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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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on rtr. vladimir putin today moved to vdnkh for the international exhibition forum of russia. just these days there is a congress of the all-russian movement of children and youth, the movement of the first. the president spoke on equal terms with the young participants.
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good afternoon, dear friends, i cordially greet all participants in the congress of the first russia movement, our beloved country, powerful will. great glory, your heritage, to all of us, glory to the fatherland, our freedom, fraternal people in a running union. verdantly
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, this wisdom of the people is glory to the whole country, we behind you, well, it’s obvious that the west has been torn to pieces, this is probably what teronia looks like for them, it’s hard to imagine that biden would come out to the youth and be able to sing, let alone gins, but...
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if they choose non-democratic leaders, then this is not democracy, but what kind of democratic leaders are, well, these are those who coincide in their views not with america, with the democratic party of america, this is also more accurate, that’s why they are so honest that it’s even admirable, for example, stoltenberg, it seemed to me that he is not an american, well, naively, that is, it seemed to me what’s wrong with him, yes, of course, but he ’s going to, he’s going to.
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since world war ii. he is developing new strategic weapons to threaten the united states and its allies. his war is aimed not only at establishing control over ukraine, but at restoring russia's influence in the world and forming an alternative world order, where the power of the united states is weakened, nato is disunited, and small.
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well, what sincerity, sincerity, it ’s the americans, it’s all threatening your order, it’s amazing that they’re there military exercises are being conducted there, germany, the netherlands and poland are signing declarations on the development of the west-east corridor, a logistics hub for the war with moscow, i don’t understand why they need this, when all of them are blown away by the nuclear wind, does the nuclear wind need logistics? here is a logistics corridor , perhaps somewhere there, i’m not sure, but what i remember about nuclear weapons, there was nothing there about a logistics corridor for the spread of radiation and a shock wave, it will break through any corridor that needs it, although the corridor
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it’s hard to call it, it’s just that the whole world is in ruins , but not now, again for our foreign friends who will translate this program, gasp, only for themselves, that’s why they gave 50 billion to ukraine, well, until the year twenty-seven, but this it doesn’t matter, and no one is even going to think about the interests of some europeans, they don’t exist at all, yes, in principle,
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that’s what stoltenberg said, it sounds very correct, there are no europeans, they’ve disappeared, so treat this is how everything needs to be done.
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seriously, this is problem number one: we can talk about migration or the war in ukraine or anything, the voice of the people on the streets is not taken seriously by the leaders, this is a democratic deficit. there will be elections to the european parliament in june, we need a new european parliament, we need to find new leaders who will truly represent the people. he even understands, yes, someone cares about the voice of the residents of navorusia, they have the right to determine their own path, for europeans this very idea seems wild, when they were worried about the opinions of people, when they talk about
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new leaders, here i have it for america wonderful new leader, wonderful, he performed amazingly at the national... prayer breakfast, my prayer for all of us, in my church, we sing the twenty-second psalm as a hymn, it says, he will lift you up on the wings of an eagle, on the breath of the dawn and you will shine like the sun until we see you again, may the lord hold you in the palm of his hand, this is sincerely my prayer for all of us, the differences between us are really very... strong, we step on each other, but remember, let's remember who we are, damn it take it, we are the united states of america, this is about dignity, respect, i didn’t stay in the church for long, i immediately remembered my real
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owner, so biden, owner, is yours, damn it, lucifer rules you, yes, vitalich. but i’ll start with putin’s meeting, but not with children, i want to say a few words about... where this meeting of putin took place with the patriarch of moscow of all russia on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the enthronement of patriarch kirill, as well as about putin’s upcoming meeting with academic community february 8, 300 years the russian academy of sciences has scheduled relevant meetings, and i hope that there , in addition to many words concerning science in general and natural sciences...
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in the presence of many people who talk about politics, argue, propose something, and so on, they are, in addition to their the official status of one and the other, but it so happens that we cannot argue with them, but they think strategically and pave the appropriate path, which largely corresponds to reality, i would say that it is not enough for our great... country - political thinkers of this level, i do not mean the official status,
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in this case - those people who inevitably listen to a significant part of society, some part of society, these are precisely my hopes for the possible reform of the social sciences within the framework - the academic community in general and the non-academic community - related to the fact that the opportunities for this will be created and will begin to be quickly realized, which is very easy to do, in my opinion. now - to the main topic, international, which were said, i would it seems like hungary gave up, it probably conceded in some way, but i’m still in orban, i even assume that one day he will be given the task of ruining europe...
