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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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the right medications, run to the doctor , medicine is like crutches for us, and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition russia forum, and how did it happen, who did it, well, it’s his ex-boss. the situation is this, i'm
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out of my mind, i'm already afraid to stay with lyuzhka, what it was, we look at rtr on monday. on wednesday morning, the ukrainian military used a nato missile to shoot down a russian il-76 military transport plane over the belgorod region ; the three accompanying crew members were transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were heading to ukraine for exchange. in russia, the plane attack
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was called a terrorist attack. president putin spoke in detail on the topic at a meeting with students and participants of the svo. they shot down our il-76 plane with its military personnel. 65 people, we didn’t just transport them there, but most importantly the intelligence department of the armed forces of ukraine knew that we were taking 65 military personnel there, everything was planned. in my opinion, 190, and knowing this, they attacked this plane, i don’t know whether they did it on purpose or by mistake, by thoughtlessness, but it is obvious that they did it, firstly, because they were two missile launches were recorded from territory controlled by the kiev regime at 11:10 minutes, the defeat of the aircraft
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occurred 2-3 minutes later, it was almost impossible to respond, secondly, this under no circumstances could it have been friendly fire, as they say in such cases, because the plane was hit with air defense systems, not by some army manpads and so on, but also by missile systems.
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says that this is an air defense missile , most likely it is an american patriotic system, or a european air defense system, most likely french, but in a couple of days there will be an exact answer, yes, that means, but in any case, what happened - this is a crime, or due to negligence, i am forced to apply this legal the wording it has. or on purpose, but in any case it is a crime. the news of the crash of a russian transporter was met with wild celebration in the ukrainian media. ukrainskaya pravda, followed by other publications , came out under headlines in the belgorod region, an il-76 plane crashed in russia. the ssu stated that this is their job. but as soon as information appeared that there were people on board, the headlines began to be erased. removing any mention of the armed forces of ukraine,
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all day long some kind of nonsense was rushing from the official kiev offices, then they knew about the exchange, they were not warned. for the un regarding the actions of ukraine, but france, which chairs the security council, refused on the pretext that there was insufficient data. thus, the west is giving ukraine time to come up with at least some acceptable version of events. it turned
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out to blame the crash of the malaysian boeing on russia, but now there are somehow no plausible versions, because everything is obvious, while no one... has condemned the actions of the ukrainian terrorists. on the russian side , the investigation into the disaster is being carried out by the investigative committee. il-76 confirmed was attacked by an anti-aircraft missile from the territory of ukraine, and the launch site was established - the village of liptsy, kharkov region. the fragments, fuselages and flight recorders seized from the scene of the emergency were sent for examination. all the details of the tragedy are in the reports of our belgorod correspondent alexander korobov and the host of the 60. minutes program on the russia tv channel olga skabeeva. these are the last seconds before the disaster, look, right here. the military transport il-76 crashed as a result of a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces. when the plane hit the ground, a strong explosion occurred, and
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fragments of the car itself were scattered over a fairly large distance. the radius reaches several kilometers. a burning transporter swept over the houses of several residents. an exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place in the city region; the transport worker was hundreds of kilometers short. the aircraft was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of libtsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radio means of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles.
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the ukrainian leadership knew very well that according to established practice , transportation will be carried out today by a military transport aircraft to the belgorod airfield. ukrainian warspeaker for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint on the russian-ukrainian border. the plane crew acted selflessly. the fall of the il-76 did not affect nearby settlements. this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, literally a few tens of meters away the planting begins, followed by fields. airplane the vks was just heading towards... a populated area, but after being hit by a missile, the pilots decided to turn away the burning side and it fell in the fields 5-6 km from the village. in yablonovo itself , a spontaneous memorial appeared near the eternal flame next to photo 76, red carnations lie
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in memory and gratitude to the fallen pilots who, at the cost of their own lives, took the burning plane away from the village. you see, here is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live, and we served them today. well, everyone who died at the port, i’m very, very grateful to the guys, the kingdom of heaven, there are still children, families, it’s a pity, i think that they are real heroes, heroes who managed to save the village from a major catastrophe, studied here in the 117th aviation military transport regiment of orenburg, the aircraft was flown by thirty-six-year-old stanislav bezubkin, 15 years ago he graduated from the krasnodar higher military aviation school, from that moment served in orenburg. after hours of flights to africa, to syria, putting out fires in turkey, stanislav could complete any, even the most difficult task, the commander had two little daughters, as a commander, as a competent pilot, he was very a great man, a man with a capital letter, i know this man, i can say that
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he could not have done anything differently. the flight engineer, andrei peloev, was an example for his wife’s two daughters; he loved history and always strived to learn something new. in general, i studied the engine of an airplane, that is, it had to work on the ground, but for some reason later, when he was assigned to orenburg, he wanted to fly, so i want to fly. flight technician sergei zhitenev made contact with his family for the last time on the eve of the fateful flight. we are on they always hoped for him, he would always come, he would always help. as part of the heroic crew, igor sablinsky , an experienced navigator and veteran of combat operations in syria , alexey vysokin, flew on three types of aircraft. assistant ship commander vladislav chmerev, fourth generation pilot, great-grandfather, grandfather and father, military aviation pilots. vladislav himself only graduated from flight training last year. smells, that is, he
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didn’t particularly have a question about who to be. orenburg mourns those killed in a terrorist attack; people bring flowers to the military unit’s monument. alexander korobov, news of the week. fragments of the bodies of prisoners, the remains of a camp uniform , blood stains on the white snow. criminologists record everything, including the tattoos typical of ukrainian nazis: a trident, a wolf hook or a death’s head. skull, skull, man's face, trident, wolf, star. during the inspection of the scene , fragmented human remains and aircraft flight recorders were discovered, which were sent for decoding. according to the seized fragments of the body and others... the footage
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of the copter shows black, warmed up as a result plane crash on a piece of land. fragments of a rocket were also found among the debris scattered hundreds of meters away. after studying the fuselage, the investigative committee confirmed the version of the ministry of defense. the il-76 was hit from a ukrainian air defense system, which was located in the village of libtsy, kharkov region. at 11:15, a russian plane crashed near the village of yablonovo, having missed the belgorod airport, exactly 70 km, look, right here, motherfucker, among the material evidence, there are documents of dead prisoners, a burnt passport of a ukrainian citizen in the name of dmitry kryuchko. in the lists on exchange he is listed under number 26. temporary certificate of a person liable for military service in the name of galtsev
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evgen number 7 on the list for a grand passport in the name of ivan roy. born in chernigov, he is the youngest prisoner; in the summer he turned 21 private. so, everything, pack, pack. these shots show the early morning of january 24, five paddy wagons. with flashing lights, prisoners are escorted to the plane at chikalovsky airfield. il-76 is preparing to take off. on board in the end there were 65 prisoners from ukraine, 12 people, militants from ozov, taken in mariupol. hence the tattoos with volksan. 1 2 3 three teeth grenade launcher gladyr was captured from the azov-stal bunker in april 22. the day before the terrorist attack, he turned 28, the remaining 53 people were career military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, grenade operator
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oleg kuzma, 35 years old, served as part of the twenty -fourth separate mechanized brigade, also surrendered near mariupol, be at home, be with your wives, with your children, no matter what varto, wash your kukut at home, the oldest fifty-eight-year-old yuri lobushev, senior soldier in a grenade platoon, pyatkin number 28 surrendered in march twenty the second, denis karchan, number 24, served in the 57th motorized infantry brigade, also laid down his arms in the twenty-second. thirty-year-old tank commander babaev surrendered in artyomovsk. bogdan dudyak, number 13, said that he did not want to fight, he came here for a month only for mobilization. in july of the twenty-second year , kiev. the regime also cynically killed its prisoners in yelenovka.
