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tv   Privet Andrei  RUSSIA1  February 3, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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the foam is slowly, slowly washed away, so what kind of foam is it? it doesn’t bother muscovites to hear the air raid siren, and how would the legendary pilot valery chkalov answer his great-granddaughter? when cancer is not a death sentence. a malignant tumor can be detected in the early stages. we will live about our best doctors, our new technologies.
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the amur shipyard is implementing a large-scale docking program. now the body of a new pontoon dock is being formed in tsekha. this ship is designed to take ships to the pier, and they also plan to start there construction of a new transport dock this year. report by lyudmila smernova. the power of the pacific fleet is born here. this is the largest river line in eastern russia, where sea vessels are built. there are currently 10 future ones working simultaneously. their units include six corvettes and four missile ships, but no less attention is paid to this civilian order, they work so that sparks fly, now we are in the dock of slipway shop number 17, where the formation of the dock font of project 5911 is taking place. the ship is assembled from sections like a puzzle, a native far easterner, he does not dream of the seas, even the name amurets speaks about this, but it is he who will become the cradle of new sea ships. and you and i are there, where
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one of the main, perhaps the most exciting moments in the fate of each ship takes place, when these gigantic packs of workshops open, the ship has to test the waters for the first time, this is where the dokpon comes into play, and this one under construction will not only have to ships of a new rank to the pier, but also the enterprise itself to a new level, but first let’s figure out how the invading vessel is being withdrawn. from the workshop into the loading pool - immersed, before this the pool is leveled with the level of the cupid so that one can exit, exits through the gate, stands near the quay wall, immerses, thereby releasing the order, the order is directly moored near the berths. will become part of the whole complex
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along with the new large transport dock amur, which is planned to be laid this year, so it will help deliver orders to the delivery base in vladivostok, so that large ships with a sea draft can overcome river riffles and shallows. previously , zeya's floating dock could cope with this, but the challenges of new times require larger scales. the dimensions of the length and width of the transport dock are, for comparison , 177 and 32 m, respectively, for a small dock... dimensions are 130 and 25 m, it allows us to build and launch ships with an overall width of up to 23.5 m, this will be for us as if a really serious breakthrough would be to expand our capabilities, for example, to build and send sailors to the pacific ocean, including project 22-350 frigates with hypersonic the zircon missile complex, the modernization of the transport and launch facility... will mark the beginning
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of new, large projects that were previously impossible on the amur river. received a license confirming all the capabilities of the enterprise and their readiness to build frigates. frigates are the next displacement ships in terms of level, significance, and capabilities. the presence of our own transport and launching complex will help speed up the construction of ships and ships to include large-capacity watercraft in the order portfolio both within the ministry of defense and in the civilian segment. to for example, negotiations are already underway on the construction of a series in sochi , the first flight on the updated tu-214 successfully landed, at the airport it was traditionally greeted with a water arch, the red wings airliner flew in from zhukovsky near moscow, 177 passengers reached the resort city comfortably. i will add that starting next week the tu-214 will appear on international routes. yerevan, batumi, and a little later,
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tel aviv. the most important events in the chelyabinsk region, our colleagues from the south ural television and radio company presented a new 24-hour tv channel ural2. 4 launched the largest modern television studio in the region. word to yana skanechnaya. this television pavilion is the largest in the chelyabinsk region - 300 km. a wide color palette, lighting and huge screens can completely transform the scenery in a matter of seconds. the hosts of the opening ceremony show guests the possibilities of the updated space. look here. our studio has acquired a businesslike tone, which can correspond, for example, to the main release, after all, the southern urals, let's continue, please clap, here look, the studio is flooded with sunlight, but like the internal air, in the futuristic space it’s hard to believe
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that this pavilion is already 65 years old, in a large studio at different times they filmed television plays, concerts, talk shows, met stars, but over time the scenery and communications at... global modernization started in the spring of 2023 and lasted about a year. the interior of the pavilion was literally stripped down to its foundations, down to the old nails and boards. replaced communications, electrical, heating. after installing all the systems, we started decorations. here the workers are unloading the screens. a little later, some of them will be assembled into a huge media screen, the size of the entire wall. in this studio you can work with a 360° camera. there are no empty corners of blind spots here. absolutely. i’ll tell you, this is the best studio in the country today, even the federal channels, yes, they don’t have such a studio, it’s true, this is not for the sake of words, i’m saying, it’s really so, and this is a matter of our common pride, the highlight of the project is the spectacular glass floor , it will support the weight of the car if necessary bring him to the studio,
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a special television screen with an arrow is installed , extending 5 m, it creates the effect of a camera flying over the space, programs will be created in the modernized studio for... the 24-hour tv channel ural-24, it opens simultaneously with the new studio. residents of the ural federal district from yamal to kurgan, from chelyabinsk to yekaterinburg, tyumen, kantemansiysk. we are very interested in what is happening on the territory, in these territories of the russian federation. this is very significant, very significant, in my opinion, very interesting. six branches of vgtrk in the ural federal district are already creating content for the 24-hour tv channel ural-24, filming reports, interviews, and programs.
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evgeny meldinov, news: southern urals. in petropavsk-kamchatsky, the entire city caught a lynx, which kept local residents in fear for several months. a wild cat has gotten into the habit of hunting in residential neighborhoods. predators began to approach people more and more often, and experts say this is to blame. decline in the number of squirrel hare. alexandra's report ostrikova. residents of one of the microdistricts , instead of the usual pigeons, found a wild cat on a tree. game wardens were immediately called. scared.
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if you meet a lynx on the way and scare it, you could be seriously injured. the lynx is a predator and it behaves like an ordinary predator, so when meeting such an animal, the most important thing is not to run, otherwise you will provoke the hunter's instinct. you can wave your arms and shout loudly to scare away a wild cat.
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mid-autumn , four animals were already captured in petropav-kamchatsky. now specialists are trying to catch three more uninvited guests in order to take them as far away as possible. city ​​and release your habitat. alexandra ostrikova, mikhail yudaev, kamchatka news. these are the main messages for this hour, i am maria sittal, thank you for your attention, be healthy and see you soon.
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friends, i propose to raise a glass to our
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wonderful lawyer, who has been with us for so many years for our tatyana alekseevna, thank you very much, thank you, konstantin sergeevich, i just wanted to discuss with you our receipt of a patent for the invention of mikhail baratov, here you're always talking about work, about work, that's probably how it is with you.
