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tv   Besogon TV  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:30am MSK

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“ask, what does sunflower oil have to do with this , who is annushka? and what does sunflower oil have to do with this, have you, citizen , ever been to a clinic for the mentally ill? i didn’t bother to ask the professor what schizophrenia is, so you’ll find out for yourself from him.” ivan nikolaevich, how do you know my name? hmm, please, ivan nikolaevich, who doesn’t know the poet ivan the homeless. i'm sorry, can you sit here for a minute, but i need say a few words to my friend. oh , with pleasure, it’s so nice here, under the linden trees, and i... by the way, i’m not in a hurry, that’s what,
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misha, he’s not a foreign tourist, he’s a spy , he’s a russian migrant who moved to us, asked him for documents, otherwise he’ll leave, you think, believe me, he ’s pretending to be a fool in order to ask something out , i heard him speak russian, let’s go stop him, otherwise we’ll let him go. excuse me for getting into the middle of our argument by introducing myself to you, here is my card, passport and invitation to come to moscow for consultation, so you are invited to us as a consultant, professor.
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yes, consultant, you are german , i am, yes, perhaps german, and what is your specialty, i am a specialist in black magic, on you, you were invited to us for this specialty, yes, for this one you were invited, authentic documents were found here in the state library manuscripts of the warlock herbert of avrilak of the 20th century, so it is required that i... sort them out, i am the only specialist in the world, you are a historian, i am a historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchal meeting, keep in mind that christ existed, you see, professor, we adhere to this issue. another
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point of view, and no points of view are needed , he simply existed nothing more, but some kind of evidence is needed, and no evidence is required, everything is simple: in a white cloak, with bloody lining, a shuffling cavalry gait, in the early morning of the 14th in the spring month of nissan , the procurator of judea, pontius pilate, came out into the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of herod the great. a suspect from galilee. yes. to the tetrarch did you send the file? yes, procurator. what is he? he refused to give an opinion on the case, the death sentence of sindrion. for your approval,
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bring the accused. so it was you who persuaded the people to destroy the yersheloiim temple? good man, believe me, are you calling me a good man? centurion's beauty towards me, the criminal calls me. kind man, take him out
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of here for a minute and teach him how to talk to me. but not to maim. call the roman procurator hegemon, don’t say any other words, stand still, you understand me, or hit you, i understood you, don’t hit me, but you’re right, that means i don’t need to operate anymore, well, the bosses are asleep,
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let’s get started, we have several patients with isolated symptoms, yes, we need an epidemic understand. what do all these people have in common? with such a high risk, i would stop. let's continue. skleposovsky. tomorrow on rtr. thank you with both heart and hand. because you, without knowing me, love me so much. i can’t help but remember my mom and dad here. they gave their whole lives to masfilm, in movie. i am here, oh my shy hero, you cleverly avoided shame, how long have i played the role without relying on a partner. first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio. broadcast
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from the first pavilion. on friday on rtr. it's our anniversary too. i’ll sit, raisa rezanova, and you can let the nanny go, we’re already here without you somehow, that means i’m just a nanny, well, i ’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, get up, someone else’s child, mother,
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premiere, in saturday on rtr, yuri kuznetsov, this year the film is an opera chronicle of a murder department for 20 years, a lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lanterns, a real policeman, they told me, you are there for such a death, our boss is the same fool, as you showed, in vladivostok at the theater, you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you vasovki from one train to another, then the first role.
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substation, the first podcasts we watch, rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet,
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we’ve flown, the loudest premieres. i got it, are you having a corporate party, or what? who are you? and you don't know bender well? there is no need for a motive for murder based on cunning. what was that on the strip? i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, it hurts, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra , we’ll perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony , those who don’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on them, we’ll succeed, i’ll be the one doing the surgery, i’m scared, as if i’m not me , unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, coach, i’m a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally
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spend most of your life on your feet or on your head , i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope, russia rests on song, in general russia is very a drinking country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, a basin of grief!
