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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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concludes with just two theses in connection with this : first, please, colleagues, we may like this system, some may really like this system, some may not like this system at all, but why do we continue to call it democracy, i understand i can’t, where are the people in this scheme, i see anyone there, large interest groups, above the national elite, globalists, sodomites, transgenders, whoever there is, except the population that must come, vote, get their candidate, this. .. classic just a model of oligarchic rule and nothing else, there are oligarchies , they exist, this is to ensure that we do not mock democracy when we talk about them, we say, here you go, they want democracy, this is how your democracy ends, democracy in our country, in ours the country has a classic, absolutely predictable, transparent system in which the most popular political figure in the country represents the people of this country internally, externally, on an external platform, and this is:
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this is a very big competitive advantage of our country, because when to us there someone comes or they negotiate with someone, people there have their political career hanging by a thread all the time, there is half a percent to the left, half a percent to the right, and the person ceases to be the leader of the country, he thinks in categories, here i have municipal elections there in a month , if now suddenly, god forbid, something goes wrong, i’ll lose there, i can, in our case, we are actually dealing with an absolutely independent leader of the country, who every time they... talk to him, brazil will talk to him, china, india, anyone, they know that they are not dealing with a temporary worker, they are dealing with a person whose level of support within the country allows us to be sure that if we agree on something, it will definitely be carried out. and again we will see, we will show more than others, hello, moscow, the kremlin, putin, every sunday on... we
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also have the anniversary of 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik, what is this, lyanka grill, me had the right to know that you have a child, this is a painted doll, already yours misha did not settle down. dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where did his mother go, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can let the nanny go, we’re already here without you somehow, so i’m just a nanny, well i was confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, stand up, someone else’s child, mother, premiere, saturday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air, 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that the nuclear organ be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy with hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently.
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watch twice a day, see you later, annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it, wuland was seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchs, chornimak yes. and now there will be millionaires, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, with yellow flowers, i went out so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you, the true story in a new capacity, so be it, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching, miss. today on rtr we are already
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watching all the episodes on the platform right now in the application or on the website. nikolai nikolaevich, i’ll join dmitry’s thesis that the world is, to a large extent, really controlled by occupation administrations, south korea 4000 american troops, japan, germany, italy, well, there are not only american troops there, there are canadian troops, in fact, the anglo-saxon core occupied the whole world, and sovereignly. there are only two states, not counting the united states, these are the russian federation and china, and we are strengthening our sovereignty all the time, all other states are in an intermediate stage, well , pakistan wanted to show sovereignty, it seems they even have nuclear weapons, they removed imrankhan
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after a visit to moscow february 24, today a few days ago they gave 10 years, france, and many, many other things can be listed, there is a thesis that is constantly heard, it has already reached the ministry of foreign affairs about the de-americanization of eurasia, i think this is a very beautiful thesis, it is necessary to say in simpler terms de-occupation or liberation of eurasia, then that this is a big goal, but this is not such an exorbitant goal, because if the operation has begun nwo, it is being successfully carried out, russia has survived, is developing and so on, this says that this world, which is controlled totally, is american totalitarianism, is controlled by the united states, it has given way, yes... and this crack will constantly widen, we will it takes a lot of effort to achieve this, but i absolutely agree with you that some of the elite still believe that they can save themselves by parallel imports and buy something, but why? because they don’t fully believe that there will be a global war, a world war, and that
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it is necessary to create an autonomous industry, well , because from the point of view of the global division of labor it is much easier to buy than to build something, engineering school, well, where we are now around... the state of the thirties of the last century, known phrase: if we don’t cover this distance quickly, we will be crushed, yes, that means those who lag behind are beaten, and so on and so forth, but this is a lot, this is an engineering school, this is production , and so on, but all of it will most likely be revived through the military-industrial complex, then there is an expansion of the military-industrial complex into civilian spheres, as has been the case all along, and most likely this will be the most effective way of development, well, as for the chinese situation in general, well, it seems like the new year is coming soon...