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well, i hope you haven’t forgotten about our anniversary , no, tanya, that you, of course, haven’t forgotten, this is for you, thank you, and in general, for this reason i wanted to buy a cake today, great, please buy it, also a teapot, ours yesterday burned out, tanyush, so i can fix it. misha, i understand that you can invent anything, fix it, screw it on, but i want
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to see a new kettle from the store, okay, i obey, my general, i will complete the contract and meet you at home, yes.
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hello, hi, dad, dad, hi, this is mine gold. m, good, that's enough, that's enough, so what, it's you for no reason at all? i was in the store, came in to see my son, this is for slavik, what is it? it’s a gift, it’s big , it’ll sort itself out somehow, you give all the gifts, we pigs don’t have enough to live on, your child
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wears torn sneakers, i’ll buy him sneakers, that’s it, i have to go, dad, dad, wait, baby, go to room, draw, you don’t know the size , give me money, i don’t have money now, and you never have money, dad, wait, this is for you, oh, thank you, thank you, my dear, words, dad and i need to talk, when is your salary? my salary is on the fifth and you, in my opinion, know this better than me. it’s the fifth, i’m waiting for you here, well, that means it’s the fifth, uh-huh, poor thing!
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tanyusha, i’m home, well, finally, tanyusha, and i bought a kettle, what a great guy, just why were you gone for so long, can you imagine, there’s such a situation there, i first stopped at one store that we have along the way.
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well, naturally, with your absent-mindedness, you won’t buy a kettle until next year, okay, you’ll return it tomorrow, yes, i’ll go tomorrow, i’ll return it, yeah, come on, sit down, we'll drink tea and cake , right now i'm only half-hearted, come on, it's good that i heated the water, mom, let's play, can't you see, i'm busy, but dad would play with me, dad gave you a toy, why? you don’t play with it, with the teapot, but how can you play with it? come on, bring it here, why do we need a teapot?
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the cake, by the way, is very tasty, right? uh-huh, did you like it? you know, i want to persuade my superiors to file an application for your patent after all. you have a very good invention. you must work in this direction. yes you are that, tanyush, under no circumstances should you do this. this. it’s too early, i still need to finalize a lot of things there, oh, please, you ’ve been finalizing it for 2 years already, but you could already introduce production, but no, why are you saying that and then konstantin sergeevich, but he will never allow me to do this, you you know how he treats me, well, you’re very bad, you’re so talented.
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"the boss signed, take it, hello, excuse me, please, konstantin sergeevich is at home, he is busy, you see, i need to give him some drawings for signature, well let me tell you to come pick them up after lunch, after lunch, thank you very much. thank you. tatyana aleksenovna, can i? yes, i can’t find mikhail valentinovich anywhere, he was supposed to come by after lunch. konstantin sergeevich signed the drawings, can you pass them on? yes,
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of course, what else is there? of course, i knew that he was an idiot, but not to the same extent, what else would she do there again, well, imagine, he gave a teapot to the lazy one, uh-huh, you’re asking why we need a second teapot, it would be better if he gave it money.
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but with an apartment, yeah, wait, his wife is there registered, sit up straight, you are konstantin sergeevich, so he left for dinner at a restaurant, no, i’m visiting tatyana alekseevna, so she also left 2 hours ago, and didn’t say where she asked to go home, she didn’t feel well, i don’t know, but it seems no, strange, it doesn’t look like her. we’ll arrange it, great, sorry, where are you
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stuck, i don’t understand, did you hear, but the target is ours, not such a modest guy, but we heard, christina has already trumpeted everywhere, and she has a mistress and a child on the side. a person doesn’t stay for the summer, why not remains, remains, but you didn’t sign up for the duty group, well, sign up, but it’s already late, there are no places, why didn’t you
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warn me about this, you see, i have a job, with whom do you think i should leave the child, you can talk to the manager, but she’s unlikely to help, we can’t take more than thirty children, i understand you, let’s go, yaroslav, we’ll think of something, you were poorly looked after here anyway, don’t stick your dirty hands in your face, wait, tanyush , are you home? tanya.
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are you going to eat? i knew it though today we have navy-style pasta for dinner , your favorite with stew, remember our dorm, our little room, you loved this navy-style pasta so much, you just couldn’t tear yourself away from it, there was simply nothing else to eat. you either answer or turn it off, he’s already annoying.
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i’m wondering, your misha is going to sit under the house until the night , i can’t see him, understand, it’s early or... you’ll have to see each other and talk, tan, i don’t recognize you, you always knew how to face the truth, you knew how to say something what do you think, well, i don’t know, what i think, i don’t know, i’m shocked , i don’t understand, i didn’t expect this, not only did he cheat on me, he also lied to me all these years, well, he’s doubly a traitor, go ahead, tell him all this, i after all, i believed him, lord, i
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assured him of everything, hello, that’s not what you came to tell me, well... maybe let’s sit down, maybe we’ll get to the point, you know, everything’s really not what you think, i just don’t know how to say, misha, stop mumbling, i love you, and yana means her yana, i never loved her, and it was a mistake, a child is not a mistake.
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“slava, put away the toys , get ready for bed, my bed is wet, i think someone hasn’t stood in the corner for a long time, mom, really, stop lying, and mom, well, if you don’t believe me, look for yourself”? what is this? yes, slavik, he is a wonderful boy, i have no doubt. i can’t leave him, but you understand that he is the only thing that connects me with his mother. mish, you understand how children are born,
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right? "it was a mistake, i met her in a bar when i got very drunk, it was 6 years ago, november 11th, do you remember this day, no, you i flew back then from irkutsk, well, to irkutsk. there was a branch, well, you remember this , but you forgot that the doctors forbade you to fly then, misha, all pregnant women fly, this is normal, only our baby died without being born, don’t go too far, misha, remember the situation, i wasn’t working then, i just
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got a job. i worked for two while you were putting your brilliant inventions on the table, they are still lying there, so you and i are both to blame, i couldn’t bear it then, i felt very bad, i didn’t know what to do, i i thought that if i drink, i should leave it. easier, what kind of money did you drink, you were unemployed, and i had money, i sold the encyclopedia of railway transport from 1914, i wanted to buy a stroller for our baby, it didn’t work out, you succeeded.
