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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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zaluzhny is just a manager, an executive who temporarily carried out the president’s tasks, but now it’s possible that someone else will carry out these tasks, in general, we’re really waiting for a decree, and zelensky is famously getting rid of his competitor, who, according to the latest polls, is really ahead of him in popularity and immediately by 20%. well , it just became known that zaluzhny...
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while ukraine's offensive has essentially stalled, the kremlin is enjoying hearing that ukrainian president vladimir zelensky is close to dismissing his commander in chief valery zaluzhny may appoint vudanov, the head of intelligence, as his successor. does it weaken the country if there is a feeling that the president and his top general do not agree with each other? you know, i also head one of the military departments. personally, i have no conflict with anyone. people are talking about you possibly becoming the new commander in chief. if i had been appointed yesterday, we would have met. the popular commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army, valery zaluzhny, was summoned to meet the president's office on monday and said he was being fired, two sources familiar with the matter told cnn. after weeks of growing speculation about tensions between vladimir zelensky and his. no official announcement has been made
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, meaning toluzhny is still in office as of wednesday evening, but a presidential decree is expected by the end of the week, one source told cnn, in what would be the biggest military shakeup under zelensky's leadership, first a full-scale invasion russia. rumors of the meeting and zaluzhny's dismissal rippled through kiev on monday evening, lending credibility to the rift that is widely believed to have emerged between the president and his commander-in-chief after the failure of the ukrainian counter-contest. last year, even though ukraine's counter-offensive failed to lead to any significant progress in pushing russian forces into the south and east of the country, zaluzhny remains one of the most popular leaders in the country. a survey published by the kiev institute of sociology in december showed that 88% of ukrainians support the main general. zelensky's rating, although high, was significantly lower, 62%. zelensky and zaluzhny have a long history of disagreements. between
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the presidential administration and the top military leadership, because of the territorial gains that russia managed to achieve at the beginning of the war, in particular in the south of ukraine, then there is the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive last year, in november zaluzhny said that it seems the war is reaching a dead end and that the ukrainians have little chance of achieving a significant breakthrough. if general zaluzhny will be fired, how will this affect the fight between ukraine and russia, given his high popularity and...
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on the morale of the ukrainian people, it does not seem to me that this decision will benefit the ukrainians. what i can confirm to you is that president zelensky spoke with general zaluzhny on monday and asked him to resign. zaluzhny refused to resign voluntarily, but he is again ready to carry out the president's orders. at the moment there is no decree on the dismissal of zaluzhny. personally, i am concerned that millions of ukrainians do they hear about what is happening between the president and general zaluzhny? advised them to find a common solution to the problem, their problem is quite personal, they simply don’t have chemistry right now. is it true that the head of a zaluzhny can still leave his duty? you know what's strange to me? it’s strange to me, why are we even politicizing this issue? look, this is the vertical of the supreme commander-in-chief, i don’t understand at all what the discussion is about, will he fire, will he not fire, and so on, if... specifically, where
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there is a president who appoints managers, one of these managers, appointed not chosen by the president, the supreme commander in this case, because we are not at war, is the commander in chief, what is the question?
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then we will have to save the people of odessa and move on, nikolaev, kirovograd, cherkassy, ​​poltava regions, we are going and part of kiev, that is, push them to the right bank of the dnieper in the ukrainian capital. well, it’s no longer
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a secret that the west uses ukraine as a training ground and tests its equipment in combat conditions. to develop new samples, for example, the american military , somewhere in their american desert , have reproduced the non-explosive barriers that the russian army uses, there is also barbed wire, our famous dragon teeth and even anti-tank ditches, well, that is , an armed conflict with russia in washington is not just not excluded. he is closely preparing for it, and this is another alya ukraine training ground, but already on the territory of france, it was discovered on the borders of the two departments of aub and morne, among french lavender fields, hills and plains. on assignment
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the ministry of defense of the fifth republic built a whole network of trenches and created a complete association with the special operation zone. the goal is to train french. soldiers to conduct high-intensity battles, as now in ukraine, without leaving the digs, that is, trench warfare, in their understanding, is the main russian know-how. we are in the department of op, a few kilometers from the palaibites of the first world war, these soldiers are following in the footsteps of their ancestors. we studied this in history lessons, and today,
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if this is destined to happen again, at least at least we'll be ready. against the backdrop of heightened tensions in eastern europe, these trenches were built 2 years ago, these are the buildings that the french never... the only way to push the enemy from his position on the forest cannon is a surprise attack from all sides. during a false shot from a lekerk tank, other soldiers reveal the flaw in the barbed wire defense. the attack
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is inevitable. at the moment i am receiving information from a drone. the target is 200 m away from us, in a trench. i was given a task. they have to rotate to keep the rhythm. it doesn't matter if it's a war between russia and ukraine, or israel and gaza,
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the french military carefully studies everything and adjusts. the trench is an element of war that the french army resorted to throughout its existence; we could not think that the war in ukraine would force us to think about this element again, to dig in to protect ourselves. at our military training center, we quickly prepare trenches according to the principle. currently undergoing rotation, one unit trains for 96 hours, despite the weather conditions, be it cold, mud or rain, the trenches twist to avoid crossfire during the defense of the trench, and also in the event of a shell arriving and exploding, its fragments will get stuck in the walls of the trench, the smaller the segment of the trench system , all the better.
