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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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answers the american naval officer , who is part of the british submarines, this decision was made a long time ago, moreover, the entire nuclear arsenal of european countries and the united states has long been united under a single command, of course the americans are in command, that is, if they tell you to press the red button, then the british and french will press, if they say no, they will not press; the americans themselves, with their nuclear arsenal, let’s say, don’t have everything.
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in the twenty-fourth year there will be no new warheads, the figure there is 2030, at best case, the same thing happens with the missiles themselves, that is, the americans, realizing that they need to somehow manage to modernize their nuclear shield, so they created this mess, in which these countries of eastern europe are the next to be slaughtered: that’s it, that they are dividing up territories there, radicals are acting there , in fact you know this, like some kind of bonus enticement, that guys here... look,
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you will get this kind of territory, well , there is western ukraine, of course, poland, romania there and moldova, and bessarabia everything that you want, and even there the nikolaev and odessa regions, they drew them there, but to the hungarians for resisting, well , they drew a little territory around uzhgorod there, but if orban comes to an agreement, there may be more, but under this division there is a very interesting thing , the fact is that such information is already penetrating that if they start... a war with us for this, for their territory, then it will not be a war between nato countries and russia, but for each specific country, poland, romania, or even hungary , well, hardly hungary will go to war with us, but the romanians and poles are being baited into this, so come on, please, the eastern chair, yes please, but at the same time you are all on your own, we, of course, just like ukraine, will help you with money, with shells forward , that is, when...
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shows aggression based on the fact that, according to our russian calculations, in the event of a local nuclear strike, the united states. defend themselves, or maybe they are simply trying to jump off, pretending that they are afraid of russian aggression. barel also just said that the european union sees no light in end of the ukrainian tunnel, and also confirmed
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the information that if the united states refuses to help ukraine, then the european union alone will not be able to cope with zelensky. as if everyone had turned their backs on him, look, every shot is literally like gold, ukrainian soldiers have only 2 thousand shells per day, while russia can afford at least five times more. calls from kiev for immediate help are becoming increasingly urgent. russia has expanded its weapons arsenal.
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this is what the zaporozhye front looks like now, fields dotted with rusting nato equipment, in these frames there is a damaged soviet infantry fighting vehicle. the new strikes targeted ammunition arsenals and fuel tanks with high-precision long-range weapons. iskander ballistic missiles also hit the largest nfz in ukraine near kremenchug, which supplied fuel to zelensky’s army. the fire could not be extinguished for more than 16 hours. the official representative of the ukrainian air force command, ignat, worries that
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russian missiles will be enough for dozens of massive strikes. they have close to 900 missiles they have about 900 high-precision, long-range missiles, at the same level they have left.
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left a part, you didn’t return, serve further, that’s all.
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post, the rest of the country, kiev’s allies are already ready to take away, hungary will lay claim to the territory of transcarpathia if ukraine ceases to exist, said the leader of the our homeland party. for the sake of annexing part of ukraine, romania is ready to sacrifice nato membership. we will not be truly sovereign until we reintegrate the romanian state into its natural borders. southern bessarabia, northern bukovina. the land of hertz, transcarpathia, everything that was and is, part of the romanian nation, must return
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within the borders of the same state. it is difficult for the ukrainian authorities to hide the feeling of despair amid the conflict with russia; the chance for victory has been lost, writes the washington post. the commander of the ukrainian naval forces, and the last warship of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy aliferenko. the russian army sank it back in may last year. alexey neishpa, in an interview with the british tv channel skynews, asks london to approve blows.
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elections, i don’t think that even if free elections are held in russia , the goal that will lead to peace in our relations will be achieved. the pentagon continues to train ukrainian militants pending funding from congress, cnn reports. right now , 1,600 all-ears are undergoing training at bases in the united states and europe. chances of deal help. in exchange for immigration reform, ukraine's situation has only gotten worse, writes the british guard. trump doesn't want zelensky and those corrupt ukrainian oligarchs got at least one more penny. we want people to come to the negotiating table. it's time to stop killing with american money, the 120 billion that we have already invested. it's time to come to the negotiating table. i think president trump can get a deal done in 48 hours. but i have to tell you, i think that the situation with ukraine will be resolved long before his age. well, we will also answer about america at
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a time convenient for us and in a convenient place. pentagon chief austin still working from home after high-profile cancer surgery the prostate thus threatens tehran. agree, it's not scary. previously, the americans beat without further ado or explanation, the us department of defense has now officially confirmed the blame for the deaths of three american soldiers in... in the northeast of jordan, and 34 more us army soldiers were injured. american hawks, of course, demand revenge. trump's former national security adviser, bolton, said washington has a responsibility to strike iran disproportionately. in his opinion, targets could be iranian ships in the red sea, air defense systems and even nuclear facilities on iranian territory. another russophor. lince graham demands to strike iran right now. hit 'em good.
