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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 2, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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anton demidov, veronika magazeyshchikova. news. the main victory. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. the investigative committee presented a report on the investigation into the il-76 crash near belgorod. the wreckage found at the site confirms that the plane carrying ukrainian prisoners was shot down by two american ones. investigators also identified the remains of all the victims. well, judging by the first reaction, western countries are not interested in an international investigation, since the results will be testify to their involvement in this terrorist attack. alexander khristenko will continue the topic. new personnel of the investigative committee. forensic experts work at the site of the fall of anti-aircraft missile debris. it is a distinctive orange color, typical of western weapons systems. further analysis left no doubt. an il-76 of the russian aerospace forces, which
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was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange, was shot down by an american patriot air defense system. even the name written in latin was preserved on the wreckage. 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. on seized fragments are clearly labeled in english. according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to their design features,
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are 91 kg of the warhead itself, filled with submunitions. the range of this first version of the missile was 105 km, which was enough to hit an aircraft in russian airspace. from the launch site near the village of leptsy, kharkov region, to the village of yablonovo, belgorod region, where il fell in a straight line, 96 km. airplane was shot down on the morning of january 24, killing everyone on board, six crew members, three accompanying persons who were transporting 65 ukrainian prisoners of war. their burnt documents were found among the rubble. the investigative committee identified the remains not only by tattoos characteristic of ukrainian nationalists, but by dna profile. genetic material is necessarily taken from all prisoners. as a result , the identities of all the victims were established with 100% accuracy. in moscow , the plane attack was called a terrorist attack. kiev, that it hit its own people, there are no intelligible explanations introduced. they still don’t even recognize the obvious fact of the death of their own people. here is a fragment of today's telecast. the russian government stated that...
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russia, in turn, insists on conducting an international investigation, as vladimir putin announced the day before. we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be conducted. there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask you to send international experts. and carry out this
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analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place, at a specific time, as i already said, at 11:10 two launches were made from territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities. westerners seem to be afraid that the investigation will lead to them, especially since the russian investigative committee has collected irrefutable evidence, in addition to the rocket fragments themselves , there is research data from them. surfaces , spectrometers showed the presence of traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% of another explosive, octogen, which, by the way, it was invented by the americans; such a mixture is generally typical for foreign-made weapons. the state duma at a plenary session today adopted an appeal to us parliamentarians. deputies call on congress, which has not yet approved further funding for ukraine, to refuse support for the kiev regime and help bring to justice the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. congress. must realize his
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responsibility for the consequences of the supply of weapons, the shooting down of a peaceful plane, peaceful, with prisoners of war, with the crew, accompanying, what... precisely as a crime against humanity and to characterize it as a terrorist act. whether there were foreigners among those who launched missiles at the russian il-76 is still unknown, but there is no longer any doubt that it was american weapons that were used from the territory of the armed forces of ukraine. news. heavy fighting is now taking place on the outskirts of donetsk. main events on the southern outskirts of obdeevka. the industrial zone is completely under the control of our troops, including those who liberate the city. the veteran assault brigade is the same one that i recently spoke about vladimir putin. sergei
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zenin’s film crew spent several days with the fighters. the assault brigade has been veterans in the donbass since 1914. there is no such hot spot. hundreds of firing points, but for the cambrig with the call sign marine and his subordinates there are no impossible tasks, the orders have been done, now the industrial area is completely under the control of the russian army, the lion's share of the success of the assault brigade is veterans, every moment, every
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meter, every ten meter, every hundred you work on, heights, enemy positions, enemy positions, of course, the enemy... preparations were made not just for one year, but for 10 years, that is, it was a very serious work, well, it was actually wetted, more precisely, the ukrainian trenches, which no one could take since the fourteenth year, but they gathered to take it on character, on character and hold on, they have entrenched themselves, they won’t give up even a meter, now they will shoot here in the opposite direction, but of course they will. with dawn , the targets became visible and the work increased with the brothers from the assault brigade, our
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group of veterans spent several days on the front line, the southern donetsk direction, one of the most intense, we were going to meet our reconnaissance, by nightfall the group had to leave... unpredictably, they stood up straight from the goodness of the trunk, but what are you guys doing? i would say, without taking a breath, literally once, two or three minutes a tank comes out, first in one direction, then in the other. by the next night we went to the meeting place with the scouts, we were in the trenches where
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the enemy had been a few days ago, our people had already gotten comfortable here. the reconnaissance group literally before our eyes went out to their own people right under fire, such not... the deputy brigade commander, call sign infantry, personally participated in many combat operations behind enemy lines, at night he met reconnaissance with us in the dugout, corrected the actions of the guys, and provided them with cover. he has been in donbass for 10 years, he says that his family knows and understands why he
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is fighting here. i always ask everyone what is the civic dream, to achieve world peace, to be at the head of it all. our russia stood, wow, a civil dream, but a personal, this is a personal dream, the infantry, by the way, prompted me to ask a question for a press conference with president of russia. these same veterans, people with enormous combat experience, they could educate the younger generation, maybe it makes sense to create an appropriate military-patriotic structure for our youth, this is right, this is absolutely absolutely correct. this is the upbringing of young people in the spirit of patriotism
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, in the best, and not the worst, sense of the word, it is extremely important, and we are already starting to do this, the best education is personal example, but who can do this better than you? this week's chapter the state again talked about the assault brigade veterans, the guys made another big one.
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volunteers from all over russia, people make their own decisions, it doesn’t matter if it’s the trans-baikal
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territory, the altai territory, and so on , the altai republic, veterans are the personal unit of vladimir vladimirovich putin, we wear vladimir vladimirovich for a reason, here it’s a sign of respect, all tasks will be completed, victory russia will be behind us, nikita has been fighting for several days. although still very young, he left for the northern military district volunteers at the age of 21, twenty-second celebrated his birthday in the trenches, if i don’t go, someone else will go instead of me, and someone needs to defend the country, so he took the initiative, for himself, heated cans of stew, for the enemy, canned cartridges of 7.62 caliber, stuffing magazines .
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russia. members of the russian youth movement of the first sent 3 million letters to frontline fighters and 4,000 books to novorossiya. i spoke about these important examples of patriotism. vladimir putin at the russia forum exhibition, on the sidelines of which the movement’s congress is taking place. all details from evgeny reshitnev. the idea of ​​​​re-creating such a massive all-russian children's and youth movement has been in the air for quite a long time, but it finally took shape only in the summer of twenty-two, now there are already more than 4 million participants in all russian regions, so after such a short time we can say for sure, that the movement took place.
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hello to the soviet past, everyone finds themselves in what is close to them, sports, science, creativity, you must move forward, you must be the first in our history, story must not be interrupted. putin is coming to the russian exhibition for the fourth time and could not ignore the individual stands of its exposition. this time, the president paid attention to it technologies and visited the vk pavilion, where they introduce the achievements of the industry as a whole and the flagship services of the company itself. this, of course, is the social network vkontakte,
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vk music, vk clips, vk video, vk play, the largest gaming platform in russia. olympics and championships. german, for example, runs an author’s section in the vertical video section of vk. now i'm filming a profession column, that is, i’m talking about the profession there, you choose these professions yourself, right? yes, yes, i choose it myself. and the last one was a car mechanic. you understand, it was interesting to say, so many people probably wanted to become a car mechanic. views to all.
