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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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about which you are talking, now they will persuade him, he will go to the toilet, drink coffee , they will persuade him and i will give him 20 billion, but will 12 billion save ukraine, well, the deficit is more than thirty, that is, in principle , this is a problem, that is, the problem even lies in another, the problem is that everyone is not afraid of this, why 4 years, why not 5 years, which were originally, and not the year in which they are discussing, why not agree with orban and not give every year, next year no one doesn't know what will happen, they are all afraid of only one thing, trump will come and in a year, when there is a vote , there will be no funding for this, there will be no funding for this, moreover, the european parliament can change during this time, that is , every year he will be able to hover, every year he will check whether he was given money or not, now i will give it to him 20 billion, in a year he will say, like, now, look, i need agriculture to be financed accordingly, and then many of these will appear, now the cabinet of ministers, for example, of the netherlands will be established, and the same comrade will come there, who will say, let us too every year we will vote every time, we will demand money, money. which
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are very seriously limited, now the bulk of the funds are being transferred to the defense industry instead of agriculture and ecology, which were the bases of the actual means of financing, who is speaking in this against this background, all the main players who recently entered, they entered with money, without subsidies , this scheme works very poorly, so increasing, reducing subsidies at the national level, what happened in france, what happened in germany, by the way, it will partially happen in belgium, so on the one hand, on the other hand, it led to a protest against this very system, before it was a big pot with which it was possible... large volumes, they received 300 billion. this a lot of money, in fact, for some countries - as if commensurate with the budgets. well, but then the situation changed, vile hypocrites, for many years they fed the people with their green agenda, now ukraine has started to go somewhere, the economy is going somewhere and the elections will decide everything, no one else even remembers this, no, it’s just where this money comes from, respectively, the money, accordingly, into these components, it is taken from environmental funds. they are printed in the usa, well
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, i doubt that the euro is printed there, but even more so, the most important thing is that now there seems to be a certain pressure, and against this background , orband seems to have an option as to why this is important now, if orbanta is now bent without giving him 20 billion, which he simply asks for, as a result a precedent may arise, because what will happen if now i also want it, there are 26 mouths there, in addition to orban, all 27, everyone wants , as if in addition to orban, 26 + 1 how many? all 27 are good, but i think there are still 20 billion in circulation, so the point is that the problem is that when funding is reduced, when expenditure components are reduced, some problems arise, the same applies, for example, and the situation in the usa, and accordingly, but here everything is transferred, passing through the senate, as if financing, i remind you, because in the upper one, as we have already said, they cannot gather a majority, despite the last statement that johnson said accordingly, there he has already accordingly... stated that they can
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divide the package , that is, draw a separate border accordingly, and separate funding for the external perimeter, for external directions, but this will not happen, why? because the meaning of the border , together with external financing, is to blackmail on this basis, if there is two laws were passed separately, and if funding happens separately, but nothing happens with the border separately, the republicans will not understand this.
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just announced that the eu summit approved a long-term program of budget assistance to ukraine worth 50 billion euros for 4 years. well, that is, they either screwed orban, or gave money to orban, or what’s wrong with orban is unknown, we are waiting for him to appear in front of the people, and he just talked to people, such a dog, promising them support, i’m talking about the people of european farmers, prime minister ukraine shmygal confirmed the approval of 50 billion euros from the european union to ukraine, the program.
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firecrackers, tractors are buzzing, a lot of them have gathered here today in the center of the belgian capital, the european quarter is completely paralyzed by traffic, there are no cars at all, there are very few people, too, officials , it feels like they are just hiding today, about 1,300 tractors arrived today in the belgian capital, and from different parts of europe, here there are italians, portuguese, french, belgians, everyone has approximately the same requirements, everyone is trying.
