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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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he is going to change it again, since a person started talking about the fact that he cleaned toilets in the army, he definitely wants to please the people, and because he was not the only one who cleaned toilets, there are many who cleaned them, everyone remembers these moments, the knowledge of reality when life you recognize it in all its diversity, but until now he has become famous for these prominent parties, well... as you understand,
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our people, whether british or american, will not vote for those who are famous for drinking dry wine from glasses, all sorts of things and so on and so forth, for the man who cleaned toilets in the army, of course, i think, millions will be ready to vote, so apparently, maybe we will see him again, there they will all turn upside down, so to speak, although it’s a little pity, because this helia, she’s hindu. yes, imagine if both america and britain were led by indians, well, if there were some kind of there, i don’t know, as for haley, we hope that in the near future she will withdraw her candidacy after losing in carolina and will transfer his votes to our donald trump, and then we’ll see, to our donald fredovich, yes, that means, well, now i’ll tell you, that means they are now saying so much that russia will attack, will attack, there are some there.
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that on the one hand they write: well, russia is just waiting, can’t wait for it to be offered this truce according to the korean version, on the other hand they decide that it has started to attack, i tell you what’s going on, a little lesson in political arithmetic, so they expected that there will be a counterattack, this ukrainian one failed successfully, now well we need to do something further, well, how to do it, yes, we need to make the ukrainian army stronger, so they think, well, like , well, one and a half times, so to speak, so that it is stronger, so if you do this, well, now not a success by 1925, yes, by that time the russian army will be three times stronger, if it is made one and a half to two times stronger, it means that funding needs to be increased fivefold, but what happened with their military equipment, they warehouses in european countries have now been emptied, in america, equipment was left in warehouses, in european countries, well, practically everything...
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was raked out from there, so you don’t need to take equipment from warehouses, but produce new ones, this means that it will be twice as expensive, 5 x 2 = 10, that is budgets, compared to what they give to the ukrainian army, to finance the war should increase 10 times, and why will it be twice as expensive, because they took old equipment that is in warehouses, and new ones are always twice as expensive , and a new one is always twice as expensive, look what’s happening. that is, they are like they thought about this, they immediately combed their reputations, what to do next , can you imagine, now he should come out to his people, there’s some macron, that ’s the best thing to say, listen, we gave ukraine, you dreamed that it would decrease , but it will be necessary to give 10 times more, well, it’s difficult to do that, and that’s why they started, so to speak.
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company, so russia will attack, attack, attack, where can i say, the logic is this , we will still need these factories, but not for the ukrainian army directly, so for ours it will work, all this will remain, we will still have to to fight, this is the logic, well, that is, we proceed from the fact that they are not going to fight with us, but they don’t take out nuclear weapons, we don’t wipe them with a rag, we hope that they get money this way, nothing more, firstly, this 100% sure , this is how they get money... in this way, although there is a threat there, it lies in the fact that often some bad decisions are made for tactical reasons like this, back and forth, there and so on, and then forever , political history is well known that leonid brezhnev was elected as a temporary figure, and he became 20 years old, it happens, now they have changed the strategy a little, that’s what it is, all these questions are also connected with them, they say, well, apparently, if it doesn’t work out straight... everyone else
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says , well, maybe it will take 10 years like this, like this, they’ll supply them, let them stand, fight for the next tick, so... for 10 years, and ukraine must defend itself, preserve its own, this non-fascist regime, directly calling it ours in words, they had a discussion after the failure of the counterattack, now, judging by the leaks that give their media, the discussion is almost over, they are ready to make key decisions that they will focus on a ten-year war and...