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in history, savings banks opened in 1841, and the first depositor of the savings bank was nikolai antonovich kristofarin, here you can make a wish, simply by rubbing a coin, all the gold, a few days ago, vladimir putin took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation of a new nuclear power plant icebreaker leningrad. at the exhibition, the president received a request from schoolchildren to see the moment when the ship was launched into the water. if such an idea is feasible.
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themselves, protecting the interests of the homeland as part of a special military operation. about 4,000 books were collected for their peers in donbass for...
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many achievements that they could not even dream of at one time, i am sure that if you also purposefully, confidently feel yourself, purposefully go towards your goal, realize your dream, we will succeed even more, and even among the first it is customary to say thanks to mentors and teachers, one two,
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three, thank you, for the coming decades, humanity will not be able to escape oil and gas, this is a medical fact. this assessment was given by vladimir putin, opening scientific and educational centers or campuses via videoconference in
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various regions of the country, including in ugra, where hydrocarbon production is being increased. the president noted that everywhere has its own specifics, but university campuses should become new centers of development. report by marina gromova.
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will be rocket and space technologies work, this is a multifunctional library building, the restoration of, in fact, a dilapidated building, which today looks very good and is also ready to accept students. a new engineering center, a center for biomedical systems and technologies, a multifunctional scientific and educational building are already ready , the building of the phanagorian barracks, where the palace of gtu technologies is located, has been restored, construction continues...
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what you liked the most, this is what you paid attention to and what you consider the most valuable in the project we are implementing, the most important thing is that you can live in the city center, next to new educational buildings and it’s very cool to combine, you know, the difficult study in baumanka with student life, be happy for your native baumanka, i wish you success, to everyone who comes here , i’m sure, to everyone i'll like it, this project of the architect was inspired by the fluidity of oil, the building.
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classrooms, a large sports center, young scientists from home to work are just a stone 's throw from residential buildings and a kindergarten, two advanced engineering schools. when i arrived in russia, i did not expect that i would study in such a university, where did you come to russia from? i’m from kyrgyzstan, but i’m a tatar, they wanted to be an oil worker, to be honest, the choice was accidental, but i don’t regret this accident at all, no matter what they say about hydrocarbons, no matter what they say about... the need to develop alternative types, but from hydrocarbon energy, the coming decades, many decades, humanity
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cannot escape, the construction of campuses should include business, today's students, tomorrow's specialists, who are in dire need of the industry, an example of this is the kogals, the company took part in the construction of the student campus; students from the first year can consolidate their acquired knowledge in real production. and employees of our company will also teach here, all graduates of the center will be employed at our production enterprise, this is very important for the guys, for those who come to study, they know where they will work, they know the company, this is one of the world companies, and one of those companies that we are proud of in russia, so i wish you success in personnel training, everyone who studies. i wish you success in your future profession; the construction of 25 campuses is planned for the current decade, which should contain not only academic buildings, but also space
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for recreation and sports, perhaps.
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not far from the olympic park, the president separately asked not to be greedy when allocating land for universities. marina gromova, ilya kuzmin, sofia petrosyan, news. the number of churches increased by a third, and there were more dioceses. this is one of the results of a fifteen-year period during which the russian orthodox church is headed by patriarch kirill. on the anniversary of the internation, the head of state expressed “gratitude for the work of the primate” in the kremlin. report by dmitry kaistra. good afternoon. president vladimir putin met with patriarch kirill in person. i sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. thanks a lot. 15 years. i think you
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didn't even notice how these 15 years have gone.
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russian orthodox church, patriarch of moscow and all russia, i accept. at the photo exhibition liturgy with the patriarch, photographs from various trips high hierarch, and there were hundreds of them throughout the canonical territory of the russian church, in russia, belarus, moldova and ukraine. ukraine is our pain, this is the suffering of the orthodox people. of course, it is surprising how such oppression can occur. human rights and religious freedoms in a country that has chosen the european path of development. but it seems even more strange why europe does not correct this political trajectory of modern ukraine, which is absolutely inconsistent with european values. from the first days of the confrontation in ukraine the russian church has deployed assistance to all those affected by the hostilities. the parishes were involved in working with refugees and civilians
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in the donbass. forces, based on the seemingly free choice of some representatives of the hierarchy, it seems generally monstrous in a spiritual sense, to split the church under far-fetched political pretexts, this means destroying, in fact, the solidarity, the unity of one’s own people, for 15 years
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the church led by the patriarch has been in ... the thickest socio-political events. a historical moment was the meeting of its head with pope francis. over the 15 years of patriarchal service, 165 new dioceses were created. erected. 11,632 churches, i really hope that all this potential that now exists in the life of our church, that it will be realized and have a positive impact on the life of the entire country. all these years, patriarch kirill continues to determine not only the path, but the modern image of the russian church, independently thinking, open to parishioners with the most different social needs. understandable to all her children. dmitry kaistra, vladimir nikolaev, lead. a historical event for the amur region, a wide-bore aircraft landed for the first time at blagoveshchensk airport. this became possible after the reconstruction
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of the runway. res from moscow was met by svetlana dyuzhova. 7:50 a.m. a heavy vehicle cuts through the dawn amur sky and lands on an impeccably smooth, modern runway. it is longer than the old one, its maximum load is 305 tons, ideal for the largest aircraft. we have an excellent opportunity to accept a wide body constantly on a regular basis, the aircraft parking area was prepared especially for this, work was also carried out on the reconstruction and modernization of the existing air terminal complex, the sterile area for a comfortable stay of passengers was significantly expanded, the position was increased by more than 2 seconds preflight zone. inspection, crew commander, 20 years old, managing boeing 777s , admits that he is glad to meet the far east and such a runway. great, to be honest, when we sat down, it was very well made, no
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joints, and we appreciated it, we really liked it, thank goodness it wasn’t just a boeing 777, it was an aeroplane with an image of a rare far eastern leopard on its nose. this image was painted back in 2017. to support environmental initiatives. recently, aircraft with a capacity of 150-200 people have flown to us, and 365 passengers are descending on the majestic beauty. the airliner departed from moscow sheremetyevo airport to blagoveshchensk with only eight empty seats in business class. we had a great take off, landing , overall very happy, a wonderful plane, distance between the seats, my legs weren’t tired, everything, great mood, overall wonderful impressions. the landing was very soft and good, it’s comfortable inside, very comfortable, the food is good, i’m on tour, i have a concert at the philharmonic, i invite everyone, an evening of romances from moscow to naples, there will be classical guitar music and
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there will be romances, during a seven-hour night during the flight, passengers were able to get a good night's sleep, it was so comfortable in the cabin, meanwhile , blagoveshchensk airports and regional authorities are looking for new carriers and routes, soon. there will be direct flights to sochi, airlines, international azur air, for now to pataya, then we are discussing other destinations, international, we are waiting for the opening of flights in china. aeroflot's subsidiary russia, which has entered the region, is participating in a program to subsidize flights for far eastern residents. ticket sales on the blagoveshchensk-moscow route are already open. in the winter schedule includes three weekly flights to the capital on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays, back on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. by the way, the flow of passengers at ignatievo airport is growing regularly. last year there were 914. this year, experts expect a million. svetlana, alexander raskazov, conduct the amur region.
