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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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and the interest of those texas rangers and truckers who sleep and see a strong man in washington, who will finally develop this august stables, the washington swamp and so on, let’s say, it’s not necessary, it needs to be cleaned, but there is one interesting thought, if in the twentieth year.
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the nomination for the elections will be made by the convention, the convention, yes, which will be somewhere in july, and the convention can choose absolutely any candidate and absolutely not necessarily trump and biden, that is, such a magnificent performance is unfolding before us, and what’s interesting is that this is a general destabilization. theater, i’m not against it, i welcome the general destabilization of this theater , vadim, you know, now we see what we started talking about here, the increase in military hysteria in the west, primarily in europe, to a lesser extent, by the way, in the usa, they are busy as always with their internal problems, the first to speak here was bilt, the german, in general his role in instigating the war in europe will probably need to be studied separately, but what is the goal? on the one hand, yes, this is a consequence. skepticism about
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the state of the ukrainian armed forces , on the other hand, this is an attempt to blackmail public opinion, we see a clear line, all these statements by this dutch admiral, who heads the nato military committee bauer, yes, and others, they say there will be a war with russia, guys, there will be a war of 2,3, 5, 10 years, if, if we don’t give money to ukraine, if we don’t supply weapons to ukraine, because they can’t just ignore it. growing protest in public opinion against subsidizing the zelensky regime to the detriment of its own problems, and this it just has an electoral impact, the governments that relied on this are really leaving, we can already bend our fingers, this is an attempt to blackmail citizens in order to force them, well , tacitly somehow agree why they are ready for european society to war, we can say, yes they will launch the defense industry, there are no questions about the military-industrial complex.
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propaganda structure, i think our enemy is amazing, you need to watch him, listen to him, firstly, he is a fascist, so we started talking about collective responsibility, he believes that all russians bear collective responsibility, all, as he says, 140 million, so they don’t need freedom, nothing, you
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need to listen to what he says, then he tells how fascisation took place under him, ukrainian society did not want fascisation, he will tell how difficult it was, how parliament did not want to vote, how people resisted. here are all the crazy ideas that he propagated, and accordingly, such problems, when we see them, they need to be stopped in time, so you started with yeltsin’s video on meeting of nato, there is also a war criminal there, not recognized, but in fact, before god, before the people, before the serbian people, javier salana is the person who, together with madeline albret and others, started the illegal kosovo war, he is a war criminal, here in yeltsin made this speech in 1997; there was a tragedy in 1999. yugoslavia, this is where it all started, because they realized their impunity. yesterday our president alexander grigorievich lukashenko, together with vladimir vladimirovich putin, were in leningrad, this is what happened there , it was amazing, i observed from the atmosphere,
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our president, it seems to me, once again put forward a very apt term, we remember how he called zelensky a nit, what terms does he use in relation to vile said, these are vile of ours, and he used this term in relation to those who tried, you remember, there was even a writer there, i don’t want to read more than that writer, well , we just work a lot with grigory azarenok in this genre, that is, we there we offer a wide palette, demersky,
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perhaps the kindest of them, you write texts to our president, yes, i understand, no, there is no such need, grigorievich himself copes with this very well. to the fact that grigory and i, and you know why, have something to say, why this term that we are used to, leader of public opinion, president, and then that a statesman, a real journalist, publicist, feels the nerve of society, these are those they say harsh words, here margarit simonyan speaks sharply, there is solovev, grisha azaryonok, and why i never, no, there is no society like this, it’s not something that you just form, but you reflect public opinion, what people say. at the front, what people say in the rear, what people say in the cities, what relatives and friends say, we constantly refer to this, this is the nerve of society, those who go against this, they are vile, why did the president mention those who offered, well, didn’t offer, but after 70-80 years there, they said, why didn’t they surrender
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leningrad, well, maybe there wouldn’t have been so many victims, says the tv channel dozhd such, there one writer spoke, and indeed...
