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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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specifically said that if putin attacks, he is personally ready to take up arms and fight the russians in the ranks of the royal armed forces. at the same time, he is not a good soldier , johnson himself admits that when boris was studying in a joint cadet detachment in his youth, he failed to pass the rifle shooting test. for this, says boris. the commander even forced him to clean british toilets. well, for the sake of defeating putin, borya is ready to try again. sir, efrether johnson has reported for duty.
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viable idea, general sir patrick sanders doesn’t think so, and our future colleague boris johnson doesn’t think so either. i asked myself: am i ready to fight for king and country? of course, i would love to do it, i have the right training. between the ages of 16 and 18, i went through this, hour after hour, week after week, in what was called a combined cadet force. i was not a promising recruit at first, i failed the so-called imperial test, which was to
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safely clean, load and fire a .303 caliber rifle, because of me my platoon spent a very damp and cold night in the open air of salisbury plain, guarding what turned out to be the wrong flaxstock. my performance on the parade ground was chaotic, my shirt wouldn't button up, my boots came off and i was repeatedly subjected to horrific abuse by the regimental sergeant major, a man whose verbal cruelty probably hid a heart of gold, he punished us for... 17% of the british with would gladly go to fight but apparently boris is in the minority, only to go to war, if it happened, 14% say that they would go to war if they were forced, the majority - 30%, would use every possible move to avoid fighting at all, and what happened to our great british fighting spirit, it is simply impossible.
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support in the modern world, while we have entered a more dangerous phase of modern history, we must be prepared for the unexpected, look, no one wants a war to break out, but this does not mean that we should not be prepared for it , but you can rest assured that if it really came to... don't think that war is not possible, or that the present period of relative calm will never end. the best way to deter the aggression of people like vladimir putin is to be strong. i have absolutely no time to discuss the statement of boris johnson, who says: of course, i would go to war if i was called up, our viewer writes. firstly, boris johnson is 59 years old, secondly...
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in ruins, crime on the streets, excessive charges for basic products, disgusting public services, you'd be up for it get shot? boris jotson says that he would go to war, you believe him, oh , come on, you believe him, i would never go to serve to fight with russia, i mean the war in ukraine, i would refuse to participate in it, if i was forced then caught by russian soldiers, they would probably torture me, i would tell them everything they wanted to know, i don’t care. well, remember, eu and us politicians constantly insisted that russia is not a reliable supplier of energy resources, dependence on which threatens europe’s energy security, therefore russian gas should be abandoned, but the eu refused. gazprom itself
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is still fulfilling contracts, despite all the sanctions, but biden, reliable in all respects, turned off american exports. lng, on which the entire european union now really depends, and is a nightmare for the economies of all european countries, writes bloomberg and mockingly hints that washington has put the european union on the american gas needle. well, paris, it seems, will still be left without food, the enraged french the farmers nevertheless fulfilled their promise to organize an indefinite period. complete blockade of paris. for macron and his newly minted gay prime minister, this is the first serious crisis since the large-scale demonstrations by farmers last week. gabriel laptal promised to stop rising diesel prices and extend tax
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breaks for farmers. however, no one believed his promises, but even today thousands of tractors were blocked. roads leading to the french capital, barricades were erected on the main highways from bales of hay, boxes of imported fruits, ukrainian chicken , old tires, all this, according to tradition , was set on fire and filled with manure. the authorities, fearing that angry crowds would burst into the city and seize, in particular, the charles de gaulle airport, brought armored vehicles onto the streets and organized checkpoints on the streets. well, that is, it’s as if they are preparing for a real war.
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an army of tractors is trying to take over all the roads leading to paris, as promised, the national farmers' union and organizations, young farmers want to blockade the capital, their goal is transporting goods, even though they know it will impact millions of local residents. after an emergency meeting , the minister of foreign affairs announced that 15 thousand police officers would be allocated to maintain law and order. we cannot allow government tax offices to be disrupted. institutions, grocery stores, as well as interference with the work of food carriers. farmers set up roadblocks on eight highways approaching paris. the police were instructed not to allow protesters to enter the capital in airports. i'm standing on the a-104 highway, also
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called frontel. it leads to charles de gaulle airport, the main airport of paris. the protesting farmers decided to resort to operation snail, that is, to slow down the road. seven federal highways to put pressure on the economy and government.