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it all happened by accident and i regretted it 100 times. i wanted to forget all this, but after 3 months she found me herself and told me that she was pregnant, from herself, well, from who else, that’s when it all started, i was afraid of losing you,
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i couldn’t leave my son either, she’ll come back to you me, you can forgive me someday. yana, we agreed not to make any noise after 9, but you slam the door, this drunk from above is pouring on us, talk to him, i went to him, he doesn’t open the door, and i have nothing to do with it, you’re the owner of the apartment, too you'll have to do some renovations, you know what, i'm already renting this room out to you cheaply, considering that you have a child, but if you... don't like something, that's the way to go, well, okay , at least the renovations i ’m not going to do it to you at my own expense, i had the right to know that you have a child, i can’t
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forgive your weakness, i can’t forgive your lies, tanyush, but what will we do now? further, but there is no more us, and there is no more tanyusha , everything is over between us, answer already , yes, yana, that the neighbors are flooded badly, slavik’s bed is wet, “listen, i’ll go already, i’ll be right there, forgive me, please , that i couldn’t give myself a child, make
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this boy happy, like you, baby, i want to sleep, well, that’s understandable, no, this is not an apartment, some kind of nightmare, the pusher flooded everything here for us, constantly at night it’s noisy, it disturbs our sleep, but our landladies don’t give a damn, we had a fight with her today because of this, now she’s threatening to evict us from here, they won’t take the slavs for the summer , it’s just some kind of horror, so, will you come to my house? do you have a bed? of course there is, then let's go? no, no, it’s yours, it’s not there, where did it go? we broke up, it’s high time, it’s high time to move out of this hole.
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dad, i like it so much with you, that’s it, son, come on, go to sleep, what a small apartment, you know, but the three of us
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used to live here quite well, me, my wife, mother-in-law, darling, you slept too three of us on one sofa, lie down with... here, i ’ll somehow settle down in the kitchen, yeah, good night. nothing.
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even from the next room i can hear you sighing, preventing you from sleeping. “that’s not the point, because i ’m worried about you, little fool, drive away these sad thoughts, at least until the morning, you need to rest, get some sleep, misha is not worth staying up all night for him.”
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so i don’t think about him at all, but i see how worried you are, i’m worried that i got ready so quickly, i don’t have a comb at all, without a white shirt, how am i going to go to work, and i didn’t take the code either, without it i feel like i have no hands at all, i worry about it. this is easy to fix, i went and chose him, i don’t want to see him, you’ll see each other at work anyway, but not alone, okay, i’ll go and get everything, story, you’re the best,
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son, why aren’t you sleeping? i came to tell you good night, before i couldn’t tell you good night when we didn’t live together, but now i will. good night. i don’t deny myself anything, i wanted the premiere, and i got it. skrifosovsky, new episodes, from monday. on rtr. please get acquainted and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told.
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i surrender with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. tell me, zetyok, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no. let's see on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? “you are not just a beautiful woman,
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you are absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she is with my father, roman moles, for some, beauty is a pass to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of loyalty, that you are silent, but what is it? say something, shout, hit, i don’t know, when your husband is having an affair, where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife, today on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections,
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the situation has become tense, grandpa can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, kids. this is your work . open the laptop. i'll tell you by secret. there are resources about elections on the internet. the site opened immediately with information about: data about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns. wow, how technological everything is. you can verify it in person by looking at the tsikrf portal on the internet. it is free to choose in the country. important, honestly convenient. i don’t understand why you abandoned kazakov then, you followed him for half the course, he was so brutal, pumped up, with a strong-willed chin, he looked too much like my father, so you always chose such people, until mishanya didn’t
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switch from technology, and mishanya is the complete opposite of your father, and it’s good that when mom had a stroke, she was paralyzed. what did dad do , the unknown direction disappeared, father of the year, yes, this is of course mean, you then wanted to give up everything, both the institute and the practice, yes, it was so hard , mom didn’t go at all, she needed constant care, yes, okay , good night. rest, see you tomorrow, uh-huh, just like that, here, dad, what
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is this, son, an induction screwdriver, an induction... a screwdriver, yes, an induction screwdriver, and you can touch, of course, son, you can touch and take and generally do whatever you want, hold it, no, come here, come here, oops, now look, there will be hocus pocus, and this is what i think, after such a flood , is it worth going back there, you will have to do repairs at your own expense, but is it worth it in a rented
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room, and in general, it’s enough for me and my child to wander around rented apartments, a person is growing, he needs his own corner. what do you say i'm wrong? of course, i'm right, it's just terrible there, don't be surprised that you left her, he, he, she herself left, well, who dresses like that now, she takes these things from her grandmother’s chest, but in general, cosmetics, she uses them, it doesn’t concern her, after all, she. abandoned you, and you continue to defend this little world, i forbid you to talk about tanya like that, that’s it, you better go for a walk with slavik, dad. hello,
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who are you? horse in a coat, girl, who are you seeing? nick to whom, why? hey, where are you going? nowhere. i, tatyana alekseevna, asked to pick up the civil code. oh, come on, stop, come on, son, let's get up from we'll take you home and take it. machine oil , why do we need oil, and you and i will lubricate the swing, otherwise it squeaks disgustingly, you still
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understand the swing, i understand the swing, let's go, uh-huh, i brought it, just for... and he already has a mistress for i called you home, and the fact that this doll is painted by your misha has not yet settled in, hold it, thank you, and see if in this code of yours there is such a law that prohibits husbands from taking other people’s wives to their home, you know , that no, but i would come up with it. some more severe punishment well, she’s not his mistress, who is the child’s mother
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, he told you that, he even knows your butiha, not mishanya, she can’t just be the mother of his child, and that she’s so beautiful, beautiful - it’s you with us, and she’s just young, wearing makeup dressed so that everything you need is visible, sexy, in a word, well, how beautiful i am, i haven’t seen myself in the mirror, but don’t pay attention to the mirror, mirror. this is so, the glass is insensitive, your reflection is a man’s eyes,
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the only important thing is how they look at you and what they see, and what do they see, a boring lawyer? stop it, but you need to put yourself in order, make yourself beautiful, why do all this, for whom should i make myself beautiful, but for yourself, you are a beautiful woman, you need to move on with your life, in a week you will turn into a little girl, and a little cosmetics won’t hurt, i need to work on your wardrobe, what are you up to, to reveal your beauty, it’s not for nothing that i worked for 10 years as an image designer in advertising, tomorrow everyone will... live like tatyana alekseevna, but we won’t bring such happiness, that means so, tomorrow you go to work with