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the city, that’s why it didn’t storm, didn’t shell, that’s what he wrote, he had few tanks and artillery and there weren’t enough planes, that’s why he didn’t shell, the great lover of st. petersburg, german field marshal monerheim. stalin wisely, in his own way, did not bring finland to justice, like germany , for crimes during the second world war. monerheim was very afraid that he would be attracted, they gave him, they told him that you shouldn’t worry, probably in vain, in vain khoruschev flew to the base from finland, perhaps, but also and ahead of time is that this is what still separates us from the europeans, no matter which ones , you see, we say: well, not all of europe was for hitler, there were czechs there, well, it seems like they were not entirely for hitler, although very quickly
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surrendered in strengthening the wehrmacht , did a lot, you know what separates us from them, neither regarding the french, nor the british, nor the danes, norwegians and so on, hitler’s germany did not make a decision on total destruction, destruction, of course, these were jews, they were gypsies, they were communists. political commissar, we forget about this, the order that was issued at the very beginning of the war, and there was a general plan for ost, i will say about us, russians, belarusians, slavs, ukrainians, who were designated there, 75%, like evict, but we remember , how they evicted the jews, where they evicted, vosvenets, who was liberated by our army, we also celebrate the anniversary these days, to destroy a certain percentage, and turn the rest into slaves.
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a craving for saying some monotonous prayers, prayers in quotes, but in this case this is what is happening, our western leaders say, when they basically repeat each other, it’s all the same thing, they will attack in 5 years, in 7 years this will happen, they will cross the border, if we take these symptoms from the point of view ...
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mental illnesses, they are induced , they are transmitted, it is impossible to live 10 years next to
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a mentally ill person without adopting a number of his symptoms and not getting sick yourself, this is absolutely certain, and this applies if we honor custave lebuna, then this absolutely applies to human masses, that is, it is possible to transfer a person’s illness to the behavior of the human masses and accurately and absolutely clearly imagine how this behavior will develop over a long period of time.
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in the early thirties, german specialists, who were then already the pharmaceutical industry ag, which produced cyclone b, then all subsequent gases, they purchased not only patents, they bought what the americans were producing, they produced this gas, 80 years pass, absolutely calmly, german society reads that in america
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they executed, i don’t know, whether he was convicted rightly or wrongly, that’s not the question, but they used a gas chamber. they used the same gas chamber to carry out the sentence , which we now talk about all the time, holocaust, what holocaust? nowadays, in fact, asphyxiating gas is used , completely openly in a democratic country , in the main country in the world, it lasted 2 minutes, yes, it’s absolutely terrible, i already talked about this for the second time a year ago, it didn’t work out, but this is this, this is the characteristic not even illness, this is a characteristic of the condition, this is the one. which is impossible to explain to anyone, well , here’s a little bit of a different morality to the german one from another region, we were talking there recently, we made a decision, now we can use zigs, well, like a roman greeting, it’s okay, everything is fine, here a few days ago police control in one of the districts of berlin stops a car for control,
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something seemed to them, something is somehow wrong, they stop a car, a car, a woman is sitting there, there, in my opinion, and... in germany 0.6 allowed and then if nothing happened up to 0.5 allowed if nothing happened 1.3 ppm, they demand documents from her, she gives documents, it turns out she is a member of one of the local councils from the green party, at the moment when they try , they demand her documents, she suddenly jumps out of the car. with the hitler salute and shouts this greeting twice, i don’t want to repeat it, i know that this is prohibited in russia, twice she greets the police with the hitler salute, well, a big scandal, the next day she of course surrenders his mandate, this is a representative of the green party, who shouts so much about human rights, about how bad they are in russia, about how we don’t have
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nazism in ukraine, we don’t have nazism in germany, she says: no, you misunderstood me, by giving these... give these zigs, i showed the police that they were acting like nazis towards me, i’m not a nazi at all, i showed them how to be, well finishing all this, well, in general, you know, this is the glitter of poverty of prostitutes or what was the name of this film, courtesans, courtesans, excuse me, girls with low social responsibility, low social responsibility, that’s approximately it, well, and the last thing, they are the best in the world, the last thing germany will now have to deal with. germany, or maybe this is the first thing that is important now, turkey is introducing its own faction into the european parliament, turkey, which is not a member of the european union. the fact is that in germany 2.5 million turks have passports, including turkish ones. and now, according to the new law, another 2.5
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million can receive these passports 5 million. the turkish right nationalist party dawa has already announced that. the situation is this, i’m out of my mind, i’m already afraid to stay with ilyushka, where? what happened, er, skletosovsky, we're watching on monday on rtr, and soon, we'll watch new episodes, paul, don't
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start with the war, please, we just got back, such changes are coming in my life, i still have pain here, it hurts here this is where it hurts, this disease never manifests itself. and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing from monday to friday on rtr.