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in these frames from near artyomovsk, a new trophy of the motorized rifle brigade of the northern fleet is an american m113 armored personnel carrier, over which the russian tricolor is now developing. in this video, lancet destroys
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a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, and here drone operators attack enemy positions. liquidation right in the trenches, shell starvation. they don’t shoot for several days. i wish we were in europe we talked about how each country can increase and expand its contribution to supporting ukraine. it is impossible for germany to have such a large share. as mr. helmut schmidt said, we are just a middle power. and our contribution should be that we do enough. must support ukraine, this is the task that now faces us. according to cnn, russian units have increased the number of offensive operations, with more than fifty battles taking place per day. in this footage , a fighter from battalion nine storms alone the stronghold captures
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four vsu officers at once. this video from the kharkov region shows the filigree work of artillery on ukrainian dugouts, and here a ukrainian mobilized is blown up on his own. this is what the zaporizhzhya front looks like now, the fields are dotted with rusting nato equipment, in these frames there is a damaged soviet infantry fighting vehicle, the target of new strikes, long -range precision weapons, are ammunition arsenals and fuel tanks. iskander, including the largest in ukraine, was hit by iskander ballistic missiles. refinery near kremenchuk, which supplied fuel to zelensky’s army. the fire could not be extinguished for more than 16 hours. the official representative of the ukrainian air force command, ignat, worries that russian missiles will be enough for dozens of massive strikes. they have about 900
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high-precision long-range missiles, at the same level their value remains, since the enemy used a large number of missiles during those three combined large attacks from october 29 to january 8, but despite what they produce, they also spend , which is why the numbers now remain at this level, but this we are talking about those missiles that are on the list, there as it became known, during the purchase of shells for mortars, officials of the ukrainian ministry of defense have already stolen 40 million dollars, that is, 1.5 billion hryvnia, raiders reports today. corruption schemes established in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, where deserters who are captured remain on the list of military units and even receive a salary.
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what i see is that the russian federation can make a second offensive from the direction of the russian border to the chernigov, sumy region and so on. washington is developing strategy for assistance to ukraine for this year, and there is no talk of returning the territory, the washington post reports, kiev’s allies are already ready to take away the rest of the country. “hungary will lay claim to the territory of transcarpathia if ukraine ceases to exist,” said the leader of the our homeland party. for the sake of annexing part of ukraine, romania is ready to sacrifice nato membership. we will not be truly sovereign until we reintegrate the romanian state into its natural borders. south besaria, northern bukovina, the land of hertz, transcarpathia, everything that was and is part of the romanian nation must return within the borders of the same state. it is difficult for the ukrainian authorities to hide the feeling
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of despair against the backdrop of the conflict with russia, the chance for victory has been lost, writes the washington post. commander of the military naval forces of ukraine, and the last warship of the ukrainian armed forces, yuriy aleferenka. the russian army sank back in may last year. alexey neishpa, in an interview with the british television channel sky news, asks london to approve strikes with western weapons on the deep russian rear. former ukrainian the president.
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right now, 1,600 military personnel are undergoing training at bases in the united states and europe. the chances of a deal to help ukraine in exchange for immigration reform have only worsened. trump doesn't want zelensky and these corrupt ukrainian oligarchs to get one more penny, we want people to come to the negotiating table, it's time to stop killing with american money, 120 billion that we have already invested, it's time to come to the negotiating table, i i think president trump can get a deal done in 48 hours, but i have to tell you, i think the situation with ukraine will be decided long before he returns to the white house, and what about the personnel. st. petersburg, look, after signing the documents of the union state, putin
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invites all participants to lunch in the blue hall of the konstantinovsky palace. quite an interesting detail: putin and lukashenko arrived at the meeting together, in the same car, putin at the wheel, lukashenko in the front passenger seat. apparently, negotiations did not stop, even moving around the city. there are a lot of documents on the tables, look at putin’s surprised reaction. on the weight and volume of a folder with documents before the start of the meeting are very eloquent, although he said that in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions, moscow and minsk... are closely interacting. putin called belarus a nuclear power. the point is that russian nuclear weapons have been delivered to belarus. for almost 25
