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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 12:30am-2:40am MSK

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to say that this apartment where i live now has long had a bad reputation, 2 years ago its owner was a jeweler's estate, anna frantsovna dezhire, she rented out three of the five rooms to tenants with one last name, whose last name was belomud, and to another with a lost last name, so 2 years ago , inexplicable incidents began in this apartment, people began to disappear from this apartment without a trace, a policeman came to the apartment on a day off, called the second tenant to the front and said that the department was asking for him for a minute the police to sign for something, but they lived not only in a minute, but never returned at all. the second tenant disappeared on monday,
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wednesday, as belomut fell through the ground, a car came for him, well, to divert the service, took him away, back, didn’t bring anyone, drank.
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both spouses disappeared, no, but they are not without a trace, my wife berleza was allegedly seen in kharkov with some kind of bolitmester, and i got a room for my wife, but on the condition that her spirit would not be on the garden street, and tomorrow at exactly noon, i will come to visit you, no, no, i won't be at home. and i’ll take it and come, no, no, don’t, so, where, where, where did you run, where are you, berlius, what’s berlios, what’s berlios, well, berlios, who’s berlios? berlioz, berlioz got hit by
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a tram, now on the patriarch's, what the hell , got hit by a tram, what, what , what, miss, miss, it is necessary now, without leaving the spot, to compose a collective telegram and send it immediately. how can we help him, by leaving us hungry, well, don’t waste a chicken cutlet, damn it, but we’re alive, not bad, oh, what’s wrong with you?
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ivan nikolaevich, what’s the matter with him, citizen, what do you want? homeless friend? great roads!
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“first with the cotern, then here on the armored vehicle, don’t let him in, but i waved over the fence , what did he say? according to literature, listen to me everyone, something happened, he appeared, catch him immediately before he does indescribable devils, who appeared, a consultant, and this consultant has now killed misha berlioz and the patriarchs, he’s to blame, he’s to blame, tell me more precisely, how he killed him, who killed him? a foreign consultant, professor and spy, what’s his name? surname? that’s the last name, yes, how could i know his last name, i didn’t see the last name on the business card, i remember only the first letter v, na v his last name, na what kind of last name is this na v v
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vavo, winner, wagner, wolfgan, winter, wulf, fool, what does wulf have to do with it? that's what citizens, now call the police, let them send five motorcycles with machine guns, catch the professor, and don't forget to tell him that there are two more with him, one long one. griboyedova, i feel that he is here, comrade homeless, calm down, you are upset, the cat is black, fat, and i’ll fix it for now death, beloved by us all, mikhail
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aleksanovich, just misha and berlioz, we all understand this perfectly well, you need peace, now your comrades will take you home, and you will forget, doctor. they themselves are members of the massolite, look, nikolai , this is the last time , we don’t need such doormen in a restaurant for nothing, you go to church as a watchman, you’re alive, bantiley from the pantry , a policeman, a protocol, a car, a car,
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a psychiatric hospital, drive it, cut it out, you bastards, carry him to the gate.
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get the hell out of me, really, why are you angry, did i tell you? something unpleasant, but because they grabbed me, a healthy person, and brought forces into a madhouse, you are not in a madhouse, in a clinic, where no one will detain you if there is no need for it, well, thank god, at least they found one is normal among idiots, of whom the first dunce is mediocrity, sashka, who is sashka mediocrity, but here he is, ryukhin, a poet, he was the one who saved me instead...
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why did they come to the restaurant in only their underwear? yes, there’s nothing surprising here, i went for a swim in the muscovite, well, they backed off mine clothes, but they didn’t leave these two, but i can’t walk around moscow naked, i put on what i had. i was in a hurry to griboev’s restaurant, the restaurant , that’s what it’s called, why were they in such a hurry, some kind of business meeting, i ’m catching a consultant, what kind of consultant, you berlioz, you know, this is a composer, but what kind of composer, oh yes, no, a composer is namesake misha berlioz, massalit's secretary berlioz was run over by a tram on the patriarch's this evening. what don’t you know, i wasn’t there at the time, he deliberately put it under the tram,
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pushed it, and what does he have to do with pushing it, so there was no need to push, he does such things, just hold on, he knew in advance that berlios would get hit by a tram, and what measures did you take to catch this murderer, and these are the measures, i took a candle from the kitchen, why icon, well, yes ... the icon, the icon scared them most of all, but the fact is that he is a consultant, let’s be honest, he knows evil spirits, and you can’t catch him that easily, yes, you know, the fact is irrevocable, he personally spoke with pontius pilate, but there’s no point in looking at me like that, i’m right when i say, i’ve seen everything, and balcony, palm trees, in a word, it was at pontipilate,
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i vouch for that, wow, 2 hours, and i ’m wasting time with you, i’m sorry, where is your phone, let me through to the phone, he’s married, single, a member of the trade union. yes, police , comrade on duty, give orders right now to send five motorcycles with machine guns to catch the foreign consultant, come pick me up, i’ll go with you, says the homeless poet from the insane asylum, doctor, what’s your address, are you listening to me, hello , disgrace, goodbye, my dear. where do you want to go, late at night in your underwear , you're not feeling well, stay with us
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, thank you, let me in, let me in, oh well, okay, so these are the little pieces of glass you've got , let me in, let me in, i say, let me in, you bastards, don't beat the law, bandits , let him go, let him go, they imprisoned him, after all. well, very good, i warned you, and
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then as you wish, you will pay for everything yourself, bathroom 117 a separate post for him, doctor, is he really sick, oh yes, what’s wrong with him, schizophrenia must be assumed, there’s also alcoholism, me ... pontius is most interested in pilate. egemon.