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two new passenger ships meteor were laid down at the zelenodolsk shipyard in tatarstan. these are high-speed vessels with a new wing system that can accommodate 120 passengers. meteora has soft chairs, access to wi-fi multimedia content. the ships are named after mikhail devitaev and musa jalil. it is these meteors that carry out excursion flights to the historical city of bolgar, the island of grad smiyazhsk. this year the geography will be expanded, they will go to neighboring regions. the first ice route through the anador estuary was accepted into operation by an interdepartmental commission. its participants personally went out onto the ice, traveling from anador to the village of shakhtar. and back, after which they made a decision that the federal winter road was suitable for traffic. report by vladimir nikitchenko. the weather in chukotka finally made it possible to equip a winter route through the anadra estuary. the end of december and the beginning of january in anadra
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turned out to be warm and the ice growth was poor. only the established thirty-degree frosts allowed road workers to begin work on equipping the winter road. every day , heavy tractors and a motor grader with a loader went out onto the ice. from one. to the other side of the estuary they needed to clear a path about 8 km long, there were difficulties, well, in principle , the contractor did a complete job, well done, and there are some comments that principle... we will eliminate it, i think, today everything will be eliminated, additional signs will be installed there, because a crack has formed, from the seaport to the cape conservation, but it forms there every year, and i think now we will beat this whole thing, we will install additional signs there and the movement will be as if everything is normal. today , a special commission examined the equipped route; signs, orientation markers, barriers and information boards were installed on the federal road. everything is ready for use, experts give green light to move along the crossing. finally, now you can
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get there by your own transport and not have to travel there, let’s say by taxi, in tricolos, after all, the sums are significant for the family budget, but in general, this is a joyful event for all car enthusiasts, because finally, yes you can get to the airport in a short time. traffic on the highway is currently only permitted by passenger cars, and the permissible load is up to 3.5 tons. specialists will continue to monitor the crossing in the future. the load will increase traffic means we have two lanes, the right lane towards the village of shakhtyorsky to the airport is 7 km 500 m long, in the opposite direction the length of the lane is 7 km 700 m. this means our traffic is limited speed, which means the mode is 30 km/h. every winter , two seasonal roads, federal and regional, are built across the zanador estuary, they go along different routes to... each connects the capital of chukotka with neighboring settlements and the main airport
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of the district. federal winter road connected the capital of chukotka is the village of shakhtyorsky. this route, although longer than the regional one, traditionally opens earlier. this time it became the first official ice crossing across the anador estuary. until april 30, road workers will have to monitor the condition of the winter road, clear the route in case of snowfall or blizzard, and check for the presence of markers and road signs. vladimir nikichenko, arseny. lead chukotka. in krasnogorsk , a conflict situation arose over a road passing through a local forest park. residents who use it to get to the city center they complain about those who park here under prohibitory signs. every now and then there are traffic jams in which emergency vehicles are idle. denis voskovsky found out what the local administration thinks about this problem. irreconcilable parties, residents of the saburovo microdistrict, getting there.
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to take children to school, drivers leave saburov in advance, but it’s impossible to get there on time, when there are no difficulties in moving very quickly, 10 minutes and i’m already at school at home, and sometimes you can drive for an hour and a half. among the inhabitants of the emerald hills your own truth. the developer, when selling apartments , promised a four-story parking lot and deceived me. we are allowed to park here because, unfortunately, we have no other place. we have about 200 cars that have nowhere to park. meanwhile, no one has canceled the traffic rules. saburov's car enthusiasts point to sign 327. how did you decide that it was real? however, the traffic police confirm that
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the signs prohibiting stopping and parking are real; cars left under them are even taken away for a parking fine, although not often. with from the beginning of 2023 to the present, on the section of the volokalskoe highway microen mitina o-2 along the emerald hills residential complex , 51 vehicles have been evacuated for violating traffic rules of the russian federation. hundreds of cars, some of which have already turned into snowdrifts, are parked contrary to the rules. parking is second row and every time i drive into these 500 m, i pray, because i don’t know whether i will pass or not, this is fresh footage of a local road collapse, because of the accident, traffic stopped for several hours, it’s some kind of mockery, it’s coming soon , there are few options for getting around the forest, emergency vehicles are also parked in the general traffic, you can’t make sure that cars in the forest don’t park on the roadway at the local administration.
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will increase by more than 800 cars. the assembly of environmentally friendly vehicles takes place in sokolniki, at an enterprise created with the participation of kamaz specialists. in addition to producing electric buses, it repairs, tests, and runs them. how does the entire technological process work? maxim oparin will tell you. directly from here, from the territory of the sokolniki car repair
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plant, brand new cars go out onto the city streets, the finished body is an ordinary electric bus, only without filling it comes from nizhnekamsk. first, the engines are assembled, then... seats, glass fencing, and media panels are installed inside. the next stage is diagnostics of all systems, through laptops, specialists test the software. now we are checking the software of the controllers, and if there is a newer program, we are reinstalling it. at every stage the assembly has its own technological feature, for example, here seasonal covers are put on the roof of electric buses on already installed batteries, as well. high-voltage wires are installed from the batteries themselves, which will actually power the engines of the car, and they check the draft of the entire car, to do this you need to get under the electric bus, a person sits in the cab, specially lowers it, raises it, and we look at the lifting of the lowering in the places where they are laid wires, so that there is no direct contact, so that the wires do not
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fray, one of the following happens right in the workshop first tests, well, now it feels like i’m in an electric bus during a very strong time... although this is of course not true, this is a special sealed chamber in which conditions are created for almost tropical rain in order to test a ready-made car on tightness. duzh, the new machine takes two times for 20 minutes, during the break the specialists check for leaks. this workshop has already assembled 500 cars, most of them modern models with a powerful battery that lasts for 100 km. technological itself process. it is envisaged to prepare for the delivery of one car per day, that is, roughly speaking, one car leaves one line, that is, two cars per day, two assembly lines. today moscow is a city where there are the most electric buses in the world - 1,400 and they operate on 120 routes, good manipulation, opening doors, there are no
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such, you know, as in ordinary buses, sharp braking, i like that they have a low floor, for example, good depreciation, well, that is, not much. it accelerates much faster than a bus, and firstly, its ride is better than that of a bus, the bus has jolts because there is a box, there is no box here, and next year another 800 new electric buses will appear on the capital’s roads. maximin, savichev, mikhail utkin and anastasia roif. news. and then we have regional news. 10 pseudo-company workers were detained in moscow; how did they deceive the capital's pensioners?