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the pretrial detention center was fired upon from american hymers multiple launch rocket systems. 50 people died on the spot, almost 200 ended up in the hospital. on these dates filming will begin in the summer of 2022. one of those killed in the il-76 crash, forty-five-year-old danilchenko, said that soldiers in kiev are treated worse than meat. they threw it away. they didn’t take us away, that’s why i decided to surrender, i wanted to live, they consider us like meat. both black boxes have already been delivered to the special laboratory of the ministry of defense, their condition is suitable for decryption. the study of the destructive elements and fragments of the fired missile, the operational services reported, will take several days. it is most likely that the strike was carried out from the patriot air defense system, an american produced or the french air defense system sam. a total of 10 large fragments of the il-76 were found at the crash site. hundreds of entry
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holes from the striking elements of a missile fired by the ukrainian armed forces were found on the wreckage of a military transport vehicle. an il-76 shot down by ukrainian troops in the belgorod region, ” said a representative of the emergency services. according to him, the destructive elements themselves were discovered. some of them got stuck in the casing, many pierced the casing. the interlocutor added that each type of rocket has its own filling of different shapes, and the explosion of the rocket occurs when approaching the target in accordance with the parameters specified by the designers. the first official reaction of kyiv. ukrainian pravda writes in the belgorod region, planes crashed in... they said that their work was worthwhile. the message appears at 11:04 ukrainian time, that is, 49 minutes after the plane crashed. after 5 minutes the text edits the title changes. information about the guilt of the ukrainian armed forces disappears. a similar trick on the rbc ukraine website was the downing of an il-76 near
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belgorod, work in the ssu began, the fallen il-76 was transporting missiles. for s-300, while the ukrainian general staff , which is headed by zelensky’s close associate, lieutenant general shaptala, by this moment also actually takes responsibility for itself, declaring that the il-76 is a legitimate target, 5 hours later, in kiev the version changes again, gur refutes the general staff, stating that it is the russians staged a provocation and hid the route of the il-76. today was supposed to be a failed one. exchange of prisoners, according to the russian side, this happened as a result of the downing of a russian il-76 aircraft, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on board the plane in what quantity. ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that prisoners are delivered by air, rail and
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road transport. at the same time, the kremlin once again officially said that kiev was their own. temporarily informed about the presence of prisoners on board and the route. the plane took off from the chikalovsky airfield near moscow and was supposed to land in the city of belgorod. the exchange was supposed to take place in the village of kolotilovka on the border of the belgorod and sumy regions. the prisoners were supposed to be transported there by bus. 97 km along the highway, an average of 1:30 minutes on the road. as it was, for example, on january 3, 2024, back home then. 248 russian soldiers returned. in these exclusive footage, a similar l76, which in the same way first flies to the city of belgorod, has ukrainian prisoners on board, sitting in the center on benches, next to each other, just like on that ill-fated day three man accompanied by military
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police chevrons. then a successful exchange took place, the fourteenth in a row at the kolotil checkpoint. since december 1, 2022, at this point , a total of 962 russian military personnel returned home alive and healthy, don’t worry, i ’ll come home soon, the ukrainians, of course, knew this route well; the fifteenth exchange in kolotilovka 195 for 195 people, which was supposed to take place on january 24, kiev was disrupted by staging a terrorist attack.
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if there were agreements and the air corridor was agreed upon, then the immediate arrests. arrests must begin among those who gave the command to shoot. zelensky himself appears in public only 13 hours later; he published the video after midnight, that is, on his birthday. as proof that he was suffering, he asked not to congratulate him on the holiday. he reported that he had held an emergency meeting with defense minister umerov and commander-in-chief zaluzhny shaptala. the head of the general staff, who took responsibility for himself in the first hours, and the head of gurbudanov, who later refuted the shaptal. there are no details, he talked about difficult emotions. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives with the emotions of our society, it is necessary
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to establish all clear facts, as much as possible, given that the plane crash occurred on russian territory, beyond our control, this is the main word now white the house stated that it is not yet possible to determine the cause of the plane crash, independent examinations are awaiting and... this is despite the presence of satellites. two days later , deputy pentagon press secretary sabrino sink was finally forced to answer. whose missile did kiev hit the plane with? she promised to check all the data, including the possible use of patriot, and immediately handed over the floor to someone else. regarding the downing of the russian plane, i was wondering if you had any new information regarding the allegations that american weapons were used to shoot it down. do you have an answer? thanks laura, this is an issue we are looking into, i don't have any more details, i have seen some posts regarding liability, we are looking into it, but for now i have nothing to share. but the key thing was still
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said: no matter who shot down the united states, they would not give their sanctions, said state department spokesman potel, who was also literally forced to do so. there are indications that this russian plane was shot down by a ukrainian shell or some kind of missile, what i can say for sure is that the us is definitely not involved in this in any way. forensic scientists continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack; some of the collected materials are already in moscow. president putin said that the russian investigative committee will widely publicize the results of the investigation so that everyone including people in ukraine, knew what he was doing.
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in total, zelensky calls this territory historically populated by ethnic ukrainians, and russia, according to him, has systematically destroyed ukrainian national identity here for centuries, violating their rights and freedoms. well, do you know? here, as they say, stand or fall, what kind of plan can kiev implement on our territory, and even with the participation of international experts, what
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could russia do for centuries with ethnic ukrainians, when centuries of ethnic ukrainians simply did not exist as an ethnic group; if this word was ever used, it was only in relation to the inhabitants of the territory, which was called in russia.
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putin spoke very precisely about this historical phenomenon at the very beginning of twenty-two: as a result of bolshevik policies , soviet ukraine arose, which today can rightfully be called ukraine named after vladimir ilvich lenin. he is its author and architect. this is entirely confirmed by archival documents. including tough laziness. they
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call this decommunization. so, just to remember, one more time. modern ukraine was entirely created by russia, or more precisely by bolshevik, communist russia. this process began almost immediately after the 1917 revolution. moreover, lenin and his comrades did it very rudely. towards russia itself in ways due to separation, tearing away from it part of its own historical territories. of course, no one asked the millions of people who lived there anything. then, on the eve and after the great patriotic war , stalin annexed the ussr and transferred to ukraine some lands that previously belonged to poland, romania and hungary. at the same time,
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as a kind of... compensation, stalin gave poland part of the original german territories, in 1954 khrushchev for some reason took crimea from russia and also gave it to ukraine. actually, this is how the territory of soviet ukraine was formed. russia was actually robbed in this way, and i would like to ask, why on earth? many questions immediately arise here, and the first of them is in fact, the main thing is why it was necessary to satisfy any boundlessly growing nationalist ambitions on the outskirts of the former empire from the master’s shoulder, to transfer huge territories that often had nothing to do with them at all to the newly formed, and often arbitrarily formed, administrative units of the union republic, i repeat, pass it on together with the population of historical russia. moreover,
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in fact, these administrative units were given the status and form of national-state entities. i again wonder why it was necessary to make such generous gifts, which the most ardent nationalists had never even dreamed of before, and even to give the republic the right to secede from the unified state without any conditions. putin is talking about ukrainian nationalists, to whom... the whole of ukraine was broken off by their master's shoulder. the soviet government did not think that ukraine would fall to the nationalists; on the contrary, they proceeded from proletarian internationalism, but the nationalists eventually broke the country over the knee with the help of the west and turned it into anti-russia. done and this is still done by ukrainian nationalists who present themselves as patriots. but between patriotism and
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nationalism. nothing in common, nationalism has a different nature and other goals. pierre eliot trudeau, a representative of a brilliant galaxy of western politicians of the 20th century, very accurately defined the essence of nationalism. father of modern canada. this is how pierre iliot trudeau entered history. regardless of the color of the right or left , nationalists are political reactionaries, because they... actually, this is exactly what we see in ukraine, except that nationalism there acquired its extreme form of nazism. ukrainian authorities
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from the very beginning, i want to emphasize this precisely. the first steps began to build their statehood on the denial of everything that unites us, they sought to distort the consciousness and historical memory of millions of people, entire generations living in ukraine. it is not surprising that ukrainian society was faced with the rise of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism. hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in gangs terrorists on... he has some strange plan of his own, and at the same time he cynically refers to the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, the european one . and zelensky also declares that for russia a charter of regional languages ​​and minorities, something there is something like that there, violating
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everything that is possible and not possible in their country.
