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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 2, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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similar to ours, let’s say, yes, and they asked for funding and money for this, yes , the defense line did not happen, funding for this defense line, apparently, also did not go quite successfully, yes, so now we need some kind of informational reason, or even better for their part to make some victorious speeches towards their western masters, and therefore an offensive is announced, which, relatively speaking , taking into account some mistakes and last year’s... the offensive will supposedly be successful on their part, yes, this is all being done to, firstly , request the next funding, request equipment, money, shells, well, everything, everything that is needed, everything that can be begged, begged from their owners, it’s all done for this purpose, but uh again , with all this, it is not necessary for our vigilance to drop, and looking at such statements that they are announcing a counter-offensive there, although... it would seem that
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such things are not announced, yes, on their part they are announced precisely in order to first ask for something, and then to that they will send, to try to somehow justify the actions that they announced , so surely help will come, if not through official means, then through some gray means, yes, they will probably gather some more people from their streets, uh, somehow they will be trained, somehow they will be dressed there and somehow sent to the front line to die. this is the only way, this is, in principle , the only attitude that we have been observing for more than a month and not even the first year towards its people on the part of the ukrainian government. thank you very much, volodya, vladimir razin, war correspondent on a direct line from the front. ask. today, the state duma adopted an appeal to the american congress - which directly states that the american country is an accomplice in the terrorist attack on... a russian military transport
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plane that was carrying out a humanitarian mission. and during this discussion, very important information was revealed. the fact is that the ukrainian side was not only informed that our military transport aircraft was carrying out this humanitarian mission and was carrying agreed exchange of 65 ukrainian military personnel, but this information was transmitted through the appropriate line.
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confirmation of receipt of this information, and it is quite obvious, i cannot but trust this information, publicly presented , it is absolutely obvious that the ukrainian political leadership knew very well that such an action was being prepared, an exchange action, knew that it would be air transportation and then, naturally, a lot of questions arise about how this decision was made, who made it who took it? behind this, in this regard , the proposal for an investigation, of course , just puts the ukrainian side on its back, i don’t know how it will behave now, because if it confirms its readiness, i think that all these circumstances will be clarified, so then i think that everyone who later receives this information will have to think about it, but there is another very important point, something that is already clearly obvious today, and there is... official information about it has been established,
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doubts, and even here visually everything it’s clear, it’s also very important that it’s a patriot, there’s no point in that now, the point is that, unlike an artillery shell, a patriot is a weapon with absolutely directional action, so from the shell you can say that they were aiming at a tank and hit a residential building , yes, well, it happens that a patriot works exclusively against an air target, moreover, when... missile defense systems were supplied by the collective west on the territory of ukraine, it was always said that these were systems for protecting ukrainian cities from here are the barbaric attacks of the russian aerospace forces, russian missiles, although it is known that all our strikes that we deliver on the territory of ukraine are carried out exclusively selectively against military targets, this is the first case, the first case. if we again connect this with the first
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information that i mentioned, when having information that this was a humanitarian mission from the territory of ukraine, the air defense system triggered an air target on the territory. russian federation. and in this sense , imagine that the ukrainian political leadership, making a decision on such a blow, i didn’t understand the position in which it didn’t put the americans, who are the suppliers of these weapons, well, that’s just an explanation for a child. so, we simply have this terrorist attack, which was carried out by two perpetrators, this is the nazi leadership of kiev and this is washington. i'm not a child, but explain to me what the situation is now.
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actions, this is a terrorist state, today carried out by biden, this is a terrorist state, we can only hope that in american politics, well, there are some, well, more or less sensible people who... with the fact that they don’t love us, at least they can realize and comprehend the long-term consequences of what they are doing today, only this explains our appeal, today’s appeal to the american congress. now, regarding the 50 billion euros , which or dollars, i’m already confused,
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in my opinion the euro, and the brussels euro, the euros that they allocate, today the european union allocated to ukraine, in general, well, the first consideration that comes in this regard is always the same after all, when the northern military district began, the first american money went out, they shouted in washington europe, do as i do, today, that means this story has changed the other way around, in america it’s still the same, that means today we’re having a discussion about where to get the money, and now europe, with its pants up, is running ahead of the usa, and here the americans, of course, screwed their europeans, well, simply according to the laws of the genre, not only are they robbing them of sanctions, they have now brought them forward as a financier.