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in honor of the upcoming great holiday of easter, i would like to know which of the two criminals the sanhedrin intends to free, varravan or ganotsri. the sanhedrin asks to release the paravan. frankly, this answer
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surprised me. in this case, there is a clear mistake; the crimes of varravan and gannotsri are not comparable in severity. if yeshuva is simply crazy, then the varraban is much more burdened. he allowed himself direct calls for rebellion and killed the guard. in this regard, i ask the high priest to reconsider the decision to leave. free the one who is less harmful, and this, without a doubt, is gonotsri. so, the sanhedrin carefully read the case and again reports that it intends to release, stole, as even after my petition,
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the petition of the one in whose person the roman power speaks. “repeat for the third time , high priest, for the third time we announce that we are liberating varovan, okay, so be it, honestly, honestly, it’s stuffy today, procurator, there’s a thunderstorm somewhere, oh, what a terrible month this year, no, honestly, i don’t feel stuffy, but honestly, i feel bad about you caiaphas, take care of yourself, high priest, what do i hear, procurator, you threaten me after the sentence given by you yourself,
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could this be, we are accustomed to the fact that the roman procurator chooses words before saying anything, wouldn’t someone hear us, egimon? what are you, caiaphas, who will hear us here now? do i look like the young fool who is being executed today? “am i a boy, caiaphas, i know where i’m talking and what i’m saying, the garden is cordoned off, the palace is cordoned off, so that not even a mouse can get through any crevice, and what a mouse, not even this one, what’s
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his name, from the city of kiriathas, can’t get in, by the way , do you remember him?" "high priest, if he had penetrated here, he would have bitterly pitied himself, you will, of course, believe me in this, so you know, high priest, that from now on you will have no peace, neither you nor your people, it’s me i'm telling you, pilate of ponchii. horseman of the golden spear. i know, i know that you hate the jewish people, and you will still inflict a lot of torment on them, but you will not destroy them, god will protect them, he will hear us, the almighty caesar will hear us,
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he will protect us from the destroyer pilate. no, caiaphas, too much. death of the philosopher with his peaceful preaching, do you yourself believe what you are saying now? vershalaim, the seducer of the people, brought us, and you, the horseman, understand this perfectly well, you wanted to release him so that he would confuse the people,
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outrage the faith and bring the people under the roman swords, but i, the high priest of the jews, while i am alive, will not allow the faith to be desecrated. i will protect the people, do you hear, pilate, listen, procurator, do you really think that all this was caused by the pathetic robber varavan, time is approaching noon, we are carried away by the conversation, and yet we must... continue to announce the verdict.
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styopa, if you don’t get up right now, you shoot me, shoot me, do what you want with me. but i won’t get up, good afternoon, most handsome stepan bogdanovich, whatever you
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want, it’s 11, and exactly one hour i’ve been waiting for you to wake up, because the ladies have appointed me to be with you at 10. here i am, excuse me, please tell me your last name, how have you forgotten my last name?
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and you oh with pleasure. well, now i hope you remembered my last name, however, i feel that after the photo
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you were drinking port, is it possible to do that, i want to ask that this remain between us, of course, of course, but for...
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this issue was agreed upon, then fii signed a contract with professor volland for seven performances and agreed that woland would come to you to clarify the details at 10:00 this morning, so i came, seeing in what condition fii was in, i sent grun to the nearest grocery store and. ..
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and a receipt for an advance payment of 10,000 rubles. just a second. hello, this was not enough yet. ah, perlivoz, it doesn’t come to mind. yes, hello, grigory danilovich, this is likhodeev, here’s the thing, this artist, woland, is sitting with me, well, so, i i wanted to ask how the plan is for tonight, black magician, yes, the poster is now.
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i’ll go out here soon, you’ll arrive in half an hour , grunya, where do our cats hang around here, where is he from, don’t worry, stepan bogdanovich, the cat is mine, no, the mosque, but there’s no grunya, i sent her to voronezh, and she complained to me, that you spent your vacation with her, i see you are a little surprised, my dear stepan bogdanovich, but meanwhile there is nothing to be surprised at, this is my love. this retinue
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requires space, so some of us are extra in the apartment, and it seems to me that this one is extra, exactly you? anis, anis, they 've been acting terribly lately , drinking, having affairs with women, using their official position, not doing a damn thing, and they can't do anything, because there's not a damn point in what they've been entrusted with. they're rubbing off the glasses of their superiors, he's wasting his official car in vain, that's it, i don't even understand how he got into the position of director, he's the same director as i am a bishop, allow me, sir, to throw him the hell out of moscow, sir, allow me, fuck off,
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i beg you, tell me what city this is, however, i, i, no, no, no, i, i, i'm not drunk, i, i, i 'm sick, i, something happened to me, i'm sick, where am i, what city is this?
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and there is masfilm, a concert for those who left a piece of their soul in the filming pavilions, from my own experience i can say that the first 100 years are difficult, then it’s just that, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the musfilm film studio, broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr. annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even sold it. the wullands were seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, today at the patriarchs it will be interesting
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history, black poppy, yes, the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, i came out with yellow flowers so that you could finally find me. “the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist misya woland will perform before you, a true story in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita , midnight is approaching miss, tomorrow on rtr, already on the platform, watch, all episodes right now, in the app or on the website." yuri kuznetsov, it was in this very makeup that ira met you for the first time , he came from the shoot, and then the doubts disappeared, we began to communicate, there was this feeling that i was needed here, by that time you were already how old,
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40-something, it's the nineties in the cinema, the ninety-fifth year i started acting in lanterns, i paid off my debts for the first time in my life, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on the mouth is masfilm. a concert for those who left there is a piece of the soul in the film studios. from my own experience, i can say that the first 100 years a bit complicated, then simple, that’s it. first 100
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years, anniversary of the musfilm film studios. broadcast from the first pavilion. on friday, on rtr. good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news studio. rakhov, briefly about the main thing. the results of three years of work in st. petersburg, with the participation of the presidents of russia and belarus , a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state was held. pre-election visits of presidential candidates from the communist party of the russian federation and from the new people party meet with trusted representatives of the northern capital. priceless archives of a resident of the siege leningrad elena voyvodenkova handed over the city. memorabilia. almost 600 exhibits from
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50 museums in manezh opened the exhibition leningrad, hero city. even more goods from belarus can go through the port of st. petersburg. to do this, it is necessary to increase the capacity of russian railways. this was discussed today at the konstantinovsky palace at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state. vladimir putin, alexander lukashenko and representatives of the governments of both countries summed up the results of three years of work to create a single space. trade turnover between russia and the republic of belarus last year reached record levels - $54 billion. vladimir putin emphasized that almost 2,500 russian companies are now operating in the neighboring republic. last year, domestic specialists completed the construction of the belarusian one.
