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tv   Master i Margarita  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 3:30am-4:47am MSK

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malakhov, today at 16:30, come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad in ver tarasov's studio. hello, russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support and will work together to ensure security. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global regional problems coincide. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union. history, in
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particular, will be celebrated in july this year the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, in may the twenty-fifth eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. vladimir putin noted that deepening integration is taking place at all levels: agriculture, transport, mutual trade, and even in such high-tech industries as the nuclear industry and space.
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technological development. let me mention that a belarusian cosmonaut is being trained for a flight to the russian segment of the international space station. and this the event is scheduled for spring of this year. the main task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation in the field of import substitution. a lot has been done here. we understood a lot that we didn’t understand 2 years ago; we couldn’t be brought to our knees.
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in the kherson region, 34 drones were shot down and a khaimars projectile was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. three persons were killed and three more were wounded in donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces released at least eight in the city. rockets from a multiple launch rocket system, most of them fell in the kalininsky district, a private car caught fire, and windows in residential buildings were broken by the blast wave. in the south of the dpr, in the village of nikolskoye, a priest was wounded; in the lugansk republic , two children were injured as a result of shelling of a residential building. due to the danger from avalanches, the ministry of emergency situations has been declared in several districts of the sakhalin region. its residents still cannot recover from the heavy snowfall that... hit the island last week. in
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some remote villages , the main roads are still not cleared; locals have to make snowshoes from improvised materials, and only snowmobiles can pass. the height of the snowdrifts in some places reaches 3 m. in france, protesting farmers began to block highways around paris. by monday evening, travel was difficult on all highways leading to the capital. earlier, the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that it intends to organize a complete blockade of paris in order...
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belgian farmers intensify protests, according to example of neighboring france, more than a hundred tractors in part. four main highways in the country. traffic is complicated, including on the brussels-paris highway. belgian farmers, like their french colleagues, are protesting due to low purchasing prices for products , high taxes and expensive fuel. don't switch. altai ornithologists are conducting a census of waterfowl. to do this, scientists use photo drones. video cameras and then carefully study high-resolution images. how the number of rare birds in the region has changed, nikolai found out poteshkin. but how not to get lost, if they alternate between diving and fighting, when there are more than a hundred birds, count them with your eyes, ornithologists say, and there’s no point in trying.
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there are almost a thousand red book whooper swans on lake svetloe this year. climbing to a bird's eye view is the only opportunity not to miss a single beak, especially. then some corners of the lake cannot be reached otherwise. the pictures are in good quality, then ornithologists will study them centimeter by centimeter on a computer monitor. before the era of drones, the number of swans was estimated approximately, but for several years now they have been calculating as accurately as possible. by the way, the records of whooping birds that have flown to altai for the winter have been kept since 1967, since then the numbers have increased more than 100 times. well, last year we had over 1,400 wintering in the reserve near the youth village in biysk. swans , in 1967 there were 12 of them. we have mostly whooper swan winter here in small numbers and not every year the little swan and mute swan also winter here, mallards, goldeneyes, big mergansers, all the waterfowl in the region winter a lot, along with all
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the country is considered to be experiencing its tenth winter in a row, the gray neck campaign helps to understand in what numbers, where and what species of birds winter in russia; at the same time, ornithologists assess their health, is it enough? food for birds, have the conditions for breeding deteriorated ? for example, bobbers fly to altai with two or three chicks, but there are large families, six seven, for schoolchildren this includes biology, ecology, and geography, they also help scientists. the circle is called i am a researcher, so our task is to learn how to explore, we are like once with people, with scientists who show how this can be done, so we introduce the younger generation to this. of course, ornithologists need such help, non-freezing reservoirs. there are different sizes in several other villages, there are simply fewer birds there, but each individual is important for science, so volunteers are always welcome in the russian bird conservation union. besides sparrows, some people don’t see anyone at all; in fact , in the altai territory we have about 350 species of birds, so there is a lot
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to see. and it also seems that only by staying with alone with nature, you begin to feel like you are part of it, so you sincerely take care of it, which is so important for a modern person. nikolai poteshkin, lyudmila vidmir and vladimir zhdanov. vesti altai, a complex for yamal aircraft , was opened at the tyumen roshche airport, it took 2 years to set it up, using the most advanced technologies, taking into account the high requirements for aircraft maintenance. our correspondent, yana pustovskaya, will continue. in new hangar it is convenient for everyone, both people and aircraft. there are currently four winged aircraft in service here, two an airbus and two superjets, half of them are undergoing basic repairs, which are carried out once every 2 years, the ship is literally rebuilt. by the bones. for this purpose, the hangar has a modern laboratory for technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing. not the slightest crack will slip past him. next door is a paint shop, a room where batteries are checked and charged. a wheel and brake repair shop, landing gear parts arrive after 500
