the tusks of the elephant’s ancestor are soft and pliable, this is... a mammoth ivory in a cut, when it is taken out of the permafrost, it dark color. who doesn't knows the specifics, he won’t even guess that it’s a bone. then it brightens, it is very important to say that... the bone is not afraid of anything except a sharp change in temperature and humidity. in the new building of the bone carving school of the village of lomanosov, all temperature standards are observed, but there are still few children studying there. now 21 people are receiving knowledge, but they could accept at least 35. recently , the kholmogory carving of kostya was included in the register of objects of intangible heritage of russia. recognition at the federal level, perhaps, the school director believes will allow
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the fishery is more popular and attracts. more applicants, unfortunately, there is a tendency towards the loss of bearers of this culture, and in order to avoid the loss of the craft as a whole, this register was created, that is, this register concerns only non-material objects, that is, the fact that these are not monuments, not sculpture , not architecture, something that relates specifically to something that cannot be touched, that is, this is an ethnic group, this is a piece of music, these are costumes, each region in the register is represented by unique traditions, for example, a republic komi... painting on wood vologda region with lace from the northwestern district on the site you can see 19 objects, each will be supplemented with photographs and videos, this is a great idea for preserving heritage, says student anna filimonova, she herself was thinking about creating similar content. in fact, the fishery is very interesting, it’s a pity that few people from the current generation, young people know about it, they are mostly
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in a different... specialty, that is, there is technology, information. the day will come, anna will put down the drill and pick up the phone. will make several videos about the life of his native school. as you know, new technologies, plus a creative approach, can help preserve cultural heritage and attract those who dream of creating masterpieces with their own hands. elena yuryeva, roman korolyuk, vesti pomore. well, by this time we have all the information, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all the news is always there.
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot,
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flight below.
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without them it is impossible to imagine the history of world cinema and the history of the country; these people, their energy, their devotion and love - this is mass film. a concert for those who left a piece of their souls in the filming pavilions. from my own experience i can say that the first 100 years are quite difficult, but then everything is simple. first 100 years, anniversary. film studio musfilm broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, come on
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let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for 1 2 3, subscribe, look, look. maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. good sunday evening everyone. your favorite folk program “songs from the heart” is on air. unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our heroes. and our guests from the city will open our evening today.
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well, he put the kwanda on the chopping block, either he died, or he died, he put the kwanda on the chopping block, or he died, but either he lived, you and i have no one to blame, it was that there was no change, dust them off in the morning in the solum, what have we done with you, far away, what... what have we done, what have we done, what have we done, what we did, what did you do, what did you do, what did you do,
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you know, you studs. i don’t care what people will say about us again, who is in the kingdom of god, who is crucified, and people say a lot, who is the kingdom of god, who is crucified, and people say a lot , i have a sick heart for you, only with you i feel good, but i thought the old man will tell you off, but what about you and me? did you do? i thought i’d get used to it and say, what have we , what have we done, what have we done, what have we done, what have we done,
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what have we done, what have we done, what have we done, hey, hey, hey, hey! beat the wine, madam, everything that happened, everything was destined, and in the morning we wove in the straw, you and i found the main thing, what did you do, what did you do, what did we do, what did we do, what... what did we do, what did we have done, what have we done, what have we done, what have we done, what have we
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done, what have we done, what have you done? what have you done to us? we tried our best. felix sirikati still can't believe it's his daughter. not only felix cericati. they often say that you are like brother and sister. no, no, we are often told that we are husband and wife. that's what i understood at first. no, well, you keep in shape well, well done, really. what about roman in general? my own miner is correct, i ’m telling you yes, i’m a miner, my father is a miner and we live in the city of shakhtersk, it’s like a chain , a chain of coincidences, yes, sha-sha-sha, yes. he knows in the area not only as a miner, not only as
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an excellent welder, but also his daughter, tell me how to whistle, dad whistles, whistles like a nightingale, yes, let's quickly get to know roman and see that he is a jack of all trades, i learned to whistle from my father, he was a miner and from... he was also a miner, in an underground mine people forbid not to whistle, there will be no money , although i somehow don’t believe in these prejudices, when we had hostilities, our mine closed and i had to feed my family with something, i really like the expression: find a job you like, and you will never have to work, i found such a job for myself, now i am a welder, in my free time from work i work artistic welding, i learned this on the internet, you won’t believe it, but they say the internet is evil, from this... junk i make beauty, i just wanted to do
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something nice for my daughter for her 18th birthday, i made the first rose, well, here we go, here we go then, i make such products to order from the nigoviks, there are all kinds of deer, for the new year, now i’ll show you how roses are made, maybe you’ll have a banquet in moscow , well, come on, when i’m working, i always whistle some kind of melody to myself, it helps me, you harmonize your lips like this and release air until sound appears. that’s it, we’ve got these blanks , now we’ll bend them, the fakir was drunk, the trick didn’t work, oh order, welding does not tolerate fuss, now the most interesting thing will happen , we’ll cook, so your eyes, just don’t look at the welding, the artist is looking on the landscape , the welder on the beauty of the seam, in any business there must be aesthetics, that’s all, all that remains is to paint, and lead malakhova, i work with both
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small details and large ones, when we had a son, this one appeared in our yard a wonderful playground that i made with my own hands, i believe from the bottom of my heart that if every father did at least something for his child, we would live better, no one ever forbade me at home, my wife accepted me as i am, i she already got it, whistling, he finds time for work, for family, and even for pets, in the fourteenth year... after they started bombing shakhtersk, people left this city and they simply released all their pets , and after that we got this bird, and we screwed it up, but she doesn’t talk, but while whistling she sings along with me. so for me all my life , family has been the most important thing, i live for the sake of the family, i work for the sake of the family, and i... i was sleepy but i couldn’t imagine how
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talented your dad is, diana, in general, i’m trying, we brought this pink one, look like this , thank you yes this is a beauty, by the way, if something happens it can serve you as a weapon of self-defense. tell me diana, is your dad strict? yes, dad is strict, dad is ex -military, dad is ex-military, i’m always like that i say, when someone meets me, i always say, be careful, like i ’m an old soldier and i don’t know the words of love, and actor yegor pazenko, by the way, is visiting us for the first time today, you know how to have fun, i’ve been trying all my life learn, but of course it doesn’t work out for you, i take lessons, but apparently i’m a bad student, i can do anything. already a competitor, well, let’s make it loud, let
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’s put something together, now it’s a competition, a competition, yes, come on, i’ll give you the chords, you guessed it, yes , yes, you guessed it, you have to try it, it’s easy, right? and yes, you can only hear things happening on the street,
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a lonely one will sing a harmonium, you can only hear it on the street somewhere. well, you ’re doing great, friends, thank you, thank you for this master class, but now your manager will come out on stage, the youngest participant in our program, he’s 15, he’s from the hedgehog coral, but we can already see that he’s quickly oriented, alexander martiyanov, song a letter to god. this morning i sent a letter to god with the
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free postman caesar, who flew to my feet. sitting on the windowsill behind the glass, on a squared piece of paper from a notebook, he asked forgiveness to him, and also wrote that everything is fine, i’m still... and i’m not alone, i don’t need anything else, the happiness of life with my own destiny, just let my loved ones stay with me under the light fall of leaves.
