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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 31, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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citizens of the russian federation, these are the people who are now fighting under the banner, they really are these, and some are not citizens, and for this citizenship they may even give their lives, not only is there blood, their families, they will then receive well on december 29, 29, i think the president introduced a project to the duma to deprive the citizenship of those who accepted this citizenship and did not justify it, there is a whole series there.
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yes, today, there is the head of the state property fund of ukraine, koval, yes, by name, he announced that today is the budget ukraine received the first 850 thousand dollars , which were taken from russian citizens as part of the sanctions imposed, and what will be our answer, we can give this answer right away, it’s not that dima has now found this, after all, a small, worthless country. which can be erased there along with the dunes, yes, i’m like an idea , well, just like an idea, i’m saying, we looked for it for a long time, finally determined the geographical coordinates, i mean holland, so with this question with 850,000 dollars - that’s all a drop in the ocean, even less than a drop in public finance, but you need to answer right away, it seems to me that we once we once upon a time on august 1st.
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that means we will also respond to missiles, and therefore when we do not respond, this makes it possible to say from a fabrication, i don’t think that immediately with missiles, this is advisable, well, how can i say, the fact is that you like to play chess, it’s clear , that the chipaevs didn’t
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like to play, it’s all slow, these ones, it’s necessary to play in my opinion, insofar as the first blow is like nato always everywhere. they had some kind of department store, kdv, i wasn’t there never was, for me that’s all, i think, i think that i was surprised, i’ll say this, i ’ll write there, i’m satisfied with the collapsed regstag, that’s my approach, i
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already wrote it there, i’m aware, i’m like since i’m quoting a great film, yes, it’s already there, it was already written there later, but i think that if we act according to your script, then there will be nothing to write on, so why is that?
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it can’t be, in general, suddenly washington was faced with the task of not only somehow, so to speak, calming down china, but also probably prepare taiwan to repel a possible chinese invasion, because well, the practical agenda included the question of a possible, possible military invasion of china in taiwan, after that another year passed and on october 7th
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the states of america, i mean the conflict in texas, that is, now this very biden administration has to fight four proxy wars at the same time, and, frankly, i don’t really see it.
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so to speak, especially during the presidential election campaign, donald trump says every day that this a madman, so to speak, put america on the brink of a world thermonuclear war , so to speak, and i think he will repeat this , so to speak, until this is true, it is, especially since it is true, in fact, that this policy, they are both crazy, so i’d rather put the world on the brink of the third world war myself, right. and the worst thing is that this is happening in the pre-election year, when
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it is extremely difficult to achieve any reasonable compromises with political opponents, for whom the stakes are too high, right now the question is being decided who else will head the external, so to speak , executive branch of the united states of america for the next 4 years, and not only the executive, because the house of representatives is elected, and a third of the senators, most of the governors, here... here, of course, it is possible to achieve what - compromises and concessions in the sense that , so to speak, we are building a fence on the border with mexico, and you, so to speak, are allocating funds for ukraine, i’m afraid it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve, why are you afraid of this, no, it’s not me who is afraid, you need to be afraid, so to speak, officially, i agree with you that the negotiations are difficult, complicated.
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the international situation for enemy number one, so to speak , does not look the most favorable right now, and therefore it seems to me that we need to approach this situation more calmly, understanding that life does not end either tomorrow, or on february 24 of this year, or on the day of the presidential election, so to speak.
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logic, goals, objectives, nothing like that at all, the warriors flare up illogically often develop completely according to their own laws, and it never happened that the tasks set at the beginning.
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yes, that’s why i think that the administration has managed to do a lot, it is almost coming out of this conflict, it has been crushed, it has outlined , it has not interfered, but the houthis don’t care, they will now destroy a couple of american bases, a couple of american ships, now the biden administration will have to withdraw troops from iraq, and if they withdraw troops from iraq and have to withdraw troops from syria, that’s what it’s worth. how will the arab states react? if arkaevich gave an answer to this regarding the american bases on their territory, here is semyon arkadevich and one opinion, annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it. woland was seen again at the patriarch's show, well, i'm a historian, i'm a historian, today at
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the patriarch's show will be interesting. history, black magician, yes, the poster will now be a millionaire , margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands , i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you died with me, so, citizens, now a famous foreign artist, monsieur woland, will perform before you, a true story in a new quality, so be it,
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everyone knows such a character from pushkin’s works, how many will be 7,8, 7,8, 7, 8, how many , who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr,
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you'll die, thank you. it suits you very well, well, how is your new one, very cool, andrei , as if these 12 years never happened, i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to settle your unfaithful wife, this is our sonya business, personal , you understand me, i want everything to be pain-free, arrange it. where is the photo client, did i understand you correctly? absolutely, no tears visible in the rain, sunday on rtr. provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch.
