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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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now they will be a millionaire. margarita again picks up the yellow flowers. i came out with yellow flowers so that you could finally find me. the master burns his novel again. trouble will happen to me. i don't want you to die with me. so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you. true history in a new quality. it will be like this. master and margarita. midnight is approaching, sir. today. we start with urgent news from the ministry of defense in the kupinsky direction, active actions of units of the western group the troops liberated the settlement of tabaevka, this is the kharkov region in the area...
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of pride to transfer to ukraine everything that requires it. kyiv. strack zimmerman is referring to, among other things, the german towns cruise missiles. in a live broadcast on the tv channel, antifau, the chairman of the bundestag defense committee, said that no one needs an overly complicated deal on the exchange of missile weapons between london and berlin now; the taurus should just be transferred to the ssu. german british storm shadow,
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ukrainian fur zelensky, while believing if this does not happen in the near future , the transfer of missiles, then all of europe, in particular germany and london, will face a third world war. we don’t know the chancellor, it seems to me that the chancellor understood more, it seems to me, it seems to me, it seems to me,
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in his eyes, especially bearing in mind the massive publications of the western press, which previously supported zelensky, encouraged and even egged him on, and now they report that this is a failure, and there is no longer hope of returning the territories, please, well... this should be noted, now the main problem seems to be the fact that the actions that will now take place are very seriously turning on the american market, what is special, why does biden not answer, in the region , about 3.6 are currently being produced only in iraq and iran, 3.6 are being produced in iran, and accordingly, that is, in this way we are transferred to another theater, potential third world wars, this is now becoming a big problem and these risks are very high, why is it that biden was going
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to withdraw troops from iraq before the start of his election campaign, he has already announced, accordingly, moreover, iraq itself is in favor of withdrawing these troops, moreover, without the support of troops in iraq, bringing troops from syria, including, accordingly, taur 22, the so-called, it initially provided for the group that is located in syria first of all, accordingly, from jordan, so it will most likely be necessary to withdraw there, so from this point of view, last week they denied about iraq, well, we don’t know, maybe this is a game, but i remind you that the politician confirmed before that, that is, there is a problem is c... he can’t, so he is now trying to first put pressure on netanyahu with a demand to start negotiations for 2 months, or rather to reduce the intensification of military operations, with the goal, accordingly, of how to suppress the situation at least in the primary, what we discussed before, the second point, he is trying to stabilize the situation in the middle east as much as possible, it is getting very much worse, what is the problem, now it is starting to have republicans, and not just trumpists, but republicans.
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so old school, including graham everything the rest of the breakers, by the way , in order to put pressure on him very seriously, why is this important, firstly, the soldiers died, and secondly, if we withdraw troops now or at least some actions are carried out regarding the withdrawal, this will happen. .. be perceived as weakness, first of all , trump not biden cannot now unleash a full-fledged war with iran for a number of reasons, the main ones are economic, how much are prices now 83, it was 84, these are the prices of november, they have won back everything that happened in the winter, all the fall, we had 70 actually, everything came back again back only in the middle east, despite the fact that the situation is still quite complicated, china naturally shows that it is going to subsidize the economy, that is, in fact, the situation is as follows: bayd can get inflation from above, and accordingly kind of low. the problem is at the border, so from this point of view, biden will try by all means to minimize the risks associated with rising prices, why is this important, in the middle east, in the same iran, even if we take pure production, this is approximately 3.6 million barrels a day, despite the fact that nothing is secretly supplied through iraq, if a confrontation breaks out there, iraq will fall there,
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iraq is 4.6, that is, they together produce 8 million barrels, this is 8% of all production in the world, this is only in two countries, by the way, and accordingly it also lies in the following, since everyone feels weak, they begin to put pressure. what is being done now by venezuela, which has lifted sanctions, and venezuela is now burying its opposition in the literal sense of the word, there have already been statements about that we will now lift the sanctions, but will not lift the sanctions, because in this case there is still minus 700,000 barrels from the market, and these 7,000 that go directly to the american market, so from this point of view , a feeling of weakness begins, in addition, accordingly , the only track along which stabilization has emerged is china, i remind you, accordingly, negotiations, seemingly naturally possible direct negotiations that can begin, but what is the background against which this is happening, right? biden at the same time, we don’t recognize them, we don’t recognize them there in taiwan, the problem is simply