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a little more grace, give russia the homeland of bread, where we take the hanging strands, listen to the melodies of the foxes, and let my assistant over the world. the breeze seems like a wing, the spruce is weightless and perceptible, it flies upward in a cloud with a letter and
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it will reach him, believe me, but his soul. excites the flesh, neatly written on the envelope, address, sky, garden of eden, lord!
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i really love songs with meaning, i sang a song by the group lyube kon, it has such a great meaning about russia, about life, also my grandmother, my mother and i go to church on sundays, we pray, we go to the old believer church, and that’s what you’re in grade, i'm now in the ninth grade, i'm 15 years old, in a month and a half i'll be 16, but i'm already trying to get into management, and what do you plan to become after school, after school i plan to become... a programmer to go to study at a university in st. petersburg, and i also wanted to say that i really like it when i get applauded when the audience gives me gifts, well done, but sasha has another hobby, yes, my hobby is motorcycles, i’m a motorcyclist,
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let’s see. i always ride a motorcycle, in the snow, in the rain, in the sun, i really like this technique, two wheels, not four, more fun. yes, music and motorcycles are my two main passions, both of them were instilled by my grandparents, you can’t understand the whole motorcycle, no, i’m twisting it, i have a golden spirit, and he has golden hands, he copes with any tasks, on his own grandpa went to soviet motorcycles, such as minsk , voskozhn, we used to spend all our free time with him in the garage, repairing equipment, but now in most cases he controls how i do it, because he’s getting older, has problems with his legs, he used to help me, now i’m helping him, grandma , we’ve arrived, oh, hello, sasha, this is my
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grandmother, tatyana petrovna, the best grandmother in the world, and this is my favorite grandson, he helps me with everything, cooking dumplings, especially, we upholster with sashenka, mine, but it will be yours, most importantly, yes, sasha is with us to do not only the men’s work of his work, but also all the women’s things, if he needs to eat , he will cook for himself... he will cook it himself, he doesn’t rely on anyone anymore, we have a dream in them, if only we could have a bride just like him, i think , i guess i ’m such a hard worker for my grandmother, i always try to help her so that she can have more rest, otherwise my grandmother has been working at my factory for 50 years, we talk her out of it, we talk her out of it, no, she still works, sasha was 2 years old, he’s already started singing, i used to sing too, he sits on my knee and also...
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our family is very religious , it was my grandmother who told me that i should be in church every sunday. naturally, she taught me that for all happy moments you need to thank god, so we go to church every sunday and pray for the health of our loved ones, just let it be under light leaf fall.
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accordion player, accordion player, you play well, why are you an accordion player, don’t you hang out with us, you even play the guitar, yes, i can play it, come on, show us, so gleblov and volodya sharapov are at the table at... we ate without anger, gleb zhiglov and volodya sharapov, they catch the gang and say,
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the raspberries have blossomed wildly, all sorts of creatures have gone wild, there is no bread, but full of gulina, and the head is deep, and the working class is more fun, dance boys, love girls. oh, well done, boy, a cool guy , in general, and the most important thing is that i like that he says that he doesn’t want to be an artist, i want to get a normal profession, i’ll be a programmer, and this is what it will be like, said an old experienced artist, you’re you don’t know
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what changes have occurred in the life of felix tsirikati, an old, wise martist. will show you the photo after the advertisement, friends, stay with us, we have something to surprise you, boys, love, these insults are starting to pour out, tell, it becomes a shame who shamed peskov who is now on putin’s pencil, because even behind the scenes everything is under control. other programs also show these events, but only we have such exciting details. again, of course, everyone is discussing that putin is without a hat, an unexpected turn. i 'll give you gloves. let's turn the show around. we show the main thing about political journalism, it’s incredibly interesting. all
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week at every presidential event we we see more than others, i feel who is the engine here, moscow, the kremlin, putin , we look at rtr today, annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even scammed it, volenda was seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, yes. historian , today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's meeting , black mark, yes, the poster will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i i don't want you to die with me, so
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citizens, now the famous foreign artist miss will perform before you. a true story in a new quality, it will be like this, the master and margarita midnight is approaching, miss from monday on rtr, already on the platform we are watching all the episodes right now in the application or on the website, i thought that here , more seriously, you are sitting and thinking, here don’t think about whether this is all to play or not to play, yes yes, that’s it. it can’t be, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there is questions, how is everything running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, hint in
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general, the most passionate team, if... then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, is a five-on-one program, five- on-one on saturdays on rtr, we watch it to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries. movies, watch, watch, on the app or on the website, and how did it happen, who did this, well, it’s his ex-boss, the situation is like this, i’m out of my mind, i’m already afraid to stay with elyusha, grandfather, what was that,
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eron? we're watching skleposovsky on monday on rtr, our favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs are playing,
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good sunday evening to everyone who has gathered around the tv screens, songs from the bottom of our hearts are on the air, we continue, now our guest from the keimerovo region will appear on our folk stage, with a song i myself am lyubov, elyana altabasova! i have moyasa! vernitsa is very sweet to beat off, but in vain she hopes, and she won’t destroy me, i myself am an intoxicating berry,