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landings and are disassembled piece by piece. during flaw detection, the device produces something on the part like a cardiogram. this plane should take to the runway in early february. the work must be completed on time; an engine is being installed on the wings after a major overhaul; this is the first time such work has been carried out within the hangar walls. the engine is the heart of the aircraft, replacing it is one of the most difficult types of work. previously, it was carried out outside, and for this you had to wait for favorable weather conditions, now it is done at any time in comfortable conditions. for work that is done under one’s own roof in two or three days it used to take a week. heavy forms of maintenance were often carried out outsourced . and even spent a lot of money abroad, today, due to the fact that we have such a good hangar complex, which is equipped with modern technical equipment, we can complete the entire cycle of a technical vessel here, without
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resorting to third-party organizations, which will allow us to save the airline money , expand further activities, expand flights, at the expense of earnings, they will also be in the hangar complex inspect and repair aircraft of other airlines. the building area is almost 1900 m2. this is the largest modern hangar in the urals , and there are only a few of these in russia; the capacity allows for work to be carried out simultaneously on three superjets 100 or two airbuses a320, and they are also among the first to plan to master the entire maintenance cycle of the domestic ms-21 airliner. yana pustovskaya alexey volchik, vesti yamal. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. see you. we started
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like this, let's, let's do it with a smile, more, more, still, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning! hello, vera krasova vladislav zavya in the morning of russia, january 30, tuesday, and something is missing from this day. the morning lacks magic, let's add it. an artist from italy creates a mechanical one. wooden barrel organs, you just twist the handle and the robot flies a kite, the mouse dives into reading a cheese
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encyclopedia, and the viking girl with flowing hair pierces you with her gaze. the designer not only posts his work online, but also sells the most simple mechanisms from 150 euros 1500 in rubles, one of the latest creations of the incendiary shrimp jazz band is breaking records in views, such shrimp have already received 2 million likes. ekaterina esipova, most of all, it is soft in consistency and at the same time good in salads, they are made from it with the usual scrambled eggs, starting from the morning in this family. and all because it was the avocado that literally became a salvation for the girl in a difficult period of her life. during pregnancy, my cholesterol levels increased, thanks to avocados . weight normalized and during pregnancy and after pregnancy, it quickly returned to normal, and
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accordingly the cholesterol level itself decreased very quickly. it’s hard to believe, but once you look into the details, everything falls into place. as you know, there are two types of cholesterol in our body: good, the one that fights the formation of plaques, bad, the one that accumulates after forty in men and after 55 in women. it just promotes the formation of plaques. if the balance of bad cholesterol is disturbed and there is more of it, it is dangerous for us. atherosclerosis develops. scientists have noticed that this ratio can be changed not only with the help of drugs. mexican scientists and doctors have found that eating avocado daily for a week reduces bad cholesterol levels by 17%. and this happens due to monounsaturated fatty acids. these are vegetable fats; they should be 2/3 of all fats in our diet. they have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. these fatty acids have been scientifically proven to resist the development of bad cholesterol. on the contrary, it increases good cholesterol, and it’s worth using, doctors say, but alas, not all of our citizens heed such
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advice, i even know that it’s elevated in me, well, i don’t control it yet, i know that it’s more bad than that, well, there’s no time to monitor it, but that’s all when going to the store, you need to choose the right vegetables and fruits; not only avocados help us, but all dark greens, including leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, carotenoids are important in these products, they improve lipid metabolism, as well as microelements such as potassium, magnesium , folic acid, they are needed for good functioning of blood vessels, all this will maintain the level of good cholesterol, citrus fruits will help remove bad cholesterol with the help of pectins. soluble dietary fiber acts as absorbents in the bloodstream itself, binding and removing all unnecessary substances from organisms, such as salts, heavy metals, excess cholesterol, which naturally, from the point of view of our conversation, leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels. the ideal option to make from all of the above is a salad, for example, with
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cabbage, broccoli and avocado, adding brightness taste using the same oranges. however, there is a whole field for experimentation, because all these vegetables and fruits combine well with each other and enhance each other’s positive effect. but it is important to understand that such a diet is not a panacea; if the doctor has already prescribed medications, they should not be ignored. the plant base is gentle and works more as a preventative, which is also so tasty. delicious. low-calorie food, which is important against the backdrop of more than 400 thousand new cases of obesity identified in russia in twenty-two, such data were provided by rosstat, and this is 3600 more than... however, our science has a solution to the problems. scientists from saratov state medical university have proposed an effective method for treating obesity using electromagnetic effects on the brain. we’ll talk more about this with one of the authors of the development, professor, doctor of medical sciences, honored doctor of russia, nina polotova. good morning. good
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morning. it’s interesting, of course, your competent opinion as to what is causing the increase in obesity cases, in first of all. can i give you another link to the head of the ministry of health? over the past 5 years, the proportion of russians suffering from this diagnosis has increased by a third? yes, and this is absolutely true, because the number of obese people and especially obese children is steadily growing. two things that lead to obesity: first, overeating, that is, a person gets more calories than he needs, second, he doesn’t move enough, he doesn’t spend these calories, that’s it, miracles don’t happen. i believe that malnutrition generally begins at birth, when the child is fed during the night and day, nina viktorovna, but - the main thing is that you figured out how to help people who violate the diet in solving their problem, what is the essence of your method i will say, methods of transcoranial influence on