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this: weakness is now manifesting itself to a certain extent, as if this externally political agenda is beginning to turn into internally political components, especially the migration problem, we said that this will become the main topic , it didn’t just light up, those are the subject there, but it will become, this is already an important part of the electoral agenda, the latest rators data that we have, accordingly, with which we have data accordingly, last week, thursday, which we have in common nationally, biden is already losing plus four, well, minus four, as in the case of biden, and he is losing with any third candidate. it didn’t work for him, right after that the ratings rolled back, he said that if you don’t cut the barbed wire there now, you won’t disperse, i wow, they didn’t cut it, they didn’t disperse, he said, okay, fine, let’s change the law, join , that
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this is also very similar, now the most important moment, which is the next trigger will be 8 september, for some reason we seem to be on february 8, for some reason we are not considering this, i will remind you that in reality it will be, it will not be a primary or anything. these will be decisions of the supreme court, then there will be oral hearings , trump will present his position, the supreme court will say whether it can be cut from the ballot or not, if the supreme court makes a decision, and most likely the basic legal position on the market is that they will leave it for technical reasons there, because the officer does not correspond to the position of the president, in short, they will tell all this to the next week i will explain to you what the joke is, the point , but the point is the following, that for technical reasons, to put it up, then the possibility of cutting it out of the ballot formally will practically not remain, there will be only one process left, which will reach the end of the year, for which he can be convicted, but it does not imply a crime with a high degree of probability, so from this point of view, this is what haley is waiting for, she is waiting for her february 8th, then she is waiting for south carolina, now biden’s agenda is starting to rework the component, why tucker attacked the republicans,
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so that what if in the southern queens she loses, accordingly, her candidacy of this person is big, with a high degree of probability she will withdraw her candidacy or 23 so i think that trump has a certain kind of hook about her, well, sort of he actually has a difficult attitude towards her, let’s just say he’s such a vindictive comrade, to be honest, he conditionally forgave the landing party and called him names, and he didn’t show up at any event after that, although everyone else stood there, cutting off his funding for the republican party in the state now, that is, in fact, he is taking revenge quietly later, that’s what i ’m all about, to the fact that there is a 60% probability on the market, it will be withdrawn or south carolina, where she will lose very much in fact, by the way , they will have two coconuts in this in nivada, but this is a separate story, why 2 caucuses, so
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either, accordingly, on march 5, the arc queen is her state, this is the state where she was governor, this the state where she is supported accordingly and where her rating is lower than in newmpshire, significantly lower than in newmpshire, i would say so, because there is already a company there accordingly. i mean, after the southern queen , there’s probably nothing to hope for at all, the only thing is that it will either be filmed after, or, accordingly, right before that, before super tuesday, which will be on march 5, so march 5... this is a good goat , only he is playing it early, in fact, to be honest, because the main influx will be in the summer,
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but how well does he handle this topic, if he takes out let’s look at the event, which accordingly, biden is conducting, there is written on the back according to roe, what it is , he is taking abortions, accordingly, this is his topic , which accordingly he will bring to this election campaign, as he did 2 years ago, so from this point of view, the general the situation is that biden will cling to this internal agenda, trying to minimize the external political impact, trump will sink his teeth into migration and will, accordingly , push the international agenda as much as possible. the whole world will be in this grip the next few months, including all the main conflicts that will occur, therefore, from this point of view, no matter how the situation plus or minus is not clear, at least at this stage and the special intensity of this process will be just before march, because if before march the situation will determine the main candidates, then everything, plus or minus , will happen, by the way, there are ways to remove them in principle, but i think that this will not happen if the candidate is already the last option is the most reliable, in fact , paradoxically, partly because what if a person has a mental problem , great.