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my name is unknown to me, yeshua, nickname. eat? gonuzri. where you're from? from the city of gomaly. what cut are you? i don't know for sure, i don't remember my parents. i was told that my father was syrian. where do you live permanently? u i have no permanent home, i travel from city to city. this can be expressed as. otherwise a tramp, i have relatives, no one, i’m alone in the world,
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do you know any language other than aramaic, i know greek, so it was you who persuaded the people to destroy. shalaim temple? i, egimon , never in my life intended to destroy the temple buildings and did not persuade anyone to do this senseless action. a lot of different people come together for the holiday. magicians, sorcerers and wizards come across as liars, you, for example, are a liar. written down clearly, persuaded
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destroy the temple, people testify. these good people, egemon, didn’t learn anything and confused everything i said. in general, i am beginning to fear that this wandering will continue for a very long time, all because he incorrectly records me. stop pretending to be crazy. there is enough written down about you to hang you, no, no, eamon walks around, walks alone with a goat’s parchment and continuously writes, but... i once looked into this parchment, i was horrified, i didn’t say anything from what was written there, i him i begged you, for god's sake, burn your parchment, and he snatched it from my hands and ran away, who is matthew the levi, he was a tax collector, initially he treated me unpleasantly, even insulted me, that is , he thought that he was insulting me by calling me dog,
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i personally don’t see anything bad in this animal to be offended by this word. however , after listening to me, he began to soften, finally, he threw the money on the road, he said that he would go with me to travel, the tax collector, you hear, he threw the money on the road, yes, he said that the money has not become hateful and from then on he became my companion. levi matthew, yes, levi matthew, that’s what you said about the temple? in the crowd at the bazaar , i said that the temple of the old faith would collapse , a new temple of truth would be created, i said it so that it would be clearer why you, tramp,
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confused the people by talking at the bazaar about the truth, which you have no idea what truth is ? the truth, first of all, is that you have a headache, and it hurts so much that you are cowardly thinking about death. not only are you unable to speak to me, but it is difficult for you to even look at me. now i i am involuntarily your executioner , which saddens me, you cannot even think about anything, and you only dream that your dog will come, apparently the only creature to which you are attached, but your torment will now end, the headache will go away, well, it’s all over and... i’m
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extremely happy about this. i would advise you , yagimon, to leave the palace for a while and take a walk somewhere in the surrounding area, or at least in the gardens on mount ilium. the thunderstorm will begin later in the evening, a walk would do you great good, and i would love to would accompany you. i got some new thoughts in my head that might, i suppose. it seems to me that you are too closed, i have completely lost faith in people, because you cannot agree to place all your affection in
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a dog, your life is meager, egemon. untie his hands. how did you know that i wanted to call the dog? it’s very simple, you moved your hand through the air as if you wanted to stroke your lips, admit it, are you
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a great doctor? no, procurator, i’m not a doctor, okay. if you want to keep this a secret, keep it, it has nothing to do with the matter directly, so you claim that you did not call to destroy or set fire to or otherwise destroy the temple, i am the egemon, i did not incite anyone to such actions, i repeat. do i look retarded? oh yes, you don't look weak-minded. so swear that this didn't happen. what do you want me to swear to? well, at least life. it's time to swear to her, since she's hanging by a thread, remember that, hmm, don't you think you've hung her? egemon,
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if this is so, you are very mistaken, but i can cut this hair, in this you are mistaken, agree that cutting the hair probably only the one who hung you can, now i have no doubt that idle zivaks followed you around. by the way, i don’t know who hung your tongue, but it’s hung well. by the way, tell me, is it true that you appeared in yershalaim through the sussian gate, riding on a donkey, accompanied by a crowd of rabble, shouting greetings to you, as if you were some kind of prophet. i don’t even have a donkey, but evrushalim came exactly through the sussa gate. but on foot, accompanied by one levi matvey, and no one shouted anything to me, since no one knew varshalaim to me then, and not do you know these, dismos, gestosas and
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varravan? no, i don’t know these good people. tell me, is it you who always uses the words “good people?” “are you calling everyone that? everyone, there are no evil people.” world and you preach it? yes, for example, centurion mark, they called him the rat killer, is he also a kind person? yes, but he is truly an unhappy person, since good people disfigured him, he has become cruel and callous. it would be interesting to know who tortured him? good people. they rushed at him like dogs at a bear. the germans grabbed him in the neck, in the arms, in the legs. the infantry maniple fell
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into the bag. if only a cavalry tour had not attacked from the flank, and i commanded it. you wouldn't have to talk to a philosopher if you were a killer. if you talked to him, i'm sure he would change dramatically. but this will not happen to everyone’s happiness, and the first one to take care of this will be me, write! egemon looked into the case of yeshuva, nicknamed gonotsiri, and did not find any corpus delicti in it. in view of this, the procurator does not approve the decision of the small sanhedrin, the death penalty for the kings. but given that the crazy utopian speeches ganotsri can cause unrest in yershalaim, the procurator removes yeshu from yershalaim and
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subjects him to imprisonment in kisaria stratonova on the mediterranean sea, that is , exactly where the residence of the procurator is located, everything about him? no unfortunately. the lese majeste law allows the use of capital punishment on any day, including holidays, and those accused under this law are convicted. children in some cases and children of children; relatives of those executed are prohibited from mourning them. listen, gannotsri, have you
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ever said anything about the great caesar. the truth speaks easily and pleasantly. it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant for you to tell the truth. you'll have to say it. but when speaking, weigh every word. if you don’t want it, not only inevitable, but also painful death. so, answer, do you know a certain judas from kiriath, and what exactly did you tell him if you spoke about caesar? here is how it was. the day before yesterday i met a young man near the temple who called himself judas from the city of kiriath.