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that is, on the one hand, the largest nato exercise in europe , in european territory, on the other hand , it seems that they are going to carry out some kind of operation there, i certainly don’t believe that it will happen right now, but something could go wrong, i have a feeling, well, against this background , a very interesting call , the first call from the minister of defense of the people 's republic of china, he is new there now, this is dongdyun, not just the first call, but generally the first public appearance, where is the minister? defense of the russian federation, sergei kozhugetovich shoigu, well, there’s nothing even to discuss here, that is, it’s already such a tradition, the first call to the russian federation, therefore, is clearly shown that with the united states, yes, there may be some negotiations, but back to back, relying on russia,
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contacts continue, and especially since dongdyun is not new to our agenda, with nikolai evmenov, he met back in july of this year, that is, coordination and personal contacts have been established. that says a lot, and there is some talk here that there is some ambiguity on the ukrainian issue on the part of china, china clearly stated that it is against the supply of weapons to ukraine and against withdrawal of russian troops from those territories that we consider ours. well, here you just need to add 2 +2 to make four to understand that china is in our pro-russian positions. well, naturally, this is combined with what it means if the global goal is de-americanization. the creation of sovereign states everywhere, support for these sovereign states, which means we need to go further, right, absolutely, we need to support these sovereign parties, create for them here and some conditions for their work, their politicians, leaders, not only civilian, but also military leaders, what the soviet union
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did, what they really are putting pressure on us, and we are still waiting for the tension to go away, but it still doesn’t go away and doesn’t go away and doesn’t go away nowhere, well, for now we can say that now there will be some kind of super tension. the chinese also have their own delivery service, well, it’s so asian, it’s on hainan island in
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march, but last year there was only one russian at this event, it’s sad for me, in fact, all the financial ones are there organizations, we constantly say there that we have not established contacts with banks and so on, but i urge that somehow this issue be resolved there, that means a large delegation on march 27, if i’m not mistaken, that means sending our financial representatives here, well and somehow i don’t know, maybe it’s all there with the meade and roscongress... by the way , they also misled the soviet people back in the soviet union, when they said countries of people’s democracy,
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these are somehow at the same time people’s democracies, sometimes not people’s democracy, that's it democracy is a separate topic, we can talk about it for a long time, but when we read the western ones, let’s say, let’s not say, call them thinkers, ideologists, who are there, for example, some fareed zakaria, when he starts to analyze all these questions, to classify , he says that democracy is not at all about who chooses what, there is liberal democracy, there is not...
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and moreover, the americans even have opportunities with this, i want to say again, they have very lucky indeed former ukrainian socialist republic, very much, because russian people live there, let’s talk seriously, they managed to mobilize them, and this is nato’s most important striking force, as they said in the usa at one time during the soviet union, they wrote about them in the eighties the united states and about nato, the bundeswehr is the striking force of nato, i even remember this article in komsomolskaya pravda, well, they now have this striking force of the nation. in my opinion, of course, there is no external fascination for the united the united states will not solve anything, because
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the united states today is a global power, the only thing that will solve anything there, and something needs to be solved is a civil war, you just need to understand what kind of civil war it will be, so just like in the middle ages there was a great turmoil in the golden horde, which affected almost everyone whom it influenced and whom it had under it, so the civil war in the usa is the same, it will be absolutely global, well...