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no one even thinks of oppressing them in any way. kievan rus is our recognized root. and historically, the little russians, co-creators of the great russian empire, are full-fledged participants in the soviet project. yes they do it here now a common cause on a common basis. probably the most prominent authoritative historian of ukraine, academician pyotr petrovich tolochko, wrote as if responding to zelensky’s accusation. all this is difficult to evaluate, even as a matter of fact. historical ignorance, since historians who lament the bitter fate of the ukrainians definitely know that they were never particularly humiliated and oppressed, their situation was no worse, in certain periods, and much better than the position of the russians, they also know that
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russian social thought didn't count little russians are a separate people from russians, confirmation of this is the fact that little russians, along with great russians , took part in the construction of a common state, became chancellors... the country, which took place in soviet times, in fact, until independence, did not experience from their little russia, ukrainian inferiority complex. you know, i even have a personal story about this. my mother’s maiden name is not tasty, which in ukrainian means not tasty. if documented, then the first mentioning the surname of our family,
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a statement to his excellency the director of the moscow engineering school: we, the undersigned, bring to the attention of your excellency that... signature september 17, 1911. nikolai ivanovich is not savory, as academician tolochka writes, he certainly did not have any complexes about his little russian origin.
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during the first world war, as an engineer, he built bridges and crossings in the army of general brusilov; in 1939, apparently, due to his non-proletarian origin, he was declared a polish spy died in the magadan camp , rehabilitated posthumously, like his brother, vladimir ivanovich nesmachny, also an engineer, worked in siberia, was shot in 1937 for allegedly participating in the counter-revolutionary tratzkyite underground, and the third brother, that is , my great grandfather, nesmachny alexander ivanovich, hero of the russian-japanese war, here is the service record of ensign nesmachny from december. 910 rank, first name, patronymic, last name. ensign alexander ivanovich nesmachny. service position. junior officer. orders and insignia. has a sign military order of st. george cross, fourth
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degree, number 145659. when was he born? 1882, january fifth day. what rank does he come from and what province is he born in? from hereditary nobles of the moscow province. what religion? orthodox? where were you brought up? he received his general education at his parents' house, military education, and graduated from tver. for exploits in battles to defend the fatherland,
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serving as an example of courage, dedication and military skill. but here is a list of fights where cornett, unsavory, took part during the first world, including a cavalry attack on the city of shchyutchin, podgrodna and the pursuit of the retreating enemy. the military unit is the fourth dragoon novo-troitsko-ekaterenoslav regiment, awarded the highest order of the order. st. anne of the fourth degree with an inscription for bravery, an order called cranberry in army jargon, it was issued along with a shoulder bladed weapon, saber, sword, dirk, with the badge of the order of st. anne attached to its hilt, a red lanyard from an order ribbon and a silver tassel on him, in the event of an award for military exploits in the hilt was marked with the inscription “courage.” and here is the last document. killed by the germans during
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reconnaissance. november 6, 1914 near the village of erdmanin. regimental adjutant, lieutenant, signature. by order of the emperor , he was posthumously awarded the order of st. stanislaus with swords and bow. at the time of his death, alexander ivanovich nesmachny was 32 years old. at least someone singled out this example . on the street, a wife is trying to fight off her husband from the ukrainian
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military commissars, the outcome of an unequal battle with a group of armed men is obvious, another fighter for the ukrainian armed forces is being packed into a minibus, well, where are you there , the cleaning of city buses according to an already tested scheme is carried out in odessa, call the police, well, that’s not the case, what should you do among passengers , mostly of retirement age, they are looking for those who are younger, where to click to show you how i know, you have a passport with you should also have a military receipt, where to click? for 40 years, you should already know where to click. they also reached out to deputies of the city council in the lviv region. here they are meeting every day under the flag of the upa. however, right during the awards ceremony of the local military, posthumously, military commissars came to see legislators. they issued summonses with a clear prospect of fighting with russia, which is generally logical; from the wall in the most prominent place, a portrait of the nazi criminal bander is looking at the deputies. now i will show you the consequences of total mobilization.
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in the usa in europe. it is becoming more and more obvious that the conflict with commander-in-chief zaluzhny is simmering on the domestic political front. in the ruling servant of the people party, 17 deputies intend to resign, faction leader arakhamia said. they talk about the threat of ukrainian statehood, but there are no recipes for salvation other than nationalist ideology. here is a current officer of the armed forces of ukraine proudly declares that he is a continuer of the traditions of his ancestors.
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who simply opened up this world, who simply discovered this wonderful world, and that’s it, everything worked out, the history of the country.
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where, during the soviet era, it was ukrainians who built and developed cities, enterprises, and so on. it’s a paradox: there was no state of ukraine, but its historical lands somehow exist. it was already written in textbooks for elementary grades in ukraine in the 2000s the fact that ukraine, as a state, attention, in the second millennium bc fed the whole of europe with bread. what ukraine, what state, where it came from, there were scythians, yes, there were plowmen, of course, there were ancient greek colonies. yes, there were sarmatians and so on, but where the ukrainians came from, it ’s not clear, so even today we can say that we kind of laughed at this, it’s really funny to laugh at this textbook, because hunger was drummed into the heads of the young generation, which grew up on the fact that ukraine independent, always european, and there live russians, quilted jackets, barbarians, asians
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who are lower than us, you know, this is the same racial theory, because nothing is sacred for the journalist of the american online publication breitbart... which does not follow the western stream, publishes a shocking story, as in a ukrainian city uman, where tens of thousands of bratslav hasidim flock to on pilgrimage every year. at the sacred grave of the especially revered righteous man nachman , a large-scale construction project took place, right on the site of an ancient jewish cemetery. the residential complex is being built literally on bones. outraged american congressmen sent collective letters to kiev three times, including to kuleba and zelensky personally, but to no avail. pressure was put on him to use all possible measures to prevent the destruction of the cemetery. it has been called an important issue of religious freedom, as well as a violation of internationally recognized human and cultural rights. the court ordered the demolition of the structure, but, judging by the photographs received by breibart, dated january 2, 2024,
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the building is intact and construction continues, in the rada, zelensky’s ruling party is actively preparing a scandalous bill on full legislation for the second reading. military equipment and personnel are being transferred from overseas to germany, poland and the baltic states. these will be the most...
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knows where the sausages that mom puts on the table come from, for adults a gastronomic paradise, excellent balyk with salts and truffles, at quite store prices, and for young people to enroll in the bundeswehr, it would seem that what an armored car and an exhibition have in common , besides the fact that they are green, but the german army is so sharp needs recruits, that any site
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will do, young people are trying to fulfill the standard for push-ups in a bulletproof vest, plus 16 kg to their own weight, a group of girls fills in. russia and belarus next week , the stalwart defender 24 exercise will unfold from the east coast of the united states to the western borders. they will simulate actions to blockade the kaliningrad region from land, air and water, in case the russians try to break through to their glory and cut off the baltic tigers from the rest of the zoo. similar there have been no exercises for several decades, what kind of emergency situation is being practiced?