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the hunchback won’t drink that much, that wasn’t the main thing
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about boris nikolayevich yeltsin , in the sense of him, in the sense of his political activities, so i want to make a comparison, it’s clear that like all comparisons, everything here is a little lame, but the general scheme is still the same, stoltonberg once again said that they.. ... that is, we want all kinds of chinese there to create an alternative world or an alternative structure of the world, which is absolutely true, we want, as the russian bolsheviks wanted before, and they even partially succeeded, what is happening today is inevitable, this is the dream of many, or the assumption that it was possible to keep the world in a state there in the nineties , well, it seems there... we are on friendly terms with europe, with the usa, and so on, but this is simply unrealistic, because the world is always developing, it never
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gets stuck at one point. what, how to describe the situation in general? yet again, i’m somewhat coarsening the dubera, the terminology is known: the tops don’t want, the bottoms, or rather the bottoms don’t want, to live in the old way, the tops cannot govern in the old way. but we must admit that the anglo-saxon or euro-atlantic, bureaucratic class or ruling class. much more united or better controlled from some kind of deep state than the soviet class was, governing before this perestroika itself and the subsequent collapse of the soviet union, what methods they use can be discussed for a long time, this is discussed, but so far they are holding on quite successfully, in this
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sense orban, it means he had to retreat completely, not completely, it doesn’t matter.
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this is the state of soviet society before the collapse of the soviet union, but i repeat, the consolidation of their ruling class is much greater than ours, and politics in the end is always implemented through, it can be called a black swan, a white goose there, or
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something ... the lower classes, at the desire of the lower classes, interpreted this way, not so interpreted, will begin to really crush this entire system, i expect that this will happen quickly enough, the latter, and we, our the ruling class, the new ruling class, this is the alternative world that stoltenberg is afraid of, and rightly so, because there is no place for stoltenberg there, it is different. ours has not yet taken shape, i’m not saying that it’s not enough, it hasn’t taken shape yet, we have a partly russian, russian ruling class, a chinese one, which will probably be talked about here, but inside the russian class, too, not everything is clear, i don’t know there iranian, what else is there - the arabs have something, in italy, our loved ones, probably not, italy, and here, for now
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italy is there, but overall it has not yet developed, but...
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modest, the first to grow out of the colonial system of the world, and what you say has developed, well, naturally, this is the colonial ruling elite, which is just, you see .
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what democracy is, well, we said, yes , democracy is a procedure, it has ceased to be a procedure, the americans showed us that you can be a democracy without procedures, then
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democracy became a set of rituals, well , you can go to elections, you have to go, no matter how they will consider, god bless him, but the elections there must be, because these are rituals, by the way, the prayer breakfast is a ritual, yes, that’s where, as they say, what is called, such a meeting, a collective event, takes place. yes, now it turns out that rituals are not needed, that the key rituals of democracy turn out to be absolutely unnecessary for this political system, they are simply not needed, yes, elections, election results will be calculated by artificial intelligence, yes, the transition to various kinds of oligarchic forms of government, de facto, well, look, what is it?
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hard fate brought me to ninety sixth year in brussels in nato, precisely in nato. i'll tell you, this is how russia joined nato. no, she just didn’t join there, but very much to your face, yes, well, yes, in my person she joined nato individually, but she really wanted to and systemically, in fact, there were different forms, let’s get us somewhere after all will be accepted, yes, for example, the idea was to join the parliamentary assembly.
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the americans were in charge, the second in seniority, even in the distribution of positions, were the british, but the europeans were there, and the europeans had a voice, the europeans showed that they were europeans, and sometimes. this display was such a squeak , but nevertheless, now no, now there really are no europeans, and this happened again in our memory, this happened in one generation to erase the identity of a large subject, and the european union, europe is historical a centuries-old subject, it turns out, only one generation is needed. that
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just to prove to people that they are not europeans, not italians, not germans, they are part of the euro-atlantic world, this turned out to be very easy, by the way, that’s what i don’t agree with with vitaly litvich, it’s that the lower classes do n’t want it, they’re for normal, i don’t see something there, well, farmers, yes, but they’re peasants, they’re not farmers because they are prevented from being germans, italians there, french, or because of some european regulations.