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really support here , many people greet farmers with applause , despite the fact that it is really very difficult to get to the center of brussels, but nevertheless, so far the mood here is more or less calm and only rotten eggs, bottles are flying towards the european parliament, but people are not going to storm yet, they are waiting,
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waiting for decisions, although they understand that no one will make these decisions quickly. olga. nastya, i understand correctly that you are really right next to the building, like buildings are trying. here is really the monument itself, which is behind me, it has already been damaged, one of the parts of the statue is a statue... to an entrepreneur who actively developed industry here in belgium in the 18th century, it has already been demolished, there is another fire on the side of me, just now tires exploded here, a large flame rose up, there are water cannons, they are trying to cool down people who come
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directly to the fence, to the perimeter with which the european parliament was fenced off, and anti-tank hedgehogs were placed there so that apparently the farmers did not storm, but the farmers are decent enough. people, they still achieve their demands through legal means, they are not going to, at least for now, cause a lot of problems here, the police, i must say, are also quite tolerant of all this, here people are on luxembourg square, they concentrated on different groups depending on the country to which they belong, and what is most interesting, we will show a little later, a belgian came here in russian, with a russian flag, dressed in everything, in clothes with... again, on which russia is written and says that he represents 3/4 of the population of the european union, who , together with russia, are against the norms that europe imposes, and that in the next elections, as he believes, there will be big changes within europe, elections to the european parliament will be held here in june ,
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many, like farmers, also count on the fact that the leadership, which pursues policies to please foreign states and pays little attention to the people themselves and their suffering, that this... and it has already been found behind the back of our anastasia popova, burning tires, and this is not maidan , this is not ukraine, this is not kiev, this is the heart of europe - brussels, the building of the european parliament, the inscription freedom for farmers, stop free trade, you can also see behind nastya’s back, in addition to the blazing fire, the main slogan, it is addressed to including ukrainian goods, they enter europe duty-free, are cheap and of low quality, and the local population suffers.
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nastya, thank you very much, chief of the european bureau, europe is like this now, anastasia popova is in direct contact with brussels. we'll be back in minute. you saved me, kostya was there, where is kostya, kostya, there is a problem with hematomas, let’s get ready, are you crying there, or what? no, i’m not crying, well , i’m ready, i’m always ready, like an enemy of glyphosophists, today on rtr, if you come to my house, first. what you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a catcher or an athlete, we took
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the gto standards for 34 years, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, it is necessary contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage. dad, dad, hi, this is for slavik, what is it? lyanka griu
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, i had the right to know that you have a child, it’s a painted doll, your misha has no longer settled in, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where did his mother go, well, let me sit with him, raisa riza . come on, you can let the nanny go already, we’re already here without you, so i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, someone else's child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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on rtr, tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she and my father, are having an affair. for some, beauty is
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a ticket to a happy life. you'll definitely like it. for others, it is a test of loyalty. well, what are you silent? what should i say? well , should i shout or hit something? i don't know. when your husband has an affair, where does he take you? too many of these chosen ones. beautiful wife on saturday on rtr. so, the euro summit. union confirmed the information, nevertheless approved a long-term program of budget assistance to ukraine for 50 billion euros, said the president of the european union michel. it is symbolic that the decision was made against the backdrop of mass protests by farmers , in the belgian capital, engulfed in fires, littered with manure, footage of the blaze in
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brussels on your screens, and you won’t believe it, there’s a russian trace. indeed, it was found, as our anastasia popova said, look, that same man, a pensioner, he says, a belgian, in a suit, a tricolor, the inscription russia came to the protest, against the backdrop of the fact that there is a suspicion that the protest is not without reason, we are probably joking, and they will declare everything officially, they will say that moscow organized it. a popular revolt , seriously, people want subsidy money, they want ukrainian goods, cheap, as it seems to europeans, of poor quality, not to enter europe without duties, but choosing between ukraine and the europeans, the european union unexpectedly chose
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zelensky. it is a european mistake that the voice of the people is not taken seriously, the leaders are not they are taken seriously , this is problem number one, we can talk about migration, about war , about ukraine, about anything, but the voice of the people, the voice of the streets is not taken seriously by the leaders, this is a deficit of democracy, european elections will be held in june, so we need a new european parliament , we must find new leaders who will truly... represent the people, this is the only way. please, by accepting this package, 50 billion, we can state the fact that the european union officially becomes a sponsor of the ukrainian regime for 4 years, that is, this is what