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without knowing me, you love me so much, i can’t help but remember my mom and dad here, they gave their whole lives to mass films, cinema, and i’m here, oh my shy hero, you deftly avoided shame, how long did i play the role, not relying on a partner, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio. broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr, tell me, gyatek,
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have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? "you're not just beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing , you love her, and she, she is with my father, the romance is turning, for some, beauty is a pass to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others, it is a test of fidelity, that you are silent, and that i should i say?" "well , shout something, hit me, i don’t know, when your
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husband is having an affair, where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr, tea! manenka, manenka, yes, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is of course interesting, on love, what beautiful girls , i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, on what a good conversation is built, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when
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everyone is at home, on sundays on rtr, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has special gifts, who you look at all the time, well, that girl is worth earning. "maybe this dream of mine has something to do with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just watch without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you. ann medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. it's our anniversary too. 10
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years of marriage. dad, dad, hi, this is for slavik, what is it? lyanka griu, i had the right to know that you have a child, this painted doll, your misha no longer lived, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where is his mother, she left, well, let me sit with him, and you can let the nanny go, we’ll be here without you somehow, that means i’m just a nanny, well, i ’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on
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saturday on rtr. so, paris is preparing for a real blockade: at 16:00 moscow time, at 14:00 local time, protesters will block the highways that lead into the city to charles de gaulle airport. the promotion accepts participation of 72,000 farmers, 41,000 tractors. the french authorities have already deployed 15.00 gendarmes and armored vehicles to the capital. we have our own technology. from the farmers, that’s how this night they were using a combine harvester to dig ditches on the roads in front of paris, preparing as if for real military operations. police are increasing security around
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the rangis international market, an important economic hub in the paris region. farmer unions called on the protesters. blockade the market, thereby marking the beginning of what they called an indefinite siege of the capital. farmers set up roadblocks on eight highways approaching paris. the police were instructed to prevent protesters from entering the capital at airports. example ottal. said the government plans to consider further measures to address what he called unfair competition from countries with different production laws, while protests with road blockades are expected in the south, in the city of leon. long live the french revolution, freedom, equality, fraternity, we are in france we are transferred to the direct link of ria
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novosti correspondent elena koraeva. len, hello, it looks like something extraordinary, the following: when the european commission decided to support ukraine in every possible way, it did not inform the farmers that it would support ukrainian farmers. what does this mean that ukrainian products, which do not comply with any agricultural, environmental, medical, veterinary or any other standards, are now entering the
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french and european markets. naturally, farmers in france, who are taxed monstrous taxes and regulations. which they are obliged to follow, they are not happy about it, this is to put it mildly, i put it mildly, and the story has been going on since june, that is, mr. macron had time, like his two prime ministers , the former, the former and the current one, to react they didn’t do this, well, because who are these pisany agrarians, some strange men smeared with manure, and here we are solving great progressive democratic problems, therefore...
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the supreme state council of the union state is taking place, what a sin, because there were us too conflict issues, all have been overcome, they still remained for ten years, everything, everything, yes
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, practically, despite your skepticism, i am telling you that all the issues have been overcome, and so, our opponents helped us in many ways , because the pressure, which is exerted on the republic of belarus, on the russian federation, sanctions pressure, it accelerated our union, they wanted to slow it down. in fact, there has been an acceleration, the model that we have developed for interaction and mechanisms is very important, let’s compare it with the european union, hungary, here we have two presidents meeting, alexander lukashenko, vladimir putin, for several days there has been very close communication, exchange of information, resolution of issues, today we are going to the highest state council with specific signing of documents, at this time enormous pressure is being put on hungary to force her to give up...
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"we will agree with everything that they say in this period of hungary, financial times recently released an article, they say: "orban, you have a gun, we have a bazooka, if you will and continue to defend your interests at the level of the european union, we will deprive you of all funding, you have problems with your national debt, with inflation, with unemployment, with a whole series of issues, so we will arrange a complete economic blockade for you if you are at the level of the european union put aside your interest, this completely upsets you."