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i myself am a dope grass, i know what is needed, love words, i myself am a species, i am fire myself, the morning tears are pouring for me like a hormone, you vernitsa you’re letting me down, throw me off to you, i have love, don’t wait for him, beauty, and don’t try to dodge, if i really like someone, he won’t leave me, the ice is provided, only when the cold comes, and my love is heartfelt. will never fade, i am trouble myself, i was fire myself along the ladder, the accordion is pouring tears into me, the sea is a rival, you are letting me down
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, leave me to take off for you, i am in love, i will look into the eyes, like a dear one, i will throw the fur coat of meetings down, silvered... and with it, the horse learns to be a tangle, will remember the trail to settle, gubertsov just a driver, from you my rival, with the voice of my heart out, i am the trouble itself, i am the fire itself, tears are pouring out for me, for my rival, you are letting me down, please take it off for you, i have love. i have love for you, photbus rules, dear
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friends, i came here from the kemir region, siberia, it took me a long time to get there in the snow, gulley. it took me a day to get there, but i’m here , you won’t believe it, but by the way, lena recently had a joyful event, lena got married, you know, i lived and worked in krasnoyarsk, it was an ordinary private store, we were working with a friend, well, since he came in, such a very handsome man, well, he smiled , in general, well, that’s it, i’ll...
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yes, well, let’s see how happy you are, and i go on occasion, occasion, occasion, on this occasion, to meet him once, this is a spur kuznetsky allatau, polutornik village, kemerovo region, formerly here there lived a man, he was very tall, and his name was one and a half ivan, like that. and the name of our village polutornik became, we are right in the middle of taga, i moved here 6 years ago, after all the ups and downs, after all the troubles that happened to me in the city.
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when i got married, i was 22 years old, my husband was drinking, at first a week a goal, then a month, and then it turned into years, he raised his hand to me, and from there my bad health started, i was eventually sentenced the verdict that you will not be able to have children is very it’s a shame, well, as they say , you have to live with the offense, so we live, after that i left... from him, i worked in a store, one working day a man came in, his name was dovlad, my whole world turned upside down, i from the sun of tajikistan, but i’m already used to the russian land , but i came here at the behest of the court to earn money, found my love and stayed like that, when i saw her, for the first time a light ran in the store, i have a man and a gentleman, horseman? or him in
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a cafe, before that i was about 15 years old, alone, after that our friendship became connected, together for eight years, he and i are a hot tandem, i’m russian, and he ’s a jerk, and this is our family heirloom, we already got married this year, so i was wearing a russian wreath, and he was wearing his national chapan. our loaf was made from tajik flatbreads. we do everything together around the house and cook, we are now going to cook pilaf , we live together, they have eid al-adha, we set the table, as they say, and invite everyone, we have paska, we also set the table and invite everyone, i’ve already russified him, we eat cleansers. why should we look at the passport?
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we’d better sing songs, i’m a stranger to you here , you know, the taiga, the forest, the clean air, i like it, i adore this bathhouse, come on harder, i taught you, mom, when you’re especially steamed, you come out so easily . rest your body, life after you're five , it's just beginning, treat love as if it were a good thing, take care, love each other, live, carry, save, but the heart finds no place, and the hour of meeting is not far away, the second youth comes to the one who first...
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i took it away altogether, well, i didn’t just come, of course with gifts, oh-oh-oh, well so this is birch sap, my daughter-in-law yulia sent it, yulechka, i love yulechka, but this is a raspberry from our taiga, it’s not just garden raspberries. so let's move on, these are pine nuts, all the squirrels in siberia eat them and so do you, right?
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how far are you from civilization? 80 km. wow, is this towards belov or somewhere? yes, towards bely. no, i kind of know all the places, it’s like, i was there, i was, so, if you go for raspberries, you can meet a bear, it’s easy, now in our country man has already disturbed all of nature, that’s why they have already bears come out to people, like this, so... i’m on the bear, i’m friends, i’ll go out without fear, if i’m with a friend, if i’m with a friend, and the bear is a friend, what do i need here, what do i know, what do i the house was walked by me when my friends are with me, what a dream to me, what a heat to me, what a blast to me, when my friends are with me, oh, felix tricati, friends, today at our table, next to lenochka, all the women of the country from
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eight to eighteen to eighty, i think she’s single, i’m already kissing her hands, you know, yes, my sunshine, well, you unique, well, i... when i come home, my helpam will be on the right side, which means i’m in a good mood, you will love me, i will love you, when you come, my helpam will be on the left side, which means i very angry , it’s better not to bother me, it’s better because leave so i don’t see you, she says: you know what, dear, when you come,
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i’ll have my hands, that’s how i’ll caress you, cherish you, and if i your hands will be like this, then i don’t give a damn which side you’re on, that’s the way it is, oh, i can’t, i’ll sing to you, yes let’s sing together, oh, look, felix has a national harmonica, but i love russian songs very much since childhood, now, probably, i’ll sing some papurik for you, yes, come on, let’s sing together, yes, such a good song, well-deserved russian artist, friends, phoenix. that’s why my dear one asked a question, asked a question, looked into my eyes and said,
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“i can’t love you, ayyy, ayyyyyyyy, driver, i can’t love you!” elbrus, handsome, look through the clouds, white papaka into the blue, this formidable mighty peak, but i can’t admire it. about, raida, vairaida, raida, vairaida, raida.