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winter weekend fairs have started in the capital, where are these venues organized and what can you buy at them? cat-traveler, whom. accidentally taken to another city in a furi, returned to the owners, how did they manage to find him? and an exhibition of unique designer dolls, animated scenery from your favorite films, an ice disco and much more. we'll tell you what's on the city's schedule for this weekend. in moscow, members of a criminal group who, under the guise of utility workers, were deceived, were neutralized. this is footage of the arrest of suspects; according to the investigation, the swindlers neutralized them, called elderly people, introduced themselves as housing and communal services employees and reported about a sudden check of the water supply system. after this, residents were convinced that
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their apartments urgently needed to be replaced and unnecessary equipment installed, the cost of which was several times higher than the real price. during searches at the places of residence of the fraudsters, police seized plumbing equipment, contracts with citizens, electronic storage media, bank cards and other items of evidentiary value. police investigators have opened 11 criminal cases, who have been detained? a total of 10 suspects were detained, two were taken into custody, the rest are under house arrest and under subscription. and not leaving, what castles are people? the first winter weekend fairs opened in the capital today: 23 venues in different districts of moscow. there you can buy fresh farm products, meat, and fish. vegetables, traditionally such points began to work only in the spring. maxim oparin walked among the shopping arcades, asked the price
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, found out why they opened this season, this year the season opened in february. bon appetit, charish, goodbye. looking at the counters, my eyes widen, delicious tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and fruit can now be bought again at weekend fairs. for the first time, they started work without waiting for spring. the pavilions have changed, they protect well. cold and sellers, buyers, the product itself. well, we see that the fair opened just a few minutes ago, and the first buyers have already come to buy the goods, and these are the same people who are used to coming here in the summer in the fall ; they certainly appreciated this idea of ​​​​creating winter fairs. participants are individual entrepreneurs and owners personal subsidiary plots. in total , natural products from forty-four regions of the country are presented at weekend fairs. there are these varieties with sourness, there are sweet caramel cherry ones, warm cucumbers.
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this is a greenhouse tomato , this is a black prince, this is such a handsome man, and why is it black, this is a hothouse, and this is a variety like this, it tastes, uh, sweet and sour, and the ryazan ones made a huge cheesecake, they baked this kind of cheesecake in ancient times in villages, everywhere , this is shortbread dough, there is cottage cheese inside, in a fashionable way it is now called cheesecake, cheese, fish, meat, honey from our own apiaries, all products undergo careful selection, a representative of the veterinary service is on duty at each point, samples are taken according to... standards and then our specialists go to the laboratory using special instruments , they conduct research on non-waste,
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dosimetric control, only after that they issue a conclusion on the implementation, in order to get to the fair, on the weekend, all participants submitted electronic applications in advance, in total 390 trading places were allocated in 23 points in moscow, all addresses can be found on moscow fairs website, each individual entrepreneur submits his application with all the documents , a sheet, the so-called list, who is suitable for the fairs, if one of them forms a queue and the farmers get rejected, then their place is taken the one who comes next in line. entrepreneurs say that for them moscow fairs are another opportunity to expand the market for their goods, but at the same time they admit that the capital’s consumer is more sophisticated. there is a slight surplus here, of course, there is such a surplus of goods, it is present on the market, this competition is what brings us to the point that it shows whether people need us or not. prices at weekend fairs are higher than in chain stores, but lower than in stationary markets, which means
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there will always be a lot of people at these stalls. maxim aparintsival savichev, valery kupriy, lead. and it’s time to talk about the weather, weather forecasters are warning about snow, this afternoon, drivers are asked to keep their distance, observe the speed limit, our roads are icy, here is the forecast for the weekend looks quite optimistic; it’s still warm in megapolis. not in february, let’s check with tatyana antonova, she is already in our studio, is winter even going to return to us? maria, we’re getting ready, we’re expecting colder temperatures next week, i’ll immediately say about the dizzying drop in atmospheric pressure in the literal sense of the word, by monday it will be 20 units behind the norm, so weather-dependent people should get ready. well, on saturday night there will still be light snow in the region, the temperature on saturday will be contrasting, to the east from the capital below... to -4, here to the west in mozhaisk, volokolamsk, a new cyclone will manifest itself, here it’s about zero with sleet. in moscow, next night it will be -6, tomorrow day
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-2, cloudy, there will be snow, and on sunday a new thaw will come with a southerly wind. at the height of the day there is +1 precipitation and the wind is noticeable. well, our new week will be marked, as you can see, by cold weather, on monday it’s still around zero, but on wednesday night it’s already down to -10, on wednesday day -5. maria, from minuses to plus and back, let's swing. sways, you can feel it, thank you, there was a weather forecast tatiana antonova. a new scheme for the city's tram network has been created in moscow. sergei sobyanin published it on his channel. the diagram shows the stops of all 35 routes, as well as the metro, mcc and central diameter lines. each tram direction has its own color. the map's landmarks include train stations, electric ship berths, ring highways, large parks, rivers and landmarks. there is information about traffic intervals on the so-called sightseeing routes, such as the famous annushka,
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which walk through the city center through chistoprudny boulevard. in the cottage village of european valley 2, in new moscow, a conflict broke out between residents of the management company. homeowners claim that this company arbitrarily seized power in the village, and the way it manages public utilities raises big questions among the owners. dmitry blinnikov understood the situation. endless meetings deciding what to do. residents of the village dreamed of a calm and comfortable life, but instead they say you... fight off raiders, they staged a massacre here, they get away with everything. homeowners complain that they are being taxed while those who refuse to pay survive. i can’t sleep that all these people cut off their power today, tomorrow they’ll arrange something else, when the disgrace ends, hundreds of families bought houses in
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the cottage village of european valley 2. the place is good, it’s best seen in the summer. we were preparing documents, we wanted to join moscow, but these people interfered with our plans . they arrived in cars at night and said that now they would be in charge of everything in the village, they set up their own security, what do you call a chop, you don’t know what a chop, are you working or something, i just recently got a job illegally, i recently got a job, they occupied the office of the management company, and the detachment was commanded by this man in a white shirt, mr. lazarev, together with these eight people, they also made seizures in podolsk, they say... the invaders forged the minutes of the general meeting, supposedly the residents themselves chose them, and so they became the rightful owners of the village, they send receipts with fantastic accounts, try it don’t pay, they charged you 140,000, yes, yes , it’s unclear why, i’m a colonel of the special services, why should i pay somehow, i don’t know, it’s unclear to whom, this lazarev, petrov there and so on, common property, they say, the residents are leaving under the hammer, this is where
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the children's playground is living out its last days, it has now been sold. they cannot legally influence this conflict in any way, because no one transferred the village to the city. land plots located in snt european valley 2 are privately owned, the contract is a party to which it is clear that the moscow government did not make any agreements to implement the development. now the residents have filed a complaint with the police and the prosecutor's office, demanding to find out who occupied their village, whether the signatures of the general meeting were really forged, and are awaiting an answer. dmitry
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blinnikov, sergey vdakimov, anastasia roif, news! the potapovo station on the sokolnicheskaya metro line is planned to open by the end of this year. sergei sobyanin announced this today. finishing work and installation of external structures are currently underway there. potapovo will become the final platform of the red line, and this will be the first ground heated station in moscow. the distance from it to the neighboring commune will be almost 2.5 km. construction of the solntseva butovo-varshavskoye highway is underway nearby, so the launch of a new station and highway is in the future. will improve the transport situation for thousands of residents of the southwest of the capital and new moscow. rusfond is raising funds for six-year-old dima purshev. the boy was born with abnormal bone fragility and leg deformities. he has already undergone several operations, but is still lagging behind his peers in physical development. despite hard training. the treatment needs to be continued; the family has no money for this.
