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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 31, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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thank you very much, exhaustively, pavel kukushkin, military correspondent with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. in general, of course, news that came , i don’t know, 5-10 years ago, it would be difficult to believe that they would come. the united states no longer has undisputed leadership on the world stage. this opinion was expressed by the director of central intelligence, william burns, incredibly, the head. the united states no longer has undisputed leadership on the world stage. french farmers blocked highway a few kilometers from the border with spain. this is in addition to blocking the entrances to paris and obstructing the movement of spanish trucks. germany transfers the tenth panzer division towards poland, to the eastern flank.
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according to my observations, he is not the stupidest of the representatives of the american administration, but i am not at all a fan of dragging things out, delving into all sorts of discussions about rumors, about reshuffles, about whether ivan actually quarreled. both of them are worse for me, this is the main motive, but still, still, to me it seems that we need to speak out on this matter, what is the principled or unprincipled, but definite difference between zelensky and zaluzhny? zelensky is the person who is officially considered the president.
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it seems to me that he has a much better idea of ​​what is happening, which is why he spoke out not so long ago in the english press about the impasse that ukraine is reaching, then zelensky, it seems to me, understands that the cessation of hostilities immediately raises a lot of questions for politicians, first of all to zelensky, who are these military actions encouraged in every possible way and who did.
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with which they connect the succession to zaluzhny, or rather, zaluzhny is responsible for what happens on land, then let’s say, the one who is replacing him, again according to rumors, budanov , is the head of the intelligence service of ukraine, this is precisely the person who organizes sabotage, so we now see that against the backdrop of the failure of hopes for success at the front, against the backdrop of the idea that we need to defend ourselves, we need to build fortifications, well... in general, in short,
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we are not talking about any offensives, sabotage and other activity of the ukrainian regime, and it is the people subordinate to zelensky who are responsible for this, all these attacks on...
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because the prospect of dismissal looms before them, dismissal from the political scene, and maybe from life in the future, this is one question, the second question, the same the same thing can, perhaps, be applied, but in a slightly different context when analyzing what is happening in
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the west in akkonali, where now from morning to evening they say that this is right, we must help, we must supply, we must delay. pose in order to help fight russia, because russia is not today, so tomorrow, not in three , but in five, in 10 years, it will definitely attack, they have nothing else left, if last year they had hopes that last year everything would end with the victory of ukraine, with the help of the miracle weapons that the west will provide it with, a miracle weapon has already been provided, nothing victorious has happened, the opposite has happened, now we must say, no, we must continue.
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macron to sweden, so to speak, he ran away from the angry farmers, left first to india, then to sweden, just so as not to be at home, otherwise he wouldn’t get there, and leaving, so to speak, the young, so to speak, gay prime minister, so
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to speak, is head-to-head with french farmers, but another visit, even to me, seems more important, this is stoltenberg’s visit to the usa, it is happening now. online, and a series of his meetings with blinken, the secretary of state, with secretary of defense austin with the speaker of the house, representative representative. mike johnson, and i would note here that in addition to the traditional agenda, well, it is clear that we are talking about nato, about challenges, about security problems, there are some visible not the core goals of this visit, that is, in fact, this was especially evident in the conversation with leading democrats and republicans of the house of representatives with mike johnson, that is, stoltenberg is trying.
