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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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pavel kadochnikov did this in the film, the feat of a scout, saying for victory, for our victory. well, that’s all, our local minister krivorochka was late again, and he didn’t get it, but he said, let’s leave one by one, if anything happens, we geologists will look forward to it, god willing, our new meeting with you, all the best.
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hegemon on a stretch, no, i’m not talking about volochkova, i’m talking about the united states, that is, this is a definition of us foreign policy that is gaining relevance. washington was mated several times between.
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suddenly this is not iran, or there are two options here: either russian or iran, but in in an extreme case, north korea , but it’s also impossible, but what will happen next is that some accuse joe of a policy of appeasement, others of excessive aggressiveness, and joe happens and the first and second don’t even understand what they ’re talking about, because it’s obvious that this a person has long had a headache, no, i don’t want to offend the president of the united states, this is impossible by definition, but look.
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it’s impossible, there was a moment when you remember, german chancellor angela merkel felt really bad, that moment when she was shaking, everything they understood that, well, this disease, but this is how you can mock a person, he has the look of a child, absolutely right, a guilty child, he has the look of a person who absolutely does not understand where he is, or what he is, these are no longer reservations when he calls trump the current president of the united states, why mock him like that, but my generation generally understands this well, because... a brilliant
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statesman who in recent years asked him to retire, he addressed this to the politburo, he understood that it was physically difficult for him but he's never close he was in such a mental state, it was just physically extremely difficult for him, there were problems with his speech apparatus, but he always had clarity of mind, but here it is a tragedy. well, how is that possible? at the same time , a serious question arises for everyone: who rules the united states of america? but it is obvious that this person cannot work with documents or perceive oral speech, that is, his cognitive functions, well, to put it politely, do not meet the requirements of the supreme commander in chief, the largest army in the world, armed with nuclear weapons. weapons. no, of course, his fighting...
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friend nense pilosi doesn’t care about this, because she is an even more mature girl, but she is still in a different physical form, although when she looks for a russian trace in the pro-palestinian protests, it seems that she too something happened to my head, look, we must do everything to stop the suffering of the residents of gaza, women and children, people who have nowhere to go, we must think about it, but the fact that they are calling for a ceasefire is a message mr. putin, this is a message from mr. putin, you can be sure, this is directly related to what he would like to see, with ukraine the same story: i think that some of these protesters act spontaneously, naturally sincerely, some, i believe, are connected with russia. i say this because i have been observing this for a long time, as you know, you believe that some of these protests are the fruits of russian activity. i think
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it is necessary to investigate the sources of funding, and i want to ask the fbi to look into this, i want to remind you that they lied once already, and the same thing in...
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but they instantly draw their conclusions. and here is what the prime minister of yemen says. we followed the history of the united states, which entered the vietnam war and was defeated. they entered the korean war and were defeated. they entered iraq and afghanistan and were also
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defeated. they have been besieging iran since the establishment of the islamic republic of iran in 1979 and have been defeated. we rely on our people, on history for the future. and the usa will tolerate...
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this is of course a big problem for the americans, they didn’t notice how, but along with the fool barel, who came to central asia, to convince central asia that it is beneficial for them to support sanctions against russia, otherwise what, otherwise it’s bad in barel’s garden, otherwise the sanctions don’t work, when asked what then for the countries of central asia, barel is sincerely silent, because the wording is incomprehensible to him, the very fact that.
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you will perform, yes, these are all different stages of initiation, someone stopped somewhere,
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someone was smart enough not to go further, but everyone wanted it so much, i think that many people were jealous of mikhail borisovich, but he i i think and told him where i was and so on , i had to meet with serious people, but there, oh, there are such questions, to resolve issues, there are graters, smudges, there, yes, but i can say a word for you, well ... well, in general, imagining mikhail boris him with the komsomol than shenderrovich with mattresses, well, of course, yes , mikhail borisovich, these are komsomol show-offs , so i think he deployed them here in full, but i’ll tell you this, i feel sorry for my grandfather of course, if this is all true, they are evil, but suddenly they did the foreign press deceived the court.
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well, it’s just a disgrace, i understand what they are afraid of, they are afraid of the americans, and i’m not even sure if this is a deep state, they are afraid to demonstrate that they have a power vacuum. but if they are so afraid, well, let ’s take non-trivial actions, gather, on russia’s initiative, the un security council, invite the iranians, venezuelans, north koreans there, and let’s invite everyone they fear, the houthis, and accept the statement that until in america, and not
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completed, the transfer of power from biden and... a responsible government that at least represents someone, here we are, so to speak, the undersigned, we will not attack them, we will give america time, i don’t know what they will decide, in general , these constitutional procedures, well, they have, yes, the speaker of the house of representatives in conditions of complete incapacity.
