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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the decision has already been made, details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news , i greet you, i, maria sitpel, hello, i’m ready to get stuck, fire, fire, the first slavic brigade of the donetsk corps, artillery is working behind enemy lines, camouflage is life, there are no other options, ural transmash, sergei shaigu in yekaterinburg with an inspection of the implementation of the state defense order.
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the second power unit, which operated for 45 years, was shut down; it will be replaced by power units new generation. french farmers continue the siege of paris and threaten to make the action indefinite, blocked seven times, and long-awaited, but... news from st. petersburg: the kranshtat submarine is being transferred to the russian navy. over the past 24 hours , six attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repelled in the krasnolimansky and kupinsky directions. shot! in different sectors of the front, the enemy lost 800 militants killed and wounded. in the south donetsk direction during the counterbattery.
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with its help, fighters from the west group of forces destroyed uaf reconnaissance drones on kupinsky direction. air defense in the donetsk direction. intercepted 28 enemy drones and 12 hymers and hurricane missiles. stanislav nazarov's military correspondent reports on the situation on the front line. during the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces , our drone operators discover a car with a swastika on the roof, symbolizing the nazi ss division. time to aim the gun. too little, but the crew of
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the 2s1 self-propelled artillery unit, the carnation of the first slavic brigade, manages to get accurate coordinates. after the third shot , spotters report the destruction of the target. the crew is preparing to leave for another firing position. lately we have been working at night, at night, to prevent the enemy from using drones, camouflage is life, there are no other options, and so, accordingly, movement.
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rolls up, then the film falls asleep, well, lies down , then a little earth for this, then another roll-up, tries in small groups to pass something somewhere, but mostly on the defensive, sergei has been fighting since august 2014, started back in militia, infantry, attack aircraft, together with comrades from the repair battalion , installed this protective canopy against drones on their own, when support is really needed, we can go to an open position, at the moment we are in a closed position. the senior officer of the batteries gives the target, we aim effectively, as quickly as possible, as carefully as possible, we hit, a shot, while one platoon is preparing to leave the position, the other crew is aimed at the electronic warfare station of the ukrainian militants, after an accurate hit on the equipment, the target destroyed. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. ural transmash has started production of the newest ones. military guns of the sv coalition,
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the production of self-propelled howitzers, which are successfully used on the front line during the special operation, has been increased sixfold, working around the clock in several shifts, as you... the state defense order is being fulfilled , defense minister sergei shaigu came to check. report by mikhail fedotov. the ural transport engineering plant produces the entire line of modern russian self-propelled guns. msta, acacia, tulip, geocinth. the workshops where artillery pieces are made are shown to the minister of defense. the production of gaubi here has increased sixfold over the past 2 years, but this is emphasized by sergei shaigu, this is not a reason to stop. this means there are opportunities , then we need to use these opportunities, we are also increasing the minister of defense, here the guns that were damaged in the special operation zone are undergoing repairs or planned modernization, if we are talking about self-propelled guns taken out of storage. this is practically a new car, because on the armored vehicle we
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we bring the entire car, housings, caps to the metal, so in principle, it’s like new. at the end of last year, the state test was successfully completed by the newest howitzer of the sv coalition in the uralsky. people who use apu. already at the meeting, sergei shaigu once again draws attention to the timing of supplies to the coalition. separately, this is new work on self-propelled artillery, and the work that has
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reached the final stage, in february we will receive the first six vehicles. it is necessary to increase the pace of production of other self-propelled guns. the minister of defense proposes to check hours for the execution of the state defense order placed. at the ural plant, i would like to receive within a week a specific proposal on how we will reach the indicators that are set by the instructions of the president, the supreme commander-in-chief, and this must be carried out, because all these instructions, they are in one way or another connected with very specific work on the battlefield. the plant's staff works for the needs of the front around the clock in several shifts, salaries up to...