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memorable dates: a large-scale event the state council discussed preparations for the celebration planned in belarus, in july they will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic from the nazis, next year the fraternal peoples will celebrate 80 years of victory in great patriotic war. the story of one childhood during the siege became part of the heritage of the hero’s city. elena voevodenkova donated to the museum. the tiny buds of the decembrist this
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winter decided to bloom at the end of january, what a coincidence, these are the shoots of the same flower that waited for elena voevodenkova from evacuation in a cold leningrad apartment, when the war began, she was only 5 years old, a smiling girl holding a teddy bear in her hands, she will later lose the toy in altai, where the family went in 1942. but the first, coldest winter blockade, they lived in a house on smolny prospekt, there was such a roar, the house shook like that and that’s it, our house was hit by a bomb, then we left, the house was standing, it turns out there was just a branch of the hospital, the bomb went through all the floors, there are four floors there - i think it exploded somewhere downstairs and immediately a fire, it was burning terribly , people were throwing themselves out of the windows, it’s just scary to even remember... there was a lot to remember, but in order not to forget, elena
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alexandrovna wrote down in a beautiful, even handwriting how they celebrated the new year , mom then brought potato peelings and fried them on alifa, how they walked in tavrichesky around the wreckage of an enemy bomber, how once a girl was not picked up on time from kindergarten, the teacher let the child go home alone. i walked along tverskaya street to smonnogo and thought that my mother might never come again. she probably died , but she met me at the end of tverskaya street , my mother ran towards me, it was such joy, such happiness, it turns out that because of the shelling, the trams did not run, and my mother walked, five people were then huddled in a small room, the warmest oven, heat there was nothing, the town dwellers were warming themselves up, when little lena fell ill with measles, the family stopped going down to the basement, during air raids the baby's crib was simply carried into the corridor, it was believed that during...
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there was a target in the sky and if it coincided, it was determined that this was their own goal or someone else’s, one can imagine how much it was really necessary to have a strong will, the rest of the nerves, patience, the sight of the backmann system, which elena voevodenkova carefully kept for 80 years, in the canon of a memorable date reminded historians of another heroic name, the talented inventor tanfel backman defended the path of life during the war, after he became a professional photographer , his son was found who donated to the museum... stage archives, a very interesting story, and we don’t have such stories, they are, in general, as they say, they are passed along a chain, and people actually bring some related items, they will all be exhibited in our future museum. this is how small memorabilia open new pages of the siege and add up to
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the historical puzzle of the hero’s city. leningrad freed from the enemy siege after 80 years , the road blossoms on elena voevodenkova’s windowsill. russian presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov plans to present. he came on a working visit together with the leader of the communist party of the russian federation faction gennady zyugan. guests were welcomed at the moskovsky railway station. the meeting began with a commemorative rally on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the relatives of sebirik nikolai kharitonov took part in breaking through the enemy ring. we
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welcome leningraders, veterans, military people, working people, that is, classes, those who defended, survived and proved to the whole world. that the russians are invincible in multinational russia, on petrovskaya embankment the communist leaders laid flowers at the memorial plaque of their comrade-in-arms, academician zharys alfiorov, a meeting with voters is planned at the kirov plant tomorrow, where the presidential candidate will present his election program. deputy chairman of the state duma and presidential candidate from the new people party vladislav davankov arrived today at kirov plant. for him and party leader alexei nechaev.
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hello, with the weather forecast from the studio leonid petrov, a day without precipitation, partly cloudy and near zero temperature, forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on tuesday. according to the hydrometer of st. petersburg, on january 30 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings from -1 to +1
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; the thermometers during the day will show in the vladeynoye field, a degree warmer, maybe in tifan and baksitogorsk; the air will also warm up to +2 in volkhov, kirishek, and gach. and vyborg, not a bit cool during the day in st. petersburg, in the northern capital, a weak westerly wind and a few hours of sunshine are expected, on wednesday night it will no longer be warmer than -2 and light snow is possible, have a nice day in any weather. a large-scale exhibition of leningrad, the hero city opened in the central exhibition hall manege. alexey komarov, more details. before entering the exhibition, guests are greeted by a map of the city, this is the black sea, which surrounded leningrad, the nazi hordes, balloons on top, them in the sky above the annoyed one. exhausted people were seen every day in the city, in the center there is an inscription the hero city of leningrad, between the city and
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the hero, there is a long distance, full of suffering, deprivation of death, its authors propose to go through to see the blockade day after day. essentially, this is an audio play, the five characters who participate in this production are such a social cross-section of the besieged city, a teacher, a young girl, a... scientist, a musician and a little boy, and through their monologues, which are based on genuine diaries, but moreover, each of these characters has a real prototype. leningrad is a hero city, large-scale multimedia exhibition, the exposition occupies more than twenty halls, everyone is given an audio guide so that a person can be transported back 80 years and at least for a second feel all the horror in which leningraders were all 872.
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times when a painting by aivazovsky or these diamonds were exchanged for only 300 g of bread. jewelry was worth nothing to a person, because life was on the other side of the scale. of course, this exhibition is not only about the horrors of the blockade, it is also about the struggle, about the inhuman efforts of the leningraders who did not allow their native land to be broken. city. the exposition of each room was built in such a way that documents and photographs complement the scale. visual layout, so in this hall the siege shelters of the monument to peter i were restored. the manege team worked
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on the exhibition for 9 months, the employees managed to collect unique exhibits, for example, a cap that was sewn by a researcher at the state museum of ethnography during the siege; her baby died 24 days later after birth. for example, we have one of these interesting exhibits - a letter from a fighter, and hope to the actress. alive emotional comment, now your blood flows in me , this is today and we have all the cones with numbers, then it was all signed, so they give you blood and you see that you have maria sapozhnikova there, but since it was a famous person, he i was able to thank her. the exhibition is divided into seven sections, and of course, ends with shestakovich's seventh leningrad symphony in the arena, they even recreated the philharmonic hall...
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leningrad on may 1, 1945, an award not only to the city, but to all leningraders. alexey komarov, sergey skripkin, dmitry sevastyanov and andrey romanov, lead st. petersburg. an irreparable loss for cultural st. petersburg, in the eighty-first year of his life , the artistic director of the komissar zhevskoy theater, viktor no, passed away. he served in the building on italian street for 55 years, discovered talented playwrights for audiences, and recommended plays by mikhail shatrov and grigory gorin for production when other directors did not notice them. he was also creatively bold in the selection of actors; many in leningrad and st. petersburg knew and loved him. the door to his office was open for artists, he himself was always open and friendly. farewell to viktor novikov will take place on thursday at 11 am in the building. native theater. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best. rtr-planet. more than just
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television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly. the most high-profile premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, what are you like, you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder for cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, i think it’s a dog, exciting series , we are gathering an orchestra, we will perform the seventh shustakovich's symphony whoever does not take risks will have no luck... we will succeed , i will operate, i am scared, as if it were me, not me,
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unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one . and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste. i poured a bowl of hot water over myself, i told my wife, i ’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things. meetings with the stars. what is more difficult: becoming a good person or remaining? the question is, of course, interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals
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among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. actual news.