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preliminary agreement in france with farmers have achieved it, they cannot fulfill it, this is accurate on all points, it’s just that not a single point can be fulfilled, by the way, exactly for the reasons why they are not a sovereign actor, the french government, and no matter how they cannot not conclude an agreement , let’s say about free trade with south america, that’s what was the main requirement, yes , so to speak, one of the main requirements, but they seem to have concluded it, tractors are still standing on the streets, at this moment when farmers say, we have that whole life is falling apart. which we lived for several decades, and our people write in telegram channels, they are surprised that at this moment they are discussing assistance to ukraine. well , of course, for these people, like stoltenberg, ursula fonden and all the others, of course, for them , helping ukraine is a much more important, vital thing than some farmers. farmers are nonsense. once again, the people have
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nothing to do with democracy. and assistance to ukraine is a question of power, because if there is not a constant repetition of this. just to infuriate you so much white patriarchal men and women , so that they begin to show their guns, well , remember the case of kyle ritenhouse, who shot dead during the pogroms, and it turned out that there was not a single black person there, because quite left-wing antifa activists took part there, he was saved, but no , he was saved by the jury, i think, local, but he was saved because he would kill the whites, and if he
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had killed, this is such a detail, the point is that as soon as the kitenhouse starts now, it such a huge bummer everyone in the sense that guys, it means that if there is no biden, if there is no even greater transfer of power to the federal bodies, and the federal bodies with their programs of inclusion and positive discrimination , these guys will all shoot at you, so to speak, and actually scare you quite a bit a serious part of the population is the one that actually lives on both coasts and this thing , really, this mess is still inevitable in this sense, because, firstly, because the economic system has already simply reached its limit, this , by the way, is about debts, they can write off debts only at the very last moment, when everything is over, the civil war has broken out, because debts are a way of extracting wealth, well, when the civil war begins, you can write
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off debts, or you can write off debts and then start a civil war, because today, while we all still believe... that the dollar is a waste of money, well, how would we live in this reality , well, that’s what happens, since we clearly touched on this topic there, and this whole big mess in the big global west, of course, will depend mainly on the metropolis from the united states, our most important task in this situation is so that ours is not sucked into this funnel, so that under this matter so, so that we don’t get overwhelmed, this is the main thing, in this matter it is really very important that... there is technological and production sovereignty, at least together with those countries that can guarantee us for decades to come that nothing will change, so you see what happened with turkey, who can promise us something, but there are no such people, well, there was a huge, huge calculation on turkey, no, no, well, that’s not what i’m talking about, but realistically, what country can promise something for 10
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years, yes, which is so dependent on us that it cannot do anything else, this also depends on us, by the way, a lot depends on us, do you know such a country? dmitry, well, benefits don’t play any role at all, why, because germany was very profitable, but when the command sounded,
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right, right, but here it kind of comes up along the way, a bunch of all sorts of questions arise , for example, ensuring security for these people is strange, so maybe it’s not a question of profit, but of fear, these are always close things, machiavili may still remember that a person is entrusted with his kind, i think that by the way, germany does good deeds make up exclusively so that they have it blown up.
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technological sovereignty, this is from everyone regarding the fact that we really need countries that want to represent at least something of themselves, to live normally in the 21st century, this is required from all countries, really technological breakthroughs and technological sovereignty in the sense that indeed 80% of everything necessary should be produced on the territory of the country, this is definitely more. this applies not only, it is very easy to throw this aside in the direction of the financial or economic bloc, you will somehow ensure this for us, somehow every person, by the way , also needs to think about this on their own,
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buying every fitting for parallel export , you need to think about it, because if you live in our country, do you think that your future is connected with it, it also depends on the invoice that you sign today, well, parallel imports, but perettenko gives the floor to mikhail mikhailovich. please note, yes , the nuclear weapons program was not developed within the ministry of defense, yeah, it was a task assigned by the supreme commander-in-chief to one of the most effective managers of that time, lavrentiy pavlovich beevro, to whom all the forces of both science and production were subordinated. now we've arrived to a very important point, we clearly understand what the question is. technological superiority on the battlefield determines the level of survival of our soldiers and the ability to solve tactical strategic problems. and it is obvious that in order to