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the americans dragged europe into this conflict; in fact, one might say, this has now been confirmed. europeans subsidize their own, and then something happened there in the european union, and a decision was made, we must understand that a decision there can only be made unanimously, well, that is, orban apparently has a voice. yes, olga, this shows once again that hopes that europe will somehow relax, that ukraine will not fight with us, will not help it, i think these are empty hopes, i think that in the next 50 years nothing about we don’t have to talk about friendliness on the part of europe, as they say, because europe was pulled in, it will continue to follow these
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rails, until the time they are ready to fight with us, so it’s understandable. such a smile from nulan when she said that russia should expect surprises, and budanov, who says that now we will go on the offensive, maybe this will be the same army that zelensky spoke about, 880,000, which they stand on the line of combat contact , although our intelligence does not have such a quantity records, but someone there will go into battle, it is clear that during an offensive, by the way, the consumption of shells, the consumption of equipment, personnel, it is several times greater than when it is seized... defense, that is, that money will be very quickly end, and ukraine will say, come on, come on, the first step has been taken, the bird has been caught, the claw is stuck, then europe will most likely continue to give, and this is necessary so that ukraine can be kept on such handouts, approximately until the end of the elections in america, they are independent, what
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there will be a result , the biden administration will win, let's say, europe will continue the same story, and america can... champagne, they called him dodan fedach, like this will be our american president, everyone understands that when something happens there , curtsies towards russia , this is not about russia, this is, as they say, they always have their own thoughts. it was the case, we believed in our donald, he let us down, he let us down, and he will let us down again, uh, it turns out that the next thing they want
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us now is - well, any scenario that will happen after the elections of american presidents, for we will not be the best, but in any case, in these scenarios our opinion is never taken into account, so we don’t care about their opinion, we will carry out the tasks of a special military operation, and not look at what they will tell us from the west, offer us, or so on, there are no people there with whom we can talk , no, the minsk agreements are profane, all other promises are profane, there is no one to talk to, not even trump, because trump turned out to be, as they say , not a partner, not a friend, let’s name things too in our own names, we did not hope to make friends with someone from the european union, just as we do not hope to make friends with donald trump, we proceed from the fact that it is internal political.
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only now we need to take advantage of this pause, we need to take advantage of this pause, because it is clear that the assistance is not enough to conduct not only offensive, but full-scale
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defensive actions, because both here and there require a lot of heavy equipment and specialists, they don’t appear out of thin air, now our country has the advantage, we need to to use this, it’s no coincidence, i think, there were the words of our president, let’s push back the security border, it’s important about orban, it’s not for nothing that we believed in orban. the leaders of the european union countries agreed to discuss assistance to kiev annually and, if necessary, to review it after 2 years, well, that is, they pushed through. let's come back, if it's winter outside, it means new episodes from klifosovsky are coming soon, everything will grow together, you'll see in 4 days. sklefosovsky, new series.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again the same, will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored. absolutely , well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a trynk, a secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved a red snake into my head, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. danushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only
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bought it, but even bottled it. wolend was again seen at the patriarch's. you are a historian, i am a historian. today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's meeting. black magician, yes. posters will now be a millionaire. margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now he will speak to you famous foreign artist, monsieur woland, a true story in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching, miss, today on rtr. and already on the platform watch all the episodes right now, in the app or on the website. yuri kuznetsov, this year
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the film “opera chronicle of the homicide department ” is 20 years old. lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lanterns. a real policeman tells me: you are such a pest there, but our boss is just as foolish as you showed. in vladivostok, the theater, you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you will be transferred from one piece to another. then the first role was a mess, god, after 25 years we separated, well, it’s hard to talk about it, i arrived on december 30, took my bag, said, thank you, then, goodbye, everything left, always to moscow, while another life began, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on
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friday on rts. this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight , love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, konwu island. we heard, it was just reported, there was an earthquake, he was asking for help to evacuate the victims, earlier, it was very bad there, the water is about to float, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i am going on one, the second engine is on fire, i’m slowing down, get ready for the nearest airport, i can’t see the closest one. i
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don’t see the runway, follow the instruments, crew, on friday, i intend, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese are like. favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real
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amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. so, spring , in a month, february, begins with weather madness, the first days of the month will be remembered for real, march weather, the temperature in moscow is approaching an absolute maximum of -3°, but the anomalous thaw has... not reached everyone in teriberka , this is the murmansk region, a snowstorm blocked residents and tourists, snow began to fall in large flakes, and hurricane winds intensified to such an extent that they were blowing away equipment. let's see.