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it’s all a joke, so it’s about biden, jokers, i have a feeling that biden
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knows who ran through the bases and knows for sure that it’s not iran, that’s why he doesn’t talk about iran, but he’s also not very good at telling rumors wants, i don’t know anything, i’m like a small person, i don’t know anything, now as for, well, after this crap, tell me who shied away. well, because these phrases: no, i don’t know anything, yes, what are you, what are you, let him be a professional, let him be a professional, i’m in someone else’s sphere, i just can’t pronounce the name of these organizations, i’m not an organization, something like an organization, here so, now about all these characters, they actually have a serious and very painful condition, that’s why they are in the ninety-first year sincerely believed that everything...
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like us talesnitsa is a dream, like us taleb sings a song, like a black swan on a pond, rocks
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some kind. black swan, they all understand that now this system will collapse, for this reason, expect rational actions from them , therefore war, therefore war, but only war with whom, everyone with everyone, this is wonderful, that is, in their words, a wonderful thing happened history, we had a united west until the ninety-first year, why was it like that they loved each other very much, no, but the horror of...
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it’s completely impossible to figure this out, like scorpions in a jar, they can’t figure it out themselves, so the only option to do something is to slowly but surely develop your own country, in this sense, for me, in today’s speech by the supreme commander-in-chief, the key moment was a thing that i have been trying to fight for well over two decades, at least, from which, well, practically nothing could be done, it seemed to come out again and again, this is juvenile justice, it was finally said with the very top of the word that this should be eliminated is correct, and i think this is wonderful, the next stage, we have two more equally important areas that
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have not yet been said, this is ... culture, i was a member of the public council of the ministry of culture, all attempts to somehow deal with them, not to influence them, talk to them , are absolutely hopeless, there are people who should receive budget money, simply by the fact of their existence, they are enemies of russia, what difference does it make, it’s theirs money, i won't be there to name names, well, in general, everyone there is more or less famous, from some, well, it’s just... it’s a turn-off, and always, a turn-off for any normal person, from one of those who receive money, well , not giving money is also a way, yes just a second, but in order not to give money, you need those who manage this money to be , as it were, other people, that’s right, finally, point three, with whom we spoke today, this is the topic of education, by the way, in this
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direction a move has also been made.
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that is, since ninety-one they have done nothing haven’t seen, since the ninety-first year in kad i will take only social sciences, if for decades they, fulfilling the orders of the authorities, explained that russia is a waste, that our whole history is terrible, that we are a monster, that there is only one main path of civilization, and that i have defeated the idol of communism, these
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same people should tell you that... russia is great, our power, i’ll explain how it ’s done, no, i just want to understand, so we’ll all believe them, i’ll just explain how it’s done is done, the president of the academy of sciences appoints people in their secretariat, like...
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have high moral authority, but things, yes, now there are people at the front who are there , this does not mean, you can take a random person, put him in command of the institute of applied mathematics, conditionally, you don’t need to take a random person , that’s right, where will you find it then, so
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again, who and how, the devil is always in the details, so behind these beautiful reasoning you can build hell on earth, but by thinking through it, understanding heaven, have you at least once managed to build heaven?