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demand something from the army, you need to give everything to the army. this cannot be done from within the ministry of defense. this must be a completely different level, a colossal level of effort by the entire national economy and the academy of sciences. we say fpv, this is a special case. saturation of a certain type of drones, parts not brought from china, which are gathered in different companies, developing their own systems and artificial intelligence , ensuring a technological breakthrough , their own bases so that the question of how much we can produce does not disappear, and the rap system, this should, by and large, be a separate ministry that... deals with technological breakthroughs, the most promising areas, which has a completely different level of funding, the ability to connect everyone, from private to
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government structures, that is, which are supervised directly by the supreme commander-in-chief and which, in the interests of the army , is produced outside the military budget, because the military budget may not be able to afford the ministry of defense its own, the most modern ones... can you count on the fact that such a gigantic area will be covered by army air defense? no, this means efforts, moreover, targeted by private business, large
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state business. that is, these are the efforts of the entire country, well, in my opinion, not professionally, this is my this is my amateurish, in all, in fact, in all technologies, in fact, there are a lot of holes for which we can be captured, that’s why i ’m talking about something else now, if we want victory, unconditional at that, it is achieved by achieving technological superiority on the front line, which is quite difficult if you count on it. on how many parts they will substitute there, conditionally, from china, with all due respect to china, that is, here we need our own, moreover, we have kulibins, and smart ones, and a lot of them, and a completely different level of mutually pro-standard, this is all understandable, well, this is certainly a national task by the way, you are absolutely correct in saying that at times the ministry of defense was completely unaware of the work that it supervised, not aware of the atomic
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project and not even aware... of the development of the first anti-aircraft missile system, this was carried out exclusively under his leadership, and not all the features were then it is clear to the military, but i repeat once again, equipping the army with modern weapons, military equipment, solving all other personnel problems, well, without any involvement, this is a national task, and not just the ministry of defense, but i am in this plan, that i would like to remind you to begin with, all our assumptions that we expressed vladimirovich here regarding the versions, assumptions associated, well, with this tragic event, with the death of our plane, in principle, everything coincided with us, we also guessed the type of anti-aircraft- american missile system , from which anti-aircraft missiles were launched, a type of anti-aircraft missile, and i think that there was even more than one missile, why, because as a rule, missile systems such as patriot, s300, s-400 for aerodynamic targets, they fire like
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usually a burst of two missiles. so it is quite possible that there is a second one, but this is purely my guess, who knows, maybe it missed the target even without detonation, since the rocket is not new, maybe the self-destruction mechanism did not work, maybe we still have not fragments, even relatively whole rocket, but these are purely my assumptions, and now a few comments , well, let’s say, of such a diverse nature, since everyone was talking about jontz stoltenberg, i need to add something here, probably for me, the fact is that recently - on in the pages of foreign affairs , cia director william burts spoke with the article espionage statecraft, such , frankly, a very programmatic text, 15 pages of typewritten text, more than a newspaper page, here is the speech of jens solberk, but practically coincides with those general political moments that were were set out earlier by william burts, that is, it is quite possible that they gave him this text and said,
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here’s a manual for you. in terms of foreign policy assessments, neither a step to the left nor a step to the right, well, strictly speaking, because i thought these speeches were consonant. now regarding victorialand’s visit to kiev, what exactly is the main goal here, as it seems to me? well, it’s quite obvious that she didn’t come to visit a forum of some veterans’ organizations there, most likely his visit, her visit is connected with the main event in ukraine, which is now the fight between zelensky and zaluzhny, apparently it’s already approaching still to its logical conclusion, it is quite possible that this week the final blow of the gong will sound, still, i think that she brought with her some kind of solution, because not all things can be transmitted by telephone, by some technical means of communication, in the form of some kind of directive, a telegram code, this is necessary, many things are decided, as they say, you have to come face to face in person and state
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the point. president of the united states, the political elite of the united states on this question, since, apparently, this also applies to the candidacy, it may be wrong, perhaps even the next candidacy has already been agreed upon, but no matter how it is, here is the resignation zaluzhny what can lead to, since he has supporters, and those people whom he nominated in the leadership of the armed forces, whom he looked after, then it is quite possible that the resignation of one person will lead to very large-scale... we already have the opportunity to destroy enemy and ensure the existence of statehood, our goal should be to take advantage of the moment,
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to accumulate the latest as much as possible...