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years now, we have been building a union state together. thanks to. successful implementation of twenty-eight sectoral union programs , russian and belarusian legislation was unified, the legal and organizational foundations of the general economic space. with the direct participation of russia, the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant was completed in 2023. this is, of course, a very serious movement forward, bearing in mind that it is not easy. the station has been built, and as we always say, the industry is being created, in this sense, belarus, of course, has become a nuclear power, remembering that a belarusian cosmonaut is being trained for a flight to the russian segment of the international space station, and this event is planned for the spring of this year, vladimir vladimirovich and i walked from the south to the north,
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of course, we analyzed the events that are happening in the world. take our desire for russia and belarus, the people's republic of china, russia is at the forefront of this, because it bears the most burden and suffers more than anyone else, this is all because a multipolar world is coming. the main task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation in the field of import substitution. a lot has been done here. we understood a lot that we didn’t understand 2 years ago, they couldn’t bring us to our knees, on the contrary, we mobilized and i i say, we did a lot. dear colleagues, dear alexander grigorievich, let me read the last line in the script
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of our today’s working meeting, the supreme state council of the union state. you, that is, i, as the head of the host state, invite members of the supreme state council to a working lunch, which is proper, thank you very much, thank you, well, excuse me, crazy footage that is absolutely impossible not to show in germany, the general national television channel rtl showed the show super. talents talents, i’ll say right away, are unique , beatrice macchiu performed in front of the public , her talent, so to speak, and she is a musician, is to play the flute with the help of her genitals. perhaps she picked up this trick from zelensky; remember, the ukrainian clown was the first
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to come up with the idea of ​​playing the genitals on the royal. but the most shocking thing is that the tv channel. showed a music lover in prime time, but that is , not at night, when there are shows for adults, but in the evening, when families with children gather in front of the screens. actually, the program itself is intended for family viewing and is a leader in ratings among audiences over 14 years old. such a performance was received ambiguously, as the bill newspaper writes. trash flutist show.
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dr. beatrice makuev. why, doctor? i trained as a general practitioner. now i work as a surgical assistant in ten. and what have you prepared for us today? i devote my free time to my hobbies, namely acrobatics and music. today i would like to demonstrate my talent. how long have you
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been doing this? i've been doing this for 10 years. i have a unique playing style. what do you do you mean unique? well, i don't play the flute, because that's what they usually teach at school. oh my god! "i've already seen more than it's worth,
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oh my god, oh my god, no, oh my god, no, oh my god, no, the slab is stuck, that's exactly what i meant by the unique style of play that we had to cut out , somewhere to blurt out, as they say, a hedgehog, to show, there they had everything much more openly, once again state-owned national television, we’ll count it.
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look, the american administration makes a decision to actually hang his allies on a very thin thread. biden makes a statement under such a beautiful green cover that americans need to have small bills, that is, he talks about some kind of internal american agenda, in fact this is direct blackmail of its european...
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europe is resisting, europe does not want, it is resisting according to -differently, well, now the german chancellor speaks after allocating 8 billion euros and says: let other european countries share this burden, because it’s hard for germany, it’s just i would like to emphasize again, that is, you are assuming that biden is blackmailing the european union in this way, but this is not so, this is a story about internal struggle and an attempt to knock it out.
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expensive, this is the social sphere, this is military action, we are talking about increasing the number of the armed forces of ukraine, these 500,000 called up, which they always talked about, this also requires a lot of money. europe is resisting, but who in europe is mainly resisting. germany somehow quickly wilted, nothing but the fact that you are also spending money, we don’t care about scholz we hear that it is primarily hungary and slovakia that are resisting. and look how interesting it is, at the same moment, the ukrainian leadership. makes a statement that it will terminate the transit agreement with russia for the transit of russian gas to europe, where the recipients are precisely those who are actively resisting, at the same time - what
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they agreed on is not clear, most likely they did not agree on anything, at the same time in in hungary, some politicians there of the third or fourth tier of a nationalist nature make a statement that, in fact, they would like a piece of ukraine for themselves, that is , bets are being made in some complex game, at this moment, from this point of view, let ’s... europe will not take ukraine for financing, then we can stop gas supplies, because imagine the situation, when european industry will depend on maybe, maybe a gas carrier from the usa will come, but maybe it won’t come. let's add to this the difficulties artificially created by the americans in the red sea, from where the europeans should also receive a significant part of the gas.