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ourselves, well, really, well, what do we care about, well, we’ll be patient, not attacking them there until september-november, well, we’ll be patient, but there you yourself and you there with yours i can’t guarantee konstantinovich, he showed yesterday britain, what will happen to seven when they are all washed away, well, i’m ready to be patient, yes, but you and yours are sarmatian poseidon, dmitry konstantinovich can flare up, he has every reason, but i ’ll tell you this, that...
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including system of international multilateral treaties, we don’t fully understand what happened, but in reality, all this international law and this world order in general, yes, including the world order, which, as the americans claimed, was based on rules , it was realized precisely through
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multilateral diplomacy, and not through bilateral diplomacy, a hegemon, then he is... a hegemon, when he bends everyone at once, and not separately, if a large state has to bend everyone separately, then what kind of hegemon is this? well, that’s right, you scumbag hooligan, in this sense, the death of multilateral diplomacy, which the americans ultimately killed, was actually the first step towards the fact that the united states.
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yes, they stumbled in the middle east, who wrote everything off, they stumbled only because there were people there who they said: but we won’t do that, we have our own point of view, and we will do that, then , mind you, the houthis, they say again, they haven’t even sunk a single tanker yet,
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look, one has already sunk, what well, it hasn’t drowned yet, but it has chosen, but no, it burned well, it’s beautiful there, it burned well, but as of today noon, as they say, it hasn’t sunk yet, but i think it will probably sink, so? by the way, they hit the american ship, they said they confirm, well, they are silent, then what to do, then there is so, but a ship, a ship, not a ship, but an auxiliary vessel , well, still american, yes, yes, in a naval coloring, everything, as they say, is all chechinor, no, a ship of the army, that is, the united states navy, that's it, us navy, what difference does it make, at least they transport you,
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because they said: we will only rely on ourselves in terms of ensuring our own safety, do you want to help? please, no, that’s how everything fell apart for
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the americans, who had almost everything worked out, at the moment when people with a long history appeared will, and this suggests that the main decisive moment, the element of today’s system of international relations, right here now in the transition period, is will. it’s either there or it’s not, but as for this base from tanf 40 seconds, but i’ll use this methodological term, it’s, of course, a pimple on the butt, right, but behind this pimple is jordan, i thought, then the pimple is butt, yes, then, then pimple, yes, jordan, this is the place, this is the most painful place for americans to...
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achieve a just and lasting peace on in the middle east, firstly, all territories occupied by israel since 1967 must be returned to the arabs. secondly, the arab people of palestine must have the right to self-determination and the creation of their own independent state. thirdly, the eastern part of jerusalem must be returned to the arabs and believers throughout jerusalem must be provided with free access to the shrines of all three religions. fourth, all states in this region must have the right to...
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and look, what was laid down during soviet diplomacy remains the position of the soviet union is still relevant today, the arab world respects us for this, and now i would like to move on from this, you already mentioned, that is, right not long before his death, 2 months, 2 months, he died on november 10, everyone remembers the death, the concert was canceled due to medical reasons, so compare, is this connected? no, well, it was just always a favorite concert, no, no, no, well , some, so to compare him and mr.
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biden, it was not.
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egypt, a message has already arrived today that perhaps egypt is for supporting this decision, the ambassador of morocco will also recall his ambassador, in a month israel must report from those on the points that the court made, the hearing will continue and we’ll see what happens next, the most important thing is that a precedent has been created, secondly, to pay attention to yourself, even despite this decision of the international court, what is the precedent, that is, what is the decision?