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but i’m sure, felix, that all the women who are now watching the screen and envy lenochka are expecting a hit on the stage from you, especially since the song that honored artist of russia felix tarikati will perform is called two cappuccinos, girls, so pour yourself some coffee.
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if she realized that i would be dreaming, i ordered two cappuccinos, then a stupid question, then laughter for no reason, a minute ago, they were strangers, suddenly they fell in love,
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i was not looking for adventures, i knew a thousand opinions about this, but i did not expect that this it will happen that there will be a knock on my door, i just bought two cappuccinos, there was a simple reason for this, after seeing yours. i couldn't help but fall in love with the thick eyelashes.
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and what is happening now, dmitry shestakovich’s seventh leningrad symphony has become a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say, we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of cannonades, and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed. that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even one’s own life.
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leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, today on rtr. we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage. dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik. what's this? lyanka griu. i had the right to know you had a child. this is a painted doll, your misha no longer lives. dmitry mazurov. i couldn't leave him alone at home. where is his mother? she left. well, let me sit with him. raisa rezanova. and you can let the nanny go now. it will go on without you somehow. so i'm just a nanny. well , i'm confused, and it's all over between us, now forever, stand up, someone else's child, mother,
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premiere, on saturday, on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, it could become a zaolon. or for athletes, we took the gto standards for 30-dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, we will tell you everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them... it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your work . open the laptop. i'll tell you a secret. there are resources about elections on the internet. the site opened immediately with information about: data about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns. wow, how technological everything is. you can see for yourself by looking at the zhik portal on the internet;
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you can choose freely in the country. important, honest comfortable. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's take a look, in the app or on the website. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes. don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr. this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported , there was an earthquake, just help
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evacuate the victims orange it’s really bad there, soon this lava, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly, the engine is completely out of order , i’m going on one, the engine is on fire, reduce the speed, ready for the nearest airport , i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, go by instruments, crew, on friday at rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, songs from the bottom of my heart are on the air with unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests, well, now on our stage is a duet from dagestan, who will perform a song in the language of love, khirinda sultanova and abdurrahman
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shakhmilov. dopo questa pizza che si dimentica di te, dopo questo celo senza arcovaleno, dopo malinconia, che mi prendo ogni bucia. dopo tutta questa voglia di sereno, dimmi che ci sarà, doppio sonna nella, come tutti marinai, attraversa questo mare di cimento.
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un altro inverno che soffia a neva su di me che ho già freddo se non sona quanta a te deve crederci ci sarà una storia d'amore un mondo migliore ci sarà. turo più intenso e un cielo più immenso ci sarà la tu ombra al fianco vestida in bianco ci sarà al più mondo più umano per dirsi ti amo di più dopo un
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oggi che non va dopo. la varità nessuno che ti dà niente per niente, dopo tutti i male che c'è nel mondo internate, come bello ritrovare da canta me di crederci. ci sarà una storia d'amore del mondo migliore ci sarà. del cielo più menso ci sarà la tua ombra al fianco vestita di fianco ci sarà
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anche il mondo più umano per chii siamo ci sarà una almensa e nel cielo mi immenso jesus. sarà la tuo ombra al fianco vestida ne bianco di più. somewhere there, it seems to me, albana and ramina power came together, looking at your duet, friends, we we hope for this that they united, our
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heroine, the beautiful lena, said that after fifty life just begins, my husband would probably agree with you now, because he is just like you, well, almost after sixty he met his love in seeing the beautiful me , he is a little younger, this is your creative duet, we must say, yes we have a kick, we are colleagues, yeah, yes, we have a video of your children's performance, 2002, friends, little boy , small boat, made from sister of one place, oh swam, soon, soon , drowned on...
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the boy became a captain and for a long time he was rocking in the blue paper seas, it is necessary, it is necessary, it is necessary, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, it is necessary, it is necessary, it is necessary, everywhere, to believe in a miracle , say everywhere , everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, instead of whether i will or not, i will, i will, i will, i will, so free, very free, you are such a french actress now, you know, i ’m trying to remember the film where you starred,
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you know, in which french, the film would suit me, yes, but your story is also just worthy of the french cannes film festival discoveries, let's move to dagestan and meet your chosen one. this is the village of adil yangiyurt, my husband’s ancestral village. for more than two centuries on this land, our ancestors were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, and my husband and i decided to continue this tradition; we now have our own greenhouse here. here’s my husband, we have a big age difference of 35 years, my husband is now 68, i’m 34. the difference doesn’t bother me at all , it doesn’t bother me, without love, surely with that big age difference it wouldn’t have lasted so long, 7 years ago i met her
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i sang the songs that we liked when we were young. i fell in love immediately. from now on we are together, she stimulates me in everything, this farm, everything is dedicated to her, and this is a greenhouse named after her, my portrait is there , we throw tomatoes, put on dresses for the concert, herendu also comes, helps me, but inspires me more , i am proud of her and boast about her, my relatives were very happy, despite the fact that... she is young, that she is a vocalist, a singer, here in dagestan, no matter how prestigious she was, these things did not bother them, on the contrary, they were happy. here
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my family, not everyone was happy with my choice, and the most painful thing for me, of course , is that the person closest to me is my mother, she does not recognize our family union, she believes that this is a mistake, that i should leave, mom said, this is a completely huge age difference, he is older than your father , of course, her words hurt me, because this is my mother, of course, i would like her... to be happy for me, i just hope , that somehow all this will change, people say different things, people say a lot, how is it so, what are you doing? crazy, you probably perceive him as a dad, no, i love him and love him as a husband, to this day i can’t say that i feel that an elderly man lives there with me, no, this is my beloved man, since i’ve been with this man for 7 years, well, probably, it’s hardly a mistake, i pray every day to
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be as big and healthy as possible. we are planning children, god willing, this will also happen in our family life, i really hope so, that you will tell your mother hirinda, i am delighted, my wife is really not like that, well, for 24 years i younger, but her mother... was very happy and satisfied when she said: i love felix, except for him, i have never seen anyone in my life, when i saw him at the age of 6, on tv i said, i will marry felix tsarikati and will give birth to his son , it so happened, yes, she is 24 years younger than me, but we don’t understand her at all, this is the age difference, my mother is the dearest , closest person, i am an assetian myself, i am from the caucasus, i know , what is this, yes, then remember
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me, mom will say, dear... without love you don’t need anything, without love there’s nothing no, take care and love each other, man azdyr , tell us about your family, well... my parents, i’m actually the son of a military man, i’ve been everywhere, all over the cis, i’ve traveled, in general, i went out on stage for the first time in a military town in 6 years old, i learned that they give cakes for the fact that someone performs, and there i saw that my older brother was standing on stage, he was in the fifth grade then, well, i want a cake, how to go on stage, i know, music girls, i was already studying, i was straight from the street in shorts, i was very unclean at that moment, i went out on stage
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and stood next to my own. brother, well, everyone in the hall the officers know us, here are my parents, they know our family, everyone laughs, because my brother was madly confused, he forgot the words, and i was selling that you’re a tit when the morning rises from him, that’s about how i got my cake, but i from i got my brother later, believe me from the bottom of my heart.