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your head held high with painted lips, yeah, can you not make noise? early in the morning, sorry, i’m just getting ready for work, isn’t it time for you to get up, where? well, should slavik go to the garden? for what? what garden, in summer? i don’t know which one, the duty group, but somehow you’ll go to work if he’s at home? no way, i quit so that i could sit with slavik, i wouldn’t get into the duty group, i had to sign up there starting in the new year, so now you ’re our only breadwinner, well... good morning, hello, why are you bothering
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there, come in, but i can’t find my pass, good morning, hello, good morning, well come on quickly, excuse me, is it possible, hello, you have a pass in your breast pocket. tanya, mish , come on, come quickly , but i didn’t recognize our tatyana alekseevna at first , i’m looking at what kind of fifa she is, and maybe it’s her birthday today, her birthday, what can you say, well done, her husband cheated on her, how is she holding up, good morning, tatyana alekseevna. you look stunning today. hello, konstantin sergeevich. yes, nothing special, just a new hairstyle
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for the dress. thank you. good morning. she is a beautiful woman, just the wrong man was with her next, well, katyusha, everything, calculate , get, quit, by the way, you owe me five, come on, go ahead,
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he’ll register slavik in his apartment, and he’ll register me, he’s all married, darling, you complained yourself, that he is a beggar, so think about turkey, yana. the food is, well, probably not as tasty as in the restaurants you visit, but the main thing for me is what kind of company i dine in, if it’s good, then my appetite increases, how do you like the salad, tanya, but still in next time i suggest we have lunch at restaurant, we agree, everything is fine, everything is
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fine, no, it’s not fine. you know, i ’m quite happy with the food here, leave your signature here, kristina, and konstantin sergeevich to himself, well, depending on what the question is. “you see, i’ve been working at an npo for 5 years, well, to be precise, 4 years and 8 months, but i think konstantin sergeevich knows this, and you know, my salary as an ordinary engineer is quite satisfactory for me, it’s just.. "
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to be fair, do you want a raise? yes, bring your employment contract, let's see what we can do? thank you, christina, where do you think my employment contract might be? at the lawyer's, where else? well, thank you.
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katyusha, is it hot in turkey in the summer? well, of course, what do you think, this isn’t too tasteless for work, depending on what it’s for?
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real estate abroad, yeah, but what do you have to do with it? well, read on, attractive and... unique girls are invited to work in turkey, well, yes, to show an apartment, and do you know how many rich people are now buying real estate abroad, and do you know english well, or have you learned turkish, no, on during the interview they didn’t ask about this, they looked more at external data, so i got along with that, thank god, but give me this bottle and the blue cap, please. ian , i still don’t understand, you yourself told me that you want to spend the whole summer with slavik, and now he’s leaving him for some turkey, but actually i’m not leaving him, i’m
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leaving him with my own father, or are you against it, dad, let 's play, wait, wait, no, so what, i have no other choice, you can't provide for your family, so you don't have to do it yourself spin. dad, is mom going somewhere? well, yes, to turkey. mom, don't leave. that’s it, that’s it, don’t cry, mom will go now, earn a lot of money and buy herself a lot of new toys. you want new toys, right? yes. by the way, my mother will come to you... son , everything will be fine, i want to eat, i want to eat,
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i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want to eat, i want, i want candy, what you're yelling? i want sweets, i want sweets, i want sweets, i want sweets, what should i do with you, and so son, well, you can’t have so much i have some candy, i’m hungry, i’m hungry, so i ’ll cook you porridge, i don’t want your porridge. the cereal is over, great, we'll have some candy,
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good morning, tanechka alekseevna, good morning, konstantin sergeevich, good morning, konstantin sergeevich, mikhail baratov called, sorry. for family reasons, for what other family reasons? exactly for what family reasons? the customer is coming today to pick up the instruments, mikhail is responsible for the task , so call him to be there today, otherwise i’ll fire you, go, slavochka, please, well, i i’ll be late for work, i don’t want to see someone else’s baby, she ’s a very... “very good nanny, i won’t go, don’t leave me, my mother left me, now you,
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okay, it’s your business, tatyana alekseevna, the customer is already here. he didn’t answer the phone takes it, you call, he won’t ignore you, it’s in vain that you think so, all this will end with him firing him, you don’t feel sorry for mikhail, so he’s already coming, oh, thank god. that’s it, dad, you’re here are you working? yes,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, hold it, snok, start, look. son, then you sit, please, sit here quietly, okay, but the most the main thing is that no one sees you, we agreed, dad, we're playing spies, yes , that's right, here we are... playing spies, and for that, here's a spy lollipop for you, here you go, i'll be back soon, hello, analeseevna, poor tatyana alekseevna, such a betrayal, no one expected this from mishka, yes.
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have you seen mishka’s son, yes , he doesn’t look like a bear at all, and he’s kind of a white-haired guy, hello, oh, and they told me that there would be a customer, but here it turns out, a charming customer, well, in your opinion, a woman is not a person, no , no, what are you, let's go,
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what have you done, how could you? oleg gazmanov's song at full volume, turn it on! just wait for me, flowers are preserved through the rains, what a fantasy still lives in me! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on рrt. sannashka has already bought sunflower oil and not only bought it, but even sold it. woland was seen again on the patriarchs. you are a historian, i am a historian. today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchs. black poppy, yes. there will be posters now. margarita again
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picks up yellow flowers, with yellow flowers i came out so that you could finally find me, the master is burning his novel again, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you, the true story in a new quality , it will be like this, master and margarita, midnight is approaching, miss, today. on rtr we are already watching all the episodes on the platform right now in the application or on the website.
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let me go, who are you? glory, glory, what happened, are you okay, son, wait, how did you get here, and how did he get here, you you don’t understand that this is no place for a child, there was no other way out, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where is his mother, she left, it hurts me, i’m sorry. let’s go to my office, no
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, but i know that you like to draw, i have pencils, dad, you can, of course, you can, yeah, that’s right, mikhail valentinovich, i basically understood everything, i suggest you go to konstantin sergeevich’s office to sign documents. yes yes. tatiana. let's sit down together, you know, i have a lot of work, i decided to eat in the office, and you have some question for me, but no, what questions, at an offensive time, last time you refused to go to a restaurant with me, i decided to somehow sweeten your life, thank you very much, i don’t eat sweets, so why are you
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here? you see, i won’t eat this, and i’m not even for you, i took this for myself, i’m hungry, mm, how delicious, it’s not too bad, i forgot the bread, so now i’m quickly running, just don’t touch my cutlets, they’re too tasty for share them.
