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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  February 3, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK

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these microorganisms, almost invisible to the human eye, die on the surface of the fabric: the war on bacteria, viruses, mechanical pollution, toxic harmful substances is announced by innovative fabric impregnated with a special solution, it is based on titanium dioxide, the remaining components are secret - scientists note. this is what the solution looks like, it is somewhat similar to milk, it is what is applied to the fabric, the fabric practically does not change color, although it becomes such a whitish shade that it feels so matte. composition of the solution is possible. it all depends on the situation and place for use outdoors, in a laboratory, apartment, medical facility, after applying the suspension, the canvas listens at low temperatures, this allows you to obtain a coating on the surface of various materials, synthetic, textile fabrics, plastics; by the way, you can use porous dense materials, there is a binder that we form a matrix on the surface of the fibers, and the catalyst particles are fixed in it, yeah, and actually located. the solvent is alcohol so
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that we can apply it calmly, we have all the fixation reaction has passed, the alcohol particles evaporate, and the substance that kills microorganisms remains and fights pollution. scientists have already tested the fabric; it can withstand more than ten washes and ironing. the fabric begins to fight dirt under the influence of sunlight and indoor lighting sources. in the process of light absorption by a photocatalyst , active particles are formed that... can oxidize almost all substances, organic and some inorganic, it turns out that in general the final product there will always be water and carbon dioxide. the material is harmless to humans, such fabric can be used to sew protective clothing, curtains, make filters for cleaning systems, cover various interior materials, this will help fight dangerous substances and microorganisms during the disease season and even eliminate various odors, for example from tobacco. recipe for a solution from...
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scientists have already patented the method of producing materials and sold it to one of the novosibirsk companies. superfabric will soon be available for sale, researchers will continue improve your methodology. anastasia putintseva, nikita zhirnov, vesti novosibirsk. the most important event in the media sector of the chelyabinsk region. our colleagues from the tv and radio company southern ural presented a new 24-hour tv channel ural-24. and after a large-scale reconstruction, the largest modern television studio in the region was launched. now this is a unique pavilion for filming and broadcasting, which has no analogues in the southern urals. yana skonechnaya with details. this television pavilion is the largest in the chelyabinsk region - 300 m2, a wide color palette, lighting and huge screens can completely transform the scenery in a matter of seconds. the hosts of the opening ceremony show guests the possibilities of the updated space. please clap. look, our
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studio has acquired a businesslike tone, which can correspond, for example, to the entire southern urals. let's continue, please clap. the studio is flooded with sunlight, but like in the morning broadcast. in the futuristic space, it’s hard to believe that this pavilion is already 65 years old. in a large studio filmed television plays, concerts, and talk shows at different times. there were stars, but over time the decorations and communications became outdated. global modernization started in the spring of 2023 and lasted about a year. the interior of the pavilion was literally stripped down to its foundations, down to the old nails and boards, and communications, electrical, and heating were replaced. after installing all the systems, they began to work on the decorations ; workers are unloading the screens; a little later, some of them will be assembled into a huge media screen, the size of the entire wall. you can work in this studio camera at 360.
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the highlight of the project is a spectacular glass floor, it will support the weight of the car, if you need to bring it into the studio, a special television crane with an arrow is installed, extending 5 m, it creates the effect of the camera flying over the space. the modernized studio will create programs for the new 24-hour tv channel ural-24. it opens at the same time as the new studio. residents of the ural federal district from yamal to kurgan, from chelyabinsk to yekaterinburg, tyumen, kontemansiysk. we are very interested what is happening on the territory, in these territories of the russian federation. this is very significant, very significant, in my opinion, very interesting. six vgtrk branches in the ural federal district are already creating content for the 24-hour tv channel. ural 24 shoots
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reports, interviews, programs, the content is directly related to urfa and this channel was created here in chelyabinsk. house defects can be assessed remotely. this development is currently being tested. olesya kurnosova saw how it works. specifically, test diagrams are shown here. associate professor dgasu artyom ustinov shows what
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results have been achieved today. the diagrams reflect the condition of the sample being tested. you can see everything: deformations of the foundation, microcracks in the walls and even hidden defects. monitor the deterioration and promptly pay attention to what is happening. surveillance is carried out using ordinary city surveillance cameras with a resolution of 2.4 megapixels, but not in the way we used to imagine: the cameras read an encrypted code on a special marker, which is attached to the wall of the building, and the computer the program analyzes this information. this is what this marker with a speckled image looks like, this is, of course, a test sample, on one building there can be from five to a hundred of them, it all depends. from tasks, but the main advantage is that now in order to assess the condition of the building, you do not need to call a specialist; remote access and monitoring will be enough, and this will save time and money. this method is new for russia; no one has used it yet. for the tomsk region it is simply a salvation. due to
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the increased depth of soil freezing in in the northern regions, monitoring the condition of the foundations of buildings is necessary constantly. now you can watch houses, for example, in the city of strizhevoy, directly from tomsk. in the city. they are already ready to implement the development in practice, there is a relevance for introducing such a monitoring system, they are ready to accept the finished product for industrial use. now all that remains is to teach the program to recognize changes in any weather phenomena, be it sun glare, strong winds or vibrations of the building on which the camera is installed, so as not to the fields shifted and the image was not distorted. by the end of the year with these tasks. in kaliningrad , on kant island, a vault of the ancient könecksberg bank was discovered; the entrance to it was accidentally dug up by builders during the construction of a cafe. according to historians, the crunching of banknotes has not been heard in the dungeon for almost a century.