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i won’t, i won’t cross any earth , i will never forget a friend if i became friends with him in moscow, i will never forget a friend if i became friends with him, that’s how we live, we sing, i’m with me, i why not story about my family, the fact is that my dad is very... serious i’m sick, so with your permission i would like to tell my father, dad, everything will be fine , god bless you, you will recover, we will be very happy, and maybe someday you and i will come together to andrei malokhov’s studio, a huge hello to my parents, here ’s my dad on the screen, a retired aviation lieutenant colonel, we have gifts for you, by the way, also andre, gifts, i’m very interested now, what will i get, what song will you sing, i’m very interested now, you , it's a challenge. this is
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from my mom from our garden, oh this is homemade, this is straight from home, oh, thanks a little more to that. mommy, what’s your mom’s name? mom’s name is zahrat, zahrat, accept the choice, please, i ask you, we’ll try to taste what we’ll sing, valera plays any melody,
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the black guy sings, he’s next door to gremerki, he overheard, what’s wrong with us? and for one girl with whom he is in love, guess, instead of a sweetheart’s name , it sounds under the moon, dolalay, dolalay, dolalay, childishness burns the heart on a secret fire, i heard it, the wife, don’t by chance, the husband sang the funeral service.
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well, now we are transported to my homeland wives are a couple, friends, marina shurygina comes on stage with a song of feet. and i served there in the chat,
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i didn’t call you, i didn’t wait, i didn’t wonder why fate was leading us. i don’t understand, i lived without you, i’m not lost at all, without you i’m sorry , i’ll leave my happiness, don’t try to enter my city soul, you see i’m on the way, i put a stop sign, don’t try to find it. for questions and a story, don’t write to me online, tender words about love, just don’t be sad, don’t call in vain, i won’t become your
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long-awaited dream, you let go of your dream, we have no control over fate. do not regret about anything, happy, don’t be with me, don’t try to enter my soul, city boy, you see, i’m on the way, i put a stop sign, don’t try to find, for a question and a solution, don’t write to me online, and love tender words, don’t try come in and steal into my soul. you see, i’m on the way, i put a stop sign, don’t try to find, don’t write to the question and the answer, don’t write to me online, about love, a gentle fleet,
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don’t try to enter. and stealthily into my soul, you see, i’m on the way, i put a stop sign, we’re not trying to find, for questions and answers, don’t write to me online. about love, gentle background, no try to enter into my soul, city boy, you see, i’m on the way, i put a stop sign, don’t try to find, don’t write to the question and the answer, don’t write to me on the internet, tender words about love, too. long from the cheat, despite the fact that
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it’s cold here, i flew from the sunny transbaikalia, the sun shines there, it’s just true, every time i arrive, it can be cold, it can be hot, but it’s always sunny, it’s true there you have 360 - to me , sunny days there are always like in sochi, well , tell me, do you have a musical education, but no, i don’t have a musical education, it so happened in life that during the day i am a financier, debits are credits, here you have... i sing, and we also have a video greeting from your mother, let's see, let's see, andryusha, you are our transbaikal child, you have a wife from our trans-baikal region, i decided to knit you socks with the warmth of my hands, with my soul, with love, i hope you like them and you will wear them. poses are our favorite national dish of the transbaikal
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region, the most important secret is that the poses must be juicy, juicy, for this i add water, some water to the meat and make the minced meat so tender-tender, soft-soft, then the poses will be very tasty, i was at a party and made permeni permeni were like this and there were their bemen oh look how beautiful my mother conveyed everything yes thank you very much thank you very much, marina’s mom, thank you, i know that at the table you wanted to sing some special song, they told me yes, i have a brother. the youngest and he is a military man, a member of the northern military district, now
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his wife is participating, when he went there, my mother was very worried, in general, probably like everyone else - mothers, and i i sang this song, a song of prayer, let 's sing it, and my son, what of the foreign roads, your heart is frozen to the snow, i will help you with prayer, oh, for good reason, the star shines so brightly, over the distant foreign side, over your and my destiny , i should be that star. what’s above you , you see that you walked alongside alive, rejoice
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together at the birth of the day, they keep great hope in their souls, if again the howl, all my love, rushes first, losing blood, we are moving away from our war with you and... i would like to wish everyone mothers so that their sons return healthy, safe and sound, with victory, most importantly, with victory, and let them definitely wait for them. let us now settle on a short advertisement; immediately after this we won’t be able to reprint even more soulful songs. a patient has arrived, asking for urgent help, the patient's last name is bracken.