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urgently help, patient named briano, guys, anti-shock, marin, that’s it, stay here, no matter how scary it is, and shut your mouth, i
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said, and now we’ll call the police for her too everyone will quickly remind you that they told me, i hit him with a knife, do you believe it, yes it ’s true, no matter how painful it is, there won’t be anything like this, the world, what are you, i’m afraid that i won’t wake up, suddenly there will be even worse than... as long as there is hope, life goes on, as it passed, why are you silent, skletosovsky, we look at rtr today.
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in the new season, with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object,
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there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes. every sunday on rtr, this is for you, it’s not bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor our replacement co-pilot, a flight into
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the unknown. canvas island, we heard, they just reported that there was an earthquake there, they are asking to help evacuate the victims, and earlier , it’s really bad there, lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone on board, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i’m going on one, fire engines, reduce the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one. i don’t see the lane, i don’t see the lane, follow the instruments, crew, on friday, on rtr, yuri kuznetsov, this year the film opera chronicles of the homicide department is 20 years old, a lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps, a real policeman told me, you are there on such a deaf person, but we have such a boss same as duurol, as you showed. in
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the vladivostok theater, you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you are cast from one side to another, then the first role, chaos, eat, after 25 years we separated, it’s hard for us to talk about this, i arrived on december 30, took bag, said, thank you, goodbye, everything left, always in moscow. another life has begun, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, but also absolutely incredible footage of the rescue in lugansko-molchevsk, two girls 11 and 12 years old fell through the approach, the ministry of emergency situations employees arrived literally in a couple of minutes, threw a lifebuoy on the flight, rushed in themselves, and
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explained. children how to cling to the circle and literally pulled them out of the cold water, lead with you, bye! the information service of the russian tv channel continues! in the konstantinovsky palace, the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus: the meeting is truly of fundamental importance, and we will work together. in the kharkov region, the settlement of tabaevka has been liberated. minister sergei shaigu inspected the new
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scientific cluster of the ministry of defense in the moscow region. donetsk is under fire again and there are casualties. the central election commission registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the presidential elections. verifying signatures is a colossal job and is being used for the first time. artificial intelligence. the iranian army is on high alert following us threats to launch a retaliatory strike. farmers march on paris, europe's largest wholesale market today under siege. the farmers' march on paris is already a red line for the french authorities. today a new chekovsky museum is opening in togodrog. at home, anton palchi celebrates the birthday of the russian writer. in conditions of unprecedented external pressure , moscow and minsk provide each other with truly allied support in
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the international arena. the integration of russia and belarus in the economic and technological spheres is deepening. vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus. and now there is a live broadcast. ours comes out of the konstantinovsky palace political commentator alexey golovko. alexey, hello, what statements have already been made? hello , maria, yes, indeed, the main part of the meeting of the supreme state council of the republics of russia and the republic of belarus, the union state, is now taking place in the konstantinovsky palace behind closed doors, with the participation of presidents, heads of government and also heads of higher and lower chambers, lower chambers. parliament, well, it was interesting today to observe how the leaders of the two states were in the constantine palace, everyone operators followed the motorcade in which aurus was, but only the most attentive noticed that in fact alexander lukashenko was given a lift to the porch of the constantine palace
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by vladimir putin, he was driving himself, well, then in the hall there was already a moment of surprise for the president himself when he sat down table, i saw what type of documents the ministers, deputy prime ministers, and heads of government had prepared for this. in july the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders will be celebrated, in may 2025 eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. these are the most important memorable dates, significant for our two fraternal
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peoples, firmly connected by common history and spiritual values, family and kinship ties. and it is on such a solid foundation that the true one rests...