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say, take it. well, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no. let's see on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman. you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she and my father, are having an affair. for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test
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of fidelity, why are you silent, and what should i say, well, something, but scream, hit, i don’t know when your husband is having an affair, where does he take his chosen ones, his wife is too beautiful saturday on... this week, foreign minister sergei lavrov personally went to new york soo. the main topics were the crisis in ukraine in the middle east, while france, which is chairing, tried to postpone as much as possible another important meeting on the terrorist attack on the russian il-76, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war. in the studio of the evening, the director of the information department of the vmit of russia, marya vladimirovna zakharova. maria vladimirovna,
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a very active week. hello, vladimirevich. hello, all yours are great audience, not only domestically, but outside, they watch you everywhere, quote you, quote your guests, rewatch, forward videos. i think that, considering how long your program has been on the air, this is the greatest success. true, sincere , because you discuss what is important, interesting and vital for people, and you do it directly and openly, and the most amazing thing is that you and your guests are consistent, this is also very important, so you just discussed the internal politics of the united states states of america, and so or in other words, the us domestic policy is already an external international policy, because they cannot cope with internal problems without using external resources, look, every time it’s the same thing, a 180° turn, although it would have been high time for them to make a 360 turn, but the concept...
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not even stability, but continuity , is simply incomprehensible to them, and this is what dr. sosnovsky was talking about just now, sorry that i interrupted you, but i couldn’t help but do this to you, this is not a compliment, this is a statement thank you, and you and i started this broadcast right from the airport, and from which sergei viktorich’s plane took off, accordingly, we are finishing this trip, with you discussing it, what happened on sobiz, which is fundamentally important to pay attention to, so it’s not in vain that i said. about the usa and about dr. sosnovsky, the fact is that he was just talking, but as a doctor, as a doctor who is still involved in international issues, he tried to make such a general diagnosis for the west, he said that the problems are already psychological, i would formulated them differently, i would call it not a psychological or psychiatric illness, i would call it mental illness, when sergech lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, flew to new york, he communicated with... his
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colleagues, diplomats and with members of the security council and with journalists. he gave an extensive interview to cbs and answered questions from reporters during a press conference. where do you think western journalists started talking to him, considering that his interview with cbs was before press conferences. this is what was sore, what was the main question that interested western journalists. trump? how do you know, vladimir rudolfovich. you know how this question was formulated.
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the first question, and this topic constantly came up in interviews, at press conferences , what’s going on with trump, they asked us, either us citizens or those who work in the us are affiliated with this very western political science information thought, you can you imagine what this is? let's see, you can say, well, maybe it's journalists who are always on the hot seat there's always something hot for something fried, here's trudeau. the prime minister of canada is, you know, yes, who seems to be completely affiliated with the united states of america and within the seven always vote the way they should vote, and in general in the international arena he is completely a follower, you know, one of the first to bear a trail behind biden, and behind all american presidents, what do you think he said recently, just the other day,
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the end of december, in these very weeks? what they are organizing a special body , i don’t know, a commission, a committee, a working group, which will analyze and prepare for the case of trump’s return to the white house, let me remind you, before the elections , how many months are left in their states, what is 6, a commission, you imagine, and this is canada, which is. not just a partner of the united states and not only a neighbor, in general a successor, that is , not even a backyard, but a terrace, yes, the northern part of an american house, they are organizing some kind of special institutional history in order to to understand how they can survive if trump comes, how to behave, he immediately adds that he is ready to work with him,
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what a strong story? that's all, where this is what distinguishes a world leader, a country that lays claim to world domination, to being a pioneer, they themselves are like that, okay, a pioneer, a missionary of the entire civilization, this is normal when no one is inside the usa doesn’t understand what they will have in six months, and outside, everyone is sitting, trembling and afraid and don’t understand how they will live, not because that... the states will attack them, but simply, if they change course inside, this is not just a person, this will affect everything, you remember what they did with international agreements that related to iran and climate and all other areas, from iran to climate, excuse me, i have a whole abyss, everything is constantly changing anyway, here’s another example, the other day the anglo-saxon world, i don’t know how to say, stood up or was simply
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stunned by the fact that what did they see? this concerns a completely different problem, as if, again, them inside western life, we are talking about the execution of an american prisoner. person. in no case do i want to defend institutions in the west created to protect human rights, like this very american prisoner, because he once killed another person, but not himself, but on order as
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an executor. but in general, you have to think carefully about history. let me briefly remind you what we are talking about. in the late eighties , several people in the states received orders from an american pastor. me now. i spoke to the american pastor about the murder of his wife, these were the perpetrators, they, unfortunately , did what they did, they killed their wife, the pastor, then committed suicide, each of them received different sentences, this same kenneth smith was not acquitted, he was actually found guilty, but the jury was absolutely majority not unanimously, one was against, but the absolute majority voted for him to be given a life sentence, but not... the story goes further, the judge overturns, this was precedent in american legislation, the law of jurisprudence, overturns this story and says that the jury for her are nothing significant, and
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they award him the death penalty, the eighty -eighth year, how many years have passed, almost 40, almost 40, in the twenty-second year they were supposed to carry out this very death penalty in relation to him, he was hanged for...