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the hypothalamic structures of the brain were developed, because the center of hunger is located there and the center of appetite, which are not friends with each other. what is the technique: electrodes are applied transcronially and along these electrodes it runs transcrenially, that is, here on the headband is what is called transcrenial a magnetic flux is running , which has a number of very interesting parameters: firstly, it is a vasodilating effect, secondly, this is an effect in general, you know, regulating - regulating these... systems that determine appetite, a person no longer - does not experience such a craving for food. at this time, when his appetite decreases, he begins to be satisfied with less food and the food that we teach him. and repeat when necessary? you need to do 10-15 procedures, take a break, because this effect lasts about 3
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months, only children? and adults, of course, adults, everyone can be prescribed this, of course. well, this can’t happen, because it doesn’t exist abroad, since it doesn’t exist there, it means it can’t happen, but these are our developers, you understand, saratov developers, well, you and the ministry of health are in close contact, no, no, not in close contact contact, although we went out, yes, well, i want to say that in saratov clinics there is this equipment, there is, but they
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don’t deal more with obesity, they deal more with neurology, yeah. biology is going very well well, you understand that we must return to this topic, that we will have to come to saratov, no, invite more guests on this topic. thank you. we talked about methods of combating excess weight with professor, doctor of medical sciences, honored doctor of russia, nina bolotova. fantastic, how do you feel about each other? not a couple, that’s something absolutely incredible, but entire musical groups. in the biggest musical season, i saw living faces, i saw eyes, i saw life, come on, all together, in unison, forward only with a song, really, friday at 21:30, an extra day, extra troubles, according to surveys, every third russian agrees
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that a leap year, the current twenty- fourth, brings trouble. but the vast majority did not think so. men and women believe in the popular superstition almost equally; the largest share of those who agree that a leap year is a year of difficulties falls in the 60 plus category. fear, a reason to be on the safe side. last year , kaska insurance contracts were concluded by 40% more. how to choose a suitable, profitable one policy, daria tyunova will tell you. hard hat with a franchise or in installments, mini, micro or full hard hat options to arrange the field. there are dozens of voluntary car insurance today, the demand for such an insurance product among russians is growing every year, there are several main reasons: the demand for cars has grown very much, and cars are expensive, expensive, so you need to somehow... protect yourself, the price of these cars has increased, increased the price of spare parts, the cost of repairs has increased accordingly, in this situation poly skask somehow protects a person. the popularity of helmet policies
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has increased with the advent of dozens of more profitable options for such policies, for example, the cost of truncated or partial insurance, compared to a standard full helmet, can be cheaper from 10 to 70%. the most popular product now is the mini helmet. recently, the most popular products have become the so-called mini-helmet, when, rather than full car insurance, for some individual cases or with some restrictions, and this allows you to do this the policy is much cheaper and more convenient for a person. the main advantage of such a policy is that the risks against which the car owner wants to insure the car can be set up almost manually, for example, select only those that are not covered by insurance, theft, theft, fire; the price will depend on the final set of risks, in on average, it will be 30% cheaper than a full helmet. for example, for an experienced driver , the standard helmet policy is 1 year for a five-year period. a foreign car can cost about 80,000 rubles. for comparison, a mini helmet at the same conditions will cost 56,000. this is suitable for motorists who are confident in their driving skills or owners of not very
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expensive or not very new vehicles, since in cases not specified in the insurance, they will have to pay for car repairs themselves. another popular type is the franchise helmet. policies with a deductible are when a person, including in the event of an insured event, an accident or some other damage to the car, partially pays the cost himself. damage or vice versa, when the deductible limits small damage, so that for every scratch or some minor damage a person does not contact the insurance company, for example, if regular car insurance costs 40,000 rubles, then the same one with a deductible will cost 20,000, while if a person drives without accidents, then he doesn’t pay anything extra and saves 50%, but if an accident occurs due to his fault, he will pay another 20,000 up to the full cost of the policy. for the second year in a row, a helmet from the franchise has been issued by car enthusiast maxim from ryazan . the young man has been driving for 8 years, but the car. new and he doesn’t want to take risks, and besides, with this insurance option you can save money. if there is no accident on the car for a year, then with a deductible i will not pay an extra 15,000 for
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my helmet, that is, if i took a full helmet without a deductible, it would cost 15,000 more. in general, there is no reason to refuse the casca policy, as was previously the case due to its high cost. today you can choose the optimal insurance product for any car, length of service, and most importantly budget. and then, who will be responsible for the icicles? will utility workers clean up? pale balconies, we’ll tell you about the new initiative soon. who will be in charge of the operation? dr. bragin, if you don't mind. premiere at rta. the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. 11 friends of bragin. yes, what an amazing person, he is simply talented, always being in the center of events. the main thing is that they are digging you. there is time for a friend. i should cry, well , things aren’t going very well for us, you can stay with the children today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help, please, make her get up, who said that we
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are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a technician myself, and he sick, it’s still clear with you, dear colleagues, you are saboteurs, the eleventh season of your favorite series, that’s all, especially the reason for the cliffs. from february 5 on rtr, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old, real songs are heard, real feelings know no boundaries.