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buyers. that is, we are faced with geopolitical blackmail, of course , also connected with the domestic american agenda, with the desire, so to speak, to induce the state of texas to be more accommodating, to make the republicans less zealous, all this is there, but we also have a geopolitical game in front of us, this is where i would like just to explain the next level of this game: we have said many times that the world has entered an era when instead of a world of money there is a world of... resources, let ’s take the situation on the contact line: the americans allocated money, bought you bought shells for the armed forces there, bought them there, the shells are running out, you can allocate more money, although they don’t even want to do this, but if there is physically no production of shells, you won’t shoot money out of guns, the same thing is happening with the european economy, there are resources hydrocarbons in the united states, over the past five years the united states has become the largest
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exporter. that is, they have provided for themselves and are exporting something else, russia has hydrocarbons, but china and india do not have hydrocarbons in full, and europe practically does not have them at all for in order to provide for its industry, but what does europe have? europe still has industry, there are qualified personnel , there is a certain reputation of brands, they need sales markets. europe, as resources, has goods made from russian, indian, and any other raw materials. they need a sales market, they would like to sell something in russia, in china, what the americans are doing, they broke off trade relations between europe and russia, deprived us of each other’s market, now they are quarreling with the chinese, europeans, and more at the same time, they are blackmailing, that is , europe is turning into not only a vassal, it is turning into a dumb vassal, which is completely dependent on whether the american gas carrier will come or not, in this
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situation europe.
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to be in the center of events, the main thing is that they are digging under you, let them dig, there is time for a friend, i want to cry, but things don’t seem to be going well for us, can you do it with the children? stay, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here , please help, make her get up, who said that we are in russia, and you are not doctors, i myself technician, and he is sick, with you, dear colleagues, you are saboteurs, the eleventh season of your favorite series, where this matter is needed, all the more reason, sklefos, from february 5 on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual
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is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10. million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, just like my mother he says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmers are the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, everything is a secret... to the world on saturday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight , love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor,
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our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there. just help evacuate the victims and previously there very bad sailing, sasha, all aboard , quickly, the engine is completely out of order , i’m going on one, the engine is on fire, i’m reducing the speed, get ready for the nearest airport , the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, go to the instruments, beep ... on friday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important,
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it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i’m one of the party’s appointed observers, to keep an eye on i will hold elections so that the people and election commissions will decide everything by... like in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i can see any violation like an eye, besides, i went through special training according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my grandson knows which icon to press, i’ve been trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, my friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down. choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it. volenda was seen again at the patriarchs, you
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historian, i am a historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch’s, black poppy, yes, the poster will now be a millionaire. again picks up yellow flowers, i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now a famous person will speak to you foreign artist, monsieur woland, true history in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching missir, today on rtr, already on the platform. watch all the episodes right now in the app or on the website. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renege on our words. and we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir
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solovyov. today on rtr. so, gas-dependent europe. will exchange one energy risk for another, bloomberg writes , instead of replacing russian fuel with new generation renewable energy sources, the continent is increasingly turning to: instead of replacing russian fuel with renewable next-generation energy sources, the continent is increasingly turning to american natural gas, but that too is risky. on friday, the white house suspended new permits for liquefied natural gas exports to protect the climate. this decision sends a real signal regarding solidarity and security of supply in the medium to long term . brussels. worth considering, since in a very short period the us
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has received a significant share of gas supplies to europe, eclipsing all remaining gas supplies from russia. europe's dependence on american lng will only grow unless more russian gas becomes available again and the canadians decide not to participate in the price war for market share. europe's reward will be diversity in u.s. suppliers, said aero joseph, a senior fellow at columbia university's center for global energy policy. the risk is a major change in us policy in the future , he added. okay, i remind you that most of the licenses that are limited now will begin to operate in 2027, these are approximately more than 85% of licenses, now 10 lng projects are permitted, generally permitted, seven are in varying degrees of implementation, and the four most painful ones, which will most likely be postponed at this stage, the decision has been made, as was previously told , about a month ago, maybe two, and after, accordingly, the situation with and after the summit, which... was adopted, this is an attempt, accordingly, to gain positions from