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konstantin morozov found out what they will do with the pre-war bank vault. the künecksberg bank vault is already attracting tourists and city residents. armed with a flashlight, the concrete walls, massive iron door, and cells are inspected. for our community this the find is generally priceless, because this is part of the history of könecksberg, these are the real basements of the city bank of könecksberg, that is, you can see a massive bank door in the background, in fact, perhaps these dungeons keep secrets, so it would be a shame if this they’ll bury everything, because it’s just a gift, the land of kaliningrad gave us another one, the germans called kant island kneipho. it was a densely populated area, 200 houses on eighteen streets. in the summer of 2021 , during the construction of a pedestrian bridge here the oldest stone structure in the city was discovered. the ruins of a wall built 7 centuries ago were discovered. according to one version, after the great patriotic war, the buildings located on kant island were dismantled into bricks, which were then transported along the river to lithuania;
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the basement foundations were simply covered with earth and a park was laid out. the künnixberg bank vault was discovered during the construction of a cafe near the source bridge. the site preserves an element of a mosaic floor from a military building. according to him. dump trucks drove along it, sometimes tractors passed by, but the floor did not break in any way. well, when we just started planning around these pavilions, we came across a metal door and it immediately became clear that there was some kind of storage below. this week in the kaliningrad region has been rich in various historical discoveries. recently , secret rooms were discovered in chernikhovsk castle georgenburg. now a similar find has appeared on the territory of kant island. the basements of such an object should be recognized as an archeological monument, and even more so architecture, but
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nevertheless, it would probably be wasteful to just fill it with something, the management of the cathedral plans to put the storage facilities in order, first of all, to remove water from there, in the future it may appear here...
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preparations are all very important. the guys did not have the opportunity to prepare for the competition in belgorod. due to shelling in the cities , they practically did not leave their homes for the last month. training had to be cancelled, and school classes have long been in a remote format. when we found out that there was an opportunity to go to anapa agreed without hesitation; they managed to miss the chase. for the ball and the sound of the coach’s whistle, in belgorod we have such a situation that now you can’t go to training or go to the city at all, here you can go for a walk, and go to the sea , look at the waves and see what other guys are doing there , to meet someone, well , there are more opportunities here, not only football players came to these sports camps, kickboxers, swimmers and judokas are on the same special train with them, they hope in anapa. restore physical fitness. athletes have a busy day maximum morning jogging and training twice
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a day. all conditions for children are created as in everyday life, which means that the playgrounds that we have on the territory are fully used for children, including we have worked on the issue of the administration of the anapa resort city, and the allocation of additional sports grounds for children, this is within the city . all conditions have been created for children with special needs. athletes with hearing loss at training camps. and cerebral palsy. the guys who play basketball and badminton practice every day gyms on sports grounds, school activities were taken care of. in the building , classes with the internet were allocated for the children, so no one canceled their homework. eating here receives special attention. the diet contains only healthy and familiar foods for children. food includes meat, fish, poultry, fresh vegetables and fruits. and everything is served buffet style. dietary food is developed by experts and every day the chefs try to surprise children. something new. the food on the table is always hot , every child takes what he really needs.
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loves, which means the children will definitely not go hungry. the food is very tasty, five meals a day, everything is at the highest level, for children, everything, everything is there. and so that belgorod schoolchildren not only improve their professionalism in their sports, but also make new friends. they came up with a whole entertainment program for them. evening watching movies, cartoons and disco will make this vacation not only useful, but memorable. ekaterina kanovalova, yuri moroz, news. the far eastern marine reserve is experiencing global recruitment. the first light appeared this year, kids, largy. unique footage of feeding newborn seals in the report by elena shtylina. in the depths of winter, hundreds of spotted mothers flock to the rimsky korsykov archipelago. surrounded by peter the great bay, the rocky shores turn into a maternity hospital. here , fluffy lumps appear on crowded beaches, this miracle of birth
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sometimes gets caught on camera lenses, so through video surveillance scientists monitor the addition to the seal family. now on the rimsky korzhsky islands in the eastern marine reserve from 200 to 300 cubs have already appeared, and this wonderful process will continue for several months, its peak will be in the second half of february, usually then... about 70% of the cubs appear, on the scale of the entire breeding season. it was not by chance that sealed seals chose a rookery for procreation; they are completely safe in the reserve. their relatives in the north pacific ocean were less fortunate; right on the ice floes, their offspring are always born one baby at a time, matching the color of the snow and their first clothes, and they feed the whites are fed mother's milk until they learn to get food themselves. in recent years, in the northern part of the pacific ocean, scientists
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have noted a decrease in the number of spotted seals, all due to ice secretions, habitat pollution and poaching, fortunately , the oldest marine reserve in russia, as the home of the far eastern seal, is where curious pinnipeds are under the round-the-clock protection of government inspectors. elena shtylina, vesti primorye. always available on the media platform, look in the app or on website and by this time that’s it, we are monitoring the developments. see you.
