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tv   Master i Margarita  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 2:40am-3:31am MSK

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here, uh, without resorting to third-party organizations, which will allow us to save the airline money, expand further activities, expand flights, flight geography at the expense of psychoactive funds. at the expense of the earnings , aircraft of other airlines will also be inspected and repaired in the hangar complex. the building area is almost 19,000 m2. this is the largest modern hangar on... the a320, and they are also among the first to plan to master the entire maintenance cycle of the domestic ms-21 airliner. yana polustovskaya, alexey volchik, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more , great, good, so, the morning of russia, after all, and most importantly, hello everyone, good morning, we continue to wake you up this morning, today we, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova, today is tuesday, 30 january, well, wake up, recharge your batteries in the morning with us, well , by the way, regarding vigor, where it certainly invigorates, both in winter and in summer, two residential blocks,
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this is at least dangerous and you need a certain tool, and yet, according to the law , the management company’s responsibilities do not include cleaning residents’ balconies, where build -up is formed and does not belong to common property, therefore it is the residents’ business that knocks down icicles. you can hire industrial climbers yourself and contact the management organization so that they provide access to these industrial climbers; if they knock down snow, then a fence would need to be put up below, but it’s easier said than done, it’s not surprising that there are few takers. and meanwhile, pour on the canopies of the balconies today poses a real threat. the creepy footage was recorded by a surveillance camera in one of the moscow courtyards. a block of ice fell on a carrier with a small child. now the one-year-old girl is in the hospital. did you hear that a block of ice fell on a young family with a child? yes, officially given, in my opinion, from the balcony. the investigation will determine where exactly the block fell from the roof or balcony. based on the results of the inspection , if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. the management company denied that it was the tenants' fault. a the balcony canopy is not installed at all. legally
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speaking there. after the tragic incident , snow and ice removal began to receive a lot of attention, while we were here, snow removal equipment passed by. these fences indicate that ice has recently been knocked off the roofs, and notices like these have been hung on the entrances so that residents are careful. this is how well they clean every time or not, also recently. such cases occur every year. in december in st. petersburg , a thirty- one-year-old man died after jumping onto a lady from a balcony. and the owner of the apartment became a defendant in a criminal case. after that. the management companies of the district decided to help residents in cleaning the balcony, they can leave a request for help to carry out work on clearing the balcony of snow on ice and icicles, after receiving requests, accordingly we worked on them in order to protect life and uh, so as not it turned out to be another emergency. the state duma proposed to instruct management companies to clean balconies on an ongoing basis; citizens can do so. contact the management
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company with a request to clean the balcony there is ice from the snow, but now this issue has not been regulated in any way, so the work may not be carried out. or be very, for example, expensive for the apartment owner. in addition, not all of our fellow citizens can adequately assess the degree of threat from snow accumulation. if the initiative is approved, these works will be included in the list of public services. perhaps, as the industry believes, this will lead to an increase in payment numbers, but obviously this is not the highest price for security. the state duma plans to launch an audit system utilities in the regions after the collapse that happened on new year's days. when people were left without heat, without water, without electricity, such an order was given to the housing and communal services construction committee. it is planned that an analysis of communal facilities will be carried out, the results will be transferred to deputies, well , let's find out the details in the studio of the chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services, sergei pokhomov.