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each of us remembers how, as a child , we peered into the night sky, trying to find the key to understanding our life among the numerous stars. at first, only a feeling of coldness and loneliness arose inside,
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and the question of who i was and what i was doing was haunting. this. the question disappeared only when we began to feel our kinship with the heavenly bodies, realizing that they are not only distant, but also close. now their response gave us hope and gave us strength to find our inner core, learn to truly love and overcome the most difficult trials.
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i was sent to the karen front, the 355th division was semi-surrounded, here i was for a month and a half, and the ranks melted like spring snow, because twice before me the division was sent out with an encirclement, each the encirclement cost dozens of heavy weapons. i
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was appointed as a communications officer, not pistols , i have nothing, i had nothing, and they resisted against tank columns with only rifles, then they also learned... we hide in transeys, a tank passes, and then we raise our heads and fight against the german infantry coming behind the tanks, we were left completely without support from the rear, no ammunition, no food, i didn’t have a piece of biscuit in my mouth for 19 days, the bark of birch trees was removed and chewed. they were tossed around , so many bombs fell on my head after for three years i did not see such a raid and the division did not exist, that is, the headquarters
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did not exist and my regiment of people 25 27 we went there together, everyone got up and shook out the living dirt. stayed, wandered through these forests for another week and found a vulnerable spot, there were no sentries , we left the encirclement, we were still wandering through this forest and came across the firing positions of our artillerymen, oh, what a joy it was, and how they greeted us is indescribable .
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this is a magnificent animal, simply stunning in general, with no aggression or there was no anger, no attempts to attack, the dog is focused on the owner, and this one is for the whole world, that is, he notices the slightest changes in the world, in nature, the wolf is like a person who lives, my friends called me and said, but we were born with such a wolf cub , so wonderful, so... beautiful , he would actually suit you, i became interested in understanding what it is, how to interact with him in general, that is, the dog is understandable, he is there for food, he reacts to everything , and
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you give this one food, he backs away, leaves, like it’s not interesting, although he’s hungry, he wants to eat, but he leaves, because wolf-dogs have a fear of everything new and a fear of people, well done! not far from here, chebalyk grew up in the village, my father was a shepherd, he took him with him to work, i am a shepherd. accordingly, well, i was in the field and there was a noise, the noise was just approaching, there was a streak of hail, and this hail was catching up with me and otaru, i
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was driving otaru onto the rocks, i was underwhelmed by me, and i had to try to detain ataru, i was on my own i took off my cloak and waved it in front of otara in all directions, that is, i was trying to scare there are more sheep than hailstones that fall from the sky and... ultimately, i stopped otaru. my first astronomical impression is also connected with childhood. i remember being in the yard in the summer. i was lying on the grass at night, there was a full moon, and rare clouds were floating, so i still remember this moon and how the clouds floated against its background, the sound of the grass, the play of moonlight in the clouds, the play of shadows, i already knew the names of bright constellations from childhood , at school astronomy was in the eleventh grade, and i had this textbook...
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as a child, i was interested in communicating with people, there are telescopes, interesting people, i’m here, i’m already working here, a place has become available here, i got a job, as soon as i got a job, i stayed. well, maybe star-smart objects, we don’t know, this object is so much higher than us at a level that we are not able to realize it, just as an ant cannot realize us, it lives its own life, we exist for it, it perceives us as an object, but understand our motives , our actions he cannot, and we cannot realize the object star, on the other hand, all chemical elements are born in...
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it seemed to me so far away, shells began to explode, and you know, honestly, i’m not lying, throughout the entire length of this recess, the god-red flame burned for almost 10-20 minutes, they destroyed everything living, and there was the dead , in this notch, and we
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couldn’t even get scratches, compared to this, the noise, thunder, speed, risk, danger of a military aircraft, a hot air balloon - it’s quiet, slow, beautiful, the feeling of flight, the feeling of beauty, that ’s all , it is present in the ball, that is, you are in the sky like a fish. i spent my childhood in rostov, on the don, there was an airfield nearby and i spent whole days there on the roof, watching how they took off, landed, well, when other people covered their ears there, i felt pure pleasure, lay on the roof, that’s when the jet engine was working above me, flying by the plane, well, i don’t know, it was a state of euphoria, perhaps that’s when the thought arose in me that i wanted to be... on this
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plane. after graduating from the military flight school, vitaly ninashev served in the army until the early nineties. when the collapse of the country began, planes stopped flying due to lack of kerosene, minashev left the ranks of the armed forces and replaced the fighter with a balloon. in 2018, he made the first flight in the history of aeronautics over elbrus in a hot air balloon, reaching the altitude mark. 1,300 m, here is the second high-altitude flight, i took a parachutist, he and i began to rise with the expectation that at 900 i would... throw him out, and the temperature outside was -56°, but in fact, what’s interesting is that it didn’t you can feel there is no wind, the sun is warming, that is, the sides of the basket are warm, you take out the phone, it freezes within 15
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seconds, the ball was flying, it had an interesting contrail, well, that is, a contrail is the trail behind the plane, yes, which we all see is white. then behind the ball there was a trail in the form of such dots, like a seam, because the ball, the burner had worked, a dot, again flew a little, a dot, a dot flew across the sky, there were such dots, the parachutist jumped out, i was relieved, because that my ball was already overheated, that is, 200°, this is a lot for the temperature inside the ball, based on the results of its jump, about 30 modifications there was a parachute system.