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the exercises will be carried out in four stages and will primarily provide for a scenario for the uninterrupted transfer of us and european troops to nato’s eastern flank. putin’s visit to the kaliningrad region greatly strained the brains of western military analysts, they say there is a reason for all this. scenarios of possible conflict are multiplying in the media. the daily mail has mapped the attack. russian tanks controlled by artificial intelligence are breaking into the baltic states. russian hackers located, for some reason in tunisia, attack the transport infrastructure of europe, and missiles hit civilian targets in germany, france and great britain. indeed, why hit the military? all this is planned by the daily mail for 2044, although they do not agree on the timing, maybe earlier. military experts assume that it will take russia several years to be there. able to start hostilities, but this is only a guess, no one knows for sure, we must actively use the next 3-5 years to arm ourselves with weapons
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tense. by the end of the cold war, the army of the tiny netherlands had a thousand tanks, now there are a few left, count it, no, and now we need to convince the dutch, and everyone else with them, that they need new tank divisions in order to scare the russians with them. during the week, not only current people, but also former people commented on this topic.
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russian territory, the russian nation and the russian state are authorized to launch a nuclear strike, so we oppose a doctrine that is so clearly defensive in nature, to say that russia is going to take over the whole world, you have to be, i don’t know, crazy. however, this is more likely a simulation of madness. in the atmosphere of a besieged fortress , it is easier to fight internal rebellion. the german government, writes spiegel, has created a secret headquarters to assess the consequences of trump's return to the presidency of the united states. this supposedly threatens that europe’s key ally will suddenly desert the battlefield to which europe itself dragged. however,
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there is still time until november to worsen your own situation on the front line. 1st of february the european commission plans to push through the financial assistance package for ukraine and waste another 50 billion euros. to do this, however, it will be necessary to deprive hungary of its voice, which slovakia opposes, so its opinion will also need to be somehow ignored. all in all. a live summit is planned with consequences, especially since the thirteenth package of sanctions is still on the table, and there is no transfer to ukraine, not frozen russian assets, but income from their use, which in itself is strange, how something arrested can generate income, but for them, the main thing is to decide, and then the lawyers will understand the nuances, although from time to time the same lawyers criticize the producers of the sanctions, because they are introduced on the basis of anonymous denunciations, russian...
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such nonsense becomes the justification for adding new names to the sanctions lists. the council of europe, by the way, no longer calls usmanovo an oligarch, although this does not mean that the practice of applying individual sanctions based on manipulative articles in wikipedia and the opposition russian press no longer works. everything is working. lies are their tool politicians. on the day of the liberation of auschwitz by the red army, the head of the european commission, vonderleen , lies about being at the gate himself. speaker
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of parliament lubysh blach, before the meeting he was presented with a souvenir can of beer with the image of a red star, a st. george ribbon with the inscription ussr, which he did not hide, put on the table, and then put the press in its place. sorry, but i will never hide gifts that symbolize victory over fascism, it doesn’t even occur to me. thanks to the red army, thanks to the russian people, for our liberation from fascism, thanks to all the peoples of the ussr for fighting for us. for the collective, lyubysh blaha is a mortal enemy, destroying anti-russian mythology, and he, too, is no longer alone. saravagenknecht is the face of a new political party in germany, a total opposition to the german government, including in the understanding of history, they talk about ukraine as a young democracy, but nazi germany began as a young democracy. in a country
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that today supposedly defends our freedom so powerfully, our values. on the contrary, the alternative for germany has completely and finally established itself in this capacity. amid protests against the coalition’s policies, government parties are making titanic efforts to discredit the alternative and alienate voters dissatisfied with the government. left-wing extremists demonstrate in vaahina with the slogan of killing adc leaders, and this is normal.
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german television interviews participants in pro-democracy rallies who... to state symbols, but if the anthem is from the stage, it’s not the time to appeal the microphone was taken away from him, and the police stole germany, causing such a reaction, then will these people go to fight for germany? the question is open, maybe they will go, but so far there are no queues at the recruitment centers. soon there will be another exhibition in berlin, the
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same large one in europe, although the one where they sell. not meat, but the body, an exhibition of industry achievements for adults, irotik messa 24, perhaps the bundeswehr personnel department should think about renting a pavilion. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, gleb napara and andrey putro, news of the week, germany. tonight , french farmers intend to put paris under complete blockade. the idea is to have none. the truck was unable to deliver any food to the capital. all the actions and promises of the authorities have not yet found a response in the peasant souls. and then there’s ukraine, they help it with money, and they also let cheap and low-quality food from there into france. first, polish truck drivers protested, then the baton in europe, this rebellion
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was picked up by farmers in germany, italy, spain, holland and romania. the list becomes everything longer from france with hot news from our european correspondent anastasia popova. it all started peacefully, but the farmers’ patience quickly ran out. trucks carrying foreign products to france are emptied, bulldozed and set on fire. the goods are most often distributed to poor relief organizations, but sometimes they are also good. there are products that come from spain, morocco from the african continent, which also do not meet the standards of our products, but at a price 10 times cheaper, we want to say that enough is enough, that means enough is enough, demonstrators are destroying shelves with bottles of foreign wine, food security is all french, there are demands to ban all food imports from outside the eu.
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stop this over-concern about free trade that... leads to our extinction, we import products into our country that do not meet the standards, and they demand from us that we comply with them, this is unbearable, we want food sovereignty, this is more likely. claims against the european commission and parliament, which having lifted the bans, they flooded the market of european countries with duty-free, cheap goods from ukraine, with which the locals cannot compete; the production of too many standards of bans is too expensive. french farmers reached brussels, and belgium, in turn, began to seethe. tractors in the center of the belgian capital, the sight of a rather unusual cow, as a symbol of what european standards have brought french farmers to. green agenda.
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we are told that this is all because of ukraine. today we don't even know if we can earning the tomorrow of our profession that we are passionate about. we are young, we would like to think through our future. we see our parents living in poverty. why do we need this? every 2 days, one farmer commits suicide due to high costs. about 30 years ago there were over 3 million farmers in france. today there are less than 400 thousand left in the profession. they can no longer remain silent. their main weapons are manure and waste. 17 thousand liters were poured onto the prefecture of vajni.
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a police car was attacked with liquid feces. they also fill logistics centers and supermarkets, so much so that the roof collapses. from north to south, barricades, burning tires. route that connects france and belgium. violated. this is what the main communication with neighboring countries looks like now . traffic in both directions is blocked. on the road there are tractors, agricultural machinery, a lot of hay and firewood to keep warm at night. the blockade here lasts for three days. they are on duty in shifts and do not leave, despite all attempts by local politicians to intervene in the matter.
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he is in india, his first appearance among the people and the first macron is traditionally deaf and far from the protests, an attempt to calm the farmers from the young prime minister gabriel in a suit and patent leather.
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“we are not optimistic, our president is not even in the country, no, let’s wait what the prime minister says, the tax on diesel fuel for suvs is easy to cancel, it was not difficult to install, so it will be easy to cancel it. then it flared up, caught fire center of guingamp, those who believed the government were declared traitors and marched on paris again. modern kings of the motorway, tractors block everything entrances to the french capital." the goal is to block logistics centers for the distribution of food and put the city in a tight ring, not allowing trucks inside. the operation to strangle paris
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has been declared indefinite and will begin on monday afternoon. anastasia popova obernadsky denis lisit. vesti nedeli, belgium, france. in thursday in st. petersburg, a court sentenced daria trepova to 27 years in prison. this is the longest sentence given to a woman in modern russia. trepova was found guilty of committing a terrorist attack in the spring of 23 year, as a result of which the military commander died. several dozen more people were injured; the terrorist’s actions were directed from ukraine; in her final speech, she cynically stated that her conscience was clear before god. in addition, the court ruled that trepova must pay the victims 16.5 million rubles. more details about everything, vitaly kormazin.