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he invited me to his house in the lower town and treated me, a kind man, very kind and an inquisitive man, he showed the greatest interest in my thoughts, received me very cordially, lit the lamps, yes, he asked me to express my view on state power. he was extremely interested in this question. and what did you say? or will you answer that you forgot what you said? among other things, i said that all power is violence over people, and that the time will come when there will be no power of either the caesars
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or any... other power, man will move into the kingdom of truth, justice, where there is no no power will be given, further, further there was nothing, then people ran in, they began to tie me up, they took me to prison, there was no power, there is not and there will never be a power greater beautiful for people than the power of emperor tiberius. and it’s not for you, crazy criminal, to talk about her, take the convoy out of the balcony, leave me alone with the criminal, this is a state matter, i see that some kind of disaster has happened because i spoke with this young man from qiryaf.
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i have a feeling that something bad will happen to him and i’m very sorry. i think there is there is someone else in the world whom you should pity more than judas of kiriath. so, mark the rat killer, cold and convinced executioner, people who, as i see you. they beat you for your sermons, the robbers dismos and gestos, who killed four soldiers with their followers, and finally, the dirty traitor judas, they are all good people, yes, the kingdom of truth will come, it will come, egemon, it will never come. it won’t come,
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criminal, criminal, criminal, yashu aganotius, do you believe in any gods? there is only one god, i believe in him, so pray to him, pray harder, but... however, this is not will help, hated city, if you were stabbed to death before your meeting with judas from kiriath, it would really be better, and you would let me go, hegemon, i see that they want to kill me, you believe, unfortunate one, that the roman procurator will let the man go, who
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said what you said, or do you think... that i’m ready to take your place, i don’t share your thoughts, listen to me, if from now on you utter even one word, speak to someone, take care of me, i repeat you, beware, hegimon, remain silent. to me i confirm the death sentence of yeshua ganotsri.
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invite the head of the secret service, and after him the president of the sanhedrin, the high priest of the jews, joseph kaifa. it was about 10 o'clock in the morning then. get it ivan nikolaevich, so what after that?
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your story is extremely interesting, professor, although it is completely inappropriate. that i was personally present at all this, but only an incognito secret, so to speak, so i ask you, not a word to anyone and a complete secret. how long are you in
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moscow? and i just arrived in moscow this minute, this is all possible, very possible, pilate and the balcony and all that. and you are alone are you here or with your wife? alone, alone, i'm always alone, where are your things, professor? in the metropolis? where are you staying? i'm nowhere, how? where will you live? in your apartment , no, of course i’m very happy, but, but it’s true , it will be inconvenient for you, i have a neighbor, comrade likhodeev, there are wonderful
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rooms in the metropolis, this is a first-class hotel, but there is no devil either, and there is no devil, well, the devil. well, this is positive, i wonder what you’ll have enough of today, there’s nothing, so that means there’s nothing, but calm down, calm down, calm down, professor, you sit now , poor comrade, and i’ll just run to the corner , quickly ring the phone, and then i ’ll come back and we’ll take you wherever you want, you don’t know the city, well, call me, i’m begging you just goodbye , believe that the devil exists, i don’t ask you for more, okay, okay, okay, okay, mikhail alexandrovich, would you please, i’ll order you
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to give a telegram to your uncle in kiev now. horizontal bars, citizen, come here, go straight and go where you need to, of course, for your instructions to get a quarter liter, the former regent would gain weight.