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opened a spa center called pampers, but the center is not so simple, they are waiting for really very unusual guests, they are waiting for adults who feel or identify themselves as infants, ask for their mother’s breasts and they are waiting for an adult to rub their teeth on them like in childhood, in short, you understand, perverted? but these perverts are not treated, this is not a mental hospital
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, these people, on the contrary, are welcomed, nurtured in every possible way and supported in their rather unexpected flies, and an unusual, so to speak , pastime, writes the boston publication, the publication also provides a price list, for example, if you want to relax to the establishment, remembering all the charms of his...
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became the first lgbtq+ woman to stand on the podium, which is curious, this is not his first perverted attempt to win women's tournament. last year he took third place, before that he basically never got into prizes, but now he tried his best and won a prize, including a cash one. a rubel news correspondent simultaneously attended a game of two women's volleyball teams, everything would have been fine, but biological women were sitting on
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the bench. of the twelve players on the field, women played, and once again, women had to play. shut up, answer my question. sir, sir, why are you playing with women? why are you taking away places from real girls in sports. i'm just asking questions, who are you? you can't come here. why? do not touch me. why do you allow men to play with biological women? sir, why are you taking away a real woman's place? excuse me, of course. do not
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touch me. what is wrong with you? why do men play against women? fucking vagina, me if you have a vagina. we were informed that in this women's volleyball match, the performance that we just watched, well, in this match there were not one, not two, not three or even four, but five men who were pretending women, three were on one team, two played on another, well, in the end you can imagine which team ultimately won, it is interesting to note that
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biological men were in the game the whole time, but biological women just sat on the bench the entire game. here's another interesting fact about biological men who play for women's college teams: female athletes receive scholarships, which in turn are used to pay for tuition, but when a guy makes the team, the girls drop out of the team. sit enjoy the match, no one is asking you to leave, if there is any problem, just come tell me, but i want you guys to stop filming. we were warned about this by our sources in women's volleyball, who consider this to be an absolutely outrageous phenomenon.
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he said the words at a prayer breakfast, in confirmation, apparently, that he was right , i will quote, literally, he said, once again, the prayer breakfast appealed to god, in evidence of his rightness, he stated who the hell we are, are we americans or are we who needs to help ukraine, prayer tomorrow, parallel to the press conference. trying to drive away the protesters with the help of water cannons, the protesters with varying degrees of intensity, they either promise to seize the building, then they say their
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protest is peaceful, but they lit fires, they don’t let them put them out and they bring new tires, very similar to ukraine, very similar to kiev, very similar to maidan , and if it looks like ukraine, then this means a peaceful protest and... peaceful demonstrators, which means this is democracy, which means these people need to be heard, which means these people need to be saved, but ursula fondern now directly thinks a little differently, she said that the money that the european commission allocated for ukraine today is much more important than what the farmers are trying to achieve, no one will forget the farmers, but ukraine is in danger, ukraine is threatened. .. president putin promised to supply tanks, despite the fact that it seems that these 50 billion were allocated as money to the budget of ukraine, she did not
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specify where ursula came from in the tank. following ursula fonberen, charles michel spoke at the reopening of the european parliament. he stated that it is difficult, very a difficult decision at the summit, during which it was necessary to push through hungary’s position, this. a signal for the united states of america, in general, we are waiting for clarification, and it is terribly interesting whether orban voted or orban did not vote, apparently he voted, since the decision was made, and all 27 eu members cast their vote in favor, hungary is twenty-seventh. but orbán does not comment; earlier in the morning he said: “ i won’t compromise, that’s how it was.” and then once ... the decision was published, we are transported to the front, the war correspondent, vladimir razin, is in direct communication. volodya, hello, we’re starting from avdeevka. it’s clear that putin
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said there was the hottest battle, the most difficult fundamental moment for russia in terms of advancing along the front line, how our fighters were doing, how far we went into the city, as i understand it, we went into the city, and where we got caught. ukrainians are connected if they try to fight back. olga, good evening. yes , indeed, avdiivka is a city from which the armed forces of ukraine, we all have known about this for a long time, have built a fairly serious stronghold, in which they have been stationed for several years now, they have been there since 2014 and avdeevka and adjacent small settlements, all this was created as one big one. strongpoint , which is located immediately on the border with donetsk, so they have the opportunity to strike at the civilian population, at donetsk, at