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hello, sergey. an analysis of the work of the housing and communal services system is planned to be carried out in what time frame and by whom, some kind of independent commission will do this by connecting. an audit company, when we talk about analysis, about audit, of course, we mean not only the number of leaky pipes, we still have to evaluate the effectiveness of those concession agreements today, the business still operates in this market, we have to evaluate the effectiveness of this, we must evaluate the effectiveness of using tariff funds, whether it is worthwhile to paint them separately so that they cannot be used for other purposes, in any case, these are completely regional powers, but we see that today it is natural feeling what is happening. now we are taking this work ourselves, together with our colleagues from menstroy , we will carry it out in the near future , what will happen as a result, an audit has taken place, what’s next, a report is sent somewhere, some measures are being taken, this work needs to be divided into two components, the first - that global work and the changes that are generally needed in
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the system, in general the main problem of housing and communal services is that in this huge industry with a trillion-dollar turnover, as such... there is no market, we need legislation today and regulations that will completely remove politics from this system, every ruble should have an effect, is it planned to evaluate how the load on existing utility networks is taken into account, the load on the road street network is calculated during the construction of new apartment buildings and residential complexes in general, because in the localities it is developing . the feeling that history is being ignored, yes, i’ll lift the veil a little, today we are still planning to come up with a proposal to strictly link the commissioning of housing to the commissioning of infrastructure, that is, without schools, gardens, necessary roads, and
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so on and so forth, houses of course should not be found, but with all this, i would like to note something else, the number, for example, of parking spaces, the so-called standard for the construction of parking lots for
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this became possible thanks to the national project digital economy . hello , please take a seat , i have analyzed your questionnaire, do i understand correctly that you are worried about stabbing pains, your medical history is clear in full view, tula doctors are testing a remote form of communication with patients, thanks to a new computer program, you can tell about what hurts in a couple of minutes at home on the computer; the patient initially enters all his symptoms before the appointment. in this program, the doctor has the opportunity to analyze them, we have the opportunity to save from one to 7 minutes.
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the questions are the same as a doctor would ask at an appointment. konstantin, i used to spend half a day going to hospitals, now everything is extremely clear and specific. i like this opportunity to think about my answers and fully state, describe my condition, because i don’t live i can always remember everything. initially , the developers created an interactive program for people who are hard of hearing, but it turned out that... we compared the results of our
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acceleration teams with the control group, and it turned out that the revenue growth for our teams was one and a half times greater than the same revenue growth for the teams in the control group. lectures, expert consultations, and also work with trackers, that is, mentors, intensive participants build a successful business model, learn sales tools and ways to communicate with clients. while working more than 400 teams were trained during the project , they managed to attract more than 100,000 new clients and receive 580 million rubles in revenue. we get additional expertise from the people who lead us, but for the team , first of all, this is a quick leap in order to get ready to jump very far. after 3 months of training, kemerovo entrepreneurs made a real leap; revenue from their client base tripled. now siberian it specialists are improving the mobile application, adding more and more new ones to it. functions. we have. there is integration with tsd, tsd is a data collection terminal, warehouses also use this, that is, you enter
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the serial number, for example, of a product, your camera immediately understands that at that moment the product was under the camera. essentially, the server remotely controls hundreds of cameras, instantly analyzing all the information received. the developed original video surveillance system has already found new customers abroad. thanks to the experience gained at the accelerator, we were able to further reduce costs. and attract new investments. by the way, applications from potential participants for the tenth anniversary competitive selection will be accepted until february 16. and then, nylon tights turn into rugs, blankets and even a cable for a car. we'll show you how to do this in a few minutes. well , you're right? means what? i don't need to operate anymore. well, the bosses are asleep,
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let's get started, let's go, we have several patients with the same symptoms, yes, it's an epidemic, we need to understand what all these people have in common, given such a high risk, i i wish i had stopped, let’s continue, squitosovsky, today on rtr, thank you with both heart and hand. because you, without knowing me, love me so much, i can’t help but remember my mom and dad here, they gave their whole lives to masfilm, cinema, and i’m here, oh my shy hero, you cleverly avoided shame, how long have i played a role without relying on a partner, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the film studio, mos film, broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday on
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rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you're not just beautiful. you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she and my father have an affair. for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent, what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your husband is having an affair, where he takes
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his chosen ones, his wife is too beautiful, on saturday to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we’ll add kiwi there, enthusiasm, it’s simple madness of taste, what's next for honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of something healthy. products, unique recipes, do you know why people count proteins fats carbohydrates in order to jump happily through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula every saturday on rtr, 50 dollars per hour