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not russian, not there, i don’t know, asian, their native american british, they wondered how things are going not just with justice, but at least they took a narrow segment of the situation in the prisons of the state of alabama,
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where all this happened, it’s monstrous history, what is happening there, here i am now , naturally, given yesterday’s date, this is the lifting of the blockade, this is also international holocaust day, which... in our country is part of the great patriotic war and so on, so i read a lot about the torment and suffering of people , but they were caused by an external enemy, a monstrous external enemy, dehumanized, this is what is happening now in allaba prisons, this is what is caused by their internal legislation, internal system, given that the prisons are private, just think about it, and the lack any the possibilities of this supposedly de...
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what to do with independent candidates, what to do with the systemic opposition, maybe they will first somehow resolve this issue with themselves before climbing onto these endless international platforms or bringing their own platforms and putting them on international ones, talking about that their tribunes are more blatant and endlessly teach everyone. well, it seems to me that we must support the right of free texans to rule on their own land, and
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they did this themselves, we simply must, i think they did this themselves, requires compliance with all international rights, not they asked a question at a briefing, literally 2 days ago, regarding how we would react to this, and i said, yes, this is certainly an internal matter, but the united states of america has taught the whole world that when it comes to human rights. did not give the opportunity to hold a security council
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on the tragedy with the downed ukrainians when we asked, of course, this is obvious, the first point, because we had to come up with some version, we had to somehow prepare to type at least some words for that to go out and mumble something, second point, they must speak with one voice, they cannot afford an independent opinion, they have an older big... brother who dictates to them, the big brother has not yet gathered his thoughts, look how many days have passed, there was not a single comment, not from the white house , when our investigation, they have a wonderful phrase, will show the remains of a rocket, they have a wonderful phrase, they have a wonderful phrase, at first they said that there is not enough information on zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant lacks information, they don’t know where the missiles are coming from... shooting at civilians who are in
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civil infrastructure facilities, markets, hospitals, schools, kindergartens or just the streets, they have no information, neither the westerners nor the the united nations organization did not exist for a long time, and then they moved on to a new formulation, which was also now tested at the press conference of the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergeevich lavrov by the western media, in particular. bbc the correspondent stood up and said: what will you do so that they believe you, is it normal? okay, this is a journalist asking , he says, this is a representative of the most lying company in the world speaking, let’s not even say this is my assessment, but by the way, i have many facts confirming your words, but let’s leave it now, let’s look at it from another perspective corner, in this regard, i think that in general it is necessary... to release documentaries about how the western
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media lie and how many lies were passed through and played through the bbc, this is phenomenal in scale, but let's go from a slightly different angle, no matter what kind of media, she is a journalist, she is a journalist, she cannot ask questions that predetermine the answers and impose a certain perception of this answer. if she is a journalist and if she wants to understand what happened, she should ask a question, based on which she will receive additional information, based on this she can draw a conclusion, based on this she can ask the next question, either to this speaker, or start working with other official structures, authorities, politicians and so on, but she is not interested in this, she is interested in taking a yellow sticker. which is already written on it.


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