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i needed treatment for my health, and i had to ask a friend who worked as a dog handler in st. petersburg, and for a whole month, every day we walked, went for a walk with wolves, that’s it, they perceived him as one of
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their own, they began to trust him, everything is fine . the day came when i needed to go to the hospital, he was supposed to come to her in the evening to feed her. go for a walk, suddenly i get a call, tanya, listen, in such a quiet, quiet, calm voice, i went into your apartment, and they let me in, and he says, and now they’re walking around me, all three of them, they ’re walking in a circle around me, it seems to me that this is something bad, well, the fears were actually justified, usually when wolves start circling, they choose the best position to attack, come on, i say , then turn on the speakerphone, they began to hear my voice, and i persuaded them, i said, this is mine, everything is fine, after that he had no problems with them, well, walk, walk, walk, when
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i came home , i had such a corner sofa, not like the upholstery there the dogs got into a fight, no, it was dismantled on the board. that is, it was just boards, they dismantled half the wall, that is, between the room and the kitchen, they gnawed a hole so that it would be comfortable to walk, oh, what a lion you are, just a lion, in the end, i decided to move, the nature here is amazing, simply conquering nature, what could be better than such a place to live with wolves in the caucasus, this is it? arthur, the headquarters is calling me, i’m kornenko, he says, here we are with
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the kusyak, the chief of staff, we don’t know what to do with you,
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the unknown person was listed as missing, i’m like korachaevich did not betray his homeland, that i served honestly, died honestly on the battlefields. the karachais were not awarded at all, here is the sash, he nominated me for the award, he made mistakes on purpose, his nationality is korean, the birthplace of the korean autonomous soviet socialist republic, and there was no such republic in the soviet union at that time. i’m surprised that he nominated me for a medal for courage. in 2016
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, a pathfinder in moscow was looking for me and came across an award sheet. and this is what i received in 16. what about the feeling of space? one winter night i went out on the street and stood, well... looked at the stars, among, among some constellation , jupiter was hanging there, at that moment i just felt that he was much closer than his stars, it was just a physical sensation, there was a feeling , that i can reach it with my hand, it’s easier for me to explain this universe with the presence of god than without his presence , someone had to create such a complex structure, when we move towards god, we move towards ourselves, man is also what.. . this is the universe in relation to some other object, we interact with the universe, the universe interacts with us, our thoughts,
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this too, we don’t give birth to them on our own, they are a certain process that is born in interaction with the outside world, realizing the world around us, we are aware of ourselves, the news that the enemy army has surrendered . i met hamid kanamatov at the front; he felt joy and pride when he saw columns of unarmed german soldiers who did not dare raise their heads. the feeling of victory was overshadowed only by the thought of my parents, who were completely unfairly expelled from their homeland and now lived somewhere in kazakhstan steppes. returning from the front, kanamatov went in search of them. the first people he met were his younger brother and nephew.
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devsky, my parents didn’t take a single anti-soviet step, i didn’t lose their honor anywhere, i served honestly, did my due, i consider my further service in the ranks of the victorious red army a politically unacceptable mistake... while my parents are under the gun of the special commander’s office,
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they immediately tell themselves that he went to the district headquarters and... reported, as he reported, as he attacked in march, who gave you the right to a junior officer present an ultimatum to the minister of such a great state as the union of soviet socialist republics, so i say, comrade general, you should at least ask what is the reason for me to
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bear such goodness. khamit kanamatov's father died in a foreign land. the mother also did not return home. she died shortly after all restrictions were lifted from the korochaevites, in ishilon, returning to their homeland after 14 years of exile. and they never forget this pain, the mountains shorten, mourning all the unfortunate, continuing to give hope to those who are having a hard time now. people, as before... respond to this with an ancient dance, the dignity and nobility of which resemble mountain peaks.
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tv channel. okay, my planet, why are there so many cats on the streets of istanbul? in istanbul, cats are not usually called street cats , much less abandoned; they are considered a city cat and are especially respected by the turks; it is customary to feed cats and leave bowls of food and water right on the street. hockey, my planet. the climbers have already covered almost half the way, but the easiest one: now in front of they have slopes where you will need special equipment to climb, glory, why the mountain is called belukha, it’s like a russian name, it is always white, all year round,
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generally beluga, it is the largest center of glaciation, not only... of the cross, but of the entire altai, there are 170 glaciers here with a total area of ​​150 square km, five of the largest glaciers flow from the beluga itself in different directions, to the south, to the north, to the west, to the east. moreover, belukha is known as an area of ​​​​very ancient glaciation; it was the glaciers, descending from the mountains, that formed many valleys, filled with melting water. this is how many reservoirs were formed, including lake akkem at the foot. local residents believe that this is a mirror, looking into which the beautiful belukha admires her reflection.
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border guards led by captain nikolai varfolomeev arrived at akkemskoye lake from the village of ust koksa today. so we define the camp here and film everything. so there is a certificate of tickets, so food storage is 5 m, so i am with me sazan, solar battery, you are setting up a tent, yes, yes,
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these border guards. replaced their colleagues service, who spent a week at belukha, will now also have to work alongside varfolomeev, however, the timing may change, anything is possible here, there have been cases when border guards at...
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add that the highest peak of altai is located in a zone of high seismicity. fortunately, there are often only microearthquakes here, this is due to the intense tectonic uplift of the mountain system, which continues to this day, that is, the beluga whale is literally alive, it continues to grow and change, and therefore is of great interest to geologists. we are now at northern wing of the katun anticlinorium, we have a typical geological outcrop, the task is to make a description of this
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outcrop, determine its thickness, tectonic structure, age of geological rocks, and also determine the various types of cracks that cut these geological rocks. local geologists are conducting. according to scientists, altai in general and belukha in particular is a museum of a wide variety of geomorphological processes and landforms. altai is a complex mountain system, classified as block-folded. mountainous country, it was formed during the paliozoic era of folding. folding is about 3 billion years old. belukha is located in the central region of altai in the kotun range. it has two peaks,
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east and west. these peaks are divided by a saddle. however, not everyone is interested in these scientific subtleties. many years ago, not at all the height or number of peaks of the beluga whale. attracted old believers to the altai mountains. they came here in search of the mysterious and beautiful belovodye, and later told roerich about it, who concluded that belovodye and shambhala are one and the same, it is a country of the highest knowledge of justice. belovodye, and there are jelly banks, there are rivers of milk, there everyone loves each other and no one will offend anyone. on belovod you need to go to the city of biysk, and then along the smolensk road to...
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allied support, ensuring security, and expanding integration of russia and belarus, was discussed at a meeting of the supreme state council. a salvo strike... paris is under siege, its prefectures are covered in manure, farmers have blocked the entrances to the city to block the supply of goods. a new day begins on the russia channel lead. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support to ensure security and will work together. approaches of moscow and
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minsk to current global issues.
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nuclear power - this is a serious step forward in the development of the economy of the scientific sphere, technological development, i mention that a belarusian cosmonaut is being trained for a flight to the russian segment of the international space station, and this event is planned for the spring of this of the year. the main task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation in the field of import substitution. a lot has been done here.
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in the russian presidential elections. the commission made the decision unanimously. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. in its support, 2.5 million signatures were collected from 89 regions of the country. in accordance with the law, 315 thousand signatures were submitted to the cec. they are manually verified using artificial intelligence. three people were killed, three more were injured in donetsk, the ukrainian armed forces released at least eight rockets from a multiple launch rocket system, most of them fell in the kalininsky region, and a private one caught fire.