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evening show by andrei malakhov on saturdays on rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no. let's see on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman. you are absolutely amazing. love, and she, she and my father, are having an affair, for some, beauty is a pass to a happy life. you will definitely
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like it, for others it is a test of loyalty, why are you silent, and what should i say? well , something, shout, hit, i don’t know, when your husband is having an affair, where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr. let's congratulate each other, today is mosfilm's 100th anniversary, experts analyzed audience expert ratings of specialized publications and services and compiled an absolute top list of the best films. in the first five, the oscar-winning film of vladimir menshov, moscow does not believe in tears, and ivan vasilyevich changes his profession. third and second, also in ggaidai’s films, the diamond hand is an operation, but the undisputed leader is this.
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the legendary star factory celebrated its anniversary with a grand concert, which can be seen on air on our channel on february 2, so don’t miss it. the history of mosfilm is itself a multifaceted film masterpiece, in which many worlds and eras exist in parallel. in the workshops of this film city you can build a spaceship or go to the past. over the course of 100 years, the studio has gone from a modest film factory to a giant film concern. my first impression of the mass film. it was 80 years ago when esenstein brought me, a six-year-old boy , to the set of ivan the terrible, i remember only huge structures, esenstein’s hand, me and his very wide pants. the anniversary of the film studio was an excellent occasion to bring together several generations of actors and directors to remember the history of the domestic dream factory.
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the sound of your favorite melodies flashes across the screen; frames from the films of sergei izenshtein and andrey torkovsky, ivan pyryev and many other great directors. some of my best films were shot, of course, at mostfilm, and there are dozens of them with wonderful, amazing directors, this is like my home, and i crossed the threshold of mosfilm in 1965. leonid gaidai, whose films are still reviewed and analyzed for quotes by viewers of all ages . we have the most terrible hour, we are magical. the dearest guests of the festive evening, the veterans of mosfilm, they wrote the history of cinema. among them is the sound engineer of the film
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the cranes are flying, igor. he had to stand on roller skates to convey the movement of waltzing couples. the equipment was very heavy, the camera was more than 100 kg, i tried to come up with all sorts of ways to make the camera as mobile as possible. i rode on these rollers, reached the crane and changed seats, such a find. masfilm galaxy of talent. people have been living here with this feeling for 100 years, costumes, props, and scenery change, but the main thing remains, the unique magic of cinema, erasing the boundaries between the viewer and the screen. and then, the dry cold, the inch, what kind of heating is it? paid, but no, all the bills are paid, but in this bunk, no matter how much you pay, the mole puts everything in his pocket, yeah, what if we count
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that too? allied support for ensuring security and expanding the integration of russia and belarus were discussed at a meeting of the supreme state council. volley strike on donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces fired eight missiles, there were dead and wounded. paris in assad, prefectures in manure. farmers blocked access to the city to
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block supplies. this will be broadcast on air in the studio of vera tarasova. hello russia and belarus provides each other with genuine allied support and will work to ensure security. together. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global and regional problems coincide. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, which was held at the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg. the president drew attention to the fact that the two countries are connected by common spiritual values ​​and history. in particular, in july this year the eightieth anniversary of liberation will be celebrated belarus from the nazi invaders, in may 2025 the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. vladimir putin noted that deepening integration.
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a lot has been done, we have understood a lot, what we did not understand 2 years ago, they did not manage to bring us to our knees, on the contrary, we mobilized and did a lot. vladimir putin noted that
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the new strategy for scientific and technological development of the union state for the period until 2035, prepared for approval, will strengthen overall technological sovereignty. according to the results meetings of the supreme state council, signed a resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state. the center for election commission has registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the russian presidential elections. the commission made the decision unanimously. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. in his support , 2.5 million signatures were collected in 89 regions of the country. in accordance with the law, 31,500 signatures were submitted to the cec. three persons. were killed and three more were wounded in donetsk. vso fired at least eight missiles from the system at the city volley fire. most of them fell in the kalininsky district; a private car caught fire. the blast wave broke windows in residential buildings. in the south of the dpr in the village of nikolskoye, a priest was wounded in the lugansk republic as
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a result of shelling of a residential building , two children were injured. in the kharkov region, troops of the west group liberated the village of abaevka from the ukrainian armed forces. three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed in the same area. in the lpr, as well as in the zaporozhye and kherson regions , 34 drones were destroyed, and a khaimars missile was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. in the capital region, weather forecasters predict march-like warm weather, with classic winter in the south. in the rostov region , a snowstorm and black ice practically stopped the m4 don federal highway. the day before. the traffic jam of skidding trucks stretched for almost 20 km, and near rostov itself the groundwater level rose on the dana river. on sakhalin, even a few days after a powerful cyclone, heavy equipment reached many settlements i haven’t gotten there yet, some schoolchildren are still
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posting impressive footage on social networks remotely. some rescue their cars from snow captivity, while others are daredevils jumping into snowdrifts from the roofs of high-rise buildings. also... the court of arbitration for sports disqualified russian figure skater kamilla valeeva for 4 years for violating anti-doping rules. the verdict clarifies that the period is counted from december 25 of the twenty -first year, when at the russian championship they took a doping test that aroused suspicion, according to kas the athlete couldn't prove that she took the prohibited drug trimetozidine by accident. in this regard , the russian figure skating team may lose gold in the team tournament of the beijing olympics and the americans, who received silver 2 years ago, will automatically become the winners. today, the international skating union will publish a statement on the possible redistribution of medals. the white house called