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we are very happy, we are from china. look at the news, all the best for now. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. the russian investigative committee confirmed that it was american weapons that hit the military transport sludge, as a result of which
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they died. to family and a feeling of home. 195 military personnel returned from captivity. the european union went to compromises with hungary in exchange for the removal of the veto. we now have problems with urban fatigue. but on the streets of brussels there are anti-tank hedgehogs, bonfires, bronze bombs. farmers from all over europe came to protest until complete victory. people are not going to storm yet, they are waiting, waiting for decisions. heartily and... exactly 15 years ago, the primate of the russian church was enthroned as the first illuminators of moscow. what changes in the lives of russians from february 1? more than forty social benefits are indexed and a rainy day for
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air passengers in germany at the country's airports strikes, flights cancelled. western countries are not interested in an international investigation into the crash of the il-76 plane, since the results, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today, will indicate their involvement in this terrorist attack. there is already evidence of this. today, the investigative committee officially confirmed that the special board was shot down by a missile from the american patriot complex. with details alexander khristenko. new footage of the investigative committee shows how criminologists work. at the crash site fragments of an anti-aircraft missile, a noticeable orange color, which are used in western weapons systems. further searches left no doubt. an il-76 of the russian air force, which was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange, was shot down by an american
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petriot air defense system. even the name written in latin was preserved on the wreckage. 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments are clearly marked in english . based on the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, those seized from the scene incident fragments, according to their design features, geometric characteristics and available markings, are structural elements of an anti-aircraft guided missile (miim-104a) of the us patriot complex, developed by reid and huse corporations and manufactured in retion. accurate name. m104a suggests that the ukrainians had the very first version of the missile with which the patriot complex was first introduced in the eighties. the length is more than 5 m, the speed is more than a thousand m/s, which is 3.5 times the speed of sound. weight almost a ton, of which 91 kg is the warhead itself,
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filled with destructive elements. the radius of this first version of the missile is 105 km, which was enough to hit an aircraft in russian airspace. from the launch site near the village of libtsy. region to the village of yablonovo, belgorod region, where il fell in a straight line 96 km. the plane was shot down on the morning of january 24. six crew members and three escorts who were transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were heading to ukraine for exchange were killed. at the same time, kiev was promptly informed about the availability of on board the prisoners about the route. more than 670 body fragments were found at the crash site. the investigative committee identified the dead not only by characteristics characteristic of ukrainian nationalists. tattoos, but according to the dna profile. as a result , the identities of all the victims were established with 100% accuracy. in moscow, the plane attack was called a terrorist attack. kiev, which hit its own people, did not provide any intelligible explanations. there they only defended the phrase that they would like to conduct an international
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investigation. russia insists on conducting such an investigation, about which the president announced the day before, however, there are still no volunteers from international organizations. now we hear voices from europeans saying, “give us paper, without paper there is nothing.”
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it is clear that the plane ensures safety, the plane inflicts damage, the plane fulfills the tasks assigned.
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they still don’t fully believe that the worst is over, as soon as the plane’s ramp opens, the first steps on our native soil, we flew perfectly, thanks to the ministry of defense and the top leadership of our country for returning us home, extremely exhausted after long months of cruel captivity, the russian soldiers are not broken, and the mood, guys, is great.
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on the russian side, russia canceled from me. everyone here has their own story: nikolai from
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veliky novgorod spent about 9 months in captivity, during which time he saw a lot and literally counted down the days until he would see his family again. thank you for exchanging us in our state, now everything will be fine, we are not abandoning our own. but dmitry from podolsk near moscow spent six months in the hospital. did you manage to call sem? yes, yes, i called my family and said everything was fine. during this time, a lot changed in their lives, my daughter was born. the negotiations were difficult and long, especially after the terrorist attack on january 24; the exchange took place thanks to the mediation actions of the united arab emirates. as many as five buses are waiting for takeoff on the runway of one of the moscow airfields. our guys were waited here, then the servicemen will go straight from the airfield to the ministry of defense to undergo rehabilitation. soon they... will return to their families, well that's it, let's have a good night, i love you, i kiss
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my daughter, ainur valeakhmedov, alexander pushin, artyom grigoryan, a dozen and a half attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled by our units in the special operation zone, the neo-nazis tried to advance in the kupinsky, krasnolimansky, donetsk, and south donetsk directions. the militants were driven back, our advanced units took up more advantageous positions. enemy losses over the past 24 hours on all sectors of the front are over 800 people. guns of multiple launch rocket systems, among them three rszzo grad, five gvozdika self-propelled guns, four american systems, three sevens and two british fh70 howitzers. while some of our units are destroying heavy equipment, others are secretly approaching the enemy. report by military correspondent eduard punigov. we work for 12 hours, ugledar direction, approximately 3 km. from the line of combat contact, the sniper squad in
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the vostok group retreats to its positions after successfully completing the next combat mission. snipers work in short bursts , constantly moving, taking turns, covering each other. mark, move away! sniper trio returned to a relatively safe place without losses, the fighters have a little time to answer questions from our film crew. the most difficult thing is to reach the goal. everything possible is working on us, mortars, orthas. machine gunners, also snipers, are our opponents. the squad commander came here from primorye, his wife and three sons are waiting for him at home, the youngest is only 10 months old, he came here as a volunteer. they work in small groups, a shooter, a spotter and a cover, but in case of victory, victory will be ours. snipers are usually if necessary, they can change places.