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managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. due to the danger of avalanches, a state of emergency has been declared in several areas of the sakhalin region. its residents are still reeling from the heavy snowfall that hit the island last week. in some remote villages , the main roads have not yet been cleared. locally snow boots have to be made. from available means, and only snowmobiles can pass. in just a few days , the key cyclone dropped more than a month's worth of rain on the island. the height of the snowdrifts in some places reaches 3 m. the pentagon does not confirm the houthis’ attack on their ship
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in the gulf of aden. officially , a group from iraq took responsibility for the attack, and the states are threatening to attack their main opponent in the region, iran. the target was the floating military base lewis puller. formally, this is an auxiliary court. but on essentially, a small aircraft carrier with a deck of 5.00 km, on which four cargo helicopters can land. meanwhile, the iranian army's air defense systems have been put on high alert. the day before , bloomberg did not rule out an american retaliatory strike against iran in response to a drone attack on a us base in jordan. there , for the first time since the beginning of the aggravation in the middle east, the americans suffered military losses. three soldiers were killed and 34 were injured in the drone strike. the white house called it constructive. negotiations in paris with the participation of the head of the cia and representatives of israel, qatar and egypt, it is reported that it was possible to agree on the basis of a new deal for the phased release of hostages in the gas sector. there are no concrete agreements yet, and
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the israeli military operation continues, rafah, khanyounis and targets in southern lebanon were again shelled. also on monday, israel attacked a number of syrian targets south of damascus. according to some reports, iranian military advisers are among the dead. in israel itself... any goods. the farmers are also planning to lay siege to two paris airports. as well as europe's largest food market, rungis, south of the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. protests have been going on for several weeks, with farmers throwing
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manure into the prefecture. thus, they condemn the government's agricultural policy, which, in their opinion , leads them to ruin. the list of demands includes 120 points, including the refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and the abolition of... this is news, don’t switch. unique equipment appeared in the perinatal center in khabarovsk, vienna locator. with the help of this using a new generation device, doctors see the exact location of veins in newborns. report by nadezhda. here we see the vessels, you see, so purple, this is where we will perform the function, even though the device fits easily in the hand, the process always requires two, while one specialist works with the vinolocator,
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the other holds the baby’s hand, the little patient is only a few days old, placing the needle vein without such equipment is not an easy task, even for an experienced doctor. in newborns, premature babies, the vascular wall is not developed... and we cannot palpate it, we cannot see it, so vascular access was difficult for us, perhaps not even the first time. the device uses infrared light, emitting it onto the skin, the vinolocator receives the necessary information, gives a contour drawing like this, so now specialists give injections or place a catheter the first time. another new feature of the perinatal center is in the intensive care ward, where children who have undergone surgery are observed. this is a temperature controlled resuscitation bed built-in scales, it has several standing levels, which is comfortable for staff, a thermal curtain is created across the entire width of the crib. which is very comfortable for the child, because they are thermomobile, they depend on
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the ambient temperature. in total , equipment worth 6 million rubles was purchased in 2023. including at the expense of the regional budget. operating tables for the obstetric department, monitors for monitoring the condition of patients, equipment for the laboratory department and others. this helps us meet all standards of medical care and ensures the quality and safety of this medical care. meanwhile, in 2023 , about 300 children alone passed through intensive care; in total , over 400 babies were born within the walls of the perinatal center. nadezhda lyakh, alexey shabelnikov, lead khabarovsk. this is the message for this moment, all the news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia and excuse me, the main thing. good morning, hello, vera beautiful, vladislav, withered in the morning of russia , january 30, tuesday, and something is missing from this day, the magic of the morning is missing, let ’s add, an artist from italy creates mechanical wooden barrel organs, you just twist the handle and the robot launches a kite, the mouse sinks . reading a cheese encyclopedia, and a viking girl with
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flowing hair pierces you with her gaze. the designer not only posts his work online, but also sells the simplest mechanisms from 150 euros (15,000 in rubles), one of the latest creations , the incendiary shrimp jazzb, breaks records according to views, it has already received 2 million likes, well , such shrimp, unfortunately, will not save you from high cholesterol, unlike greens, avocados and citrus fruits, let’s take the green type of avocado, avocado ha. muscovite ekaterina esipova likes the latter variety the most; it is soft in consistency and at the same time good in salads; they start with the usual scrambled eggs in this family every morning. and all because it was the avocado that literally became a salvation for the girl in a difficult period of her life. during pregnancy my cholesterol level. thanks to avocados, my weight normalized both during pregnancy and after pregnancy, it returned to normal quite quickly. and accordingly , the cholesterol level itself decreased very quickly. it’s
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hard to believe, but once you look into the details, everything falls into place. as you know, there are two types of cholesterol in our body: the good one, the one that fights the formation of plaques, the bad one, the one that accumulates after 40 in men and after 505 in women. it just promotes education plaques. if the balance of bad cholesterol is disturbed, the amount of cholesterol increases, this is dangerous for us, and atherosclerosis develops. scientists have noticed that this ratio can be changed not only with the help of drugs. mexican scientists and doctors have found that eating avocado daily for a week reduces bad cholesterol levels by 17%. and this happens due to monounsaturated fatty acids. these are vegetable fats, they should be 2/3 of all fats in our diet, they are the ones that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. these fatty acids are scientifically unambiguous it has been proven that they resist the development of bad cholesterol, on the contrary, they increase good cholesterol. and this is worth using, doctors say. but alas, not all of our citizens. they listen to such advice , i even know that it’s elevated in me, well, i don’t
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control it yet, i know that it’s more bad than, well, there’s no time to monitor it, but all you need to do when going to the store is to choose the right vegetables and fruits to help we need not only avocados, but all dark greens, including leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, carotenoids and luteins are important in these products, they improve lipid metabolism, as well as microelements such as potassium, magnesium, folic acid, they are on... for good vascular function, all this will support the level of good cholesterol, citrus fruits will help remove bad cholesterol with the help of pectins. soluble dietary fiber acts as absorbents in the bloodstream itself, binding and removing all substances that the body does not need, including heavy metal salts and excess cholesterol, which naturally, from the point of view of our conversation, leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels. ideal option to do from all of the above, a salad, for example with cabbage. and avocado, adding brightness to the taste with the same oranges. however, there is a whole
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field for experimentation, because all these vegetables and fruits combine well with each other and enhance each other’s positive effects, but it is important to understand that this is... and this is not a panacea, if the doctor has already prescribed medications, they should not be ignored. herbal help is gentle and works more like prevention, which is also so tasty. delicious and low-calorie food. what else is important, in the background more than 400 thousand only new cases of obesity identified in russia in the twenty- second year. these data were provided by rosstat, and this is 36 thousand more than in the 21st. however, our science has a solution to problems. scientists from the saratov state. medical university has proposed an effective method for treating obesity using electromagnetic effects on the brain. we’ll talk more about this with one of the authors of the development, professor, doctor of medical sciences , honored doctor of russia, nina polutova. neda, good morning. it’s interesting, of course, your competent opinion, what is causing the increase