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the negotiations in paris with the participation of the head of the cia and representatives of israel, qatar and egypt constructive. a deal to free hostages in the gas sector was discussed. but there are no specific agreements yet, and there is no military operation. the farmers also plan to lay siege
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to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market, rungis , south of the city. police have been reinforced in the market area, protests have been going on for several weeks, and farmers are throwing manure into the prefecture. thus, they condemn the government's agricultural policies. the list of demands includes 120 points, including the refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and the abolition of the fuel tax. don't switch. unique equipment appeared in the perinatal center in khabarovsk, a vein locator. with this new generation device, doctors see the exact location of the veins in newborns. report by nadezhda lyakh. here we see the vessels, you see, so purple. this is where we will perform the puncture, even though the device
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fits easily in the hand, the process always requires two people, while one specialist works as a pig locator, the other holds the baby’s hand. a small patient is only a few days old, placement of a needle, a vein without such equipment the task is not easy, even for an experienced doctor. in newborn babies, in premature babies, the vascular wall is underdeveloped, and we cannot palpate it, we cannot see it, so our vascular access... was difficult, perhaps not even the first time. the device uses infrared light, emitting it onto the skin, the vinolocator receives the necessary information, gives a contour drawing like this, so now specialists give injections or place a catheter the first time. another novelty of the perinatal center in the intensive care unit therapy, where children who have undergone surgery are observed, this is an intensive care bed with temperature control and built-in scales. it has several standing levels. which is comfortable for the staff, the thermal curtain
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is created across the entire width of the crib, which is very comfortable for the child, because they are thermophilic, they depend on the ambient temperature. in total, in 2023 , equipment worth 6 million rubles was purchased, including at the expense of the regional budget. operating tables in the obstetric department, monitors for monitoring the condition of patients, equipment for laboratory department and others. this helps us meet all standards. ru welcome the morning on the russia channel has started.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning. russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, hello everyone, good morning, we continue to wake you up this morning, today we, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova, today is tuesday, january 30, well, wake up, recharge your batteries in the morning with us, well, by the way , regarding vigor, where it certainly invigorates, both in winter and in summer. two residential blocks, a laboratory and a medical center, a recreation area and
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dining room in antarctica , a new vostok station complex has been put into operation. it is located on the ice dome of the south pole, at an altitude of 3,500 m, and can accommodate 35 polar explorers in the summer, 15 in the winter. the station was founded more than half a century ago, during which time it went deep under the snow and was completely worn out. during the construction of the new building , modern thermal insulation and services were used, such a proposal was submitted to the state duma, now this responsibility legally lies with the residents, which many do not suspect is a problem alena koshtanova figured it out, you see how high it is here, i can’t even reach it with my hand, i won’t stand up on anything, because inna has never cleared her balcony of snow from the snow, it’s just scary, it’s at least
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dangerous and you need a certain tool, but meanwhile according to the law, the management company’s responsibilities do not include cleaning the tenant’s balcony, where water builds up in the general building as it does not belong to the property, therefore, it is the tenant’s business that knocks down the icicles. you can hire industrial climbers yourself, contact the management organization to they provided access to these industrial climbers, if they were to whip up snow, then a fence would have to be put up below, but it’s easier said than done, it’s not surprising that there are few people willing, and meanwhile, plaque on the canopies of balconies today poses a real threat. creepy footage was recorded by a surveillance camera in one of the moscow courtyards, a block of ice fell on a carrier with a young child, now a one-year-old girl in... did you hear a block of ice fell on a young family with a child here? yes it's official i think from the balcony. where exactly the block fell from the roof or the balconies will be determined by the investigation. based on the results of the inspection, if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. the management companies denied that the residents were to blame, and the balcony canopy was installed illegally, they say. after the tragic incident, snow and
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ice removal began to receive a lot of attention. while we were here, snow removal equipment passed by, these fences indicate that they recently knocked... ice off the roofs, they hung notices like this on the entrances so that residents be careful, whether they clean this well every time or not, also recently, such cases happen every year, in december in st. petersburg , a thirty- one-year-old man died after falling on a lady from the balcony, the owner of the apartment became a defendant in a criminal case, after which the district management companies decided to help the residents in cleaning the balcony, they can leave a request for help to carry out work on clearing the balcony from snow on... icicle after receiving requests , accordingly, we worked on them in order to protect their livelihoods and so that another emergency did not happen. the state duma proposed to instruct management companies to clean balconies on an ongoing basis. citizens can contact the management
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company with a request to clear the snow from the balcony. but now this issue has not been regulated in any way, so the work may not be carried out or, for example, may be very expensive for the apartment owner. in addition, not all of our fellow citizens can adequately assess the degree of threat from snow accumulation. if the initiative is approved, these works will be included in the list of public services. perhaps, as the industry believes, this will entail an increase in the numbers in payments, but obviously this is not the highest price for security. the state duma is planning to launch a system for auditing utility services in the regions after what happened in...