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in new rat tours are gaining popularity in york, organized by an unusual one. hair accessories and even biceps, we look and you need to lay them down like this, well, firstly, put them down, and secondly, here they are, which means where are mine tights, but there hasn’t been a single hook on them yet, there hasn’t been one, so it will appear , the result of each nylon pair is quite predictable, once the threads go astray,
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here it is, a puff, the most useful life hack with women’s tights, now i’ll show you, using circular movements in a spiral lo and behold, by the way, the recipes to extend the life of tights initially seem much more magical; you can place the tights in hot water for about 30 minutes, or after wetting them with cold water , put them in the freezer overnight, according to bloggers, after with such manipulations, you can wear tights for at least a year without taking them off, which i personally am not at all sure about, but as they say, trust, but verify, do you know what is the advantage of tights? no sag is created, yes , life is often more amazing than any advertisement, and after all, we have reached our destination, these tights, however, will never show off on your legs, which means, without any regret, but no, not a waste, i want to show you , how to make yarn from tights, so that you can make whatever you want from this yarn, rugs, blankets, capes, bedding, everything you have enough imagination for
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craftsmanship, materials even in excess, in our country alone, every year girls buy about 72... million pairs of tights and bangs, and this is almost 35 tons for a minute. you can knit eight life-size blue whales , or an infinite number of flowers, for example, also blue, so we put it on this blank, well, to be more economical, stretch it a little, its nylon, so we take the threads and begin to wrap it, long, painstakingly, but definitely stunningly beautiful. can be an excellent gift for a girl, but for boys, nylon tights also look good, the main thing is to know the right life hacks, well , here’s a completely different look, at least straight to the podium, well , what are you going to do and here there are only solid
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arrows, so girls, don’t throw away the tights, who knows where else they will come in handy? and then dismissal for an immodest photo. how to protect a teacher from unfounded attacks and how to determine the boundaries of what is permissible? we'll talk about everything with the guest after the news. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. allied support, ensuring security, expanding integration of russia in belarus was discussed at meeting of the supreme state council. the ukrainian armed forces fired eight salvos at donetsk. rockets there are dead and wounded. paris is under siege, the prefectures are in dung. farmers blocked the entrances to the city to block the supply of goods.
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the news will tell you about the main thing, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support and will work together to ensure security. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global and regional problems coincide. vladimir putin spoke about this at meeting. supreme state council of the union state, which took place in the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg. the president drew attention to the fact that the two countries are connected by common spiritual values ​​and histories. in particular, in july of this year the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders will be celebrated, and in may 2025 - the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. vladimir putin noted that deepening integration is taking place at all levels: agriculture, transport, mutual trade, and also in such high-tech industries.
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they didn’t manage to bring us to our knees; on the contrary, we mobilized and did a lot. vladimir putin noted that
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a new strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state for the period until 2035 has been prepared for approval. it will strengthen overall technological sovereignty. following the meeting of the supreme state council, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko also signed a resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state. the electoral commission center registered vladimir putin as candidate in the russian presidential elections. the commission made the decision unanimously. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. in its support , 2.5 million signatures were collected in 89 regions of the country. in accordance with the law , 315.00 signatures were submitted to the cec. three people were killed and three more were injured in donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces fired at least eight rockets at the city... as a result of the shelling of a residential
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building, two children were injured. in the kharkov region, troops of the west group liberated the village of tobaevka from the ukrainian armed forces. on the same three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed in the area. on the territory of the lpr, as well as the zaporozhye and kherson regions, 34 drones were shot down and a khaimars projectile was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. the white house called the negotiations in paris with the participation of the head of the cia and representatives of israel, qatar and egypt constructive. it is reported that it was possible to agree on the basis of a deal for the phased release of hostages in the gas sector. but there are no specific military agreements yet. syrian sites south of damascus. according to some , also on monday, israel struck a
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number of iranian military advisers among the dead. in israel itself , protests continue unabated. at the checkpoint through which gas aid flows, israeli activists called for a cessation of all humanitarian supplies. in france, protesting farmers began blocking highways around paris. by monday evening, travel was difficult on all highways leading to the capital. earlier, the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that it intended organize a complete blockade of paris to prevent the supply of any goods to the capital. the farmers also plan to lay siege to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market , rungis, south of the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. the protests have been going on for several weeks. farmers dump manure into the prefecture. in this way they condemn the government's policies. in the field of agriculture . the list of demands includes 120 points, including a refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and the abolition of the fuel tax.