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according to the latest data, the military department of the central committee of the democratic party of the united states, a decree of the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky, on the removal from office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. valery zaluzhny was not approved. what should we say in general about this conflict? in my opinion, but these are purely my assessments, of course, well, based on my ideas about the art of war, this conflict started during the summer campaign of 2023, then operational-strategic competence collided with by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
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apparently, after all, the situation brought him to this point, and apparently, apparently, we must assume that it was then that this conflict started, because after all, uh, well, with some deep knowledge of the strategy of operational art, well, where does vladimir zelensky come from, for example , but somehow his entire biography does not in any way suggest that he somehow mastered these sciences for some time, well, at least in theory, not to mention in practice. well , that’s why a scandal arose in this field, so this clarification of relationships, since the functions are not quite clearly distributed , who is responsible for what, if, for example, zelensky had taken on purely
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political functions, leaving the operational commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps the situation would have developed in a different direction, to us , in fact, this is, by and large, what i want to say once again. and the flag into their hands, deepen this conflict, because such a combination of connections, such as, for example, stalin-antonov, stalin vasilevsky, does not work, does not it turns out for them when there is such discord... among the top leadership of the state, but this usually does not lead to anything good, but again i repeat, i will say in this regard, now this conflict has escalated, but again it collided competence and the lack thereof , let’s say this concerns mobilization, because when they talk about 500 thousand military personnel who need to be drafted into the ranks of the ukrainian army, is that a lot or a little, strictly speaking. after all, the president of ukraine was presented with the corresponding analytical
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a note prepared by the general staff, the main organizational mobilization directorate, where it was very clearly stated, i think so, because at one time i was the president of ukraine, yes, yes they call it, the chief organizational director, well, all this was presented on behalf of the general staff, apparently for with two signatures, valery zaluzhny , chief of the general staff, whispered, and there everything was described by category, terms of conscription, what for who? will be spent, this is for additional staffing, this is for the formation of strategic reserves, this is for training centers, that’s what we need for these purposes, and you ’ll pay attention to what vladimir zelensky spoke about during the direct line, about some kind of social justice, that’s right, which should be observed during this mobilization, it is likely that valery zaluzhny told him that mobilization with a human face in general does not happen, this is also a basis for... conflict, it is quite possible that, again, vladimir zelensky,
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we model everything like this, and the conversation of these two personalities told him: well where can i get it uniforms, equipment , weapons, military equipment for these 500,000 people, to which valery zaluzhny quite possibly told him: well, this is already your competence, because i am no longer responsible for this, again, it is quite possible that conversations, discussion of this law on mobilization,
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the general staff, and under it the operational-strategic unification, a single, strict, clear vertical. there is no place for the minister of defense here in a warring country, since the same comrade stalin, he was the supreme commander-in-chief of the people's commissar of defense, he combined these debts when he showed up.
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this is precisely the presence of bombs of this small diameter. the fact is that when the concept of fifth-generation fighters appeared, previously the weapons on multirole fighter bombers were carried exclusively. on the underwing pylons , for example, there are 10 suspension points, on them hang a wide variety of aviation weapons , bombs, missiles, within the range, for example, for a fighter there are 6-7 tons, but the main requirement for a fifth- generation fighter is low radiation signature, so everything that hangs on the underwing pylons,
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it shines very strongly in terms of radar, that is, it very sharply increases the effective reflective surface of the aircraft, it was decided to remove all weapons in ... the internal weapon compartments, close the lids and generally remove this issue completely close forever, but so that the volume of the internal weapons compartment is, well, relatively small, so small-diameter ammunition can really be placed there, that’s actually the answer to this question, as for upcoming deliveries, then in general they were discussed a year ago, but they are on the outskirts, and a year ago the corresponding methodological recommendations were developed in our troops.
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overexposure, so the name nir is one thing , but the name of a weapon model is another matter, here we need to work on it. then one journalist from one of the major german television channels, state-owned, visited mariupol and made a report that caused quite a lot of noise in germany, because suddenly a person began to say what he saw, what he did, what he did several interviews. i talked to people, in general, i told them, well, enough, in my opinion, i watched, listened to this report, painted a fairly objective picture, absolutely unacceptable for the german viewer, absolutely unacceptable for the management of television channels, but they remained silent, they remained silent, they accepted this because he is a very competent journalist,
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he has been working for a long time, but then several ukrainian organizations appeared that are actively working, including in germany, which, of course, they concocted instantly several complaints in the direction of this television channel and specifically against this journalist, in which they wrote, but you don’t see at all that he is repeating the propaganda mantra of russia, that he generally works almost for moscow, all this has made such a fuss, well, let’s do it so we’ll just remove him from the screens, we’ll no longer give him the opportunity to talk about what’s happening at the front, well, there of course... the high floors immediately began to stir, they started to figure it out, to my credit, i must say, they took the journalist under their wing, they said, he expressed himself poorly, as far as we talked to him, he wanted to show with this interview how russia presents this situation, well, we got out of it, in short, but in principle we think that you are probably
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right with your criticism, but you didn’t fire him, were not removed from the screens, but the noise was very big, the noise... was very big, because today in germany you can’t say anything that contradicts the official line, a country that has won with democracy, a country with such a high level of constitution that was written by the united states of america, cannot afford to have a journalist who will come to the zone of a special military operation on the part of russia, and he, as far as i understand, was accredited in moscow with the bureau of the cdf and rd. and he comes to this side, this cannot be allowed, this is pressure on freedom of speech, pressure on a specific person, which in germany today is carried out at all levels, this... this applies not only to journalists, this concerns politicians, the person who v dependent on something, well, let’s say he’s a journalist
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, he’s accredited, well, he gets a salary, he doesn’t work on fees, he risks everything, that is, he could be left with nothing today and tomorrow, i’m not telling this by chance, it ’s not about this journalist and the point is not in this whole situation, i return to ulitskaya to her conversation, and ulitskaya, who is now... in germany, why did i give this example, she is in germany, receives there, as far as i understand, all the necessary funds for excuse me, my existence, receives benefits, she is paid for all this there, she lives there, so she tells all this , everything, uh, and at the same time, here are two two important points that i want to draw attention to again, which means, firstly, what she says is absolutely unacceptable things in relation to prilepin there, in relation to the people who are fighting there, she says some things. which probably fall under russian criminal law, but at the same time she quite calmly says that yes,
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her books are sold, she receives royalties, everything is like this, well, this is how it happens the way it is, so i want to draw your attention precisely to the fact that being in germany, she cannot say anything else at all, in russia no one touches her, because there is a certain freedom, but you say something there , but no one is using repression against you yet. i don’t know what will happen next, how she will be, whether she will be judged or not , whether a criminal case will be initiated or not, i don’t know that, but this is the situation when the person who is there, pay attention attention, they are everyone says this, they all say this, because in front of them, they will never tell you about it, but believe my experience and my knowledge, they are all under a certain control and they simply cannot and will never say anything else.