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trepova was found guilty of terrorism, trafficking in explosives and forgery of documents. on instructions from the ukrainian special services, she spied on military correspondent maxim femin, better known like vladlen tatarsky, i bought his books and went to meetings. on behalf of the organizers, she purchased sim cards issued in the name of unauthorized persons and smartphones. she installed a program on it that allowed her to gain access to the microphone of the mobile device and its location. she had it all. funds were transferred in cryptocurrency, she was controlled via telephone in march twenty-third, an employee of the ukrainian special services, yuri denisov, gave her the same plaster bust, which contained 400 g of explosives. received courier figurine trepova brought the so-called artist’s house here to a rented apartment, all the interiors here are like this, there are many workshops in which plaster blanks and paintings are stored, and therefore none of the residents paid attention to the new bust, which trepova, it must be said, treated very carefully , it was stated in court that she bought gold paint
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and a brush and periodically touched up the figurine to make it look bright. i wanted to present the bust at the same time in march at a meeting at the new russian university, but the curators forbade it. frames were installed in the building metal detectors. she was aware of the presence of an explosive device in it, which is confirmed by her correspondence with her friend, traces of explosives in her rented apartment and other evidence. during. last word, trepova stuck to her line, called herself gullible, naive, brought a project, i didn’t support mine, i wanted to come to ukraine there, i fulfilled requests, which later became tasks, but all this time i was sure that there was only a microphone in the situation , i'm sure that at least i i don’t believe her, she was going, i knew, she knew what she was going to, well, crippled destinies, crippled relatives, friends. still everyone,
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you know, we are being treated for ptsd, all other problems, he says that i am pure before god, but for me this is blasphemy. trepova behaved insincerely at the meeting in the cafe, says victim elena telnykh, her photographs helped the investigation. just compare the look of that godly dandelion who is now sitting behind bars, well, quite impudently, to the woman who came to our event. victims and the fact that trepova, a physician education, wanted to go to ukraine to help the wounded, but she didn’t help anyone at the scene of the explosion. one of the very last ones came out, through the main entrance, she stood right at the exit, looked around, walked in this direction along the embankment, towards the bridge, dialing someone's number along the way. she called the curators, according to her lawyer, an offer to collaborate was made by roman popkov, who escaped from russia and was included in the list of terrorists and extremists, and a certain gestalt. trepova understood that she was... recruiting, but, they say,
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she believed the promises to transfer her to kiev. mr. popkov, wonderful , this is the kind of person he turned out to be, he doesn’t know how to do anything in this life, and in general he’s a complete scum, but he manipulates people very well, the person who led this, i don’t know if it’s gestalt, certainly has special knowledge in organization such things, this was not done by ordinary people, certainly not daria, certainly not popkov , this is a whole special operation, that is , all this could not have happened at any stage, then it was already clear that the ukrainian special services did not choose the tatar...
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to drive a wedge between the russian and ukrainian people. philosopher alexander dugin, whose daughter was killed by the ukrainian special services, believes that trepova easily succumbed to recruitment, constantly went to unauthorized events, and had exclusively liberal views. this is the first example of a terrorist attack, terrible, bloody, cruel, giving homeland, carried out on the basis of liberal ideology. daria trepova opens a new page. in modern russian liberalism, this is a bloody, vile terrorist page that is desirable nadari trepova close. together with trepova , dmitry kasintsev was convicted, who, knowing about the terrorist attack, sheltered her at his home. he received a year and 9 months in prison. the victims of the explosion are grateful
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to the investigators, police and our special services for solving this case. it seems to me that in general , throughout the northern military district , society’s attitude towards security forces, towards the military, towards doctors began to change, and we returned a little to the consciousness of soviet people, when we respected people not of business, but of people who help us live. since then the moment when arya trepova was arrested in april 2023, she is here, in women’s season number 5 of st. petersburg, she returned here every time after court hearings, the verdict was announced, but trepovo will not leave the walls of this pre-trial detention center yet. those convicted have another 15 days to challenge the decision. the panel of judges , they say, they are already looking at a general regime women's colony, perhaps as far as sablina station near st. petersburg, only after 20 years will trepova be able to ask for parole, but before the terrorists in russia have never been released before. vitaly kormazin, natalya novgorodova, denis tsitsaronov,
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vladislav dubtsov, reporting for the week from st. petersburg. this is the news of the week, next in the program. election battles against the backdrop of civil confrontation and division, how texas rebelled, why gun sales in america soared. american know-how, death penalty through nitrogen asphyxiation, painful but cheap. and incredible footage of the fight against the snowy elements, sakhalin island. these obins begin to pour out, tell, it becomes a shame who peskov was shamed by who is now on putin’s pencil, because even behind the scenes everything is under
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control, other programs also show these events, weaklings, but such a capture. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look right after the news of the week, we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for
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slavik, what does it mean to know that you have a child, this is a painted doll, already yours misha didn’t settle down, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where did his mother go, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can let her go, we here it’s already somehow without you, it means i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well , everything is over between us, now forever, get up, what?
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“this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, the island of the outline was heard, just broadcast, there was an earthquake there, asks for help evacuating the victims .guard, it’s really bad there, the ship is sailing soon, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i’m going on one, the engine is on fire, reduce the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, follow the instruments, crew. on friday , rtr says it will show the first pavilion
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of mostfilm. mosfilm celebrated its centenary. i would like to sincerely congratulate all mosfilm members. the main people are the main film studios in russia. without them, it is impossible to imagine the history of world cinema and the history of the country. these people. on friday on rtr. in
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the united states, security forces in the southern states have disobeyed the white house and are asking biden to get out of the way. point of contention of hundreds of thousands refugees that are arriving uncontrollably every month. across the holey american border in the south, the locals were about to string barbed wire in the way of the settlers, but by a court decision it was decided to remove it; the federals who arrived for this purpose were simply not allowed near the fence. of course, this is not yet a civil war, but its sign is very bright. the temperature inside the american pressure cooker is growing quite alarmingly. and this is at the start of the presidential race. where the level of intransigence is also off the charts. all details from our sapkor in the usa dmitry
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melnikova. the white house is not decreeing texas and the state continues to fence itself off. the regime of invasion, which was announced by governor ebot, gives local authorities the right to conduct military operations themselves. federal border agents are not allowed into the crossing. the texas national guard is deploying armored vehicles to the border with mexico. this is our country, local residents comment. texas has all the powers because the framers of the constitution knew there would be times when the federal government wouldn't do its job. states have the right for self-defense. these times have come and the map of the division of america today looks like this: 25 states, that is, half of the usa. stood next to texas, republican governors supported the state’s decision to take border security into its own
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hands, and neighbors florida, oklahoma and arkansas sent their national guards to reinforce them. economy, but it was under biden that the open door policy led to a real disaster, in 3 years there were 8 million migrants from 160 countries, the whole world rushed to america,
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only now many began to understand that the disaster is man-made and was part of the plan. america. what was agreed upon, if passed into law, would be the toughest fair set of border security reforms we have ever had in our country, it would give me, as
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president, a new emergency closure authority border when it becomes overwhelmed, if i were given this authority, i would represent, i would make it clear that we support texas governor greg abbott in his heroic efforts to protect citizens your state of all americans. everything that happens in texas continues to play into trump's hands, especially biden's helplessness. trump publishes a call on 25 governors to send national guard forces to texas for help and demands that congress block a bipartisan
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deal, behaving like the current president of a parallel other america. our country is dying, our border is open, it's an open wound, it's never happened before, we're waiting for a disaster to happen, the border security deal biden is pushing, is not aimed at stopping illegal migration, but at continuing the invasion of america while billions of dollars are sent to ukraine in other countries. the victory in new hampshire brought trump closer to the republican nomination, but he never became the only and irreplaceable one. nicky haley is still an alternative that...