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the gigant plant is being built in the amur region; it will produce polyethylene and polypropylene, which are necessary not only for consumer goods, but in aviation, mechanical engineering and medicine. svetlana dyuzhova with details. the amur gas chemical complex will be the most automated production of modern petrochemicals. special attention to the environment, for example, a closed water circulation system will allow you to save water reuse, and the installation of smokeless flares will reduce emissions. gases into the atmosphere. continues at the gas chemical complex and construction of ball tanks, this is a park for the intermediate storage of liquefied gases; there will be a total of 15 such balls at the plant, with a volume ranging from 600 to almost 2,500 cubic meters, each. just the other day, the lukmanov family held a housewarming party in a modern residential complex built for the company’s employees. the apartments here are fully furnished according to individual design projects. we thought of everything, literally
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down to the smallest detail, spoons, forks, literally. towels, basins, even mops, vacuum cleaners, that is, come in and live. in a housing complex of approx. 300 apartments, a huge courtyard, underground parking, and household services will soon begin operating. we built modern houses in the free center, and work is only half an hour away by official transport; by the end of the year, it is planned to commission another similar housing complex for employees of the amur mining and chemical combine. a whole lot of money, news. amur region. don't switch. unique equipment appeared in the perinatal center in khabarovsk, venolokator. using this new generation device, doctors see the exact location of the veins in newborns. reportage nadezhda lyakh. here we see the vessels, see how purple they are. this is where we will perform the puncture. vein without such
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equipment is not an easy task, even for an experienced doctor. in newborn babies, in premature babies, the vascular wall is underdeveloped, and we cannot palpate it, we cannot see it, so vascular access was difficult for us, perhaps not even the first time. the device is in use. light, emitting it onto the skin, the wine locator receives the necessary information, gives such a contour drawing, so now specialists give an injection or place a catheter the first time. another new product of the perinatal center in the intensive care ward, where children who have undergone surgery are observed, is a resuscitation bed with temperature control and built-in scales. it has several standing levels, which is comfortable for staff; the thermal curtain is created across the entire width.
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cribs, which are very comfortable for the child, because they are thermomobile, they depend on the ambient temperature. in total , equipment worth 6 million rubles was purchased in 2023. in including at the expense of the regional budget. operating tables for the obstetric department, monitors for monitoring the condition of patients, equipment for the laboratory department and others. this helps us meet all standards of medical care and ensures the quality and safety of this medical care. help, meanwhile, in 2023 , about 300 children went through intensive care alone; in total , over 4.00 babies were born within the walls of the perinatal center. nadezhda lyakh, alexey shabelnikov, lead khabarovsk. this is the news up to this minute, all news is always available on watch the media platform in the app or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning. hello, this is russian morning for the whole family. vera krasova, vladislav zavyal. yes, not a mother, but an animal, the famous inhabitant of the moscow zoo , panda din din, is raising his daughter katyusha. well, she’s raising her strictly, you can’t go into the neighboring enclosure, but despite the fact that katyusha
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is already 5 months old. she in turn, of course. tests the strength of the boundaries of what is permitted, constantly strives to escape from his mother, explore the world, everything is like people do, but by the way, when you turn away, a child with a broken knee, but by the way, almost every... fifth childhood injury occurs on the territory of educational institutions, according to the law their leaders are responsible for this, but in reality parents have to sue the schools. ilya davidov understood the problem. it’s very hard to remember when you miss it, but here you go. olga was shocked when she saw her son. maxim was covered in blood, two deep wounds on the shoulder. he was immediately sent to the hospital, and his mother rushed to school to find out what happened. he made a u-turn, that is, he wanted to run. at that moment the door opened and the handle turns out to be on top, it went in here it came out, the boy received 12 stitches, he spent a month and a half at home, but the administration, according to his mother, did not even apologize, then through the court she achieved compensation for moral damage,