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the left, the fact is that the licenses that are now limited, they are accordingly within several months, approximately respectively, they will be on their feet for two months, and then their public discussion will begin just during the election campaign, this will happen in june or july according to preliminary calculations, therefore from this point of view, accordingly, that is, this is an internal struggle, yes of course, here i am i remind you that now chancellor scholz and europe are random victims, and i remind you that scholz will go this week, next week to the usa, it will be the ninth on thursday, respectively, he will be there 2 days before. from the seventh to the ninth, if i’m not mistaken, and he will discuss there , besides energy, first of all, the issue related to the conflict, it should be noted, and this is especially interesting given the fact that germany has been experiencing some difficulties lately with the financial component, in fact, and i would say that energy will now be actively discussed in the context of the red sea, because after a large tanker was attacked for the first time, traffic, by the way, not just anyone, trafigura is one of the top three largest traders in the world, respectively, and about... the fact is that after this , tankers in general began to turn around, which
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had even sailed before, which is why this can lead to very serious consequences, that as for the european market, they now seem to have a lot of gas there, because they have stocked up in underground storage facilities, and despite the cold period, accordingly, in general, the winter will most likely be warm, that is, it will be positive, positive negative, therefore, from this point of view , this is a question for the twenty-seventh year, what will happen first of all, therefore, a statement of the word, that is, this is a decision that scholz is not capable of right now, the european union somehow. china has a warm winter, so accordingly the problem now is this, if now china begins to grow, and it is, it provides 78% of oil consumption of all new oil and more than 50% of all new gas, so from this point of view, here is china, if as it were will accelerate, even in this case there are questions will arise more likely in the summer than... accordingly with the load on the electric power industry, because
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the hydra has come out, well, the hydropower industry has left, so this is a question that will come after this, and why is this important from the point of view of what was just discussed, i remind you that there was in slovakia, first there were negotiations, after which the prime minister of slovakia said that he received guarantees that transit would continue, i remind you that the contract ends at the end of this year, yeah, after that the ukrainian side said, that no guarantees were given, and that most likely the contract will be stopped, in this... where are the slovaks? slovakia is located further along the gas corridor, by the way, like along the oil corridor, and directly depends on this pipeline, as , by the way, is hungary, which is even further away, so from this point of view, the problem is as follows, the problem is that , which, as if slovakia seemed to suggest, ukraine in all seriousness wants to stop transiting russian gas through to earn their territory, now the problem is being discussed in detail, the question is different, no one knows what will happen at the end of the year, and secondly, accordingly, the problem is the following, as i understand it, that this statement was made, but the official could not , could not collect. most likely there was some kind of agreement, they are trying to put pressure on
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the officials so that he would miss the february 1st , respectively, the decision on financing, how to put pressure on hungary, they are putting pressure on hungary , and accordingly they tried to make it happen in different ways, i remind you that later i just met with scholz, but apparently they are putting pressure on hungary through the economy, a statement from the financial times article about how a full-fledged confrontation would be launched there now, how they would put pressure on the national currency, by the way not the euro, but their own national currency, which is now falling, that is, they seem to have economic pressure going on, but apparently no one has 30 billion free market economy, give money to zelensky, or we will destroy you, well, you have to understand that we’ll depreciate the exchange rate and stop investing, but we have to understand that 20 billion would still be the answer. you decided to allocate everything there with everyone, but the problem is with money, why? now we have france , respectively, farmers, all that, as if many people slightly underestimate what is actually happening there, france is the largest agricultural producer in the european union, this is approximately 100 billion dollars, each time 18% of all agricultural production in the european union,
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so now they finally forced macron write them 500 million, reduce them accordingly. keep them subsidizing diesel, something that scholz could not do, i remind you, because they did not have enough budget, but france did, and this is not, this is the beginning, that is, they will put even more pressure, but now it’s happening the event, that is, it’s as if it’s already special and macron is coming out, accordingly he’s going to take additional measures there, what’s all this for, all this is to say that in fact, today the event failed, they promised to block paris, block charles de gaulle, 3.5 hours strike, all communications. still exists, well, there are 4 by 4 now, plus or minus , respectively, there are eight outbound ones, as if the airport is working, now you can leave for food delivery, the main thing is that they have not blocked , respectively, as if the agricultural hub is this main one, which, accordingly , is four out of five out of four they blocked the question is that they were sold for 500 million there was another they were promised this evening of course, now apparently
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as if, accordingly, additional funding is all this, why am i all this to the fact that there won’t be enough for everyone? the first and second thing is clear, the question comes down to the economy if 500 million was collected in the budget? which amounts to more than 50 billion dollars, if 400,000 farmers, and this is 4000 of the population in france, with correspondingly more than sixty there, were able to put pressure on this, this is about the issue of the houthis, then in fact even the smallest issues, even the smallest financially intensive things there's a billion times two on three they can seriously push back, as if creating serious problems, why is this important, because in the near future everyone is preparing on the one hand, as if accordingly, for the situation. with the american track, because i remind you that mr. trump, who is also generally a friend, everyone there is of course waiting for him, of course, i remind you that he said that he would come, or rather, it’s like his internal judgment position, he is going to immediately introduce a forty percent rate on china, he will come right away and sign for 60% on some goods.