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israel, but it is unlikely that the current administration will have time to withdraw troops from iraq and achieve at least some success in the war with the houthis. the day before, in response to another us and british air raid, they struck a supertanker carrying kerosene for the pentagon. and no one even in washington sees a good scenario. and according to polls , the overwhelming majority
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of americans are dissatisfied with the upcoming elections between biden and trump, but the political system cannot offer them anything else. in 10 months , yes... the war, the upcoming presidential election is a clash between two presidents of completely different countries, the upcoming confrontation between biden and trump goes beyond the usual liberal-conservative split between the two parties. today we are talking about race, religion, culture, economics, democracy, retribution, and perhaps most of all, identity. borderline parliamentary and constitutional crises, america has never been in such discord in recent history. the confrontation between texas and washington and the support for this rebellion...
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unlike russia, the united states still practices the death penalty if the person sentenced to death is executed before... through which they began to supply the inert gas nitrogen. nitrogen is the main component of ordinary air, but we inhale air not for the sake of nitrogen,
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but for the sake of oxygen, of which there is approximately 20%. so they decided to deprive kenneth eugene smith of oxygen. it turned out brutal. details of the mocking execution, our correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. invitation to execution.
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in the next room, where from behind the glass they will hear the words of the condemned man spoken into the microphone, the last words, here they are, tonight alabama forces humanity to take a step back, i leave with love and peace, thank you for supporting me, i love you all, a moment later , a mask similar to the one worn by firefighters will be placed over smith's face, and for him, real hell will begin, a man in a government-issued shirt and trousers with the department’s seal spread out on this couch.
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despite the fact that the district court canceled that execution 2 minutes before its formal start, the team of executioners, dressed in multi-colored
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robes, nevertheless began to act in attempts to inject smith with a lethal cocktail of medozalam hydrochloride, rucuronium, bramide and potassium chloride, the jailers stabbed the condemned man all the veins that they could not get into, at some point the warden began to demand that smith help him, raise your head. kenny: it's for your own good, he insisted, condemned, refused. now, after his death, they make him guilty again, they say, he persisted and resisted. smith held his breath as long as he could. he, of course , struggled a little, there were involuntary movements of organizing breathing, but in general all this was expected, and then the side effects that we observed with nitrogen hypoxia, so there was nothing unusual that we expected. where such confidence comes from is unclear, because even the company that produced a mask that was used for execution, just in
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case. this is from their website, it sounds like very dark humor. since 1987, our growth in this market is the result of our commitment to developing and manufacturing reliable, innovative and high-quality products that meet industry needs and facilitate compliance.
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thanks, thanks for wanting to be textbook, they deserve a huge first in this country to do this, and now i suspect many states will follow our example that the jailers from the alabamas pass off as almost a feat for everyone else the recognition that an unpredictable experiment took place on a living person; smith might not have died, remained, for example, in a vegetative state or choked on his own vomit. the death penalty is still the same in america. it's an everyday matter. of course, the president was told, the president spoke, said that he was deeply concerned about the way the death penalty was being applied and whether it was consistent with our values? are gas chambers in line with american values ​​and have been in preparation for 2 years? check in arizona. this is
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the witness room, on this side of the room there is a gas chamber, which those condemned to death can choose as a means of execution. the cameras were not used for their intended purpose for 22 years, but when problems began with injection components, a solution was immediately found. the arizona department of corrections spent more than $2,000 to purchase ingredients to make cyanide gas. the department bought it for $1,530. potassium cyanide, as well as sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid, which is necessary to produce the deadly gas. a simple mechanical combination of granulated potassium cyanide with sulfuric acid causes a violent chemical reaction, the product of which is hydrogen cyanide, a poisonous gas that stops cellular respiration. it was first used as a pesticide in california in the late 19th century to control pests. then they used it to treat the clothes
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of mexican migrants. the german chemical industry improved the substance under the brand name cyclone b, it began to be used for mass executions in nazi death camps, that is, in gas chambers. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis lisitsin, vesti nedeli, usa. the russian ministry of defense has distributed footage of the combat operation of the geocent s self-propelled gun of the west group of troops. shot! in the kupinsky direction, artillerymen carry out precise strikes around the clock on military targets, armored vehicles and enemy personnel. objective control footage received from the uav in real time allows you to verify the destruction of targets. one one of the most interesting targets is a foreign-made counter-battery radar installation. geocide is
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an artillery sniper rifle. because it hits very accurately over long distances. next up is a report from near artyomovsk. grigory vdovin reports. the road to artyomovsk at night, during the day it freezes and comes to life only with the onset of darkness. all movements now are mainly in the dark, because all sorts of different vip vehicles, scouts, mavics, and drones are working. we are going to the brigade's location northway. we are offered to look at a local landmark, we do not refuse, it is generally known that something similar exists here at the front, but in person, i personally managed to see it for the first time on the highway. a ural car, on its platform there is something very naval, very artillery and very naval. initially it was called rbu-600 and was used to destroy enemy torpedoes and submarines, but in the donetsk
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steppes everything also works fine. our guys, so to speak, are from the beginning, a little having scratched my head, i installed it on the ural base, and at the same time removed all the installations. completely in manual control, and the electricians also strained themselves a little, brought the trigger mechanisms into the cabin of the car, tried it, and it worked. the fuses have been installed and the target coordinates have been obtained. the command post of one of the brigade's assault squads. work here goes on around the clock; the fact that it is a bit empty only seems to be because, in principle, few people film here. expresses a desire, there is even a gym in the next room, we organized a gym on our own, at the base destroyed city, as if they found a lot here, they just brought it here, organized some exercise equipment, parallel bars, a horizontal bar, you need to keep yourself in shape, this is combat,
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except your legs, nothing else will save you here, the unofficial commandant of the premises is the cat thomas, his the merit is enormous, there are no mice here, from an unexpected dicaprio on the wall and shoppingauer on one of the tables in the workroom... in artyomovsk now it can be very short, sometimes you have to run all the time to listen to the sky. the mood is fighting, the warriors are eager into battle, and not so long ago one of the lines was occupied, let’s say, where the enemy troops were, the enemy fled, left
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everything they could, everything went in as expected, as trained, that is, the artillery prepares, then the infantry comes under already covered by the cliffs, agsa, that is, there was no chance at all. at the same time, our interlocutor remembers the city as flourishing and intact; he was here back in 2014. now here in artyomovsk the situation continues to remain quite tense, our troops are confidently holding the city, while the front line is from it is moving away, but quite slowly , that is, the shelling continues, in such a situation , of course, we cannot talk about the beginning of restoration yet, but there is no doubt that the city... will be restored quickly and completely, as soon as the war finally leaves here. a commission from the ministry of construction has already visited here, despite the fact that artyomovsk is very compact, while military operations are still quite active in its vicinity. grigory vdoin, oleg
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makarov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, reporting for the week from artyomovsk, dpr. the light has melted in the night. and the fire has long gone out, and the stars see us, maybe for the last time, the moment of parting, it will mercilessly present, bandages and wounds await you, a long journey does not await me, you are a medical sister. and i , a regimental reconnaissance officer, my heart hardened, suddenly lost peace in the wake of stalingrad, amid the smoke
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of the fire, to the roar of canada, i was introduced to the war, now little-known songs from the times of the great war. the second night lies, we are waiting for guests from the other side,
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the order of the sapper to take that he will place mines, so that in the event of a quick advance we to avoid loss, this song was given to yuri shcherbakov by the son of a front-line soldier, ivan avdeev, a baenist and... performer who went through the entire war with her and died in 2005. the accordion is a ringing, breathing instrument with mysterious buttons instead of the black and white accordion keys that everyone understands. there is a myth that the accordion was once invented in germany. but for some reason the germans don’t play the harmonica. their mixture of single-color buttons is downright hypnotizing, leading to numbness.