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the most basic task that faces us is to fight enemy snipers. they cannot be underestimated. a sniper duel is a very difficult thing, if somewhere already... soldiers understand perfectly well that the life of the entire team of snipers depends on the actions of everyone. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, and the delegation of the communist party invited
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the heroes of the northern military district to the lenin state farm near moscow today. the fighters were shown what has been done in recent years. a school, a kindergarten, and health care appeared on the lands of the state farm. all this, according to members of the communist party of the russian federation, is possible thanks to the socialist principles of organizing production. this is the most peaceful and most well -equipped beautiful land near moscow. now the guys who are fighting for our homeland, who are fighting the nazis, fascists, have come and gone to see everything, thanks to the same people who are standing here, protecting us from nazism today. fascism in native ukraine, we have shown here an example of how it is possible relying on the working people, to create all the best that the world has today , food has always been and will be the main thing, bread is the head of everything, there will be bread, there will be song, so today, meeting with the participants in the special military operation, we directly
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declare and say, our dear dear defenders of the homeland, win there, there will be similar farms throughout the country... why? our program is clearly called: we’ve played at capitalism and that’s enough. then, when the victory of the special military operation takes place, and we are absolutely sure that this will be will happen. the whole country is helping today. victory on all fronts is inevitable. transparency of all procedures in the upcoming presidential elections will be facilitated, including by an agreement on voting observation. the traditional document was signed today by the public chamber and 17 russian political parties. their activists will exchange their accumulated experience, work together at polling stations, and be present during the counting of votes and summing up the results. vladimir putin today congratulated patriarch kiril of moscow all russia on this significant date. russian the orthodox church celebrates the fifteenth anniversary of the elevation of the head of the russian orthodox church to the patriarchal
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throne. good afternoon. i am sincere and sincere. 15 years, i think you didn’t even notice how these 15 years, you are right, time is just very fast, thank you for, thank you very much, these 15 years from mythina, a very high level of church-state relations, thanks to which it was possible to achieve something that in the past was even impossible to imagine, this is the opening of new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but most importantly: this is a very broad work with young people, with children, something that was really banned for many years in our country, and something that is now actively developing. i sincerely thank you for the support that you provide to all citizens of russia, but i would especially like to mention those who
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belong to our church, you help the church itself as an institution. thank you, thank you very much. in honor of the fifteenth anniversary. christ the savior. it was there in 2009 that the ceremony of his accession to the patriarchal throne took place. the main cathedral of the country in solemn decoration, clergy dress patriarch kirill in festive clothes. the head of the russian orthodox church performs a prayer and blessing. patriarch kirill led the church in difficult years, which became a time of historical turning point for the country and society. during the years of patriarchal service, the prima sanctified. hundreds of trips throughout the canonical territory of the russian church in russia, belarus, moldova and ukraine. over the past 15 years , 165 new dioceses have been created in russia, and
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11,632 churches have been erected. and today after 23 hours moscow time on the russia-24 tv channel andrey kondrashov's film "man". the documentary is dedicated to the anniversary of the patriarchal service of the head of the russian orthodox church. you are watching the news. and further in our program about state support measures that begin to operate in the country from today, on the streets of brussels there are anti-tank hedgehogs, bronzboyt bonfires, farmers are protesting, but at the meeting of the heads of the eu, the main issue is ukraine. and the strike in germany led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights across the country. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. oleg, what's going on? study, run there, run!
