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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 4:43am-5:01am MSK

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rushed to get creative. amelia fell and ran into a sharp object sticking out of the wall. the doctors stitched up the cheek, but the quest organizers just shrugged, saying it happens. then the parents contacted the police. children may get scared and run somewhere, if you have such an unsafe room, then there must be a person with children who directs them where, where they should run. the direction of movement of some quest organizers is quite clear. this is the path to profit at any cost. here's a big story from moscow. the guy got his head around it. promethean himself and brought fire to the children. animator repeatedly sprayed open fire near a closed cage in the cutting room location, in which minors were present at that moment. every year the number of such stories grows, and the number of victims, especially among children, increases; they plan to eliminate all dangers with the help of a new standard. the document introduces the concept of quest into the legal field for the first time and regulates its organization from all sides. someone uses axes that are rigidly attached to the wall; they cannot be taken. this is
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the surroundings, someone is running after the guests with them and waves, accordingly, in the current guest , this is all clearly stated as a ban. in children's quests it is prohibited to stage scenes of violence, demonstrate alcohol, smoking and eroticism. in addition, all tests will be recorded on camera and stored. there are requirements for premises. not only the script, but also the competent surroundings immerse you in the atmosphere of the quest. for example, a medieval castle. there is armor, a throne, of course there is no electricity, but there is. candles, but no open fire. real flame they must replace all dangerous scenery with artificial ones, and only professional actors who have a certificate from drug and psychotherapy dispensaries will be hired, and for some reason they are not required to have medical rescue skills. the state standard specifies very stringent requirements for the very equipment of, say, an quest, yes, that is, the premises that are used there, so based on this we assume that the quest itself.
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becomes safe in itself, there will be no need here, that is, no one will swing an ax over a child's head. deputies add that the standard is flexible , changes can be made to it, and a fine is provided for failure to comply with the rules, however, it is still unclear who and how will monitor compliance with the standards, because the moratorium on business inspections excludes the sudden arrival of supervisory authorities. well, our guests have something to discuss in the studio, the president of the association of children's goods industry enterprises, antonina.
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in the standard, the most complex cases are described, what should be there, for example, what information should be provided , this basic standard for all quests says that no matter what kind of quest you organize, it must be safe, that is, this is how you should approach the level of difficulty, this is how you organize the space, we generally plan to in principle , to reach the conclusion that every 5 years in connection with the use of...
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look, today scheduled inspections are prohibited, so, well, for example, our position is that we believe that everything related to the safety of children, and inspections should necessarily from the point of view, no one has canceled the complaints, so any complaint that a parent sends will be...
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and listen, today’s legislation, it allows you to close there for 90 days for investigation, and also somehow limit this activity, licensing , it is not always , well, in our case it is considered, but if there is licensing, then there will be order, in our case today in the field of child safety, this is the legislation that is developed, these rules so that they are implemented, that is, we have a stage implementation should be now. but it is built on a completely different level, you can, in principle, write , and you work according to gost, i assure you, as soon as business hears that they are going to those centers where they take on additional responsibility for the safety of children, they will pay rubles for their money they will vote and that’s it, and the story
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with licensing will probably be the story when some kind of responsible body appears, then it will actually be able to issue these licenses, because for now it is not even clear who it is. yep, thanks for the information, thank you very much, the guest was the president of the association of enterprises in the children's goods industry, antonina tsitsalena, have a nice day, thank you very much, if it’s winter outside, it means new series from klifosovsky will come soon, everything will grow together, you’ll see
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in 4 days. sklefosovsky, new episodes, already on monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. don’t miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, 60 minutes, today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. well , tell me, what spy hasn’t dreamed of such a camera? if only in germany they came up with an invisible camera, all its parts are absolutely transparent, the device looks like a piece of glass. the technology is based on the use of components that connect, separate and direct light. experts have already stated that such devices.
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you need a car that can do without a driver, all you need to do is tell it where to deliver the cargo, and then it will do everything itself. to do this, she was first taught to assess the situation. the sense organs are, of course, high-precision, high-tech lidars, cameras that are installed in including on the sides of the vehicle, of course, sonars and, of course, a gns module, a receiver that combines various satellite systems. information from technical vision organs enters the control unit where neural networks operate. they classify objects by comparison. this is how the robot understands what exactly is in its path and how to behave. of course, the main obstacle that a car must notice is a person. now you will see how he copes with this.