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as a candidate in the presidential elections in russia. the commission made the decision unanimously. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. in his support , 2.5 million signatures were collected in 89 regions of our country. country, in accordance with the law, the cec had
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315,000 signatures submitted. alexey petrov followed the course of the meeting. at the meeting , the chairman of the cical pomfilova announces the beginning of a new stage in the electoral race. today we start the second stage of information, it will begin with a new wave of outdoor advertising. first of all, i would like to present the slogan of the upcoming presidential elections. together we vote with strength. from russia. the first question on the agenda is the registration of a candidate for the post of president vladimir putin, all legal nuances are discussed. everything required by law for registration documents for candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin were submitted, including 315,000 signatures in support of his self-nomination. the cec has already verified 60,000 signatures out of the 315,000 submitted. they are sent to the central election commission from the central election headquarters. vladimir putin was sent on january 22.
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verifying signatures is a colossal job and for the first time artificial intelligence is used, that is, any error at this stage is excluded. in the hall is one of the co-chairs of putin’s election headquarters, the head of the union of theater figures vladimir mashkov. ella pomfilova presents him with the certificate of presidential candidate vladimir putin. according to the law, a self-nominated candidate must collect from 300 to 315 thousand signatures. presidential candidate of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich in the very near future i will do this. for vladimir vladimirovich, it is fundamentally important to see the support of the russians, and you know,
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the candidate for the post of president vladimir putin, there are 198 names in it, who are for, who are against, who abstained, it was adopted unanimously. the first part of the list was published on 28 december, it included 346.
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what we see is simply ideal for people, quickly, at the same time, every detail is observed in accordance with the procedure, i think that we can consider that this is a reference checkpoint in its architecture, infrastructure, by the way our federal intelligence services work here in the interests of ensuring the tasks of the border crossing. three people were killed and another was wounded in
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donetsk. about an hour ago , at least eight rockets were fired at the city from a multiple launch rocket system. most of them fell in the kalininsky district. a private car caught fire and the blast wave broke windows in residential buildings. in the south of the donetsk republic, in the village of nikolskoye, a priest was wounded. in the lugansk people's republic, two children were injured as a result of shelling of a residential building. in the region, troops of the west group liberated the village of tobaevka from the ukrainian armed forces. three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed in the same area. the data in today's report is provided by the ministry of defense. over the territory of the lpr, as well as the zaporozhye and kherson regions, 34 drones were shot down, a projectile was intercepted hymers, on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the marines in the ukrainian armed forces, in the ukrainian rear, north of kherson. the total enemy losses over the past 24 hours are about 700 militants, 280 were eliminated
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in the krasno-limansk direction. the central group unit improved the position along the front line. report by voenkor vesti, eduard. negla, look, here you can clearly see how they are crawling towards them, coming, coming, coming, coming, look, look, the wing is coming, these unique shots were taken in south donetsk direction, an assault unit is working on the front line, the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye, they thought that we had left our positions, but they don’t know that we are sitting on the right, i tell my soldiers, two of you walk quietly, carefully, without making noise, throw a grenade , go into the trench, if possible, take at least one prisoner, the fighter throws a grenade, the grenade explodes and the fighter immediately throws it into his trench. the legendary commander saval leads the attack aircraft, his unit has dozens of strong points taken, in this battle there are only four attack aircraft on our side, there are about 60 enemy soldiers, they don’t know that
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mine are crawling, it’s absolutely not visible at all , you see, i start teasing them with a komikaza, one hit doesn’t bury, i made sure that they didn’t understand that they were being attacked, well, i did that to them deceived. and here is another battle of saval’s unit: 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the battle lasted 5 days, eventually the enemy threw down their weapons and fled. the stormtroopers are now on vacation recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where the assault troops are located - this is a mini-town hidden in a forest belt. the soldiers live underground, in these fortified dugouts, but in reality there are almost all the amenities inside. because along the entire forest belt there are generators like these that generate electricity. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipment for providing medical care. the first aid station has everything you need. stocks are replenished every week. in winter
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, of course, medicines for colds and vitamins. a bathhouse was also built in the center of the camp. soldiers are allowed to heat the bathhouse any day. one condition. we chop the wood ourselves, there is a field kitchen nearby, we have three meals a day, the menu changes every day, we are given this stew, there is pickling, a game of squash, the stormtroopers regularly receive parcels from volunteers, the soldiers always accept them with joy. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. identifying biological threats as quickly as possible and developing vaccines against dangerous diseases is the task of the new scientific class. ministry of defense in the moscow region, it will appear on the basis of the fortieth central research institute, how the construction of new laboratory buildings is progressing, sergei shaigu checked today. in addition, the head of the military department visited the twelfth days of the name defense, where weapons testing is taking place. the new experimental base of the institute allows for testing