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in obesity cases, first of all, i can also give a link to the head of the ministry of health over the past 5 years... the proportion of russians suffering from this diagnosis has increased by a third? yes, and this is absolutely true, because the number of obese people and especially obese children is growing steadily. two things that lead to obesity: first, overeating, that is , a person gets more calories than he needs, second, he doesn’t move enough, he doesn’t spend these calories, that’s it, miracles don’t happen, improper nutrition, i believe , generally begins from birth, when the child is fed during the night and... nina viktorovna, but most importantly, you figured out how to help people who violate their diet in solving their problem, what is the essence of your method, methods of transcoronial influence on the hypothalamic structures of the brain were developed, because
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the hunger center and the appetite center are located there, which are not friends with each other, what the technique consists of is that electrodes are applied transcronially. runs transcrenial along these electrodes, then there is something called here on the headband, a magnetic flux runs transcrenially , which has a number of very interesting parameters, firstly, it is a vasodilating effect, secondly, this is an effect in general, you know, regulating regulating these systems that determine appetite, man no longer feels... such a craving for food, at this time, when his appetite decreases, he begins to be saturated with less food and the food that we teach him, and the procedures need to be repeated when necessary take 10-15 of these, take a break, because this effect lasts for about 3 months, is it only children, adults, of course,
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adults, in general, this can be prescribed to everyone, of course, these methods have no restrictions, they have no contraindications if it grows number. you see, saratsk developers, well , you are in close contact with the ministry of health, no, no, not to be, but these are our developers, you are in test contact, although we went out, yes, well, i want to say that in saratov clinics there is this equipment but they are bigger they are not focusing on obesity, they are focusing more
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on neurology, yeah, neurology is going very well, you understand that we should return to this topic, that we will have to come to saratov, no? what to invite more guests on this topic. thank you. we talked about methods of combating excess weight with professor, doctor of medical sciences, honored doctor of russia nina bolotova. the scalps are sharpened, the clamps are parsed, and they are completely ready for the premiere at 21:20. skaleifosovsky, new episodes from february 5 at 21:20 on the channel. russia, come on, all together, in unison, a show of unprecedented scale, what’s happening, what happened, well , it’s something incredible, we’re all watching together, on friday at 21:30, an extra day, extra trouble, according to survey data, every third
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russian i agree that a leap year, the current twenty-fourth brings troubles, but the vast majority do not... men and women believe in the popular sign almost equally, the largest proportion agree that a leap year, a year of difficulties, falls in the 60 plus category , and by...
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the popularity of casco policies has increased with the advent of dozens of more profitable options for such policies, for example, the cost of truncated or partial insurance, compared to standard full comprehensive insurance, can be cheaper from 10 to 70%. the most popular product now is the mini helmet. recently , the most popular products have become the so-called mini-helmet, when the car is not fully insured, for some... cases or with some restrictions, and this allows you to make this policy much cheaper and more convenient for a person. basics the advantage of such a policy is that the risks against which the car owner wants to insure the car can be set up almost manually, for example, select only those that are not covered by liability, theft, theft, fire; the price will depend on the final set of risks, on average it will be 30% cheaper than a full helmet. for example, for an experienced driver , a standard one-year policy for a five-year-old foreign car can cost about 80 thousand rubles for... under the same conditions it will cost 56,000, this is suitable for car enthusiasts those who are confident in their driving skills or owners of not very expensive or not very
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new vehicles, since in cases not specified in the insurance , they will have to pay for car repairs themselves. another popular type is the franchise helmet. policies with a deductible are when a person, including in the event of an insured event , an accident or some other damage to the car, partially pays the cost of the damage, or vice versa, when there is a deductible. limits small damage to for every scratch or some minor damage, a person did not contact the insurance company, for example, if regular car insurance costs 40,000 rubles, then the same one with a deductible will cost 20,000, while if a person drives without accidents, then he does not pay anything extra and saves 50%, but if an accident occurs due to his fault, he will pay another 20,000 to the full cost of the policy. for the second year in a row, a helmet from the franchise has been issued by car enthusiast maxim from ryazan . the young man has been driving for 8 years, but the car is new and does not want to take risks. moreover, with such option. you can save money on insurance if your car doesn’t have an accident for a year, then with a deductible i won’t pay an extra 15,000 for
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my helmet, that is, if i took a full helmet without a deductible, it would cost 15,000 more. in general, there is no reason to refuse a helmet policy, as was previously the case because it is expensive; today you can choose the optimal insurance product for any car, length of service, and most importantly, budget. and then, who will be responsible for the icicles? will utility workers clean icy balconies as part of the new initiative? we’ll tell you soon who will be in charge of the operation, dr. bragin, if you don’t mind, the premiere at rta, the city falls asleep, wakes up, mafia, 11 friends, pragina, what an amazing person, he’s just talented, always be in the center of events, the main thing is they’re digging for you , what is digging, there is time for a friend , i need to cry, but we have pa... yes, everything is not very good, you can stay with the children today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help, please, make her get up, who he said
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that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a plumber, but he’s sick, it’s clear to you, dear colleagues, you’re sabotaging the eleventh season of your favorite series, that this thing is necessary, hurray, especially since sklefosov’s occasion, from february 5th. at rta yuri kuznetsov this year the film opera chronicle of the homicide department is 20 years old, a lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps, a real policeman, they told me, you are there for such a fly agaric, but our boss is the same fool, as you showed, in the vladivostok theater, you meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you.
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on friday on rtr, this is for you. i feel bad without i'm sorry, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there, they are asking for help to evacuate the victims, earlier, it’s really bad there,
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lava is coming soon, and everyone on board quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i’m going on one, the second engine is on fire, reduce the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, go to the instruments, the crew is on friday , on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air 60. how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are 8, equipment, and
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we have domos, the second tank has flown off. the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all with you , including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he is also a gang in his head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look two times a day, see you later. let's congratulate each other. today is mosfilm's 100th anniversary. specialists analyzed audience expert ratings of specialized publications and services and compiled an absolute top list of the best films. in the top five, vladimir menshov's oscar-winning film moscow doesn't believe in slicks and ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession. the third and second ones are also in the films: the diamond hand operation. well, the undisputed leader is
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the comedy by alexander sirov. the legendary star factory celebrated its anniversary with a grand concert, which can be seen on our channel on february 2, don’t miss it. the history of mosfilm itself a multifaceted film masterpiece in which many worlds and eras exist in parallel. in the workshops of this film city you can build a spaceship or travel back in time. over the course of 100 years, the studio has gone from a modest film factory to a giant film concern. i had my first impression of mass film 80 years ago. before me, a six-year-old boy, esenstein brought ivan the terrible to the set; i only remember huge structures, ezenstein’s hand, me and his very wide pants. the anniversary of the film studio was a great occasion to gather together several generations of actors and directors recall the history of the domestic dream factory.