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protesters are also targeting france's second-largest city lyon. roads on the outskirts of the city were also blocked last week. today, the protesters went even further and announced that the city was under siege. the protest movement mobilized about 55,000 farmers blocking the highway building.
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the government wants to avoid a complete blockade of the capital or
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far-right forces taking advantage of the crisis ahead of european elections in june. everything is just beginning, now in america, texas has not obeyed biden’s ultimatum and is ready to clash with the us army. state governor greg abort activated the so-called first article of the us constitution. which allows martial law to be declared and acts without regard for federal authorities, the governor considers the influx of migrants an invasion of his state, personally blames biden and his liberalism for emigrating to the united states. last year alone, the number of illegal crossings of america’s southern border broke a record; more than 3 million migrants entered the country, the lion’s share settling naturally in the state. the senator from this state, ted cruz, said that if biden
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is so hampered by the local national guard and does not like the barbed wire fence, then let him come and remove the wire and take it away. srinat joe himself seems to have realized that his threats have no longer worked. biden publicly backs down, withdraws his.
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as such, but in preparation for a possible, real conflict with the authorities. well, texas will not be alone here; 10 more republican states are also gathering their national guards. in oklahoma there is talk of a possible clash with the us army. south dakota is openly calling to protect the country and get rid of the broken joe biden. well , american social networks today figured out what will happen if texas really gains independence. so, the united states will lose almost 8% of its territory, almost 9% of its
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population. the area of ​​texas is 696. los angeles and chicago, in general, burn texans, good luck. texas goes to abank on the border with mexico. the state is defying feds' demands to allow border patrol into eagle pass. national guard soldiers block off the park with military vehicles and fences topped with barbed wire. it's the razor wire that's at the center of the intensifying political battle between the state of texas and the biden administration. texas says it stops
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migrants from crossing the border illegally, but the biden administration says it prevents the border service from doing its job. support eboto and his actions at the border. 25 republican governors wrote a letter of support for eboto, arguing the state has a constitutional right to defend itself. governor abbott says he believes these states want to send troops to the border if necessary. the border patrol is trying to enter the farc through the rio grande
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to process migrants, but the state is not letting them through because it has its own troops. the texas national guard will continue, quote: keep the line in iglepas and will not retreat. if every state starts making up reasons not to follow federal laws when we no longer have state laws. lt. gen. dan patrick traveled to eaglepas, where he criticized the biden administration over the migrant invasion. i would
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say to president biden: you say you want to secure the border, so prove it and get out of our way, you. it shouldn't be, but the president says the federal government controls the border, not the state. directly senators are currently discussing a plan to secure the border and plans to unveil it on capitalist hill next week. president biden argues that the deal would give him emergency powers to close the border. the immigration deal crafted by sens. chuck schumer and james langford was stillborn from the start as house republicans abandoned what they called just another bill. joe biden is threatening our state's sovereignty, and if he actually federalizes the texas national guard, it would be unprecedented, it would effectively activate the federal guard and be a direct order to them to stand down and not defend the united states. look at yesterday, at all this obscenity that is happening, we continue to move
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forward. trump slammed president biden and condemned the border crisis. this is a disaster, this is a terrible situation, nothing like this has ever happened before, this is the worst border in the history of the world, including any other countries. there has never been a country where millions and millions of people could enter without checks, without prohibitions, i don’t know anything. trump slammed president biden and condemned the border crisis. texas governor greg evatt prepared a letter addressed not just to the presidential administration, but to the whole world. here's part of what it says. as part of the lawless border policy. president biden, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border in just 3 years, more than the population of thirty-three different states. are you concerned, governors, about the possibility of conflict between state forces?