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believe me, if before this some wars seemed to you to be economic, this will be fun, it will cost several trillion at a time, as if accordingly, with a 60% duty. well, okay, not just a few trillion, or even 800 billion , that’s a lot, so from this point of view, of course, the situation seems to be somewhat isolated, but the overall situation seems to be putting a lot of pressure, but with all this, there are seemingly tough decisions is not accepted, this is what was said today regarding the fact that the united states would try crawl away from the military actions of iran's tough relations, which is what happened, israel gave a blow to damascus, a decision was made, look, we will now target iraq, respectively, syria, respectively, and we will not conduct full-fledged military operations, as i said accordingly,
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there will be victims again, who will be accused of weakness and indecisiveness during the first attack? the problem is this, the problem is that all the tough players who have gathered in the regions are putting pressure now, they are taking advantage of the situation, hungary would never do this , would not do anything if she did not understand that she has a negotiating position, it is emerging, so from this point of view, of course, the external factor will seriously affect the situation in the usa, in the middle east in the long term with china, but the most important thing, of course, is the summit that will be this week, accordingly, the emergency second , as it were, scholz, who will go accordingly to biden next week, so they will discuss the future there, apparently, judging by some of this internal information that comes from where, as it were, everything else, as if everything, including the issue of conflict, advertising,
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says shows the first pavilion of mostfilm, mostfilm celebrated its centenary. in my experience, i can say that the first 100 years are quite difficult, then everything is simple, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the musfilm film studio. broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr,
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try it on, thank you, it suits you very well, well, what a new boss, very cool, as if these 12 years never happened, i missed you so much, we after all, we won’t part again, you have to rein in, but an unfaithful wife, this is our sony business, personal, you understand me, i want everything to be without exercises, arranged, where is the photo client, i understood you correctly, absolutely, let’s wait for invisible tears, on sunday on rtr. now, if you come
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to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years. we can pull up as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, there should be no treatment.
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russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together. what will you have left? they went against god and toured all the liberated territories. russia comes and the city lives.
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boris kovchevnikov's program, life and fate. from monday to friday on rtr. it's our anniversary too. 10 years of marriage. dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik , what is it, lyanka gril, i had the right to know that you have a child, this is a painted doll, your mishanya has already settled in, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, but his mother where, she left, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can let the nanny go. somehow already without you, it means i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever,
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stand up, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr, i don’t know, the answer to the question, look how much i have, how much i tax. what will maria babkina herself say to the offended failed models? confrontation. shame on you? i'm not ashamed. malakhov, today on rtr. so, several alarming news at once, on the one hand, the united states of washington and joe biden seem to be unable to cope
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with the number of conflicts on this planet, on the other hand. from boris johnson, that if putin does attack, volunteers are needed, i’m the first, so hello, how do you feel about all this? putin will attack, boris johnson or the deployment of thermonuclear bombs that the united states is planning on the territory of great britain, there is talk about a nuclear conflict, about a nuclear war, we know that reservists are needed due to the fact that there are also nuclear weapons in london and it seems that now there is someone who wants to fight, as if
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it were one huge ball. if this is one huge tangle, then let's start with the brightest figure, the brightest thread from this tangle of former prime minister boris johnson, i must say that his statement , well, firstly, he is still now a free journalist, a columnist for the daily mail newspaper, so he is free to write whatever he pleases, if the editorial policy does not limit him in this, but in this case boris johnson got , as they say, in the stream, announced that he was ready to volunteer. into the british army, in fact, as you know, johnson’s military education is somewhat lame, which he honestly admitted in his article, the fact is that at one time, when he was still a schoolboy, he graduated from so-called two-year courses, which , well, are probably an analogue of our initial military training, which we all took at one time in soviet school, at least with boris johnson, judging by
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his article, everything did not go very smoothly with.. britain, but it is controlled by the americans, and
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nuclear weapons were previously stored there. but now, as journalists learned, based on the disclosure of official financial documents, primarily in washington, there were plans to strengthen special facilities for storage of these bombs, as well as to build a new building for personnel who will actually guard this facility in the event that nuclear weapons are actually stationed there. there were such plans, as far as is known before, even when it was being developed, or more precisely, tests of this b6 thermonuclear bomb were carried out. one modification 12, then it was already said that they plan to place it in europe, there are several facilities there, including in germany, where such weapons can to be deployed or already deployed, these are tactical nuclear weapons that can be used from f-35 combat aircraft, the newest aircraft of the us air force. there is no official confirmation of this; the british ministry of defense referred to
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some kind of mutual agreement with partners in the united states on non-disclosure.