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the first half of 2024, excuse me, mikhail mikhailovich knows these things much better than i do, but this is classical training and development, primarily the infrastructural development of the theater of military operations, the study of theater of operations, and, moreover, those supposedly temporary military facilities, crossings, fortified bridges, bridges prepared for transporting armored vehicles, after all, they
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will not go anywhere after the exercise.
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neither orban, nor feco, nor vucic will save us, yes, i’ll tell you a terrible thing, even kimchanyn won’t save us, save himself, although this. sounds terrible, so i’ll tell you this, we can only save us ourselves if we ourselves say that only we can win in this confrontation, if we understand that we can no longer sit and wait, that now there is this military thunderstorm that our threshold, it will really resolve on its own, that is, we will stop... thinking like that, we must take preventive, yes , perhaps tough, perhaps with consequences , action, but it is this military thunderstorm, it will not resolve, advertising.
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“this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island heard, just reported, there was an earthquake there, asks for help to evacuate there are absolutely no casualties. lava is coming soon, sasha, everyone aboard, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i’m going on one, perhaps the second engine, reduce the speed, get ready for the nearest airport,
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the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, go by instruments, crew, on friday at rtr, yuri kuznets. this year the film opera chronicles the homicide department is 20 years old, a lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps, a real policeman, they told me, you are there for such a pestilence, but our boss is the same fool, as you showed, in vladivostok in the theater, you will meet your first wife , valentina, she was given roles, you vasovki from one piece to another, then the first...
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i don’t deny myself anything, i wanted the premiere, did i get it? sklefosovsky, new episodes from monday on rtr. dmitry, yes, well, probably, after all.
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you have freedom of choice, well, this was said directly, so you see, this method was used in relation to hungary, and by the way, orban agreed. well, he accepted it all, well, the last time we knew, when this was discussed, when hitler demanded that the president of the republic of czechoslovakia agree with this, so he sat the president of the republic of czechoslovakia, thought, thought, thought, agreed, this is about the same thing, and, well, approximately, you know, according to the logic of the action. this is absolutely identical, like this, i’m not
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afraid to say it, so well, yes, orban agreed, who gave him the mandate that his decision would lead to the impoverishment of the entire hungarian people, well, he doesn’t have such a mandate, this, well, it would what led to this, well, by the way, was that he went out to the french people there and the farmers who? yes, well, this, by the way, this has something in common, he came from something like this despair, i think this is what gives me the feeling, well , that he did this, that’s what he did, nothing more, well , by the way, if he continues, they might kill him, in general , well, what’s the problem, why am i discussing all this, here you are volodya said that they have a colonial past, yes, in common, and this is a cultural-historical instinct they have, yes... in this way to align themselves with the owner, but moreover, this is not only
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a cultural-historical instinct, you need to understand, that this western world, that is, western europe, japan, is real although it is in the east, yes, there is south korea, the philippines, all this anglo-saxon part, this is all really the american occupation regime in all these territories.
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so, excuse me, the german economy is in recession, this is recognized even by the leaky world and european statistics, and so the prospects for germany in general have also been outlined, because biden, as it were, in texas, they think that it was he who suspended the licenses against texas, so they are also offended , well, yes, well, in this sense, he is a doublet, a doublet, and a doublet, that’s it, but in fact, when biden took and limited the issuance of a trading license. liquefied natural gas, so he sent
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them greetings, he said: now you are still breathing a little, but if someone rocks the boat, you will stop breathing right away, quickly, tankers simply won’t come, with this very gas that’s all, that’s it therefore, here the occupation is not figurative, it is real with all the mechanisms of direct pressure, direct threat, physical destruction, in general, an exact analogy of hitler. well, yes, yes, yes, everything is correct, 38, yes, that’s it, but look, what’s interesting, if it’s about us, you see, even volodya is here, i ’m saying what you said, i would add more to this, because the point is not what
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you were told, our main goal, the dominance of the united states, is for all of us to die, everyone who is called we will be allies for this.