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well, the most popular meme in the usa now looks like this: biden with sweat on his forehead, standing in front of four red buttons: war with
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russia, war with china, war with texas, war with iran. the choice is really difficult; there is definitely not enough hegemon for everyone. the day before, a uav hit an american military base in northern jordan, as a result. three american soldiers were killed and another 30 american soldiers were injured. biden immediately blamed those loyal to iran groupings, although there was no response from the united states, and apparently there will not be any. biden will not make any sudden moves before the elections; he does not have the strength for a new war. well, that is , tehran will continue to mock us in this way.
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trump's former national security adviser , bolton, said washington has a responsibility to strike iran disproportionately. in his opinion, targets could be iranian ships in the red sea, air defense systems and even nuclear facilities on iranian territory. another rosofop: senator lynsey graham demands a hit iran right now, hit them hard. this is a direct quote. at the same time , independent american journalist tucker.
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since the start of the war between israel and the night, the first american hamas soldiers were killed. the white house has accused iran-backed militants of carrying out a drone strike on a us base in jordan on the border with syria. three us military personnel at the tower 22 base were killed and at least 30 were injured after a drone overcame air defense systems and struck the base. commenting on the attack during the event in south carolina, biden said all those responsible would be punished. "we 've had a tough day, last night we lost three brave soldiers in the middle east, and they will answer for this. iran-backed militants have attacked us troops in the region more than 150 times since october,
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and the us has struck back several times in response. when we we are losing american citizens, this is very very serious. three dead, at least 25 injured, this is a serious escalation of the situation. frankly, those security officials who are not they foresaw this outcome, real fools. given the number of attacks, we knew this would happen, we were just trying to dodge the bullet flying at us and at first we succeeded, and now president biden is tied hand and foot, and now just a few buildings away, in the white house, he and his team sits and thinks what the answer should be, and they will have to do what our twenty-sixth president, ted roosevelt, said, he said: “if you hit, hit hard.” he was one of those who spoke softly, but carried carry a big stick. i don't think they have any options other than striking targets in... iran, we can't go tit for tat, we're going to have to go through the escalation steps and make significant strikes on people, on buildings and for some reason the soldiers need to be hit. we are transported to the front,
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war correspondent vladimir razin is in direct communication. vladimir, hello. news from the ministry of defense. i looked at the settlement, but it’s quite small, the population there is not even in the hundreds, but in the dozens, but nevertheless, the ministry of defense announces the liberation of a settlement in the kupinsky direction. why is it important? much further what is the essence of this breakthrough, since even in ukraine, it is somehow painfully serious about the fact that this village is now under us. olga, good evening, yes, indeed, the settlement of tabaevka is not that big, one might even say, almost very small, there are literally a few houses there, yes, if you look at the map, but in principle the entire front line, which is located around
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kupensk. it is important because of those heights, just for which the battles are taking place, just in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krakhmalnaya, itabaevka, in the last days that were liberated by our military, where we had advances, there were some of the heights, yes, which are in this direction, a little to the south kupenska, in fact, provide an opportunity to further develop that success and maintain the initiative that we actually hold along the entire line of the kupensky front, this is also important, yes, that is, we are not alone... tension on our side of the enemy, initiative on our side, just a little to the north, in the kislovka area, there are also constant attacks on the enemy, on his strongholds, and there is a route quite serious for the enemy in terms of logistics, along which we are...
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actually conducting military operations, once again 880,000, they said before, that the entire ukrainian army is a million, well, of course there is no confirmation that all 880 thousand are at the front, because this would be quite a serious accumulation even on the width of the front line that we now have, but at the same time the enemy is certainly using his reserves, he is trying to disperse them. as close as possible to the front line, our reserves , and again in the kupensky direction, it was our guys who, when they entered strong points in the outermost populated areas, were followed by quite serious counterattacks from the enemy, our guys repulsed them, held, entrenched, yes, but at the same time this suggests that now along the entire front line, exactly where there is initiative on our part, the enemy is trying to disperse these reserves, but on our
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side constantly... in case of mobilization, yes, there are total numbers, as is happening now, perhaps they counted everyone and said: we have 880,000, but now i am absolutely sure on the battle front line even half.


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