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which the ukrainians can do now, they, for example, remove zelensky, the american, install razunkov, who announces, we we leave those territories that russia considers its own, and we say that we are for
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a neutral status, we demand that a peace treaty be signed, after which for 3-4 years they accumulate forces, launch the americans, the next stage of the war in this regard is also this version this option version, it’s quite an option on their part to take it and give it away, like we’re giving the territory of donbass there, part of zaporozhye, to here and we are not formally part of nato, but with america we can build bilateral relations and saturation is happening in moscow, by the way, this is quite possible, so that we have here so you are an excellent option, you see it’s not a nazi who came, he’s everything now. takes, because these are the options , i’m sure, they will now begin to slip in order to buy time before the start of a big war, and as for the development of the situation as a whole, then, probably, we should still agree with this, since the united states and
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other countries in the west , well, by the way, this time can be beneficial to us, here we need to very carefully consider who will use it how, who will use it how, of course, they continue to supply high-tech weapons for ukraine. this also applies to long-range weapons , now - many functional fighters are about to be delivered, the fact that the f16 is already on the territory is obvious, well, somehow in this regard it seems that we have, in general, well if they supply weapons to our enemies, let’s put it this way, then why can’t we take similar actions? in this case, i don’t want to name any countries or weapons that we can supply, but nevertheless i think so. what our hands are completely free, just like i don’t understand why we can’t use, for example, a variety of interesting developed systems of unique calibers produced in different
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countries of southeast asia with their crews , what’s the problem, i generally think that now that’s enough, that is, you can say so, well, if you do this, then you’ll get it, you’ll get everything. in general, the entire world trade system, not just global, well, well, well, regional, here we need to speed up the regional one, but these are minor things, or if you don’t like the comparison of malitin this breakfast with prisoners of the central committee of the cpsu, well,
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a concert on the day of the police, october 10 in soviet times, they wanted to sit in the hall by the toilet on the stage, that’s of course, well , you see. the whole world can no longer, does not want, or rather , does not want, europe can endure for a long time, the whole world does not want, why what were they talking about here, we, china, asian, african, god knows what other countries, the system -they have world domination, and not just over europe, when, that means, no euro-rich man, i don’t expect a euro-rich man either, certainly not euro-hero.
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in this case, the point is not whether i am military or
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non-military, it is clear that we have a button, there are corresponding launchers, and there is someone to make money, press, the question is, you don’t need to be military for this, the question is what do 5 minutes after you pressed this button, that is, pressed, took off, fell instead of x. what will happen next, will i press the second button? then everything will be according to the regulations, not according to the regulations, everything is clearly spelled out like what what according to which regulations the military military the president according to the regulations does not work according to the regulations they work the supreme commander-in-chief is just written in the charter, the procedures are spelled out, of course they are spelled out, yes, this is a political decision, you ask mikhail mikhailovich, he clearly mikhailovich deals with the armed forces and not the president.
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based on how the company is registered , its management, the depth of its planning , that’s what i’m talking about, but you don’t know that, you can’t know that, neither do you, of course, so we ’re discussing this publicly, so i’m saying that the question is this is, is it necessary to press the button a second time, you can always press the button the first time press.
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by the way, while we were broadcasting, which has already begun, there are quite a lot of developments in the middle east, israel agreed to the mediators’ proposal for a ceasefire in the palestinian gas sector, from the palestinian hamas movement, and a preliminary positive reaction was also received, al-jazeera tv channel said , official representative of midcater, israel agreed to the proposal, this is quite a big change, let’s say, it changes the balance and shows that something has gone wrong for israel. not right, it went completely wrong, that's it that's it, i'll see you on sunday
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, you smeared yourself with cream, oh darling, queen of france, i smeared both him and him with lytin, oh, good, you, i confess, took the cream, chicken, and we want to live and fly, ah , okay, oh, okay, margarika, he proposed to me, well, well, tell me that he proposed, what was my name? who am i, who? goddess, i can’t fly so fast, i might lose your papers. natalya prokofievna, i protest. comrade, what you promised, what
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you lured, what money you promised. what do you say, i'm right. i demand the return of my normal appearance margarita nikolaevna, you must calm down your housekeeper, oh, so i ’m a housekeeper now, but it was a goddess, hurry up, i protest, i’m not allowed to fly to an illegal gathering.