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a unique harmonica player, soloist of the cossack song ensemble stanitsa. i'm a straight fan hot, and yury shcherbakov, i think this is some kind of colossal phenomenon, of course, this is our national treasure, this is some kind of power, this is... some kind of land, this is a smoking thing, this is a heart, the heart of the homeland , which is like that, it beats, beats, beats , that’s what yura is, saying this, garik has every family right to this, i’m the same as millions and millions, millions. my peers in the country, that’s all, dad did
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n’t fight for long, he was called up in 1944 at the front, not for long, now the war was almost on its way to to its completion, he finished it in lithuania, my father, where he actually met my mother, she fled from the camp and was a miner for the partisans. kotreda - then , after the war, she once cleared the minefields, my mother told me, fortunately i was not taken to selaspils, where, where is the death camp for children, so she was terribly afraid of this solaspils, they knew this word, children, the light melted in the night, hit the course. machine gun,
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suddenly the friedians decided to process it, but you have no escape, terrible pain in the leggings, i won’t see my dear anymore, and i’m alone and doomed, melted
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the light of the night, and it seems to me, perhaps, as never before, it will not sound, because the folklore of the patriotic war is combined with the present time, the light has melted, it bowed to me , heal, heal, you will still fight, thank you for love, for beautiful love. to call you a fascist, now i’m dead, my son is also
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an officer, a combat officer and... i think he’s a hero, he didn’t receive the order of courage in vain, it’s not given just like that, so, well, naturally , i then take an accordion with me if it works out for us to perform somewhere, at least a few songs for to play with guys, it’s worth a lot , it’s worth a lot, to hear words of gratitude from them, you’ll never forget those handshakes in the eyes, because the whole truth is in the eyes, there’s a great depth of human emotions and what they experienced, it’s just for themselves too you feel it and it’s impossible to convey it, it’s been carried on for weeks, we’ll come back after advertising, these insults begin to be poured out, they are told, it becomes a shame who shamed petkov and
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who is now on putin’s pencil, because even behind the scenes everything is under control. other programs these events are also shown, weaklings, but only we have such exciting details. again, of course, everyone is discussing that putin is without a hat, an unexpected turn. i'll give you gloves. let's turn the show around. we show the main thing about political journalism, it’s incredibly interesting. all week at every presidential event we see more than others, i feel who is the engine here, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look right after the news of the week, we look, love is
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when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look. let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign , look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, i grew up pampered and spoiled by daddy’s love, well, of course i wish i had missed something, of course, i ’m missing some basic advice, but how was it played, and how was it? to do this, or in life, just come and cry, you know, to your father, say dad, just let’s sit, dad remains like a lighthouse that continues to shine. andrei leonov in boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate on monday on rtr. annushka has already bought
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sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even sold it. wolend was seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, yes. historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's , black mark, yes, the poster will now be a millionaire, margarita takes yellow flowers in her hands again, i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i i don’t want you to die with me , so, citizens, now a famous foreign artist will perform before you, a true story in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita midnight is approaching messer from monday on rtr, already on the platform watch all the episodes directly now in the app or website. there are places that
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fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because in them. power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather. this world is worth seeing. smiya caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on
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rtr. a patient has arrived and asks for urgent help. they said i stabbed him, do you believe that? yes, it's true, no matter how much it hurts, there will be no take like this, ir, what are you, i’m afraid that i won’t wake up, suddenly it will be even worse than now, while there is hope, life goes on as it passed, why be silent, skletosovsky, we’ll watch rtr on monday, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, skrif , i can’t live without you, important
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news from the government: from february 1 by 7.4%, a number of social benefit payments will be indexed, and maternity capital will also increase. a decree on this was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. help for families will increase, first of all, we are talking about a one-time benefit, which submitted at the birth of the child and monthly for child care. maternity capital will also increase; on behalf of the head of state, it has been indexed over the past few years; this year it will amount to more than 630,000 rubles. for the first-born , almost 834,000 for the second, for subsequent children. there is also an increase in payments to disabled people and veterans of the great patriotic war and military operations, heroes of russia, including labor and other citizens. in total, this
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measure will affect about 20 million people. in wednesday mikhail mishustin presented government awards in the field of culture. about who received the high award this year, olga meshcheryakova. these people can rightfully be called the guardians of culture and true values.
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to cancel tchaikovsky means to ban the concept of love, the divine part of your soul, it means to cross out, that’s all, i don’t want to speak rudely, but i’ll say it gently, those who banned are fools, dostoevsky from the world’s treasury,
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this is to be needed, today we need happy ones, the most popular of arts too receives an award and gratitude for the circus project for the children of the village, with which the artists perform throughout the country and selfless work in new russian regions. we were the first to go there, when in 2014 there was a direct missile hit in the lugansk circus, we repaired this circus, at first you are proud, then you cry, we were there during the referendum, when... lugansk became part of russia, so people they stood up, cried, everyone was also proud. pride in the history of the country's people through wonderful music and
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dance. sixth world folklore festival, bright and colorful, brought together artists from 37 countries in bashkartastan. the highlanders festival has been taking place in dagestan for two decades and captivates with the incredible charm of its national color. and real stars light up under the sky. awards as an advance for the upcoming work in the development of our diverse culture, so that bright, original talents gain millions of fans, on the initiative of the president , a pushkin map was created with all the conditions for supporting art in the country. the state gives its obligation and guarantee to provide resources to all beneficiaries pushkin's map, and this is our youth, from 14
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to 22 years old, and we do not choose all of these. amount, since the events themselves are not enough, and these are exhibitions, museums and concerts, and russian films, yes, i ask you very much, set up your teams for creation, since it is very important for us how to preserve our historical, cultural roots, so create something new. this mission is carried out by 17 government award laureates and thousands of those who, remaining behind the scenes, quietly and not publicly, preserve the great cultural heritage. they gave raymond productions by yuri grigorovich. the success is enormous. about how it was, polina yarmalaeva. isoman wood, marble from
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italy, graceful decorated staircases. going to such a theater is a real event. the snow-white palace, as if from a fairy tale, is located in the heart of a park surrounded by flowers, a desert rose, which is the name of the mineral with which the façade is decorated. the real royal and first opera house on the arabian peninsula was built in 2011 at the behest of sultan qaboos, a great lover of classical music and a true strategist. he opened the aman to the world, and built, of course, not
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just a theater, a cultural bridge. and right on the square in front of the opera , russian ballerinas are dancing on pointe shoes, and the photographer is wearing white clothes - this is traditional men's clothing in oman, the best couple suggests. the big theater tour for oman is a grandiose and long-awaited event. it’s a very interesting country, here the opera culture and ballet art are just beginning to make their way into the hearts of the inhabitants, i’m very... pleased to personally hear from my friends here that the tours of the bolshoi theater are of great interest. classical raimondo, revised by grigorovich with fragments of pitipa choreography, like an exam for performers, a performance that requires jewelry grace. after the beach it’s always better to dance, it’s easier to warm up for the performance, because we’re warm all the time.