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listen, how did you manage to do this, you just can’t get him to eat at home? who ate my cutlet? aren't you going to scold me too much? no, not much, son, in fact, the shadow is not strict , in fact, very strict, i will kick you out of my office now, i need to work, thank you, aunt tanya, mish, when his mother
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arrives, not soon, okay, but i ask you more don’t bring him to work, thank you very much, again, let’s go. i ’ve already lost half a day because of you , well, now we’ve met, how good it is that you invited me for a walk, i’ve already been sitting in that office, uh-huh, listen, i forgot my phone, are you expecting a call from someone? no, but i'm just worried about the target son, can you imagine? the boy is left without a mother, but where is his mother? she left , now misha is coping alone, and you know what a weakling he is, why would you worry
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about someone else’s child, well, not so much, he’s a stranger, you know, yesterday misha took him with him to production, what are you talking about? yes, can you imagine, he brought him straight to the workshop and left him alone, well, thank god. i was there too, i saw a boy, he almost fell under the trolley, i pulled him out at the last moment, just saved his life, what a nightmare, a nightmare, absolutely, you know, rit, i looked into his frightened eyes when i looked , y my heart just sank, something sank, i felt something special, well, you were always indifferent to children, yes, i know, i know, but it’s like i didn’t notice them before, or what? i know, that’s how these flowers are, look how beautiful the bushes are, i go to work here every day, and i see them for the first time, i don’t understand
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why you didn’t give birth to your child then, but how can you give birth with misha, he’s so big himself baby, i need a family day off. circumstances, don’t worry, you’re at your own expense, thank you, dad, well, it’s still a long way to go, son, well, that’s all, we’re almost there, why? we’re actually going there, well, look , we need it, we need to paint the fence and generally put things in order there - at the grave of your mother, no, not mine, but someone else’s, why go to someone else’s at all, son, well, who needs that? first of all to me. you know, when you grow up, you will definitely understand everything, but
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you haven’t forgotten the brushes, you haven’t forgotten, but of course i’ll give it to me, i also want to paint the fence, well , let’s go paint it quickly, and why did you marry him, you’ve been married for 10 years lived, he’s a scoundrel, no, don’t say that, he’s kind, very reliable. "you you think it’s normal when in a relationship the wife turns out to be stronger than the husband , why did you decide, misha, he’s not weak, you know, he’s not afraid of any difficulties, he’s never been afraid, so i will always be grateful to him for this help with my mother, well, yes, then he showed himself to be a real man, unlike your father, he moved his mother to live with him, shouldered all the responsibilities of caring for a disabled person , so he was kicked out of the fourth year for absences." and then, while he was sitting at home with his with meaningless inventions, you ran around working and earned a penny,
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you know, it’s easy to be strong when you have a back, and misha was my real back, listen, i don’t remember what it was, no, it was just reliability, you know, stability, i liked it, listen, what day is it today. today is the eleventh, my mother’s preparation , i had to go to the cemetery, so, i’m telling you for the last time, get out of here quickly, no, i say, get out, no, so, slavik, i ’m warning you for the last time, get out, no, are you going to sleep there, no, i won’t sleep, i
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’m hungry, so let’s go to the kitchen, i’ll cook it for you pasta and sausages, well, eat your own pasta, whatever you want, i don’t want anything and won’t, so what? “no calls, listen, well, if you’re that worried, call yourself, and also, you know , i’m hungry, in the end they ’ll figure it out on their own, misha is an adult, so, well, that’s it, who are you going to call, the police, what well, what should i do, i can’t handle you myself, look, i’ll run away, and so will i”? no one will find, hello,
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sorry for the late call, but i need your advice, listen, i understand that he doesn’t listen, but you tried in a good way. well and strictly? yes, you can’t do it strictly, i forgot. misha, i don’t know what you want from me? you just know, it seemed to me that you managed to establish contact with slavik. listen, but it seemed to you, really, i don’t understand why you’re asking me for advice on how to raise someone else’s child. and anyway, mish, you and i broke up, so let’s go, bye. well done! it’s necessary , there’s no point, you’ll be jailed again by ours, that’s necessary,
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i fathered a child with another woman, and now i’m going to my ex- wife for a question on how to raise her , tan, calm down, they’ll figure it out themselves, and if not, hello, mish, is there another option? thank you, daddy, it’s not thanks to me, it’s thanks to aunt tanya, she remembered about him in time, let ’s invite her to visit, i would love to, but she’s unlikely to come, why, and you know that your new friend.. . spent a very, very long time in the box, and he was very hungry, so he definitely needs
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to be fed, and of course, you too. pasta , sausage and ketchup, here you are, hello, where did you run off early in the morning, i have to go to work , i was at my mother’s cemetery, you can you imagine, misha painted the fence, misha, yes, he didn’t even tell me that he went there, it’s necessary, we broke up, and he continues to go to his mother-in-law’s grave, weirdo. they're calling you, i can even guess who? me too, well, take it already, hello, mish, don’t you know what to feed your child? how did you get sick, that is , no fever, just red cheeks? what did you
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feed him? oranges? for oranges, listen, if you don’t know, call the doctor, no, i won’t come , i can’t, that’s it, come on, bye, i knew that he would call you, you’re going to work, yes, i’m already late, yes, i’ll drop by home too , i’ll go, come on, that’s it, until the evening, until the evening, well, son, you can get up, aunt tanya said that you’re just allergic, but... and she’s not coming? no, or maybe yes, yes , tanyush, and i also wanted to tell you that i found your tool, i’ll give you away if necessary, where i found it, at the cemetery, thank you for stopping by, i saw that you fixed the gate and painted it fence, yes, well, what are you, you’re welcome,
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maybe you’ll come? no, okay, i understand, dad. tsynul, well, i’ll quickly go back to the store, well, dad, well, you’re not with me i wanted to go, i’m scared alone, what if someone comes, no one comes, look, i ’ll lock the door, well, then you’re
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already a grown man, yes, yeah, i’ll be quick. konstantin sergeevich, hello, konstantin sergeevich, please sign the documents, here, uh-huh, here, here, right?