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engage in, involve an audit company, when we talk about analysis, about audit, of course, we mean not only the number of leaky pipes, we still need to estimate today the effectiveness of those concession agreements, all businesses operate in this market, we must evaluate the effectiveness of this, we must evaluate the effectiveness of using tariff funds, whether it is worthwhile to paint them separately so that they cannot be used, in any case, these are completely regional powers, but we see today naturally.
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there is no market as such; today we need legislation and regulations that will completely remove politics from this system; every ruble must have an effect. is it planned to assess how the load on existing utility networks on the road and street network is taken into account and calculated? during the construction of new apartment buildings and residential complexes in general, because locally. one gets the feeling that history is being ignored, yes , i’ll lift the veil a little, today we are still planning to come up with a proposal, strictly linking... the commissioning of housing to the commissioning of infrastructure, that is, without schools, gardens, necessary roads, and so on further and so on,
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houses, of course, should not be introduced, but with all this, i would like to note something else, the number, for example, of parking spaces, the so-called standard construction of parking lots for apartment buildings, these are regional powers, but we are now planning to make a decision, by the way, the first region, which has strict internal legislation... a big country, different regions, everywhere has its own problems, everywhere has its own approaches, that is , we can say that fundamentally the approach
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to control, the functioning of this entire system is changing, it is necessary to change the approach to control, to functioning, it is necessary to change the approach to relationships within the system, including business power, power, people, i mean consumer, we must, throughout the chain, try to find the maximum return on investment.
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today at 21:20 on the russia channel , make an appointment with a doctor in two clicks without leaving home, computer software to save time was developed by tula it specialists, and young entrepreneurs from kemerovo came up with a unique service that allows you to manage hundreds of cctv cameras, this became possible thanks to the national project digital... hello, please sit down, i have analyzed your profile, am i correct? i understand that you are worried about stabbing pains and your medical history is in full view, tula doctors are testing a remote form of communication with patients, thanks to a new computer program, you can talk about what hurts in a couple of minutes at home on the computer, the patient initially enters everything before the appointment
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... but it turned out that the new product was useful everywhere, after the accelerator we got our first clients, at the moment there are already more than eighty clinics at different stages of connection throughout russia, and accordingly a well-formed commercial part, program for young entrepreneurs sprint accelerator within the framework of the national project digital economy, has been helping russian companies in promoting development and scaling business for 3 years, prominent experts and experienced mentors have been working with the participants for 3 months, the results are the most impressive, we compared the results of our acceleration teams with the control group,
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it turned out that the revenue growth for our teams was one and a half times greater than the same revenue growth for the team from the control group. lectures, expert consultations, and also work with trackers, that is, mentors, intensive participants build a successful business model, learn sales tools and ways to communicate with clients. during the project, more than 400 teams received training, they managed to attract more than 100,000 new clients and receive 580 million rubles in revenue. we receive additional expertise from the people who lead us, but for the team , first of all, this is a quick leap in order to get ready to jump out very far. after 3 months of training, kemerovo entrepreneurs made a real leap; revenue from their client base tripled. now siberian it specialists are improving the mobile application, adding more and more new ones to it.
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understands that at that moment the product was under the camera, in fact, a server remotely controlling hundreds of cameras, instantly analyzing all the information received, the developed original video surveillance system has already found new customers abroad, thanks to the experience gained at the accelerator, it was possible to further reduce costs and attract new investments. by the way, applications from potential participants for the tenth anniversary competitive selection will be accepted until february 16. and then nylon tights turn into rugs, blankets and even a cable for a car. we'll show you how to do this in a few minutes. this is for you, i feel bad without
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you. sorry, i have a flight. love is like flying. "please love and favor, our replacement co -pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there, asks for help to evacuate victims, and earlier, it’s very bad there, it’s going to float soon, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly, the engine is fully “i’ll arrange it, i’m going on one, the bunk engine is on fire, i’m reducing the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i i don’t see the strip, follow the instruments, the crew on friday, on rtr, yuri kuznetsov, this year the film opera chronicles of a homicide finish the 20th trace,
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the lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps, hereby... to speak, i arrived on december 30, took the bag, said , thank you, goodbye, i left, always to moscow, another life has begun, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why don't you like a rift? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch, thank you with both heart and hand for being without knowing me, you love me so much, i can’t help but remember my mothers and fathers here, they gave their whole lives to masfilm, cinema, and i’m here, oh my shy hero, you cleverly avoided
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shame, how long i played, role, no leaning on a partner. the first 100 years, anniversaries of the mosfilm studio, broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday, on rtr. well, you're right, about what? i don't need to operate anymore. well, the bosses are asleep, let's get started. we have several patients with the same symptoms, but it’s an epidemic, we need to understand that all these people are united, with such a high risk, i would stop, continue mosovsky today at rtr 50 dollars per hour in new york