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concentrated, so to speak, in an attempt to somehow reconcile, somehow influence , it is impossible to influence, especially, and by the way, there is a fuss going on around some kind of deal in congress, a compromise, a so-called deal, an attempt to link the migration and ukrainian issues in one deal, but mike johnson has already clearly said negative it’s tough that this deal is impossible, no compromise between the snake and izha is, as it were, possible to get stuck in one... project, that is, in this sense everything hangs, it’s just
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stoltong’s visit that very clearly shows this american split, here i would highlight two as such directions are very important, that is, on the one hand, we see, and there is , so to speak, a transformation of electoral groups that were oriented towards the democratic party, that is, in fact , these are all ethnic, so to speak lgbt, various... groups, non-traditional and others, including racial ones, they seem to be increasing, today, according to various estimates, it is somewhere around 34-35%, most of them are democrats, but this is not even the main thing, the main thing is that through this mexican migration pipe , 22 have been pumped in and sucked in over 10 years million migrants who have already been almost legalized, they all vote , and most of them will vote for democrats. that is, there is a certain resource, and 15%, approximately latinos are already
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ahead of blacks, who make up 14% of this electoral group, that is, here too it’s as if such a rapid transformation is taking place, against this background, in fact, we see two fronts: a split, a political split in america, as it were, into two lines of republican-democratic, and the republicans have three resource options, well , the first, of course, is these 25 red states , as if america is blushing, the second resource option is abbott’s position as the governor of texas and in general this whole texas theme means texas separatism, the so-called and opposition to washington’s actual decision of the supreme court, that is, it works, of course on trump’s agenda, this strengthens the position of the republicans, and the third is trump’s personality, but on the other hand we see three options for the democrats, who, in general, also have their own resources, the first option:
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the military-industrial complex rose in the ukrainian war, they are the main sponsors and so further, well, this
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is completely understandable, so this is a large part of the deep state, it seems to me that they are still closer to the democrats, this is also biden’s resource, despite everything, that is , three by three, let’s see what comes of this, on against this background, of course, these farm protests in france, here is also a new moment, if the yellow vests, well, there was such a movement, we remember, this is mainly an urban protest of residents of urban... residents of france, today we see new nuances, yes, this is not a revolution, this of course will not lead there is an overthrow of the political system, there is no regime there, but this of course, well, let’s say, the nail has been driven in. into the political system, and two things are new: the first is a kind of protest that is already farmer, deep, so, you know, rural, these are not city dwellers, it is different, different the specificity of the second reason, in addition to internal reasons that are clear there, which means the abolition of these subsidies for diesel, environmental reasons, there is an external reason that did not exist before, this is a ukrainian reason, that is
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, this ukrainian dumping is actually agricultural imports, it destroys - it makes agricultural production unprofitable in france, and this reason is ukrainian too, well, that is, we can imagine that these guys who are blocking the roads there will vote for for ukraine to join the eu and have the same trade preferences as other eu countries is not a fact; the question seems to me to be generally rhetorical in this case, but on the other hand. they also say that the products are of low quality, they are cheap, because they are of low quality, low quality, this is what causes all this, so of course trump is inflating the texas balloon, whether it bursts or not, we’ll see, but it’s still like a flag in their hands, that’s all the swing of the american system. stoltenberg continues his previous rhetoric, which sounds complicated: give weapons for in order to achieve peace, listen,
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supporting ukraine serves our interests. supporting ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in our own security. president putin started this war, and he could end it today if he stopped attacking his neighbor. the war could also end if ukraine stopped defending itself, but that would not be peace, it would mean russian occupation, and occupation is not peace. a just world will require putin to recognize that he will not get what he wants. wants to achieve on the battlefield. moscow must make a decision through negotiations.
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trillion, he convinces himself, if before he said weapons for victory, now weapons for peace, this is like a change of position, that is, the stage of acceptance, it will come soon, we will return, he says, shows the first pavilion of mosfilm. mosfilm celebrated its centenary. i want to congratulate all the massfilm members with all my heart, and i’m going. the main people, the main film studios in russia, without them it is impossible to imagine the history of world cinema, the history of the country. these people, their energy, their devotion and love - this is a mass film. a concert for those who left a piece of their soul in the filming pavilions. from my own
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experience i can say that the first 100 years are quite difficult, but then it’s easy. that's it, oh, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the musfilm film studio, broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr, try it on, thank you, it suits you very well, well, like your new boss, oh, very cool. as if these 12 years didn’t exist, i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to stop your unfaithful wife, this our sony business is personal, you understand me , i want everything to be untrained, arranged,
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where is the client’s photo, i understood you correctly, absolutely. there are no tears in the rain, on sunday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could have become a zoologist. or for athletes, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard, but he is a doctor that
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, doctor. misnyakov every saturday on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website. annushka has already bought
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sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even sold it. wulland was seen again at the patriarchs. you are a historian, i am a historian. today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's meeting. what? so yes, the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, with i came out with yellow flowers so that you could finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you, the true story in new quality, so be it, master and margarita complete. missir is approaching, today on rtr it’s already on the platform, we’re watching all the episodes right now, in the app or on the website, please, acquaintance and
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roll call, you can build without building, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea drunk, how many stories have been told, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting,
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controls what happens with western weapons and money that kiev receives, but the west is not at all interested in this and diligently does not notice the spread of weapons from ukraine to hot spots and many european countries, lavrov said today. the head of the foreign ministry noted that zelensky’s owners understand perfectly well that the ukrainian project has already failed, but they cannot stop. ukraine for these less than 2 years.
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poland, norway, the netherlands, sweden, in in general, of course, the figures that are buried in ukraine,


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