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militaristic rhetoric and hysteria for making money, here in britain they have once again shown that it is possible, if you need to restore and repair some military facility, you can say that... with us there is a terrible threat and american bombs are needed there immediately, and at the same time the americans must somehow put this matter in order, it is also already quite clear why this was done. but there are already all sorts of disputes going on about the american situation and texas, right? but it seems to me that the very specifics of the american electoral and political system in general, it inevitably had to lead to such a situation, because as you remember, in the past...
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we can do this too, we have the state of texas, there are half a million trunks in the hands population, the people there are quite serious, the constitution of the state of texas says that texas is an independent state , and the way other republican governors spoke simultaneously shows that the topic was planned well, the republicans understood that, in principle, since at one time the ground under their feet was set on fire, they, in principle, can do this too, at least... they cannot show the democrats and biden, in particular, that we will do this too, now we are just showing that we are showing a beautiful , then we can do it seriously, if suddenly the specifics
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of the election campaign, suddenly trump disappears from it, in an unexpected way, or we may not like the results of the election campaign, we can do that too, while the republicans understand well that the only stronghold that was democrats always have it... for any current administration, the external contour also does not work out; now for democrats, biden in particular, everything is on fire there too, moreover, that moreover, all partners understand that we can use this, let's come back, something happened here, the premiere on rtr, nina , what's going on in the department, what happened, what's going on here, i need to understand what's happening, what everyone was waiting for happened, come on tell me, sklefosovsky, the new season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, from
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february 5 on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka, yes, yes, yes, how you have to love a person in order to take him. come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is, of course, interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything , for this a person lives, he must have a continuation , on which a good conversation is based on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye lights up, that is , well, if you noticed, even two, when everything at home on sundays on rtr, tell me, son-in-law,
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have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll look at the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she and my father, romances, for some, beauty is a pass to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others. a test of fidelity, why are you silent , what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your husband
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is having an affair, where he takes his chosen ones, his wife is too beautiful, on saturday on rtr, watch movies and tv series, watch opera, watch ballet, watch theater, watch concerts and festivals, watch. competitions and master classes, watch films about history and art, watch educational lectures, watch programs about science, watch interviews and talk shows, watch news, watch documentary cinema, russia culture on the platform let's watch, yuri kuznetsov, this year.
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film opera chronicles of the homicide department 20 years old lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps a real policeman they told me you were there for such a pestilence, our boss is the same fool as you showed in vladivostok in the theater you will meet your first wife valentina she was given roles, you have waxed from one kvysa to another, then the first role. after 25 years we separated, well , it’s hard to talk about it, i arrived on december 30, took the bag, said, thank you, goodbye, i left everything, always moscow, another life began for now, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, this is for you.
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i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kangu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there, ask for help to evacuate the victims, it’s really bad there . sasha, everyone aboard, quickly! the engine is completely out of order, i'm running on one. i'm reducing the speed. i don't see the line. i don't see the line. go by instruments. crew. on friday. intention. well, the wreckage of the il-76 shot down by the ukrainian armed forces in
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the belgorod region was removed from the crash site; the footage shows pieces of the aircraft’s skin and engine elements in the thunderstorm. watch the news, bye. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. vladimir putin assessed the level of development of st. petersburg and the leningrad region. what did the president ask you to pay special attention to? the russian military is pushing out ukrainian checkpoints.


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