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what's happened? listen, listen, my keys have fallen into the shaft, i need to get them. write a statement to the management company. no, what kind of statement do i urgently need right now? urgently, it won’t work, the elevator operators are all busy. are you busy, when will you be free, how long will it take? listen, i ’m already making concessions to you, such a service is not in the instructions. i have a child. alone at home in the apartment, i urgently need it, listen, dad, you have to be careful, but how do you even know that these are the keys to your apartment , you have your passport with you, but i don’t have a passport with you, he’s at home, i i ran out for bread for a couple of minutes, hey, hey, can you hear me, hello,
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have they changed their details, yes, i’ve already informed the accounting department, yeah. i'm sorry, misha, i'm sorry asked me not to call, don’t you know what to dress a child for outside? you can’t figure it out without me, i beg you, don’t look for reasons to meet me, excuse me, can i go to your meeting room? yes, i can’t talk, i’m busy, no, i’m not only busy now, always, and how could this happen? that's it, mish, i 'm on my way, what is it, where are they, what happened,
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can you imagine, this idiot dropped the keys right into the elevator shaft, left slavik alone in the apartment, only i have spare keys, but i don't i know where they are, i can't find them, i i know, let's go, you threw them on the floor, i picked them up at night, here you go, thank you very much. still decided to forgive and return? no, what are you talking about, i’ll just give you all the keys. i knew it. thank you. did you call konstantin sergeevich? now i’ve signed everything, take it to tatyana alekseevna’s office. where is she herself? i asked for time off. winners need to meet with their ex, but what will happen when he goes to work, when they don’t see each other every day, hmm, that’s how he will never
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become an ex, what konstantin sergeevich, i didn’t understand, konstantin sergeevich, dad, you soon you’ll open me already, son, don’t be afraid, i’m... close, well, no, you’re not near, son, just be patient, now they’ll bring the key, we’ll open it, but you’re an adult already, no, i’m not an adult , bungler, thank you very much, mom, oh, i'm sorry, what are you doing, baby, you have nothing to apologize for,
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never leave me alone again, don't leave, never. poor child, he was so nervous today that he instantly fell asleep, yes, that’s for sure, listen, it’s been so long, yes, it’s late, i’m going to get early. stay, it’s really too late, well, where are you going to go for the night, looking,
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mish, after all, this is your home, here. i don’t have any of my things left, and i don’t have a toothbrush, tatyana alekseevna, can i come to you, hello, aunt tanya, hello, what is this again? no, well, what should i do, huh? well, konstantin sergeevich urgently called me to a meeting. well, where should i put it? what meeting? why am i not aware? well,
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you know, some technical issue will be resolved there. just imagine, two defective devices were returned from yekaterinburg. wait, that can't be right. have you checked them? i checked, no i know, i may have missed something. no, you couldn't. mish, well, i know you, you’re at home. you see, because of this whole situation with slavik, he was somehow very worried , i don’t know, well, maybe he made a mistake, slavik, so behave well, listen to aunt tanya, i’ll be quick, thank you, good luck, incident ,
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he was the only one who had access to all the devices. misha, well, say something about your excuse. yes, i have no excuses, it’s my fault to say something. yes, kristina, tatyana alekseevna, here it is, your mikhail valentinovich is going to be fired. what? i
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i understand, i’m running now, baby, you’ll sit here alone for a while, yeah, i brought the decision on this issue to the general meeting, so that you yourself, and not just me, take responsibility for... the consequence of this mistake, you can’t leave this incident unpunished, edification to the rest, i propose to fire mikhail baratov, we vote, wait, tatyana alekseevna, this is a technical issue, we can solve it without the presence of a lawyer, you can’t, because the lawyer is to blame for the current situation, tan, well, explain, you...
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great you know that mikhail is the only one had access to the devices, but you all know that he is the most responsible employee, that’s exactly what i told you about, why didn’t anyone take into account that the devices could have been damaged during transportation, the most important thing is why i didn’t take this into account, why in the contract it is not stated who is responsible for damage to property during delivery, so i take this responsibility upon myself, and this is my letter of resignation, right? tanya, wait, tanya, right, mikhail, tanya, tanya, are you crazy, you, why did you do this, now, quickly go to him and pick him up application back before it's too late. no, mish, this is not discussed. tanya, son, sit down, draw, i’ll see aunt tanya off now and
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come back, okay? yes. tanya. let me, yes, thank you, tanyash, i think you shouldn’t have done that, it’s my fault, it’s my mistake and... “i have to answer for this, mish, stop it, he would have fired you, believe me, it will be better this way , but who will be better off from this, yes everyone, you, slavik , you have a small child, how are you going to support him, and how will you be without work now, well, that’s okay, i’ll think of something, you understand that i i still won’t be able to come to work as if nothing had happened, you know that you ’re not here, then..." who am i going
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to leave words with now, i’ll have to hire a nanny, what kind of nanny, well, let me sit with him, which is true, well, i don’t need to go to work anymore anyway, and in general , after this story with the keys , leaving a child with such a klutz like you is simply dangerous, well, you and i made a whole picture. let’s go, have a rest, oh, auntie, tan, you’ve gotten dirty ,
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look, nikita, what a good, caring boy, how he loves his mother, tan, you why are you so sad, i’ve already wiped everything off, don’t be upset. thank you, i’m not because of this, but because of what? i’m just not used to having to take care of me, i do everything myself, always myself, right? now i will take care of you, i never thought it would be so nice to hear. “vasily dmitrievich , at home, hello, hello, vasilyevich, i would like to see the devices that
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were returned as rejected, there is no way, mikhailtinovich, why not, a special order from the authorities, but no, well , i can, i collected them, after all, sergeevich said no one, so don’t blame me, you forgot something, give me the devices, well, i said, no one, i can, i have access to the devices, konstantin sergeevich clearly said, that means, you have a written order, konstantin sergeevich. no, then give me the device, okay, come on in, oh
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, turn back, bow to the fish, i don’t want to be a free queen, i want to be the mistress of the sea, wow, how... in general, so that i can live in the ocean, the sea, so that a fish can serve me golden, i wish i had it on my parcels, hello everyone, dad, hello! and here we are we read about a greedy old woman, what are you, a cake, i suggest everyone drink tea , i’ll go turn on the kettle, these are the same ones, yes, you
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know, i saw them and... i remembered how in my student days they would run after classes to buy you them, and i also remember that you love lilies of the valley, the smell of rain, i remember how you put on new shoes on your first date, they rubbed your feet, i then hoped that you would carry me home in your arms, but what, i was embarrassed touched you. i walked 2 km barefoot, i haven’t heard your laughter for a long time,
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you know, i have to go already, tan, come on anyway let's have some tea, mish, remember, i'm here only for slavik, you came home, so i can go. take this cake, why don’t you eat it, i can’t stop looking at it, such a delicious thing is not meant to be admired, oh my, you don’t understand, this is not just a cake, mishka and i were students. “we ran to the pastry shop after classes, and he used his last money to buy me this particular cake, my favorite, he’s probably not indifferent to me, hmm, you determined it from the cake, right? i thought it was just
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a routine between us already, mm , you called it stability, maybe he still loves me, what about you? admit it, you like how he’s trying to get you back? mm, oh my god, they are just as delicious as they were 15 years ago. something happened here, the premiere on rta. no, what 's going on in the department? what's happened? what's going on here? it's up to me to understand what's going on. what everyone had been waiting for happened. come on, tell me. sklefosovsky, new season. why does everyone already know, but i don’t? from monday on rtr. in the extreme north-west
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of russia, beyond the arctic circle, there is a real a treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland, the nature on the kola peninsula is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula separates from the mainland.