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what is it, do i see her, sladina, but you’re not the despondent widow and you’re here, go to hell, what do you think? khaladina, look who you’re talking to, forgive me generously, i made a mistake, fair queen
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margot, and it’s the cognac’s fault, damn it, you should put on your bastard trousers.
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hello, hello, good evening, hello, bright queen margot, hello.
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drink, beat the queen.
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how did you arrive at the river? riding a brush. oh, why, this is inconvenient. yes yes.
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send the car this minute, please, queen. see you later, something happened here, the premiere at rta, nina, what’s happening in the department, what happened, what ’s going on here, i need to understand what
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’s going on, something happened that’s all. how to wait, come on, tell me, sklifosovsky, the new season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, from monday on rtr, bul of the living, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, so get to know the country, what a beauty! it’s enough to taste it, we’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what ’s next, honey in norinski, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish
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that all our tv viewers have good health. health formula food every saturday on rtr. tell me, bribe, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no. let's see on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, she, she is with my father, romance, for some beauty is a pass to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity,
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why are you silent, and what should i say, well, shout something at... i don’t know when your husband has an affair, where does he take his chosen one, too beautiful wife on saturday. on rtr. it seems to me that i was sent to you by fate. it seems so to me too, but i don’t know why what sins. i sang stas mikhailov. without you, without myself. he is as deaf as pen, my father told me, he spoke, but i did not listen to him. what did he tell you? i don't know, i didn't listen. fun hour. premiere on saturday on rtr. let's take off. just
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no focus. crew. guys, close the curtain. on friday on rtr, repentance, king, hello, azazam, please, thank you. complain here.
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i beg!
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allow me to introduce myself to the kings, follow me, madam, please, now put them on, you, margarit nikolaevna, are a very smart woman, and it seems that you already understand who our master is, well, every year the missir gives one...
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in short, well, very briefly, you will not refuse to accept this responsibility yourself, i will not refuse, i thought so, please, and this, this is a ballroom trick of a hippopotamus, and nothing more, do not be alarmed, the pain will be magnificent , i won’t hide this from you, we will see, who at one time was extremely great, but you yourself are of royal blood, why royal blood? ah, queen, questions of blood, the most
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difficult questions in the world, i would not be at all wrong if i mention this weird shuffled deck of cards. let me hint, one of french queens, one must assume, would be very amazed if... someone told her that after many years i would lead her charming great-great-granddaughter in moscow through the ballrooms, but we came.
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greetings, queen, and please excuse my home attire. get in, the party is cancelled, due to illness. in no case. under no circumstances, miss, i beg you not to interrupt the game. i believe chess magazines would pay good money if they had it. the opportunity to print it, yes, right, how intricately the deck is shuffled, blood, well, since you are so charmingly kind, and i didn’t expect anything else, then let’s go without ceremony. damn, it’s so dark
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, this farce under the bed will continue for a long time, get out, damned hippopotamus, where is that damn horse, if you don’t show up now, we’ll assume that you’ve given up, damned deserter, no way, miss. well, what is this, why the hell do you need a tie if you don’t have pants on, a cat doesn’t need pants, miss, but did you see anyone at the ball? without a tie, so, i recommend you, donna my retinue, this playing the fool, a hippopotamus cat, you have already met azazello and koroviev, i recommend my maid, gella, promptly, intelligently, services that she could not
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provide, well, that’s all, the society, as you see, is not large, mixed and simple -minded, it’s time, and i, and my leg hurt, there’s this ball, let me, “those close to me claim that it’s rheumatism, but i can’t help but be convinced that it’s pain in the knee, left to me in memory of one charming witch, with whom i became intimately acquainted in 1571, nonsense, it will pass in 300 years.


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