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ekaterina fralova will tell you how we can all help together.
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he loves to swim, draws, goes to drama school, gets ready for school, and most importantly, never gets discouraged. ekaterina frolova, yuri zhurov and alexander markinogaev. news. the kitten, who made a road trip around the moscow region, returned home safely. it was discovered a few days ago in the warehouse of a large retail chain, where a truck arrived. one of the employees is temporary i took him home, tried to find the owner on social networks, and after a while the owners responded. how are you?
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musical cycle of the energy of the world. this is his second framed work , performed by a large symphony orchestra together with soloists of the bolshoi theater and the mariinsky theater at the gillikon opera. the symphony is constructed in an unusual way. every instrument is an extension of the human voice. the essence of the symphony itself is to tell a person about the path to himself, about turning to himself, through the path of overcoming, through some kind of pain, through spiritual growth.
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listen, why did he get in there, i’m monitoring the delivery of cargo, violating safety regulations. get off, what are you doing, do you want to break your legs? come on commander, soft landing. what do you have? special cargo damaged by flood. come on, do it, just without the focus. eat? come on, come on, more! more more! listen! come on a little more, that's it, stop, well, that's it, the last container, and you were afraid, but i wasn't afraid, they just
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sent it by rail last time, and then they took away half of it, and where is the commander, where is the commander, oh well commander, don't shout, madam, your boxes are not going anywhere, firstly, i’m not a madam, and then these are not boxes, these are humanitarian aid, toys for flood victims in an orphanage, people throughout the region, on their own initiative , collected them, but what is this? this is not ours, this is ours, mortally, hello, young lady, what is this? yes, this is not in your line , it’s a good person’s holiday, his daughter is getting married, wait, wait, we have humanitarian aid, i tried so hard, what are you talking about, don’t raise your voice, i promised i’ll deliver your junk to you , means i’ll deliver, you said thank you, thank you, thank you, exactly general, with the jeeps the weight is high, but within normal limits, so, tomorrow with these jeeps we must stand under the windows of the newlyweds and shine like sorry.
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clean, excuse me, please tell me, there ’s only one kid in the orphanage, pasha, he’s really looking forward to it, i’ll meet you there, everyone knows, tell me, yes, i’ll tell you, oh, thank you very much, jump over, well , go ahead, jump over, the car is too heavy , difficult to do, overload 6 tone, which, listen, no one expected, now we’ll completely collapse, who is the commander here anyway, i’m the commander, i’ll fall down for you, you need to try to throw off the pain. smite this
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goddamn grandma , there are victims there, smite, i say , they will be trained, this is an order, deysku, what are you looking at , i handed over control, took over control, like my last name, gushchin, come on quickly, kushin, i’ll write you a devouring order, wow, wow!
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i told you it was polenvodka, so i already stuffed it in there, you goose! you hear, you’ll hand over the key to the room to the commandant, yeah, just don’t forget, oh, lyokha, lyokha, he’s not a good man, well, yes, he’s an idiot, well, no well, we’re all like that, but now what , well, you were born a father, and sanya, you would have done it differently, well done, they say rightly, you’re right from the second happiness, well done, now even the cornmen can see you like their own ears with your wolf ticket, i decided to completely finish off, thank
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you lyokha, you’re a great pilot, you can’t live without the sky, you’ll die, i know everything is fine, but i’m telling you again, go to your father, ask him for help, what are you i stubbornly resisted like a fool, i don’t even understand how you ended up in this hole with such a father, well, let him help you will attach it, and i say again, i won’t ask, that proudly ours he will not attach it anywhere, he’s not like that at all. and what are you going to do until you decide, lesh, i know, they wanted to kick me out too, thank you for taking yourself, forget it, lesh, come to moscow, well, ask your father, no.
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you know how i know how to peel potatoes, from heaven in the kitchen, not on purpose, they kicked me out of the border guards inadvertently, from the air force too, now they took me off a truck, again inadvertently, right?
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well, okay, if something goes wrong, kick him in the neck, and if anything happens, call me, i’m still alive, well ok, there is, that's it, then on your own, the airline , although small, is reliable, the exam is at the airport in the training center, all our airlines train there, so if you embarrass yourself, then in front of the whole world, dad, thank you, now you at least try without yours official ideas, but you have money, yes you do.
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a trainee doesn't qualify as a pilot, maybe it's your fault, but excuse me, maybe it's me too, maybe i should not allow unbalanced, uncontrollable, inattentive people into the company, which is what i do, honor i have, young man. yes, but the problem can be solved simply, you need to stop typing the damn thing, that’s all
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, why were you late, guilty, lost, you will tell the passengers this, okay, give us the documents, but why are the characteristics so bad? let's figure it out, let's go to the simulator, so, standard takeoff, find favorable conditions, get started. the landing gear is retracted, the mechanization is in zero position, that was it. mikhail pavlovich, give us cloudiness and average turbulence. you would occupy
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level 160, calm down. it will be, you hear me, i hear, i hear, it’s more convenient for me, goes around from above, dashingly, mikhail pavlovich, add a little, more, more, and the engine is right. engine fire. i'm landing, leaving for the nearest airfield,
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mikhail pavlovich, outside minus five celsius, runway 800, wind, janitsavic, isn't it too much? brake, brake, the runway is short, so what, what did you plant?
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to defend him, i’m not defending anyone, it’s just that even you wouldn’t have landed the plane in such conditions, and no one would have landed it, okay, here you go, let’s do the same thing, something happened here, the premiere on rtr, nina, what’s going on v department, what happened, what ’s going on here, am i supposed to understand what ’s going on? what everyone was waiting for happened, come on, tell me, sklefosonsky, the new
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season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, since monday on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. it puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, how are you? agreed to this, we first they pushed in a red snake
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, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello , this is for slavik, what is this? lyanka gril, i had the right to know that you have a child, it’s a painted doll , your misha has no longer settled in, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where is his mother, she left, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, are you already a nanny? you can let go, it will go on without you. somehow, it means i’m just a nanny, well, i ’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now
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forever, get up, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr. why are you doing this, yours , it seems not, is it really like that, what a rhinoceros left it here, who is asking, a woman would never have put it like that, probably one of the pilots, what kind of people, give me the keys, why, we’ll try to fly over, come on, you're a pilot or something, keep it up.