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as close as possible to real conditions. the pentagon does not confirm the houthi strikes on its own. ship in the gulf of adon. official representatives of the military department the us told the media that it knew nothing about the attack by yemeni rebels. well, the target of the strike , according to the houthis, was the floating military base lewis puller. formally, this is a support vessel, but in fact, it is a small aircraft carrier with a deck of 5.00 square meters on which four cargo helicopters can land. the base is known to have been used by a navy seal unit. meanwhile. the iranian army, as well as iran's air defense systems , have been put on the highest alert level at the so-called red level. this was reported by the leadership of the country's ground forces. the day before, the american agency bloomberg did not rule out a retaliatory strike against iran in response to a drone attack on an american base in jordan. for the first time since
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the beginning of the aggravation in the middle east , americans suffered military losses. the drone strike killed three soldiers and injured 25. and here's what's next in our issue: paris, there the gendarmerie brought armored vehicles into the streets against the protesting farmers, due to bad weather, a state of emergency was declared in the sakhalin region, and the residents of taganrog today we celebrate the birthday of our outstanding fellow countryman. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. a patient has arrived, a patient named bracken is asking for urgent help. anti-shock, marin, that’s it, stay here , no matter how scary it is, and shut your mouth, i said, and now we’ll call the police and quickly remind you of everything, they told me, i hit him with a knife. do you believe this? yes it's true. no matter how much it hurts, there will be no taking. like this? perkh, what are you talking about, i'm
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afraid i won't wake up. suddenly it will be even worse than now. as long as there is hope, life continues. how was it? why are you silent? skletosovsky. we are watching today on rtr. and soon, we will watch new episodes. the disease is easier to prevent than yu. therefore, i warn you about the premiere episode of sklifosovsky, the best prevention. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a nerd or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old. tightening we can be a taster, i
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always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to turn to specialist dr. myasnikov every saturday on rtr. annushka has already bought sunflower oil and not only bought it, but even bottled it. woland was again seen on the patriarchs. you are a historian, i am a historian. today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchs. black magician, yes. poster. now they will be a millionaire. margarita again picks up the yellow flowers. i came out with yellow flowers so that you could finally find me. the master
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burns his novel again. trouble will happen to me. i don't want you to die with me. so, citizens, now before you the famous international artist monsieur woland will perform. future history in a new quality. let it be so. the master and margarita midnight is approaching miss. russia is traditional, modern , technological, original, open, great , so different, but dear to... all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia,
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a wonderful boy, he is the only thing that connects me with his mother, i believed , not only did he cheat on me, he also lied to me all these years, you need to move on with your life, tomorrow you you go to work with... someone else's child, premiere on saturday on rtr, there is an idea to undermine the foundations of russian statehood, set it on fire from different sides, but you know what i'm afraid of, that all these fantasies...
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unknown, too many people are beginning to understand that what we want to convey to them. besagon is becoming dangerous. besagon tv today on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. armored vehicles have been deployed to paris. 1,500 police officers and gendarmes are preparing to defend the french capital from farmers on tractors; 40 communes are covered in protests by farmers, in
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list of demands: refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products, abolition of the fuel tax, well, more than 120 points in total. from france, reporting by anastasia popova. europe's largest wholesale market near paris is under siege today. not the tractors, but the police had him in a tight circle. the wheeled armored cars of the gendarmerie drove up and prepared to repel a possible attempt to block the center, which supplies the french capital with food. the vranjis market should continue to operate as before. to the airports of roissia and arly, as well as others airports and markets throughout the country, 15,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized. taxi drivers suddenly joined the protests, they are also blocking highways and holding mass demonstrations in many large cities, they have their own demands, but things are also boiling over. the task of the police is not easy: to avoid
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unrest during the demonstration and to preserve the image of france, which has plunged. into another social crisis just 5 months before the start of the summer olympics. the farmers' march on paris is already a red line for the french authorities. ministry of internal affairs affairs are charged with ensuring safety and mobility on the roads. tractors should not be allowed into the city center, ideally to prevent a long blockade of the city. farmers do not want to go hand-to-hand against the police; they act wisely and immediately block seven main routes from south to north that lead to the city, including the pharmacy market.
