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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
teeth, second, she is about to attack us, all at the same time, and if we are not well prepared, they will conquer everyone. why is this happening? because they are asked questions. question number one: dear friends, this has been going on for 2 years. where did you get us? we see that we have a recession in the economy, production is closing, you are not giving subsidies to your own farmers. why is all this being done, you haven’t achieved anything.
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there are two mutually exclusive ideas in your head and it is sacred to believe in both. the old man prophesied that doublethink, when a person must keep in called. now, i want to say that this is a clear story, they are trying to motivate and explain why it is necessary to produce weapons for ukraine, first of all, of course, because just talking about the fact that we are doing this is a sacrifice. for the sake of ukraine is no longer possible , so we need to frighten with the fact that otherwise the war with russia, which we can lose, but here they fall into another logical trap, the fact is that european citizens, especially older ones, are accustomed to remember, in general common sense that the direct a military clash between nato and russia is an absolute nuclear war, it’s armageddon, and what’s the difference? how many tanks
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will you have time to produce by this time, in this regard , now european politicians are starting to put forward the idea of ​​a nuclear-free war with russia, talking about it, because a nuclear-free war with russia is possible, this is a very dangerous thing, i remember very well 1986, it starts like this a new detente between us, our journalists interviewed margaret etcher, she discouraged many people then, when
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... they inspire their citizens that there can be a war with russia without the use of nuclear weapons, this is a very dangerous story, however, i must say that all this military hysteria leads to the appearance of characters who are in favor of a nuclear war with russia too, and ours who fled are beginning to take the leading place there, including those, well, those whom vladimir vladimirovich putin called foam just... in this speech to his trusted representatives, in particular today the great-granddaughter of the great soviet pilot chikalova, who lives in israel, said: in order to end the conflict, the end of the conflict has come, you need to drop a nuclear bomb on moscow, just like, for example, the united states of america dropped nuclear bombs on jeroshima on gosaki and the conflict ended. it seems that israel is a civilized state. for some reason, no one called urgent medical attention for this nonsense. or at least did not explain
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that the united states of america dropped atomic bombs on the civilian population of the city of japan, because japan had no answer for this reason alone, but that if an atomic bomb was dropped here, then the end would certainly come, she would even feel it, yes, she would feel it, so to speak, in her own feelings, but i want to say that... here this is, you know, the desire of state traitors who fled abroad to be the first students in this school, to demonstrate even greater hatred of russia than their masters, it certainly causes the just indignation of our gravichi, there is another story, a detail about this citizen, then either israel or russia, truly the great-granddaughter of chkalov.
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she still does business in russia, she still earns money here, although she wishes russia’s defeat, wishes death to russian citizens, russian soldiers. wants a violent overthrow of the government , while being one of the founders of a business company in the russian federation, operating; moreover, this citizen, here she is on your screens, pays taxes here, which is why today the state duma in the second and third readings adopted amendments to the criminal law criminal procedure code, which provide an opportunity.
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at the same time, a huge number of them have property here in russia, which they use dachas, apartments, they seized the whole, they rent out this property with the proceeds and finance those who kill their fellow citizens, russian soldiers, and broadcast their programs on youtube, this must be ended, yes. while our justice cannot reach them, although this will happen over time, those who survive will eventually sit in the bench, all scoundrels of all, but at least it will be able to close a loophole when, due to the exploitation of property in russia,
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they live happily there. i hope that this law will be quickly approved by the federation council, signed by the president, and will begin to work. of course, he will start working, really a lot. ora in this community, here is taking away property , soviet methods, although these are not soviet methods at all, but a general world practice, when property is taken away from criminals, especially since we, as always, legislators, have a fairly liberal approach to tough law enforcement practice, because the bill, already a law adopted by the state duma, implies the seizure of property that is in one way or another connected with the commission of... crimes, not all property that is used to commit this crime, here, of course, it will be interesting how judges, prosecutors, lawyers will read this bill, because the conditional one was shown now by okunin, and cherteshvili there, he also donates
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to the ssu, he transfers money to ukraine, where he receives this money, he receives royalty from his copyrights, is.
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very good, this is my good, good, in the past, of course, acquaintance, when i worked in ukraine, he filled our television stations with diesel fuel when they stood on the maidan in 2004, he helped because there was nowhere to get it, in general , a defector, fled from everywhere
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, was with yanukovych, was with moroz, a socialist, yes, then syushchenko, then now he left - in opposition to poroshenko, in general, what the hell is this, nevertheless, this is such a typical ukrainian a cannibal who himself says that... the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big
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changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be surprises it’s full and there’s a lot of work, plans are in sight. turn into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let me into your home, big changes
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, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, earthquake there it was just to help evacuate the victims, but earlier? it’s really bad there, lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone on board, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i’m going on one, fire engine, reduce the speed, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see runway, follow the instruments, crew at five. on
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rtr everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, what a ballot is, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot , wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put a lot of degrees very cleverly protection, took markers. we’ll go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, it is free to choose in the country. important, honestly convenient, where is your homeland , my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you
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serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours , which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on tour all over liberated territories, what impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate. from monday through friday on rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no. let's see on the weekend. anyu, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman. you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she is with her father. for some, beauty is a ticket
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to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent, what should i say, well, shout something, hit me, i don’t know when your husband is having an affair, where is he going? carries his chosen ones. too beautiful wife saturday on rtr. a large exchange of prisoners in the 195 to 195 format did take place today; in total , 443 russian soldiers returned from ukrainian captivity this month. the soldiers will be delivered to moscow by military transport aviation for rehabilitation and treatment. the freed soldiers cannot contain their emotions. one of them admits that while he was in captivity, his daughter was born, and he was about to see her.