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the school tried to reach a court verdict it didn’t work out to challenge, details came to light, the main building was undergoing renovations, classes were held in another building, the educational organization did not provide accreditation at the new address and, accordingly , they could not conduct it there. who sent the children to a dangerous premises, a question for the officials, as for the stumbling block, these cases could have been written off, if not for the fourth court case in six months regarding injuries in schools region, human negligence, i believe, such an attitude towards work, once they are fined, they will be fined twice and quickly, quickly fly away honorably, that it is better to pay parents than then pay the state, fines they are big , you can’t understand the teachers either... they can’t keep track of all the children, depending on what kind of school there are, in this 1,600 children, before opening, the director carefully checked everything, the staircase according to the design was without bars, it was necessary to install it, the height is four floors. i had to convince both the architect and the builders
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that for safety reasons this kind of fencing was necessary; in my opinion, it was quite aesthetically pleasing. and they also introduced right-hand traffic at school, so children are less likely to bump heads, they painted numbers on the floor, they jump in the classics, they splash out energy here, they rush along the corridors. it is much easier for us to create conditions for their safe stay than to deal with the consequences of injuries. such systematic work every day should instill in children the rules of behavior in public places. there are a lot of ideas, but there are not enough hands, if you just call future colleagues for help without 5 minutes of teachers. the involvement of senior students has already been established by law. and i think that they could really be connected, including just in terms of education. keeping order at school somewhere in addition, especially since this is interesting work, it can be structured creatively, but schools will not take the initiative; at the beginning, specialists must summarize experience, select and offer the most successful solutions. these tasks, of course, need to be set more clearly, perhaps by higher
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authorities, so that the school not only teaches, but educates, and also organizes the leisure time of children. everyone will benefit: teachers will focus on their subjects, students will plunge into their future profession, and parents will... knowing that their child is being looked after, well, the main thing is that teachers have the opportunity to focus on the subject before they have to leave school. a proposal is currently being discussed at the legislative level to enshrine a rule prohibiting the dismissal of a teacher for minor, far-fetched reasons. so in omsk, a teacher was fired after discovering photos of her in swimsuits on social networks. a similar case happened in barnaul, russian language teachers were forced not only to leave school for... and in general they were fired from their profession in krasnoyarsk teacher at a music school, the reason for his dismissal was lip piercing. our guest is a member of the public council under the federal service for supervision of education and science, roman dashchinsky. roman, hello, good morning
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, we still need to somehow more clearly define these boundaries of teacher behavior, because the profession imposes special moral and requirements, they work with children, they raise children, at the same time teachers, of course, have . how all people have the right to privacy, i don’t understand these motives for publishing yourself in swimsuits or without it, but just how to formulate all this? well, any person has the right to private life, this is stated in the twenty-third article, as the constitution of the russian federation is known, but a teacher also has such a right, he is no exception, he is not outside the constitution, another thing is that these are the boundaries between. ..
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to one degree or another correspond to the teacher, yes, thank you,
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we discussed the proposal to prohibit the dismissal of teachers for far-fetched reasons with a member of the public council under the federal service for supervision of science education, roman dashchinsky. oh, exhale, calm down, count to six, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, why six, because there are 6 days left before the new episodes. sklefosovsky, new series. from february 5 at 21:20 on the russia channel. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. how dinosaurs hunted to confirm their hypothesis, scientists created a giant robot, according to international group of researchers, ancient lizards.
