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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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representative offices, they force a girl who has not yet properly signed or read it, they say: please open, look, the courses have arrived, they are opening for you, this is a fraud, they themselves click, this is a fact of fraud, i will emphasize again, a fact of fraud , they claim that there is some kind of budget program, of course i don’t presume to say, but i’m almost sure that there can be no budgetary basis there, these are purely commercial projects, and they are misleading that you went through the budgetary basis... .
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and their services, attention, they sold this woman a program where there will be another boss , they told her that there will be bilan, they tell me, tell me that bilan will be there, record the voice, i say, what kind of bilan, i say, have you gone crazy, let’s just say it, and then how will it turn out, i think, well, why do i need it, i won’t deceive people like that, it’s not mine, it’s, well, how long can she last on deception, for some it’s a month karma happens, and for some it comes back after 10 years.
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yes, my name is babkina maria, i came to program in order to dispel all rumors , doubts, negativity from competitors, from law firms that make money with the help of our clients, and to answer all questions, i know that there was a lot of negativity associated with our company, but i came . i honestly want to answer everything and tell my story, maria, maria, i admire your beauty, courage, and i am sure that you will be able to dot the i’s and answer all the accusations made today, but we will do it tomorrow in our program, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you at 16:30 on the russia tv channel, goodbye. god, you will meet
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the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next? tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins as fats and carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. tell me,
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son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. anya, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she is with my father. roman kal, for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others, it’s a test of fidelity, why are you silent, and what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your husband roman, where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife
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saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program 60 minutes is live, hot on the heels, we start with breaking news, the central election commission has just registered vladimir putin as a candidate for... in the presidential elections in russia, the slogan of the presidential elections in twenty-four will be together we are strong “we’re voting for russia,” the head of the sbercom center, ella pamfilova, just said. we’re waiting for details, but for now let’s go to the front. in the kupinsky tactical direction, russian forces occupied the populated
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starkhmalnaya and tabaevka points, developing success along the entire line of combat contact in this area in the kharkov region. right now. there is an active offensive in the direction of peschany, berestoye, where russian uav operators destroyed a group of militants in the ssu while attempting to escape in an american m113 armored personnel carrier. the fact that the defense in the northernmost section of the front is collapsing has been revealed to nato, and the head of the general staff of the estonian defense forces , rebo, assures that in the coming weeks russia may allegedly attack the border area of ​​kupinsk, what will happen for...
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it’s hard to hide the feeling of despair against the backdrop of the conflict with russia, and the chance for victory has been lost. the authors prophesy the worst and it is already . experts in military science from the united states, it turns out, are developing a new one. a strategy that does not provide for the return of territories, imagine, but only strengthens the military power and economy of ukraine, that is, what actually does not exist, they want to try to strengthen, while ukraine itself demands western weapons only in order to strike deep into the territory out of impotence russia, in the commander of the ukrainian naval forces, nesh papa, admitted this in an interview with british scania.
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it is customary to call it in a war, lost, weapon, now.
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it’s a bit complicated, of course, and it’s as if i haven’t had such experience yet, the forest is simply mowed, the forest is simply mowed down by shells for hundreds of meters, squares, squares.
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then it all ends as quickly as it began, the wounded are sent to the next hospital at the stabilization point, and this operating room is put in order and they rest a little, each shot is a literal canopy of gold, ukrainian soldiers have only 200 shells per day, while russia can afford at least five times more, calls from kiev and...
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a russian offensive, probably on kiev. the production of tanks, in particular, has increased by 500%, and infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers by almost 350. as for shells, we plan to produce 2 million of them per year, and this is against the backdrop of the fact that the eu, according to their official information, capable of producing a maximum of 300,000 shells. well, in parallel, in ukraine, of course, corruption is stealing. now in the highest highest echelons of the ministry of defense at the general level. the sbu
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reported suspicions to five officials from the ukrainian military department who stole from the purchase of weapons, we are talking about 100,000 artillery shells worth more than 37 million euros. the money was transferred abroad; according to ukrainian journalists, some of the funds have already disappeared somewhere offshore. another 5 million euros were spent on... the purchase of an arms factory in bosnia and herzegovina; according to the documents, they spent it in the department; the factory turned out to be an abandoned warehouse. it is clearly visible at the ukrainian plant, where, according to documents, again they produce shells 24x7 empty and the windows are broken. the contract is signed, the money is gone, weapons are not produced, they are not delivered to the front. in principle, we like this scheme. urchin!