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i confess that in such experiments i had participated before, but most of the other autonomous cars, upon noticing me, simply stopped and honked, waiting for me to get out of their way. as you can see, this car does not waste time, preferring to go around obstacles. not only cameras and sensors help here, but also the so-called digital tunnel. essentially, this is a map of the area on which the developers showed the car the boundaries beyond which it is forbidden to drive. this is not difficult to do, because this truck is for use in closed areas, such as industrial enterprises. we determine the rules of the road for the vehicle at the site, speed limits, and then the car is determined by the safe angles of the site. safe speed and generally these boundaries, whether he falls within them or not. by the way, the car runs on electricity, which means it is significantly cheaper to operate than a diesel car, and there are no harmful emissions from it, but you can choose this option using hydrogen. the use of energy from the traction battery allows for
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a range of up to 200 km, the use the hydrogen energy supply system increases this figure several times. today they are... assembling cars with autopilot , 50 are already working for customers, and their work is constantly monitored by dispatchers so that, if necessary, they can immediately provide technical support, they say with serious problems... they have never contacted them, then the trees, sticks, beauty from ordinary branches, about crafts from this material in detail in a few minutes. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely, creeps up gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this is by the way. how to properly deal with stress?
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you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right medications, run to the doctor, medications are like crutches for us, and the right habits. shouldn't we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll look at the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine are you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman. “you love her, and she, she
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’s having an affair with my father, for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you’ll definitely like it, for others, it’s a test of fidelity, why are you silent, and what should i say, well, something , shout, hit, i don’t know.” great masters of soviet cinema
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, masterpieces for the capital, twists of creative destinies, portraits of the film studio, mosfilm on the winds of history, a film by boris dobrodeev, on friday on rtr, we’ll fly in, but without... crew, guys, close the curtain, and on friday on rtr, you we woke up early, turned on the lights, but we had to wake up even earlier, like our heroes in this story, thousands of hot torches illuminated the streets. scottish islands, they are carried by residents in viking outfits. this is how the abhelio festival takes place. it has been held since the end of the 19th
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century, glorifying the scandinavian ancestors who landed on this shore a thousand years ago. this year, for the first time , girls tried on the clothes of warriors and even led the processions; in the final, according to tradition, they burned the drakar, a symbolic wooden ship on which vikings sailed to the island. well, if the material that we show in our story is protected from fire, you can make a lot of interesting things out of it, but it’s easy to see. branches, branches, well, the new year has already passed, but i still haven’t thrown out the spruce branches, and it’s not in vain that you look how beautiful it turned out, and most importantly, very environmentally friendly, albeit a little prickly, clothes made from branches are no longer so easy to surprise today , okay, of course i’m exaggerating, but here are the clothes hangers made of lime and this is really a real internet trend, it looks very aesthetically pleasing, it takes up very little space and absolutely anyone can do it. we choose a suitable branch, paint it, insert it into the prepared base, here’s another practical idea, if
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you’re lucky enough to find a branch large enough, and even with interesting knots, you can make a whole shelf out of it, of course, books are unlikely to stay on it, here are some dear trinkets easy, all you need is to wrap the tree in paper and choose a suitable place on the wall, i really like this idea with decoration. leaves, but small twigs are no less valuable tools for creativity, the more brushwood you collect in a nearby park or forest, the more. you can make decorative elements for your home, for example, here’s a planter, you just glue dry twigs on a plastic bottle, and you can also make coasters for hot dishes, a decorative vase and even a lamp for the table, although in the latter case you’ll have to tinker with electricity, but you’ll get the thing unique, if you want,
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i’ll show you how to make beautiful branches out of branches, it sounds funny, but in fact even the thinnest branches can be...
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come on, let’s do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, that’s the main thing. sovereignty and independence in all directions. vladimir putin met with his confidants in gostiny dvor. 195 russian soldiers were returned from ukrainian captivity. the united arab emirates participated in the negotiation process. farmers go on strike in france.


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