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in france promises new measures and nods towards brussels. we need time to decide which regulations can be simplified. and then there is the european question. the president of france will raise this topic, and so will i. i'll go to brussels for negotiations. getting to brussels will be problematic. belgian farmers join europe-wide protests. both flanders and volonia are boiling. convoys slow down traffic on main routes and block the border. france and logistics centers are erecting barricades, the demands are the same, there are still no answers. anastasia popova lyabernade news, paris, france. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijarta, arrived in western ukraine in uzhgorod, and the head of zelensky’s office, iermak, and the minister of foreign affairs, kuleba, are meeting with him. as reported in budapest, they are discussing, in particular, the rights of the hungarian community, which kiev infringes on
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legislatively. veta of budapest to help the eu. and also discuss preparations for viktor orban’s visit to ukraine, who, unlike other european leaders , has never visited kiev over the past 2 years. as one of the hungarian newspapers reported, on the eve of the visit , threats were received against szjárt, who had repeatedly opposed military assistance to ukraine. unknown people promised to blow up the diplomatic train, but he only laughed it off on social networks that people are praying for him in the famous hungarian monastery.
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advanced laser-arc technological equipment, scientific and educational laboratory, advanced turbine engines and installations. due to the danger of avalanches, a state of emergency was declared in several areas of the sakhalin region. its residents still cannot recover from the heavy snowfall that hit the island last week. in some remote villages
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the roads are still not cleared, so the locals have to. residents of taganrog celebrate today the birth of his outstanding countryman anton pavlovch chekhov. his stories and plays have been translated into dozens of languages, played on hundreds of leading stages, and filmed more than 300 times. veronica bogoma visited the house where the future writer’s journey began, and where a museum is open these days. today. a new chekhov museum is opening, the house of the writer pavel yegorovich’s father in what is called the family nest of the chekhov family, before the mansion was restored, they bought it, resettled
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the residents, removed redevelopment and unauthorized construction, was built by pavel egorovich chekhov, he was the one who conceived the project, he prepared the project together with the designers, the family happily moved here, but, unfortunately, life turned out in such a way that... the exhibition is virtual, all original objects disappeared from this house, even when anton lived in it palych, he sold them himself. for 16 years chekhov lived alone, renting a corner in this empty and already alien house. they ran. and he is a lodger in his own house, and he stays here as a lodger, in the first class, earns money, and his mother writes letters to him,
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why are you writing about your studies, but don’t send us any money? i haven’t had coffee for 2 days. now, having arrived in taganrok, you can see the full picture of all 19 years of life here of the future great writer, come to the gymnasium where he studied, to lavka, where he helped his father as a child, because of which... right from the car window, in the end, alone one of the drivers lost control and crashed into a construction fence, seriously, no one was hurt, the police are conducting an investigation, previously, for a similar drift with fireworks in moscow
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, they were already subject to administrative liability six drivers were involved. today at 23:30 watch on our tv channel the author’s program nikita mikhalkova besagon, the main topic is who serves nato in russia. the news continues to follow. with the development of major events in russia abroad, stay tuned. the final of the australian open tennis championship turned out to be incredibly tense and intriguing. our daniil medvedev and italian janik sinner fought for the main trophy. the russian still lost in the decisive battle, but set several records. report by stas ardikultsev. first of the year the grand slam tournament, the australian open, is doomed to become a myth, a visible embodiment.


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