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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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adheres to the justified growth party and new people, his new political union, he said that, listen carefully, return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, we need to move to a settlement as quickly as possible, today it must be a ceasefire, and this happens when the president of ukraine signs a decree that there is no talk of any negotiations... there can be no talk as long as vladimir putin is the president of russia, he is far from attaching labels to someone, well, but this is latent, by chance, according to mediocre thinking , but doesn’t this work for nato, all this taken together, i’m asking this question to you, everyone knows, we have a huge number of organizations. national sense
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, and thank god that they exist, let’s say there is an organization that deals with the uzbek community, they help visitors, they provide employment, help with registration, help with learning the russian language, with resolving legal disputes, well, the president of this community is a certain usman baratov, here on baratov’s page appears, text with a picture where he quotes our president, who dealt with the issue of egg shortages, and then a postscript, already mr. boradov, screw you with butter and not eggs, return the roosters from the front. roosters - who are they? apparently, these are our soldiers who are now fighting in the donbass, immediately after this the following statement comes up, mr. bara.
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adaptation is needed, integration is needed, but you can’t assimilate, this is a dangerous thing, assimilation is when you lose your roots, and even russian passports began to be called russian passports from the federal channel, well, that’s nonsense, where you don’t see the word russian passport, there is a russian passport, then it’s even more interesting, here mr. baratov defends the rights of uzbeks, but suddenly it turns out that in uzbekistan. who
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does not know about the existence of this organization and mr. baradov himself, that is, in uzbekistan they deny with their hands and feet the existence of such a person and such an organization, and even with such a reputation. here is a biographical information: born in the uzbek ussr in 1982, moved to moscow, did not go home with the collapse of the ussr, stayed in capital, where he changed his soviet passport. russian, so baratov was never even a citizen of uzbekistan. and here is what mr. baratov says about uzbekistan. listen, i advise uzbeks to go to russia rather than return to uzbekistan, where there is a dictatorial regime, where they will not be able to feed their families, if they move to russia, then for each person they will be allocated land in the far east or siberia. this
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means that a family of five can receive 5 hectares of land. after a while they may create on the territory of russia, the second - uzbekistan. can we ignore this ? that is, a person in our capital creates an organization that has nothing to do with uzbekistan, invites citizens of uzbekistan to come to russia in order to create a second uzbekistan here. besides , throwing mud at this same uzbekistan is fine, but in general, who does mr. baratov do well, i’ll tell you, the fact is that it turns out that mr. baratov is very popular in the foreign media working for the country central asia and writing in uzbek in russian, for example, the british bbc and the american radio liberty.
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and all this forces the vice-speaker of the state duma, pyotr tolstoy, to say the following: why are these fraternities better than the same ones, but carsican or sicilian, they also bribe local authorities, excuse their own militants, protect semi-legal businesses, and intimidate everyone else. in russia there should be no place for parallel structures with their own laws and customs and authorities. and pyotr olegovich is not alone in this point of view, also state duma deputy mikhail delyagin spoke more specifically on this matter. listen, when a person violates the law of russia, when he insults
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russian citizens on the basis of their nationality, when he demonstrates disrespect for culture, he is unilaterally destroying the agreement that he concluded with the state, period. what to discuss here, it would seem, yes, they say, he does not know the language in which he took this oath, well, colleagues, this is a different conversation, ignorance of the law does not exempt he is responsible, if a person signs an agreement without understanding its essence, he is still obliged to fulfill it, i understand, i understand that what i say can cause dissatisfaction, resentment of people who may consider themselves one of those.
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of the patriotic war, knowledge of its heroes, when you can quite calmly consider alexander matrosov, who closed his embrasure, as just a drunk who stumbled, and zoya kosmodemyanskaya can be considered a crazy hysterical woman, when you can seriously
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hear a dialogue on television on a talk show, where the question is raised, was it worth defending leningrad, what was the point, in the end, so many lives could have been saved and the city would have... been destroyed, well, everything would have been normal, setting an example, for example, of undestroyed paris, according to which it is easy to german regiments marched in the air, or, for example, without meaning to the words spoken by the good artist veniamin smekhov, who in an interview called stalin the greatest villain of humanity in general, and considers the day of stalin’s death, march 5, a great holiday. march 5...sergei memorial day prokofiev and the holiday of departure, dumping, completion of the life of the main villain of all times, but it would have been a fun holiday, these
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words were not there, that the mustache died there, guys, the end. well, how can we consider stalin a villain, forget about your fellow tribesmen, who were exterminated by millions by hitler, and not even mention this, 6 million of your fellow tribesmen were destroyed, burned, shot, hanged, executed, and consider stalin as the main villain, in whose name soviet soldiers liberated oswen hundred is...
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one to raise the other, because it is under a sign of legalized fascism on... you will appreciate the wisdom of the people who lived in our country many, many years ago, how they understood, felt, then, when there was still nothing to start a fight with another civilization, it didn’t smell like it does now, they felt where true, where not, here are the words of nikolayevich danilevsky, who lived from 1822 to 1800... russian philosopher, publicist, sociologist, this is what
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he writes, we saw above that from a general cultural-historical point of view, russia cannot be considered an integral part of europe neither by origin nor by adoption, that she has only two opportunities, or, together with other slavs , to form a special, independent one... then this world will be of no use to anyone, and i want to end our program with a small
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clip that was sent to me by a friend of our program, roman nosikov, it’s called: i returned from the war, i returned from the war, i don’t understand anything, is anyone else listening in russia? everything is about the war, all concerts, stage, fanfares are buzzing, battles near donetsk are like thunder on the baht, there are bars, vodka, cocktails and wine, understand that no one here is at all given that so far away from heaven , if you return alive, then you believe in miracles, the lamborghini flies along the avenue in the night, and above us , over the slopes, there are rooks again, and the dugout has been torn apart by the orta and
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camouflage has long become more expensive than jeans, the evening is ton, fireworks are seen over the river, the elite are having fun, because they won’t kill you here, what could happen here, a fire, a rockfall, here no one has heard how the hail works, here no one knows how the kamaz rumbles, how the canvas spaz flutters on the tank, how shells joke... fields and how scared for a friend who is in battle, not here no one knows how to transport two hundredths, how to remember and bury young guys, how to look mothers and fathers out of the eyes, knowing that death has no living face, i returned from the war and i don’t understand anything, is anyone listening in russia? also about the war,
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i think you all understand that these elements are not a complaint, this is not a condemnation, this is a desire to get through to a person, to the soul, to the conscience, if you want, sooner or... later it will be clear where the truth is . i hope we all want the truth that the same soldier returning from the front wants. well that's it now my tv viewers who watch our program have probably already prepared themselves for this, according to tradition. raise a glass, as pavel kadochnikov did in the film, beating
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the scout, saying, for victory, for our victory. well, friends, our swordsman krivorochka and monya are late again. got it, but he said: we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, i will wait impatiently, god will grant our new meeting with you, all the best.


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