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who said that a black swan emerges , there will be a terrible thing, a debt spiral, he would also explain what it is, but everyone understood that it is something terrible, america will have a debt spiral, this is something terrible, what to hope for, he says two things, what to hope for the first says that
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something like this will happen in the outside world, as a result of which america will be saved, the second says, yes, a miracle, yeah, here... well, these two, two hopes are that, that is, war and a miracle , for sure, exactly, and i think that it is fundamentally important for the americans, especially in light of their pre-civil war and financial crisis, that force majeure in the world occurs before they have, well , their own explosion, that’s why i i think that yes , here is the red sea, now, that means, south china...
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the main thing is that the whole situation should be written off before they have their own bad luck, but it will definitely happen to them, the main thing is for them to get ahead of this, well, that’s how i see it, at least, they won’t have any kirdyk in our understanding,
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because unlike us, they took one very powerful step during the trump era. they used empty money, which, by the way, our president spoke about, they bought real assets with empty money. trump carried out the transfer of industry back to the united states. and this is, for example, now, yes, what we are faced with, well, i talk to many guys, production workers, we are often inclined to make the mistake of losing america and europe as a supplier, we count on china as a supplier. instead of investing. what do they come across, they are sewing clothes for the army, where do they get the fabric from? china, south korea, where can i get the accessories from? china, where to get the machines, make complex circuits, pull them out, they constantly take them and cut them off,
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and instead of focusing now all the forces, including the financial and economic bloc, that’s all . let's look forward 15-20 years, understanding that we must concentrate maximum production capabilities within the country, we are looking for holes on the border, intermediate countries through which we can be intercepted, this is partly due to the fact that we simply need to do both , of course, this is simply partly due to the fact that we have not resolved the issue of financial independence, now we must discuss with turkey that they have something for us there why are they blocking?
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let me remind you that on the territory of the russian federation, as written in the current constitution. there are occupation troops of the ukronazi bandera regime , let me remind you that on our territory, nato forces shot down a military transport plane, in which nine russian army servicemen, six crew members , three military personnel, in addition to 65 prisoners of war, were killed . ukraine, that is, it is necessary ...
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preached these globalists at the moment, why? because from the moment the special military operation began, this is already the third explanation
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of what is happening in the world, which in general contradicts the two previous ones, which were also in conflict with each other. if we remember the first months of the special military operation and nato, the americans presented the picture in an extremely clear way: there is the whole world, this whole world has... the world does not perceive the picture of humanity this way, much less russia and its decision to conduct a special military operation, then a new
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rhetoric came to the fore: there is a civilized world within of this whole world, this world is good , it trades, they have their own programs, they defend their value system, axiology, they defend their democracy, everything is fine with them, yes, there is also a bad world that does not agree with all this, he doesn’t like it all, but this... and there are several supranational institutions that are important for the united states of america, they are significant, they are important. what
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will happen to the europeans? with european countries, there with this so-called civilized world, as they consider it, there is more of it there no, in fact, if you read how he justifies the events of the last two years, it makes you smile, he says that you know, there are forces in the world that want to undermine us dominance, and it is a crime from his point of view, to undermine us dominance impossible, in the next sentence he says that there is such a terrible... china, which wants to dominate the south china sea, it is a crime for it to dominate, for the usa it is a crime if its dominance here somehow ends, well, look how they treat russia they describe, in this interview, in this conversation, he says that the main problem of russia and the main, if you like, crime that russia wants to commit is to weaken
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the united states of america and divide nato, that’s what a normal country is. the world has read that it turns out that russia’s goal is, not as these 2 years have been telling, violence, occupation, to reach, to seize everything, to create dictatorships around the world, no, russia wants a slightly weaker united states of america and a disunited nato. who in the world having read this phrase, you may feel some kind of antipathy towards russia; it is already obvious that this goal is shared by probably 99% of the countries that are not part of this bloc. there is also an interesting passage where stotenberg suggests that the americans do everything to undermine the transport and logistics infrastructure of china, not to export any dual -use goods there at all, and such aggressive rhetoric, i remind you, jans stoltenberg has been nominated as a candidate for the nobel peace prize, because who nominated him, said that no one has yet
