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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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he faces arrest. the designer had no choice but to flee the capital at night. in june 1918, he arrived in paris, from where on march 24, 1919, he left for the united states, the only country that in those years was capable of developing aviation. however, america... did not receive the designer kindly at all. he did not find work in airline companies and was forced to teach mathematics at a school for russian emigrants. with the help of former russian officers , in 1923 he founded the aviation company sekorsky aero-engineering corporation. but money to build aircraft was sorely lacking. his workers scoured car scrapyards for parts. and suddenly he appeared. investor. it was the great
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russian composer sergei rachmaninov, who wrote a check for a huge sum at that time - $5.00. and things went well. in 1924 , sikorsky created the s-29, one of the first twin-engine aircraft in the united states, which reached a speed of 185 km/h and carried 14 passengers. over the course of 15 years, he created 15.
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sekorsky's ocean machines were used for both military and civilian purposes, and here he gained worldwide fame. name sikorsky has become a household name and still stands for any helicopter in the united states. igor ivanovich sekorsky died on october 26, 1972 in easton, connecticut. in stratford, a large company rallied around his firm. a russian colony, in which there was an orthodox church, a school club with a russian opera, helped many refugees and did not for one moment forget about distant russia, where he was not destined to return, he often liked to repeat. we need to study, and most importantly, work hard to restore our homeland when it will require. today the name of the russian genius has returned to our country. on february 25
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, 2010, one of the squares in st. petersburg was named after sikorsky. the triangular sikorsky square is located at the intersection of korolev avenue, the famous designer of rocket and space systems. and the streets of utochkin, the famous russian pilot. together they personify the glory of the russian aviator.
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hello, you are again in the studio of the kindest program about animals, but we have gathered with a not at all narrow, but very friendly circle of like-minded people to talk about our greatest friends, about pets, this is in the circle of friends, let's start, there is an opinion that athletes, and even more so champions, are the most... pancaked people in the world, i don’t have to admit that this is not groundless, that’s how organized champion pets are , we will find out right now, my guest is a figure skater, evgenia medvedeva and her french bulldog, tofu evgenia medvedeva, russian figure skater and tv presenter, two-time world champion, two-time european champion, honored master of sports of russia, hello, jump, hello! glad to meet you,
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hello, everything is fine, yes, tofu, tofu, zhen, well, let me start with the most important question, is tofu a girl or a boy, girl, hi, you are very beautiful, listen, tofu, it's because you you love everything asian, that’s right, i don’t like tofu, but i love tofu, i don’t like cheese, but the dog’s name is tofu, yes, what a wonderful coincidence, very cool, athletes are of course very disciplined people, can this be said about your dog, no, she’s the one sitting quietly now, because i’m scratching her, but i ’ll stop scratching her now, she’ll run away somewhere, so i will do all... you can scratch her tail, well, when you get tired, i can help you scratch her butt, because yes, i am , frankly speaking, a very dusty activity, in general with great pleasure, please tell me how you got tofu , i actually have two bulldogs, and i have tofu and the older one jerry, jerry, yes, since jerry
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is a homebody, we decided to take tofu with us, jerry is already about 10 years old, there are only three tofus, this is a small tofu and you jerry, that's right, jerry, yes, back in the previous apartment, then yes, she and i moved several times, so we moved to a big house, yeah, it’s like it’s very big for one dog, and i’m like, another one, let’s do it, and so here’s the tafundel... why did you accept the decision to get a french bulldog , well, first jerry, and then the second french one, derry, our second tofu is the third french bulldog, in principle, in our life we ​​also had a girl, her name was lila, she had a pretty-
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she had a serious illness, epilepsy, unfortunately she passed away very early, in the end we we decided that we would still settle on the french bulldog breed. when we come home, we sit on the sofa , god forbid, you start stroking someone, this immediately begins, this is a game or this is a fight, this is a game, but sometimes this game develops into some kind of this, they have to be stretched out , but i can’t stretch them, because