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rat tours are gaining popularity. eyes, a strange hobby, but now the fact is that they wanted to see everything with their own kenny has no end to clients, they even call him the red daddy, this is what it means to see business prospects literally under your feet, well, do you want to know 1.1 way to use nylon tights, they are turned into interior items, hair accessories and even biceps, look and put it’s necessary, well, firstly, put it, and secondly , here they are, which means where... my tights, but there hasn’t been a single hook on them yet, there haven’t been, so they will appear, and then every pair of nylon is quite predictable, threads one day they go astray, here it is, a puff
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, the most useful life hack with women’s tights, now i’ll show you, with circular movements in a spiral, lo and behold, much more magical, it seems that the recipes to extend the life of tights initially, you can put tights, hot water for about 30 minutes or after wetting it with cold water, leave it overnight in the freezer, according to bloggers, after such manipulations, you can wear tights for at least a year without taking them off, which i personally am not at all sure about, but as they say, trust, but verify, you know what the advantage of tights is, there is no sagging, and life is often more amazing than any advertisement and after all, we arrived at our destination, these tights will never really show off on our feet, and... that means without any regret, but no, it’s not a bummer. i want to show you how to make yarn from tights, so that you can use this yarn to make whatever you want, rugs, blankets, capes, bedding - everything that is enough for imagination and skill, materials are even in excess,
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in our country alone, every year girls buy about 720 million pairs of tights and stockings, and this is almost 35 tons for a minute. eight life-size blue whales can be knitted, well, or an infinite number of flowers, for example, also blue ones, so we put it on this blank, well, to be more economical, stretch it a little with its nylon, so we take the threads and begin to wrap it, long, painstakingly, but certainly stunningly beautiful, it can do great become a gift for girls, boys, however, nylon tights also look good, the main thing is to know the right life hacks. well, a completely different look, at least straight to the podium , well, what are you going to do, and here there are only solid arrows, so girls, we don’t
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throw away tights, who knows where else they will come in handy, then dismissal for an immodest photo, how to protect a teacher from unreasonable attacks and how to determine the boundaries of what is permissible? we'll talk about everything with the guest later. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. the news will tell you about the main thing in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. russia and belarus are truly allies to each other. security support will work together. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global and regional problems coincide. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, which was held at
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the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg. the president drew attention to the fact that the two countries are connected by common spiritual values ​​and history. in particular, in july this year there will be to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. and in may twenty-fifth the eightieth anniversary of the great patriotic victory. this is a serious step forward in the development of the economy of the scientific sphere, technological
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development, i will mention that a belarusian cosmonaut is being trained for a flight to the russian segment of the international space station, and this event is planned for the spring of this year. the main task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation. in the field of import substitution, a lot has been done here, we have understood a lot , something that we did not understand 2 years ago, they could not bring us to our knees...
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in the tobaevka settlement in the same area, three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed, this data is provided by the ministry of defense in the territory in the lpr, as well as in the zaporozhye and kherson regions , 34 drones were shot down and a khaimars projectile was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear, north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. three people died, more three wounded in donetsk. the ukrainian armed forces fired at least eight jets at the city. shells from a multiple launch rocket system, most of them fell in the kalininsky district, a private car caught fire, and windows in residential buildings were broken by the blast wave. in the south of the dpr, in the village of nikolskoye, a priest was wounded; in the lugansk republic , two children were injured as a result of shelling of a residential building. due to the danger of avalanches, the ministry of emergency situations has been declared in several districts of the sakhalin region; its residents still cannot recover from the heavy snowfall that hit the island last week. in some.
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in france, protesting farmers began blocking highways around paris. by monday evening, travel was difficult on all highways leading to the capital. earlier, the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that it intended to organize a complete blockade of paris to prevent. to the capital of any goods. the farmers are also planning to lay siege to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market, the ryungij food market, south of the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. protests are already underway few weeks. farmers are flooding the prefectures with new products. thus, they condemn the government's policy in the field of agriculture, which, in their opinion, leads them to poverty. the list of demands includes 120 points, including a refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and the abolition of the fuel tax. farmers in belgium are intensifying
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their protests, following the example of neighboring france, with more than a hundred tractors partially blocking the country's four main highways. traffic is complicated, including on the brussels-paris highway. belgian farmers, like them french colleagues are protesting due to low purchasing prices for products, high taxes and expensive fuel. don't switch. “altai ornithologists are conducting a census of waterfowl, for this, scientists use drones with photo and video cameras, and then carefully study high-resolution photographs, how the number of rare birds in the region has changed, nikolai poteshkin learned, but how not to get lost if they dive, then they fight when there are more than a hundred birds, count them with your eyes, ornithologists say, and there’s no point in trying, red book swans
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there are almost a thousand whoopers on lake svetloe this year. climbing to a bird's eye view is the only opportunity not to miss a single beak, especially since some corners of the lake cannot be reached otherwise. the pictures are of good quality, then ornithologists will study them centimeter by centimeter on a computer monitor. before the era of drones, the number of swans was estimated approximately, but for several years now they have been counting them as accurately as possible. by the way, the counting of whooping birds that have flown to altai for the winter has been carried out since 1967.