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we were just waiting for this, i don’t know that i’ve never had such feelings, and this is our own land, our homeland is here, it’s very good, i have a daughter i was born, today i’m thirty. january, we finally exchanged, returned home, and a week ago we tried to exchange too, but the exchange did not take place, we returned, now we are happy, we hope to get home quickly, hello, hello, mom, it’s me, yes, yes, yes, we
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were exchanged today , in short, we are already in russia, guys, and we are very glad that you are finally home. igor yurievich. the active phase of large-scale exercises of nato armed forces has begun, this is an occasion for a very serious analysis, and , of course, a search for ways to counter both current and future threat challenges security of russia. it is quite obvious that after the completion of a special military operation, i am sure it will end on the terms of a political military victory for russia, we will have to do so.
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analyze, if a war or a military conflict is imposed on us, we must hit first of all the painful points, without copying the actions of the enemy, well, i want to say right away that i am not calling for anything, but let’s once again ask the main operational department of the general staff of the russian armed forces , which monitors these exercises, analyzes and prepares plans for combat use. to see how, if suddenly a catastrophic scenario is imposed on us , we will act in each specific nato country, i say again, each has its own points of vulnerability, norway has it, the glorious netherlands has it, where peter the great studied naval skill, and oh, what
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points of vulnerability there are, we won’t talk about them now, so as not to arouse western public opinion, but... i say again, behind closed doors we will tell our military from an expert point of view where to press, ok, but the waters of the northern seas can come to where today is the territory of our potential enemy, and so on, or the british are sending their aircraft carrier from the baltic sea, let's work out a real scenario, how we will if suddenly it comes to real hostilities, plan our countermeasures, well, of course, attack there, do some...
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i think we need to return to proven practice during the time of joseph veserovich stalin, when our defense factories could receive state awards, the highest orders countries to their banners, this is normal practice, we have the practice of awarding divisions and brigades, it is necessary to resolve the issue of awarding, of course, the leading
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teams of the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, by presidential decree. well, in conclusion, i would like to support, of course, the decision of the state duma to introduce the institution of confiscation of property from persons who have taken the path of high treason and the fight against... with our country, we have examples of foreign agents who have 50 apartments in moscow, mansions there is, bills, let's demonstrate, quickly work out law enforcement practice using the opportunity of the prosecutor general's office, the investigative committee, the demonstrative confiscation of these 50-odd apartments to seize from a known foreign agent and hand them over, for example, to those of our young people who, left without parents today, go out into independent life and lead the way to give these orphans these apartments, so volodin is doing the right thing,
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the deputies are voting correctly, we support this decision of our state duma. okay, and from on the current international agenda, of course, today’s video conference and bilateral dialogue between sergei shoigu and the new minister of defense stand out.
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russia and china in the system, the so-called early warning system, a missile attack warning system, which at one time russia helped china create, in this sense,
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of course, this is a joint strategic contribution to the security of the asia-pacific region, against this background the situation in taiwan is intensifying, aggravating, new data, by the way, that this has never happened before, there are whole groups of mercenaries on the island, which have passed. ukraine, there is evidence of the concentration of american armed forces at its neighboring bases against the backdrop of the militarization of japan and south korea, that is, anxiety and tension in the taiwan strait is growing, and naturally, there is still more to come. against this background , the european track is also very important. tomorrow the extraordinary summit of the european union opens, there are apparently two key moments, well , firstly, of course, this is, well, the suspended frozen 50 billion euros, which hungary had previously blocked, very tough, and well we see, and look, both brussels and washington have simply launched a crusade against orban and are putting economic pressure on him, even
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the european commission says that we will apply the seventh article of the eu treaty, as if to exclude hungary’s right to vote, that is, all methods are used, apparently we are talking about some kind of compromise, orban is, as it were, ready for an annual discussion and, as it were, a ukrainian solution. tranche not immediately for 4 years, since he says in 3-4 months we generally don’t know what will happen to the kiev regime, and you immediately for four, and of course, an attempt to withdraw this 191 billion russian money frozen in belgian accounts, that is , all this against the background of macron’s crazy visit to sweden, a meeting with king charles xvi and the swedish prime minister, that is, in the country in france, farmers are raging, tractor manure, and he is in the background khrustal, which means bokalov hugs the king and the prime minister, these are the asymmetries he cannot change with his own.


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