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i think that of course, this will undoubtedly happen, but you know, i have such a famous german writer, kurt tucholsky, i don’t think many people here know him, in germany they know him very well, streets are named after him, there are foundations, a special kurt tucholsky - this is such a specific name german writer, from the time of the weimer republic to the time of hitler, he died in the thirty-fifth or thirty-sixth year, he wrote two poems under one name, the poem is called rusland, russia, i will not quote it, it is in german and does not mean anything to anyone will say, this poem was written
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once in 1919, the second time in 1931, they are basically the same, but they have some small differences, their meaning is this: the germans will be offended by me, because i really don’t like this poem, i now you now you will understand why, his meaning is this: something is happening in the world, russia is standing on our threshold, she was probably bitten by a wild animal, literally bitten by a wild monkey, so if we translate exactly what he has written, she was bitten by some wild beast, everything is happening, whether they attack us or not, this is where the first poem ends, in the thirty-first year there are the last two two lines, it all ends there, all this is happening because the world smells of oil, and this was written by kurt tucholsky in the thirty-first year, so this is - this, well, many people say that it’s like a pro-russian poem was written, i didn’t regard it as pro-russian, i regarded it rather as insulting, such a
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dismissive thing, but if something is happening here in europe, then it’s these russians , who were bitten by evil animals and we must wait, they will not attack us, i dare to suggest that part of the russophobia that is now observed and is blooming in full swing in europe in germany, too, is based , among other things, on such... literary examples, unfortunately, like kurt tucholsky. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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the articles did not stop, i laughed at the first of them, but the more there were, the more my attitude towards them changed, then
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the stage of fear began. as soon as i turned off the lamp in a small room before going to bed, it began to seem to me that some kind of octopus with long and cold tentacles was crawling into the window, although it was closed. i began to be afraid of the dark, but... i was hitting the stages of mental illness.
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forgive me, for what? for advising to publish an excerpt, please ask everyone to go south to the black sea and destroy all the remaining money is for this trip. can you
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hear me? okay, i'll take a ticket tomorrow. i myself, i myself will get you a ticket. why so many? i'm afraid of the wars. save them until you leave.
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it would be easier for me to die than to leave you in this state, but they are waiting for me, i submit to necessity, i will come tomorrow, yeah. i beg you, do not be afraid of anything.
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god, how could you, i hate this orman, i’m sick, it’s not scary. i will cure you, i will cure you, you will restore the romance, why, why didn’t i leave you alone. this is how you pay for lies, but i'm more
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i don’t want to lie, i would stay with you now, but i don’t want my husband to remember that i ran away from him at night. i'll explain to him in the morning, i'll say that i love another person, and i'll come back to you forever, maybe you don't want this.
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“my poor, poor, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, this is the only reason . this is the only reason i’m dying. with you, in the morning, i’ll be with you, oleg, what, what ’s going on in general , run there, run, ivan nikolaevich, you are a hero, you saved me, kostya was there, where is kostya?
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the problem is suberal hematomas, we will prepare for the operation, are you crying there or what? no , i’m not crying, well, i’m ready, i’m always ready, like in the area on kulyukov, sklefosovsky, tomorrow on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, once you get a pet and life will never be the same, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s incredible a charming face to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, how are you? and it
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agreed, we first pushed the snake red, our hearts sank , you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me...
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the engine is completely out building, i’m on one, the engine is on fire , reduce the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, follow the instruments, the crew is on friday at rtr, one of the largest studios in europe. stars were lit here, masterpieces were created, creative destinies, portraits of great people were created here. masters of soviet cinema, for the centenary of the film studio, mosfilm on the winds of history, a film by boris dobrodeev, on friday on rtr. and this is
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the last thing i remember in my life.


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