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hasn’t done as much for peace in europe as this man, who is already... well, openly saying that our task is to destroy at least all of humanity so that this oligarchic regime that exists in the united states of america can continue their dominance and control the processes of this globalization. why did he say that this speech caused two reactions? what i just said is obvious, understandable, but i had a very simple question: why would jens stoltenberg, the nato secretary general, come to america in order to... tell them that it is very important for them to support ukraine, and what’s more, he explains it to them, what terms to read, like idiots, you read it straight away, and it feels like he came to show off his fingers, says: look, 50 billion, if you give 100 billion, you will use it to buy equipment in your economy, as if he explains this to them very slowly, you will transfer this equipment to the ukrainians,
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your workers will produce it. places are your money, you give it to yourself, then says nato is a very important organization for you, because it creates jobs in the usa, because it creates markets for you in europe. there is an impression that in general, if a person goes and publicly starts talking about such things, it means , perhaps behind the scenes and behind the scenes, he already feels that there are problems. apparently there is not much point in talking with these people; talking about these topics with those who will come on shift is enough. difficult, there is some hope of causing a lively public discussion or something else, but the fact that the problem there is understanding in this area, that’s for sure. finally, to conclude, here is the topic that colleagues also talked about, related to democracy, in fact, there was a swedish state media outlet that came out with an article saying that voting by the people can lead to very bad results,
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because they can vote for the wrong people. the wrong ones may vote for the wrong ones, the answer is very clearly given there that the correct, actually correct candidates are left-wing liberals, these are the people who correspond to this ideology, are perceived as democratic, everything that does not fit into this ranking is not democracy, this is another institutional thesis that we now see, its development, in particular in the european union, democracy in the words of... our colleagues who are from there broadcast, speak , speak from the words of their public speakers, this is generally an incredibly wonderful thing, it has a gorgeous apparatus, an excellent process, excellent legal regulation, it is able to guarantee society the most excellent results, but there is one problem, that it it’s very disturbing, these are people, they ’re out of place at all, everything is great, there are parties,
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the party has its own apparatus, leadership, yes... these national associations, which have such excellent gynecologists, transplantologists there, who , who lead these organizations, but the population cannot understand their joys, look, for example, i did not expect anything good for this period of time, but why is this example important: there is orban, for whom you like him, you don’t like him, you voted for him in fact a huge number of people in his country, his level of legitimacy is much higher than that of most western european leaders, because they are the results, the result of coalition... agreements of the minority party, which gained 4-5% in parliament, somehow pushed through a person who did not participate in the elections, so that it was, here a man with his own face, with his party went to the elections, received a vote
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of confidence from the population, and he received representatives of the supranational european union, which no one understands why this particular person, we understand why, because the elites discussed it there, gave in to each other, but for the population it is not clear how the fact... that i voted for this party, it received so much percent, led to to what is now leading me, how this happened , this is where, what i did wrong, what i got this result, this structure for which no one voted, the level of legitimacy, which is practically zero, it is capable of forcing any political decisions , a person who i actually received a vote of confidence from my own population, these processes, like... which we see in europe, they are inexorably moving in this direction. we see european countries in which before this it was still possible to cover up nicely and say: the elections have passed, you voted for the party, but
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the leader, there the prime minister will not be the leader of the party, but simply a person from this party, because in a parliamentary republic this is not necessary assumes. somewhere there were excesses that some presidential candidate didn’t like, the maid’s room, everything, then it turned out that everything was not so, but already. it’s too late, now this is already an extreme degree, when a person loses in elections, there is a party that clearly won these elections, it should form a government, but since it does not really fit into this trend, as in spain, there a person is already ready to go to a coalition with people who support the independence of catalonia, just to retain power now, and the population says: i voted for others, why are you the prime minister again, you lost, this party won, you lost, why are you prime minister again, such a system is taking shape and... and democracy, yes, yes, that’s how it is, i think, here, this concludes, just two theses in connection with this: first, please, colleagues, we may like this system, some may
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really like this system, some may not like this system at all, but why do we continue to call it democracy, i cannot understand where the people are in this scheme, i can see anyone there, large interest groups, supranational elite, globalists, sodomites, transgenders, whoever whoever is there. except for the population , which must come, vote, get their candidate, this is just a classic model of oligarchic rule and nothing else, there are oligarchies, they exist, this is to ensure that we do not mock democracy, but talk about them, here you go, they are democracy they want, this is how your democracy ends, democracy in our country, in our country there is a classical, absolutely predictable, transparent system in which the most popular politician in the country represents the people. this country inside and outside, on the external platform, and this is a very big competitive advantage of our country, because when...


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