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they say the only thing they always need is more ammunition. it was against this background that the ukrainian security service announced charges against five people for defrauding about $40 million intended for the purchase of 100,000 mine shells. money changed hands. in hand, the weapons never arrived, the eradication of corruption remained a key point in ukraine's aspirations to join nato and the eu. at the same time, officials from both groups are demanding a solution to the problem of internal fraud. an official is suspected of theft in the defense industry. ministry of defense arms supplier lviv arsenal. we are talking about one and a half billion hryvnia. according to the sbu, these funds were to be used to purchase artillery shells. however, having received full government payment, the lviv arsenal transferred part of it to a foreign company, which was supposed to deliver the goods, but in the end did not send not a single shell was sent to ukraine, the funds were transferred to a shadow account. the rest of the amount from
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the ministry of defense remained in the accounts of the arsenal, now five figures have already reported suspicion of theft. he denies all the charges, his current successor, the head and commercial director of the lvov arsenal company, yuriy sbitneev and representatives of the foreign company are also under suspicion, all are threatened with up to 12 years behind bars with confiscation of property, the money itself is now arrested, law enforcement officers are working to return it to the budget , suspects will soon be chosen. twenty in the fall in the second year, the ministry of defense entered into a contract for the purchase of 1000 mortar shells of various calibers with the ukrainian company lvov arsenal. the total contract amount was 37 million euros with an advance payment of almost 100%. some of these funds are still frozen in arsenal’s accounts, and the rest was transferred to the slovak company seyvatekh, which
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in turn transferred them to the croatian vdg promet. the main thing is that none of these. and the director and only employee of this office, a classic gasket, in total she received 14.5 million euros from ukraine, according to according to the statement, zubiki spent 5.5 million on the purchase of the vitezit ammunition plant in the city of vitez, bosnia and herzegovina.
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two employees of the ministry of defense of ukraine, according to anti-corruption activists in the ukrainian media, one of the suspects, alexander liev, a representative of the ministry of defense responsible, among other things, for procurement, was fired in february last year amid serious criticism from anti-corruption activists who suspected him of theft, as well as disloyalty to the regime, oh, excuse me, ukraine and government in kiev, a very odious person, the place is in trouble, he...
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these murders can already be stopped with american money. well, while ukrainian functionaries are dividing up the loot, european politicians are dividing ukraine itself, and in a very crowded way, as they say shamelessly. the hungarians said that in the event of kiev's defeat , they would regain uzhgorod and mukachevo. the hungarian radical laszlo torocki let slip about territorial claims to transcarpathia. says it would be possible to take our territorial dreams lightly if if only prime minister orban himself would not call ukraine a no-man’s land and walk around in a scarf. depicting a map of the country before the treaty of trianon, where part of ukraine belongs to hungary proper. from the magyars
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, romania is not far behind, one of the leaders of the alliance for the unification of romanians party, claudio terziu, said that the other part of ukraine also historically belongs to the neighboring state, bucharest dreams of bessarabia, for which he is even allegedly ready to leave the north atlantic alliance, by the way. in romania, bills on the return of their historical territories are already introduced into parliament last year and even calculated that exactly 1 million romanians live on the square. well , of course, we don’t forget about poland, which has long been openly dissecting ukraine endlessly in their textbooks, newspapers and weather forecasts. in general, zelensky will get ready. with preparations for the division of ukraine , the west continues to prepare for war with russia, london is the leader, naturally, the funniest news in this regard
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was the loud speech of the former prime minister, and the current one just an information geek boris johnson. he, apparently having knocked back a couple of glasses of wine or beer, is now telling how he would personally and voluntarily enlist in the army. would like to fight the russians as a sergeant, however, in his youth, for some reason, johnson did not have the desire to serve in the army. in general, all this looks like pure madness, which the telegraph publication also picks up, talks about the future hard life in military britain, the telegraph begins the article with the words it’s 2034. britain is at war with russia, and so is the ministry defense continue to raise the temperature for all citizens, subjects of the king, you need to be prepared for a possible war with putin and in general it’s time for the british to change their mental
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attitudes to adjust to difficult times. sir, efrether johnson has reported for duty. i have answered general sanders' call for a citizen's military and want to encourage young people across the country to think about the appeal and benefits of some type of military training or service, because at the moment it is perceived as uncool or unethical, or they are not they follow not general sanders, but the colonel. that's the fighting spirit boris, if britain were attacked by a hostile state like russia, would conscription be a viable
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idea? general sir patrick sanders does not think so, and our future colleague boris johnson does not think so either. i asked myself: am i ready to fight for king and country? of course i would love to do it, and i have the right training. between the ages of 16 and 18, i went through it hour by hour. week after week in the so-called united cadet detachment. not a promising recruit at first, i failed the so-called imperial test, which involved safely cleaning, loading and firing a .303 lie infild rifle . because of me, my platoon spent a very wet and cold night out in the open on salisbury plain guarding, as it turned out, the wrong pylon. my performance on the parade ground was chaotic, my shirt wouldn’t button up, my boots came off and i was repeatedly... subjected to horrific abuse by sergeant major regiment, the man behind verbal cruelty, which probably hid a heart of gold. he punished us for our many mistakes by ordering us to clean
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the restrooms, and then, before calling us in for inspection, he would secretly smear large chunks of peanut butter on things. but boris appears to be in the minority, with only 17% of britons happy to go to war if it happened. 14% say they would go to war if. they were forced, the majority - 30%, would have used all possible moves to avoid fighting at all, and what happened to to our great british fighting spirit , it is simply impossible to maintain in the modern world, while we have entered a more dangerous phase of modern history, we must be prepared for the unexpected, look, no one wants a war to break out, but that does not mean that we shouldn't be ready for it. but you can be sure that if it really came down to it, i would be there in
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the dugout. together with general sander.


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