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big and the fact that the international court still went for it despite this, i say again, this is unprecedented, why then are the americans and israelis so exhausted by the very fact that this the case is being considered in court and the interim decision is what they begin to accept for consideration, secondly, it’s like a court order, during the judicial review , a court order is issued, this is an order, that is, you should not do anything while we are sorting it out here and should not destroy the evidence so in a month you must report. to each point that the court has now made in the interim decision, now against this background they are paying attention to the statement of the united states that they will not stop supplying ammunition israel, and today the representative of the defense army is already crying, they will not stop giving zelensky’s opinion directly, yes, if the united states stops supplying us with shells and bombs, then we will not be able to conduct military operations in the gaza sector with such intensity, but this
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just shows who truly stands for... now regarding this strike on the american base, the information is different, some say that it is on the territory of jordan, the jordanians deny it, others say that it is about the territory of syria, there is also the misleading fact that the word rukban locality there are both on jordanian territory and nearby, literally the americans cannot understand in any way, the syrian territory, the americans are silent as always, they only now admitted that three were killed and this is easy
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to detect. how many medical flights have now been carried out from there verbil , a brilliant explanation, the us military could not prevent an attack on a base in the middle east because they confused an enemy drone with their own, the wall street journal writes with reference to officials, this is interesting, but doesn’t this mean that the americans themselves struck at their own base to escalate the conflict, well, a theory immediately arises. iran is definitely to blame for this then , well, because iran is to blame for everything, now i talked to the iranians today, i asked, it wasn’t you who knocked them out, they tell me: fear god, we have such leverage on the same ones, he says, the houthis don’t, do you even have any
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idea what kind of people these are? and if something was decided, no, that’s a completely different question, but if the drone struck, well, what does iran have to do with it, that’s not the point, they remained elements, that is, it is possible to identify them. perhaps what kind of drone is this, what kind of drone is it, then all questions will be immediately cleared up, why are the americans suddenly saying, what does it mean, they mixed up the drone , they mixed it up, with a spyglass, self-formulation, yes, we mixed up the drone, it doesn’t work like that, they’re making it dark they, because look, the second day is already ending, no one really knows yet, then, why does iran need this, because in this way they provoke them to be drawn into a big war, he expressed a very interesting thought. the main thing, so that it’s not written in ukrainian, i’ll just remind you that a number of drones, in particular switch blades, were delivered by the united states to ukraine, where ukraine sells what, it’s no coincidence that inspectors have come to check there now, so i wouldn’t be surprised if
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it turns out that hello from zelensky , well, today there was a message that some of hamas’ weapons came from israeli territory, this is already interesting information that needs to be looked into, well, as i understand it, in the gas sector, even speaking from... look, the first headline: instead of, in order to bring the status of israel in the international community, netanyahu brought it to the status of a criminal bloodthirsty state, one of the authoritative israeli journalists is extreme left, well, she considers it liberal,
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the left is not left, but this is an israeli newspaper very popular, very popular, very liberal extremely antibi , well , a lot of people read it, israel has nothing more to gain from the war, stop sending our children. gas will die, only without netanyahu there will be hope, don’t believe it, but i said israeli analysts, now as for, by the way, note that i haven’t seen any bloggers who would post how sahal works, and i haven’t seen any videos about what happened at the base, somehow suddenly in democratic countries like the usa and israel, military censorship is such that the same sobchak says, we are just doing our work, posting arrivals. i would have already been in prison a long time ago, but despite the fact that the most severe censorship in israel, yesterday in the same garits a photograph was published where the sea is standing in the square coffins with israeli military personnel , it is no longer possible to hide, the losses are very large
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, now as for they will be imprisoned, as was the case with this guy who published a photo from an ambulance, yes, now as for the recent incident between iran and pakistan, well, as i foresaw ... they say: give me an agreement, the americans need to show their people before the elections that we are doing something, and the iraqi government needs to show that we are putting pressure on these, the iraqi government has no verbal influence on the forces of popular mobilization, a the popular mobilization forces, haha ashabi, said
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that we will support our brothers in palestine, so the bad thing here is who will support our brothers in texas? texas will be free, and there will find people, well , gatherings of singles have already begun there.
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they are driving us, that is, they don’t want to fight for themselves, but we have to help them, we have to spend our money, why? it's the same theme they sang before leaving afghanistan, the same theme they sang after. don’t rush to break off relations with russia, you
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depend on them a lot economically, we are not able to provide you with economic assistance, break it up slowly, so here we need to think about whether we are doing everything correctly in the armenian direction and what kind of policy we are doing in the armenian direction, i don’t know, i’m not the ministry foreign affairs is absolutely correct, and i don’t know, despite the fact that my attitude towards the armenian people is well known, i don’t understand what we are doing there, i just really don’t know. at an amazing level, what we are doing for the armenian people, i know those armenians who come here, they find their blood, home, opportunity to work here, that is, there are no questions at all, but if we are talking about the state of armenia, i don’t know, i just don’t understand what the state of armenia wants, the state of armenia did not appeal , the state of armenia allowed the disappearance of nagorno-karabakh , after all, this...