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thank you, these are for you, keys, i’m lyosha, alexandra, alexandra, this is... and give me a lift to the metro.
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leonid savich. the exam protocol needs to be signed, what are you thinking about, mr. pilot, former, former pilot, the exam today was a complete failure, a dueler or something, on the contrary, he decided to show the instructor his level , i have a choice, you need to be smarter, wow, what are you doing, well, not all this nonsense, but flying is stupid, arguing with an instructor is stupid, and for...
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yes, i will, get out of the car, hurray, when are you going to complete yours, thank you very much for your attention, i want you. this doesn't mean anything yet, everything will depend depending on how you show yourself, you are not yet an airline pilot, but a trainee
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, you have a probationary period, you obey my orders and service instructions, for each flight i will submit a report on how you showed yourself, but keep in mind, i see that's it, if anything is wrong, report to the desk and goodbye , uh-huh, thank you, sorry that i did something wrong there , he said, by 9:00 am, tomorrow the whole report on cargo and passenger transportation, so was on my table, i understood, no, yes, good, like myself, fine, yeah, hello, oh, leditsaevich, 124, what is 124, 124, i have the airport, i’ll catch up with you soon, well done, you think well, i’ll ask you to transfer to the accounting department, goschin, get the documentation , you see, they gave me an intern again, it would be better if i flew alone, that’s it,
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hello, you look at me as if i ’m here by chance, and where are you flying to, to voronezh, and i’m volgograd, congratulations, well, i mean, we ’ll be back at the same time, and i have my first flight, and maybe we’ll celebrate the restaurant , you know, thank you, it’s better to go to voronezh, but is she also a pilot, who is the girl who was, alexandra, are you on work or where? koschin , meet our new co-pilot, trainee gushchin, girls, hello, hello, oh, sorry, old man, i didn’t see you right away, well, yes, i’m invisible, so
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what about the climbing wall, victor, maybe we’ll go together, adrenaline k'. victoria, it’s very nice, flight attendant foreman, if you need to figure something out, please contact me. andryush, come to terms with it, you’re not a pilot, sir, i don’t want to be a pilot, it doesn’t accept other men except pilots.
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remove the landing gear, remove the landing gear, and here we are at home. lyanisa, everything is fine, the passengers there are worried, it’s normal, that’s it, i can have a black coffee, girls, stronger without sugar.
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goschin, first flight, right? that's it, young man, this is not a combat mission, but passenger air transportation, in the cabin we do not have a parachute landing, but 200 human souls who want to go home, do you understand that? guilty , he took it abruptly, he also didn’t die, don’t even joke like that, and now listen to me carefully, today i will file a report, i won’t report your incorrect takeoff, but this is the first and last time, and i won’t allow the crew members to be rude, where rude, how are you talking to andrei , he is your comrade, and you joked, i’m just a woman’s job, in the sky any job is a man’s, wife, children, you have who, yes, no, komikaze, don’t take care of yourself and bury others , well, in general, gushchin, draw your conclusions, i warned you, you can be congratulated,
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well, okay, they were offended, which means they turned on each other. svetka from the second department comes in with the pins and says: i just saw this, what did you say? did you say something? what's not to like? let me put a piece of paper, did something happen to you? they gave an intern problematic? oh my goodness, another problematic intern, it would be better if you messed around with your son like that, do you even have a family? we have a normal family, yeah, the husband works, the wife too, the son is a dunce, he’s not a dunce, he just doesn’t see you, i don’t see you either, be quiet, what are you doing, what are you doing?
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valer, are you crazy, you understand that this is the third floor, it’s normal, that’s normal, i told you how many times, there is a door in the house, stop climbing the windows, acrobat, you’ll come back from the balcony, who will collect it for you, and what is this, where, this is new, or something, maybe you’re going to prison, yeah, let’s start drinking and smoking some more. i don't drink, i don't smoke, i'm a stripper, who? thank you for finally asking. so, what's wrong with your english? strong male friendship. speak to me again. oh, listen, i'm telling you when you
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retake the session. i do not know yet. who knows? but don't wait for the lawyers anyway. let me get you into flying. what then, how are you? wait, back and forth, like a taxi driver. what? listen, can i go to sleep, just go to sleep. well, how can you talk to him normally? have you tried? valerera, valera, i forbid you to close door, can you hear me? you'll break it again, don't, i hear you, i forbid you to close, the person in the company who knows english, it would be good to study with him, t'.
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a relative or something, some kind of relative, the son was taught the language somehow, well, he failed the test, look, he’s generally capable, but he’s just an idiot, and you’re reliable , help him out, just don’t let him down, you’ll drop by in the evening, you know, that means we’ve agreed ,
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who gave you permission to skip emergency training classes? if you hadn’t turned it off, i would have sat down a little more whoever allowed me to skip classes.
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board 117, cleared for landing, wind 180° 2 m/s. glass, please get some stories. vic. listen, what are you doing on sunday? andryusha, if we are talking about you, then on sunday and other days i am busy. now i'm released, mechanization, landing position, go-around , landing gear retracted, landing gear retracted, mechanization position one, speed checked, position one, board 117, go-around, give it!
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took control, lost control, are you crazy, do you realize what you are doing, i'm sorry, it seemed, well, leonid, you're right , the whole control room is on edge right now, there 's a fog, and there's a fog, yes, but if it weren't for you , yes, we would have done a lot of things, but i've already told this intern. what kind of intern? this turkish plane, for no apparent reason, began to enter the runway right where you were boarding. i don’t even know how you saw him there in the fog. what will we see? so what, turkish boeing? if you hadn’t reacted so sharply, if you hadn’t gone to the second round, i’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened. sannashka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it.
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shuttlecock. saw again at the patriarchs , you are a historian, i am a historian, today at the patriarchs there will be an interesting story, black poppy, yes, the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands , i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns again your novel, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me. so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you. true history in a new quality, so be it, master and margarita. midnight is approaching.
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it is impossible to imagine the history of world cinema and the history of the country from them. these people, their energy, their devotion and love - this is masfilm. a concert for those who left a piece of their soul in the filming pavilions. from my own experience i can say that the first 100 years are quite difficult, but then everything is simple. first 100 years, anniversary of the film studio. musfilm. broadcast from the first pavilion. today on rtr. hello.