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continues, how did it go, why are you silent? skleposovsky, watch the show on monday on rtr! god, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just
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taste it, and we will add it there kiwi and enthusiasm. madness of taste, what's next for honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer. and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. anyu, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are
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not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, she, she is with... for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent, and what should i say, well, shout something, hit , i don’t know, when your husband has an affair, where does he take his these... too beautiful wife on saturday on rtr. favorite songs are played in our studio: let's go,
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birthday. everything i have in life.
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on the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one two three at a time, sign up, watch, watch, maybe we’ll go to my place , just watch a movie, i grew up pampered and spoiled by my father’s love, well, of course i regret that i missed something, of course, i miss it, basic advice, but how played, but how to do this, or in life, just come. cry, you know, to your dear one, say, dad, just let’s sit, dad remains like a beacon that continues to shine, andrei leonov in boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, on monday on rtr, good luck to everyone again
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sunday evening, friends, songs from the bottom of our hearts on the air, now on our national stage. here are the ramanteev sisters from the voronezh region with the song melnitsa, we invite everyone to dance, ah, spring of love for the king. groschikov was full, oh i fell in love, i guess i got dizzy, dizzy. dizzy , dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
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, and this is happening, yes it’s cool to ride, yes it’s cool to spin, blue check, oh love, where will you go, you’ll marry me, my dear, the wizard closed the night for kaldunya for everyone eyes, she washed the morning, gray dew, washed, washed, silvery dew, she washed the morning in silver. pure rose, and this is a mill, yes, it’s cool to spin, yes, it’s cool to spin, the blue ball, you’re in love, where are
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you getting excited, you’ll marry me, my dear! oh, you youth, young, happiness flows over the edge, i remember these nights, and take them away from my heart, i remember these nights, and my heart dreams of them, i remember these nights, and my heart dreams of them, and this is a sword. it’s so cool to branch out, it’s so cool to branch out, the ball is blue, you love this one, where are you going
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you'll get away, you'll marry me, my dear , and this is menitsa, yes, it's cool to spin, it's so cool to spin, blue scarf, you love it, where will you go, you'll marry me, my dear, uh, you love, where to sit? so tell me, which of you is older , which of you is younger, hello, andryusha, hello everyone, hello, hello, voronezh lives with you, the tenkievs,
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friends, let's see, let's go to you and meet your mother, attention. welcome to our beautiful village, this is our beloved home, our mother, our
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my friend, my smart girls, my, my daughters are my two wings, my two stars, we ’ll put the kettle on now, some tea, let’s brew, we have everything, our mother raised us alone, yes, our dad left early... from cough, this is hawthorn, you see, this is for the heart, these are our books on herbs, sometimes people turn to me, they give them herbs too,
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my mother, my grandmother. these were my first children, irinka was nine, kristinka was seven, there was a car accident, they jumped out of the bus and the car went at high speed, death was instantaneous, i could not imagine that they they will jump out of the bus, i thought they would get off, stand next to me, they would wait for me until i got down, my life was probably over with this, i blame myself, i would have asked her
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for... i prayed, i asked god for me he returned them, he gave me four more children , i am grateful to god for helping me endure all this, i am very grateful to my sister, you know, i was depressed, i let go of my hands, she pulled me out, after the death of the girls, olga for a very long time i was recovering, i always tried to be there and support. adopt part of this pain is even for ourselves, but this is a test that we have all been given, yes, which is owed not to her, but to all of us, yes, yes, in general, in life we ​​always tried to go right, we always tried to live honestly, mother and sister, of course, this my support, scattered,
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braids, blond, birch, i dreamed of pikes of severe frost, they brought us all to tears, and egor is crying, and i understand, i’m already in tears, yes, it’s really hard, 17 years ago all this happened, yes , at that moment my life was completely over, of course, but thanks, thanks first of all to god. because he gave me the strength to endure all this, to survive, secondly, because i have my family and friends nearby, this is my sister, this is my husband, these are my children, this is my mother, how great the lord is, and you correctly said that thanks to god and faith you were able to survive this terrible tragedy,
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but at the same time, look, uh, they are angels now in heaven, and you have four, four more children, we don’t know at the moment i have five children, five, and thank god, and of course, i also thought about that what, how great our russian people are and what great russian women we have, when we met these two laughing women behind the scenes, i didn’t think, i couldn’t think that people have such a biography, having such a biography,
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lowers blood pressure , cleanses blood vessels in atherosclerosis, it is used with honey for hoarseness, you need this today, read, read, so the following, thyme helps fight anxiety, relieves anxiety, and zverovoy? what shall we sing, girls, what mother loves, tell me what song, we have such a favorite song, almost a family one, we
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often remember it, there are such beautiful speakers. cranes flew over the earth , cutting the blue with a sharp wedge, there are no such beautiful evenings under a blue sky, like a fairy tale, like a fairy tale in the pit, where such beautiful evenings under a blue sky, like a fairy tale, but a fairy tale on iago, above the eternal fog, on opened my heart and
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is dearer to you, not mine, only you, then... thank you, thank you, i’m not crying, don’t cry, edge, and you are my little sister, you are my dear sister, everything is fine, thank you, well, these are tears of happiness, we have a stage, friends, our guest from the pendensky region, alexey dudochkin, comes out with the song dimples. who was i before i met you, tender
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, i was just floating, wherever the mad wind blows, well... for half my life i’ve been rushing to you, in your smile, the sun warms my soul, all i need are dimples on my cheeks, all i need is to hug my daughter, all i need is to be proud of my son, all i need is to be loved by you, all i need. dimples on the cheek, everything i need to hug the point, everything i need to be proud of my son, all i need is to be
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loved by you, only one, i completely believe in life, you are with me, which means... this ball is spinning, i want another half of my life, i rush to you, in your smile the sun warms the soul for me, everything i need, dimples on my cheeks, everything i need to hug my daughter, everything i need to be proud of my son, everything i need. to be your loved one, all i need is dimples on my cheeks, all i need is to hug my daughter, all
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i need is to be proud of my son, all i need is to be loved by you. all i need, dimples on my cheeks, all that i need to hug my daughter, all i need is to be proud of my son, all i need is to be loved by you. not enough apples on your cheeks, everything you don’t need to hug your daughter,
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everything you don’t need to be proud of your son, everything you don’t need to be loved, well, there’s more, well, everything is like in the song, dimples on your cheeks, daughter, i have a son and daughter, first of all, hello, andrey, i have arrived. from the penza region, the village of vadinsk, vadinsky district, the main thing we have to do is they told me that you are now a single man looking for a bride, we can announce the competition with valera is here, am i right in saying this, or is it a free divorced man, but the bride is for me first, here first, my grandmother asked first, wait, you still have 3 years until you come of age, what kind of man is disappearing here, and what time are you?