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makeevka, at yasenovataya, to keep people in fear, as they have been trying to do this, and not for the first year, since our on the sides we are now, well , there is movement on almost three sides , the movement is very complex in fact, why because, again, i repeat, all those defensive structures. fortification exits, passages, they have been built for more than one year, they have been studied for more than one year from the ukrainian side of the area, again the area is also quite difficult, from populated areas, there are exits to an open field, behind them there are already high-rise buildings of avdeevka, yes, which are used by the ukrainian on the side as observation posts, points where all sorts of weapons of destruction are deployed, but there is movement on our side, i won’t... generally get ahead of ourselves, yes, i will say that there are small advances of a tactical nature, after that there should be quite complex consolidation of attempts from the ukrainian side
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to recapture certain positions, yes, but the guys are holding on, they go where they go, and where they manage to gain a foothold, they can’t dislodge our guys from there, and the enemy, in addition to the fact that this is a fairly serious stronghold point, this is still quite a serious ideological place, but for ukraine there was marya. near donetsk, yes, but it was several times smaller in size, in terms of the scale of prepared defensive structures, yes, now avdievka and this is actually the most the largest, most serious stronghold along the entire line of combat contact in the zone of our own, that is , quite tough battles are going on for it now, yes, but our guys are moving little by little, signs that the enemy is retreating. no, why am i asking this question? today in belda information appeared that the dispute with zelensky zaluzhny arose precisely on the basis of avdiivka, zaluzhny allegedly understanding.
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i don’t know who won who here, and in general, is the conversation itself that the situation is so stalemate that it’s easier for them to leave now, is it relevant? it is relevant in the sense that one way or another we will liberate this settlement, everything will simply end with how many souls and bodies of their ukrainian soldiers the ukrainian government is ready to put there, they resist, no one there just
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leaves their position. constantly the positions that we are attacking , there are constantly counterattacks on them, they are constantly trying to strengthen, let’s say their first line, yes, on which there is the most serious attack on our part, so everything will end here, again i repeat that this place is ideological, this not even artyomovsk, yes, which was , for which they fought very seriously on our side, and on the enemy’s side, vgeevka is the place where if they have the option to bury the last... ukrainian there, they will do it, i’m sure on this, in this 100%, so in avdeevka they will fight until, well, in fact, the last soldier who will be in veyk, at least this follows from what kind of clashes are going on there now and with what tenacity they are still trying where - counterattack somewhere, reinforce somewhere, bring in reinforcements somewhere there or to carry out some kind of rotation, all these
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activities are quite... difficult for them to endure with large losses, because on our side, well, serious natik in addition to fire, plus fv drones work very often, plus reconnaissance, plus all kinds of weapons , including aviation with quite serious and confident arguments, let’s say, yes on board, which are dropped on them, so they will fight ideologically until the moment, well, it seems to me that the last drop of blood is...
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are there any signs what they are preparing to launch a new offensive, is there some kind of accumulation of forces, as i understand it, this is not so difficult to record, film, detect, or is it just nonsense? i wouldn’t call it nonsense, but as for the accumulation of forces and some hints that something will begin soon, let’s say, some kind of movement. on the part of ukraine is not yet planned at the front, in any case, well enough in its active phase, regarding the announcement and the offensive, if we were there a month and a half ago and look, then they announced and talked about the defense line that they were going to build, yes, similar to ours, let’s say, yes, and they asked for funding and money for this, yes, the defense line did not happen, funding apparently
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for this defense line also... did not work out in a fairly successful way, yes, so now we need some kind of informational occasion, and even better, some kind of victorious speeches on our part, uh, to pronounce towards our western masters, yes, so an offensive is announced, which there, relatively speaking, taking into account some some mistakes, yes last year the offensive will supposedly be successful on their part, but this is all being done firstly to request the next funding, to request equipment and money. shells, well, everything, everything you need, everything you can, beg , extort, yes, from your owners, this is all done for this purpose, but - again, with all this, uh, there is no need for - on our part vigilance subsided, yes, looking at such statements that they are announcing a counter-offensive there, yes, although it would seem that such things are not announced, yes, on their part they are announced precisely in order to first ask for something, and then.


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