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you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes , do you know why people count? carbohydrates to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health,
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food formula every saturday on rtr, tell me, son-in-law, well have you ever been jealous of my daughter, no, look at the weekend, angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she and my father, are having an affair, for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life. you'll definitely like it. for others it’s a test of fidelity, why are you silent , what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your
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husband is having an affair, where he takes his chosen one, too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr. thank you with my heart and hand , for the fact that without knowing me, you love me so much, i can’t help but remember my mom and dad here, they gave their whole lives to masfilm, cinema, and i’m here, oh my shy hero, you deftly avoided the shame of how long i played the role. without relying on a partner, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, broadcast
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from the first pavilion, on friday on rtr, i love you, and yana, it was a mistake, a child is not a mistake, i was afraid of losing you, i couldn’t have my son either leave, someone else's child, premiere. on saturday on rtr. this is the message and we let's continue. today, a number of government support measures are coming into force; more than forty social benefit payments have been indexed, by an average of 7.5%. the amount of monthly payments to federal beneficiaries, veterans of the great patriotic war, heroes of the fatherland of labor, as well as all disabled people and chernobyl victims has been increased. rub.
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almost 834 are allocated for the second and subsequent children. the lump sum benefit for the birth of a child is also increased. now it is 24,600 rubles. prime minister mikhail mishutin arrived in almaata. there he will take part in meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council and will speak at the plenary session of the international digital forum. the working visit of the chairman of the russian government to kazakhstan began with a meeting with the head of the cabinet of ministers.
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by 2030, donbass and novorosiya must reach the all-russian level in key areas of people’s quality of life, while we understand that we must complete most of the legislative, regulatory, and administrative work on integration by the end of this year. transition period certainly reflected as...
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with the so-called fatigue from ukraine, we now have a problem with fatigue from orban, today we need to strengthen our policy in relations between ukraine and russia. i cannot understand agreeing with orbán's highly selfish game, but there is no room for compromise. donald tusk is being a little disingenuous; after all, he had to compromise on hungary’s demand that the allocation of money to ukraine be agreed upon every year, so hungary still has the right to block aid to ukraine. myself victor orban.
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the parliament itself was cut off with anti -tank barriers, as if there were farmers , as if they were going to storm, firecrackers are exploding here, they are regularly trying to put out fires with water cannons, but it is very difficult to extinguish the mood of the farmers, everyone has approximately the same demands, this is to limit the import of ukrainian goods and other goods from other countries, all this is strangling european agriculture and is impossible for farmers because of... ukraine, so here most likely the decision to support further ukraine will be was not met very favorably, but nevertheless, people here intend to stay,
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to remain on the streets of many countries until their victorious end, they are waiting for other solutions from high costs to compete with the same european union, even if it takes some time. anastasia bernatsky timofey mukhin, brussels, belgium. a rainy day for air passengers in germany at the country's airports as well. pre-flight inspection and baggage control services are on strike. the promotion covers all airports except munich and nuremberg. a total of 25,000 participate employees. they demand higher wages and bonuses for working overtime. as a result , over a thousand flights were canceled or rescheduled. and in argentina, police use tear gas batons to disperse opponents of president javier meley. dozens of people have been detained. let me remind you that after winning the elections in november, miley almost immediately began a global reform in the economy, abolished most social
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benefits and abandoned price regulation, which immediately led to higher prices for goods. the fight against meleia’s decree is taking place not only in the square, but in parliament, the decision can be reversed if both houses of parliament recognize it as unconstitutional. for a breakdown of the main events in russia and abroad, stay tuned. within 24 hours, the troops of the southern group in the donetsk direction managed to occupy more advantageous positions in the gorlovka and novomikhailovka areas; our fighters repelled four attacks by assault groups. apu. in this area alone, over 200 military personnel and more than a dozen artillery systems, including western-style ones, were lost. the situation is at the forefront. in the report stanislav nazarov. during the rotation
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of the ukrainian armed forces, our drone operators discover a car with a swastika on the roof, symbolizing the nazi ss division. time to aim the gun.


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