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using special blankets and vests, and now a special drug has appeared, andrey alekseenko talks about this. there are incredibly many stories when they invented one thing, but it ended up being something completely different, but no less important and unique, and this is one of them. when synthesizing new analgesics, scientists discovered an unexpected effect. the temperature of the mouse that did not receive the substance was 36°, while the mouse that received the substance showed a temperature of 28-29 on the thermal imager. along with body temperature
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the mice's motor activity decreased , they fell into a state of hypothermia for several hours, this effect interested scientists, hypothermia can be used in neurosurgery, neurology, cardiac surgery, non-atology, resuscitation, traumatology, of course, if we lower the temperature, then metabolism throughout the body will decrease, as a result , the activity of enzymes changes and reactions in the body proceed more slowly, due to this lower... body temperature can save a person’s life with large losses of blood, oxygen starvation, stroke. hypothermia helps to minimize subsequent damage after an ischemic stroke and helps slow down these processes. today in medicine , a decrease in body temperature is achieved with the help of special blankets, vests or the introduction of a cooled saline solution through a catheter. pharmacological drugs that would lower the patient’s temperature and, accordingly, would give everything. the advantages of hypothermia, well, they don’t seem to be in
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the clinic, but there are only a few patents that use various complex component mixture of existing drugs. the russian development is one compound, which means it is more convenient to use and control the dosage , and our compound can also be administered orally, well, something that significantly simplifies the procedure, that is , there is no need for any sterile conditions to insert catheters and so on. the drug may become the first if it successfully passes all stages of the trial. a frightening gift, with its help she exposes the performance of maria paroshina, who has the strangest and most elusive criminals, do not miss second season, we are also celebrating 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for
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slavik. now forever, someone else's child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr, one of the largest studios in europe, stars were lit here,
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masterpieces were created, creative destinies turned around. portraits of the great masters of soviet cinema, for the centenary of the film studio, mosfilm on the winds of history, a film by boris dobrodeev, on friday on rtr, annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it. patriarch, you are a historian, i historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchs, a black magician, yes , there will be a millionaire on the posters now, margarita takes yellow flowers in her hands again, i
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came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, it’s not now that the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform in front of you. true history in a new quality. let it be so. master and margarita. midnight is approaching miss. today on rtr. and already on the platform, let's look. all episodes right now, in the app or on the website. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, whom you serve, former friend. tear up everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god, went on tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it is today, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday
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to friday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me , i have a flight. love is like flight, please love and favor our replacement second pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported , there was an earthquake there, just help evacuate the victims, it’s really bad there, sasha, all aboard,
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rubles, that’s how much they plan to earn at auction for part of a mural by the british artist banksy, the work was done with aerosol paint, depicts a frightened man. the entire installation, called crazy horse, was created in 2013 in new york's lower east side. one part of the graffiti, a horse rearing up, was painted on the wall of a house, the second - people hiding on car. bankse's work as always. i need comfortable city options and models for country travel, what will ivan zenkevich tell me to prefer? if
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no one demands special endurance from sedans and even crossovers, then the demand for pickups is different. in our country, they are expected to be maintainable and maneuverable. let's see if the newcomers to our market have these qualities. let's look at three pickup trucks officially presented in russia. let's start with the domestic model solers st6. they have it in vladivostok. basic version it is equipped with a gasoline two-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 176 horsepower. the gearbox is a six-speed manual, all-wheel drive is complemented by a mechanical locking rear differential with a reduction gear. the starting version will have rear parking sensors, heated front seats, air conditioning, and an audio system. the price starts from 2,400,000 rubles. and this is a dunfen df6, under the hood here. already a diesel engine, with a displacement of 2.5 liters, a power of 136 horsepower, all-wheel drive, there is a transfer case with a reduction gear,
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five-speed manual transmission included in the list of standard equipment parktronic keyless entry start, leather trim, heated front seats, air conditioning, recommended price from 3,300,000 rubles. and finally, chingan hunter plus, two-liter turbocharged gasoline engine, power. 226 horsepower, all-wheel drive , gearbox, eight-speed automatic, in the base, running boards, parking sensors plus all-round camera , keyless entry and remote start, video recorder, climate control, multimedia with voice control, the price starts from rub 3,430,000. sollers st6, which is called a simple workhorse, the equipment is modest, but it is noticeably cheaper than the others, although it’s probably worth paying extra for the diesel version, it ’s just a pity that the gearbox will be mechanical in any case. donfen already comes with a diesel engine in the base, the top version offers an automatic,
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but the difference with solers is almost a million. for chingan he asks almost the same amount, while the gearbox is only automatic, and the engine is only gasoline, and even with direct injection, which requires high-quality fuel. in general, there is not enough utility in the hunter, but there is much more comfort and gloss. in general, you can choose a pickup truck both for work tasks and for travel and... what will maria babkina herself say to the offended failed models? confrontation. shame on you? i'm not ashamed. malakhov, today at
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16:30. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great. so good. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello, russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support will work together to ensure security. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global regional problems coincide, vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state.


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