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yakutia, ivanovo region. two meetings will be concluded via videoconference distribution, two gas distribution pipelines were connected in the tyumen region in kaluga. it was noted that thanks to legislative decisions , all procedures for submitting applications under the social gasification program have been simplified. president vladimir united russia, together with gazprom, is conducting information and explanatory work on the program, we are conducting door-to-door visits by our deputy corps, regional deputies, local citizens, citizens’ gatherings, joint receptions, consultations, since march 23 , we have managed to jointly return to work
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more than 60,000 of the previously rejected applications, and 22 thousand of the resubmitted applications, have already concluded contracts. already today the level of gasification. regions of russia - this is almost 74%, is the highest in the world, 78 constituent entities in the russian federation are gasified with natural gas, while the task set by the president of the russian federation is to bring the level of gasification to the maximum possible level, this is 83% by 2030. russia's energy system is being updated. today a significant event took place at the kursk nuclear power plant. experts turned it off forever. the second power unit is working, the reactor has served reliably for almost half a century, it will be replaced by new generation power units being built by the kursk as-2, instead of the standard thirty, they are designed for at least 60 years, report by elizaveta boukreeva, attention, barrel buffoon, power
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is decreasing, the rods have gone to waste zone, turning the key is a point in the operation of the power unit, the sound of the siren is a sign that the shutdown reactor is no longer supplying electricity to the network. at 4:01, the stop was successful. second power unit kurskaes was connected to the country's unified energy system in january 1979 reliably and '. bv power unit number 2 worked for 45 years , so 2 days. over its history, the power unit
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has generated over 256 billion kw of electricity. this amount is enough to provide the region with current expenditure for 30 years, but time does not stand still; soon the nuclear giants will be replaced by equally powerful colleagues with a new type of reactor. the construction of a replacement station with wwr toi reactors means one thing. story rbm. is ending, time is approaching dawn , we are symbolically greeted by the site of the two-block coac2, which should ensure the energy security of the region for at least 80 years to come. elizaveta bukreeva, alexander azarov, lead kursk. upgraded control systems, ultra-modern electric motors and navigation complex. the new diesel submarine kronshtat, which today became part of the russian northern fleet, is equipped with all this. the ceremony took place at the shipbuilding site. admirals verfi plant. submarines of this project belong to the fourth generation of non-nuclear
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submarines are today the most modern submarines. transtat can reach speeds of up to 21 knots, which is about 40 km/h, is practically invisible to sanars and is armed with caliber missile systems. about new investment projects with government support. support amounts to almost 4 trillion rubles, these are already quite serious funds,
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i would like you to talk about the results of your work for 2022-2, despite sanctions pressure, other unfriendly actions countries, our investment portfolio grows by 1 trillion rubles per year, and now there are 3,500 investment projects with a total investment volume of almost 9 trillion rubles. you will continue to see news in our issue about the situation in the middle east. today, minister lavrov announced the threat of even greater destabilization in this region. the protracted resignation of zaluzhny is almost the central topic for the western media, and in france farmers have announced a new campaign against paris. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. oh, it seems like grown-up kids , but i still dream about gifts. new series, what could be more enjoyable? sklefosovsky. new episodes. from monday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice
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sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are performed, but also wishes she promised to give me after the wedding, horseradish, what have you done, well how could you? play oleg gazmanov's song at full volume, just wait for me, flowers kept through the rains still live in me. morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr.
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we also have an anniversary, 10 years together life. dad, dad, hello. this is for slavik. what's this? lyanka griu. i had the right to know what you had. this is a painted doll, your misha no longer lived, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and i don’t know where my mother went, well, let me sit with him, rais. and you can already let the nanny go, we’re already here without you somehow, so i’m just a nanny, but i’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr. are you used to watching
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videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. in the extreme north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, there is a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland,
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the nature on the kola is amazingly diverse. this includes taiga, mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula washes barintsevo the sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula separates from the mainland. ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. yuri kuznetsov. this year the film "opera chronicles of the homicide department " is 20 years old. lieutenant colonel from the street of broken
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lanterns. a real policeman tells me: you’re like that there.