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hello. well, i'll tell you, this intern. fine. eat more? i'll tell you. we got fined, but that was the case, we somehow had a breakdown, the flight was terrible, two didn’t fall , well, there are hundreds of soldiers in trim, not a single airfield around, we’re still flying, but we can’t land, there are other planes nearby, but how can you help? the feeling of powerlessness is terrible, but
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somehow we got there, lucky, well, yes, and i encouraged a classmate to take a crazy adventure, to figure out what to do if this happens again, well, he says, some acrobat, abroad, climbed out of an airplane right in the air, they counted. at what speed, at what height, what means are available, the idea, of course, as my father says unequivocally, but they still decided to check, then the authorities found out, a terrible scandal arose, the shop was closed, a friend was reprimanded, but i was immediately dropped out of the army, lucky, it’s always like this with me, i still don’t understand how to do it , if it’s not necessary , you know that i’ll hit you in the head, no, i’m still trying, zinchenko also feels like some kind of, i don’t know, repeater, the right position, although, of course, the world is not for good people, but in my opinion you good, yes you are good, but i don’t know how to get close to you, you you'll get it straight away, bahay, i didn't understand
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who you wanted to ask me about. you are the most beautiful pilot in the world. “it’s so difficult to be a pilot, and you know what it’s like to be a woman, a pilot, how much you have to fight your way, but i need to be two heads
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taller in order to be accepted as an equal, otherwise they’ll trample on me, if before the flight i say over the speakerphone, dear .passengers, i am the co -pilot of alexander kuzmin, these respected passengers will raise such a cry, a woman is at the helm, you know, how insulting, well, here we are again talking like two pilots sturmovsky, well, let's start with the fact that you are not a pilot yet, but a trainee, hello, lenich, hello, lena. or rather, maybe ask me not to come to you, your valera,
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he’s a good guy, don’t hang around, and be tougher with him, good, you’ve blossomed lately, well done, your coffee. thank you, thank you, black strong without sugar. vic, get on the plane. andryush, didn’t you
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think our co-pilot was a bit strange today? vic, come on the plane, please. get on the plane, vika.
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do something, you can probably get in touch with the consulate, read, we are foreign citizens, we have no right
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to interfere, this is their business. hello, what happened to you, did something happen? hello. where are your rules, complete similarity
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, lyosha, where is your corkscrew, lyosha, someone dies, and they tell you, our rules are like that, well, yes, this is exactly what every girl wants to hear, and here is a city bathhouse, you know , what happened, that we were in africa, there were refugees there, we could... on board, but direct us, yes, i know everything, then why what, i’m wondering, lesh, why men instead in order to act, they begin to complain , well, i wish i could stop the plane, what’s the problem, sasha, let’s just go without these guys of yours, and you’re only brave in the kitchen, and you’re out of your mind, don’t yell at me, don’t yell at you, don’t be ari na me, you're a complete fool, that's it, don't say another word, but... taxi, sasha, can i have a car? festivalnaya two, first
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entrance, the passenger will be waiting at the entrance. yes thank you. he’s undergoing treatment, and the ladies are at the helm, hello. you think that i fly often, you’re wrong to think so, i don’t fly often, you probably think that i i fly often, but i don’t fly often, i organized it, please, thank you, maybe you also
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want something, you’ve waited, finally. board 117, all passengers are on board, we are ready for takeoff, your seats are here, please sit down, so come on, fasten your seat belt, have a nice flight, yes, bring me a horse, now it’s no longer possible, taxiing begins, as soon as we take off, i’ll immediately i’ll bring it, girl, but you don’t understand who it is, we don’t read newspapers, we don’t watch tv, yes, seryozha, don’t play around. wait a minute, leonid savich, there's this cognac requires. let him choke. trimer, 30%. management, verified. well done, i like everything. thank you, we tried
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to stub out the cigarette, please, smoking is prohibited on board during the entire flight. so what, are you going to salt me ​​out? please put out the cigarette. you are breaking the rules of conduct. who are you talking to? calm down, please, don’t you know? please sit down, i'll calm you down now. leonie saevich, we have an emergency, everything is fine, don’t interfere, everything is fine, let’s go, don’t bother me, vic, take your hands, stay put, according to the instructions the pilot does not has the right to leave the cockpit, yes, now, and if this is a provocation to hijack the plane, trainee guschin, put out the cigarettes, please, who are you, the co-pilot, you are the handler, here you go. don't be lucky, don't get distracted, what are you doing? sit down, port 17 says, emergency,
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heading back to the terminal, here with an escort, from here? with a skiff, lafaunnik, yes, intern gushchin, you have instructions, deliver passengers from point a to point b, i ordered you to stay in place and not leave the cabin, you heard my order, leave with coffee, i’m wondering, if he were just a simple passenger, the flight would also be delayed , the book would also be poured upon request, but you know what you’re saying, and you know what you’re doing, right? kick you out to hell, kick you out, kick you out , i didn’t know, but it doesn’t work out for me like people, this is impossible, then it’s impossible, he can do everything, he has a flashing light, and you live as you wanted, among people, sometimes you have to be patient, give in, you
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once gave in, that’s why i slurp, but there’s no point in talking to you, it’s just ruining you know how to build , but you can’t build a damn thing, and to hell with industry, on other people’s planes, you plundered the country, dad, what kind of country did i plunder, dad, forgive me if i upset you, i’ve always looked at you, i’m in i went, because as you wanted, when you were called abroad to be the chief designer, but you didn’t go, it just dawned on me that you, i don’t know, are a patriot or something, but what kind of patriot am i, patriotism is never blah blah blah blah blah, and never drunk in a fountain. you wave a flag when the old people in your country don’t beg, he’s a patriot, you’re soaring in in the clouds with your blatant ideas, it didn’t work out there, neither the woman, nor the sky, nor fate worked out here, it’s as if you have it all, get out.