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they are quite strong, they cling, and if you start to pull them, they start even stronger, i have developed a strategy, i have a special - a special blanket, so when they fight, i just there's a blanket on them so i throw it in, they get lost in space and stop like this, but here , apparently, in the relationship there is complete harmony, the calmness of the tuff is just very small, in my opinion , this is again the first day when we got her, she’s just 2.5 months old, as i understand it, zheri perceived the tofu as a baby, a baby looked after him, called him, took care of him, and this is a belly, and a belly is good in general. oh what a thrill, so much attention today, by the way, this sofa suits you very well, it’s just the right color, i noticed that i’m in about brown sister for this very reason, yes, i see, listen, well, in childhood you had toy terriers, this is little me and sanya, sanya,
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sanya, yes, but there were two interiors, sanya and anya, a boy and a girl, this is anyuta, yeah, dogs, old one. because of their age , they lived a very, very long, happy life, yes, listen, well, the toy terrier and the french bulldog are completely different breeds, yes, but we wanted something radically completely different, some completely different breed, but with in this case , we generally wanted a big dog that would be just like a person, you know, just like that here’s a golden retriever, they’re actually just so humane, but we settled on a bulldog because we lived in... an apartment, keeping a golden retriever in an apartment is, well, violence, but he has to run around, listen, i have to ask you , of course this question, does your dog have any athletic talents? no, this question may seem strange, but in reality there are people who devote their dogs to
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a certain sport? no, not not in our case absolutely, well, first of all, bulldogs are not especially hardy, that is, they cannot run for a long time, because uh-huh. no, we haven’t tried it either, no, this is actually not such a stupid question, there is a video that i want to show, oh my god, how you can teach this to a raccoon. are
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you afraid to drive a car? how so? i don't know how this happens. well, can tofu figure out something like that? no, in general, i realized for myself that french bulldogs can ride on some objects, and i would like to introduce you to this french bulldog right now. our guests are daria and maxim them french bulldog, oscar. please meet them. let's go, let's go.
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wow, fantastic, this is something amazing , i see this, for the first time in my life, we’ll come up and talk, yes, for the sake of course, i love it, so, so, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, met, met , that's it, we met, that's it, that's it , we kissed, that's it, peace, tofu has love, right away, that's it. oscar needs to be seen and smelled, that
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's it, yes, that's it, maxim, dasha, oscar, come to us here, let's chat, hello, hello, i'm very glad that you agreed come, sit down, please, well, first of all , guys, this is something incredible, what you are showing is just some kind of sports dog, this is amazing, this is very cool, this applause is for you, thank you very much, i am the first once in my life i see a dog that is more interested in skate than in cuteness. the tank is nearby, how did it all start, how did you find out that oscar loves to ride? he was not even a year old yet, we were walking near the park, and he saw a guy who was riding a skateboard, and he showed interest in him, he wanted to jump, started bark, so we realized that he needed to buy his own skateboard. i say, dash, listen, i saw on the internet that they were like, i say , let’s try, well, give him a skateboard, let’s go to the skate playground. guys, you can have a skateboard, but he started licking it there, began to paw at it, i was like, i said, seriously, he got up and went, we
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didn’t teach him at all, we’ll now see how a dog goes to the skateboard to ride, cool, that’s right, a skateboard , guys, it’s closed, very much, thank you very much to the guys for accepting us, and you, along with the rest of the skateboarders, are skating in some separate time, no, the guys ride on we go on weekdays. he already has a lot of fans there , everyone knows him, so, well, i understand that just recently
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you have developed another sports hobby, what do you do in the summer, and this, this is subboard, subboard, let’s see, because it’s not limited to skateboarding , look, okay, it’s very cool, and i actually bought a subboard, thanks to oscar, i didn’t really plan to buy it, we’re going to a festival for dogs, and... there will most likely be a snowboard, you have a lot to do , apparently he likes it, he likes all the boards , he rides on a cheesecake, and when he rolls on a cheesecake, he pushes off with his paw like on a skateboard, like this he pushes off and the bushes fly away and turn over, zhenya, listen, but i want to suggest you try, maybe be and tofu agree to go skateboarding, what do you think about it , we have a board for her, oh, let's