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to the sounds of your favorite melodies on the screen about...
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100 years, costumes, props, scenery change, but the main thing remains, the unique magic of cinema, erasing the boundaries between the viewer and the screen. and then, dried cold fish and milk. why didn’t you pay for heating? no, all the bills are paid, but in this hole, no matter how much you pay, the mole puts everything in his pocket, yeah, what if we calculate that too
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? well, they don’t have to count for long, there are gaps left, the audit system for public utilities they are going to get news, this will help, you think we will find out from a specialist very soon, you heard with appetites, yeah. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello, russia and belarus are providing each other with genuine allied support and will work to ensure security. together, the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global and regional problems coincide, vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, which was held in konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg. the president drew attention to the fact that the two
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countries are connected by common spiritual values ​​and history, in particular, in july this year the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders will be celebrated, and in may the twenty-fifth eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. vladimir putin noted that deepening integration is progressing... with the direct participation of russia , the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant was completed in 2023. this is, of course, very serious movement forward, bearing in mind that not only the station has been built, but, as we always say, the industry is being created. and in this sense.
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in the same area, three
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enemy attacks were successfully repulsed, this data is provided by the ministry of defense on the territory of the lpr, as well as the zaporozhye and kherson regions, 34 drones were shot down, and a khaimars projectile was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear, north of kherson. total enemy losses per day. about 700 militants. three persons were killed and three more were wounded in donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces fired at least eight rockets from a multiple launch rocket system into the city. most of them fell in the kalininsky region. a private car caught fire and the blast wave broke windows in residential buildings. in the south of the dpr, a priest was wounded in the village of nikolskoye. in the lugansk republic , two children were injured as a result of shelling of a residential building. due to the danger of avalanche mode. declared in several districts of the sakhalin region at once, its residents still cannot recover from the heavy snowfall that hit island last week. in some remote villages , the main roads are still not cleared; locals have to
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make snowshoes from improvised materials, and only snowmobiles can pass. the height of the snowdrifts in some places reaches 3 m. in france, protesting farmers began to block highways around paris. by monday evening, travel was difficult. it is on all highways leading to the capital. earlier , the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that it intends to organize a complete blockade of paris to prevent supplies to the capital any goods. the farmers also plan to lay siege to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market, rungis, south of the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. the protests have been going on for several weeks. farmers flood the prefectures with manure. thus, they condemn the government’s policy in the field of agriculture, which, in their opinion... the list of demands includes 120 points, including the refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and the abolition of the fuel tax.
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belgian farmers intensify protests example of neighboring france. more than a hundred tractors partially blocked the country's four main highways. traffic is complicated , including on the brussels-paris highway. belgian farmers, like their french colleagues, are protesting due to low purchasing prices for products, high taxes and expensive fuel. don't switch. altai ornithologists are conducting a census of waterfowl, for this purpose scientists use drones with photo and video cameras, and then carefully study high-resolution images. how has the number of rare birds in the region changed? poteshkin recognized nikolai. but how not to get lost, if they alternate between diving and fighting, when there are more than a hundred birds, count them with your eyes, ornithologists say, and there’s no point in trying. there are almost no red-listed swans on lake svetly this year. climbing to a bird's
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eye view is the only opportunity not to miss a single beak, especially since some corners of the lake cannot be reached otherwise. the pictures are in good quality, then ornithologists will study them centimeter by centimeter on a computer monitor; before the era of drones, the number of swans was estimated approximately, but for several years now they have been calculating as accurately as possible. by the way, the records of whooping birds that have arrived for the winter in altai have been kept since 1967, since then the numbers have increased more than 100 times. last year, in our reserve and near the youth village in biysk , 1,400-odd swans wintered, in 1967 there were 12 of them. we mainly have whooper swan winter here - in small numbers and not every year a small swan winters, mute swan, mallards, goldeneyes, big bastards, all waterfowl in the region winter a lot, along with all the country is facing its tenth winter in a row.
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the gray neck action helps to understand in what numbers, where and what species of birds winter in russia. along the way, ornithologists assess their health, is there enough food for the birds, and have the conditions for breeding their offspring deteriorated? for example, bobbers arrive in altai with two or three chicks, but there are large families with six chicks. for schoolchildren this includes biology, ecology, and geography; they also help scientists. the circle is called i am a researcher, so our task is to learn how to explore. we're like times with people. there are different sizes in several other villages, there are simply fewer birds there, but each individual is important for science, so volunteers are always welcome in the russian bird conservation union. besides sparrows, some people don’t see anyone at all; in fact, in the altai territory we have about 350 species of birds , so there is something to see. and it also seems like only being left alone with nature. you begin to feel like you
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are part of it, and therefore sincerely cherish what is so important for a modern person. nikolay poteshkin, lyudmila vidmir and vladimir zhdanov, news altai. a large modern agricultural complex for yamal aircraft was opened at the tyumen roshche airport, it took 2 years to set up, using the most advanced technologies, taking into account the high requirements for aircraft maintenance. our correspondent, yana pustovskaya, will continue. in new hangar it is convenient for everyone, both people and aircraft. now there are four winged aircraft, two airbuses and two superjets in service here, half of them are undergoing basic repairs, which are carried out once every 2 years, the ship is literally sorted out from bone to bone. for this purpose, there is a modern laboratory in the hangar technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing. not the slightest crack will slip past him. next door is a paint shop where batteries are checked and charged. the parts of the chassis arrive at the wheel and brake repair shop after 500 landings and are disassembled piece by piece.
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during flaw detection, the device produces something like a cardiogram for the part. this plane should take to the runway in early february. the work must be completed on time. an engine is installed on its wings after a major overhaul. such works in the walls hangar is being performed for the first time. the engine is the heart of the aircraft. replacing it is one of the most difficult types of work; previously it was carried out outdoors and for this you had to wait for favorable weather conditions. now they do it at any time.
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at the expense of the earnings , aircraft of other airlines will also be inspected and repaired in the hangar complex. the building area is almost 19,000 m2. this is the largest modern hangar in the urals, and there are only a few of these in russia. the power allows work to be carried out simultaneously on three superjets 100 or two airbus a320. they are also among the first to plan to master the entire maintenance cycle of the domestic ms-21 airliner.


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