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i asked my mother to buy my first instrument, tell me, i wanted to tell you about this incident, we went to the toy store, i was 6 years old, and there was a small accordion, i said, mom, you can buy it, she’s now dancing or singing, and i say what song, well, you katyusha you sing as always, so i sang katyusha and danced there in the store, but they didn’t buy me a small accordion, then i went to music school in the third grade and graduated. art culture in penza, joined the army in the orchestra of the headquarters of the volga district, now i have been working for 26 years in a cultural center, then at school, that is, with children, and i know that your mother is an important person in your life, she sends us a video of hello, attention, this is my mother’s house, she lives here, now i’ll introduce you to her, her name is valentina andreevna, she’s a fan of this program, a fan of the host andrei
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malakhov, i say hello to malakhov, i sing a song, my favorite song, my favorite song in the repertoire, he calls me ugly, so why does he follow me, and i spite the autumn season. she sends her greatest regards to you, because she doesn’t miss the program every day, she watches, you are her favorite presenter and the most. her favorite program, a huge
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hello, thank you very much, guardian angel, but i also asked to hug you like a mother, there is an offer not only on saturday, sunday, do this program every day, thank you, hugs to the flying region, how do you like today?
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in this raging world, there is only peace, hold on to it, there is only peace, between the past and the future, and it is rarely called life, eternal peace, you can hardly please your heart, eternal peace, for those pyramids. and for the star that burst into power, there is only me, dazzling, and for the star that
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falls for joy, there is only me, the sanctifier mini. thank you with my heart and hand, for the fact that you, without knowing me, love me so much, i don’t i can’t remember my mom and dad here, they gave their whole lives to mass film, cinema, and i’m here, oh my shy hero, you cleverly avoided shame, for how long i played the role without relying on a partner. the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer! the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. this is news of the week and
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me. dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. the largest nato exercise since the cold war. we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion. why is it being inflated in europe? mass psychosis and scare russia? there are more and more losses at the front, and zelensky is making claims to the russian south. i signed a decree about the territories of the russian federation historically populated by ukrainians. and the barbaric terrorist attack in the sky of belgorodchi.
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trump is the main and only republican presidential candidate. i want to thank everyone. how will biden answer why gun sales in america have skyrocketed? news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. today on rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, your favorite folk show.
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i am standing on damp ground, in the middle of a wide field, i came after 20 years, they set me free. and i catch the sky, the height, with the depth of my green eyes, and i pray to the soul, the emptiness , with the purity of these salty tears, and i catch the heaven, the height, with the depth of my green eyes, and i pray to the soul, the emptiness, with the purity of these salty tears,
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the first year my wife left , after five and no friends, 10 years you waited for me and left for a better world, mother 10 years like... a short world 20 years like an instant the old man looked at me, every day in my dismay, 10 years like a short moment, 20 years like one moment , the old man looked at me, every day in my reflection
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, i will dream again on this night, they pull and shake on children's hands, unborn, son and daughter, grandchildren unborn by them, for their criminal, for their violent . for the unrestrained childish ardor, every day i cry with interest, in hot words of repentance; for the criminal, for my violent, intemperate childish ardor, every day i cry with interest, in hot words of repentance. i’m standing on damp ground, in the middle of a wide field, i
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came after 20 years, they set me free, and i catch the sky, the height, with the depth of my green eyes, and i pray to the soul, the emptiness, with the purity of these tears. salty and i catch the sky and the height, with the depth of my eyes, green, and i pray to the emptiness of my soul, with the purity of these salty tears, very, generally gorgeous, i must say that stanislav is a former lead singer of the lispovala group, now he is a solo performer and author of his
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songs, for almost a year now i worked in the group. you can say, well, this is not really a job, rather a way of life, because i really felt at home when i came, well, in principle, i felt the idea subtly understood, but partly because i served 8 years in kazan, there is such a competition kalina krasnaya among convicts, so i took part in it three times, and you are from tyumen, that’s right, yes, i come from tyumen, and you ended up in group immediately after leaving, i left the colony on parole, almost left 4 years, thanks to the boss, but i kept my word, and i immediately... styled the organizers of kalina krasnaya, that well, i left, that everything is fine, they they helped, they also took part in this, and after 2 weeks vyacheslav kalikov called and said that he was worried, but after all, when tanich created this group, he, too, let’s say, went through it himself, well, yes, i understand that there were punishments, only i’m tanich in the group, you have a very touching grandmother, let’s see
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how she remembers that time, for the criminal, for the violent one. for the unfettered ardor of the children, every day i cry with the lechva, with hot words of repentance, this was back in the sixteenth year, and i still keep his invitation, when i arrived at the concert i saw him on stage, i can’t express in words what emotions i had, i came after 20 years, they let me go... and i just had it in my soul, think how much you have lost in life, it’s thrown away, so many years, oh, sorry, i can’t, now these people are still looking at him already , as if he had been there, and i feel bad for him, oh, when
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i was invited to the stage, we hugged him, well, they allowed me and... i had already left him, but i simply couldn’t leave, i came back, he told me i even made a remark, well, go, go, go, grandma, go, now i still can’t calmly talk about it, as if this is something it ended, and then the trips only communicated through the glass, the desire for it all to pass quickly for both him and me, 10 years is like a short world.