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destroyed our artillery in the donetsk direction. on krasno-limansky the enemy was left without a command and observation post of three tanks and four armored personnel carriers. every day, russian artillerymen defeat enemy personnel, destroy armored vehicles and cover our forward units. from kherson region. vinkor, anton stepanenko. western armored vehicles are burning in the fields of zaporozhye. another attempt at a contour offensive in the orekhovsk direction failed. enemy armored vehicles did not even reach the landing point, they are burning, the howitzer of the 292nd self-propelled artillery regiment of the southern military district worked out exactly as taught. we were with green boys who did not understand why they had brought us where. now you look, this is a brave warrior who is not afraid of either the enemy or death, the job will be done in any case. alexander, one of
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the mobilized, served in the internal troops in the northern caucasus. for supporting the infantry in the battles to repel the kiev counter-offensive in the summer in the orekhovsky direction, alexander was awarded the st. george cross, fourth degree. the potartillerista protects the blood of the infantry, therefore not a single assault is complete without artillery. in the 21st century, the commander of the ptur installation crew, artur zolotarev, burns german leopards, as his grandfather burned, during the great patriotic war. they burn beautifully, then and now. i burned a lot. awarded. well, you have to work, so work is work, there is an order. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, lead the zaporozhye front. the situation with the dismissal
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of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny is one of the main topics that the western media are analyzing today. the resignation is postponed due to information leakage into the public space, about this reports the new york times. another reason is the lack of replacement. according to the economist on january 29. zelensky offered zaluzhny another position as secretary of national security and defense, but he refused, and this, as journalists note, is a big political problem for zelensky. judging by the polls, a more popular president and the dismissal of the general will be regarded as the elimination of a competitor. the commanders of the ground forces, syrsky and the head of ukrainian intelligence budanov, were named as contenders for the post of zaluzhny. but both refused to take the place of commander-in-chief. ukraine will fully feel the delay in military assistance by the end of spring. this forecast is given by
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the bloomberg agency with reference to diplomats of western countries. the states are still waiting for a decision from congress, where the request was sent 4 months ago. this does not mean that there are no new supplies. for example, the publication of the politician found out that today a batch of the latest small-diameter glide bombs that are suitable for installations should arrive in ukraine. ecuador said it is donating old military equipment to the united states soviet-made, in exchange the country expects to receive a new american one. moscow warned ecuador about the inadmissibility of such a step, but they insist that we are not talking about existing weapons, but about scrap metal. the latin american head of state is in a difficult situation in the country. criminal gangs are rampant, there is an urgent need to update arsenals, and meanwhile ecuador owes the states $273 million, the deadline expires today.
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zelensky’s obviously impossible peace formula, which is being imposed by the west, is essentially an ultimatum to russia. this statement was made by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov at a meeting of proxies of the brix leaders in moscow. at the same time, constructive suggestions.
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farmers oppose increases in taxes and fuel prices, as well as the import of cheap products from ukraine. prime minister gabriel ottal
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intends to receive the leaders of the striking trade unions at his residence during the day. farmers say that if there is no agreement at the end of this meeting, they will resume their march on paris this evening. the police are strengthening security measures. roads blocked with the help of armored vehicles. europe will send naval patrols to protect shipping in the red sea. such plans were announced today by the head of european diplomacy, barel. the fate of another important mission in the middle east remains unclear. the un has admitted that it does not have a plan to save the agency to help palestinian refugees in bapor, which the us and several other countries have deprived of funding. this step only contributes to the aggravation of the situation in the gas sector, where 17 people died in one day. the situation in the region in the reports of our correspondents and alexandra belibova. israel's border villages, abandoned by the civilian population
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, have become temporary. military bases, for example, in this kibbutz, very close to the lebanese border, a unit of airborne troops was located, ready to enter positions. the lebanese shiite group hezbollah is targeting israel from the air using combat drones, mortars and short-range rockets. for its part, israel is attacking southern lebanon. the military reports the liquidation of commanders, militants and the destruction of baskha sbaly. in the south, in the gaza strip, infantry and armored vehicles are fighting and moving deeper into khanyunas, the city where the resistance of hamas militants is greatest, operational tunnels and weapons depots discovered as a result of military operations are being destroyed. the day before, israeli intelligence collected a special dossier; it turned out that at least 13 humanitarian aid workers.
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un agencies in gaza bapor were hamas activists, took part in the bloody raid on israel on october 7, almost a dozen countries of the western world, including the united states, canada, great britain, italy, france and germany, australia have stopped or suspended funding for beauport. regarding the situation with bapor, the reports we received last week raise great concern. there is a need for a un agency to help palestinian refugees. with the participation of mediators from kator and egypt, all the last days are underway; there is less and less time left to return the captives alive. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. news about the end of funding un middle east agency for assistance.
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meanwhile, in the arab world, and not only in other countries , they are now discussing the topic of a new possible truce in gaza; the option that the parties are currently considering provides for a six-week pause in hostilities, as well as an exchange of hostages according to formula 1, an israeli held by hamas for three palestinian prisoners if the details can be agreed upon, the truce could begin simultaneously with the arrival of the muslim holy month of ramadan, which this year begins on march 11. alexander...
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don’t miss two episodes immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. residents of kotelniki in moscow complain about illegal taxi drivers who block street entrances to their yards every day, they collect passengers to take them to the nearest metro station and do not allow local motorists and emergency vehicles to pass. the traffic police regularly fine violators and even confiscate cars, but this is not a problem.


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