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new episodes from monday on rtr , please, acquaintance and roll call, no need to build, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in a white jacket, and i’m starting, my friend leaves . mark anatolievich zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man
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hunter of women, i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. and there is so much more to come. i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on... tell me, bribe, have you ever been jealous of my daughter, no, look at the weekend, angel, for what deeds of mine you were sent to me, you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she is with my father, roman ka. for some, beauty is
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pass to a happy life. you'll definitely like it. for others, a test of loyalty. well, what are you silent? what should i say? well , should i shout or hit something? i don't know. when at your husband's. where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife on saturday on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote if you are sick. grandmother has been busy since morning, looking for something on her phone. here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home. all adult citizens of the country opportunities are given, even to those without movement
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, a solution is offered. call the elections home by taking a portable box. the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, and formalizes the voting for them in advance with an on-site vote. this means that elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. let me tell you, this intern has brought everyone down to the monastery, but what is he doing? come on, come on, don't be lazy! let me
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go, let me go, hello! goodbye, i told you what they're doing, can't you see that he 's going crazy, he needs to lock himself up, you said it yourself lock yourself, come on, move away from the crossbar , do you even realize what you’re doing, her husband works in my air squadron, how can i look him in the eye, what kind of husband is he, he’s not at home, he flies all the time, like you, what? what did you think
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? what did he think? what did he say to him? didn't say anything? what happened? people! sash, hello, forgive me, please, everything is fine, don’t worry, listen, i ’m taking the documents, they’ll kick you out anyway,
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i sympathize, can we talk normally, about what, about us, me? it's bad without you, very bad, you know, it’s bad without you, forgive me for my flight, sasha, lyosha, i understand everything, honestly, you’re good, i’m just probably more mature. are you the commander or who are you, how could you let this brat out of the cockpit, the entire internet is in
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videos, a fight on an aircraft with our own shareholder. i just came from the ministry, there’s such an attack on the company, we ’ll get out of hell, kicking you out to hell isn’t enough, kick you out, well, repeat, i won’t apologize, and i envy this brat, as i was taught, sit to death, you they are rude, shut up, in the face they spit, be patient, i can’t say it here, here we’re afraid of everything, we’re afraid of everything, we’re hiding behind the instructions, it’s unclear when and by whom i’ll come up with it, every day like this, you know, i put up with nothing, and i put up with it, but he doesn’t put up with it, because the guy is right, you first teach your right guy to behave normally, so, we have one plane chartered by asians , it flies today, we are changing the crew, you are flying, the trip is for at least a month, so you can
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sit out until the noise subsides here, take it he brings with him two experienced second... he has wings, he does such things in the cockpit , i he is a pilot from god, you and i have hands, but i can’t do this, so thank you, of course, but i won’t fly without him
7:28 pm
, that’s it, that’s it, you don’t want to fly anymore, this is your personal business, you can go in all four directions, but... you will still make one flight, since one idiot vouched for you. get ready for the flight. what idiot? found one on my own head. i decided so, let him stay with me. and if he retakes the test, he gets kicked out of the institute. in a few months he’ll retake the test, just the language of the training exercises, there’s only english is not allowed, you know, is this a fire
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or something? i left half of my things at home. i caught you, i forgot to put the socks in, i’ll buy them myself, okay, just don’t forget, why are you so smart, why are you dressed up, i go to work like that all the time, always, every day, what are you doing, what are you doing -get out of there, you heard what i told you, what’s the point of taking him away for a whole month, he’d sit at home with his textbooks, i’d keep an eye on him, that means you’re just being disgraceful, valerka, stop, do you hear, i said stop, it’s humanly impossible, a kiss my son, that's it, that's it, that's it, bye, cool, what... let's say goodbye, this is a pass, don't forget to return the socks, bye,
7:30 pm
bye, goschin, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, 4 weeks b.. .and the stewards are there, no, no, you did it on purpose, yes
7:31 pm
, what, you took me on purpose on purpose, they say your hand is light, sasha, get ready for the flight. kanwu island was heard, a volcanic island in the north, they just reported there was an earthquake there, there is a possibility of new tremors, they are asking for help to evacuate the injured and wounded,
7:32 pm
we are the closest to the empty flight, the airline says the decision is at our discretion, we flew , says 117, i am changing course to the outline, 117 we won’t have time to get clearance, if you have time, let me take the pilot’s seat, i don’t allow it, there is an airfield on a rock, the approach is very difficult , and what else is that kuzmina is a more experienced pilot. from th si to gas 117 you are cleared to land at runway 09.7way
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located pigas 117 convo tower taxi wire taxi.
7:34 pm
stop it, hello, hello, it’s good that you came, very good, take our specialists, women and children, there are wounded among them, now buses with people are coming, we need to pick up everyone we can, okay, locals too , there are no locals here, people work on a rotating basis at the factory and in development, hello , this is a russian plane, yes russian, we’ll take it, now , now let’s refuel, we’ll fly and take it.
7:35 pm
7:36 pm
je suis là, on est là, tout le monde s'occupe de nous, mais t'inquiète pas, regarde, je suis avec toi, respire, tout va bien, tout ira bien,
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7:38 pm
7:39 pm
where are your parents' parents?
7:40 pm
listen to me carefully, calm down, don't
7:41 pm
move away, do not move away from the plane and don’t worry, in a few minutes we will receive permission and announce landing, please.
7:42 pm
calm down, don’t worry, they’ll let everyone in, maybe they’ll still try to put out the fire on the second lane, there’s a water tower there, we saw, well, anyway, there won’t be enough runway , we’ll end up in the sea, i don’t know what we’ll do yet,
7:43 pm
in our own way , and i told her, let ’s go with me, she has small children, she’s just a fool , you aim when we imprison people, but wait until we can’t, i don’t know what to do with them, i tell the drivers, let's go back, and they crash me there, and if on the mikrik, you can of course try, but there are still 30 people left there, they won’t fit in one car, what did i go, no, i didn’t go, yes, sach, it doesn’t matter we can’t fly yet, i’ll quickly, so, you ’re a pilot and your business is the plane, stay here, and what about then in africa, well, let’s fly, let’s leave them? why are you here at all, i’m quick , i’m with you, i’ll show you, stay here, they’ll sort it out without you, these are adult matters, and i’m not 7 years old anymore, leonid saevich, he won’t take everyone away,
7:44 pm
let me go with him. andrey, look after my boy. fine.
7:45 pm
in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. nature of the nakolsky devite. diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round, in the east and south along... the island is separated from continental ice-bound white sea.
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some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea , was located right here, on the kola peninsula. will you die? thank you, it suits you very well. so, how is your new boss? very cool indeed. on sunday on rtr.
7:47 pm
this is not in the village, it is higher. and what's in there? there is a mining plant there. you're scarier now. they started working again, the lights were lit, what's the matter, why isn't the plane landing us, alethi, the runway is damaged, at least a woman, calm down, that's it.
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7:49 pm
damn, help , valera, where are you ? ok, maybe i can help, no need, go to the car, follow me, don’t panic, evacuate you now, organized, everything is behind me, organized, let’s follow my comrade, i’m here, are you wounded? no, let’s crawl here , i can’t, i’ve pinched my leg, give me your hand, push me behind my leg,
7:50 pm
come on, don’t go out, come on, come on, we ’ll succeed, what is this, oh god, they handed over the punishment, it's really bad there.
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7:52 pm
we have no choice, we have to get out of here, what's on this cargo plane? yes, prepare passengers for boarding, wait for the buses and take off. let's go back, where to go back, the airport is ahead, quiet.
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even back, yes i’m trying to go back.
7:54 pm
i’m asking yours, thank you, great , yes, thank you, look, miracle, come here, this is the airport, and there is also a road, yes, yes, yes, now, comrades, does anyone know another road, here you can go down the cliff, no
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we fall behind, we don’t stretch.
7:56 pm
i'll come in now!
7:57 pm
lower the flaps, let's go, maybe people in arrange the sides, hold it like this , and i’m flying, they’re meeting, yes, lord, what is this, calm down, you’re a woman, speed of decision-making, leonid savich, there’s not enough stripe, separation, here, tebeli.
7:58 pm
there’s no one here like this, no one who will steer, why don’t you even see the runways, no, we’ve already caught fire here. “mommy, why are you up, why are you up , who’s in charge here, you’re the commander, you’re the commander, hey, so, that’s it, stop panicking, let me figure it out, we’re asking you how we’re going to fly, we’ll fly in the second lane in end of the field, everyone on board quickly, organized, organized, everything, calm, calm, like chkalov got ready?
7:59 pm
8:00 pm
what are we up for, commander, why aren’t we taking off, the fuel is burning, and what should we do?


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