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in the region, together with the whole country, they consider tenth winter in a row. the gray neck action helps to understand in what numbers, where and what species of birds winter in russia. along the way , ornithologists assess their health, is there enough food for the birds, and have the conditions for breeding their offspring deteriorated? for example, bobbers arrive in altai with two or three chicks, but there are large families with six or seven. for schoolchildren this includes biology, ecology, and geography; they also help scientists. the circle is called i am a researcher, so our task is...
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a complex for yamal aircraft was opened in tyumen roshche airport, it took 2 years to set it up, using the most advanced technologies, taking into account the high requirements for aircraft maintenance. our correspondent, yana pustovskaya, will continue: the new hangar is convenient for everyone, both people and airplanes; now there are four winged aircraft, two airbuses and two superjets in service here, half of them are undergoing basic repairs, it is carried out once every 2 years, the ship is literally overhauled bone for this purpose , the hangar has a modern laboratory for technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing; not a single person will slip past it. the slightest crack, next door is a paint shop, a room where batteries are checked and charged. a wheel and brake repair shop, landing gear parts arrive after 500
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landings and are disassembled piece by piece. during flaw detection, the device produces something like a cardiogram for the part. this plane should take to the runway in early february, the work... should be completed on time, an engine will be installed on its wings after a major overhaul, this is the first time such work has been carried out within the hangar walls, the engine is the heart of the plane, replacing it is one of the most difficult types of work; previously it was carried out outdoors and for this you had to wait for favorable weather conditions; now it is done at any time in comfortable conditions. work that was done under one’s own roof in 2-3 days used to take a week; heavy forms of maintenance were often carried out in third-party organizations and even...
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at the expense of saved funds. at the expense of the earnings , aircraft and other airlines will also be inspected and repaired in the hangar complex. the building area is almost 19,000 m2. this is the largest modern hangar in the urals, and there are only a few of these in russia. the power allows for work to be carried out simultaneously on three 100 superjets or two a320 airbuses. and here they are among the first to plan to master the entire domestic maintenance cycle. ms-21. yana polustovskaya, alexey volchik, vesti emal. all news is always available on the media platform see in the application or on the website. see you. let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile. more more more. excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, good morning, hello, this is the morning of russia for the whole family.
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their leaders are legally responsible for this. but every fifth child injury occurs on the territory of educational institutions, but in fact, parents have to sue the schools. ilya davidov understood the problem. it’s very hard to remember when you miss it, but here you go. olga was shocked when she saw her son. maxim was covered in blood, there were two deep wounds on his shoulder. he was immediately sent to the hospital, and his mother rushed to school to find out what had happened. he made a u-turn, that is, he wanted to. run up at that moment it opened the door and the handle turn out to be on top, he entered here, came out, the boy received 12 stitches, he spent a month and a half at home, but the administration, according to his mother, did not even... apologize, then through the court she achieved compensation for moral damage, court verdict, the school tried it didn’t work out to challenge it,
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details came to light, the main building was undergoing renovations, classes were being held in another building. the educational organization did not provide accreditation at the new address, and accordingly they could not conduct lessons there. besides, door handles were traumatic, not rounded in shape. who sent the children to the dangerous premises is a question for the officials. as for the stumbling block, it could be attributed to chance. if it weren’t for the fourth court case in six months regarding injuries in schools in the region, human negligence, i believe, such an attitude towards work, one fines, two fines, and the mail will quickly fly out between them, that it is better to pay the parents than then pay the state, the fines are large, the teachers can also be understood, they cannot monitor all the children, looking at what kind of school, in this 1,600 children , before opening, the director carefully checked everything, the staircase according to the design was without bars, it was necessary to set the height to 4, i had to convince both the architect and the builders that for safety reasons this kind of
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fencing is necessary, in my opinion, it is quite aesthetically pleasing. they also introduced right-hand traffic at school, so children are less likely to bump their heads, they painted numbers on the floor, they jump into hopscotch, splash out their energy here, rather than rushing through the corridors. it is much easier for us to create conditions for their safe stay than resolve issues with the consequences of injuries. such systematic work day after day should be welcome. senior students have already been assigned, and i think that they could really be involved, including just in education, to keep order at school somewhere else, especially since this is an interesting job, it can be built creatively, well schools will not take the initiative; first, specialists must summarize experience, select and offer the most.
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on social networks there are photos of her in a swimsuit, so in omsk a teacher was fired after discovering a similar case happened in barnaul, a russian language teacher was forced not only to leave school, but also from the profession altogether. in krasnoyarsk , a music school teacher was fired; the reason for the dismissal was lip piercing. our guest is a member of the public council under the federal service for supervision of education.
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russian federation, but a teacher also has such a right, he is not an exception, he is not outside the constitution. another thing is that these boundaries between private personal and professional public, namely teachers today are very loose, there are two opinions, after all, yes, the first opinion is more democratic.


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