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comrades poplavsky, that’s it. a telegram for you. i just got killed by a tram on the patriarch's. friday, 3:00 pm, come. berlios, disperse, comrades, please disperse. annushka, our annushka, gardener, this is her job. yes, she took a glass of sunflower oil, broke it with a pinwheel, ruined her whole skirt, she swore and swore, but what can you do, but he became poor, slipped, and went upstairs. annushka, annushka. well, excuse me, excuse me, no
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he arranged all this himself, but how, no , we will find out all this, now i will find out, admit who you are, he doesn’t understand, the russians are messing around, they don’t understand, don’t pretend, you just spoke perfect russian. you are a german and not a professor, you are a murderer and a spy, documents, documents? citizen, please help detain a criminal, you are obliged to do this, who is a criminal, a foreign criminal, this one, if this is a foreign criminal, the first thing you need
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to do is shout karau, otherwise he will leave, let’s go together, so you are at the same time with him, i am you i'll hand it over to the police.
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he ducked into the entrance. of course he hid in the bathroom, lyushka, stop worrying, are you crazy? fyotr ivanovich will be back now, get out of here, right away,
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you slut. that's right, he's in a muscovite, go ahead! please, i'll turn it on. chairman of the housing association basol, come on.
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where is the office of the late berlioz? how is the deceased already? mikhail alexandrovich died under a tram, i am his deputy, we will seal the papers of the deceased. who else lives in the apartment? director of vrita lekhadiev, but he is not here now.
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the manuscripts of the deceased will be taken for disassembly, his living space becomes at the disposal of the housing association, things are subject to storage in the specified area until the announcement of heirs. got it, got it, got it, we have it. after all, it’s also the anniversary of 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik, what is it, gril, i had the right to know that you have a child, this is a painted doll , your misha has no longer settled, dmitry mazurov, i don’t i could leave him alone at home, but where is his mother? she left, well, let me sit with him, raisa ryazanova, and you can let the nanny go, will somehow go on without you, which means
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i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well , it’s all over between us, now forever, get up, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr, definitely reads minds or not, premiere, anna ostrovskaya , the investigative committee , she has special gifts, who does everything look like, well , there’s a girl standing in a burial place, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, wait in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in the app or on the website, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i
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have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently. technicians, we have one there. “this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have
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a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island have only heard what was reported, an earthquake , there was, ask for help to evacuate the damage." on friday on rtr. russia - traditional,
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modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen of the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? do you have a corporate party or what? what are you? you don't know bender well. for murder there is no motive in the trick needed. what was that on the strip? i don't know,
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it's a dog, i think. exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, those who do not take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed , i will do the surgery, i am scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, there is no motive for the murder, there is no connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let ’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, dizzying shows and the best. music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head? even i don’t know, he wants to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope is my home underground, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, a bowl of hot i poured some water on myself
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, i’m glad, i say, i’m leaving. look back, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meeting the stars, and what’s more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends. when in our lives come with difficult trials, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. live: the story of a mysterious disappearance. the entire studio discusses the nature of the conflict.
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watch out, yeah. griboyedovo, without a doubt, he is there. what’s the best way to do it, sew the head to the neck, no need, we’ll display the coffin in the griboyedov hall. into
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the body of the deceased tightly up to the chin with a black handkerchief, that’s right, let’s get started. well, where will you have dinner today, stepan bogdanovich? well, what a question, of course, mosolite is here, dear grigory danilovich , archebald archebaltovich whispered to me, today there will be portioned pike perch, alana turel, a virtuoso little thing, yes, you know how to live, stepan bogdanovich, but i don’t have any skill, an ordinary desire to live like a human being, well, you can have dinner at home, servant. korny, i can imagine your wife trying to make portioned pike perch alana turel in a saucepan in the shared kitchen, yes.
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salute to the red army soldiers, however, where is berlios? we’ve been sitting here for two hours now, it’s already approaching midnight, and still no german, the lad is probably on stuck in a ditch, in the country , i’ve been carrying money for three years in order to send my sick wife to this ride, but nothing is visible in the waves, don’t be jealous, comrade, give only 20. two, and piss off 3,111 people, naturally, that the most talented of us, the generals, got dachas
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, latunsky had one in five rooms in perelygin, larovitch, by the way, had one in six rooms, and the dining room was lined with the thoughts, but, as they say
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, she rented out three of the five rooms to tenants, one’s last name, which was belomud, and to another, with a lost surname. so, 2 years ago , inexplicable incidents began in this apartment, people began to disappear from this apartment without a trace. on a day off, a policeman came to the apartment, called the second tenant into the hallway and said: somehow they ask him to go to the police station for a minute to sign for something, but the housing is not only through...


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