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over the countries sponsoring this budget, it seems to me, is simply dangerous, because i know for certain what is happening in germany today, germany is a country that in general, it is formed on very stable habits, this is a country that is accustomed to
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high social guarantees, to a stable budget, to a high standard of living, which today is collapsing right before our eyes, this is a european rebellion. at the same time, one gets the feeling that it seems to them that we are not showing ourselves tough enough, or maybe we are not responding, and biden, demanding to allocate money to ukraine, appeared after information that zelensky staged a terrorist attack with an american missile, and victoria nulan smuggled her
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american missiles and came out at night on the square after they knew very well about it, declared that it was an american missile, and the money was allocated by the europeans, knowing that the american missile struck this coalition of terrorists, this coalition is the historical territory of russia, in this communications , of course the question is why are you turning to american license issuers, i explained,
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and they live with the feeling that now they can do anything, they shot down a plane over russia, to hell with them 65 ukrainians, six crew members, first-class pilots, three military personnel police, were killed as a result of a terrorist attack by american weapons, today, by the way, correspondence appeared, the flight engineer, already realizing that they were falling, wrote a message to his wife, such work, this is the last...
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i must say that i am leaving kiev this evening more inspired because of the unity and determination regarding the twenty-fourth year and the strategic importance of supporting ukraine. i also leave more confident that as ukraine strengthens its defenses, mr. putin will receive pleasant surprises on the battlefield, ukraine will have big ones success. to the extent that congress has not yet approved the submission.
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that is, this is a person who really now ensures the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian army, if he is eliminated , several factors will work here, the first factor, his replacement...
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in addition, we must add that the elimination of our zaluzhny will lead to an undermining of the morale of the ability effectively solve problems at existing levels, which increases combat effectiveness even more, this is an excellent special operation, well, thanks to zelensky, but the point here is different, that’s what
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now happening on the territory of ukraine, this quarrel between zerensky and zaluzhny. this is the result of the failure of this very offensive, the question always arises: who is to blame? every war, every war always has two aspects: a military-political and a military-strategic aspect, and they do not always correspond in terms of their degree of expediency, but on the territory of ukraine we constantly see the military-strategic expediency of leaving bakhmud, in order not to lose people, to leave. ..
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that zaluzhny demanded to leave avdeevka, zelensky said, we must stay, political expediency in military science is generally appropriate, there are examples when it worked, when military science said, we must leave, but political expediency we stand, march and leave, yes, this is complete, such cases always
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take place, let’s take the example of stalingrad, from a military-political point of view. hitler demanded that the sixth army be left there. paullus said: we need to go out. in the end they left paulus there, and this paulus was destroyed. and there are many examples of such stories. the german idea, these most hitler's idea, which was incidentally the anniversary of paullis's captivity. yes, that means cities, fortresses, they left garrisons there, they hunkered down there. that's why it's nearby. but the most important thing in this regard is to consider the destruction of ours. turned in the media, depending on how it will start to work against zaluzhny, or it can work against zelensky, moreover, it is zelensky who is now being accused in ukraine of the deaths of these same fighters,
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right now due to this level rating zelensky begins to fall, so zelensky begins to accept. because while in the post of commander in chief he cannot engage in political activities, but after leaving the post of commander in chief he can do this, so zelensky, as they say, has a situation. any move is bad, keeping him in the post of commander-in-chief means leaving the army in his hands, removing the commander-in-chief from the post means getting yourself a powerful political enemy who
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is much stronger than him and any other opponent, and at the same time i remember in hindsight that officers and generals of the ukrainian the armies respect this zaluzhny, ultimately stand behind him, according to the new york times, also crazy information, i’ll ask the question, how do the americans know? the bank asks: don’t you want to, no, and you , no, we’ll be back in a minute, who will be in charge
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of the operation, dr. bragen, if you don’t mind, the premiere on rta, the city is falling asleep, waking up, the mafia, bragin’s 11 friends, this is an amazing person, he just talent, always being in the center of events. the main thing is that they are digging for you, let him dig, there is time for a friend, i want to cry, but everything seems to be not going well for us ok, you can stay with the children today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, please help me, make them stand up, who did he say, that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a technician myself, and he is sick, it’s still clear to you , dear colleagues, you are sabotaging the eleventh season of your favorite series, what? from monday, nart.
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in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland, the nature of nakolsky is marvelously diverse, it includes taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where they roam countless herds of reindeer. in the north, the kola peninsula washes the barintsevo sea, warming it. and the warm atlantic currents prevent it from freezing all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland
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by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. will you try it on? thank you. where's the photo client? did i understand you correctly? absolutely, no tears visible in the rain. on sunday on rtr. after the model's accusations and
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actor eduard krivenok in the kidnapping and sexual assault, new shocking statements thundered. love is like flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown, kanwu island is heard.


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