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as if these 12 years never happened, i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to rein in your unfaithful wife, this our sony business is personal , you understand me, i want everything to be without exercises, arranged , where is the photo client, i understood you correctly, absolutely, there are no tears in sight in the rain, on sunday...
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not a minute, hello, tanyush, you arrived, why didn’t you call , i’m worried, why should i, every time you leave so late, i’m very worried, you go to the other end of the city, why is this necessary, your home is here, good night, mish.
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good morning, good morning, i kept you, why do you need a toothbrush, and so on case, i decided to return to my klutz. no, no, i haven’t decided anything yet. mary serge, maryana, good evening, good evening. please tell me, when they were cleaning the laboratory last week, you didn’t touch anything, didn’t drop anything, god bless you, i ’m afraid to go near the instruments, but what happened? yes, you understand, several devices turned out to be rejected from the batch, the customer refused to supply which one, and so did you? that’s why they stayed so late, oh, before
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it was impossible to kick your wife out of work, now you, well i was sitting there, trying to figure out what was wrong, who needed to get into the brains of this device, and what had to do with it? all the best, that means, konstantin sergeevich, tanyusha, slavik, i’m home, why are you growling, slavik, he’s already asleep, sorry, you’ve been waiting for me,
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probably, sorry for being late, well, i’m already starting to worry, i was worried, slavik. all the time, where are you, when will you come, why is it so late, and it’s time for you to go, no, you ’re not going anywhere today, you know, stop driving back and forth, back and forth every day, then i won’t either i'm sleeping, i'm i’m worried whether you got there or not, well, mish, no , tanya, nothing, but i said everything, taba... “if you want, you can sleep with slavik in the room, and if not, then i’ll be happy to give you my cot, between by the way, it’s a very convenient thing , we became close friends with it, and where did you get the folding bed, well, where did you get it from, i had to buy it when slavik and his mother moved, i had to sleep somewhere, well, i’ll think about it, well, no, today i
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i’ll sleep here, why did you get up, you should be in bed”? today this is my bed. slavik, i understand everything, but very it's late, time to go to bed. well, you ’ll see now, i’ll fall asleep here in no time. oh please. what will you do with him? so, come on, go to sleep quickly. good night. i hope you don't mind. and who is this? don't know.
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please wait in the room. oh, hello, paint the fence, weren’t you waiting? no, but who are you, exactly? well, i told you, i’ll get better and i’ll come to sit with my grandson, galina semyonovna, well, who, hello, little one, show me your mansions, and well, here’s the toilet, the bathtub, here... well, i’ve finished telling you the apartment is small, hello, hello, mish, and you can let the nanny go, my dear, you go, we’re already here without
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you... maybe, and i’ll go wash my hands, bah, slavochka, you’re my child, lord, oh, you have tea, you have it, listen, otherwise on the trains they give you such a mess, i really don’t know how you’ve grown, how big you are, why are you sleeping in the kitchen? please brew it stronger. dad, where is aunt tanya? where is he going? okay, wait, so i'm just a nanny. no,
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what are you saying, well, what does a nanny have to do with it, just a grandmother, i’m confused and, of course, why do you need me if you now have a grandmother who will... take care of the child, no, no, anyush, you understood everything wrong, i understood everything that way, i just hoped, misha, that you had awakened at least some kind of responsibility towards the child in front of me , but no, no, you were a weakling, so... and remained, tanyush, well, well, i was confused, well, you know what, misha, it’s all over between us, now forever, here you go, tanya, i said. is this another statement, i woke you up, please forgive me, but i wasn’t sleeping,
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why did you come back, i promise, i’ll move out soon, i as soon as i find a job, i’ll immediately find an apartment and leave, why are you, everything is fine, i just hoped that everything had returned to normal for you, you will now live at home, can misha’s apartment really be called a home? today they asked me very nicely, is it really your weirdo, slavik’s grandmother came, what are you doing, and what about misha? misha, that’s just the point: it’s okay, when you smashed it, were you crying? and i’ll go and wash, it’s late, good night, i knew it,
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yalina semyonovna, good morning, oh, good morning, mishenka, sit down, here i am, sandwiches i did it, i’m late for work, i’ll just have some tea, and mish, go with work, buy me another sausage like this, it’s too delicious, in our outback there’s nothing like that here, slavik actually had breakfast, oh, you know, i wanted to ask you, how can i force him, i’ve already cooked porridge and made sandwiches, well , no way, he’s such a sensitive boy with us, he’s going through a breakup, he can... he can’t eat me, listen, well, yana’s been here for 2 weeks, since she already left, why is he still sad, poor boy, and i look, here
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he’s kind of sad, and i can’t imagine how to cheer him up, yes, i understand, but here we need to try to find some way, an approach, you know, i don’t even remember how with such small children, somehow i doubt that you will be able to handle it at all, of course. misha , don’t even doubt it, what do you think, my own grandmother, as you say, won’t find an approach to her child, i don’t even know , maybe it’s better for me to stay, no, misha, you go to work, go to work , otherwise you’ll be late, go, yes, yes, and we’re here ourselves, good morning, good, early in the morning i’m already looking for a job , yes, there are few good vacancies, you have to be on time, that’s what’s bad, the salary is high, no, they need
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a family lawyer, but i’m not very good at this, yes, otherwise you would quickly get your target reined in, look what a great option, great, yeah, irregular work. week, busy schedule, frequent business trips, great, just what a lonely girl needs to distract herself, that’s it, i sent my resume, now we’re waiting for the result, well, now we’ll have breakfast, come on! a spoon for mom, baa, what am i small, you'll remain small like this if you don't eat, come on, come on, why are you
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staring there, look, this is an engine, very interesting, it's too early for you to read such books, let's go for mom, for mom, bah, i'm already an adult, adults they eat themselves, well... why are you such an obnoxious boy, what should i do with you? wipe it off, although there is an option. it worked with yana, good afternoon, dear friends, today in our program there are amazing videos, the driver lost control at high speed, what will happen next, what a surprise, that grandma won’t find an approach, tanyush,
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what are you doing here? “i came to pick up my personal belongings, if you want, come on , i’ll help you, i don’t talk to you at all, listen, i’m really sorry that this happened to my grandmother, yes, it’s good that i met you, i did for please take a duplicate of your keys, i don’t need it, you already have a grandmother there, this is your house too, konstantin sergeevich, your tea, yes, thank you, christina, and you know that, although no, i shouldn’t tell you this, what? no, really , it’s not worth it, that cleaning lady is always spreading rumors, say that baratov he took the rejected devices from the warehouse and
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spent the evenings rummaging through them. call him tomorrow, no, wait, what am i going to tell him, we need to think, we need to think, think, who is the head of the hydraulics department, tikhomirov, it seems he was planning to retire, yeah, that’s good, it’s good that the hydraulics department is us is located in the branch, not here. freely, he won’t stick his nose where it’s not needed, you ’re looking at 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from
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works of pushkin. everyone knows, the story will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i cut down oak trees, not, pluck, problems with water, light, uh , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set of headaches, god forbid now.