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yes, it’s cool here, so that’s what makes it different. it’s very warm here from the tour and i don’t want to leave, the omanis chose raymond for the tour poster themselves, the big theater had concerns, on the one hand, a fairy tale with a romantic plot understandable to an inexperienced viewer, but at the end of the second act the french the knight jean dabrien defeats the saracen abdurrahman, there is no need to be endlessly afraid that we won’t go to paris or won’t go to london, you know, yes, maybe today it’s not yet... the whole world, local ladies in elegant skirts, europeans in suits, evening dresses and even furs, foreign business is actively working in oman. it is impossible to cancel russian culture, as they are trying to do now, but russian culture is an integral part of world civilization, world culture, and secondly, this reflects, of course, the growing
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level of our relations with arabic a world friendly to us. where the guys are dancing, they have a small vest and bloomers, practically a naked person, we came up with these. blue to match the color, stains, paints, a suit that covers almost the entire body. more than 200 suits were brought in twenty huge boxes, another five were filled with shoes. the original scenery
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was installed on the stage. it is, of course, not as big as in the native theater, so the dance score had to be slightly adjusted. even such a routine part of the daily program as ballet class here in oman it takes place in an amazingly beautiful room. we're right behind the stage now. there, pay attention, there is an organ. the theater is rightfully proud of its acoustics and the ability to invite the world's best groups to visit. last fall i was at a forum in st. petersburg, it was opened by minister-president vladimir putin, and i was amazed that while speaking he used the same words as his majesty sultan qaboos at the opening ceremony of the theater about the importance of building bridges of culture. and, judging by the blaring 3 evenings in a row in honor of the artists big theater of applause. this bridge has a solid foundation. polina ermolaeva, philip dubrovsky, host isoman weeks.
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we've been watching sakhalin all week. a real snowy armageddon fell on the island. roads and cars were buried under snowdrifts, and entire floors of houses were trapped in snow. now. the island digs itself out and comes to life. report by sergei bondarenko. the sakhalin residents were prepared for the onslaught of the elements, weather forecasters warned, but the intensity of the snowstorms ultimately amazed even those who had seen it. i'm punching, punching, it seems there is a gap, but the road is still 15 meters away . a state of emergency has been declared in the region. bad weather cut off the island from the mainland, the roma did not travel, and planes did not fly. all schoolchildren were sent to distance learning. the leaders of the organization asked. transfer people to remote work, there is still nothing to get to work, all public transport has stopped , personal transport too, you walk, like that, you walk, and there is a car under your feet. road workers worked even at the peak of the snowstorm,
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employees of the ministry of emergency situations worked in a special mode, rescued from snow captivity and escorted cars and patrolled the streets. the doctors also accepted the call of the elements; even getting to the patient became a non-trivial task. in poland, with a suitcase with a cardiograph, we go to power engineers who are seriously ill , accidents need to be eliminated promptly, and first get to the bottom of the problem, just like you would a rural substation. here 566, on the other hand, we somehow crawled here, here is the roof, here is kolya below, here there, this is just the door that appeared, a special task was to supply the astravetans with food and bread in primarily on city highways. unusual means of transportation appeared. oh, armored personnel carrier! volunteers on snowmobiles delivered free medications to the elderly. the storm began to recede only at the end of the week. the first sign is the rush demand for shovels in
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hardware stores. for the first time in almost a week , the residents of yuzhnoskholin saw some semblance of blue sky, but , frankly speaking, there was no time to stare at it and count on help from above. we need to dig around. the head of the region supervised the clearing of the streets of courtyards; the main highways were breached.
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i feel who is the driving force here , the most exciting political program is starting, these insults are starting to pour out, talk, it becomes a shame, who can shame peskov, who is now on putin’s pencil, because even behind the scenes everything is under control, again of course everyone is discussing what. .. putin without a hat, an unexpected turn, ladin laninovich, i will give you gloves , unique shots. why did the presidential motorcade get stuck in traffic? surprised looks from bus passengers. good evening,
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the president’s working graphite was very dense this week, international negotiations, an all-russian family forum, a trip to the westernmost region of the country. and at the end of the week, vladimir putin arrived in st. petersburg, where, on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the blockade, he paid tribute to the memory of the fallen defenders of the city. we will do everything to stop and completely eradicate nazism. followers of nazism.
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hello, we are in st. petersburg, where the president continues his work, we have accumulated a lot of new personnel details, look, where is ilya valerievich kuzin? yours emotions when you unexpectedly receive such a congratulation from the supreme commander-in-chief, and then, of course, together with your colleagues we looked at the gift, alexandra, now 30 called up for mobilization, my dad raised that. here we have a homeland,
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we need to defend it there, that’s it, that’s it, i left like that, we were born men, well , we have to fulfill our duty, since our generation has done so well, well, that means we have to go fulfill it, it’s nice to meet you, thank you very much , bow low to your parents for raising young people like you, this in general, in the character of our people, at a difficult moment for the homeland, they do not feel sorry for themselves, no matter who says anything about what kind of youth we have, life always puts everything in its place... my father could not leave the house when the bombs arrived, shells hit our neighbors, and who die, he organized his own brigade , extinguished houses, all these fires, his mother washed his things, zakharov said these words: i’m proud of my father, it’s great, the whole country is proud of you. zakhar saw the beginning of the war in donbass with his own eyes, when he was only 12, at 20 he himself went to fight when the president made a decision. about the start of a special operation
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, no other considerations, except one: protecting the interests of russia, none, we tried in every possible way to build relations with ukraine for decades, which we did not do, and preferential loans and discounted energy prices, providing our market, well, that’s it, no, the actual masters of ukraine after the collapse of the soviet union were nationalists, everything very quickly. subordinated to their will, because they are active, energetic and aggressive, everyone immediately looked into them little eyes, nevertheless, very patiently , relying on the pro-russian part of ukrainian society, built relationships only through peaceful means, there were no other thoughts, but apparently our geopolitical enemy realized that it would be easy to turn the whole of ukraine upside down with this population of the southeast with the russian-speaking population , will not succeed, so in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat. began
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to exterminate, physically exterminate everyone who was committed to the normal development of relations with our country, it became obvious that to build relations, normal relations with they won’t let us become our neighbors, the russians were declared a non-titular nation there, the law was passed on our historical territories, i don’t want to use non-standard vocabulary, but that is, i want to use it the other way around, the russians were declared essentially in our historical territories without... agreements at the same time for a time , they actively continued to work on creating an anti-russian platform in the territory that is called today ukraine. they deceived us 10 times in a row about the non-expansion of nato, but all this together simply left us no chance except to start attempts, this is an attempt to stop this war, and by armed means, in response to their use of armed forces. we are fighting for. fair enough, these are absolutely
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obvious things. from the very beginning, i want to emphasize this, the ukrainian authorities began to build their statehood on the denial of everything that unites us. sought to distort the consciousness and historical memory of millions of people, entire generations living in ukraine. it is not surprising that ukrainian society was faced with the rise of extreme nationalism, which quickly took the form of aggressive russophobia and neo-nazism. hence the participation of ukrainian nationalists and neo-nazis in terrorist gangs in the north caucasus. territorial claims against russia are becoming increasingly louder. this week zelensky formalized territorial claims against russia. by a separate decree, how much they nurtured these neo-nazis in their country, how much they nurtured absolute nationalists, extremist -minded, so such sentiments persist, yes, this is reality, by the way, this is one of the goals of the special military operations, to get rid of this reality,
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is it possible to make statements?


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