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i sewed the costume myself, which stood on stage, that is, i made myself out of sheets right there, in general, and in this form i went out barefoot, well, i think that the main thing is that you still hold the core in life, that’s the most important thing, thank you, but by the way, he not only sews, he has several professions, he can also sew, and yes, i learned to be a shoemaker in the colony, that is, i have a shoemaker’s diploma on an individual basis sewing shoes of the fifth category. by the way , third-class welder, electrician, bricklayer , i have four diplomas, one of my own , yes, i studied at a technical school, graduated, and then graduated from college, excuse me, i generally think that when a person sings, it means that a person has a soul, guys, if someone says something somewhere, i’ll say, you know, lena said on the show
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that if a person sings, he has a soul, let me sing for you, yes, come on, what’s he going to sing for grandma? for grandma, i think something a little more fun is still possible a little, an old beautiful song about extraordinary eyes, here the roars run as if alive, shimmering, murmuring sorry, near the arch, i remember for the first time, these eyes looked at me. the stars are splashing golden in the sky, your boxes are beautiful, only your beloved can have such extraordinary eyes, only your beloved
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can have such extraordinary eyes. but in fact, i wanted to say that, uh , i have a wonderful wonderful observation today, because this is not the first time , fortunately, thank you for inviting me. all the speakers, they have become so much freer,
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it’s so much more relaxed, people are not necessarily professionals, they don’t necessarily live there in big cities with great opportunities, but coming even from the smallest villages, entering the scene, they just blossom, and today len, well, it’s just, well, that’s me. well, berry, well, i don’t know, but this is amazing, what you say, that you never learned to sing, and with what energy you go on stage, well, this is just something incredible, and dagestan, well, that’s what concerns , yes, as for dagestan, if only i would probably now have a video from my childhood, which i sang at my first competition in 1996, and it’s a local woman, i hear the old song’s tune that i myself sang more than once, and i close my eyes to the mic
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, forgetting that i’m a city person now, this song, wait a minute, stealers reminded me and the girl that i have often seen for a long time. and in a dream, there is a row there, a dark-skinned girl, berkum, just for chuts, my misma for kuptaro, kupta-kuptarian, dark-skinned girl, not a day off, more and more of my chuts.
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irina irshonok from belarus, friends, with a song golitka, we meet ira. and i, a wooden gate is more expensive than gold, here the unexpected past suddenly meets me, i touch with my hand, well, as if with my soul, it seemed to us all in childhood. that the world is so simple, i, as kaku says , familiar on the lips, behind the currant there were lilies and a whole
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valley of colors, all the sorrows and my memory will pass, dear, dear, only here will i find, wooden kalika, the elegance of simplicity, long-awaited meetings for me, you involuntarily give , i touch you with my hand. but as if you were in soul, and before it seemed to me that you were completely another, i have such a small taste, a familiar booty,
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behind the karita, and the whole house is all, i will pass through all the sorrows of my dear memory, dear, milone, just come here and with me. berry, raspberry, a familiar taste on the lips, there was lily behind the gate, and the whole house was in flowers, all swords.
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i will pass through all the sorrows of my memory, dear, dear, i’m only going to andrei’s, but my name is 22 years old, friends. and you come from a village somewhere
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near vitebsk, right? yes that's right. good evening, shanovny brothers. hello everybody. hello from belarus. my dears, how we wanted to come to you, it took us so long to get to you, the whole night, in fact, but that didn’t stop us. today we dance, sing and it’s very cool. let's see, you yourself filmed how you live in the village of varopaevo. attention. the belarusian currency is called a boulevard.
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my grandmother really wanted her to sing, she told her that you would sing, and we would watch, well, neither one nor the other grandmother lived to live, so we are happy for everyone, for irina, and we have a very sociable girl, she is on the street she was friends with grandmothers, everyone was waiting for her and sang when asked, she would sing to them, the guests will please them, everyone is getting ready, well, let's go to andrei malakhov, let's go. but they told me that you know some unique rare songs, well, yes, these are stubble songs, the most stubble stubble ones, you know that...
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immunity, so that everything is fine, thank you very much, come on, you’re in the finals of the program, you just understand, there is practically nothing more honorable, today, let's come up with something with a mood, this song is from the repertoire of nadezhda kadysheva, the snow is flying, oops. black and white birch sit, i believe it myself. but i can’t, that we are each other again let’s dream that i’m running through the snow towards you, the snow flies and flies, the snow flies and flies,
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melts on our lips, you and i, you and i don’t get out of the way, because it doesn’t know the road, happiness is like a transparent one. only the edges are too sharp, maybe you are my half, maybe i’m your half, the light flies and fly, hey, fly, fly, on the cubes, on the cubes, our table, you and i, you and i will not stray from the path, because that i don’t know the road. we know, we know, friends, we are on our way, next sunday in this studio, as always, soulful songs, we are waiting for yours letters, calls to the editor, take care of yourself and
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your loved ones, goodbye, flying, flying, you and i, you and i will not get lost in the studio, because. doesn’t know the way, thank you, president putin is putting things in order with all the social benefits for the participants of the north military district and their families, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, watch now. the largest nato exercise since the cold war. we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion. why are the masses being inflated in europe?


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