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and russia has nothing to do with it, well, russia has interests, but it needs it in the caucasus, and sooner or later we will have to restore our positions, but for this purpose we must determine for ourselves how far we are ready to go, on that we are ready to go, right now, for example , we have a situational friend of type ercep erdogan, who has been building relations with sweden for so long, and what he received, he promised to avenge the koran, well, yes, he received f16, and greece received it. 35 not a very good exchanger somehow somehow the trade was not very successful advertising, because you’re right, so what, i don’t need to operate anymore, well, the bosses are asleep, let’s get started, let’s go, we have several patients with lonely symptoms, and an epidemic, you need to understand that everything although... unites people, with such a high risk, i would stop,
10:00 pm
let’s continue, sklebosovsky, tomorrow on rtr, a goal is threatening, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season with a new renovation , a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, our heroes’ living room will soon bloom. real stone flowers, after after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, i’m sorry. love is like flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, a flight into the unknown. kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there , they are asking for help to evacuate the victims, but earlier, it’s really bad there, soon this lava, sasha, everything is on board, quickly, the engine is completely
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out of order, i’m going on one, fire, great, engine, reduce the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one. i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, follow the instruments, crew on friday, nartr everything, elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather couldn’t find the leaflet, so they brought it. yesterday , answer, child, this is the work of your hands, we open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in the know: information about the candidates, elections, places and dates, results voting in election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on
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the internet by looking at the cycle portal, you can choose freely in the country. honestly convenient. one of the largest studios in europe. the stars were shining here. masterpieces were created here. twists of creative destinies. portraits of the great masters of soviet cinema. to the centenary of the film studio. mosfilm on the winds of history. film by boris dobrodeev. on friday on rtr, a wonderful boy, he is the only thing that connects me with his mother, i believed the topic, not only did he change me, he he’s been lying to me all these years, you need to move on with your life, tomorrow you go to work with
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your head held high, next time i suggest we have lunch at a restaurant, you agree, someone else’s child, premiere on saturday on rtr. yuri kuznetsov. this year, the film opera chronicles the homicide department is 20 years old. lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lanterns. a real policeman told me, you are such a pest there, our boss is such a swindler, as you showed. in vladivostok, the theater, you will meet your first wife, valentina. and they gave you roles, you were pulled from one place to another, then the first role, chaos, carousing, after 25 years we parted ways, it’s hard to talk about it, i arrived on december 30, took my bag, said, thank you, goodbye, that’s it,
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i left, always to moscow, started another life
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, other value guidelines remain or exist, the same story is happening to us, of course, they worked a lot on us, we worked a lot on ourselves, but nevertheless, somewhere from the depths of our roots, as if yes, there is some kind of value base that as if it still allows us to maintain some kind of identity, i don’t think that this, you know , this is what is given to you forever, which means wealth, it can disappear if it is squandered, but nevertheless they rest everywhere on those who have some kind of then another alternative view of this life from the point of view of values, in fact. this is one of their main tasks, in principle, globally , to make sure that no one has an alternative way of life, so that their way of life is perceived by everyone as the only desirable one,
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that you have it, this does not mean that you can effectively manage it, so all this talk there about a possible nuclear strike on iran and so on, so on, it seems to me that this is all nonsense, but honestly, it seems to me that they will not agree to this, and it is also impossible to solve this problem in other ways, so to speak , there is money left, money is what remains in their hands, this is a very serious mischief, so to speak, and a lever of pressure on everyone, including those who have different values, that is, it’s like you know, it means universal biblical instruments, i would say so... yes, the destruction of all values, yes, if you, if you have a lot of values, principles, so to speak, and so on, so on, so forth, but you are ready to change them or
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pine for money , then consider that you have no values, no principles, nothing at all, it is precisely this lever of the americans that continues to work, and this, of course, is one of the tasks that faces all those who want to somehow get out and from under their from under their influence, in this sense i will allow myself a little to deviate from our topic, remember this: in particular, putin ’s speech, the decree on large families, that the year of the family, as it were, yes, we started this year, we don’t need a year of seven, we need a decade, a century of the family , including to strengthen, to strengthen the value foundations that will not allow our society to be eroded, will not allow us to be eroded and turned into that sand, which is very easy, so to speak, yes, very easy to manage, pour from one there, from one, so to speak, from one container to another, and here we need a lot of work, and that means, if you want... scientific, and informational, and changing the cultural agenda of everything so that