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of its time, beauty, repin, the whole team, just look at the platform,
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slavik! dad is home, yeah, very interesting, good evening, good evening, yeah, okay, okay, right, mish, please move away, actually, i think that at his age these are the kind of programs it’s too early to watch, dad, i’m already an adult. that’s all i said, turn it off, so they get married, you see, the child is interested, i see.
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to school, and you enrolled him there, because you have to do everything in advance, mish, so you are reprimanding me for something, but you don’t think about the main events, what kind of school will take a child without a registration, which means he needs to be registered here with you, which means yanochka also needs to be registered with you, so mish, you think about school, and we ’ll go to dinner. yes, no, i don’t want to, oh, you see how good it was with tv, no i want,
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hello, hello, interview, yes, of course. yes, i can, but what is the address, excuse me, the children are screaming, well, can you repeat it, no, not my children, i don’t have children, my dad doesn’t allow me to watch tv, but what should i do? so they would sit and watch different programs. now what to do? maybe we can play robot? no, don’t, it’ll give you a headache, no , let’s go to the railway, it’s like you’ll be a steam locomotive, no, no, the years are not the same and the health
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is not the same, no, then let’s go for a walk, you know what, oh, i think there's wind there. it's cold, do you have any jacket? yes, come on, show me. what is this, this? yes, but isn’t there anything warmer? no, does that mean we won't go? listen, dad
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said to learn letters. bring me this little book. this one? yeah. oh, pollination, my god. why does he need this old stuff? and dad says these are very valuable books. yes, you have a specialized education and extensive experience as a lawyer on technical issues. you 're right for us, but is this job right for you? when i saw this vacancy, i thought, this is a dream job. yes. the vacancy is great, but we were looking for a man for this position, but you didn’t write about this in the advertisement, you didn’t think that a woman would respond to this job, why, in addition to a good salary and prospects for growth, frequent business trips,
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an irregularly busy work schedule, not every woman would agree to leave her family and devote herself entirely work , well, that’s exactly what i like, the book is valuable, but the child... has nothing to buy a jacket with, for my great-grandfather, he began collecting a collection of all sorts of technical books, and my dad too, they are all very expensive, but well- what about that one over there bring it, dear, it means you can sell it, this is also dear, yes, that means so, grandma about you ... you will have a warm jacket,
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start tomorrow, thank you, yes, tomorrow bring me your diploma, shall i borrow?
7:56 pm
where can i find these alphabetists? alphabetists, they gather on thursdays at the blash market, son, write me the address on a piece of paper, otherwise i don’t understand anything in your city, and i might forget where, who, with whom they are going, slavek, slavek, come here for sausage in ... carry it, otherwise our book will smell like sausage, you’re mine golden, thank you, uh-huh, m, you can relax, i can’t paint my lips like that, uh-huh, i understand you’re worried, new job, new team, but everything will be fine,
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uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, now speak , they ask me to bring a diploma, i didn’t think that in our time anyone needs this at all, what ’s the matter, well, the thing is that misha has it, and there is a grandmother, i don’t want to see her, i’m sorry, i can’t go today, i have a meeting with my boss at work, i understand, of course, yeah. well, that means i’ll go myself, i don’t want to because it’s okay to lose your job, yes, and now we close our eyes, come on, come on, yeah, you’ll be the most beautiful with us, misha!
7:58 pm
so, he was here somewhere, no, what is this? yes, tanyush, i’m listening , i certainly understand, you probably have a difficult situation right now, expenses, a child, but tell me honestly, where is the second volume of the polytechnic encyclopedia of the fourteenth year and the technical dictionary, you did with them the same way as with the railway encyclopedia transport, how i did it, well, you told me that... tanya, i don’t even understand what you’re talking about,
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misha, i beg you, i started this collection your grandfather also collected them, but i didn’t touch them, but i’m standing in front of the closet, they’re not here, so are you at home, or what? yes, i stopped by to pick up some documents. wait, where are grandma and slavik? well, fortunately, i didn't meet her. doesn’t dad scold you for books? be quiet, he won’t even know, he has so many of them, but you don’t have a jacket, look how much it can cost, what else do you have, what’s wrong with this one? no, that’s all true, it’s just one volume of the polytechnic encyclopedia.
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individually cheap, the whole collection is valuable much more expensive, how much? well, 200-300 thousand depending on the condition, how much? so okay, then, then, this? doesn't she go out with him? mish, why do you need the address of the baku people? why do i need the address of second-hand booksellers when i already know where they gather, at the blashim market on thursdays, so thursday is today? and don’t you think that it’s her, galina semyonovna, well, in general , you can expect everything from her, she has her own definite outlook on life, so mish, go there urgently, well
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, you’ll take something, i don’t know, i'll think about it.


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