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in september 1959, chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr nikita sergeevich khrushchov visited the united states on an official visit. among the many wonders that the americans showed to the soviet leader was president dwight esenhower's c-58 sichars helicopter. on it, the heads of state flew around new york in half an hour. helicopter - borrowed from french, an outdated name for an aircraft that rises into the air using a propeller on vertical axis. khrushchev knew the russian synonym for
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the word helicopter, which is a helicopter. when khrushchev asked what the machine was called, esenhower answered. surely khrushchev did not hear this name, which for many years was carefully erased from soviet historical and technical textbooks. the powerful sikorsky s-58 helicopter was either purchased by khrushchev or donated by esenhower. history is silent on details. but nevertheless, in march 1960, he appeared in the ussr, where the designer. mikhail mil emphasized many useful things for creating his own rotorcraft cars. the designer mil knew well who the emigrant inventor igor sekorsky was and that the first large helicopter in 1910 was built by him. the world genius
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of aircraft construction was born on may 25, 1800. in the third year, igor decided to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, went to st. petersburg and became a cadet in the naval corps. he studied well, especially in technical disciplines, but soon realized that maritime affairs was not for him. in 1906, igor left the cadet corps and went to france to the delano technical school.
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six months later he returned and entered kiev polytechnical institute. but even there, studying did not bring pleasure; his path was finally determined suddenly, he saw a photograph of orville wright and his plane in the newspaper. sekorsky later recalled this. in 24 hours i decided to change my life. i will study aviation. igor thought that airplanes were uninteresting; they had already been invented. standing up without a running start and hovering in the air would be a real breakthrough. he himself assembled a small screw structure from sticks and twine, which, of course, did not take off, but at least gave hope. brother sergei expressed his opinion, that such a device is not destined to get off the ground. nature has limited the weight of flying creatures to 10 kg. and
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he cited ostrich as an example. igor did not agree with him. soon he went to france to gain practical experience. at the isi lelino and yulisi airfields, sikorsky observed the tests and met with aviation pioneers. returning to kiev, the sekorsky institute was relegated to the background, spending most of his time in the workshop, where he began his own experiments. he built the first three-cylinder helicopter motorcycle engine with a capacity of 25 horsepower. this work brought him his first fame. a note was published in the journal world technical review. student sekorsky invented an apparatus consisting of a cage in which a motor is located. a place for the pilot, two vertical shafts emerge from the cage, on which two large propellers are located, making 160 revolutions per minute. the inventor hopes to achieve lifting
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of the apparatus, but lifting will occur when the thrust of the screws becomes greater than the weight of the apparatus. but the propeller thrust reached only 9.5 pounds, the weight of the device is 12 and a half pounds. thus, this apparatus cannot yet rise. igor. i decided to hold off on helicopters and switch to building airplanes. in february 1910, using a helicopter engine, he created his first airplane, the c1. several more models followed, and when the fifty-horsepower c5 was built in may 1911, igor made his first flight in the pilot's seat. in the same year , he received a diploma as a pilot of the russian...
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business of the russian-baltic carriage plant, which in everyday life was simply called rusabalt. the chief designer with fresh thoughts and ideas immediately got to work. the s8 malyutka biplane was built first, then the s6b and c7. in the cockpits of these airplanes with 100 horsepower engines, speed instruments, an altimeter, and indicators were installed.
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sekorsky created such machines as the two-engine grant and the four-engine russian vityaz, and in the summer of 1914 the three-ton ilya muromets, which flew 1200 km without landing. this giant could carry one and a half tons of payload and fly at an altitude of 2 thousand m at a speed of about a hundred km/h. these were record figures. he set many altitude and flight range records, including the unprecedented
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flight from st. petersburg to kiev and back at that time. his fame as a pilot and designer was so great that the opera pilot sekorsky was staged in st. petersburg. when the first world war began, its murom residents were urgently re-equipped. into long-range bombers, the world's first machines of this class. during the war , 60 aircraft were produced, making 400 sorties, dropped 65 tons of bombs and destroyed 12 enemy fighters. and only one muromets died in an air battle. after the revolution , sekorsky remained in petrograd, being a convinced monarchist and a deeply religious orthodox christian, he could not accept.
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was not enough, his workers were looking for spare parts at car scrapyards, and suddenly appeared.


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