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the family must fit into the picture of the success of our people, our youth, and definitely, so to speak, and children, in this sense, the decree that this threshold for having many children drops to three people, and this will be up to three children, and this will, as it were, be extended throughout the country, it is important, why? because when people are told: you know, if you had seven children there and so on and so forth, then the person looks into the distance, well... it’s hard, three children is, in principle, an uplifting story, especially if you somehow help, and this is a minimal increase, you know, when you are given a more understandable guideline, you have an incentive to move there, i think this is a very correct decision, by the way, although some people there say, well, what is it there in such and such a region like that, no, this is a strategically correct decision, because three provide a minimum increase, and this is the guideline that is felt lifting, you can reach for it, but the strengthening of the family as an institution of society , in my opinion, it will definitely lead to a change in value guidelines, or rather, these things are interconnected, in this sense, opposition
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to western civilization in its supposedly progressive form, so to speak, and including everything, what destroys a family is a strategic, strategically important task, so i hope that maybe this year we will be able to discuss many things about the family and move something forward, but we really need there, not a year or even a decade , the era of family is needed there, because you need to understand a simple thing, by the way, the same confrontations are also there. supposedly with these new progressive approaches of the americans, there the europeans, etc., etc., which are simply corrupting traditional civilization, now there’s literally a couple of words about america, if
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i may, yes, but before we run away, by the way, the houthis are one the husi family, the clan is called, yes, about the americans, just a few words, so that it means not to get into this very sphere here the influence of great specialists , without vsyakotovichakov, yes, this is without all... without any sarcasm, that’s what concerns america, in addition to what i said about values, firstly, the value conflict, the value conflict is clearly deepening in america itself, i think , that what is happening , including, as it were, in the states, in texas, and so on and so forth, is also a consequence of this value conflict, which means those who promote this progressive agenda and those who still, well, somehow still in this traditionalist agenda exists, by the way, again, i won’t go into so much detail here, but for us to...
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afford it, but what’s important, in my opinion, one of one of one of the, so to speak, signs of this internal crisis in america emerged when in time, during, so to speak, the election campaign, when trump was still against hillary clinton, they launched the mechanisms of color revolutions within their country, which they had previously used for others, before they had this whole complex of methods, soros’s, not soros’s, there meanings, complex methods were used and applied very successfully for...
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it seems to me that soon they simply will not be able to control, i of course understand that we are all here, yes, to one degree or another , biased, of course, we all say so, we want to say so, so that this is how- maybe it has unfolded in such a way, as if yes, so that once they have it all gone off the rails, i don’t have any special illusions here, but the fact is that this crisis, including the value crisis , will deepen, because people who rule the states, they hate the states, they like america, in my opinion, so to speak, it is already theirs, this america with these people who are told, let’s do everything. as we tell you, yes, this very thing, it will be, it will be good, they already hate them because they, so to speak, do not want to hear them, or at least some of them do not want, do not want to hear them, i i think that these processes, so to speak, will deepen there , and we’ll see what this will lead to, although it is clear that we should expect, so to speak, some kind of radical changes, for example, with the advent of trump, well, maybe,
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maybe it’s not worth it, but at the same time, of course, still, let’s be honest, trump is not biden.
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reprisal against undesirables, that is, silencing. in america, if we are talking about values, in america it was not possible to recode the majority of the population. and there the division is both by state and by social strata, that is, if we are talking about the ivy league there, they have gone crazy there. but if we are talking about the same texas, about balabama, then there we see traditional values, although sometimes they take on disgusting forms, well , frankly russian, as in the case of, say, alabama, where there are executions.
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nothing happened, that is, the texas national guard took control of 4 km of the border in the area of ​​the iglpas checkpoint, did not allow migrants there, and brought the united states border service officers outside the perimeter of this territory, and this is such a stadium, shelvey park, it’s called, but, strictly speaking, they are not very eager to go there, despite the fact that there is a decision of the supreme court, which... allows they should come in to cut this barbed wire, rather even this cutting one, it’s called razer, and the cutting failure, and there are already two ultimatums from biden that were not
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fulfilled, but this situation was so sluggish, in fact, it began to unfold back in in the first days of january, the media component was simply not noticed there for some time, but today it is happening literally in these minutes. important event, virginia beach, south of washington, the first convoy of truckers is gathering, in total there will be three of them, which will move in parallel courses to the mexican border, one of these columns, in fact, which starts from here, from the east coast of the united states is heading to iglpas, that is, it is with the arrival of these truckers that the conflict can acquire a civil dimension, we remember very well how the same caravans moved across america during the pandemic, in this way they expressed
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their protest against the decisions of the american liberal leadership to introduce lockdowns, something similar was popular in california, in a number of other states, well, now these same truckers who initially wanted to actually hit it with this.
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well, plus we don’t forget that 25 republican states supported the aspirations of governor greg abbott, the governor of texas, who does not show himself, by the way, as a voluntarist, he relies entirely on the document, on the constitution of texas, the state, in general in the american system - this is a separate states have their own constitutions, that is , these states perceive the american union itself. when the central state, which divided, on the contrary, as separate states, as...


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