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try, well, let's at least try, in case you have one, please bring it. where to start, please tell me, i need to try to put my paws on, oscar, not your board, don’t be greedy, no, no, it seems to me that you should try it, probably take him in your arms, so that it’s not this now, come on, oh yes , well, oscar, speak up, let’s skate, oops, let ’s invite oscar backstage then, so that we can have don’t distract, let’s, let’s, bye, ugh, and he’s always so excited, yes, when on a skateboard, when, so, well, try it. now they paid attention to the monastery, yes, look , yes, give it movement, push it, paws, oh, it’s unclear, tell me, this is how i feel on skates, it’s unclear, so for let's go quickly, well, here's a normal dog , the boy is more interesting than the board, nothing
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is clear, no, it doesn't roll at all, tofu, look what's there, look what's there, no, she doesn't even look at him, and you're asking about sports , well, that means it’s not for everyone, well, that means no , we get asked questions very often, they write on social networks about how to teach a bulldog to skateboard, i always answer that there’s no way, the bulldog himself must want it, it must be his 100% desire, can you imagine? , a bulldog is born and i’ll be such a skater, you you know, it seems to me that if you really want your dog to be interested in something like that, you need to.
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came to visit us and that you introduced us to your wonderful pets, we don’t let anyone leave here empty-handed, quickly bring gifts, tofu, gifts, gifts, we love that, yes, it’s goodies, of course, thank you, these are goodies for the oscars . come as guests, be sure, thank you very much for more often, bring the whole dog family to meet us here, well, good luck to you in sports, we ask, we will try, bye, who will
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chief of the operation, dr. bragen, if you don’t mind. premiere at rta. the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. 11 friends of bragin. this is an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events. the main thing is that they are digging under you. what are they digging? there is time for a friend. i'll have a cry. well, things don’t seem to be going very well for us. you can stay with the children. and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. i'm here. please help me. make her stand up, he himself said that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i myself am a technician, and he is sick, with you still, dear colleagues, you are sabotaging, the eleventh season of your favorite series, especially the occasion with klefosovsky, from monday on prt. in
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the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this includes taiga and mountain ranges. tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by barin. in the sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. on in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland
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by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. will you make peace? thank you, it suits you very well, what’s your new one? very cool, as if these 12 years didn’t exist, i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to rein in your unfaithful wife, this is our personal matter, sonya, you understand me, i want everything to be... arranged where is the photo client, i got you right
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i understand, absolutely, there are no tears in sight in the rain, on sunday on rtr, it seems to me that i told you fate, it seems so to me too, only i don’t know for what sins, i and stas mikhailov are white, without you, without myself, he is deaf , like pen, my father told me, he spoke, but i didn’t listen to him, what he told you, i don’t know, i didn’t listen, it’s fun time, the premiere is today on rtn. every self-respecting wild cat has a bright, distinctive, very recognizable feature, well, for example, i say:
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a wild cat with a mane, well, it’s immediately clear that it’s a lion, a black wild cat, a panther, but and a cat with tassels on her ears, pay attention to the screen, now we’ll talk about lynxes. well, here in the aviary we have a three-legged cat silver, he came to us from kapkan, from bobrovoy, now he is already a veteran, he is 14 years old, and he is the father of almost all of our kittens , who then go free, here is his wife , so i want to meow a few words about yana valentinovna, if anyone doesn’t know, she is a prominent biologist in our country, 30 years old...
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decreasing every year, especially in the european part of our country, like this, for example, only in tver areas beyond over the last 10 years, the number has decreased by 30%. usually cats have an elongated body structure, and the lynx is closer to a square, it has a short tail, long legs, these are the tassels on the ears, these tassels help them hear better, well, that is, they act like an acoustic apparatus, these are the tassels we have , they are so hard, hard, she herself is soft, soft.
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you cannot feed lynxes, including any dog ​​or cat food, dry or canned food; we feed them exclusively meat.


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