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that's what he said. another senator, john cornen, tells him to take aim at tigiran. independent american journalist carlson. in this regard, he called militant legislators fucking psychopaths. and billionaire elon musk commented with the words quite possible. here's a twitter meme on a birth picture. tonight the first american soldiers were killed since the war between israel began. and hamas. the white house has accused iran-backed militants of carrying out a drone strike on a us base in jordan on
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the border with syria. three us military personnel at the tower 22 base were killed at least 30. very seriously, three dead, at least 25 wounded, this is a serious escalation of the situation, frankly, those security personnel who did not foresee such an outcome are real fools, considering number of attacks, we knew that this would happen, we were just trying to dodge the bullet flying at us, at first we succeeded, but now president biden is tied hand and foot, and now just a few buildings away, from here in
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the white house, he and his teams are sitting and wondering what the answer should be, and they will have to do what our twenty-sixth said. president ted roosevelt, he said, “if you hit, hit hard.” he was one of those who spoke softly, but carried a big stick with him. i don't think they have any options other than striking targets inside iran. we cannot proceed from the principle of an eye for an eye. we'll have to go along steps of escalation and inflict significant blows on people, buildings and soldiers. for some reason you need to hit. the meekness of the american incumbent president biden. the former, of course, speaks as much as possible here ryan , about the current one, his restraint can be explained by the upcoming elections, the obviously terrifying ratings and those failed wars that the united states is already waging, and as they themselves now say, not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, unleash another one that
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could go nuclear, hardly? what does the logic mean: yeah, it was not iranian troops that struck, most likely these were pro-iranian militants, as they call them, but iranian weapons, that is, iran supplies them, so iran must be severely punished, wait, but by this logic, yes, i understand correctly, if ukraine is supplied by america , europe, they are at war with these, these
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weapons with russia, then russia can just as well strike at... now suddenly they are showing such, well, you see, well, anyway, all that, everything, all these are the arguments that they are now using against iran in confirmation of the need to strike iran, can be used against them, but they immediately say: no, this is different, the double standards are immediately visible, but the hysteria that they have now really unleashed in a number of western
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states before their elections, different, again, it really emphasizes the danger ... to serve and so on, why is he saying all this now, because in britain they are completely serious after the statements of their crazy defense minister grant schabs and the commander of the armed forces. forces - the general staff of the armed forces sanders are discussing the issue the resumption of compulsory conscription into the army or the creation of the so-called
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civil defense and civil army, as they say following the example of the territorial defense of ukraine, look, we have trained the ukrainian military, and yesterday’s civilians, we must now train the british in the same way, the british say all these newspapers, well, this of course is very... greatly agitated the public, various surveys show that 90% of the population, well, stara cited such a survey, are against the resumption calling for the creation of these very civilians, but every third person in the event of a war with putin will go to war, you understand, yes, at the same time, i look at how these very british newspapers are commenting , and there was an article in the times yesterday, the russians are coming, well, as expected, yes they all say: listen, well, i’m not ready, the author says, i’m not ready for this battle.
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that means a bottle of wine, you see, from a backpack and two glasses of travel, that is, with him, well , it’s clear that everyone is having fun with this, but i’m just paying attention to the intensity here these russophobic statements, these horror stories , before the elections they will now go to great lengths, exactly 100 years ago they overthrew the first labourite government in britain by publishing a fake letter from zenoviev, which, mind you, now 100 years later they admit that they organized the british intelligence services. yes, now they are in such despair, conservatives, that before the autumn elections they will probably again organize some kind of very serious and most likely anti-russian provocation,
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we must also be prepared for this, for playing the military card, we need military successes, in ukraine the collective west has no military successes, you understand, an article just came out today, literally in the times they published an interview with nato generals about how russia would act in the event of an attack, but they are completely serious ukraine is discussing yesterday, now what will we do when putin attacks us, that is, not even if, when he attacks, so they say, the experience of ukraine has taught us, putin will hit, just as he will hit in the rear europe, they just now suddenly realized that they would be striking at logistics centers, at power plants, and suddenly they became concerned about what we should do in this regard, mind you, i’m paying close attention.
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it is necessary to intimidate society, but when it comes to the fact that if there is a nuclear war, then we will lose, well, the whole world will lose, by and large, so , they don’t want to bring this to complete despair, because they don’t want to use election technology, fear is possible, but despair is not, that’s why they are also talking about ukrainian failures they try not to say much, i would like to believe in this regard minister lavrov, who comments endlessly...
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proceeds from the fact that the west is still not ready for a real nuclear war, i would like to believe, it’s better that way, but then, of course, we’ll see , at the same time, he asks for urgent help, the patient’s name, guys, anti-shock, marin, that’s it, stay here, no matter how scary it is, and
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shut your mouth, i said. she gave, and now we ’ll call the police and they’ll quickly remind her of everything, they told me, i hit him with a knife, are you into this believe, yes, it's true , no matter how painful it is, there will be no operation, like this world, are you, i'm afraid that i won't wake up, suddenly it will be even worse than now, as long as there is hope, life goes on as it was , why be silent, skleposovsky , we are looking at the mouth today and soon we are watching new episodes, wow, what kind of people, with or without a medical insurance policy , accept everyone in sklif, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, we are watching in app or website, try it on. thank you,
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it suits you very well, so, how’s your new one? it’s as if these 12 years didn’t exist , i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to settle your unfaithful wife, this is ours, a personal matter, you understand me, i want everything to be without...
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our boss is like that the same kind of thief , as you showed, in vladivostok, theatrically, you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you were thrown from one role to another, then the first role was a mess, walking around, after 25 years we separated, well, it ’s hard to say, i arrived on december 30th. took bag, thank you all, why goodbye i left everything , always to moscow, another life began to help, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail , it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest
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convenient, like... not my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, anushka has already bought sunflower oil and not only bought it, but even bottled it. the wolands were seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, today at the patriarchs there will be an interesting story, black magician, yes, and the fish will now be a millionaire.
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margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands , i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now he will speak to you famous foreign artist monsieur woland, everyday story in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching, miss, today on rtr it’s already on... form , we’re watching all the episodes right now in the application or on the website. let's start with breaking news from ministry of defense. in the kupinsky direction, the settlement of tobaevka was liberated by the active actions of units of the western group of troops. this is the kharkov region in the area of ​​​​the settlement.


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